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MAIL NOTICE shipping. shipping, M) , .n"~T~T UNION STEAM SHIP CO. savill, and albion Malls will close at Chief Pnst Office. Wei rjp MFW 7FAI ANTI I TH • .»,,* Ineton, C.1.. and (between 8.30 a.m. and 5 Uf ,INE.W C&AL.m\U, LiJJ. LINE. fi'™. 1 aV Pf r^F" 5' T^> Aro> C2- and Wel" Sailing (circumstances permitting). lingion East, C.i. as under, except late ree. in iri-ci avm vh>' ,„„,,,, -,„,, l'ackei and newspape. ~,an ciuse, uait an >~N ra . N( . K ...r;. . p . u , m ....,, lO ™OLAM> VIA PANAMA CANAL. hour before Uie tltnt of clnsino ordinary lettei bAN FRANU^LO. VIA KAKOiONGA mails. . AND PAPEETE EXPRESS CABIN SERVICE, FRIDAY. MARCH 24. Makura Tuesday, April 18, 3 p.m. Victoria. Western and South Australia, and ~ fasteiwei* ID 'I u, ee Orisses MATAUOA TAMAKOV. AKAROA Tasmania, via Melbourne, per Walnut from "eary LiiiKasie required befoie 2.M0 p.m April 28. June °7 Julv 25 ' Bluff (Rangatira), 5 p.m. C P.O. late fee « ; o, ~ .„ " ' p.m. Parcel mails for above States, also Smith l'"OH SVUNBV oliaw fcavill Cabin Stenmers carry only Africa. Egypt. India, aud Ceylou close a p.m. ( \ V itb through bookina to Melbourne and P bl" I >a^enyeis. and offer comfort and SATURDAY. MAKCH 25. other Australian ports) '^"'y at moderate la tes(£67 to £82 S.J ',^ ra a^^Ma r.,^l I>ar e*rv D Thre€ Classei & 2--" a piactieally uu" late-fee box at gates to ferry wharf 7.30 p.m. ouips Doctors Carried. . r^^^^sns^^n^\Z: M F™ Welli»*°»- . T4 ,vfn W rOUKIST SEKVICIt kana." also all States of South America via -Mamma Friday. March. 31. 3 nm. IAINUI. lONIC "TALVPI Monte Video, per Matakana from Bluff, 5 p,m.; Makunt Tuesday. April 4. 3 Dm. r- 5- May 30 Aun ">■> C.P.O. late fee 6 p.m. Parcel mail closes noon- ' V "From Au.-kland Malls reach London approximately May 6. ' ■ From Auckland. r ~■ SeSSXS Viewer l'°' and Melbourne. Fares "^ to iteT; "03 "toT ui R Auckland. 8 p.m.: C.P.O. late fee, 6 p.m. Monovrai, Thursday. March 23. 3 p.m. Sunday; second-class matter, noon Saturday. i.- or S v ,] nP o rt rnm AnrblanrlV I Aaents- - Parcel mall for Australian States closes Friday. , T ' "r CyUney (from Auckland 1. ~!)?, 4 p.m. Friday, April 7, 3 p.m. Levl" amlc, 0-. J- tf1.,- Murray. Roberts, and MONDAY. MARCH 27. Niagara Tuesday. April IS. 3 p.m. Uo- Ll(i- Halaety and Co^ LtH. - Great Britain. Ireland, and Europe, for cor- FOR AUCKLAND I 1 Mm* . ~.. ~ —<r£riC*"to C^r"il 7A^r^Brm*. r PrSS" Mono"ai (Passengers only). Tues., Apl. 4 HUI)UARI PARKER, LTD. and Dutch .Guiana. Venezuela. Republic of FOR MFI HniTT-t Vfi1 via ui Ittru ~^^ frYDNKY (trora Auckland!: ■ Colombia. Peru, and Ecuador, via Cristobal, per W iim,i ,* *" -V , .j- -, IT u■» WAXUANELLA-March 31,3 pm Cambridge. 4 p.m. C.P.O. late fee. 5 p.m. Wa""" <™'SO °W- . Friday. March 24 gYDNIfTV Wn HPMI ' .L Parcel mail-closes 3f p.m. Mails reach Lon- mi . Q ...,. .„..., —„,...,....,, „.