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fi/% \HTK* AWf 'Vtf^FT I ' ' ■ : ■ ■ ' ' ''■"'- ■; ';_._ . __ L_L' _' *i '_. "1. —— — TaT ai^ aT^B^P " ' ' ■■ — * vuulu tm fi|i i —j^—sagggsg |EJylJife~!dLi««f=i!ssSssSSgSg**''^^^fcalllPaaW A aW^aaa^MßP-MI , a^aaaaal j When the danger point of illness is l=ggg«ag|||q#lP» l*»^ | *'glP*f HJI ¥ : ' ' ' : ''.;.:--^ ■ passed, and you have nothing; to, do ißfc^^aaatgSPßafpSlssssggEgg! W^mmmF^ W^M ■ ' but get well—that's the beginning of a ' HJi-I^jH^B^ MW I ■■! I ■ stretched nerves, the broken nights of RSUB^' ' J^^*- fIUBS 1" aaaa^^^ I^L I ■> I aaa^aaail ■> I '■ ; : convalescence. Take WINCARNIS, .';. r' »|Zalii 'P". 'l^aaaaaaal ■ ■ ■ fl fl^^B &A I ■ 0m%'0,000 Cdo C Tor g the Ideal tO"'C P^^lS^^j'lJJi^^^SS .■■■ ■ ■ I ■ ■■■ • r■ ■ K oc K o^k, :" ilili^iiSyil CT ADA M^P ■ ■PICKED ROCKS, suitable for Rockeries. ; m£g3£3s(/l rlrV\\* U m ' 'Jf B Saa^_Jl aaaa^^aaV aAaaA I ■ ; ' ■> ' -T Fine Gravel, and Blue Metal Chips «^K/1 LJj MgfflsS^fia HHH ■■ili^i ■ VL afl^^m ■ ■■■ ■ 9 ■ - i BRANDA QUARRY AND SHINGLE '^ ' " ; • I t,^.,.»£•■ "°- ; __ fflKl-SPHIji: THE ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S SUITINGS■ .FROM^CpaH ■l^™BP to-^1 J. WADDLE & SONS, LTD., NEW PLYMOUTH ./BUatton World-famous GLADIOLI J , The Hijh Quality of Our GLADIOLI is . , J ; _^_____ M-M —^^^^^^g^»^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^ii^aji^i^aji being* and exhibited with' great |KHfIMJttfIEKfIHHH|fIB^BH^^|^^^^^^^^HH^H|BH^B^K|B|H^HHHHB|BfIBHHSB^ft^H^H^H|MHBB^B^HHHH^|HHH^BH succets .by the' leading exhibitors the aTaaaaaaaaVs^Haaa^Hala>^Baa^^Pa^H^^P^^^Ba^^^^^^^B^^HaHaaaa^^^^^Ba^Haa^^^^^^^^Halaa^^HPaSala^^^Baaaaa^Sßßßßßßßßßßßßßß world over, is conclusive evidence of IS^ aaaaT^aaV^aaW^W^aaam^aaaaaaaaaT aaaaaaaaaaaar^aw^^aaar <^aaa»Waaaaw aaaaaaaaaav A M^K w aaaaVW JHaaaaaaaaav aaV^aaal ' aaaal LVai their superiority, tf you have not pre- liaaaaaam * aaaal aaal ■. ~■ :Baaaa^^^^^^ JV ar aw .^F X H| I I' aaaal kaaal viou«ly gro*vri our Gladioli, you should IS^^B^^ I aaV aaW ' aaal ILV ww^aaaWa aaaaaaaaaW JaT K^, W aMaW i^aaaw A. W ■■^ «aam. I V^^aH aIH 'HB^to JVai'JaaaW '/^BS try one of the, following -collections, Rl^HH^V^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^A^^^flHHK^B^^H^^^HHH^^^^^^H^HA^^K^^l^^^^^HHH^^i^HH^^^^^^L^^l^k^^^^Lai^^HHHß^BMMH^^^^^^^HH^^^^^l^^B^Z^^aiaaaaaaaV''' '^aaaff taken from our 1932 catalogue, and , IjfIHHHHHHHHHHHBHHHHHHHHHHHaaaaVHHHHHHHHHVHBB '^HBS you also will be a successful grower. J 'K^aaaaa^^^^aaaaaa^^^^aaaw^^^^aaaaa^^^aaaa^^^aaaT^^^aaa^^^^^^^^aaaaaaaw alaa^rTaaaaV^ • -^aaaaaav NO. 3 COLLECTION OF ERREY BROS. nH ■■ B^ aY aaaal 'H' H att ) ■■■ aW aaal '^Bl ■aaaaaaaaaaaW ' By BB BBr^aaßßV;'4Bßli CHAMPIONS, contains only Varieties of HBBJ BBJ ■ ■ Vj ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■BT" ■' H ■ BBBBBE. i' BW ■■ W 'BBBjBI B^BBfIBJ^BBH our .own raiainf which.