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1 Published Weekly by the Greater D-I-C, Wellington, Wednesday, Ist April, 1931. I Economies of Special Interest to Holiday Shoppers' m __^ ~ " In this Budget we feature a few of the value* available in this Great. Shopping §§ HOSIERY Institution, of special interest to Holidayshopf»ers. You will find that these prices CtLO V ES H ixv/uAAJiv.i are jnajerJaiiy helpful in increasing, the purchasing power of your money. f§| "ORIENT" PURE silk FULL- Throughout the store for Easter we are making special displays, and visitors to HEAVY WEIGHT KlD—With m FASHIONED HOSE-A new Wellington will find a visit to the Greater D.IjC. mort interesting. A perfectly ap- fancy turnback cuff. An ex-eel- ■ "■■■ S^Xthf nei«?ti?ow Cn nßc^ ■■ pointed and up-to-date Beauty Salon is on the First Floor; spacious Lounge and - lent Glove for. hard wear, in , m "cr, ana Nigger! ' Tea Rooms; Ladies' Room; and numerous other facilities and services are available. shades of Fawn. Beige 0 »i Coon m ■•-.■'•■■ Note the.: New Prices:— ' <:': =.:.".'] : :: "■■:: ' - ' - ' ]__ . Pnce 12/6 ! ISm 6/11 8/11 11/6 F —' ' —' — ' ' ..' ' : ~~~* —'■ ! > ' if MARL SILK AND WOOL SP EGI AL VALUES> 111 TRIMMINGS NAPPA -^For Adm£ ■ ■ B FULL FASHIONED ENGLISH . - .......,• bility and smartness, finished B HOSE—In a range of good use- -See owr range of New Fur Trimmings'for Wr/rter Coati. Moufflon, 4 inches wide, with a fancy gauntlet and H ful shades of Browns and 9/11 yard- Opowum. in all shades. 25/- to W- yard.' Foxaline, in new «hade«, elastic at wrist; in shades of H Fawns; also in Black and White 21/- yard. Or Stranded Marabout for Bridge Coats. 13/6 yard, all colours. lawn and Beaver.. PI Marl. Sizes B<},- 9, 91, 10. ■ ' . .' "; .; . , ■ ■ " Price 14/6 M Price 5/11 pair .■■ '" ■ FUR COLLAR AND DAINTY NEEDLERSUN LACE A Special Offer of 50 ; m ~. ,„,' 'o . e/~ • CUFF SETS—In all NIGHTDRESS TOPS—We have dozen .Manufacturer's • m S«elOi- Price 6/3 pair - -the- m ort fashionable just landed a new shipment. SAMPLE HANDKER- of rHnn^^'wnn^rv M "VICTORY" ALL-WOOL Furs These make useful and dainty CHIEFS, in White-and _ of CHILDREN'S WOOLLEN I . f|Ss YHIONE^EnSI^H . Si 22/6 to £8 set" **• for the Eastertide. , Embroidered -Linen and - SB HOSE—In a range ■ ■/■.■•-. ~ Special Valwe Lawn. . - Fawn and. Beaver. I c r W' S' A large range to ;choo S c 4/11)5/11)6/1 i, 7/6 , 10/6 Extra Good Value Prices 3/6 and 3/11 ■ Price 5/11 pair | ,; ; ; .!■ "* ;' ~V' ""* | • - I * /Sf^SWl Every Housewife can Economise Here . JM ■ ■ / 10l *"&" ST \\ n\ Taspe BEDSPREADS-Finished in fast HoUrockses' HEMSTITCHED PILLOW • »§2 , V Ifcj| H / S" i' I (/ colours on fawn grounds. Single bed size CAUSES— Specially'selected double warp ,|l* /fUlllM M /■■ //g\ I' J\ ' V Usually 7/6 Special Value 5/6 each pillow cottons, full size. 20 x3oin., but- $q 4V •"' /Jlvle'l » . / Sjfli^rvr" ■= •■ W'./'' Double bed size— toned. Each pillow case bears Horrockses' 1 IV.'.WBEpY " WTM " ' . USUallyl°/6 SpeCialValUeß/UCaCh SU" antCe' Special VaWSmVaC" flfiW '". ffl l^/^ml^T^^^l'lUr^—/' Horrockses' Hemmed SHEETS—At con- . . ■^■ll^^^^^^^/ • ' H I IMTfa '|' ■ | \k~~yZl -'7 siderably reduced prices. Each pair Wiflespun SHEETS—Hand-drawn hem- ■■■^^^jHHtZ' // v BH T >/7vT/fffTT bears Horrockscs' guarantee. Linen-fin- stit*. plain, linen finish, laundered and ■■W Bl"^' 7/———_ \ B /'T^r^^l\^M^&i-i^=s^r\ ished twill. Single-bed, 54 in. x2i yds. hygvenically sealed in transparent paper ~^X A I WM^^^^^ > . .Usually 11/9' Spec^Value 9/6 pair and box^Sir^^^^^ H '|^ N- N Usually 22/6 Special Value 17/6 pair Double bed size, 80 x 108 — - | ' ..u..,....J 1 / \ H Notet»eE»lr«WMt»eH*riß|mAeDoßWe.Wßie. Usually 27/6 Special Value 23/6 pair . ffi 1 JJiX\ ivJ W liJ-iO FIGURED MOLLETONS RIPPLE CLOTH — For, Coloured Terry TOWELS IN/V.l HiJX I I TEATOWELS and GLASS CLOTHS-All.