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The Railways as Common Carriers The Community Advantage AS common carriers for the general public, the railways are legally bound to accept all manner of freight. The Railways have the big transport back on which the heavy burdens are placed, but their competitors, not tied to the obligations of "common carriers," are free to make their own selection of goods and leave low-rate heavy traffic for the railways. The inequity of this position is emphasised by the fact that 80 per cent, of the capital debited against the railways is invested in permanent way, bridges, tunnels and buildings, and only 20 per cent, in rolling stock. The bulk of their competitors' capital is in vehicles, and they have no capital liability for roads. Wellington. rC/PrtU^^ - 18th July, 1932. \l'/f^^ •// ' General Manager NJCa Railway*.

P>-^ TO- MORROW! THE LAST LAP! THE LAST ACT! TO- MOR RO W I:: f ||| Thrilling MANY FAR BELOW HALF-PRICE .::'w >- Climax . ■-. : . _ , ~■>. _A . _ Never Before Such a Clearance! Hundreds of Phenomenal tO the D.I.C. SALE SMART MILLINERY UNDERWEAR Offers! „,. , „ , ~ . . , l j- ■#-%■"»» ■ ■ ■■-■-•■^■•■*« , A range of Ladies' All Wool U oulj VijelU Nightgowns-In With all great successes the climax conies Wim the fending, t-Vpt-v Hn*- mmt hf <-l<> H icd' '-New Goods for a New Season" ' Opera. Top Vests, daintily trim- ami wink shades: short a* in the last act of a e-reat nlav the lait lan of a Bfeat race y , -, ]~\ £ ■ ™& -with Lace ami Silk Brnitf beeves and V-neck. Woman's a»»n the last act ota great play, the ia«r lap or a great 1 ace. i s the D.LC. policy,' and To-morrow V 6 are^.throvmg ouc selling at 7/8 *aeh. o/ft And so with the last day of the D.I.C. s Greatest Sale to- hundreds of smart Hats,. Prices are absurd for such stjles.. . Half-price Of U T sua]l> J2/6 -|£ /•> morrow, the climax has been reached. ... .."•.".".: l^eKs in the Jattest shapes. Velours in all colonrs with dipped Shoulder Straps. Rcgnlarly- Half.Prite lv v Thousands of Half-Price Bargains are being offered from brims and smart quill and motif trimmings. „.,«,„.. every department. .OddmenU, Broken Ranges, Odd Lots, » Pri«« a/6 5/- «/u n/« i»/o fCt^^ri^^th^l 1- "pJre^wS ' Goods shop-soiled in display. We have been able in some « <«, *> »/> j //■► /• f*» ml oured lace. Jumper style, very PBSCO Buttoned Combin* cases to get repeat orders of our great ••!• succeues. The HALF SALE Ifi JIC AJC Cfl |fl/ Bmart. Marvellous barsaiu. Uons, in W. and OS. fittings. crowb isll throng the Store to-morrow. The savings are PMCfiS I/O, t/U, U/^ IV/ Uißffli3Sta7/3 1979 genuine and unlikely ever to be repeated. Now is the time ' ' ] ■ "" to Buy. Be early. I' 1 Kll lib I CORSETS, HALF SALE PRICES 1 I Tweed and Wool FROCKS 9 m SSm XSSSH «?»