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silks. ttt TAT T* TMY O AT T?I mantle dkpt. XT _, , , : rr ir i l VM / I I^l ■ Li l^ /m I H I Ladies' Green Mixture Heavy TWEED COAT—MoIe Coney Never Before have we offeredfor sale such ml ml ■ I ml I Fl |\ ■ ■ / m | Hi I collar, losuai *rice*B7/6. ia /£ remarkable BARGAINS in our POPULAR WW I [^ 11/1% LI l\ IJI A I Safe Price IU/0 SILKDEPT. Our advice is to be early for , T 7 AjL 1 X JLJ --X. *> *^ -*. -I^#-»^J • T*™ . - J CII ITC j. . . , and belt. ~, Tilsual Price 59/6. f A //» these unprecedented values in wanted bILKS. ■ _^— -_ mm mm a w^ *% V^V« A «"^'#^ Saleiftice lv/ 0 DTTV VnriD CII FC AT WHITFHFATi A 111 HIT 1 TIT P A II V DU IK L#< W Ladies' ROSE VELOUR CO^ZMfcith.Coney collar .and BUY YOUR SILKS AT WHIiEHLAD & lAf |J ■ ■ ■■'■■■ »■< #m I I JKji 1^ P ii 1% % cuffs, with belt and side^pteats. usuaiiq 59/6. ia la SILKS FOR LESS THAN YOU HAVE • <-*>■«« r*.i-*rr« ! and cuffs ; f U u y lined. u S uai:^ce-3Gns. i.a/c paidbefore. 120 CUBA STREET — cotLEGE ■ f3Oa^^ fs*sJ!2 WASHING SATIN — '■ 36-inch . „ _ ■ „ r . - ir ~. 44 inch. Usual Briee 49/6. OA /£ Guaranteed all Pure Silk. Wonderful lustre sheen. We have Mr. Pears, now in London, instructs us to reduce stocks regardless of cost. We believe our _ fe DAIM^A>rB Now OH/D 12 lovely shades to choose from. This is remarkable value, eoods renresent the highest DOSSible Value for money. At the prices marked the Values are CHILDREN 5 RAINCOATS^-Slightly soiled. Sizes 21, 24, wvd- ftiff, oSrt^STßought^fk^t price, by our London buyers. Shrewd .hoppers know that it i. 8° -*• s"« - .«•"■ **- "- «£ 5/, aaie rnce 1/ 11 1 aru prices formerly marked but the cash actually paid which makes a bargain. Ladies' Smart 3-PIECE ENSEMBLE—j n Fawn Kasha cioth, SILK VOILE —36-inch ■ , with contrasting striped Jumper. J4/10/-. AfjklfL 2 pieces only. Smart designs. Ideal for Evening and Dance —— ~_,„__ -^fit/"" *** '** wear.' Drapes gracefully. They are perfect goods. - -__ _ TTWTT^ T* X 7 LadlCs G^"^l** V.ELVET FROCK—S.W.; frilled Usual Value 4/6 Yard. ' IVI llvlj Il\ lT« IV V • ' ' ' skirt 3 with collar, cuffs, and of contrasting Crepe Sale Price 1/3 Yard " ITIUJUXi.IxJi% *. de Chine. Usual Price 4 Gns. O GNS. ''--■• Hundreds of READY-TO-WEAR-FELTS—Brims and Off- TURBAN LADY MADCAP—The hat that has taken fashion ~.,„..„. - onrv ew T „ Sale Price * CVTD . CD _ rTAI . the-face styles; in Bottle Green, Wine/Lido Bine, Grey, by storm—self-adjusting to fit everybody—for motoring, Ladies KASHA FROCK-S.W. In Eggshell Green, stitched EXTRA SPECIAL. N Bkck and aR leading shades of BI . OWJI and y awn# walking, golfing, skating, shopping—any wear /» /£ with Black, and Black Kid belt. Usually 3*/-. 