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A perfect day, with a light cool southerly that made Aereise pleasant, greeted the third round of the rinks championship in the Dominion bowling tournament this ■■morning. Fast greens are making the rinks interesting. The Prime Minister (tho Right Hon. G. W. Forbes) will be present at the "bowlers' evening" at the Masonic Hall, The Terrace, to-night. The results of to-day,'s play are as follows:—


SECTION A. Hataitai. Wilson, (Linwood) 26; Conder (Island Bay) 15. . ■ ( Bull (Levin) 27; MeWh'annell (Hataitai) 19. White (Hastings) 23; Harper (Otahuhu) 20. . Smart (New Plymouth) 25; Lawrie (Lyall Bay) 20. Benefickl (St. John's) 23; Lambert (Thorndon) 22. , SECTION B. Karori Green. Kerr, (Onehunga) .28; Reid (Lyall Bay) 16. - McKenzie (Opawa) 20; Shepherd (Hataitai) 21. McArthur (Petone) 37; Thomson (Thorndon) 22. Hughan (Masterton) 18; Hutchison (Dunedin) 13. Bary (Palmerston North) 33; Ham (Victoria) 18. SECTION C. Eastbourne Green. Marks (Christchurch) 36; O'Donnell (Wellington) 15; Hinchcliff (Caledonian) 23; Lomas (Kelburn) 17. Eoutley (Levin) 28;. Tongue (Kockv Nook) 16. . . Noaa (Lyall Bay) 20; Bedell (Island Ba,y7 19. , : Skoglund (Stratford) 26; Eieiainsj (Hataitai) 19. 6 x SECTION D. Hutt Green. Lowry (Petone) 24; Dee (Nelson) Aniott (Palmerston North) 27- Gardner (Kelburn) 22. s (Victoria) 22; Gilbert (Sea(Sz&CTiV 22; Higgi *botha(N?pTJJ1 3 .(NeWtOWJI) M> Beudall E. ' / ■ Wellington Lower Green. ' Martin (Hataitai) 25; Hutcl.ins (Wanganui E.) 22. *^ d'? (Eastbourne) 30; McComish (Maitai) 21. Nancarrow (Thorndou) 23; Tui-pin (Canterbury)'2l. SECTION F. Thorndon Green. (M^Ed menM(6 ThOrndOn) 29; Tr^ Nash (Palmerston North) 26; Briehtmg (Hataitai) 20. s Porteous (Wellington) ,30; Glen (Island Bay) 26. Piper (Maitai) 21; Walker (Barrinirton) 20. ° EHiN.P<:^ e23 Urll) 25J B°UltOn (West. SECTION G. Kelburn Green. Whiting ■ (Hutt), 33; . Harris (St. John's) 18. Edwards (Temuka) 24; Pollock (Newtown) 20. Jenkin (Carlton) 24; Hollard (Putaruru) 19. v Cooper. (Karori). 24; Dimoek (Wellington) 21. . Wilson (Linwood) 29; Jones (Seatoun) 25. ■

SECTION Hi Seatoun Green.

Currie (West End, Tiniaru) 31; Robertson (Petone) 2^. ' Lancaster (Carlton) 30; Watts (Hataitai) 18. , Doherty (Kelburn) 24; Smith (Thorndon) 21. . Christiansen (Terrace End) 22; Reid (Kaitana) 18. Bolton (Victoria) 28; Eolls (Featherston) 21.