&» W^ Hundreds of Corsets. Oddments and odd hues in Corsckttcs SctPon"" 06 'TwSed^C HALF-PMCB DAY ' |kH "^ LjOylj^^ HHHIS^aV a^B^^. and Brassieres. Broken ranges, new styles, famous makers, etc. Presses, the smartest styles you x|H naa ira^r *™^ aaß^S^aV SUWfe ■*** sure you inspect these special values, they aie absolutely could* wish to see, also Coat C / ■C* ' ■* I D L* I ■ ' t^B mv Ba^a^l BnaT fl£99^BßwM^al fiSSI^^B AVMIKICTED rADDCT CKIISc U fc^ »- <"^BBaaM LH flmrßJin^B a^a^aai soft Bupple skins, with large built-up* rolled AJvFlllNS> ICK wAltrCI CINIVD t « I^KfH f^ A W^ |» fUfcV collar and cuffs, in contrasting fur. Small fit* ■ CACA DlirC LJCADTU nil/"C « IBBPSW 1» *M a^LW 9 Kp^ tings only. Usually 12 gna. (Jl GKS, . .:.: £150 worth of finest quality British-made:Axininster.-.Carpet. "^>^B^* * _ ___^__^_^__ . » ' .: -Ends, Sofa-Rugs and Hearth Bugs,.1 produced byone of Eng-. , . „ .-.. n Mg Nam. A" -land's leading manufacturers. We jumped., at the. opportunity " | ||Wn 111 1 mill <l Ili 11 II I ■!" "Wllß^M, " ■'■"'' .'afltjawtllsiiil! |. ffing^' '* W 11^^. X^, al'' ' ■•.when they were offered v* because we realised iramediatcly tbat i lT >^gC ß tS| B^B^B^B^B^B^g^^SS|^K^Ks^^^KßßaaHHHßMßß|||HH|Hßrr7 atm - - " thiß was a oncc-in-a-lifetimc purchase. See the Special Win- .: B^^fiBOBBBBBBBBBBBBB^.'II^HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS^^^BBi.'' f9l aVM waam. dow. Displays.- -Of: cbnrse-the. price we.-iire ■ soiling these at in.-.- fl, |i SHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^nRSjII,'' ■■ ■■! ■■■■X aVM • CARPET ENDS—If yds. 'long . HEAip1!! .P^UGS— iarge. sue,.. ■ L«^^^^H^^^^^^Hf ll' 9 BBW J^F^^^m. BBBBBmI' quality and new designs. could never hop 3 to buy at this ■> M'j f i!S^^^^B^^^^^^^^K'^^^g^^^K^^S^^^^^^^^^^^M.:''' Bm^__^^B^B^B^^^^J^B^B^^^^Bß^a^Bßßßßßßl "' SOKA-BU.S-aenerou S^.T " "gff^laf^L S^ J!^|^HB!P|^^^ R^^|^Hm D.I.C NCVCr MiS^S! feet long by 4 feet 6 inched "c^r- been o&red a^ ■^a^HKfj.;! .'.. .O^^^^^^H The DJ.O. nerer ffi «lead ß . Everyth^ in our Store is not wide, beautiful rugs. BegularJy rare. Sixo 28 inches xl 2 ins. BBalir 'j|^BBBBBBBBB«^R/^^SUl; w-' |:k \^H||^^^^^^H half-price, bill ft study of this advertisment, our windows, priced at 65/- each. O*7 IC Regularly selling 4/11 o/A 6^alal-n®«M^^^^^BSv'xlH '<''• Tr J ,\'^^HHb^b^b^b^b^b^bl ftnd departmental displays will prove to you that there arc Half Price Day J//0 H^prfc Da y> >a ch Z/9 ■I^^^B^iti 4 .MBSASraSW 1 : : '"' '- ' '-1 ;' ';■ -,' '.■■.' /f-Msm P^ h — f nuutios as you wiU find at the DJ.O. to-morrow. Pure.Silkl -Throw-out^' Prices! fc^Bl.|fi "(R Mk!^t '^S^^SH I ART. SILKS HARDWARE ... .<..:..' . ...:.. 'i''i'iF/'w'''''^¥i •' I Ict^MßwbW-? ** 38 ins. Printed Georg- CCf^TIAsM CUAT ' IbWHOI I CMC B^BBBBBBBV^^^^il^ ftte -In beautiful ric- OLV/lIUII SHOT . ''■^^^^^^■'•■'^^Kf^imm^^ SWtfSt- Usu" %S£ a fTizl& TTACCpTA - EnQ: 1 yytltU^ -; :-:'-^^R^i|vyiiii|li|iilM-' ■ IS^l^^^^^^^ir^t'i^^^^Bßßßl PRICE—yd. */v M(le, with fittmg wrist MJr\MMUmMr-% ■....