-we know to have aaflßM BBal '• m~ fll H BB'' ■■ B1 BB Bv^- iBBBI 888 Bk B1 Bl aaW BBBBBBaa*^^ >BB Bb BB I iBBBBI BBBV^BBBBI wan championships at large shows: lof Kl^^^al aaaaaaV I ■>■• H aaaal * aaaa aaaal faaaa aaaaaaaV aaaW- .^H LaaaW. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw^aaaaaak .^aaV - aaam aaaaat am aaaaaaaalß each, 12 in all. 20/-: 3of each, 55/-. D9BaaV BBaal ' B fli 'Bl BaT< ■ '.'flfl< BB Baf .^TJaaaaih. ' ■BBL—BBaaa^^aaaßßaßßaaaWßßßßßßk^^C^lflßl n> BBW ' BB '' ' BBBrB aaV BBBIaBBBBBi NO. 4 EXHIBITOR'S COLLECTION; MBBb Bbß BW fl __BM--JB-^a«S««aaBalBBaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaBBBaW»BBaaW.^?-. .^BW '^B^aM B\ BB^BBBBBB] representing the highest standard yet Rsßßb --^^ W .' attained in. Gladioli:, iof each, 16 in all, f KM^MgjMMMMM» B^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaffrnlf^^^Bß^s^^^^^B^aaa^Btf^^^Bff 3ry^^^ttaaaaatfaa^«^^^^^S?SS^*"^^^^^^^^Maaawalt^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM No!ia 3CAR BDlri} "COLLECTION, is ex- KP4^^^^^^^HBBJBB"BBB^^^Bhs3Bß^*^* I*!^^TM^P^^^^ cellent for the garden or cut flowerss .-|SBa^^^ ~r- V ■*" i^^ - . 1 of each, 24 in all, 10/-; 3 of each, V ... , , • , v ■ ,: : i • ' 28/- '■ ' " ■:■■■■■■- ■-■ ■-■ ■■ ■. ; ■."■■ ..■ . . ■ ' - -. All orders of 20/- . ,■■ 'fmmmmmimamm—mmmmma*mmmmmm~mmm^m~^~m'* 7~~~— , ALL the a VboVe O>ar"'LARGE ■I '■ e r,n^ rc •' '' ' 'CJtb^irC ' COMMt)NCING "ON .' ' , OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE OF Many otherE^™ltion. RMof various bLKUtb slLKljlll^ ■mfI7CI\AV All it 6lt OOlti EVENING DRE^S .Mid BS3 S.ta^^n^t : ; HANDMADE SUlTSlneverrsi^Wy- TUESI/Al f AUg. ZUQ, dl V d.IU. T^^O^Tot/^ will forward post free on application. f ine quality Serge; the kind of Serge that "^ "^ » O „- f ', .•*. .- -, > ,- - DINNER SUITS FDPFY RPHQ ' lasts for four and five years. SUitable'lOr ' \ baaaala»a«aWa*aWaaaa»apalaalaaa«alaa*aaaa«aala«aa*aWaa«a^^ . *'Mlilfcl*% »-»W* » ►-# *-'*v*v*-'-1 OIVV/iJ. best wear. Looks smart and dressy. We T l/^ TUP Y^rKITDAI Df TDI I tT 1 Made IP. of w Black Pmhead and Gladiolus Specialists, . , g uarantee o f SO Hd wear. ||J | Oil, VjHilNtLtx/\Li I^UDLil^ A'enetian Cloths, . Best workmanship. Silk I.'. . - ■■•■ cost, we have made them up m 66 sizes in our usual standard of n farancf price | . ' • . ' . I ALL"AT A REDUCTI°^ OF : SCHNEIDEMAN SUITS with good Hnings >d trimmings. Hand work- , - GNS UPAVV DFniTrTIfINQ jCI /I C/ t0 C 9/1 A/ «>n each manshippredominates in these suits, and the fit and style and quality is equal XO/6/-» £6/15/O» 7 nCAYI IVLUUI/IIV/HJ *1/IP/- ZC/IV/— suit. to any high-priced made-to-measure suits. I : '. REDWELL OPEN FIRE, 10 ■■■■.'; . j ... ,„ _ -„ . . .. •*.