SECTION I. Victoria Green,

Woolley (Hataitai) 27; Collett (WaiinatG) 17. Nalder (Khandallah) 26; Squire (Hawera) 22. Gordon (St. John's), 26; Bremner (West End, Auckland) 22. _ Priddle (Island Bay) 24; Ryan (Lyall Bay) 14. Efford (Edgeware) 29; Mattar (Foxton) 21. . SECTION J. Wellington Upper Green. Gilbert (Karori) 29; Foy (Hawera) 25. Noble-Adams (Blenheim) 23; Barker Mayo (Port Ahuriri) 19; Franks (Featherston) 17. Gray (Kelburu) 24; Jones (Woburn) 23* Robertson (Onehunga) 28; London (Wanganui) 1^


At the end of the third round tho wins and losses were:— SECTION A. _ ' Wins. Losses. Benefield (St. John's) . 3 — Lambert (Thorndon) ..2 I McWhannell (Hataitai) 2 i White (Hastings) 2 1 Wilson (Linwood) .... 2 1 Smart (New Plymouth) 1 2 Lawrie (Lyall Bay) ... 1 2 Hooper (Otahuhu) .... 1 2 Bull (Levin) 1 2 Conder (Island Bay) .. — 3 SECTION B. Bary (Palraerston N.) 3 — Kerr (Onehunga) 3 — McKenzie (Opawa) ... 2 1 Hughan (Carterton) .. 2 ,1 Hutcheson (Dunedin) .. . 2 1 Ham (Victoria) 1 2 McArthur (Petone) .... 1 2 Reid (Lyall Bay) 1 2 Shepherd (Hataitai) .. — .3 Thomson (Thorndon) .. — 3 SECTION C. Marks (Christchurch) .. 3 — Fielding (Hataitai) ... 2 1 Hinchcliff (Caledonian) 2 1 O'Donnell (Wellington) 2 1 Bedell (Island Bay) .12 Lomas (Kelburn) 1 2 Noad (Lyall Bay) 1 2 Routlcy (Levin) 1 2 Skoglund (Stratford) ..1 2 Tongue (Rocky Nook) .. 1 2 SECTION D. Amott (Palmorston N.) ."> — Dee (Nelson) ...2 1 Lowry (Petone) 2 1 Ives (Canterbury) ..... 2 1 Tucker (Victoria) .... 2 1

Warwick (Newtown) .. 1 2 Higginbothani (Mount Albert) 1 2 Gilbert (Seatoun) ..... 1 2 Gardner (Kelburn) .... 1 2 Bendall (Napier) — 3 SECTION E. Rendle (Eastbourne) .. 3 Walker (Auckland) 3 — Curnrning (City, Sydney) 2 1 MeCoinish (Maitai) ... 2 \ Naylor (Lyall Bay) 2 1 Turpin (Canterbury) .. 1 2 Nanearrow (Thomdon) 1 9 Martin (Hataitai) 1 2 Bringans (KhandalJah) . — 3 Hutchins (Wanganui E.) —r 3 SECTION F. Nash (Palmerston N.) 3 Smith (Kelburn) 3 Brighting (Hataitai) ..2 1 Markman (Thorndon) . 2 1 Trayes (Mount Eden) .. 2 1 Portcous (Wellington) .1 2 Piper (Maitai) 1 ."■ Boulton (W. End, N.P.) 1 o Glen (Island Bay) .... — 3 Walker (Barrington). .. 3 section a. Cooper (Karori) 3 • __ Jenkin (Carlton) 3 Edwards (Temuka) .. 2 ' j Hollard (Putaruru) ..2 1 Pollock (Newtown) ..2 1 Wilson (Linwood) .... 2 1 Whiting (Hutt) ..... 1 2 Dimock (Wellington)' . -3 Harris (St. John's) .. , 3 Jones (Seatoun) 3 SECTION H. Lancaster (Carlton) ■>. 3 Bolton (Victoria) . ... 2 1 Christiansen (Tor. End) 2 1 Doherty (Kelburn) ..'.2 1 Reid (Kaituna) ...... 2 1 Currie (West End, Timaru) 1 0 Rolls (Featherston) .. 1 o Smith (Thorndon) 1 o Watts (Hataitai) 1 . 9 Robertson (Petone) 3 SECTION I. Efford (Edgeware) .... 3 _ Collett (Waimate) .... 2 1 Gordon (St. John's) ..2 i Nalder (Khandallah) ..2 1 Priddle (Island Bay) 2 1 Bronvner. (W.End, Ak.) 1* » Mattar (Foxton) 1 2 Squire (Hawera) .... 1 o Woolley (Hataitai) ... 1 o Ryan (Lyall Bay) .....—• 3 SECTION J. Gilbert (Karori) 3 _ Gray (Kelburn) ...... 3 _ Jones (Woburn) 2 1 Mayo (Pt. Ahuriri) ..; 2 l Foy (Hawera) ..... 1 9 Franks (Featherston) . 1 2 London (Wanganui) 1 9 Noble-Adams (Blenheim) 1 2 Eobertson (Onehunga) 1 % Barker (Hutt) ......._ .3