-.■■: ovELTy" '' ''" Willl^f '' T W^^*^^^W»^^ll^'*^N^ 3Cin. Printed Art Crepe ■ and fiugieia. Keep yonif you^ oeve0ever Vh rJve mruch CHECKS—Suitable. for ' ;| \l f fiflf ||| [ K®: * " range'oTpattems; veiy O Pairs for 9/ TAFFETA SILKS, in Usual y !' ;: I ?li;/S|; ;.? T wSpi i) .f'?.£- «• f?[]t:" |fe., ;■■ PRICE fd. 1/X* ware Ornaments, etc., beautiful shaxles of Pink, mat F t /11 bbbbbbk 1 * '•' '::'isi:-.i;:!::5 jfc. \-Itolr ,i& JpHJ& '■ t£s&'/ \1 "i .» •' *l*\' <>«•- r< M ». e.«i n Tr. eto. Powder BJuc, Lime, Hdio, p^_ yard 3/11 ;H|| I j ||>HpP f^.T^iF UUJf:.^ l^rtf "2^ f^d AIX. LESS Cyclamen and Fuchsia, -...-. . . '-....-.^^^h .-. " , ' P| 4t '< * ' t*: TW »':' '• Beige Orahg». saaaes, 0/ >n theS for Smart Evening , .. Brßii _„. ..-■P Pr: r ,] ,■• -. . , f fl-*? |, • I': ■ v". f^r- aI«T Fawa. Simply •»/- Frocks, etc. There will 36rinch REPP CHfcNfc IP^Si^ j^^^f^ip^i 1 '""X M ?■* ' '•■'■} '• tnarvellou* value.,. Usn- KKPEAIING A' .- . .be a sensaUon in.our Silk —A good quality fabric, ¥$*$$$"' ■■ ■ ■ rfs%WrM^?mMf, sU, ..(, y^ .. ;|- ■•--••. !=' .^».:.. " ■ ally 6/11 , GREAT SUCCESS i '■ Section to-morrow. Be - -.- in. Champagne,. Beige, i^Sf^'i '^>$!oWW^"^^''-]r^'''^^^^^^ '-' '- '- ••"T^-'i • HALF •.' 9/A Wonderful High Grade "• sure and N early! 36 .Rust,- and Fawn, for-'-- UptfU' ~\^W^l ■' ■ i'-'-'^:)Jim - ■•■ PRICB-flft-■" *>/W Aluminium KeHles- ■■ inches, wide. RegiUarly •. Frock? and Costumes. |j'Hp!ls|ii^ "'', v:. \ -.;:'-<~ ■ \'"{\ \ J^^S ■ '." ' ' '",., ■.' ' Seamlobs aud t ..,r, ooi r r> ~ />» . • ■ •..•-.- le><!{3ip!:i: ssaiii;i;ix""v!'}-;:;''"i:^vs-iiS"^£SS"SSS3/fe'!iuj^*. I 'iwiw^-f^Zr^"*-^^.^ ■' ' • '' I' ' iifi!^jQi'£i£s&%r&U Pk^fe CIWI Suitable tor gas, coah . HALF PRICE "I 7C . HALF . . -jn ,Kliii||#|^ or elertnaty. You Ml DAY- ,: ' */V PRICE—Yard 1/0 I^flllP ife«^^^ ™ IMmi ,. .j. Mi »« i^Tn appreciate those duick- ■-• ••■■;.• fss.i\,c —yara / -»■ m jm&.fifi sM&^^^i 'ft^-Mf^y^m -'i J- . \'i;;!■•::' fkAvs :■ :\fe:-:--\.;*>= • ii:£^KJWmSis\&'xk J!'?w,9 Childrens Jerseys—in boiling Kettles as fuel These Glorious TINSEL ... . ' .: ■^J^^U«^ir!ifl*^%:^!r^;;.^f^:|4iif;y^ | :i)j:!s;^n;;i^-'' :i=^!fc;jaiß^ffis^^lS#aS^*fc!i?Piii^3^«i^Bi Brown and Blue and ai|d g me * a , cn . «oe • BROCADES.caused such si-inch N*vy VELOUR \ ff^;|#&^^^S^^^^^^^^^^m^^^S^^^JJ^^^M ■ 2 a3 a4 lUlUsiTallV f/ll S tho displa^ "' °"r bought", so. quickly thnt qu Calitv° Ifabric- for Smart . -S^MlflS^P^ ir^l:^''. I^' tei^l.- ir!r:""' "'^ .I'?1--'1 "% PRICE **'" HALF 9/fi . we were afraid we would . - Coats ; Usually 12/6 yd. Hf 'f imLEilJiAKSlSsLitlk '4 i:^t'3^ikmMXstl"iit^' ■Children's Wool Coats PRICE DAY *•/V -. St' s^SrCnV". T.t MlMh BROADTAII _ TEA IS SERVED IN THE D.I.C. TEAROOM; : price, TLTsp""tJT ■■" BSrj£sM.2 ■".tSirt*iS^!s^- .-EVERT FRIDAY EVENING; .