„ tUH »\ DNEV AND MELBOURNE don approximately May 15. to'{ SUVA (Fiji). HONOLULU, VIC- (From tt'ellineton):TUESDAY MUCH '8 a TO- R- IA ( rB" C" 1' and VANCOUVER. WANGANELLA-April 14, 5 p.m. Ap,a. Pago PaTo L NiueVand. per „,„, A°^- fom A»cfcl. n d. , April. 4 «U»;>AKT.PA KKKK BUI LOIXG. Pomare. 9 a.m. C.P.O. late fee. 10 a.m. Par- TO* LYTTKLTON (From Wellington) e Square. Wellington. .•el man closes Monday. 4 p.m. Rangatira Mon Wed Fn. 7.45 p.m P AND U KOYAL MAIL FRIDAY, MARCH 31. Wahine Tuea I'hursSflt 7.45 p.n *" * smMrnt Australian States. Ceylon, India, China, Sailing from Ferry Whart 31CAiVltn3. A%«^.!^Vman'^V^ni. a(IStM rk% nffi"o^ bS, 73° Pm 1° LoDd°n a Colombo- H^bay. Aden, 7d per tioz), for Great Britain. Ireland, and Wharf Tif-ket Office o*»en J p.ra R?ypt. Alar'seilles. and Plymouth Saiiint Kurope, via Karachi-London air-mail (due . vu . . ~,,,..,.., —,;„_..., —... „....,„,.. from Sydney London May 2), per Marafna, 1 p.m.; C.P.O. WKLUNGION I'ICTON BLENUEIM ■ : J cy' late fee 2 p.m. Parcel mail closes 11 a.m.- TAMAHFNE MOOLTAN* 20.900 Apr. 5 MONDAY. APRIL 3. Leave Wellington:-Mot.., Fri., 2.45 p.«. . NARK^VnA? I '' f^-l i^V ■ Great Britain, Ireland, and Europe, United (Wed., March 22. 6 p.m.). fi^™ . 6-s'o ' May 5" States of America. Canada, Mexico, West Indies, T p.. _ ' 'L~ ' . MOLDAVIA! 17.000 • May 17 via Vancouver; also Fiji, Tonga, and Hawaiian e I icton.—Tues., Thurs., Sat., 2.4a CATHAY* 15.120 May 31 Islands, per Aorangl, from Auckland. 11.45 p.m. —— '- __ £ a.m. C.P.O. late fee. 6 p.m. Late-fee box . rlnrst and lourist. tTonrist Class Only. outside Thorndon Station, 7 p.m. Money- Inquiries invited regarding, trips to 'First .inr> Second Saloon inrA^^ft^dr^^ =?»»""«• „. NEW REDUCED FARES.' May 5. Note—Newspaper rate of postage to \£?tT'-g -T • .' ,EuroPf' Around- first Saloon: Single, from £87 tc £112Unlted States of America is %d for each two rours . inclnding Japao aud return. £152 to £106 Second saloonounces. Correspondence will also be accepted the East. Around-the-World Tours. . Sin"le £67 and £72- r e tnr*n Pll7 for dispatch by air-mail services in Canada — — ; pVo7 * return. £117 and and United States of America. ■ ,_ ... ■NWARD CANADA-UNITED STATES- &L bT\£"% ct t to I 1 B«««n«»March -5.-S.S. Kartigi, from Melbourne, via EUROPE. Chief P I 7k, '^ , Auckland: Australian mall for Wellington; 2 uunyrc I file! Passenger Asents for New Zealand: bacs. 4 parcel'receptacles: _ THE N.Z. SHIPPING CO.. LTD. March 28.—S.S. Mararaa, from Sydney; .through Bookings by Wellington ! S.S. Monterey, from Los Angeles. CAN££' AN AUSTRALASIAN 'AND Jo'°» Agents. Wellington: via Auckland: English and American mails. UNION ROYAL MAIL LINES. JOHNSTON■& CO:, LTD. March 30.—S.S. Mataroa. from London via n-,,,, ■ l«i u•• »•.