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■MljUflHK^ ■ ANDREWS' u^L^IMHI^^^S^hKHI' liyeb. salt m%VT^^^H|^^^^^K\. Washday /%, B1 m i^fl^^^HlK^Hilw^ ||fP)BTHE SPEEDIEST 4/\ ■"%^K fiIiWAY to wring \^'^l Im. '■' HH'AND MANGLE but the Price as'.rffiaisfe' ■#•*• %ll« ■ I IWl* - ments to reUeve you of your washday troubles and give yon "We guarantee on behalf of our S^'S^ESt*.- ■»•>»'■&* —. . . ' .^^^^^^H patent reversible water drain Principals. Messrs* Carreras Ltd. of ' .. from either tide. At any leading - London, that CLARENCE Cigarettes, S^" JTASLS ... , '. ' . . .. HMbVbMHbIbVHbVbMHbVHHHHH' *"' wringer «nd tablemande although reduced in price, will always **& the pitcm rustproof «S , r *• ' ■ frame; it is the finest of all continue to be the same Size, same \ ■ /"V~ ' »■?■ »i fc Weight and same Quality as the . . Lf & L>* THE Public has always enjoyed." . "^PU^ A JIJF 1 The DOMINION MOTORS 9 Leadership in I Used Cars /C\ THE BEST USED CAR HOUSE IN TOWN. With A OflUP^Vl Each Used Car carries a certificate and thirty days' free. v ' JP^1 i. ■ . . J^ V - • - .",'- '• Apis. '"For yetr» Hi»*e«uS««d from Ajihraa. having tafit »U -*m|ga-- , t service. ■ ' Esjfo. night,* being unable to get any breath when lying down. Jm& SnMlT'ni? niTD nrcr 1/ai m?e ' ' aP^" Since taking Lan«» Eoiuliion I have been praeticatly free 'Tb» 3UMt. Ur OUR BEST VALUES: y g§^. from »ttacks. I «!wayi keep a bottle handy and ai few AKk 9B^k dof« never fail tc put me right. Your Great Medicine t« j3H AIJSTIN "7" SAL- Oinr nHFVRniUTSPnBTCunin 6»P" a woDdfrful boon to sufferers from my complsint and I *<H :*n7w a £10.S CtIEVROLLT SPORTS ROAD- P£L. »l«ay. recommend it to anyone I hear is sufferinj! from OON-Asnew. XrlVd STER — Excellent MAA fc^ any chest trouble. E. H Bentley, FUmmgton. Vie." MORRIS MINOR SALOON— condition. ZrIUU Ugr -<|S TiD-toD condition a-an si In I«ane'« Emulsion numerous vital elements are _JHaT p top condition. £|20 CROSSLEY TOURER— POA X, marvellously combined to help all who suffer r3^ rnce «w»*iw QK Price XfaW kIP Irom weakness of the chest and lungs. Th« MORRIS COWLEY SALOON— ' f<» benefit Is yonrs with erery bottle. - _3»W Only shop soiled. CI4A BUICK ROADSTER- £| r W|li „aH rf jg Price *!**« New tyres; O.K. At Id \jftW ESSEX, LATE MODEL SEDAN DODGE TOURER— pir \aW V% aO» 9fi! -Read^ for any £^35 Your . for £15 I OLJ^fi^d HUDSON SEDAN— OOOC BAKER'S VAN (Morris Oxford) ■^■B^s« B^£^2^2!i^^ W^T Well worth a trial. XLOii —First dass through- on fk ' UKT LIGHT SIX PONTI AC niOC °Ut- . ._*_ ': SEDAN—Sound.' Xli&D . . ~~ \ ! 80-CWT. GRAHAM'TRUCK-Saloon cab, tray body. Thoroughly (F^^ =^^'=^^^====^===S=S==SE| ~~**>!;**. *.** •<* „„„ £i 25 FARMFRS 9n J VFWmPS t« PAIMCD6TAH I

HUPMOBILE SEDAN, 7-SEATER-Verv suitable for passenger * IMUIUaUI OIIU^MJUUIVJ IU I rtLl!lLI\01Ull ' fP^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^iaf • "conditioned. All new tyres aid battery, "fhis car^un- Do Not Miss the Opportunity of Calling at the g| | 'H^-^Tft^nOaH! *'if-i f-'I-'ij "ffl doubtedly the finest of high-grade motor cars, AKfc#V CTADVfi fill V t| l'|.