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| BOOkItoW FOR XMAS! | ®i lj*~"f? '^^^^^^^^mM^^^^^l^^^^^^^^^ 5^ Zf l( c.^'T^^t'L- 1 r S^EIF I il MELTZERBROS. I Pf King 41-446 to reserve. "^* '" 11 I m^tf^fyh^*^^^^*^ *^* Manners Street, and {jj Q; "C1 T XX/ 1717 Al3* J? {** T^^T"- ■ jhca >ifL^ m ' 145 Vivian Street. Qj 3 r. J. W. rJ-AK. OC V'"' ; 3"^ Also Auckland and Christchureh. Ej 3 63 Willis Street - - WELLINGTON J j..» T »....... ■..,..■-. L ■. .. \ E 2 i . • . t ... j -............i.....--..-t..... -i- i. ...... -r S 1 '!" $k' Her Choice 1 I JBmMgmgwmmsmaEm ' • ' ' I i tor Holiday Wear | i fl'Lj Showroom or Windows. \ t/m hH___(l, -■' *~V'?'i_.<><__i__»l________B_i i—eH "2 9 —.VL- /r-,nvT Tr*«n r»o» r- rr ! 31 M_BJiifciffilslllfl_lill *S S^e aS fresh and yOUng and Un- B ♦ Inspection invited- g j TEMPLES xT/*e Fur House j § Fmj^, PmWBJj wearied as she was a year ago ? Has : ■ CIVWDQ I TTV i I D manufacturing furriers, | 9 < s^e t^ie same tireless eagerness, the j H j_/rr'l_«J\O JLI _/• .'.; | D 360 LAMBTON QUAY (next Stewart Dawson's). \ M Same enthusiasm JOr is she growing ' B 42 MANNERS STREET. Also at Palmerston North S a 'phone 43-430. ~..,, 1 fflt listless and weary,narrowing her life ||| I ....../.....;.,. ....... | a " "" ' ;§ mto tne routine of housework, H r ., 1T .-.„..- - , ---... T i a p- ~~—' ] m v becoming old far too soon? ||| 'W i i n Remember the Kiddies this Xmas m jr\i , , / t« anvnm- tn Wamp hut vnn if «v»«* I i I S ( jnviArVYinh h)/illv)fl anyone to Diame out you, it sne m \/|r*i hI^I d *$? 335* °f* v \-s'LI lajliilxA/j Ullljlil>lj wears herself out in the hardest and §11 a/ $ • ' s s g'-nm-a order I f*s (JYlfl hfJiJiYin YYiflfiP most unnecessary task of home* t- ip! j^_ v<^L»«^^>w i JRiPI early! I jl' jJUtjinij muuc> making—cleaning without a Hoover? ; p iflSaCJifc /S^T^^&K i| I M^^^^^twi cmnTFP. I S"*'^^ SKSf^S "G*w a Hoover and you give •IB | - iftHPW^^fe^^^ \ = Il^/ A \\!y^ Wjs/ SCOOTERS — CT : only does your decision to her the best'" Wi " i^'-^**^r|^ Kvfc?/^!C'^y ] | § \Jy 28/6 to 49/6 'M purchase a Hoover for your wife * ira Ifl in ¥\ " • 'Q / DATWACU § S Sm ' solve at once the perplexing Gift ,_ Si InP?) I SIUTHtIPt" IfaVQ' *1/"1 "AUWAIMI , S g ffi problem, but the Xmas Hoover f^****] T T/^V /^\T TY~"*TP\ /P'U »««" UUUUIICI l^ajd. All Hnen delivered g g. | TRICYCLES-AII the world's Pedal Kars, 25/- S { may be purchased on such L /T*^ I—l I H l\/HK # H I Mrs. X: Picnicking during summer? '" B II • be»t to choose from. 40/-, .. . -, , -» Ml convenient terms. r> iflr^l I II m\ W\J I * I » /# ffi ! Mrs. V: No; too many ties—washing, etc „ "... -w S § } 65/- 67/6 72/- 76/ 88/- Motor Cars from fc7 ,S» , 50 /. down an{ j your worry i, \^S M f-lS A. AY-/ V_^ ▼ kit Bffl i Mrs. X: Oh, we are going every fine day. 6/- BAGWASH \ 3 3 joo/, o«/o, , /o/ , 00/ . i|| SWEEPS 4r . Rc«-T"aeM"k &i Wm I Mrs. V: But the washing? Al j L nn<plin ij i;-.- C j( I ni/ivn T^o t^/>t> Aft ei7PC I 1 uvcr« A.