1 Q /fi GEORGETTE MARIE 36-inch Can you beat these 1/ O/110/1-1 >|/11 for anywhere. V/ V Sale Price 19/ V 2 pieces In shade of Saxe Blue only. It ifslightly prices! 1/-LI 11 0/11 4/11 KNITTED^TWEED EFFECT BERETS-Black, Eed, O/ f> Ladies' COAT FROCK-Cinnamon Brown All Wool Bepp. imperfect in weave. There is only 60 yards of this Only 100 Snappy Designs in TWEED BERETTAS—AII Brown, Green and Navy. fj/ V Inverted pleate 5 finis toed with straps and buckles. matchless bargain. It is a heavy quality.- * ■ shapes and sizes in attractive colours. Q/H £111 BERET AND SCARF SETS—Pretty, bright shades oi Blue, . Usual Price 45/-. 1 C /fi Usual Value 6/11 Yard. 3/110/11 , Green, Apricot, Brown, Orange, fl/Jt O/|1 - ¥wA _ Mii Sale Price 10/ W Sale Price 9d. Yard Large Fitting READY-TO-WEAR FELTS-Smart brim Red, Fawn, and Wine. U/ll O/ll Lad.c.ALL.WOOL RH?S-In Violet, with Silk rest, collar .___ __— shapes and off-the-face styles, in Wine, Bottle Green, ri4ll nRFNN SFPTION and cuffs to tone j fafl flared dart. ' ■ ' —■——— t>, , xr t> , r -/I - * ,*J CHILDRtINS bblllUN. , Usual Price 3 Gns. Oft/C BLACK CHIFFON VELVETEEN — 36-in. Bkckj NaYy ' Br°Wn an<i Fftwn- 4/11 fi/1 1 CHILDREN'S FELT READY-TO-WEARS-Here are bar. Sale Price »/0 j^^%sk^jks:^ K rKKS?lin/umi «. ™c *i« c • o/« • i givC a S°ft finish that is becominS the 1A IP BRETON SAILOR FELTS—In all good shades. Ladies' Dark Saxe FIGURED VELVETEEN FROCK—With SATIN MATADOR 36-inch wearer. IV/ U Were 8 / 11} Now CII "I Were 6/11, Now O/ll full flared skirt. Collar and V neck and vest of Fawn In best French Black and Navy only. Has wonderful lustrous Cosy styles at prices to help you obtain an extra FUR FELT 0/11 . O/JLM. Silk. ' ■ Usual Price 3»/6. OC / sheen. It is a most durable Satin and will give every satis- MODEL HAT with Chenille or Velvet finishings. Here KNITTED BERET AND SCARF SETS—AIso in Chenille in ' • Sale Price Ldj " faction. Usual Value 2/11 yard. are values unequalled anywhere in Wellington—our shades of Blue, Green, Brown, Lime, Rose, Lemon, and Ladies' Brown Marie Effect' VELVETEEN FROCK—Long Salt* Price 1/11 Yard stocks are so quickly turned over we back this announce- shades of Fawn, each with contrast- Q/H A I'll top, V neck, skirt of 6 frills. Usfual Price 35/-. IA/fi .- Jaie I-nce x/ xx ment by guarantee of satisfaction. Pretty bright shades ing colours 0/ 11 **/ 11 . Sale Price l"/0 ™,»* .......ff t Wine ' Bottle Green > Lido 7/11 0/1 1 KNITTED BERETS— 1/Q Ladie.' Bright Red SILK, VELVETEEN FROCK—V ne«k, EXTRA SPECIAL! Blue. 0/111/11 7/ 11 . */"' long fitting crossorer coUar; with full flared skirt. Figured Crepe ART. SILKS ■ 36-in. BERETS—BIue, Fawn, Brown, Orange. . 