^WJ»'SSSii' W> ' Price on Application. AIIAII 9JL W«%£# 9 Sj%JuJV '1 t,li^^^S l-^li^JSJ^^^^^^^^^^^ ah ciL L Cnr' GEORGE and CUBA STREETS, i !ll#^^^^Ptf^SSy£y^^ - AH of the above cars are. ready to , . PALMERSTON NORTH; -■-:.. : lllFiianHii: Wgjk ¥%bS WTflk* H fLO-ll SkhTlii ' Giveaway, and even though the prices ; THE™^£F EIF2 IL ENGLISH HARNESS AND SADDLERY IS '■ lil WM 85 'B m %J^m> Wk 3S Xif ' P vftlffifP are ruf w» ,» «.;il-„ „ j * • WORTH SEEING AND BUYING. THE PRICES ARE *■* *' I Sab* H• J Sl*^ '^JlX^.^bS-<Ml^fflJ^.^fflß^B^^ prepared to give RIDICULOUS. - "^a I^^^^^^^l^^^^^^-^^^^^^^agS^^SiSSSiiiiia generous terms on the deferred pay- *■* . iimLE S6 S^I? RUP LEATHERS, HALTERS, BRIDLES,' h—-"Wevention is better than Cure. . TtJZ^ SSI^S!^S '"* . To resisted repel colds, influenza, bronchitis, there is nothing better than Khaki Drill Trousers, 6/6. Khaki DriU Jacket"s^KhaM acourseof Angler's Emulsion. Its soothing effects and its tonic, invigor- <PkA I\am.! m ! am Mff^i V • »rW Shirts, 6/9. Hats, V 3. Dark Grey Blankets, 75 x m^^^^^^xsk ■ ™ Dominion Motors Ltd. ;^«««-^-'-^«' ..commenced, Angier's is the best means of throwing it ofE and reoairinff the : »■„''"■ SSP 6:ES ' CARPENTERS' BRACES, HAlfo. SAWS, AUGER I{is an invaluable remedy far chest affections. Of Chemists in two sizes -; ' ■ ' * Tl>ree Pairs Heavy Dark Grey All Wool Sox, for 4/9. Worth 2/9 pair. W&MI^RBP'WF lSF m*GFttm^Blla^V'^^K^l^KK^^^^^^^^^ P^^^EMWEMWWEEMWWMBEWBMBMMMMM'*''**''******'*-----'*------------*^^^^^^ Cycle Leggings, for motoriste, button up side, for 13/0 pair. Waterproof. HSHV^-m ITaJ I ri »Yd9HH^H^^^^H ' ■ . Men's and Youths' Cycle Waistcoats, for mechanics, motoristel etc ffißf Vf if W B 1 P.. A _1 Will IT.^iy^^^Mß * Made from waterproof canvas, check lined, in sizes, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. . HHy* q i jy™ ■'§ flmV'Wa'lU/.Hi k^llll "MB #^ . ' ■ ' "* For 12/6. Long backs. . . PiWilirLiiAnrrr miflvM,\i^M. :"m' V 'JNt'w O l 9m *M 1* Jk MB | a _ . ' , Waterproof Canvas Dressing, in pint tins, for redressing oily coats, etc. f 1 ' BtißMwmß^L LJ»!!i'.'T^**"**l*i*>ff Ila «r^ —* — J."_- A! __ ■■■ Full directions with each tin.' For 3/- tin. ■ • ■ . 11 . ■eNpORSED BY THE MEDICAL PROFESSION; II lIS i«|iniTlßAf lAh CVlAllinfl! Men's and Youths', KhaU Denim Combination Overalls, for 12/- suit. ' ' ...... I l^ll|k#d ll^#| | SMVIIIIIU - State size required..-' . ... ■ ■■■■■■■■ ..... imnnimnnnmi ■■ ■ - ■i Ground Sheets, pure-rubber, Waterproof. supply to-hand from the. ~~, ~~ H nUUf£^R>ilul mar a m m mut ■ ■ -...«..|IL Govt. A slight "increase in ; price. Every home should have one orI ■P^^gß'HM T# 1H i* ' H iC^ I T Vft » - more. For 8/6 each." ' . ■-, IjjH U^wr «pi W%O %M I I I^Qil'Jl • :. Military Footless Stockings, pure wool, khaki colour. Ideal for hiking, IHy • 49*; 'K^ fl^. aa^ JjL Iflll^^^^^^^ ' golfing, all weathers, full, length. For •wearing under gum boots, II X B ■ B M •^B M^^ t^'^^!^l^^^'U^^^£mSi MUitajy VVMte Canvas Belt s ; with brass mountings.-Splendid for every- ■ i J II t^IFU, ISS'l^W^romONrCAU^^^ . . W&T^-C^n^ r^ tm> o^'' ■■ %_^^jj§|v _*4*mr WKmmZm %Sr9l^Ha^l vAiiioiiraiiuni, pockets, with ,webb; equipments with strapping to the shoulders. '. ■' WBaWtLl iVMmfflE BEECHAM'S PILLS — The Heavy %nm / JmtaVpoieVStraps, wonderful qu^ty, for 12/vi»ir.. : • INCOMPARABLY superior to- tincture/ ■E^HH - L^ 1YI!