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BEGENT THEATBE. I >■ : "The lure of a Kalph Lynn-Winifred Shutter 1 sraeess drew a crowded audience last evening to the Beeent Theatre, and the audience was ■ more than satisfied. "Mischief" is a Ben ! Travers comedy,, in which not only the stars • excel, but In which all members of the cast .:: . are artats. Ada to that the fact that the Dnbtograpny is excellent, and that the Charm •of .English Tillages and villas has been abund- :\. .aatty-caught—and it-will be realised that Brl- • : .flan Dominion Films has secured• another Brl- ■■ toh success worthy to carry on the ToinWalls- • XaJpn ■ Lynn tradition, though Walls himself la absent from this particular picture. As the :■: BreUiaJnary notice has already stated, the play y is mostly about "a semi-erring wife"—there is ; . BBBtos In this phrase, and it onght not to be lost—and about the complications she causes. " 5? 3i^!" >t£ r ls not thß wlfe: she Is, as to ■■ .. /Rookery Nook." the demure little lady -who '. . £j«* b*PP»as-in, and her love-making with the ■Hilarious Lynn is a quaint mixture of senli- ;-•• ment and Inanity. It is true that Lynn can ' / jmt eonwdy Into.quite ordinary, lines, nis lines In places are more than ordinary he ... v creates so much laughter that a sentence is sometimes lost 'before the hubbub subsides. The V «**»* -fr«B«)-«tt« la Played by,(the very ,*t- • 2*« to» Jeanne Etuart. and James Carew'provides her with just the sort of husband that ■ ]■»■ needed In -a Travels comeOy. ■ KannetH ''; S" 6 **?: J' mac Emery do detective work out- •■•■• 5^.,* bedroom floor, and Just to preventl: a .■•-.. double mlßunflerßtandlng of what they overhear v **£*!& happened .in the room. Two' spec, ■ it. s an ?Dt-of-the-common picture "are .. the group oT yokels in the village bar-room, .•>... ana the "half-sharp" boy trap-driver. The •'■• f™^ 08 " a3so so"""1 an Australian gazette ■ 2*»_a Bpeech by Premier Stevens,' a iiatare , stodj of the Ajihls. Bobby Jones's • "trouble mS^. *nd wo Severest cartoon ("China "iST' to flate" ■*■ Programme or unusual ' - slant. ■ ■ ■•;..-••- ---": GRAND PPERA HOUSE. . • "The Beggar Student" will be shown'finally to-night at the Grand Opera House. "The Public Defender."' - -•-•:-■ : —M*3 adrenture, masked men,: modern Bobls ■: Hoods, danger, romance, and high adventure are the outstanding points of Interest- in Kadlp Wetures- "The Public Defender." the hew -:• Kichard Dls starring vehicle which will open , • to-morrow at the Grand Opera House. "What Diz wants ig excitement, the thrill of conflict, with .lighting men, and a necessarily virile drama of i Intense action results. "The Public Defender" tens a story of a man who battles alone against the enemies of society and emerges victorious. .' • Shirley Grey" supplies ' the feminine' interest Also on the fain will be "The Boyal Bed," the story of which concerns a Mng who ioped that revolutionists would overthrow his kingdom so that he could play checkers with his butler hi? daughter might marry the man *he loved, and his ■ wire ironld have nothing to "queen over. Xowen Sherman plays the king, and he J? » awtoted by- that famous actress, Nance ■• P^L'**? 4 ty Mary Astor ana a nos' of. talented players. Ihe programme is one of special merit. - . . ■ DE LUXE- THEATRE. ■ w^^S**^^"-^ 1 bB shown finally to- . Bight at theDb liie Theatre. . "The liove Eace." . Mirth, romance, excitement, a thrilling motor.' Sf 6 * J2? * Imst x>f incidents are cnmpressefl •• ,te»o lore Bace," the .British Interna- . «onal, Pictures, I4d.'s comedy attraction which wm open at the- Be lavs Theatre to-morrow. The Love Kace'' has as its star the ever-popu-.larcflmedian, Stanley Luptoo, who made such .Utrlim^stoh tit finish. - From the opening back-chat between. Keggie Powley—played b5 : «f ea o «h7so^"S y D^ •■ S^^r^f r CS : PARAMOUNT THEATRE, . "Glamotir." ; th ß ..