— For dressing gowns. S™^d jac-. "Sd perns'SpeeiS Irish'DamaskJAßLE SETS-One Cloth, 55 » pure linen, in various coloured borders and Newest, and bright pat- » P pink sky, ly reduced : « 6. 5 ' and « Napkins; new and conventional M checks. Usually 9/6 Special Value 7/6 J-doz. terns: 31in. wide. . ilvrader, green/ Usually 2/11 and 1/11 designs, neatly scalloped. 19/6 set Hi "TWILLDRI" TEA TOWELS—A heavy, Usually 2/6 brown, cardinal and sal- Special Value 1/6 Pure Irish Linen DAMASK CLOTHS—7O x m twilled quality to stand up to heavy wear. ". S p ec i a i Value 1/11 yard mon. 50in. wide , . • or. .3 for .3/11 70. hemmed A splendid range of patterns ;■ B Usually 11/6 Special Value ; 9/ll j-doz. , Special Price 3/U yard . Usually 13/6- Specal Value 9/11 each . H -■.■-.• .'■'■ .-.,■;. _ . I | OVERCOATS for iti tht^ '" I H SPECIAL HOLIDAY SLIPPERS—In Coloured Felts, Quilted . . r . JS? m Satins and-Crepe-de Chines, with suede leather soles. Many Small Boys' Tweed OVERCOATS—A Genuine AUTO-STROP RAZORS —With Ay I styles and colour, V All One Price 7/11 . *» Blades, Strop,.and Tube of So £ |i Special Price.22/11 mil m I : : — — ■ Also in neat fawn' shade in smaU Martin fall's Best "Quality Silver-plated Jfjfcs^ M■■ ■■ ....■■■:. . ~ • ; . check designs; made with whole lack, TEA POTS— Prices 25/- to 55/- §V^|§|v • i'l ~Z \' T" ". /-M--1 j J A*.^«4.^l half belt at back^ Sizes 1,2, 3, 4 Enamelled FLOUR, SUGAR and BREAD ffc^^^^ H Economies m Childfen s Apparel special Price 19/6 BlNS _ Specia , p ric( »- Vv^ffiß^ M .ax. . '■■i k ' A - mo Usually 12/6 , Now 10/9 M * INFANTS' CRAWLERS - Girls' Plain PLAY APRONS ~ Youths' D.B. Navy OVERCOATS^- UsuaUy 13/3 ■ Now 11/6 'W^ ■ ' Of fleecy cotton, trimmed —Trimmed with floral de- A useful coat; serviceable and com- , Usually 11/« Now 9/11 Jf^^yi ■ Special Value 3/11 Special Value 2/11 38/6, 41/-, 42/6 Usually 19/6 Now 16/9 l|l H Youths' Grey and. Brown TWEED CLOCKS —All sizes. AH marked at H OVERCOATS—DoubIe breasted and Lowest Prices V^ D - '.^^^^^^^^^r Pi-;<-»* slfi/fi 27/6 28/fi 29/6. Plain and ball bearings. Five blades. All ' Vi H \^^^HVP^^By^ "^^^^^Ka 30/6 32/6 33/6 35/6 guaranteed. Also Five-bladea Hegina » I xXavy AVATERPROOF OVERCOATS wond erful wlection^f Pr.«enta- - -Ic Jl ' 19 J^M T o^WrWA// (^B -A r«bber copt, g«arantecd T to keep Brassware is on in our H / >v ->^ —^WiT^l' y-^S^^f ~\ /^S/W SOU-WESTERS" to match— _ : new'and attractive pieces. I ' • MEN! Here are the NEW crockery Values m mIW-X^'r r\ C^r Ties, Shirts, Scarves, Sox and Hats tea cup, saucer and platera .^ '~~**^//^^ ['■ [ / \s^^v^7' ' i.' .■ :■ ■ . Pretty Cornflower festoon design. ■ / - TIES—In new designs and shades. This range-we have just Price 2/6 ||i | _^_____ opened up, and it is a particularly smart collection, including the "Tudor" Crystal SWEET DISHES— . ';. ■ ■ n«w stripe effects. Priced 3/6 to 7/6 Footed. Price 2/6 each raj I ■ ~ ~ SOX—Our stock of Sox for the colder weather has just arrived. Good CUPS AND SAUCERS—GoId Hi tn^z-k^y-k+vTi/ac i-n 7 or\if*c 9 T i-nrr&i'lf* AH the smartest and newest designs to be popular this season are^ edges. Suitable for hotels, etc . m liconomies m -Lacues j^mgerie here . Value is exce ii e nt. Priced 3/11, 4/6, 7/6 price 1/-each H Woven COTTON NIGHT- Fine WOOLLEN BLOOM- SHIRTS—Our new Autumn and Winter Shirts are now-being '' See window display_for exhibition of M GOWNS—In pullover style; ERS — Morley make; in featured., You wDI find that exclusive Shirts are not expensive latest designs -in ; FRUir DlbiJJLb, m round neck, short sleeve. In shades of bU. sky, pink, at the D.I.C. Distinction in design, smartness in shade... Highest . VASES etc. All !"