1/l 1 BRUSH WOOL BERET—In attractive O/ll Q/Ii " ' Usual Price 4 Gns. OJ* / 6 nieces only smart desiims on Dark and Light " 1/11 contrasting colours. 11 U/ll Sale Price 00l m «roundT These are superior quality. Will wash BASQUE BERETS-Bottle Green, Wine, Almond, O /£> VELVET and PLUSH PULL-ONS— 1/C 3 only Ladies* TWEED COSTUMES-S.W. and W. sizes. and are most durable in wear. Less than maker*' Rose Pink, Brown and Black LI 0 Each 1/U Well cut; in Fawn mixture. Usual Price 4, Gns. OQ/g 1:08 y "qol^lp^;*.^* 1 / Y a V«4 • Ladies' Smart TAILORED COSTUMES—BIack Repp coat Sde P"ce /- 1 HOSIERY AND GLOVES. -«*«.*** v^c- %*. g:g P . A^ is , -^^*± .v<^.^jse^ l £S!^c^S£ Ui^ss?sfais% f g,sg for Frock, Jumper or Wrap Perfect goods. • , Sale Price O/ll of Fawn, trimmed with Brown. C/ 11 , ' Sale Price 3' Usual Value 3/11 Yard MORLEY'S JILK HOSE-Plated on wool; ideal for winter ' 14/11 Quality for 0/ 11 20 Ladies'WOOLLEN CARDIGANS-Were 9/Jl fi/11 ou '.Jjle Price 1/6 Yard wear. All the newest shades. Usually. 6/11. 4>|j 1 Real NAPpA GLOVES _In Gauntlet style, fur tops and fleecy . , Sale Price 0/11 SILK CREPE ; i 36-inch WOLSEY rYM HO< , F v ¥ , Sale P"ce. "»/ *f n ne d throughout. Usually 11/9. O/I 1 9 only Udies' O.S. WOOL and CHENILLE JUMPERSBeautiful quality smart designs; does not crush and washes WOIf" GJ M* "O + S E.~ Es™ ™Z ht > Wlth d°ublc ' Sale Price 5/ 11 Colours: Black/Rose, Grey/Black, Flame/Black, Brown/ well, Fe^Toenga^^to-jjk.W.l-^ln. k—' &--8 i toJO. Usually 8/ll , Brown; Orange, Brown/Gold. W««[£ jg/g Safi Price 1/6 Yard FLB^ LO V SILK^ D W T OO^ OSE/- In lhc latf st M value; f°r g°°d hard ™*kmS "iW*' 5/11 » «*• Udi- f Wool C"1-""* IS.h iuMrer^ aa*e rnce i/o iara shades . Vejy Wldc top Usual pnce 5/n 8/11 Quahty for a/ 11 yy^ g^ Botti^ Bd^^ Brown v^«» onc^i.i. RntANV wnfti uncr v^ '- , * ■' V • Fine Quality KID GLOVES—In shades of Fawn; with fancy Almond. Were 2fi/-. ;J *J /£ EXTRA SPECIAL! , BOTANY WOOL HOSE—Extra fine quality, with seamed , turn-back cuff. ' C/ 11 ' ' Sale Price 1/70 CREPE SATIN 36-inch , . 9/3 Sale Price D/ 11 50 Udies* AsMrted WOOLLEN JUMPERS-Bright new 10 pieces. For the inexpensive frock this is just the LLAMA FINISH HOSE~In Black, for Jood havl I/O GIRL GUIDE NAPPA GAUNTLET GLOVES-In Brown. shades; V neck and collars' W£l *H\ mA -- , fabric. Drapes well and has wonderful Crepe finish. V,-. 1/j / Usually 10/6. 