^^7 *f Marrlago-" "Glamour" tells 1' frt MS°;% H? portedb7 tboElstree disco" KING'S THEATRE. -£iS|K«^ lto^-«r toOUEEN'S THEATRE. §mm§ V .EMPIRE;THEATRE. ISLAND BAY *«^«S &^^ two-r«el-comedy, a two-reel detec?^S^( i aildlS^ TlnlTersal. newsreels,.fta--S2^^rehamrMcNamee, complete the pro- , BJtnae.. : On; Irlday and Saturday 'Xovers r©)urageDust' wllLbe shovrn. .■. "u>erß ;.' SHORTT'S. THEATRE. ' Constance, Bennett's, picture "Sin Takes a : nSii^:i '^IT -ste>wn to-morrow at' Shortfs ineatre. As the secretary of a' wealthy divrSSrti^er^w.hoima*es'her bls wife and then , eminently- deslraW6- after she has developed ■SJ?^ IOTeS' woman; Miss Bennett gives a ''' TJ e second Picture 'Mollf. tt'Da^ S BurnS and S CrAPITOL THEATRE, MIRAMAR. ..^■'Blve^sj Ejia;;'^ screening' at the CaDltol «i!IS. r?f °D 5. Of lhe, raost excltlns of James .SJ-S5 CUpood's stories of the Canadian l^W^st, featuring Charles Blckford ta the '.*r£kn*£ r,f member o« tie Itoyal Northwest :^™|"V?ollce'and as the man he pursues, ;rt?iP rt'?ll?? P <*3rmlnSly Plays the part of th^glrl both meu^love. the cast are PUfe T?™encSJ^ EarrcU i HcPonald,;and ziZ i; ' : . ARTCRAFT. THEATRE. ■ Passionate Plumber," featuring Buster. 5?.&5?-; ?&■""?.?*■ ? urante- i» now being shown-at the Artcraft Theatre. It concerns a ' bSS^ pltoWr"Wo'"<=om&"fd- a -laavv%e^ pa|taentUo.nx'.a leaky pint, hut.remains to ..... .repair her broken heart. Comedy of a rare '. ? °r d?r. v entailed,in a contract made by the " - . ■plnmber-r.and-the- lady of the house, in which the former promises to protect her from the unwelcome advances of an impetuous lover and. gets Into-all, sorts'.of mad scrapes In the process of dbing-sov * - - > . '•-... ;. ; ■ BRITANNIAr.THEATRE, "Eranjtensteln" will be shown finally tonigKtr. at: the Britannia Theatre. '***?■ Tf ljow Tic Set," featuring EUssa Landl and Eienel Bartymore, will be shown to-morrow atrthw. Britannia. Theatre. It is a powerful and romantic drama;, filmed against a pre-war RilssJanj background.. Sllss Landi portrays a young.,peasant girl/who caught in the meshes of ettenmstaace becomes a social outcast' and toe pitiful victim of the cruel persecution of the head^oetho Tsar's, insidious secret police. : KILBIRNIE KINEMA. Heading the nenr bill at the Kllbirnlo Kinema Is; atrest. Scene,!' the famous Pulitzer Prize story-, by Elmer Hlce. It features Sylvia Sidney; William Collier; junior, and Estelle Taylor. There are good- supports. "\; ROYAL ROLLER RINK. "Trndei^steady use the new floor at,the Hoyal Boiler Bink, in Vivian street, has- worked up to » splendid surface; fast but affording a firm grip tor. skaters. The attendances at all sessions, must, be very, satisfactory from the manageiii&rtfs- point of view, a»d the: welNfllled floor, adds- also to Ore enjoyment of the patrons, last night, following the regular Bession, a supper., session was held, about four hundred skaters, being: fbier guests, ot* tile, management, antf a. rery enioyabie party, with: several special items, lasting till 1 o'clock,, resulted A skating dub is being formed, ther- Intention Ming to bold weekly supper sessions. Partlcu- .. lars may be had at the rink. The daily sessions are advertised in this issue.

