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." HIGH WATER. - To-day :-S.S9 a.m.; 9.2 p.m. . To-morrow:-9.25 a.m.; -9.10 p.m. ..,.■ . . (Standard time.) •■•'.' :■"' '■' ARRIVALS. ■ : ; Tuesday; 12th januaky. ■ KARTIGi, s.s. (2.43 "p.m.), 2330 tons, McDonald, from" Newcastle. ■ HOLMDALE, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), GSI tons. Holm, from I'icton. TAMAHIXE. s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 1959 tons, Kane, from I'icton. WEDNESDAY, 13th JANUARY. MATANGI. s.s. (3.40 a.m.), 1349 tons. Hay, ..from Nelson. nANGATIIXA. t.e.s.s..'(T a.m.), 61D2 tons Cameron, from Lyttelton. . . DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, 12th JANUARY. KINI, s.s. (4 p.m.), 1388 tons, Hoddinott for Oamaru. MAKUBA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 8075 tons, JtacDonald, for Sydney. v ECHO,, aux, scow (5.30 p.m.), 99 tons. Jarman, • for Blenheim. ' KOHI,. auxv: scow '.(B p.m.), 125 tons, Goldie, , for Nelson. .-. .. ■•. . PAKURA,.s.s. (6.30.p.m.), 700 tons, Miles, ARAHUlufsl' (7.30 1596 tons. Wild:' man, for Nelson. •' '. ■ ■ WAHINE :s s (7.50 • p.m.); 4436-tons, Irwin, for Lyttelton.. . P°°^ AVV e^o^ o. P:nl-)' 1675: tOn'-riSh' GAEpictoii 3' (U' l>' l"l)' 95 tOnS> Kaldar« for - : "WEDNESDAY;/ 13th JANUARY 12^:^ 0'I 2 tons'^' 'EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Gale, southern ports, to-day. Arahura, Nelson, to-morrow, 5.30 a.m. ramahlne, Plcton, to-morrow, 0 pm \\ ahlne, Lyttclton, to-morrow, 6.30 a m Fairburn, Karamea, to-morrow ' ' Inaha, Patea, to-morrow. Kapunl, Patea, to-morrow Hawera, Patea, to-morrow. . Foxton, Patea,. .to-morrow. i.cho,-■Blenheim, to-morrbw. John, southexn ports, to-morrow. Opawa, Auckland, to-niOrrow ' Totara,-Lyttelton, • to-morrow. ■ ' . City of Dunkirk. Audkland, 15th, Pakoha, Auckland, 15th. Wingatul, Lyttelton, 15th. Kaitoa,. Mptueka, 15th. -V. Poolta,..LyttehSDn, '15th.' -.-i-rt'-1 rKohi, Kelson,' 16th. ' .■^.sr'jS'iiPi. Kapm,VTVanganui, 16th. . ■<$ilsift ■ Waipahi,. Napier, 16th. *3V|'«■> Kaimai, Greymouth, 16!h. /'ySsi' Calm,- southern ports; 16th. ■ •',-?^^v " Pakura, Gisborne, 17th. 4Sft,.fe- . Komata, Westport, 17ffi. " ;;- Port- Fremsrrtle-,-Napier,• 17th.- ~'^sfe- - Matakana, Tlmaru, 17th) - '■■...i'. - - i--i?t?rrr-Waiplata,. Auckland, 18th. ii:;?S^ • Hertford.. Auckland, "igth; : '■-'wi',?■ Titokl, "Wanganui, 19th. • ' -.-''*?■ Hohndale, southern ports, ISth, ■*"■"■ Hohndale,' Wanganui, 20th. ■■--•■: ' Calm, Wanganui, 20th. : ■ : PROJECTED DEPARTURES. : Matangi, 'Kelson, ■■to-day,- 7.50 p.m. Hangatira',-It.yttelton,. to-day, 7.45 pm Arahura, Nelson,, to-morrow, 7.30 pm. Wahine, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7.45 p.m. Echo,-Blenheim, to-morrow. Hawera, Patoa, to-morrow. \ Kapuni, .Patea, tp-morrpw. ' Kapiti, Wanganui,,to-morrow.' ;' ivomata,1 Westport, to-morrow.'. - Fairburn, Westport, to-morrow. John, New Plymouth, to-morrow. "a?3*;Wanganui, to-morrow^) .'' ■■.'"' Poxton, Patea, .to-morrow. ■. ." ■ Totara, New.Plymouth,■•to-morrow [1Inaha, Wanganui,: to-morrow.... xaraahine, Picton, : 15th, 3-' p.m. ::. MaungamU, Sydney, 15th. Wingatui, Auckland, 15th." ••-' - : ■ Ivaitoa, Tarakohe, 15th r' '" ' Poolta New Plymouth, 15th. . • : Waipahi, Dunedin, 16th. •-■-•-.