7/H ci^»«- 12/11 15/^ a^^~ ST^^ Hi*T* rf V"" I^^™^^l^^^^^^ ? Sale Price 'VH Udi< ., shetknd Wclu^IGANS^W 1 and oi^L' KOB6, acarlet^a^^ory^ana^acK. „ hne nbbed too, . Usually 5/JJ.. ■- - - Q/ll . Fancy Cuff NAPPA GLOVES-In Brown and Dark Fawn. Bright -contrasting stripes, Almond/Orange, Brown/ <Ul~ P-i*. A 9/*? Yavrl mi - gftrM T ... w , , . Sale Price O/ll . Usually 9/11. *J f\ <\ Yellow, Navy/Bed, Wine/Fawn, Fawn/Orange, Almond/ bale Price lard GOLF SOCKS—In All Wool and Silk and Wool Mixture. ■ Sale Price l/ll Fawn. Were 25/-. I<C / aMaaaMßaaia _ ||||a^_aMll^MMllHßaaHMaaßaßaaaaaßßßß a B MMHJ Full fashioned feet and newest tops. f / . . . • c-i. Price 10/" ALL SILK GEORGETTE——3B-inch MORLEY , S s^r^ot^ri^^ti^ Wonderful v.iue in fabric gloves-u^^, j A n+^rmum*^*^* SS^S^^dt^^SS^o^^^ in odd .hades only. Usually Vn./ O/T^ Men's ALL WQOL FANCY HALF HOSE- !/„ '^ . ' 6/11 the equal of the besirGeorgettes. 60 yards ol eacn saa ) Sale' Price /,/11 Usually 3/3 and 2/11. Sale Price .1/11 12 only Ladies' Sm«rt TWEED SKIRTS-With yoke and Sale Price 1/6 Yard beltFigured French SILK VELVET 36-inch FANCY DEPARTMENT. 20 Ladies' SUNRAY SKIRTS-In new mixed 1A /1 1 In three smart designs on Dark grounds. The season's new- SHOPPING BAGS—Usual mice i/q i/« r-M D .»,-w ' ' Tweeds. Were 29/«. Sale Price 19/11 est fabric for smart.Frocks and Wraps. Super Chiffon finish. S^l" Price 1/3 EMBROIDERY BEADS in all shades. Od. 200 Doz. HANDKEKRCHIEFS — White; 12 only Ladies' FACECLOTH COATS—W. and S.W. In ' " Usual Value 12/6 Yard.' A Large Assortment of ENVELOPE HAND Si fn SILK: TO e rA ri T ceT bunc r h hemstitched, with coloured border. "1 /O Brown. Wine and Navy. Were U/W/G. TA/C Sale Price 4/11 Yard ■ BAG|-Inßlack, Navy, Green; Red, G« y S^ KJIS,? 0 Only TINSFL EvSlS^^iSsii x %- , Sale Price W/O 1 i - SLfpriSV. to 6/o. n/- and , /ft Us«al P*» '/»-. _.' 3/fi S'MS""™ 1^ 10/11 »«■<* Very Smart TWEED'COATS-Large fur colFXTRA SPFriAL' Sale Pri« *•'& 3/0 GUIPURE LACE and INSERTION 0(0^ Usunl priCC 49/G- S"le Pri" 15/ *A lsr a"d C"ffS ' °Ut T th bdi &nd P OcketS ' st/ al«ht lmeS ™th EXTRA-SPECIAL. • - Sample Range of Newest BEAD NECKLETS h^ches wide Usual nricc 4n tn ?/i7 f / MOUFFLON COLLAR & CUFF SETS. - inset effects, and semi-fitting. Three distinctive styles. CHIFFON TAFFETA 36-inch ' Jn '«««•"« **&*. |/ '"^-^ Us«alp r ,cc-^to4/n. J/_ Usual . price 23/6 . - , IC/11 ' .