„.. iuckland Enalish mail l'ortmghtly bailings Across the Pacific. : - ciscLfEn^l'nd-A^encan n?aT '*" P^sengers u. Three Gasses THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING . N uan^«a, L5 . — gtnteß . B , A?l y COMPANY^ LIMITED. (Dnless otherwise Inmwed/malls close daily.■ SMo- "HonoMu"' DTJIECT SKRVICE TO THE UNITED Picton Havelork and Blenheim, via Picton ■ - T'^o. v^o^ KINGDOM. VIA PANAMA CANAL. per Tamahine, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, — ~ ~— '—'-■ " - 1- 30 n pdn-: C- p-°- late f6e' 1- 45 p-m-; at steam- AfVRATcrrT ■'■-■ . Vps^i Sailing Onally-tr'om- (subject er, 2.30 p.m. . AUKAJNIjrI ... Apri) 4 \essei. l 0 alteration) \ N'elsiio aud Havelock. letter malls for Blen- MAKURA April 18 vr A vr>rT«ivrL' ttt „'■ .' •• helm Beefton. and Westport. letter mails for NIAGARA MaV 1 SaS^J^^ 11 We"metor Apnl \Z ricton (Mon., Wed.. Fri.); also all mails for MAUNG'NIH M '„' m 7 * sRANGITATA Wellingtor May 12 efflces .d Pelorus Sound. (Wed. and Sat.). jmNOWAI m" ,« fRUAHINE Wellingtor Slay 27 Monday. Wednesday. Friday, per Arab.ira. 5 ~ ,'^ May 30 tt*RKAtHFRA Wellineton Time 10 D.m C.H.O late fee 6 p.m.. at steamer 7.15 MAKURA June 13 «RnTnnru m ii- S i," n p.ra Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday, per Ma- NIAGARA .. June "7 * "OTORUA Wellington July 7 7aF?'pm" ""■ CP°' U"e f" 6 Pm" " "eamer MAUNG'^DI "July 11 ' .. " 517.000-ton Motor Vessels. Witb Ist Southern offices ot New Zealand leicept ~ „. , , _ ■ T<i'n -jh alJ d Tlj;.rd Classes.' Nelson nnd Marlhorough districts), also Beef- Ketiirn Tickets to the United Kinpdom Ull fu e'. calling Pitcairn Island (cir> ton and. Westport. Mon., Wed.. Fri.. are interchangeable with other Lines upon cl"nstances permitting) and Curacao; ' • fcP^ atS.^o Dp mm:. late- feet)OXateateS U-8-A. AND CANADIAN RAILWAY Sbi? aJftgJ&PiL. &im I By Train TRAVEL. Tonnst Class from £38 S., £68 R. Auckland and District-Monday 10 Satur- Itineraries, cost of tours, and all lnfor- TVd Class from £37 S.. £66 R. cay, mails close C.P.O 12.30 p.m.: la'e fee mation supplied. Rail and Hotel Reiser- es plus Exchange and Tax. S^rX Jo Wdi/^etterl onllT'i of-iaTe Vati°DS arraDge<L THE W ZKALA'KD SHIPPING " feenaP.0 O 6 Fp. d n» : late fee ralfwky? 7°^. ' COMPANY. LIMTED. .■-;-. • Thames Hamilton, and Main Trunk Dls- „,-,,,,„„,„.. — : ' - trlct.—lJ.3o p.m.. 5 p.m.: late tee, C.PO. 1 EXCURSIONS TO HONOLULU AND rimunnimn p.m.. 6 p.m.: late tee railway. 1.50 0n,., I TAHITI - CUNARD LINE. filsborne and District.—!) a.m ; CPO ale rP^ AV^KL Home via Uniterl States and tee. 8.30 a.m.; late lee railway. 9.10 a.m Full particulars on ariDlieatinn Canada, and across the Atlantie'by Hawke's Bay District.—B a.m.. 12.30 a m.. 6 ' w ' AQUIT4SnA Rp-RFMr-ARtA *?vTm '"^ '"* UNI°N STEAiI SHIP' COMPANY OF MAUROTAOTA ' Napier.-a a.m.. 12.30 p.m.. 6 p.m.; late tee NE. W ZEALAND. LTD Or cthet •Magnificent Steamers from a'tn i?d m m" 'D m : lale fee rallway- »•"> - . . . U.S.A. and Canada to England, or if 'Kw'rhnZth and faranakl District-830 ARIENT I INF TO f OMnHIV r^'J' r7 dir6l t s'eame; a.m. 12.30 p.m.; late fee CPO 9am l l.