-.,. Tainul, Auckland, 16th, ' ' ' a. lm- Wariganul, via Picton, 16th. City, of Dunkirk, Lyttelton, 16th Galo, southern ports, 16th. - ■ Opawa, Lyttelton. 18th. Waiplata, Lyttelton; ]fth. Pakeha, Southampton;- -18th. Pakura, Napier, 19th, Kohl, Nelson, 19th. -' Holmdale, Boutliorn .ports, 20th Calm southern ports,-' 20th. Siatakana, Napier, . 20th. ■■--;v .v -v: berthagElist^:. -: araunEanul—queen's Wharf No. I north I\ omata—<Jueen's. .-Wharf..-. No. 1-' south ; Tumahlnc—Queen's Wharf No. A KapiU—Queen's Wharf No. 5. fiale—Queen's Wharf No., 6. Fairburn—Queen's Wharf No. 31 Matangi—Queen's.Wharf No. 12 ■ John—Queen's .Wharf, No. 13 Itangatira—Ferry Wharf- • • Matai—Ferry.'■'Wharf. - .- Inaha—King's Wharr. Kapuni—Ktog's. Wharf. ;'■ Foxton—Pipltea Wharr. Hawera—Pipitea Wharf Kartigi—Pipltea Wharf. , Taiuui-Pipitea Wharf. ' ?! —TlJ°nidpn Breastwork. : Walnut—Thorndon Breastwork. -Ampullarla—Burnnam'-WDarf ■■■:■'''"■■■ ■ Paua—Burnham Wharf. ''- '.Maorl^-PaUDt Slip Wfiarf, '■' ■'■ Komata—Patent Slip! Wharf. HimaUnßl-In. the-Stream.. Kalwarra—ln:the Streats. Katoa—ln the Stream ' ■Omana—ln the Stream.' ■. -. ■';■ -■■■■■ - -■■ , Putikl^ln the Stream. ," ' ■■ r. '--.;.. :-; INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. «euington 21st January; duo Sydney 'Ith January.. (HirddarpPafsif)-:"^ 99--" MARAMA;-. leaves' Sydney Friday for AiirV an^ A!| cklan*:l9^ January leaves X : «™^*«v PACIFIC. MAIL STEAMERS: AORANGI;; left Sydnoy'Tth January for Van -,TOW». 'left Sydney:29thfSiber for San Franelscp; via Auckland.- Suva. Pago Pago and Honolulu; due ,Honolulu to-morrow L as:&dl6^. air- 7-: (^™-S o^n™^'. leaTe* Sydney; i9th January for w™ Fra"cl? co'; T'a Auckland. Suva, Pago Try?" leavefT^ U:V dUe AucWand,23rd January, leaves 2<jrd: January; due ;Suva «7th 4firFSruarT? ag% 28th, Januilry = Honolulu (Bur^Sp; a^^W.^infr"" 7VESSELS OVERSEAS. a,7m °"u' left pcean Island 7th January for andCk^ diuctland A)' lCklan<l 18th Janua^ » Wffi^l^ BS, C »; (B TO c"^ AUCltlaßd about 23rd January. tFefera'reo) 1116 WeUi^on 3rd Febr'nary* CANADIAN SCOTTISH,' left Buenos Aires ?i^. D. C3tir^ l , fa°rv.^.X it a!aUd: '"ui-vli1 C" Lt(l- Auckland.) .' " H^TIXGDOX left Falreouth 21st December a Obour?stf a^ n'^/Vr Zea' aad Sn^i^C^e^^te^. and A Co) a" aboul IDtb Jauuary. ..(S.s! H^ XTh, n ' Cf\ A"} w "n Bth1 January for AucliOTAIO, left' Liverpool..- 20th December for Auckland. Welllngtonr-LytteVori'.- Dunedln, and Bluff via Dakar and Capo of Good Hope: duo Auckland about. 24th -January.. (Federal Co) w^ ol\!'' '!, ri S'[" yo<ko -Si" UccSnter for (USS - >! -T^'llnston ' 22nd ■ January. . OTIJA, ieffviondott'lfit .January' for- Jiuck-

laud and Wellington, via Jamaica and Panama; duot Auckland lOib February. (S.S. and A: REAJUERA, [eft Southampton 18th December for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington about 24tb January. (N.Z.S. Co.) KOXEX, left Loa Angeles 27th December ror Auckland, Wellington, and Australia; due Auckland about 18th January, Wellington about 22nd January. (Speddlng, Ltd.) SAKACHI MARU, left Japan 24th December for Auckland, Lyttelton, Tort Chalmers, and Wanganui; due Auckland about 22nd January. (Kempthornc, Prosser, and Co.) KOJIEItSKT, left London Oth January for Lyttclton, Port Chalmers,' Bluff, and Tlmaru; due Lyttelton about 14th February. (N.Z.S. Co.) 