- Were 7 Gns., 6 Gns., Bt Gns. not split The shades are Apricot, Flame, Lemon, Usual price 16/11 and 15/6. |O/C Frilled Net ROBE LENGTHS-In newest Usual price 25/-.' Sal. Pric 19/11 . and NaVy. Smartly cut inset styles,; trimmed with large Powder, Shell Pink, Sky, Cyclamen, Helio., Peach, B B . KNITT , X NG W ooL_ Cc t'/o shades' Usual Price 25/"- 1 7 /fi 6 Only Musquash COLLAR and CUFF SETS fur collar and cu^ °l Flan, k Musquash, Shorn Lamb and Royal, Vieux Rose, Navy and Black. Better value - P*«« ball 1/3 nn r, v , iCMBT Sale Price *•' ° -Usual price 39/6. QO/C Skunk Opossum respectively; fully lined, impossible. Usual Value 5/6 Yard. KNITTING SILK in pwHnd cr£?,<£££ 2^™r P^DiJS^TKSir^SirJ SJe Price 3Z/6 Were £8/19/6, Cfi/1 C / CC/1 ft/. : Sale Price 2/3 Yard Pink, sky, 1/fi iS'^dS^ 'Vid Crepe de chine Windsor scarves- Sale Prices 10/13/- XoflVf' t. Oale mcc iara • s , Price _ 4 hk X/ 0 inches wide ,44- Plain, with striped and floral borders. - . - ~ » B irtn ftTU TrtATC ■» »••* 1 Vf ««^ L Traced LINEN CENTRES-H * 20. Ad- 'S«(„ A* «v- LACF 2 T Usual Price 6/11 to 6/6" 1/R 9 °nly Udie?: f ACECLOT" C 0A i TST BT c i q? V* J FRENCH SILK VELVET- 36-inch »~--- ™ "' *'" 1 piece only. Splendid French Black. Superior finish, fast Usual price 1/6. Sale Price 1/0 . • ' • , s a i e p r ; cc Z/1J and Almond. Were 7 Gns. Sale Price *«// Iv/ " pile, drapes gracefully. There's no hetter value elsewhere. Traced Cotton SUPPER CLOTHS—36 x 36. Ladies' COSTOME FRONTS—Frilled and PATtCrTC xfi only Ladies' TWEED TAILORED COSTUMES. OA //* SafePricre/ll Yard . c&^^. -* E"°d Ara<^ ' co L^»acurFSET Sn PS"pl{,il ~^^ »• ■■•*^ S -™«i'JtS^^ /M CITDI7D Gil *T r"DI7I>F PFPFMT *lfi ™-k Sale Price " Georgette and Crepe de Chine. Usual Sale Price «i/ XX coat witn yolte ana Deueo SKiri, t{/IM/|1 SUPLK bILK CREPE RLULIN 1 db-inCh WA SHING ELASTIC-.; yards on card Ad. price 4/11 to 5/11. P O/ R Heavy Weight PINK BROCHE- A / fi Were 4J Gns. and"s Gns. Sale Price it)/ I^/ U. Fashion's most favoured fabric. The zenith of quality. Sale Price—card " Sale Price Of U With underbelt. Sale Price 9/ O 25 only Ladies'WOOLLEN JUMPER SUITS—As- Al\ | Heavy weight; soft finish; drapes splendidly.. We have 20 LadIes'SUSPEND^RS-Clip-on; in |A Id. Dainty NECKWEAR COLLARS - Collars Wonderful Line of Heavy Medium COR- • sorted shades Were 25/-. Sale Price "/ 11 . beautiful shades to choose from. Usual Value 5/11 Yard. Pink and White. Sale Price lUf /with j abotan d txe collusm aline west SETS~In white only. . \C/a ->n LWdWwSSLLEN JUMPER SUITS-Sll the "I A 7i» Sal** Price Yard '■.'.:.-.. SILK «id RAFFIA BRAID-lto i-in. wide. designs. Usual pnce 4/6 to 6/6^ O/3 Usually 26/6. Sale Price 15/0 M Ladies WWLI^N JUMPER SUlTS—Allthe IQ/g Oaie rrice J/O iara Good shades. :..-. fid. -. w « o -.»™ »i 7 u'i xr «i w «re f«» samitaby towfi newshades. Were 89/6. Sale Price IV/ V —. EXTRAgPECIALi ■ ««~.assa^S* ' 3SS^Sr2/fi.; -«--s^^TtF ' "^r^.