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It was only natural that the Pctone Club, at its sports meeting held on Saturday afternoon, should make full use of the banked track on the Petone Oval. Iv a long and varied programme cyclists, that is, those affiliated with the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association, were generously treated, six events in all being provided for them, and in three of■ these ':ea±< J">d to be decided before the final was reached. M. Gane, P. N. Robinson, C. Ericsson, D. L. Toomer, L.. S. Labone, and most of the other well-known local riders were on the mark, and in addition F. Grose, of Canterbury, New Zealand's champion cyclist on road and track, and V. V. WilcoeUson, another prominent Canterbury wheelman, had made the trip from Christchurch to attend the meeting.' Their presence gave the events increased interest, and the tussles Gane invariably had with Grose when they met provided some of the tit-bits of the afternoon. STRONG NORTH-WESTERLY. Unfortunately the weather was not at its best; it was threatening, and mist lay low down on the hills encircling the ground. The most troublesome factor was a strong north-westerly wind that caught competitors on the side in the short sprint events, and handicapped them considerably in parts of the longer races. Unless there is exceptional talent it is not easy to draw' the public to a sports meeting nowadays. There were under a thousand present at Petone, but possibly had the fixture been advertised better, more particularly the presence of Grose, keener interest might have been taken in the meeting by people in town. The entries, for the events were good, and the Petone Club, besides being liberal in the matter of the programme, provided good trophy orders. LAYKCLD CUP CONTEST. During the afternoon Grose and Wilcockson made a number of appearances. "Wilcockson was unable to get into the ■'prize money," but Grose rode very successfully. He won the 880ydg open handicap, defeated Gave in the one., mile scratch invitation race, and was second to Gane in the one mile open handicap. The big event for the cyclists. was the five miles contest for the Laykold Cup, which Grose had won two years running, and which, with another win, would have become his property. But Grose failed to •overhaul two riders—G. Johnston and G. E. Tinkler (ilasterton)— who from the 350 yds mark;"-finished first and second respectively. They made good \\se of their handicaps. Grose was third in a thrilling finished with Gane, whom he defeated by half a length. Gane rode splendidly, and did a big share of the pacing. The cup was presented to Johnston by jMr. A. A. Xattrass, of N.Z. Laykold, Ltd. THREE SPILLS. Unfortunately during the race three of the riders fell heavily. C. Ericsson and L. Hall came down in the fifth lap, and D. Toomer bad a spill later on, and was put. out of the contest. Hall suffered extensive abrasions to his right leg and body, a wound in the groin, and concussion, and was taken to hospital. Ericsson and Toomer, well bandaged, were able to return to the ground, after having received attention from the St. John Ambulance representatives. RIDER RUSHES INTO CROWD. There was also an unexpected turn of eventa after the race was over, when one of the competitors rushed off the track into a section of the spectators, among whom, it was reported, were several supporters of the New Zealand Union, of Cyclists, the body formed as a result of a number of cyclists breaking away from the control of the N.Z.A.A.A. Apparently they had subjected the rider to some caustic comment during the race, and the rider, after he had finished, lost no time in,, seeking those who had harassed him. A 'scuffle followed, but it was of brief