■;, 7: g/9 «» 16/9 - 1"d-d£2^ Ptl" ■and rnuUi-coloured et- Brown..' Usually 15/11" . . : •"• - , . : •"" • "•;•■" -,- . ~.- ~ f . rp hvee . . OT , y ..Maids' Famous Tuscan China v-E-f^C^ .>v^^ fi/ » -::: : : ;REMNANTS- . Special SCing i- ; :;f W^ ! 3S3S jH^HS fbrfashion and quality. . PRICE—yd 0/*1 Thousands of. Benmante^-' . . •**."» •••§ikii»' ■ iif A'Ai •■■■■■■'. ity. Uisually 60/6 to —In world famons :;i:ssL.*&;££l '■ ■ '.; : KNITTING WOOL "'Wfp».ce= 5&.«%."« Coals Evenine; Frocks 36riuoh Nsvy SERGE- . ..- IS ever have we offered such >> fS f^ lul CJtl TC* OA /ft to 9A/A ~ _0/6 . . S l-eS^ |^fe- rf'te,S^'£ S?'r.!!'SS,VSS ODDMENTS. 34/9 39/9 «;--^s w—W- J/ll 11/6 A.- HALF SALE . S^WaaSr,S«fflaJS «*& fi>o'° ffi. half marked «50 yards of Wool Backed vvirv D/U PRICES AVondcrful opportunity! Don't miss it: PRICE 0/0 PRICE! SATIN — Pure Silk, in rKiv,c "' - | ' ■»«^»—«* | . . . , shades of Nil and Lemon. llalf-Pricq Day oD.,and f>V. per Sbrm. —"— ■ 40 inches, wide. Usually — — ~~ " V V > .""SSS 2/11 FLECKJP,,,,, 1002 Necklaces . —— I BARGAINS FOR BOYS 12 pieces of CREPE TV^EEDS 31111 EdfTIIIQS • Thrilling ' B»ys' All-wool PuU- Thrci- Bojs* Collpse. SUEDE — Pure Silk, Kpiiinn. on <hn Afasnot Illiimiig • overs—Fine quality and Wonted Oports Coats mostly in Pastel shades. 30 inches wide: all pure OoSr tomorrow 1000 ........... wnrra »nd comfortable — Onb m sizes 14 and .flM'tars-s. ■ B^sasSfS t£z 1? ! US ■ penny counter j&of'—"-- |j\-:x« ■ 7/11. Brown, Cognac, Beige, Yuu have never seen any- Hundreds of things you need,, such n*: HALF C/Q ' Tn rlIi .« R , HALF Q/I'l Lido, Minaret, Yellow, Ihing to compare with these Darning Needles, wpighted Tape, Silk Hoße PRICE W•» haif PBiTFii /• Price—yd. 0/11 Lido, and Black and Necklaces, they are "dif- Mending, Tailors' Thimbles, Coloured Thirty-six Pairs of nit ,' w 7/6 White ejects. You won't ferent" with wany esclu- Safety Pin Sets, Lacing Cords, Lever But- Small Boys* Shorts— UAY—each ' T 60 yards of SHOT TIS- nnd Tweeds like these Si, ye n, nd, °«Bmal, Btyles- . ton Hooks, Dress Buckles, in navy and Made in all-wool Tweed Boys' Shirts—ln Canoo SUE —In six splendid ahVwhere in Wellington They look expensive, too, black, mid two tones, Brassiere Clipa, Silk i n Dark Grey shade; and Tennis style, and shades in demand to-day. at the Brice Usually and regularly sold at^ a Reels in lido grey,.pale Wne, green, and sizes 8, 4, 5, 6, and 7. a splendid bargain that >", '$lf price j/_ half price j/ij S'S J^T>-Tf . ALL ONE PENNY • SJK^ 3/6 SSS 3/3 • DAY—yard 1/" DAY--y«r<l */ A* Half-price Day I/• | | PR|CE~«lidi V/ v PKllfc. j ' THE D.I.C.—WELLINGTON'S GREATEST STORE !

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Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 18, 21 July 1932, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 18, 21 July 1932, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 18, 21 July 1932, Page 17