^f-g! TINSEL BROCADE 36-inch TTTkT¥\r»nni AT»¥Tf\Tn 20 Ladies'ALL WOOL FROCKS—Tweed effects. OA/|» The ideal fabric for the popular Bridge Coat and T JNLllirrvdHJ 1 HliN VJT« Were 45/-. Salei Price LU/0 Evening Wrap;, also much used in conjunction wth V> i. *^ 12 only Ladies' Dainty^ PARTY FROCKS-Jn Moral Ninon 2f^fiLCwS'S2 k latJ U """ U^' ALL WOOL BLOOMERS- M^ «'^ FLEECT NAW BL^"E^-1f O /| S° ""I^^ 59/6 : Sakl>riS 4^Yard 1-00^5^ *™' c WW ™,BREECHETTEsSnV^i'L^U o^^^l^ 35/I Sale Price Ai/ll Rose. Hin, 16in o 18in. \ 12/6 6 only Brightly Printed Blade Velvet BRIDGE Of* / EMBROIDFRED TAFFETA 36-inch ART. SILK NIGHTDRESSES—Art. Silk Lace trimmed neck ~!?- t?!~~ COATS. Were 45/-. Sale Price OOf " tT f Vt frLlrt Evening and eS «"* «1«^« « Nil, Peach and Cream. Q/11 Sample, in Children* PRAM SETS and MATINEE COATS. 20 on iy Ladies' S.W. TWEE DTAILORED COATS~In variThe vogue^ Paris and London^ for smart Evening and Dance Usual Price 18/11. Sale Price 51/ 11 ~ All at Bargain Prices ous good shades; fully lined,'toelted; and Coney QA /A Wl Ladies' DRESSING GOWNS- 7/ti S^ d^^ <* SAMPLE , C°ll"B; NrftAT^ ?^ SalePrii 39/6 have only 80 yards of each shade. Usual Value 5/11 Yard. Sale Prices, from 4/ 11 s?j wiNcJiviTTE NIGHTS-In Skv^Salmon WhhT Ladies'RAINCOATS-^ln Bed, Brown, Saxe, Navy and Green. . *;,■ Sale Price 3/6 yard, t art. silk VESTS-w om an' s and o.s. size , o/o o /fi NIGHTS :** Sky> SSTj/ji'■ w bubber cgat-2 9 /^ 2 6/6 TINSELTISSUE 24-inch ~,„ mrrnNVP^^ , , ; T . ..j/|f bevebsible coATS-Were 39 /f 7 Theory thing for inexpensive frock-decoration; also pa ? ' . Trimmed CJ /11 Sale Price JD/plays and 4ance frock for stage purposes. We have Emerald sleeves; also Lace trimmed. Qlp . z/ll c •~. v n j-r art «IHK RionMERS BUBBEB—Cotton Lined. Were 22/6. 1A / H Gr4n, Violet, Scarlet, Gold, Saxe and Black, each shot with Sale Price 6/ 11 Special Line Kayser Band-Top ART. SILK.BLOOMERS Sale Price 1"/11 contrasting Tinsel shade. Value 2/8 yard. ' Ladies' SIUCWOOL VESTS-36in. and 40l». . O/Jj aSS/^H ' JtTi Re.l Sale B«g«n. in Girl.'«d M«d.'WOOLLEN WEARSEE OUR^oSt heap, of "» ~^S 4/ ,^ Sfe'S^^^^J^ SILKS from 6d. P« Yard au*^. h«^ a-, fleecy mm^Vl art silk «kI cotton vests-!. K^Pccb^ •*• ■** «--«> "■ FU&g?* TO-MORROW, TUESDAY, at 9 a.m. sharp. ' S.UP™., 1/6 J/9 1/11 - "Mi'^?-- ' ;g r ■ ■"" .-}'&;; ' " '""^FricM Starts 9.15 Tuesday M^riiuig*

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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 151, 29 June 1931, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 151, 29 June 1931, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 151, 29 June 1931, Page 17