duration, and the presence of one or two policemeu quietened everyone. Among the athletes who took part in the meeting were several Wellington and New Zealand champions, so that, al-. though in the cycle events there was something special, to offer, there was also first-class talent in the flat races. In view of the conditions there were several1 excellent performances during the afternoon, and the keenness of the competition was reflected by some close finishes. There was one disappointing feature—a number of false starts. Time and again the starter's pistol was fired twice, bringing competitors back for another start. NEW MILE RUNNER. Notable among achievements was a fine run in the one mile open handicap by E. V. Wills, a runner new to Wellington. For the past two seasons Wills has been 10,000 metres cross-country champion of Queensland, as well as three miles track champion. He has joined the Kiwi Club, and on his showing on Saturday should prove to be a star performer. A bronzed, splendidly built athlete, with a pretty action, Wills made.a good start by defeating the present Wellington provincial champion, G. Bayne, from the scratch mark. L. A. Sinclair, prominent as a harrier, with a start of 70yds,' was liberally treated, and was first to the tape, about seven yards ahead of Wills, with Bayne six yards further back. Wills "was very impressive. The winner's time for the race wag^ 4min 3lsec, but after further preparation and under better conditions than ruled on Saturday, Wills should be capable of a faster performance. THE RESULTS. Details of the events are: — luuyue Oi)cu Jliincllcap.—l'irat lieat: C H Jenkins Ciyuj, 1; A. Tcll'ar (Syria), 2; C ltotmia (—j, i. Time, lusw. Second lieat: W. Ci'OOK (U.vus), 1; w. 11. itoberts (J'iyua) 2; \V. M. JSwai't (10yds), 3. Time, U -I'-osec Third heat: J. Le Orove (3'/ s yd3), 1; s. C. i'ergusson (6Vi>yas), 2; it. I. M'Leod (Dyds), i. Time, lOaec. I'ourth lieat: S. Snore (Tydal, 1, 1). M'lntyre (S'/jyus), 2; A. Weiply (4'/. yds), o. 'lime, lv 1-imec. liuai: jirjntyre", 1; Shore, 2; Le Grove, 3. Alter oue l'ulse start, a Hutt man, probably without starter's knowledge, got a slight "jump" on Iho pistol. It was. a ciuae ttnian, but. Le Orove must be counted ns rather lucKy in being placed ahead of Jenkins. Time, U -l-osec. SSUyds Open Handicap.—J. Gilolirist (00yds), 1; O. J. ltlchardson (45yds), 2; U. Watson (35yds), S. There were iourteen starters. At the bell for the last lap tiu-ee of the competitors had retired, and along; the back straight In the last lap, (J. Campbell, who was off loyds, also dropped out. V. A. Williamson (20yds) had not made much headway, and was trailing the flchl. Uilclirist won tiuitc comfortably by -six yards from Kiehardsoii, who was about three yards clear of Watson. Time, lraln 58 -l-Osce. 100 yds Junior Handicap.—lTlrst heat: S. C. Stott ("yds), 1; A, Jl'lntyro (Uyds), 2; li. .1. Benton (syds), 3. Time, 10 2-ssee. .Second heat: It. Wallis (Cyds), 1; 51. H. Ivenningtoii (7yds), 2; (J. \V. stott (tiyds), o. Time, 10 2-usec; Final: Wallis, 1; Keimiugton, 2; S. C. Btott, i). Wallia had a harder task than in his heat, in which he cantered home, but still ho won by it good yard. Time, 10 l-ssee. 220 yds Open Handicap.