^ ■ —»-*-*?.. >! c , /r# SneS « ■■•- m< - i ?i t . All household linen . Z7 3 BICYCLES FOR ALL SIZES. S seX > eXT S -^ VOF AIR 7" CL £aks Jf 'H Mrs. X: The liinndrycdls for that. .. washed and returned • g 3 ! COUCHMAN CYCLE COY., LTD. m>\ ON A CUSHION OF AIR y|]l . X Mrs. I: What an «ia..l- .ummer. read y for use. g D j97 COURTENAY PLACE and 33 CAMBRIDGE TER., 1 / llB?Jk x I THE IDEAL BAGWASH CO PSS f i!S M ! g j CITY; also at LOWER HUTT. 9 I/I9mm « H . .. , § !" mckenzie's II; RIRKCA^Li S™Lm 11 GIFTS of LASTING | ! «THE HOUSE THAT VALUE BUILT | (Tl9m |: i RFAIITY 311/1 lITII ITY I I Thrifty Shoppers Buy Here and Save fe I^Hi^r I' « ULrtU I I OIIU UIILII I| | 0 BELOW—A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR ACCEPTABLE AND W '*■ Jtj jJtiwr K.B « WDAVAPTIE/ 1 § D USEFUL XMAS GIFTS. I ***^I <«•— '~~^_ /" r~''~?>^. /^*~~*^- y-P-^. /^ l^lif |U KUIAL EiLllt.- ,' S | lUlS! lUld! lUiai } *h-, (WtM\ TfT"' TfTTllli iflMtol ifMlHlti liTMin ' iIF^ a&TrW \,i Iff IKIL vAtUUiVI | 3 ; BRING THE CHILDREN IN NOW! '^^»»*^^Me^*iS^:lf--^llM^^fcJM | '^j CLEANERS Q 3 MOT6R CARS, TRAINS, SCOOTERS, PRAMS, DOLLS, > ; „.„,.,-. -, ~ - --- ■--. - -■ "" ■■ -.-■--- .-...* ;<TN M^^l VULiiillunu ( a 5 MECCANOS, TEA SETS, CRICKET BATS, TENNIS RAC- *"" "" ft LsNMW ' Ponular Cleaners at ! S H QUETS, SKIPPING ROPES, TIN STOVES, STEAM ENGINES, ' ,- « v rr« *» » /-»- /A/O 1 A§fcs^Asto^~^B f«»puiar vicauci. ai. q g magic lanterns, etc., etc. { : Hot-Point Xmas Talks by George I ISO, J. . ; r jCß?Wffl| Popular Prices . g /^ICTC C/*hO I AF%7L?C X £ i' !r*T""\J^^^^^^feuDiS^ A free trial in your £ J Malra fliic vmir mntfn flii« fTirktmas ! \~m7Mf' SteToCSS |, I ISfL o s f^U\S^S\^ D E^?Nc pSS I -\V™»L;i/-- tobuy- I n etc., etc. J I \rirZK\~ xML Prices, complete with j c \ SUITABLE GIFTS FOR GENTLEMEN „„„„„ , .mnr^n.r ~mnnn» ! OT£3«V- a«achments- ■ s S SMOKING STANDS, POCKET AND WRIST WATCHES, « XF&W 7PAT AND fITFTS ffiV NRW ZRA h ANDERS . J "PllllCeSS" - £12 C 5 RAZORS, SHAVING STANDS, PIPES (large assortment), iS Hf W £/Etf\.Lsrll\U KjlF I\J IUI IMJL/WV ZsiuflLsni V UL^l \\J \%T4M I J^Z^ rnnLC:>» **■• \ n TOBACCO POUCHES, LETTER CASES, WALLETS, FOUN- , ' i \\ S 1 =aS!i^ ''ITfilitw" ■Pl 9/1?/. B a TAIN PENS, PENCILS (Propelling), MILITARY BRUSHES, \ ' — I II \S&WVZ^ ' UUlliy kLU/ *.£*/ g 3 COLLAR BOXES, POCKET KNIVES, WALKING STICK, j J 11 J^KC^T^- «D.««:ii PI Q/I ft / ! C a etc., etc. S { Xz^s^W runiliMT •Llo/10/- q : a LAI-tSI bIMbM by paying » . m ,n depo,it. .pent a few extra shillings each week on Dominion- OTQTIMriIhINI? "AITTnMATIf" S 3 The whole of our gigantic «tock is at your duposai. . made goods, many New Zealanders now out of work WtiMlnunUUoL AUIUmAUv E 3 J.RMcKENZIELtd. S^ttSt^tS turnover toaster . -i f ; a wwiVttJ^pf^ a ii?rnRr?TRFFT that are made by your fellow countrymen and women. Wlien the bread is toasted C 0 52 WILLIS S1 Kht 1 —and— lib LuliA SlKttl J -v '■ ' +1 '" "' 'ft f II r !J Also Branches at Palmerston North, Wanganui, New Plymouth, j «-, » M fn« «-i mttr>«il m l¥fi miniCTßff A C Current _ aUtOmatXCailV «L'f>-\l|H g 1 Napier, Hasting., and Gi.borne. } STARTLE THEM THIS CHRISTMAS tUrnS off. No trouble OV g 3 I—-.