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ALL WELLINGTON'S AT JAMES SMITH-SSALEIf d Startling Price Comparisons Jp !$k Continuing Our Dramatic^^: 111 Keeping up the good work of value- riWh \^^^mi ; KSving started 50 years aflol ■'"■■■■■ 7. >ffl "S^ffli il^Bl A OU^ VALUES ARE GUARANTEED —OUR PRICES THE S^SmH^^^^ HAVE HELD OFF BUYING, HERE'S A BIG, EXCITING Mf^W^Hv ■ ?jf^|^^ si EXTRAORDINARY SALE THAT WILL M.4/CE YOU WANT /Myfliffi'OS^^^^L f ~ -=^^^^P!^^s|«i«Pi TO SPEND MONEY AGAIN! OUR 31 WINDOWS TELL AN /lW^Wii*lv^^^^^^; action-moving story of thrift; below you /S^Wjjiiiw^^^^^ Tj \/W^^^m HAVE CONCRETE^EVIDENCE THAT OUR VALUES ARE AlW^nTG^iH^r ' vAI' Xf. ■ ®IMmd NOW and SAVE ! Fresh Bargains /4^^Sh^VVV t>\ UI next week—a few presented below:— /JrOTr^lTv^ 9% For Immediate Wear— i — — . , ' _' » COATS SILKEN Greatly Reduced / v Weu? / Smart! ana VV/J I UrlC9 wliist an?W;"dl pSv Caracul Cloth.See sketch. Jacket smartly cut, \ / c tptr , > M ~i iri. ™™" ™ ,*,, —-~ 29/11 .skit* ft, as wPr J» r"f H"' "--. «/5/-. «w«—o,jk-&«££* =£-%T^i2 «Li> sr&yrsj/ft Xci ™L BSJ"sr»x kwr- aill; Bfi/iT: LfcPri2'-35/ll ribbedwooii™ v«i»,i«c- f^prv--i e9/5. 5.i.p™.45/11 >4M|^ . L.Pdc 16/11 ■ NOTSKETCHED. ... . STSL" S'SS e*?^\- OTHER GOATS jti^fl^ «NOT SKETCHED. 3 Coats—Two Navy, one Fawn Coat Lined w'l'l and without sleeves. >■ ' Spring Coats —In wool VtS^^L/K^^M r- • «* Art. SUk. Nutria "Lamb and Brown Coney Usually 13/6, 15/11 / ' T" crepe de chine, etc.; silk- W»H /*£■ Evening Wrap—l only. Rose Metal Broche. collars. SizeO.S. Usually 89/6, 6<tis /»O / Sale Prices 7/11, 14/6 / | ' «^ lined; navy, black, brown, l2Vvmiß/wiV Flatinum foxahne collar. Bell sleeves, Cerise Sale Price 63/- Sample Range Undies- /^^~k \ peen. S.W. AY, C..S >}M^vßß^ '< ' &£T*\^' W I Winter Coats—Assorted materials of Tweed, Wonderful value silk py-1 /*>^dL^L Usually 79/11, CC /I 1/« "/3HK I WWb. Sale Price •U/ - ' Facecloth, Velours. Lined and with assorted jamas, nighties, vests.h-^ 84/" SalePrke '■■ fJm- ff^^^ I ' >" cfuT collars: Oppossum, Musquash, Astrakhan, bloomers; also all cosyV J^On. 20 Twee«* CoaU — • 7»SW. 7 I I Cardigan Suit —1 only. Tomato wool knit, I Coney. S.W., W. and O.S. underwear at special V /^y^*!^^ Lined; aU shades and (H; I y I plaid skirt and trim. S.W. Usually 69/6 to £5/19/6. QCVi 1 prices. Sale Pri«.« .-..' >— ■"tJX t^ta^l1 sizes. Usually 49/11 kW I \ I I ■ - ' Usually £5/5/-. Jfi/ Sale Price 00/11 1/6 to 35/6 1 *m ' to 69/6 OQ/11 \ X 1 I Sale Price TtD/--aßnaHl^aHl^Hai^l^|||| Sale Price \ X I '■'~ -- Quality!' 1 I .IHradtoe I[~ B ea ««^ I SS?r.« ■ GLOVES * HOSIERY HANDBAGS JS^ CHINA and FABRICS /Lt*% w!Br.SS?*d2S~i; and JEWELLERY irU 1) »«*, ajS*, o*. >„ [ Crepe Marocain—36 inches ){^^\ 0 M brown and bearer tonings. F- d^K Jeer and Plate, set in pretty oßt^ wide.- Beautiful quality. eJffeiVl t^ Sizes 6J, r, 7i. (J/^ If Sketched: — A Smart *^ v/ rose design; many others. I Wine, Rust, Green, Lemon, \js§Sx?f C Usually 12/11 Q/11 Q\ rj J Handbag in navy and UsuaUy 4/11 O/C I Red, Ivory, Black, Dark Sale Price •'/ 11 Srev Morocco, moire \ Sale Price Of V I "££ Price Y d . 