-•• . GUAGE, Copper Bo icr, complete ' '. "! The EntlTC StOCk Will be OffeiCQ tO tllC PUOIIC l| CLEARANCE OF 100 FAlir^ irtth^ire Fittings. ■ CF TITC Ji/IU ACI TDI7 ■ - - •■ ' -. CLEARANCE OF 100 FAIRS Now Reduced to £9/5/.. hundr£ds op suIT L£NGTHS TQ CHOQSE go yde Qver Some ay^ tcss QDD TROU&LKb ' Also Op,*n Fire Cop- FROM, SHOULD YOU DESIRE IT," MADE TO w v . ' , All i sues and materials, mostly Worsteds 'Ib^Hl "jr-romcV*** MEASURE. ' «•, A * Wl ftl?!? ¥¥ A¥ IP AITIT ' and Serges. IMHI- Sp!«did ,el«cti.» of oc/fi 6-GUINEASUITS During , QC/fi nAIdK **W £ tK *m^m* rfg "g X ' SALE PRICES HK3 Tllto F; rfr- w6 u q «id.uo« ;il wd-| I I I 10/6, 12/6, 17/6, 19/6 ■[^B|L 40 fires •» vuw. - 4-GUINEA SUITS For Ofl /i» 6-GUINEA SUITS For 7C /£ 11-*T/ V> A^7 V> X ' w>-J^-^-l IHudtt ta^Vla;«= 5-GUINEA UITS For 49/6 6^GUINEA SUITS For 79/6yß^or^th E^it i IBB^PS affAttft^^' ~ Si .GUINEA SUITS For 59/fi 7-GUINEA SUIT 3 For^g/g ' Suits are up iQ 66 si , s . S^luSSd-dN^ look w«H »nd wear remarkably well- , J«7/V r^° ' ** Ahiongst these are sizes especially cut and »-—L^p fc -. > , J HERE ARE SOME OF THE BARGAINS: ;E"'ESS2ra JNO. M.REID v™ . Uu .*™ ; a r »™ -Js-i-ingr, , ■ Ss££a* »..»/» . . lu.^.^.s.!. ph.. 37/6 fc-*^^*-"aB RS 139 a WILLIS STREET, d|(y , ti day unt j| jj,, ;, c l ear «d to make „ . ~— ■ — ' 5i SUITS— ' Short Necked Men. O,ji.*tU'Y.M ; C.A. (i»ih.Ri«*i-Pt.W»y) } • room ,for.«'ur Hug. Spring Stock. . 4S ' S UITS^ ■ . - - Perfect fitting garments, Short fit- f-i — ' - ~ ■ ' Smart lapels, in'the latent sti'lc. ' Hirg coats and wide bottom trousers „„»„„,,'». nuAoivrFflF ' " a^ffiffiAiUri rajncoATS SSLT-^47/1 5^.,.,,.57/6 ugJggSS SUTTS LUMBAOC yfr^XwJk^ IXftlllWniU . _ 107 SUITS- Twicß a year-weselj all Suits ordered that liavt itWvlaaal AT NEARLY HALF PRICE • 98 SUITS— .. Hand-made in small and very large not beert called for. , Some of these hare deposits iaW^TQaaal*^^ - 'l ''" ' Hantl-nfadc Suits that look really si/.es.' ' Ciood quality English1 AVorstcd. f,. O m £2 to £*!», They,, arerin.a^arfety df'patterns VaV VaaßßMUß^^^ 50 of the** GARNETT'S GARBICORD—The besf , smart. Smart patterns ot Brown. Gooi^ patterns , n Browns and a few an a {,t perfectlyTTiiere'may''be'orle TsustVouP rsi£e. , BaL-alßß*^"^' _ Raincoat, .lined with all-wool lining. Ahvajssold Puce £5/19/0 CLI/SL pencil stripes. Piice 6 gns. 77/ CTO BE SOLD AT RIDICULOUS PRICES. MkCWED B# TWI) for £W/-. Si«S 3, *, C, (J. Liquidation Sale Price D//0 Liquidation Sale Price I 1/0 „■/ \. a^_ m ........ TESTIMONIAL: 79/6 uquld&! c oe n sale 79/6 : "tail OR MADE SUTTS "mT^ ,k. kw «■»,■ <>r «"• 19/ V PRICE • »// v 94 SUITS— Hand-made best grade English Wor- I AiL\JtV mllU\lJE* HWUJ with RHEUMATOID ARTHRmSh.. been . Hand-made in High-grade Quahtv Fmc in texture; puremenno «,„_„, ine Materials and Exquisite Designs... Orik^«al» dWATLY>ENEF,T|D I • Worsted. Cho.ce patterns of Browns wool . c , clusue patlfr ns, de- JS'^^V the very high •m very «n« ? u. »h«t hs should be »We to CDaTVOTTC PAATC mid Blue Grcj. A really higli-tlasb signs, in large and small sizes, and made r lpre ' is a Suit you'll be proud to weir .on anr keep on."