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A ROUND six years of age a child cuts four teeth which J\ directly affect the shape of the face. They are called the six-year molars. Don't let your child neglect these important molars—or any of die baby teeth The health of the permanent teeth depends largely upon the care given the first teeth. Thousands of mothers consider Squibb's Dental Cream the finest dentifrice for children. It contains no grit nor astringents—nothing to injure the gums or teeth. And because it contains "50% Squibb's Milk of Magnesia, it renders harmless the germ acids which are the cause of tooth decay.' g SQUIBfiS S T E. R. SQUIBB & SONS, NEW YORK y§t Manu/wturins Chcmiitt to At Medical Pro/cjjiort Since 185» To Convince You -^ Squibb's is Best— ■Ej|§i|ffi A TRIAL TOTE^HHjf if \Z~i^~l Baue~~t7."" "^^^&^ ?dfs!jdHffl~*~^ 22 Victoria St., Wellington ' $£mffi&*£f/\ -M j Send me a free trial tufce of ! ■* JJ ! Squibb's Dental Cream, j-^ !

HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? THE most wonderful range of RAMIE FRIEZE UPHOLSTERY COVERING ever shown in Wellington. Now on view in our Manners Street window are just a few pieces of this beautiful new furniture covering. It's a pleasure in store for you if you have not already ' seen these beautiful new materials and CHESTERFIELD SUITES now displayed at Collie's. 10% SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR ONE WEEK ONLY COMMENCING TO-MORROW, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 3rd. Now is your opportunity to secure a real Collie Chesterfield Suite or have your own Suite . recovered in one of these beautiful materials at 10% less than our usual noted low price. All ; Collie Upholstery is sold with a Written Guarantee for Ten Years. You are invited to call and inspect the many modern design Chesterfield Suites and compare our prices. f(SSMAt<NEftS ST ieyR(DDIFORDSTJy <6^^' _____ Welliitgt on m^^^- _