4/11 W^ WasnaßleSueae Gloves- /^V\ 2 2^£ JWW Other Eng.UHCnin. St . ■ Plain Crepe De Chine—36 iMWP With gauntlets, m % tener-' 2/6 «id 1/9 JPM inches wide. Lovely shades /\\ HV1 S r, «,./, ' '.' Jt^^^FZ'?* Usually 18/6 1C /C China Ornament*— l/ll J^^ > r of Hello., Grew, Lemon, ■ %Jg? \\ yS. Ually 13< U Q/l 1 •BHt Sale Price 10/ D V WonJ-f. 1 R o, Pink Blue Nrivv Royal **^^ \\ Sale Price («V * 1 I^^^ cl • „ Wonderful Brawware Col- m[^ >- T BS™j£S fuKft /3 \k Ladie.' Silic Hose-Fash- faslS aU ~ S NN. ' S^ISS^T 1 => M 3/3, 2/11 yard. 1/11 t^l foned, in new browns, gun- WAI shades \ n«wi^ li bles * \Tl^ Sale Price . 1/11 metal, fawns. jßf *^ UsuallY 8/11 f/f f V SJ^t ' n^? BnUB J/ - 297 yard. Printed Dress JK£\ Usually 3/11 O//» MBt^ Sale Pri 5/11 > Stork, usually 70/-; now / Linens-36in. wide. Floral /tWA Sale Price -VO -2^l^ll. H♦ n ™ A AlLjfeA? designs on White and col- MOJ^tK Ladies' Hose — Silk and 1^ 1-pv ly Leather T "at.:Boxe^-Black and A Toilet Section—Full of l\\i>^ bured grounds. 16 designs. MZg§iM to ma" effec fuUy V *"* Usually 18/6 in/fi 7^ bargains. Colgate's Toilet Fast colours. Usually 3/3, J^^^W 7a^hionTd brown shades \ inn o j „ ~ Sale Price I^'° / Soap, 5 cake* 1/-; Rubber 3/11,4/6 yard. O/Q /Mml UiuaUv^7/11 M?r J /Il"i 100 B ead Necklets-In every beautiful / Sponges, 4d. each; Hot ■ . ..,^; 2/}(W^ I. lS^L /u.r4/ll j^ d'"gir.g^ s...>h m 1/3 / 85.?2r 2" — | Don't Forget! ~| I -or tte ~ ~l I Thrifty Lines! I I Charming '', MEN'S^©4 BOYS' WANCHESTERA MILLINERY WtAK "^^^^tlirti^frttlf^^V 3Cv*llV^l>l 1* <s c j —Colored Turktsh J^Sk^^Sj^S Special—Pastel Felts —Ready to , M, „ . ifcSSSSp 50 B°y*' Jerseys—Fancy, with V-o- 7 towels, 22 x 43 in. Js^2SfOT* -fey wear ' in Pr «"y soft droops, self A] Mens Pyjamas, cosy win- l^ s*^5 *^ ties to match; four shades marl rT Strong make, in t^ sGl^ toned angel skin ribbons; all newest /)L ter weight, full cut, well l\\|lF|lir/, effect. For boys 3to 7 years. A, jPK light ground with NNK^^fVrf^.// Spring colours; lemon, mustard, V \ made, small patterns, all l|\\W«f Usually 3/9 to 4/12 Oln <JSWMfti~& red design. . W-riA >W/ sapphire, blues, beige, A/ii N|\ sizes. Usualys/6 rjyu fHtt[ Sale Price ' J^^^^Bi Vere 3^ 3 Pr" 2/6 Wv^viS( reds, pinks. Sale Price "/ 11 / J«W^ Petone^TaU shades lil pfai^ S&Ttl S& If^" AU SSes^ sh^^/^ and sizes O/Q lIM serge, also light and dark gceyliHß "Silverfleece" Blah- vjM\^ AU I styles, aU shades. O/I 1 1W * X Sale Price, oair A/ O If I 111 aU-wool worsteds. For all col- H^^M^ k^ S> made to OUr /7v^ U fflji/l Sale Pnce U/ X X ' Mv • 7 ■ m »'■ b■ 7^ I 111 le Bes- Boys 7to 12 years, 13 to order; new heather / />\\ VRI WOf t«u^ r . /^3«*X>^' Mens Sports Trousers— 5111 17 years. Usually 30/- to 55/- SS*£3 mixture. For all // >^ v V Sff . ' ttc^ H !/,t r/- Atc^^T Mid grey flannel, very jVlll Sale Prices 27/6 32/6 sized beds. Usually' // TS-rtf* W^ Usually 4/11 1/11 / (ti&fad . *""» smart. \lln h»m r^i^i. / \ 27/6» 34/6, 42/6 pr. // I TWi\AW^ Sale Prlce ■»/**• / /V*^y_—«- A/ .■.