-(Rev.) J.B. Cr.fton Ro.d, OIUKIO KAJ A 1 O Suit suitable for best wed*. up , n our first-class suit department. ' n" sl^ The usual price «to 9 giilne»w--«nd writ" BOX 12. TE ARC WELLINGTON. A ' LLS i ZES . VARIOUS MATERIALS. Price £C/IT/G RQ'/fi J'!1" 7 . gnS" , „ .*" 99/6 WILL GO AT THIRD TO HALF OFF! ~ — ■""""" TO BE CLEARED AT GIVEN-AWAY PRICES. Liquidation Sal* Price O»7/ W , LiqindaUon Sale Price •/•'/ W couchman'si SCHNEIDEMAN & SONS Ltd. r^iT new cycles-90/. Corner of Bond and Manners Streets, Wellington AUGUST 2nd GAS LAMPS • 6/11 Also t __ CHRISTCHURCH DUNEDIN , INVERCARGILL PALMERSTON N. WANGANUI \ NEW PLYMOUTH AT 9 A.M. r.HP PPICEft 7°3 Colombo 3t"et' 167 George St^ pet ' De" Sl*eeil -WB'Tfc* Squaw The Avenue »'CriUriop *jotel Block hpp— ■—Si—»■ 97 COURTENAY PLACE v . ' y?i\ '"-l.^ \ - t 2 ,-: i-J : . ■ — j'. ")'■■>* *»«■ '"'> ■ ——•—• —»■ ■'— ———■——~~ ; > ,' . >,v,-j , <„£ i--.:?- - .-■- ---aaH BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH a^BHaP Vs^Ha^ 1H ,^i^ ' ■VHH^HIIMBBHHH . IBJli^^[^aaaaaaaaa^Wi!^»B!^^^»^^aaaaaaaa^^^aW aaaaai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaalaaa\ '^H BBBaaaaaaa\ '^Laal^ aaTflai siVaaa^^Bßraata kr^E aaa^^aaV ' a^Lf a^Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaa^^^^^^aaa^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK vl BBBBaI aaaaV aaaaaai aaaaa^^^ Laaaaa! " aaaaaaaaaaaav LaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaa^LaW ' Baaaaaaaa^Bßaa^aaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaßliliaaaaaaaaa! *™ aaaaaaaaawti!^aß^L^«^»^»^Saaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaa«^«B!^aaaaaaaaaaaaaa» M I J^ [PSlsssSSPS^^SSHSft^'''' 1111''1" 111^* 1' K^issssssssssssssssaSlS^isssssssP^VWsfl I ■ m^^^^^jam^£gs^^^^M"T ■;v^..HHRBHBBHBK.^^i>/;ll H ' I W^^W^J!i"% [■IBSIhHi ' ■ . "-^^BBB^1 JBaw VflaV m ■ * *^*SSSS^*SSaa^a^a^S^|S^SJS^SMSjpsi^lSSß^SJSJpsgljS»»aaa^a^aaa^aaaa^a»w f^lH f^B^B^iI^B^B^B^B^B^BIB^BriBBJBHBHSJBIsiHsTI ■m^^^^^^^^^Hj s^>^> K l^u^^^^^^b^r^'r'''M^V''a^al ■■ ' aa» IB^E^rv^'"'jlUKtsW^^SS ' I**** SHB™ ' ■■■■g'■■ BPH ■ ■ '■ I&afi3 ■ ■ S [^i^^^i^ff^R^^a^aVllaaH ■ , jW BB^!s^^^^^^^^^BßßSlW>^A ' - * ' ' " ' '".•.tlJ'" ' I'T^^fi*^, . . ._^ J _— aaaaaaaaaaß P^Hfeg'HBSBWSSiWR^ ,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^MaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaa^^ ' ' '',

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Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1932, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1932, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1932, Page 10