Playing i v the rinks yesterday J A Doherty (Kelburn) had piled up three bowls in a triangle, each a toucher and resting against the jack. E. • Bolton (Victoria), usually a good driver, twice iired at this fair mark without touching it, and Doherty's rink scored 3 In the first round of the rinks in section Don the Hataitai green, W. A. Dee (Nelson), playing J. Gilbert (Seatoun) was only 9 on the twelfth head to Gilbert's 23. On the finish of the twenty-second head, Dee was 31 to Gilbert's 23, Dee putting on 19 while Gilbert was scoring 5. On the second and third head Gilbert got a 5 and a 6. Toward the close of the game Gilbert took refuge in driving, and drove repeatedly until the game finished. In the second round of the rinks yesterday Squire (Hawera) drove and knocked a big piece off the face of his wooden bowl. ■la the second round of the rinks Dee met W. N. Tucker (Victoria), and was 3 up on the sixteenth head, getting wMt luck there was in the game. Whenever Tucker got the shot, Dee's man would take it off. Tucker drove a good deal with little result. Mr. T. T. McAlister (Onfhunga), the runner-up in the Dominion singles, besides being a of Onehunga Club, belongs to Helensyillc, of which he was president last year, and champion for two years before that. Early next month the Helensville Club will play Stanley Bay in the final of the Auckland Centre's pennants. It is believed that the completion, of the singles final on the fourth day of a Dominion tournament is a record. In the early-stages of the singles play an extraordinary incident, believed to be uniaue took place on the Wellington Upper Green. A. Eobertson (Onehunga) and H. L. Brighting (Hataitai) were playing on adjacent rinks. At the same moment both drove with the intention of putting the respective jacks in the ditch. Both jiit their targets,but, instead of making straight for the ditch, the jacks flew at a tangent, met exactly, and stopped dead, the result being two dead heads. The game in the third round (section E) on Wellington lower green this morning between <3£eys, Mackie, de Launay, and M. Walker (Auckland) and Frost, Beisley, Marshall,' and L. S. Cumming (City, Sydney) was finely contested, having the character of an actual New Zealand-Australian Test match. Walker eventually won by 21 to 17 after being 16-all on the 21st head. On the 4th head the score read 3-all. On the Bth head Cumming had run up to 8-4, but Walker came along with a 3 in the next head. Cumming, however, who was playing very well,, in the tenth head put off the scoring shot to lie one, to which he added another. Beisley, the pertinacious driver, not satisfied with his previous day's play, stepped down from third to second position in the Australian rink. On the twelfth head Walker added 3 to his score (11-10). He was 3 down in the next end, with one bowl to go. Cumming was drawing beautifully. Walker drove and killed; in the replayed head he got one scorer. Cumming, with a quick-running bowl, killed in the next head when 1 down; Walker again added 1 on the replay (12-10). On the 16th head Cumming drew a beautiful scoring shot close to jack; Walker almost beat it. (Walker 15-11.) On the noxt head Frost (Cumming's lead) put a toucher right against tho jack. Be Launay, the opposing third, exactly matched it, making it a tie. Cumming shook the kitty with a nominated running shot, but the jack went back to where an Auckland bowl counted. Cumming counted in one shot after interesting play on both sides on the 19th head. The umpire was called in to decide on the second shot, which, after a close measure, went to Auckland. Walker 16-13. On the 21st head H. Frost (who had not shown consistent form) drew a beauty, and Marshall put in a good second counter. De Launay trailed the.jack ten feet, but Cumming still lay 1. Marshall drew another near the jack. Cumming got an extra Bhbt, 18 inches jack high, making him 3 up, and 16-all. Walker, when 1 down, drew a fine bowl right on the jack, and was 17-16 on the 22nd head. He added 3 on the next head and was 21-16 with one head to go. In the final head Frost drew a scorer a foot behind the jack, but Macky beat it. Marshall (Mosman) got the shot! from a slight wick. Cumming shifted the jack slightly to lie 3. Walker unluckily gave Cumming another by pushing a Sydney bowl in, making Cumming 4 up. With his last bowl Cummin" tried to make it a tie, but his bowl was too fjtrong, and, trailing the jack, lost three shots. Walker won by 21-17. His rink njl played " well. Cumming was in great form; Marshal] gave him solid support. Len Keys (Auckland), who ie leading