'SEMIKAMIS,- left San Pedro 4th January for Auckland, Wellington, and Dunedln: due Auckland 30th January, Wellington 3rd February, Dunedln 6th February. (Shell Co.) WESTMORELAND, left Falmonth SStli December In ballast for New Zealand. (N.Z.S. Co.). VESSELS DISCHARGING. AJIPULLARIA. from Singapore, for AucklanS, at Wellington; leaves 14th January (Shell Co.) . . CITY OF DUNKIRK, from' New York, via Auckland, for Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedln; due Wellington 15th/ January; leaves 10th January. .(Federal Co.) . GLENBANK, from Nauru Island; at Auckland. • HAURAKI, from Los Angeles, for Bluff and Australia; left New Plymouth 11th January dv" Bluff 14th. January. (U.S.S. Co.) KARTIGI, from Newcastle, at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) '. ■' NAItBADA, from Calcutta, Penang, Singapore, and Saraarang, for Tlmaru, Dunedin, and Bluff; at Lyttelton; leaves 10th . January. (U.S.S. Co.) . " . '. OPAWA, from Liverpool, via Auckland, for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln, and Tiiharu; duo Wellington I4th January; leaves 18th January. (Federal Co.) TAINUI, from Southampton, for Auckland at Wellington; leaves 16th January. (S.S. and A. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. AXOLOtCANADIAN, to call at Wellington (about 30th January), Lyttelton, Bluff, Dunedin. and Tlmaru; leaves Tlmaru 20th February for Dunkirk, London, and Hull. (G. H. Scales.) -...'■' CANADIAN '. SCOTTISH, to call •at Auckland (13th January), Napier, Wellington (18th January), Dunedln; and Lyttelton;. leaves Lyttelton about 23rd January for Kew York, Boston, and Halifax. (Federal Co.) , , CUMBERLAND;-at Port Chalmers; leaves Jitb January for London; - via. Panama and Caracao. (N.Z.S.r ■ Co.) ' HERMINIUS,. to - call at- Oisborne, Napier, and Auckland; left LyUeUon- ]2th January; leaves.Auckland 30th January for London, via Panama and Elngstou.: -(S.S. and Ai Co.) HERTFORD, to call at' Kapieri Wellington; at Auckland; ..leaves; 15th January: due Wellington 20th January; leaves 22nd January; for London and West Coast, ports. of. the : United Kingdom; via Panama. (Federal. Co.) ' KABEP.O. leaves VVestpart 16th January for Melbourne and Adelaide. (U.S.&. Co.) KAPONGA, loads at Creymouth 18th January for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S:S. Co.) MATAKANA, to call at .Tlmaru, Wellington (17th-20th' January), and Napier; at New Plymouth.; leaves 13th January; leaves' Napier 23rd January for London, via-Panama and Kingston. (S.S. and A. Co.) : ' MAHANA, to' call at New Plymouth (20th January), Wellington, Tiniaru, Lyttelton; »ni! Bluff; dug Wellington : 24th January; leaves Bluff 10th February, for London, via Panama and Kingston.' (S.S. and A:: Co.) - NORFOLK, to: call at Waiiganul (18th Tebruary). New Plymouth,"Wellington, Gisborne; and Auckland; - due Wellington 25th January: leaves 27th January; leaves Auckland -3rd February, for : London, *Avonmoutb, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Panama. (Federal Co.) . OPAWAr Timarti ,(25th January); Port Chalmers, Bluff, Napier, Wellington (Sth February); and'Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton 13th February forl London, Avonmouth, Liverpool; and Glasgow, via Cape. Horn and Dakar. (Federal Co.) ... : '"-■ ' PAKEHA.. to call;at Wellington;-■ left Auckland 13th.January; due Wellington 15th January ;-leaTes< 18tlt/January for' Southampton and London, via-Panama and JKlngston. '. (S.S. and A;. Co.) ■ - ■"■ ■ •:•. '. ■""■.'