^" I^^' Llrtt . \*J LUINUUIN or \na Australia Return by Cunard P.m; late fee railway. 9.45 a.m.'. 1.50 p.m Via Sydney,' Melbourne, 'Adelaide, Transatlantic • • . uw.°. nlr 5 AmA, ,'. Fremantle, Colombo. Aden, Suez. Port . G°°n selection ot berths actually., held n.» «*~m ""pS^lSrta'cPO-ilfm 0 S^- Naples. Toulon. Gibraltar, and »N«»Z«,I«nH • ■ - pra : latefce ranWay 945^ a m Isn Vh, ' Plymouth F? r accommodation and full particular nanVitlke? M«-M.?ta sdiS" C.P O"» 'R-M.B ORSOVA^ 12.014 Mar 29 ?? ply «S.S Co., Thos. Cook and Son. am., 12.30 6 0.m.: late fee C.P.0.. 9 xR.M.S ORAMA 20 000 Anl 11 MatsoD ljlne< or Cunard Line: a.m.. l p.m.; late fee railway. «.45 am 150 xR.M.S. ORONSAY 20.000 •■• Apl. 26 . AUSTRALASIAN SERVICE, Palmerston Nnrth.-Malls close C.P O turn 'Tourist Bteamer. one class only. Does COMMONWEALTH ASTD DOMINION' 5.30 a.m. 12.30 p.m.. 5 p.m.. 6 p.m.: late not n Cu at, A(len- „ , - LINE. LIMITED. : tee C.P.0.. 9 a.m.. 1 p.m.: late fea railway. sCalls also at Palma (Majorca) after Maritime Bnildinps, Wellington SlO a.m.. 9.45 a.m.. 1.50 p.m.. 7 p.m. leaving Toulon. FOR LONDON VIA PANAMA PAVAT. ..::f'?"i.»?'j;->r suzm Eife'S,I ottte ™* %$%„.-> ***+ p.m.: late fee railway. 7.45 a.m.. 4.10 ~.m. 3rd Class from £Sfl sinple. £70 return ZnvZ Pt-^-5S TN PJf^ ll3'"1^- Apr. IS Inland parcel malls close daily at CPO. at Tourist ' from £40 svnele £72 return P°RT CURTIS ... Wellington,.Apr. 20 e p m"" (For" mpar?icXs Vdr3tr?cu m 3^e n d d uss- CO. OF^ N.Z.. LTD.. AGENTS. Limited Accommodation for Saloon etc. ring 44-165 or 44-702; or call at counter ) ! ■ ■ ' - passengers Express transit parcels received •up to time ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ : " ~ : : -' of closlne letter mails. Note.—Express transit Tinix- ~-n „„,,-, panels cannot be forwarded to Auckland by . FEDERAL S.N. CO. LTD JAPA>i AND CHINA. Limited Express." * *' *• ■ '■ ■ * . ■ all letters containing money or ?aluahles in =uw* ' ■ T — ,-* . . t, . —. , . , •ended ta be sent by post .™iuaoies lo- _ .. , ■ . \la Queensland Ports, Rabaul, and All books and sample-p.-ickets and newspapers Stcamer I-pads Sails finally. Manila. . rnust be posted at this office HALF AN HOUB *3liddJesei . .25-27. Auckland Apr. T Leave before ihe time or plnslne ordinary letter-mails. f*Opawa Apr. 5-S P Chalmers Apr 13- Steamer. Sydney. do^a,X P,ltn^n Ckla- S ta^ TVKDX 1933 (C.2) Post Offices at H a.m.. 1 p.m.. 2.30 *Vla London yiVKTv" t\i ° U P.m.. 4 p.m.. and 5 p.m. daily. fXot calling Avpnmouth. vrTTmr May l.> Unless otherwise epeclflea. .eslstered .ette.