-di;P el ;St|fe| ! S^Sa^^^ ■ uAillP / lodi- ne ' is tL ideal antis^ Wl^MwMm ™*unties> whldi cayse slu«- ;■ ""Wisss^ ■ SJM\J%9*" inflammation-reducing, and healing agent, in W/zWA*±^W/M//MBfi Zishness and heaviness—and T , i^ 6^' for 6?/"-• £■' „- ' W£ a tism,stiffandfw O lien I^JHI MA X F YftN^BiT I ; .•%AIAY 1^ joints, sprains, swollen glands,. ringworm, PI MIX X TUU fIT! Italian Plow Line' Reins,full size, 50 ft. For 4/6 pair. .. :: ' AU»T»^ boils erzpma nilp<; linrnc aniicraWc li«,«»» fZßhofflvi^!^Kv¥JwM//firff29M English' Breast Collars.—Ton have only to see these to appreciate them. ■ Z* I**1 ** °TjJ\w?kEjf' scalds bruises, WQ^^Uflf/^^^ These pills are the finest TONIC APERIENT Heavy^^Engligh leather, all hand sevrn. A boon to fam^"^ ' gj cuts, insect bites and StmgS, and Other in-■ »SBK%3©^^RW *« -Aoncy can buy. They are always effica- horses have sorejhonlderß.-Also suitable for spring dray or heavy : «g IP flammatory conditions. dous, have a salutary andsLula^S^h End^rlrf^h^mlaV^N7^^ r ,*,,,. V tSv» tttl. j £ ij T i , . »EBBBH^«^^aP 'Pternal ofgans-^Reculate and Tone the English Cart meecnteß made for N^ Govt. English leather, aU hand •'- W W^n used as a first-aid dressing, lodexkiUs WMt^^VTM. "'" ''' '■"'* nf M? M 111 „ Su $!*-gSr^e^cl^ollß^ A « to.l«t«t. *>\IGO ge r ms, S t 6p SP ain,healsquickly :y etis SOm ild Gagf^ypr^edfr^ gV^" inaction that it may be used on rawwounds l^i^ll7^: r:^^^ ;:=i'^ vegetable ingredients, Beecham's ' . ; . a lifetime. For 2/8 each.': Old price 2/11. Sandy for farm, rmt n °nlittlec'^ r£a:. Prescribed extensive^ fe^fc^&^^ " ENSURE SOUND SL^EP, AROUSE : DubWnt^^^'ran *nd Black, for making all leather water/ iAfSlTi** ly by doctors and hospitals all over the world, XM&i&^i&£l~SmfpS^ TORPID LIVER. DISPEL BILIOUS. proof. • For hootSjJle|gings, harness, etc. Medium size tin*. «d, ' .H U • lodex should certainly be-in your hbme. In r^S^^^> NESHEADACHES*.NDIGESf|bN \ ■ . . ' times of emergency, it will-prove invaluable, I -ilJMcaSag^rf ■,' .". ■: '* '- •; ■ .-^ . r Nettlefold's Cbpfter. lUvets ,and Washers, assorted, Ito f lorl/8 pkt. : '^^4. often saving WWs of torturing pain. L3Bgag.,: - "■, ~;". ." 'r, ;j^ V : ShS^lSaaft£^!S" : //^ftlli^xv Call at your Chemist s and get a ; pot to-day! teg^~"-*f'"? - rra"";>y: r ; ,' .; m ■:*;^^; : m;: .through.;; Also-Buitabieis-meat choppers,, for 2/9 ea^vVorS r-^^^^^^^L From all Chemists at 2/1, or post free L-^sl^^^^^^^^B— af J& mfIFW'JW llorse -Shofcilder. Pad*"'for sore ihoulders, etc. Large, and trell padded. 'WsSi£siz~s3SmM\ from lodex Co., Palmer St., Sydney I _^^^B MjUtt KTt MB flfl D , . 2 lor I/-.:'/•;.;.•' :V- : • I aT I tfW afttaTa^aV B MMwNr FARMERS SAVE MONEt. BUY THE WORLD'S BEST QUALITY -■ . l^»l®K^Kw^^^\ FIRST-AID-REMEDY IJ f MW.B^^^^JB wr ■ goods at Quarter of their value. . . / Iflf ■y!a^#™J^ H^klß ■ aflfe ■ All Goods Delivered Free! ' money can buy/ ||/C/V% ortAa DlI I C Great ARMY STORES SALE rr- in 111 ' ■■JL______!_Z__j^ ' PALMERSTON NORTH.

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 142, 17 June 1932, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 142, 17 June 1932, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 142, 17 June 1932, Page 4