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Croquet Notes





OtU January.—Xortli Island Tournament, at Auckland. i lOtli January.—Dominion Tournament. at j Cliristdiurdi. SOtli January.; —South Island Tournament, at Duucdln. ' 19tli March.^-English Gold and Silver Medals, at Falmcrston Korth. DECEJIBER DATES. Tuesday, fltli, and Tuesday, lOtli.—lnterclub matclies. " -Tlmrsday; 11th, and Thursday, ISth.—Postponed' interolub games. 2Cth December. —Canterbury Croquet Association's 17th Annual Tournament, at Christchurcli.

Pahnerston North.Greeas. Tho first of the season 's official championship events has come and gone in the JManaAvatu tournament, which reached finality in all save the championship singles on Saturday: last. Tho entries were disappointingly small, but under the circumstances could hardly be expected to be otherwise. The principal event, No. 1 singles, is still open only to players affiliated with Manawatu, which precludes- the very type and class of. player desired, at these fixtures to give tho gamo a fillip. The greens had received the most painstaking attention, and the respective caretakers are deserving pf the highest -praiso for the excellence -of the lawns both at Manawatu and at Northern. There was not a weed to be seen anywhere, and the balls ran as they*" .were; aimed, straight and true,.,or, viec-vorsa. Some superb shooting.;>yas witnessed during the matches,:yet. it;■isJ ; remarkable that with such excellent greens'and favourable conditions; players" resort', to that detestable forrii, of croquet known _as stonc-walling':Or■.two-balling; '•• ■'which makes for long,'wearisome games totally, uninteresting for both players' and spectators alike. . Triple peels should be the order of tho day in Palmerston. Fortunately, there were exceptions to this style.of play, and some excellent and thrilling matches also. The writer believes that in the junior, evonts a record has been established in the matter of an enduraueo test, two single games each taking jusi over 7 hours!. Two Wellington competitors, Mesdames C'nklow and Butcher, •of the Haeremai Club, were successful hi the club pairs event, and Mrs. Simmoiids (an ex-Lyall Bay member), partnered with Mrs. Benfel, won the handicap doubles. In tho matter of tournaments run under the auspices of tho New Zealand Croquet Council, it is high time that a sub-committee was formed, to which all tournament programmes should bo submitted for. revision before publication. Thorp seems to bo the utmost confusion prevailing in regard to the use of such terms as open "club pairs," "champion doubles," "level singles," etc. Tho word "open" cannot bo usod in connection with .any event whatsoever that is restricted in aiiy shape or form. A handicap event restricted to players of, sa3 r, 3 to 6 bisques, is not "open," and a championship singles confined to ladies- is not an "open" singles. The Canterbury Association's oilic'.al programme for their forthcoming tournament is a model of correctness. Not one event is styled "opoii, " as the programme is closed to all uuafliliated players; In both the North. Island and South Island programmes for 1930 the ladies' singles championship is styled ladies' open singles,- though obviously restricted to ladies. While these errors .occur in the head body's official calenders it is not surprising that the rank and file of provincial associations sometimes, err in the heading of their evonts. A "club pair" is quite a different affair to a championship double. One ia composed of any club pair, and is restricted to two members belonging to the same club, while a champion doubles iineans, or implies, unrestricted iii all save quality.. A championship'doubles cannot be styJod "open" so Jong as it makes even the small restriction of not permitting two men to play in partnership. Hawera Programme for .17th, February. A Jong and liberal list of events, ten in number, constitutes the programme for the South Taranaki Association's fourth annual tournament, which is set down for 17th February, 1931. ,Mi\ and Mrs. L. J. Bull are the ,-joint managers, and all entries, accompanied- by the foes, must reach the secretary, Mrs.. Bull, not later'than Monday, 9th. February. Here is another conservative association which closes-a third of its events to affiliateoV'players' from other districts, and imposes the old-fashioned time-limit ,on, another, third, without any corresponding reduction in handicap. The remaining third and a consolation, event for non-prize winners is available for those who desire to compete. Hints to Long Bisctuers. . The writer is indebted to Mr. K. Lcetham Jones, editor of the "English Croquet Gassotte," • for ■ the series of hints on how best to use one's bisques: 1, on tho opening; 2, on the halfbisque; 3, on tho defensive bisque; and 4, on the offensive bisque have already been published in this'column, and No. 5, on "The Leave," is given here: — A long chapter might suitably bo written on "How'to Leave the Balls" at the close of a '■ successful turn, but a short hint or two may be well worth remembering. (1) It is better to leave your own balls together near a boundary than at your next hoop, so that the opponent's ball, if he shoots at you aud misses, may be usod to advantage with the first roquet of your next turn. (ii) It is better to •leave your opponent's balls separated within or nearly within the hoop area than to dismiss them to remote, boundaries: their positions, of course,.,should be determined with a: view .to your next break. Put one at your next hoop and the other where it can best bo used for your break. (3) If you are Blue and Black avoid, leaving Red near Yellow's hoop, or Yellow near Bed's hoop. If your opponent balls are for different hoops it is generally wiser to send each ball to its own hoop— a simple tip, and one often worth remembering. Avoid leaving your opponent a "sitting" break iv the event of his shooting in. Newtown Club. This club, which is unable to take part in the .weekly interclub competitions owing to the smallness of its green, has been, rinding partial recompense by mutually arranging with sister clubs for the playing of "pairs." These' little visits have proved very enjoyable, and will certainly tend to im-' prove competition. Matches played recently resulted as under:— Miss Peterson aud Mrs. Stephcnson (Nou'tovvn) lost to Mcsdamos iSleightholmo and Deare (Lyall Bay), 17-20. In the return match Mesdames Press and Mcnk brought Ihc honours to the home club by defeating Mesdames Sleightholme and M'Kcnzie, 26-17. Laioi- Mesdames Booth and Press (Ndwiown) defeated Mesdames Crosby and