MAJESTIC THEATRE. "Teach o1 Keno" will be shown finally tonleht at tlxe Majestic Theatre. "To-night's the Night." .Mirth" runs riot and laughter holds supreme sway during "To-nleht's the Night," the ludicrous British International Pictures, Ud.'s farce, which will be screened at the Majestic Theatre to-morrow. The star of tills hilarious production Is that rubber-faced comedian, lieslie Fuller, and the story Is a burlesque on life In a prison. Fuller has never beeu seen to better advantage, and his antics, especially at the prison concert and in the prison workshops, set a new comic acting. It is doubtful .whether the scene lv which he appears as V woman has ever been rivalled. Toward the end tho picture develops Into a good old rqugh-and-tumble show of the type that delighted ah when "Pimple" and 'TFoolshead" and later the Jl»<± Sennet* comedians careered madly through streets, upsetting' '■" everything that came .their way. In "To-night's the Nlgljt," fruit-stalls, fences, gates, and even doors are smaßhed in a wild dusli between a large aud'a taby.motor-car through tho streets of fluiieroijs-villages. I The B.LP. Corporation will' also supply the specially selected supporting bill. ' ST. JAMES THEATRE. .>"Prirate Lives" will be shown finally tonight at St. James Theatre. "Many .Waters.". "Many Waters" and "Bill and Coo" are the main British International Pictures, Ltd.'s attractions at the St. James ."Many Waters" may be described as a drama of life, and is the screen version of a famous play. The sincere • rendering of the story .of the lives of two .ordinary, everyrday people, and the perfect direction and handling or the story win appeal to every type of Intellect.1 .The picture of .the faithful: couple who weather.the storms of.Uiejr married lif6, not least of, it? tragedies being tbe death of their only cfiOd, and yet remain lovable and-ldvlng, will remain long in the memory of all who see !fc''Lilian-Hall Davis and Arthur llnrgewoii are kdutfrably cast for the parts of Jjiii axid Mabel Bvcaldlne, as is Elizabeth Allen for their daughter. "Bill and Coo," a most dcJlghtfiil iptisleil comedy, which will introdnce to Wellington Billy Mersbn, the popular London .■eemediin, and a host of talented stars, contains a :Wting theme-song, splendid comedy, ana novel dancing and scenic effects. It Is a Picture' that is' as novel as it is entertaining. ■'.'- -■•■■' HEW PBIHCESS THEATBE. "Lovers Courageous" will, be shown finally to-night at the Now Princess Theatre. An excellent comedy, "The Unexpected Father, will, be shown to-morrow at tho New Princess Theatre. The stars ore Slim SummerTille and Zasu Pitts. Tho story concerns a young -wail of the streets and a bachelor of new-found wealth who is frightened Into adopting her on i the eve of his own wedding. The wry-faced Slim, the bachelor in question, is torn between' the fcafcy, iier wistful nurse, and his gold-digging bride of the morrow. REfiAL THEATRE. KAROKI. To-night at the Begal Theatre, Karorl, a special programme will be screened. The main feature is."Virtuous Husbands," and it is supported by specially selected supports, including a Slim SnmmerTille comedy, "Let's Play," an Oswald cartoon, "The Fireman," aud a newsreel. Hie. leading players In "Virtuous Husbands" are Elliott Nugent, Jean Arthur, and Betty. Compson.,, •"", OUR THEATRE, NEWTOWN. Two excellent features axe being shown at Out Theatre to-night. - In ths outdoor romance, ■"Cisco Kid," Warner Baxter portrays the colourful Mexican bandit, Edmund Lowe the hard-boiled but likeable sergeant, and Conchita Montenegro has the leading feminine role. In the British comedy, "My Friend the King," there is an all-star cast. CLIDE SKATINC RINK. The Glide Skating Jink, In Waltefleld street, Is as popular as ever with skaters. Sessions are held daily,.and the time-table of sessions is advertised In this issue. Expert tutors are in attendance at all sessions ready and willing1 to instruct novices and assist the more advanced skaters to master tho graceful movements, which, while Increasing the pleasure of roller-skating, also add to a person's carriage. A special session for learners is held dally from 6 to, 7 p.m. ..'■-. TOWN HALL CONCERT. In aid of the Mayor's unemployment and professional musicians' funds, a concert Is to be given in. the Town Hall next Tuesday, and lovers. of. bright music' are promised something, out .of Uie ordinary. A professional' orchestra under the conductorship of ilr. George Ellwood will - Tender a'programme of' popular music There wiU also be a community sing. Those assisting will be Mr. Ernest Jenner A.ILA.M., Herbert T. Wood/ and Mrs. Amy .■Woodward. The song leader-will be Sir. Owen Pritchard. Popular prices will be charged. "REVUEDEVILLE." The. Wellington; Operatic and Theatrical Society will stage a novel presentation under the title "BevuedeviUe," In the Concert Chamber, Town Hall, this evening. The programme will; comprise musical numbers, humorous sketches, specialty dances, and ballets. Among the artists assisting are the following:—Jlesdames Amy "Woodward and Wilfred Andrews Messrs. Herbert F. Wood, Trevor Thomas, Will Tates, ana Doug. Stark; It is safe to say that the Operatic Society always stages a fine show, and an entertaining evening should be assured for the society's,;£rst venture in tho. "vandetflle" type of entertainment. The pub-' lie, are reminded that the;production is'for tonight only. ... ...

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 141, 16 June 1932, Page 4

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ENTERTAINMENTS Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 141, 16 June 1932, Page 4

ENTERTAINMENTS Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 141, 16 June 1932, Page 4