°Ss?iS2i2/s [11. ?f T «- l'^e /f j i.Kssp^/f (F - r s--~. (>^f Men's Raincoats, in ele- lillll '" Sale Prices 14/- to 20/6 i-p^-U-p. Table Napkins—White, mercer- \| 1/ jitiff phant cloth, latest style I 1111 l Boys' Tom Brown Shorts—All- \ ll\/( lsed, size 22 x 22, hemmed, new \| Sale Price 1/" /~~'SS^«L. Usually 42/- OC / I 111 II wool Navy Serge. Boys Q/11 y\ \ designs, linen finish. \l / ..Sale Price UD/- I J*Wjl 6to 17 years. For 0/ 11 \&M Usually 6 for 6/11 4/11 IS Millinery Oddnient. 1 / // ■^aja^Bß m^^^—^ ___; V< Sale Price 6 for •»/■■■ 1 All to Clear, each 1/' /. j Have you Bust/ Finaers f . T IT' 7* ". '. I 1 ~ « ~~. JH \L Practical | More Bargains! ~*J A ? ,!!!!! D!:!!f YORK FURNISHINGS MAIDS' Section In Brush Wool and //s^r\~ t}% near-linen, hemstitched hem. /^^*\ 10° yd»- Printed Cretonnes, bordered I . Sketch: Cloth Coat in hunScdtch Knit; 5 shades. Wf^ -§ V-»/ Pretty designs. See sketch. (»-_--'\ designs, pretty shades, reversible. I ter green, tucked back, aW^M Usually 19/11 to 25/6. Wfe # •p/*N Usually 2/11 each O/O H'-* /]/ 36in. wide ODt J'N. ■ musquash collar, silk lined, Jf^ *ll Sale Prices— \T mJJ ] Sale Price ...... I*l 0 WM )W / Usually 1/6 yard Sale Price 51 / \-^l patent belt. . 12/6.16/11,14/6,18/6 3ftjK J Cu.hion.-Traced in pleasing )A TV Quilt. -Pure down A SaTX*?'' 3 9/6 Jo£&ttx /*\\S?*srY designs on Arras cloth //>Vv L filled luilts in 5 ricll 4^V«» >(^^lH^fc»(Rr^ Babies' Sleeping Suits X\| '> Vl 1/11 each 1/fi //£'\V>\ e _* *"• Olher CoaU ' slnart *HHM Of Winceyette and In- / fAt U\ Sale Price X/UU>X\\ N Usually .3V6 94/6 from 34 to 42in., fur vjSnSaMgWf terlock. Lengths 24 to jfe/ \- fJ n . «, . „, . . \^C<Y le Frlce ' /^^^«S9hKS*^^ll trimmed. 4^W£mi "■ """•"/» 3 /i. «,«& Ljaa'h^S.'EJtr'Sch,■ |flSk/IYvS "7'rr - G™-r-25§KS^ *-*«/»«.*/. MR 5.,. «Tv l'?£ fc==B *sl"pSt^« k 1/6 W K&£?sr&» *&sS£&m ■• j-n, ?-»• - — (U \ y—pjjsa Sale r"rice—each */ v ■ffl'^iP\ Usually 7/11 C/I 1 -^Y^^^yS^B^jJ Scotch knit, sizes 24 to 36 fP|i||t Trousseau Garment, I * l/V" I Wools-Paton's 4-ply lustre, /A \ Sale Price, yd. 0/11 '^^Sjß^i Sale Prices 10/6 to 59/6 for Babies-, /".'/ Y'A V- bilT' ""at" Price 9°" QO>/ Carpet Ends-New col, Leatherette Raincoat,- fiHR Very, big reductions in /';// f^J V baU *. A\ -V^ Ours ' Axminst« and >^|S^3^ fleecy lined, double- 111111$! everything needed for /- / l-d Bab Woo ,_ An le shad V^ W»t? n' ideal ru&s- 5* breasted, with helmets. ffflM babies. Come and see f. 4 '/ \& Usually 1/2 Io Z . ball 1/ ? T -^ , '/« / V^^^ Saxe' green, brown, red. ]7 ff the amazing bargains. w Sale Pri 1/- //V Usually 13/6 Q/11 /«s9^ Sizes 24, 27, 80, 33, 36 I I ■■■■■■IMHBM BB B IIa B IB p HBaHHBB|aBfIBB^B J L—^———______ Sale p "ce— «/ * * "Jlr Sale Prices 9/11, 11/9 j 1 FANCY SECTION Packed with Bargains! iggaiS < JA^JS^SMITH S > fismsm ——li^l^—!^i^»^^——^»^_^_^_.^__^_^^^_ ' ■ :- ' friends! / ; '.

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Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1932, Page 23

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Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1932, Page 23

Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1932, Page 23