A'owton (V£eliiugton), Stf-Sl. The return match resulted in Miss Peterson and Mrs. Fabian going down to Mrs. Crosby and Newton by 10 points. Lyall Bay. \\\ tho friendly, "pairs" competition organised by this club-Mesdames'Hal-lam and Liddell defeated Mesdames Barr and PcrMn (AVellington) by 3 points. This week the club will meet pairs from Kelburn and Seatoun. Club Activities. Hearty congratulations to the Seatouu Club, which by a splendidly organised effort in aid of tho Cancer CamPaign Fund was able to hand over the handsome sum of £20. Khandallah has been busy with a scheme for supplementing their pavilion fund,1 and the result of their "turkey" competition has added £10 to it. The competition was won by Mrs. Monro with 230, Miss Edes coming second with 187... Waimarie Club had a "special" afternoon ' tea in the club room last Saturday in honour of Mesdames Murphy and M'Donald, the club's representatives, who recently brought-the "M'Kenzie Cups" home. Speeches of congratulation were made .by the president and other, officers.and much appreciation shown throughout. Grade Competitions. On Friday last the Kelburn Club, represented by Mesdames Lowery and. Len Watkin, suffered dofeat at tho hand of. Eastbourne Club in tho challenge for the Pollock Stars. Mesdames .Eobinson and Hecnan, who have only this season been promoted from the intermediate to the ,"A" grade, well deserved their meritorious victory. Their shooting throughout was excellent, and the croquet of a high standard. • Waimarie is fourth, and next on the list of challengers. Mesdames Kelly and Taylor will represent tho club:in the match, which will be played on the Eastbourne green. Association Ferns. The match between Ngaroma (Mes'dames Gillbauks and Wadsworth) and Seatoun (Mesdames Robertson aud M'Girr) set down for Tuesday had to be played on Wednesday on. account of the heavy rain. Tho gamo resulted in victory for the holders with a. score of 26 to 14. English Gold ana Silver Medals. News is to hand regarding the conditions of play for the. English Gold and Silver Medals competition, which is scheduled to tako place in Palmerston North on 19th March, 1931. The competition is to be osien.. to all players of plus 3 bisques or less (New Zealand handicap). The winner will receive the gold medal aud the runner-up the silver medal. If less than 20 entries arc received, it will be run ou. tho Yankee system, and it: more than 20, such entries shall bo divided by means of a draw into sections of not less than 10 players, and the play will be on the Yankee system. Tho winners and runnors-up in each section , shall then play oft', again by .means 'of the Ya.nkeo system. Tho entrance fee will be 10s, and tho manager will bo Mrs. C. A. B. Fergusson, to whom all entries must be sent not later than ten days before the tournament. All matches, even the "play-off," will consist of single games throughout. . An excellent title for. a\ competition such as this would bo the "perpetual motion" competition. It is to be hoped that players will make every endeavour to enter. Interclub Matches. By a resolution passed at the delegates' meeting ou Monday, interclub games will now be. played on Tuesdays instead of on Thursdays and postponed games not played on the Thursday.following will stand over till tho end of the competitions. Tho change of days will bo commenced next week, when matches set .down for 11th December will be put forward to 9th December. Interclub Match Results. . Last week's interclub match results