• •- '. .; POKTFREMANTtE.'to-'call -at. Wellington; Wanganui: at Napier;- due.Wellington '.17th January; leaves 20th January; leaves Wanga-nui-,3oth January, for. .London, via: Cape Horn and Dakar. (C. snd D. Line.) '■ PORT MELBOURNE, at Bluff (12th January). Port Chalmers, Plcton, Wellington, and Auckland; due Wellington 29th January; leaves Auckland 4th February for London, via Cape Horn ana Montevideo. (C. and P. Line.) PORT CAROLINE;: in: call ■■ at Gisborne (18th ■January), New. Plymouth,■Wellington, Lyttelton and Auckland; due Wellington 26th January; loaves 28th January; leaves Auckland 13th February for London, vlaCape Horn anc! Montevideo. (C. and D. Line.) : RANGITANE, to call at Auckland, Tokomaru Bay, Napier, and Wellington; left Lyttelton 13th January, Sue Wellington 27th January; leaves 30th January for Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) . nOTORUA, at Wellington; leaves 13th January for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) TAINUI, to 'call at Auckland (18th January), Opua, Wariganul, and Wellington; due Wellington 2nd February: leaves 10th. February for Southampton and London, via Panama and Kiugstoh.' (S.S. and A. Co.) : . ' TAISOA', at' Port • Chalmers:. leaves Port Chalmers: I4th January for London; and the West Coast ports, via Panama and' Kingston. (S.S.:, arid A. Co.) ' .-■';*{■'■ '-~ :.■::,.;•■.■. ISLAND SERVICES V • TOFUA, left Apia Saturday for . Sura and Auckland. .' She■ ■ arrived' at Suva to-day, arid leaves t6.-iribrrpsv,' She Is (Jue at Auckland on 18th .January.''(U-'S-S.' Co.) ' .""•.".' :.; MOSKDA, left Auckland Ist December1 for Sydney, via Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island, returning thence .to Auckland. She left Auckland on. 7th January • for Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island^-and Sydney, and is due: at Sydney" on Friday. (Burns. Phllp.) . ■ ' MAUI POMAHE.from Apia and Niue.'- Via Wellington; left,Lyttelton Monday for/Auckland, and leaves Auckland ■ 27th January for Nluo and Apia: (G.B. arid H.) KABETU,- from Newcastle, left Sydney 23rd December, for Fiji;. Tonga, and■ Auckland. She left .Auckland yestorday for : Newcastle.. '' " V". WITHIN/ WIRELESS RANGE: '■'■■ The" ' following.; vessels . are''expected Ho be within range of the undrementioned wireless stations to-night:—' . ■-'-.■ Auckland..—Aorangi, Ardenvohr, - Astoria, Cabarita, Canadian Scottish, .City of DunWrk, Karetu, Laburnum, Mataroa, Jfaiii Fomare, Pakeha, Sorachi Maru; Tofiia, Yerohlca. ' Chatham Islands.—Nil. ■■ Wellington.—Ampullarla, Canadian Chailen, gor, Herminlus, Huntingdon, Makura, Niagara, Norfolk, Opawa, Port Fremantle, Kangatlra, Bapgltata, Raranga, Remuera, Botoriia, Tamahine, Wahlne, Witte Zee, Zwarte Zee. .Awarua.