^ra^ 1. y P"™ m cream shade with nil facings. mauve, Sahara, and cream. .in quality. Two collars,each. Single and,double cuffs. ... A^wide^rangc of -^Viby ■■bAUUJiu.a I Special Value 6/11 Speda! Value 4/3 y Priced 11/6 to 19/6 and^ AT^^^ l>^ Sp rice , i "ST. MARGARET'S" VESTS-Of .;.gA]^-AUtte Jg*^»o popular «arf J^. : V ' v . .^^^^ ar% ng I •■:.; : r :am rS. WsJeciai rValue P4/3 " ■ Price ' *<"" 13/6 4° 14/6, §1 . v ,■ . - .-- Scarves in Fine Cashrflere and Wool, ijew tones; stripes and .... an d Painted English Ware. gi : ~~ ! , ■■ : check effects. ■ " • ■ ■ Prices 13/6 to 19/6 ; _^______—— — EM Thursday will be late shopping night this week. The Greater ' , ; - ■■*■-■■'■ •"■ - ~ ■■■■■■■ ■ M D.I.C. will remain opened until 9 p.m. Closing for the Holiday*— HATS^-All the smartest shades are featured in our range of new, , Britfied Angora Wool BERETS—In Hl'"'' Friday, 3rd: Saturday, 4th; Monday, 6th. Opening on Tuesday, Woodrow Hats. Before selecting your hat for the cotmng . White, Black, Lemon and Blue . -.-■ |^ April 7th. winter, inspect these new styles. We will be pleasd to show : . Price 25/r i L a « : : I them to you. All sizes. D.I.C. Price 35/- Angora Wool BERETS-With ribbon M . • , ■ ' CARDIGANS, PULLOVERS—A very extensive range of the band; in shades of White and, Red, H fT AIQTTTI? Pi^T^Q in a wonderful variety are dis- smartest Cardigans and Pullovers are now displayed at the D.I.C. Black and White, Red and Fawn, I C/\O * *^*>> E-UUO p , ayed at the D . LC Sweetß StalL Men's Corner. New colours and new designs. toned Green, Brown and ggj 1^ W Many new and novel ideas for Easter Giving. '_ . I ;_;. . ■ «a t ■ I . i . '. • ■.• IVT/ifO"^ t*et rS&isr /P^S\ HOLIDAY NEEDS-ALL PRICED 1/6 Rose H ster Art Needlework It 1 I ' < /^UTXT A i Competition. £25 in' I I I Artistic "New Zealand made 1 pot of Rose Amber Best Quality RUB- LfXIIIMA I prizes; no entrance 11^ II gp ONGE BAGS _ TOO TH BRUSH FACE CREAM- BER SPONGES- Wived-A- ---&]( fee All ma.v enter* ' 1 a^i ""^^^^fc__ t E JUai aiu*»-u ■*» SI ■■■All'woa. mu.t be I^^GnWtt / Usually 2/8 to 3/6 and large tube of Exclusive to the , Larg size,, various smaU shipment of I purchased at the „ 1^ T ■ Zi r Gdine TOOTH D.I.C; and 1 quality shades. " Sgrf^^ Mi D.I.C. ICOIIKISfE^/ One IIH PASTE FACE CLOTH— Usually 2/5 to 3/6 memoratc the birth H I Pl2^!!/ ■ Price I/O of Princess Margaret m See the Special \j / I ' n _. - /*% One 1 //» One tin Rose' t sfol^ i g^" X „,. , j r» WA One I / H 1 /¥> • I /W\ tcr of the Duke and H Window and De- MM Price 1/ « Price I/O . price 1 /Xj Duch ess of York. wffi partmental Di»play* C 9 : : , . " ' This is in Supper B arranged for Easter. ■ ' ■ . ____. __„ ■ : '. '. _J Sots, Tea Sets, and if Our Magnet is de- " : ~ ' " ■ " " ' Children's Ware. iim The Greater D.I.C £lrei :

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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 77, 1 April 1931, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 77, 1 April 1931, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 77, 1 April 1931, Page 6