are as follows: — • A Grade. —AVaimarie I. v. Wellington 2: Mesdames -.Young aud Walker defeated Mesdames Clarke and Roberts, 20-19: Mesdames. Johnson and Cameron defeated. Mesdames Jackson and Billing, 2G-23. Hutt v. Ilataitai 2: These postponed games further postponed on account of death of Mr. A, Y. Lees. Eangimaire v. Wellington 1: Rhodes Williams and. Mrs. Suis.ted lost to Mesdames Manton and Mitchell, 12-2G; Mesdames Fuller and Sedgwiclc lost to Mesdames Henderson' and Ltunbournc, 12-26. Waimarie 2 v. Haeremai: Mesdames Mouat and Savage lost to. Mesdames Boocoelc and M'-Ilroy, 3-26; Mesdamos Kelly and Taylor defeated E. Boocock and Mrs. Lqadbeatcr, 20-24. Kelburn 1 v. Ngafoma: ■ Mesdames Gardner1 and O'Donnell defeated Mesdames'Gillbanks, and M'Phers.on, 26-21;-Mesdames Lowery and Len Watkin defeated MesdanißS Martin- ancl -Wadsworth, 26-23. Eastbourne v. Hataitai 1: Mesdames Robinson1 and Ileenau lost to Mesdames Brightiiig and Scott, 12----26. Kelburn 2 a bye. _. , Intermediate.—Hataitai v. Upper Hutt: Matches not completed. Kelburn 2 v. Karori: Mesdames Niccol and Waters defeated Miss Saundcrs . and Mrs. Keenan, 26-18; Mesdames Frascr and Harper defeated Mesdames Buod aud Bradnock, 26-13. Haeremai v. Wellington: Mosdame.s Colley and Pollock lost to Mesdames Priddle , and O'Connor, 8-26; Mesdamos Busn and M'Kenzie defeated Mesdames Smith and Talbot, 26-IS. Kelburn 1 v.' Woburn: Mesdames Marl-is and Willis lost to Mesdames Sykes and Cleland,. 9-26; Mosdames Pope and Strickland lost to Mesdames Monks and Eowe, 22-26. Ngaroma v. Central: Mesdames Fairloy and M'Kelvie lost to Mesdames Millar and Veitch, 16-26; F. Laurie and Mrs. Edney lost to Mesdames Dawsoii and Watldnson, —26. Seatoun v. Island Bay: Mesdames M'Girr and AUbm defeated Mesdames Breeze, and Griffiths, S6-25; Mesdamos Snelling,' and Robertson defeated Mesdames .Sharland and Winc'heombe, 26-16. Hutt v, Eangimaire: Mrs. Parker, and Miss Wilkins defeated Mesdames Johnsou and Phillips, 20-12; Mesdames Yates and Brooks defeated M. Sedgwiclc and Mrs. Grant, 2G-22. Waimarjo v. Mt. Victoria: Mesdames Uoundhill and Lees lost to Mosdamus Cleary and Reynolds, IS-26; Mesdames Norris and Cooper lost to Mrs. Miller and Miss M'Kenzie; 11-26". B Grade.—Kelburn v. Ngaroma: Mesrlamcs Patterson and Milne defeated Mesdames Franks and Finch, 26-17; Mesdames Taylor and Ilsley defeated Mesdames Sargisson and Galviu, 26-23. Central v. Johnsonvillc: Mesdames Smith and Lawrence defeated Mesdames Croft and Bramley, 26-23; Mesdames Firth and Sharpe defeated Mesdames Mills and Rice, 26-20. Soatoun v. Khandallah: - Mcs(lames Pago and .liiggins defeated Mosdames' Nalder and Hollis, 20-15. Eastbourne v. Island Bay: Default game to be referred to match Committee. Waimarie v. Woburu: Mesdames M'Doiyiltl and NichoHs defeated Mesdamos Ooatman ' and Hiddlestone, 20- ---:.!; Mesdames Exton and Redmond los!. to Mosdames Tuekwell and Martin, S--20. Mount Victoria v. Hataitai: Mis.s. Lfiiiffdoii and Mrs. Chirnside lost to Mosdames Russell and Howatsou, 2-t----26; Miss Wemyss and Mrs. WaHis lost to Misses Wallace and Milnn, 24-20. Wellington a bye.

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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 134, 4 December 1930, Page 25

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Croquet Notes Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 134, 4 December 1930, Page 25

Croquet Notes Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 134, 4 December 1930, Page 25