—Cumberland/ Haurakl, : Kahniro, Karepo, Mongolia, Mpnowai, "Narbada, Bendizo Canadian Transporter, Cathay. . ■ PERSONAL. m -Mr..E.;N, Tidbury has relieved Mr. A. L Train:' as second engineer of the Hawera. KARAMEA AT .SUVA. The Karaniea, en route from London, arrived at Suva this morning. She will leave Suva to-morrow for Port Chalmers, . where ' she is auo on 19th January. .' MATAROA SAILS. v™aT^ S l eo?ple^li,her Homeward loading in ?T™ ? a5 d' '*]" *lat»r«>a le". Auckland at via S»,^°" day for Southampton and London, MATAI LEAVING MONDAY. . u^i^r",?-"!??1 * u«h"«>«5o steamer Matai of \ni» T? Wel. Un? ton <>n Monday, for a tour of inspection of ..the southern lighthouses. THE PORT MELBOURNE. Wo^1. 0 ? or*. Me">°u™e, which is to load for PORT CAROLINE'S ITINERARY. m? h ruh«rt Car? line Ie« Melbourne yesterday 13^^0x1 wiii:ie^ e AucMand ■« THE ORIENT LINE. "»?• ' Th, e, only exception will be the Orsova which will _ proceed as before, direct from Colombo and Suez, and vice versa. Times of arrivals and departures from other port 3 will remain unchanged. AORANGI'S LARGE PASSENGER LIST. An exceptionally large number of passengers landed from the Aorangi when sho arrived at Auckland from Sydney on Monday. Her passengers totalled 282, ..the largest number that slic has carried across, the Tasman on a single vessel, alnco Christmas. 1930. and or that S ber 220 landed at Auckland;: The arrivals inuuderl a largo percentage or business men from overseas anxious to investigate New Zeaand cond tions with a ..view: to extension of o^eas Sts Wer° m S la^ number of PASSENGERS ON ORONSAY. The following passengers for New '/eiliml S^li^a^Sydty^rL^nte G. n. ■ Mclntosh, Miss D. M. Mills. PASSENGERS FOR HOME. The ■ liotonm, which Icrt Wclllnston ■ 10-day fnL '"i On', V. la p,analllii.and Curacao, took the Jollowiug cabin class passengers j—Jllbs B. M

Hunter, Mrs. S. E. Moore, Mr. T. G. C. Rolfo, Mr. Taylor, Mrs. J. B. Taylor, Miss C. K. Taylor, Master A. B. Taylor, Mrs. Turpin, Miss Turpln, and 12 third class. .. THE MATAKANA. An alteration has bceu made in the Matakana's loadlug Itinerary, SB that she will leave New Plymouth to-day for Ttraaru. She is due at Wellington, on Sunday from Tlmaru, and will, leave on 20th January for Napier. BY TELEGRAPH. LONDON, 12th January. Arrived—Port Fairy. ANTWERP, 12th' January. Sailed—Port Alma. PANAMA, 12th January. • Arrived—Northumberland. AUCKLAND, 18th January. Sailed—Opawa (5.45 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed—City of Dunkirk (6.30 a.m.), Pakeha (6.25 a.m.). NAPIER, 33th January. Arrived—Ariel (3.45 p.m., 12th), from Wellington. \ . LYTTELTON, 12th January. Sailed—Herminlus (3.5 p.m.), for Gisborne. \ ".'"■• ■LYTTELTON, 13th January. Arrived—Wahlne (6.50 a.m.), from WellingArrived—John (10.15 a.m.), from Timaru; Totara (10.30 a.m.), from Westport. DUNEDIN, 13th January. Arrived—Cumberland (8.35 a.m.), from Lvttelton; Tairoa (8.45 a.m.), from Timaru; Ca'hn (noon), from Bluff. • . , . ' '• NELSON, 13th January. .Arrived—Arahura (6 a.m.), from AVelllngton. c .-, -1 ~ BLUFF, 12th-January. ■ Sailed—Karepo (5.45 p.m.), fpr Westpprt. '

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 10, 13 January 1932, Page 12

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SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 10, 13 January 1932, Page 12

SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 10, 13 January 1932, Page 12