—.---•----—»---- ■.-■■■-.....-——-....< j • attention necessary. E I r " 1 | Seasonable Suggestions for Men^s Wear Gifts Prices 7/6 gy.. 1 : 1 No. I-FOR LUXURIOUS LADS! WESTINGHOUSE IRONS | S 12«««»o£» - , tf^BriK? Streamline Automatic k I orass and hirts- I ~^^r —i ties- i fcr^W 25/- 42/6 s | COfllier A ! Superior Shirts in Neg'*., Coat J\ An assortment you cannot b«t /^g^? Adjustomatic E I W s^c™,^^ 7/6 A TIEPRESSES _ vn m^ 47/6 .;. |- I W€ll*C j€Hs^S^ s*^^ f*mo A good selection fr0m ; ..... 4/6 E 5 m , »i j^it. I BATHING SUITS— <L. 1417P1 A -ffiflfc^ E I —The Appreciated Gift! Goo d range from,., : .9/6 aZSn^^ braces- ttHULA '1 S Good selection of Domo Braces ((RniT H" TITtfV JiJW&MT^X n S SOCKS- '^^SafP From 1/11 to S/6 BUILU JUU /dP^ff?l|^ E g We are in the pleasing position of being able to offer you iome- { jw^i ,1^ <^^^»i Alan in Gift Boxes From 4/11 \fett___^fti) /// G I thin, that i. quite out of the o«W y , fcoth in de.ign nnd fini.h. { -Wllfe range^llk^and Wool, also €^^f Fitted with Unbreakable lid. K==wf/ g 5 Here i* r«al art—the creation of the matter craftsman. j "WO° anCy C ha tc Quick, clean, End economical. \^p 'it WT E g Petone All-wool Socks .. 2/11 fIUC HIM DVIAMAQ \w •r- , c i. j ml^^^r E § SMOKERS' STANDS. VASES. UlYli nllfl rIJAIIIAd Wool Felts, latest shapes and P-S,.- WmS^J/ S EJ ! iTuncDuruAD colours, all sizes .... .. 7/b * mtC wi/U iSps^^/ C 1 COPPER TRAYS. ROSE BOWLS. UNDERWEAR— ' '- <|^W E 3 r-li l ,Uv ciintrlpfa 3/11 . Superior Quality Fur Felts— . c § JARDINIERES. FRUIT STANDS Cc luar binglets ~.,,.., ..>^/u Large Assortment * 12/11, 16/6, and 20/- " " $E S CRUMB BRUSH AND TRAYS. Cellular Shorts ~,,.,,..,,.. 3/11 Summer-weight Pyjamas Come along and Inspect OW ! g I We Have a special of Art Braw and Copper Ware ALL NEW ZEALAND-MADE FrOHl 10/6 tO 25/" ALL NEW ZEALAND-MADE P<sCl •""" * WP E S in our RETAIL DEPARTMENT, and in*ite you to call and H '■ f|t 1 II A f ¥iIC A , , T .',*■■■■ t^itxi'q \x/itai? i-m Turnbull & Jones Ltd. s 3 A vinit to our Showroom will repay you, for our pricei and IwrH HM I^M m^^# W M^. X I 1 I ■ ' C 1 quality are unequalled in Wellington. X AJL-/X^ \^ ▼▼ •W4ll\ *-• JLJLr* ! ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, MERCHANDISERS, B I —^ nnmrv n TV \ AND CONTRACTORS. jj I T W M'll 9 C UJ (C^ORCT P^Y Go^nung Director) | ; 19 . 23 BLAIR ST. (O PP . Courtenay Place P. 0.) 1 t. W. MlllS & LO. Ltd. t The Pioneer 99% New Zealand Made Men s Wear House OUR SHOWROOM is open to the public S Cr. Jervois Qy., Hunter and Victoria Sts., Wellington. ! 46 Courtenay Place 46 Courtenay Place TILL 5.30 p.m. DAILY AND 9 p.m. FRIDAYS g 5 . . - ■ f

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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 134, 4 December 1930, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 134, 4 December 1930, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 134, 4 December 1930, Page 22