for Max Walker in the rinks, celebrates his majority in bowls this year. He has held his bowling measure for all that time, which must be a world's record. Evidently, the Aucklander has been playing always amongst 4ighminded, honest bowlers, or with those gifted with retentive memories. Many bowlers have had reason to lament lending their measure, for once gone, gone for ever. Straw "boaters" are making their appearance on the greens for the first time for many years. The "constitution" of the bowls used in the tournament is not proof against the continued dry, hot weather. In many cases the shrinkage has been such that the discs have fallen out. A. Rendle (Eastbourne), who had won both games.on Friday, met J. P. MeComish (Maitai) in tho third round, and won his third game. The centre champion of champions rink was won by the same four players last year. L. Naylor (Lyall Bay), in the third round, led off well against J. Bringans (Khandallah) being 8-nil on the sth head. Bringans then came along with a 3 and 2, and ran up to 13-10 (including a 5, all drawn shots) on the 10th head. Naylor pulled up and was 15-14 on the 16th head, 20-15 on the 20th, and 24-17 on the last head. The rules say that everybody must play in the club colours, but an umpire on the Eastbourne green to-day was, to says the least of it, a trifle stern. It was terribly hot, and a competitor had left off his hat, coat, collar, and/tie. You cannot play like that," said the umpire, "you must put on your tie." When Jones (Woburn) was playing Noble-Adams (Blenheim) yesterday Adams's No. 1 dragged kitty to within ten inches- of the ditch.- Jones No 2 with his first bowl, rolled his toucher into the ditch. Jones No. 2. with his second bowl,, trailed kitty into the ditch and tell on top of Noble-Adams's, toucher, and Jones lay the shot All the rest of tho bowls were thrown up because nobody could get more. Jones s bowl lay one inch and a half from tho jack, and Noble-Adams's two inches from the jack. The game in the second round between -Lancaster (Carlton) and Christiansen (Terrace End) was sternly contested throughout and excited much attention. On the twentieth end the score was 21 all; and 22 all on the twenty-second end. In the next head Ritchie, the Carlton third player, drove and took Carlton's savin" second shot out, leaving Terrace End jl?s, 2j if not 3 ' shots- Christiansen added another, making him after a lengthy measure* up (28-22). There were many changes in the twenty-fourth head. When 3 up Christiansen was unlucky enougb>to trail the jack to where Cailton had 2 counting bowls. Ritchie, with a fortunate wick, killed the twenty-fifth head when 2 down. In the replayed head, marked by fine play on both sides, Lancaster retained ? shots and won by 27-26.

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Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 11, 14 January 1933, Page 12

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BOWLING Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 11, 14 January 1933, Page 12

BOWLING Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 11, 14 January 1933, Page 12