-s For FreWhr -,imlv t n ' NJii-LOKE June 14 S- LK 1? ln and money-orders obtained Jl;^ 1 'S'^, ' ' Through Passage to America/Europe, nans before the time of closing ordinary FEpERAL STEAM^ NAVIGATION CO., Ilound-the-Worid at ■ Special Reduced 'chief Popster Maritime Building. ' Customhonse-'Quay.. EASTERN & AUSTRALIAN S.S. CO, Wednesday,' March 22, 1933 Telephone 42-362. • ■ • • LTD. = ■ ■ r- : — Chief Pa<=sencer Agents for N.Z.: ' < ■ ■ . MATSOiV T TNF • • THE X-Z- SHIPPING CO., LTD., ESPERANTO CLUB. TO ENGL^^aSeRICA: l^rSSt ' ' "^ * T INERS scop at Suva, Pago Pago, Hono- WRIGHT, STEPHE'NSONy & CO., LTD. The weekly meeting of the Wellington r ?' °S A "Seles> San Francisco. : —, : fTc^? ° air.^iWof^'rSidrf Mo"^"Routl a : Select'°n' °f W°nder' THE. ANCHOR. SHIPPING AND ' . over a good attendance, notwithstanding „.„„„, Aui*- - • Bono- -San ' FOUNDRY CO., LTD. • ' the inclemency of the weather Tuition btcamer _land>- Suva, . lulu, Francisco, . . . classes were continue! Tound the c üb'a - Depart. Arnve. Arrive. Arrive. . (Circumsranc?* D ermittmg.) black boards under tne Section of e£ - M^ffi M^"-May 12 Mayfg tSil " FOR NELSON. . . ; perienced teachers. In the course of the Monterey June! Jane! Ju/e 12 June 19 ARAHURA-, Mon.. Wed. . Fri. -7.30p.n1. 3 Air Matson Miners stop at beautiful Tues^ Thur.. Sat. 730 p.m. libraiT. The present briefl? alluded to Pa «° P **°■ <* after leaving Suva. Receive S General Cargo daily till 4 p.m.. the ever-increasing number of original AUCKLAND TO SYDNEY AND r «escept_ Saturday., 11 a.m. ... Esperanto books being published both in MELBOURNE SERVICE. . Luggage received on board from 4 pjn. Europe and the Orient, and the keen in- MONTEREY :-. Mar. 27, 5 p.m. MAPDA ' terest now being taken in Esperanto in MARIPOSA ........... Apr. 24, 5 p.m. TAUPATA Thursday, March 23,' nooa important circles abroad. At the con- *1111 information, Booklets, Fares, etc., Eeceiving carg'o till 11 am. SSS^^rA^^feSS; BUENS> PH^' flole^o^street. FOR GREYMOUTH HOKITIKA, AND in conversation was directed by Miss C T. &W. YOUNG, WESTPORT (Careo Only). ■ Smythson. During this period the more _ 77^5 Customhouse quay. . STEADIER EARLY. ■- experienced members of the club divided R. E. HEWAT, Palmerston North. into groups for conversation practice. ' ~ : ~~ . T. AND W. SOUNG, Agents,' Mr. L. .E. Dust delivered an instructive • . : 77-Stt fhisromhouse Ouaf. and entertaining talk with blackboard QHO R T CHEAP 7<-S5. Customhouse, yuaf. illustrations on "Sub la Strato." The Telegraph .Address: "Mercury." concluding item was an original Esperanto HOLIDAYS. •■ Telephones: 41-980 and 41-984. . "N comedy entitled "Oni Vizitas la Pordon." . ■ - ... the roles being presented by Miss C. — : : ""* m^rlif 0/ 1' Ml'* Vel" n°n LeCk> and the A Pri! 18 ! RAROTONGA I From N.YX LINE •- f resident. ___________ to 24 j 3 days on shore, f £2610 3 . ■ (Ni pp on Yusen KaishaV • t, , , , ~ • ; Native Celebrations for Governor's Visit. : ... Dutch bulb growers recently agreed to . CHERRY BLOSSOM SEASON IN destroy fifteen million hyacinth bulbs. April 10 I MILFORD I' £S Ist