' - The'unanimous verdict :^ ffißllliiß^* of shoppers at the LAST WEER|Jpi?4T CAI I? of George & Doughty's : "I»iJAli m And when YOU visit the Sale—you'll say it's true .I'- .„■■■ . „,-■. 1 Sample Suede | i """Tnl {WIM Attractive ," „ ,■ . i Fabric Prices Kidffl©ves--ati*\ O !■ Concessions Men's Suits, LiW* F4LL HALF PRICE«: >< ■.■■.*■..„ Trousers and, / Mfcl Mh|. "t,u,, s I 5,.,,,'1\i IV 4^B Furnishings -Overcoats liml ymfflJNliffim^ Vl^UHKb^CA'nMtlCS— ' SUEDE, NAPPA und'iaD /' Mb 6 ft. LINOLEUMS—In nt- ™0 Pairs uf our Famoi.s WIB^(I ' y l/!''""' '~ l! v"*.'1* \\i d' ■ LADIES' FABRIC .GLOVES—Two dome,. 1 TAPESTRY HEARTH HUGS—In newest- worth 11/™ O /"I \ . ■ >B ~ . ~x.,.v '.'rvrKrw ...I Siiccie liibrie. S|i!eii(Uil quality. All sum. • V y designs. 'GG in. x33 in. Usually | J //; Sale Prkn 0/ Jl 1 Vi|' If ■"Au/'-WOoY OTTO - i : -™c.on.y. Usually WpaJ. " JID. '' V > 16/^ . Sale Price 14/b spORTS TRO USERS-In t.,0 newest Grey, *V W Liii „ ~ i,u r.n. v.,,,.,1-1 i i>ale rlce • ■ AVILTON PILE CARPET RUNNER —In T nvitt tnrl'Fawn shades "uiv N '/, wool -V^^^ f t,,,,Ublc »'Sl'l I LADIES' NAPPA ■ hihl GLACE KID * ! serviceable quality; smart shades. smart i o^ C™c we^r 'wdl OC /C jHPSfefc. hf1."?. K.,m .1 ilri»c" ! 6, 61, .63, 7, -7*. Light ■ . 224 taw-Usually 9/11. Sale Price 8/11 'W? 35/ Sale Prico 26/6 '^g^ 'icss Mhe' 1 IoS ! «nd dark shade dually 8/11. 3/^ . 27 10/11 Sa.e Price 9/11 M^ |^ED WORiaN^' %mrl-,n iS Qill^ u sil ,n; «,/ U , io/il and 1-J/B. Sale ..Price U/ 1 X -| 36 in.—UsuaUy 16/6. SalePr.ce 14/6 Grey . N . z . all wool . wc]l l ined; sp l C ndid «SKS^KA 7/11 "FLEXCELLO" SILK uncl COTTON HOSE « JL Tufted Quality AXMINSTER CARPET fitting. Well worth 63/-. /JQVfi '^BWH^fia S-lc Price—Yard 1/ 11 . — Seamed bucks, plaited silk, suspender- m •■ : RUNNER— In delightful new designs. • Sale Price **«// U j| 111 I iiislliv's PURE WOOL' 'UP*- .'Fashionable shades: Usual- . O //» -. ■ 27 in^—Usually 13/9. Sale Price 12/9 Fine. Quality WORSTED SUITS—For men. ■'«KSB^\ 01 OKOI I J'E —An exce])tion- j. ly 3/11. Sale Price *-/ U .. 3G in.—Usually 23/ G. Sale Price 19/6 These are excellent wearing, retain . their W^sfe* ,1K due pure wool Georgette. ! ".MERCURY" FULL FASHIONED PURE. ; 54 in.—Usually 35/-. Sale Price 29/6 shape, and are really smart to look at. Usual V Suit hm^iiiK and reliable in SILK HOSK—Colours: Nude, Rosenude, ■ -' Only, CONGOLEUM SQUARES—Size prices <J9/(> and 105/-. fiQ /fi T3gr?rt^ yJ uni Gu nan teed fast dye. A Honey Beige and Blonde Hose. ■ tTIHtVA 12 •x 9; Blue and Cream tile pattern. Sale Pric. OH/U g&Sii^V Vj 1 in-c ot specially selected ' " Usual Price 8/11. C 7.1 j 111U1 V Usually 47/6. ' OO It* Tweed effect RAINCOATS—In Grey and fi}j?V.V.^Vi^v ' sliidts L siially 12/0 per Sale Price 0/ 11 ; Sale Price CtCt/ U Brown shades. Smart in appearance and a W"<-:j^*-^\ \ ud "' Q/I 1 . - ' ' FLORAL'CRETONNE CUSHIONS —Usual- really serviceable coat. Well worth nft/g Y&^Am^S Sale Price 5/ 11 . \ \ ~ . 'W-^, ly'3/C. ■ 9/11 42/-' Sale Price 'A»/'D »f J';:^TSL I2; Jersey Silk BLOOMERS O ; ****.£/11 IL_ ; ■ I Wm Sr'e^S' S!!S?j» ■ rnrp L_ l/11 p 2 /3 A • SALE OFFERS OF BEDSPREADS <^ ■ Sale Price.**/ V % ' / % ART. SILK SPREADS—With silk fring- THE "NOCTURNE"—Heavy.quality Silk 38111. FIGUR.ED RAYONS A /f\J Wonderful Value are these - ed borders. .In shades of Rose, Mauve, j [ I Spreads, in four designs; shades.of M^^^^ v large range of designs and /W^l) JERSEY SILK BLOOM- w v . Blue, Gold and White. Rose, Gold, Helio, Blue and AVhite. colourings in these two /\- ~1 ERS—Double seats, strong Double Size—Usual 22/6. Sale 17/6 Double Size—Usual 4.5/-. Sale 37/6 .