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Jn tlic tioursc of liis l.n ioi i-hii:i:i- <ik fi IM'oi'cssioiiol huxor Ted Jlor.L'iiu lirih li^uicd in more sensational im:icloiil.s (lii\n any, other boxer of retool times in New 'Ai-.ii-hinil. Tlu-onsrli no hinlt oi', liis own tlif \Veilington buy wms lust ni-ht .-r-ain or (.lie miiKipiiLs hi a bout w.lucli liad ii most ims-alist'iKflßiy ending. Hie oilier coutcslnnl was lies, 'i'lowern, of AVliiinga-' rci, und Uiu pmv \yprc fightinp; for the welterweight chninpinnsliip of N'cw Zraland und Die '-Truth" belt. "Morgan -whsawarded tile fight in the second i-ouuil,, Uie rei'erce (Air. Earl Stewart) consider-' ing Troweun whs not in a (it. stale lo: ■continue. Then followed one of the most hopiilr clemcnstvation.s witnessed tit a boxing eonlest in Wellington for many years. Trowern, who n moment bofore had l)cen rolling around on the ropes altcinptiu^ to. ;-iiiothnr from the flurrj' .of punches Mur-. gan was raiiiiug at liim, jumped to life and hotly.protCEtea thnt he was all right;' a large seetinu ,of tb.e .audience eommeneed to "hoot Joudjy. Those who did mot liocft caeei-ed li-ow-em :as Jie wnlkej around the ring rawing his arms and. smiliu^ to Btrow iJiat he -was fur ''from being :in the! lielpless condition lie was supposecl to l>e. Back in Ms. cornei;, file "Wliaiigarei boy' tore >off one oE iliis gloves and expressed' liis fee Tings •by viciously fciclvins it, and' frenerally indicated :his dißßueat. The "hoot-' ing tcontimied 'wliile !tlie ".Tnith" belt -n-asi bemg -placea around Morgan, but many. rroTr .genermisly Tecognising that the Wcl-' m{rton_:bQy !ha3 .Stilly deservea Hns lionour! broke into .cliecrs, .Jina "both boxers .maclei tlrcir . way to the dressing room ,amid -mingled .hoota ajid ... MDBGAN A L'L BVJER T.BOWERN. At the -time the bout -was stopped Mor-/ pan -Avas .-fighting :aU over .his .opponemt.i Hooking liis •viioious Jelt to ..the iead, lici had .commencEd the round .at v last giace/ ■bhafaai by • a right swing. Jto the iaw, ]iel liad come hack and smashed in his -left! again ix> .send 'Irmrern flown. ' Tlie "Whangarei Tjoy.-.batl-risen only Id belsnoe"kca to -the canvas again lay a hurricane of blows to flic body and head. Tie sought to clinch, .but Morgan. fought him on tothe ropes. Rolling away from and par-' tia'lly hloc-.king some oE his opponent's; punches, Tiwera reeled to the centre ol'! tlie ring and then across to the other' side, where he again took punishment otv the rapes. .Lefts and rights crashed to his' head, anrl once more he was knocked down. It was then that the referee in-' tervencd. Certainly Trowern by his roll-; ing and blocking was reducing the effect, pt many Q f Morgan's blows, but his total inability to make..any .sort nf a reply made' it appear that to allow the contest to con-i tmue w6aa : -only--lie to 'siibjeet him to[ unnecessary ;punisnment. He looked de-' eideaiy groggy; ana .although it may be that he was ■"stalling" to 3ast out the; round, had 'he .doDe' so the odds -werei vevy 'much ihis going .very far in! •the thivd. "SfEyertlieless it xlid appesu-1 ■that the referees-action -n-as just a little1 premature; ior Trowern Ims many *imeBi shown &is .capacity for'taking punishment,: and file end of the rbuna Avas not far off.: TfIOWERN'SrmST ROUND. i Trowern had shown up 'very well in^ the. fii-Bt round -wien,. ndopting tire re-1 cogmsea. tactics for cloaiing -with "south-: P. awf S"OJ :aB. Morgan, 'he 'had thrown his: right 'harm at .every, ojipprtunity. .Several' times he haii landed .SDlidJy, Tju't •missin": badly on .other .occasions wlen Jils op-f ponent either ducked or "back-moved. TVIor-: gap. 'got home.-.with .a left iookto the1 cum, but Trowern took the points easily ■m wjiat was only-a "warm-up " : : Alorgan weiglied lOst ,6!.41b, and 'Trowem lOst '.Sib. ' . . ■ ' . ■ : AMATEUR PREUMINATiIES. ■ X. Chalken ■ .(lOst .Gib) and F. .Norris,' (lOst Sib) exehangea_ some heavy' ilowsj to the ihead and iace in the .oourse of thrcfii rounds of toraia ariilUng. Chafen fairly1 worried -his taller opponent out of the light, especially in the last round, wheni Norris tired perceptibly. '. Piling up points ivith a light but good straight left, S. Ueed (lOst 71b) boxei nicely, to take a good decision from -E. Jacobs (30st i2lb). The latter kept bor-' mg in all -the time, but Reed, who is showing great improvement a*, a boxer, used his feet well. Although dbvioußly not himself, L. C. Higgs {(Sst -Gib') »aye another of "his "bright' displays, of isnappy hitting against ji Wood -(Sst-aib^ ■ The latter took one or two solid -punches, Init he came back gamely anS gave Higgs a good fight for it. Higgs got -the decision.. ; •BiUyWithey :oOst 51bT, one of the most' .promising boys, in Wellington, -made no mistake >against. J, Mansfield i(lost 61b), and .after b polished of hosing ■he took *heiorily -aecision poßsible.-W'itheyi exhibited ilocking :an.a Jiinching fikill of a -high order, .and in the last two roun'dß of a tour-round tout- gara a Trery fine ex-l hibition. Knaing that he couia not ;pene-j trate "Withey's rdefence 'with' -.a .straight; ■left, Mansfield concentrated ion a short' the "hody, and liad more success.' It Tvouia lave suited >lanEßelfl if TOthey! had chosen iq stand -up :anff trade punches ■ .but Percy Gharles's l)oy -wisely :kept him■Belf -vrell covered ''until he had playod for ■tm 'opening. ... After -a -spirltetl argument orar .three Toimfls, J. 'Donoglme '(fet '3%lb') teat T).' Kickardsou (:9st 31b.); lUchardson came: into Tub man ,all the time, Ijut the JEra-j mar boy uncovered a useful left hook' which gained Mn a Jot of points. After! the first round he also .produced goodstops to many of Tticharason'f; swings. Jlr. E. Perry and. Mr. J>. Woods were the judges for the amateur bouts, and Me. ■ft. Aldridge and JiSr.. P. Wfiods officiated, in the-professional oontest. . .' '

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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 45, 21 August 1931, Page 4

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BOUT STOPPED Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 45, 21 August 1931, Page 4

BOUT STOPPED Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 45, 21 August 1931, Page 4