—l'irst heat: C. U. Jenkins (lyd), 1: B. C. ifcrgusson (12yds), 2; LII. B. Furlong (IDyds), 3. Time, 23sec. Kecotul rhcat: W. M. Ewart (20yds), 1; J. Fleming (2'/ a yds), 2; W. B. Babbitt (20yds), 3. Time, 22 2-Dsec. Third heat: 0: L: Wilson (18yds), 1: \V. Jlarlow (19yus), 2; A. J. Barlow (14yds), 3. Time, 23scc. Fourth heat: 1(. i\ Jl'Lcod (10yds)-, 1; S. Shore (14yds), 2; K. O'Conncll (15yds)', 3. The three plituo winners llnished in a line; it looked like a dead heat. Time, 22 l-ssce. Final: Shore, 1; Jenkins, 2 ; M'Leod, 3. Won narrowly. Jenkins, who ran well, and had ho cliose to make his final effort Just a little sooner, probably would have won, was a foot ahead of M'JLcod. Time, 22 l-3sec. Ono Mile Walk Handicap.—S. J. liudsoll (scr), 1: W. Tonkin (50yds), 2. K. L. Day, of the Kiwi Club, was the only other starter. Ho was on the 120 yds mark, and- shaped well for a lap or two, but ho was not iv condition to stand tho pace, and dropped out. Uudsell overhauled Tonkin half-way through the race, and defeated the persistent little Athletic man by 50 yards. Time, Tmfn 4 2-ssec. 410 yds Junior Handicap.—D. J. Benton (14 yds), 1; B. Wallis (12yds), 2; S. Stott (10 yds), o. Won by 4% yards. Time, OTsce. Ono Mile Handicap.—L. A. Sinclair (70yds), 1; E. V. Wills (scr), 2; G. Btiyne (scr), 3. This proved an attractive event, with interest centring on Wills aud Bayne. Tho winner, Sinclair, was liberally treated by the haudicapper, and had a comfortable win by 7 yards, although his lead at the start of the last lap was considerably reduced. Wells was second at the bell, with Bayne close behind him, but tho Queeusland champion quickly opened up a bigger gap between him and the retone man, and at the finish was about (i yards clear of him. Time, 4mln 31soc. 440 yds Open Handicap.—W. 11. Roberts (2li yds), 1; W. Ogg (10yds), 2: H. Shore (23yds). 3. Ogg came through well 200 yards from tho finish, hut was unable' to. head off Roberts, who won by Hi yards. Time. 51scc. Ono I,np Kelay (3SC. yards).—Wellington (I,e Grove, Wclply, Tclfur, Jenkins), 1; Tclone (Shore, Huberts, O'Conncll, Crook), 2. The

only starters. Won by 2U ynrds, Jenkins liiiishlhK easily. Tune, 40 l-ssuc. 44Uyus Boys' Walk.—A. Byruc, 1; J. Jl'Uiirk, 2; P. Bonnie, 3. lUOyds Boys' Idico.—J. Ingram, 1; B. DonBan, 2; P. Bennic, U. LADIES' EVENTS. 75yds Handicap.—First heat: Miss JI. Wallaco (Byds), 1; iMiss T. Kench (scr), 2; Jlisa S. Corhett (6ycls), a. Time, 8 4-osec. Second heat: Miss A. White (Uyds), 1; Miss D. T. .Martin (Gyds), 2; Miss X BlatherwicU OVi yds), 3. Time, 8 3-Sscc. Final: Miss Wallace, 1; Martin, 2; Miss BlatherwicK, 3. inches separated the place winners. Miss Kuncli was about a foot back fifth. Time, 8 4-ssec. 100 yds Handicap.—l'irst heat: Miss M. Wallace (11yds), 1; Miss C. Millar (3yds), 2; Ml3s U. Blatherwick (4yds), ci. Miss T. Kench (scr) was fourth. Time, 10 -1-3 see. Second heat: S. Corbett (Syds), 1; Miss 1). T. Martin ((!!<■ yds)', 2; Miss A. White (llyd.'i), 3. Time," 11 1-Osce. Final: Miss Wallace, 1; Miss White, -1; Miss Corbc-lt, 3. Timo, 11 l-ssec. One Lap Helay Race (38(iyds).—Wellington A (Misses Sharpe, Willson, Blatherwick, Millar), 1; Wellington B (Missea Powell, Collins, Lawlcr, Corbett), 2; Mlramar (Missea Martin, Sutherland, Eager, M'Harrison), 3. Wellington A led throughout, and won by 30 yards. The Wellington B team finished four yards ahead of the Mlramar team. Time, JSsce. CYCLING. SSOyda Open Handicap.—First heat: Ci. Clark (UOyds), 1; I<\ Grose (Canterbury), scr, 2; G. l'uiilt.i (70yds), 3. Time, 03 4-sacc. Second heat: J. Morris (05yds), 1; h. S. Labone (70 yds), -l\ A. Arthurs (100 yds), 3. Time, U4 1-Dsec. Final: Grose, 1; Morris, 2 ; Clark, '4. With one hip completed, tirose was well placed. He caught up ou Morris about halfway round tho next lap, but Morris was not so easily disposed of. Ho hung on to CJrose, and the pair provided an excellent finish, in which Grose rode over tho lino half a wheel abend. Time, B4 l-.jsec. 880 yds B Grade Handicap.