^^^■^mt did qualities. Ideal tor smart \J| m reliable quality. M popular W Single Size—Usual 12/6. Sale 7/11 gysp§|#p Single Size—Usual' 32/6. . Sale 27/6 TK^r'^/fi^mfi^'vilne'r f .'li: .shades; also navy, and black. A ■ THE "SHEEN"—Art. Silk, with heavy '^g^o SILK AND COTTON —25 only in Check Mird " t/R V'^iV'^n Sizt>s w' s. imd ? >S- Usunl ■ 4*^ scroll designs, in Rose, Blue, Mauve f»|j|*^s||| dcM^n. Shades" of Rose, Gold and rpmNANTS ff aI SHks Cepavons /I^M^M^ Sale Price ■ '^Sk . iTouble'siz'e—Usual 29/6. Sale 24/- Xjmt- ~* Double Size— Usual 27/0. Sale 19/6 ea. 'Wm soit NACo TUo,r Drt' F.IK- S#| 1/11 and 2/3 I ■■ Single-She-Usual S2/B. Sale 19/6 X\ ~^j ,0 oJ ,lv DOUBLE SPREADS-To Clear. • etc- in lengths ranging from *^>au._^^u */ ** «/ w , ■ . j SILK "DAMASK" SPREADS — Well Nfi>slSH| hluules of Rose, Gold, Helio, Blue and W half yard to"three yards at well LADIES' FUGI SILK BLOOMERS—With ". .1 raised Damask design,'in Cream and abj^flßß NVluli. In Silk, scalloped and em- ■ ■ If- ■ below Half Price. . double scats and strong elastic. Guaran- I Blue. ' wBoSBBSESI bioidcred. f ' i teed pure Fugi. t}/'\ U'■■ Double Size—Usual 35/-. Sale 25/- To be Cleared at Half Marked Prices sWIT-Zfr- « c ■*•■' ■"*-• "^S.o.Pst'iSs^;; xr ,< ,; / n ' Best Quality Tennis Shoes X/"'(//^f New Satm ■s:'™"':»'- 1- lto""""■ *"■■■*■ *•;■■■■'■ -leali»,Sh e c s*il# dies' »-««-waSS^i^^si™*^C-/ '/ j JHVT6I7C! ' Snlc Price: 8/6, 8/11, 9/3, 9/6, 9/11 : . HMfII-wMAWEi with coloured trim and foxinp;'in Blue, Kid, Green \\ y^LJ^ V/"// X jSjH^^LfUl3Mlfcs ' ' (Including Bloomers.) .' ; r : . "GTDWT QHOFQ '"" Dro^n; ' iUld sL<Mlt I>lillililt- iou Crepe Soles. Mm^^H 15/11 I ' ;'^, ■•■ll- "■""S";: atLESS THAN HALF PRICE 's^ 5/9 « i«J/ii Opal Cloth **-* jw Mens Tennis Shoes (only) "**S=s=^^^^ U a mm|/t<DnilE>r<C A. /^^^ MEN'S CREPE SOLED TENNIS SHOES—Best LADIES' SATIN'BLOUSES—In all the' ' HANDA.CiKLIIILrS J\ : quality. Usually 7/6. pair. 3/lt. popular styles. Made from pure silk /<% fA r ,"i iftV ' «* . ■■" (Size 11 only.) Postage 6d. extra. .•■■washing-Satin.- IC/II _ ■' xB>K I, ' - ' ■ =j) . . . ■ Sale Price AJ/il LADIES'HANDKERCHIEFS—In fine I ' .'.,'. ■ IH. , \^^^£fe-gV DAVCL 1 CfllA^l RAATC Only JERSEY SILK FROCKS— Opal Cloth. Swiss embroidered;- 1' M ' "'"IIOWLETT & WHITE" "ESS DU lIJ 31OUUL DUUIIJ II Beautiful quality; all cut in the latest White and flours. _ 1/g ANCE," "PARISETTE," "MOC- —3 Special Offer! styles; and colours. Usually. 32/6.and FANCY BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS ' T BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS-With double soles -39/6- ■ .p. 17/6 -A large assortment; all offering at |^ ■ , ... , & and sturdy uppers Specially n.ade for long, Sale Price If / V Drastic Reductions Mm* T. , ,' vl f . oo^q t hard wear—Schoolboy-proof in tact. CREAM VELOUR TENNIS COATS- "DERMAY" BATH talc. POWDER L . 32/6 c Grea*Sale in ° + ffeir <,/„ ■ o , ~j ~, 1.. ; i M /,#» —Large Tins with Puns. Usually I L 'i ' __ , _ _ ■ Sizes 10 to 13 ... >~- .. 9/H || _ Splendid quality; latest style. |O /g 2/n . 1/11 Sale Price 1 ?/1 1 a Pair. II Sizes 1 and 2 ~, ■..• ..10/11 U.sually 28/6. Sale Price l£*/ U Sale Price 1/11 AY 16/11 Sizes ato 5 .. ~.■ .. 12/- | CRETQNNE BEACH COATS—WeII cut | -1 ■*** IL * n |L ==a and.finished, ■■from beautiful quality . . l^'^.^rrwf GEORGE £t DOUGHTY'S

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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 132, 2 December 1930, Page 18

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Page 18 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 132, 2 December 1930, Page 18

Page 18 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 132, 2 December 1930, Page 18