JAPAN. ; enough to fill 30,000 baskets, on account of to 14 SOUND £6 2nd ~n m. . . , ' . ■ • v-_ wer-prnduction. The new British import Per o s WAKC , NFT r . S PECIAIi ulneJrU^ ?9 urß. h? v| ,bee<l duties, it is said, have had an adverse ef- ' WANGA^ELL4- '-'arranged by N.Y.K..Line from Sydney, feet on the trade, as Britain was formerly TRIPS TO— Leaving 25th February. -1933, per one of their best customers. The bulbs AUSTRALIA . ' NOUMEA J.M.S- KAMO MARU. were emptied into a huge pit to be NEW GUINEA HONOLULU , ■ „... A „-, -.q,,.' , burned. JAPAN Leaving Ist April, • 1933, per Two pairs of fishing boats belonging to HOLIDAYS IN NEW ZEALAND. ~ . J'f" S" » M Dunure, Ayrshire-the Marguerite "Vir- mniv"? TRiVFT <ivv>xnr-u About eleven delightfully unfprgettabl* ginia May and the - Southern Sun—had COOK S TRAVEL SERVICE, weeks. , v record herring fishing at the end of-De- 191 Featherston Street, Wellington. £139 FREE OP EXCHANGE. cember. Working together, their catches i_ ■ It is impossible to give full-descriptions tor a week fetched £3800 which averaged WfflTF STAR T TTVF an<l Particulars of these tours, but thesa £140 a man. This is believed to be a WlillL bIAK LIiNL. _ can be had from ■ record for the country. TRANSATLANTIC SERVICES. BURNS. PHILP AND CO., LTD.. Ivr>T TtnTvn «,„ t?«..«i i\t--i -c 69-75. Molesworth street, aLIjUUJ.jMt the i\oyal JMau Jixpress nrprTTVTPTnw OIUI ;.v S A NU SHARES. Steamers- WELLINGTON ■ _ -. D ,.^ r~ ■ MAJESTIC, 56.621 tons. ■ ' • -'- pERKY ANU.UKIGEi! SMITH Stock OLYMPIC, 46,439 tons. BUSINEsTTTnTirESi ' L and Sharenrobers National Bank HOMERIC, 34,351 tons. BUSINESS NOTICESt b« ZuSSm St£fc^li n"t0D); pMiTl Also-large fleet of Modern Liners of ' «nd TeleCTam, Sp-mLS^I »** frora 20>°°0 to S0'000 tons- maintaining «nd_lelegr«mi "Ennesperry rpffnlar fiprvipp hptwppn Tmfr< , n , and \T EWM A N BROS., LTD, Spiffipfin ~.„„.., ..,„ __ New York and European main ports. •*■' . • la o rebG4 e rfS AL s tomh DousS- Through Bookings made in coniunction REGULAR SERVICES. llt^Z^W^S^^ A good^Son 3of Awriccotml^: PICTON-BLENHEIM-CHRISTCHURCH. ' tion held m New Zealand. NELSON-MOTUEKA-TAKAKA, ' ■ SHIpP'NG- TRAVEL BY THE WHITE STAR LINE.. WEST COAST GLACIERS For accommodation and full particulars RICHARDSON. &. CO., .Lmg^^.^. *'.. Full particulars from For a^?l^/"^ S-'P?? 118 WHARF- Ltd.; Murray, Roberts and Co., Ltd. Al] Government Tourist Office, .-Thai. AWAHOU, TUESDAY, 4 p.m. Cargo - n l ,o _ t ««^ vkt -v^^^ received MONDAY and TUESDAY - IHJS PEN DOCTOR Cook and Son T. and W. Young, T»Pt° 3 P.m. j-g the rccognised Me(3l - co for F oUntain Wellington. JOHNSTON AND CO., LTD., AgenU. *■ Pens and Eversharp Pencils. ConsulTelephones 40-242 and 42-832. tations free. Geo. Jeffery, Lambton-oy l ■.••■■• . . ' ■ opp. DJ.O. ' J •

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Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 10