—First bent: H. Cumpton (120 yds), 1; K. Lyster (30yds), 2; li. Johnston (40yds), S. Time, Msec. Second heat: G. Clark (UOyds), 1; h. t>. Labono (30 yds), 2; h. Hall (scr), 3. Time, 00 3-ssec.' Final: Labono, 1; Lystcr, 2; Johnston, 3. Won by a length, with a length ami a half between second and third. Time, OS 3-sscc. FIVE MILES LAYKOLD CUP HANDICAP (limit 400' yards).— (J. Johnston (33yds) 3 G. K. Tinkler (Masterton), 3oyds 2 M. Gaiio, scr 3 F. Grose (Canterbury), scr ■! Also started: V. F. Wilcockson (Canterbury), scr, P. N. Koblnson (80yds), C. Ericsson (110 ydsj, D. L. Toomer (luOyds), L. Hall (180 yds). j. Morris (300 yds), O. Fuiiiti (330 yds), A. Arthurs (400 yds), O. Clark (400 yds). Of the scratch riders, Gane was rtrst away. Johnston and Tinkler were not slow in pushIng to the front, and they . remained there throughout. Grose aud Gane did most of the pacing for the scratch hunch, which before long had collected among others Kobinsou and Toomcr.' Gane was piloting the back-markers at the end of a mile, which was covered In 2mln 21 2-osec. In the next lap Halt and Ericsson came down, and were removed from the track on uretchers, and later Toomer also fell. The scratch men took 4mln 52see for two miles, 7mln 23 2-osec for three miles, and they were at the end of the fourth mile in Umiii SJsec. They had gradually closed up on Johnston and Tinkler, v.ho, however, were still pedalling well- They were well clear of Grose and Gane entering tho last lap, and held their position, Johnston getting home ahead of Tinkler. Grose aud Gano, some f>o yards buck; wero engaged in n keen struggle for third place, and over the last few yards Gano pushed ahead to win by half a length. Gnnc hnd ridden a splendid race, doing a big share of the pacing. Time, limln IDscc. 440 yds Boys' Haee.—Burrcll. 1: V. Roe, 2. ONE MILE -HCItATGH INVITATION PACED KACE.— F. Grose (Canterbury) 1. M. Gano 2 .1. Morris 3 Also started: V. F. AVilcockaon (Canterbury), G. E. Tinkler (Masterton), T. Howe, P. X. Robinson. About 150 yards from the Mulsh, Grose spurted, but' Gane. came away with him. After an exciting duel in the straight, Grose won by half a length. Time, 2mln 21 2-ssci:. Ono Mile B Grade.—T. Roo (25yds), 1; G. Johnston (SOyds), 2; H. Lyster (UOyds), 3. Won by two lengths, luilf n length between second and third. Time, 2min 25 2-sscc. One Mile Open Handicap.—First heat: T. Roo (75yds), 1; J. Morris (llOyris), 2; JI. Gane (scr), 3. Time, 2min 20 l-Ssec. Second heat: F. Grose (Canterbury), scr, 1; P. N. Robluson (SOyds), 2; G. E.. Tinkler, Mastcrtou (150 yds), 3. Time, 2mln 26 3-ssec. Final: Gane, 1; Grose, 2: Robinson, 3. Just after the start of the final lap, when the others wcro on the outer edge of the track, Robinson shot through the gap on tho inside, stealing a march on Grose and Gaiie. Robinson, however, was soon overhauled, and there wns another duel between Gano and Grose. This time Gano turned the fables on his, and most convincingly, too. He sprlntod hard, and led • Grose ihtors the line by the comfortable margin of 12 yards. Time, 2mln SOsec.

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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 143, 15 December 1930, Page 21

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CYCLING Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 143, 15 December 1930, Page 21

CYCLING Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 143, 15 December 1930, Page 21