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The acting local-secretary for Trinity College of Music, Mr. H. W. Lattey, j has received from the examiner, Dr. J. E. Borland, F.R.C.0., the following results for the practical examinations just concluded, the examinatiou in each case being for the piano, unless otherwise stated:— DIPLOMAS. Licentiate Practical l'ass.—Crawford, Mavis X, S5; O'Kogan, Jsabe! Cecily (St. Mary's Convent), (sniffing), 80; Skinner, Ina Ohss K. M. ltawlins), 78; Mullen, Uretchen (St. Catherine's Convent), 78; Duguid, Eileen Johnston (.Mrs. a. Mackay), 73; Oiiibs, Jean (Miss I. Hoaro), 72; Craig, Edna Francis (St. Mary's Convent), 70. Associate Practical Pass.—M'Mahon, Mary (St. Catharine's Convent), (singing), 01; WilI Iduson, Nancy (Nowtown Convent), (singing), Si; Gorrie, Hilda Ethel (Mrs. E. Mackay), 80; Storr, John Penman (elocution), (Mr. Clement May), 77; Keddell, Catherine Geucvlove (elocution), (Miss llardtnse-Maltby), 75; Mowbray, Done Bowman (St. Catherine's Convent), 74; M'lnucs, Constants (Convent, Lower Hiitt). IS; Balcer, Oenoim Etrcne, 70; Casey, Sheila (Convent, Palmerston Xorth), 70. HIGHER LOCAL. Honours.—Carrad, Joan (Miss K. Sneddo'n), SI; Woodward, Peggy (St. Mary's Convent), SO: Pass.—.Fiost, Catherine (St. Marys Convent), 75; Jlaclndoo, Sybil Doreen (St. Mary's convent), 73.' SENIOR. Honours.—Staff, i/apuue (Mrs. E. Jlackajj, ,/o; liaiina, Joyce |.vis. ji. Mncitay), Hi; 2,11,1----cis, :uouy (juss i,. snecmou), iiu; Kan, lhlb.* liuiss i. liuare), Si); MCam, Audrey Kertna (Miss I'intoia). S7; Bell, tua (jiiss A. (j. Wright), SI; Duncan, Cora Josepmne (Mrs. Aldringe), S3; Mutton, Frances (Mrs. X MacKay), is:); (,'oodson, Myra (Miss V. Lamacrort), (Singing), S2; M'Kay, Jean (elocution), (.Miss ri. (iard'ner), 81; O'Connor, Katherine (elocution), (Miss H. Gardner), SO. Passes.—-Fuller, Jean (Mrs. E. Mackay), !S; Hungcrford, Dierdre (elocution), (Mrs. I. HalHgan), 77; Loftus; Gabriello (St. Mary's Convent), 77; Hands, Joan (Miss A. Duff), 7ti; Patterson, David (Mrs. Martyn Williams), (elocution), 76; Keynolds, Edmund Henderson (Mrs. \V. G. M'Cartle), 78; Edwards, Kathleen (Mrs. E. Mackay), 75; M'Dermott, Patricia (St. Mary's Convent), 75; Peacock, Jfary (violin), (Mrs. H. Forrest), 75; Dickinson, Marie (St. Catherine's Convent), 74; Graham, Isabel (Mias M. Crawford), 74j Grcenon, Margery (St. Mary's Convent), 74; Swanaon, Irene (Miss F. .E. Hobbs), 74; Waters, Betty (Convent, Lower Hutt), 74; Brosnahan, Kathleen (St. Mary's Convent), 73; Muleta, Mafalda (St. Mary's Convent), 73; Cadman, Margaret D. (Convent, Lower Hutt), 72; Godtachalk, Phyllis Jean (Miss G. Morris), 72; Hoskins, Edna Josephine (St. Mary's Convent), 72; MacLachI:ui, Marjorie (St. Mary's Convent), 72; Down, -Marianne Jr. (elocution), (Miss E. Purdic), 70;, Bramley, Mavis (Convent, Johnsonivile), 70; Tanner, Ruth (Mrs. Forrest), 70; Wliltemau, Valeric (Miss J. Downing), 70; Thompson, Mollie (Miss 1\ Fitzgerald), 69; Thomas, Ethel (Convent, Lower Hutt), 08; Harris, Mildred (Mrs. Rogers), 67; Pedersen, Mary (Mrs. H. Forrest"), 07; Findlay, Beryl (St. Mary's Convent), 63. . INTERMEDIATE. Honours.—M'Leocl, Tui (Miss Pinfold), OS; Todd, Kathleen (Mrs. jE. Mackay), 05; Jupp Kyra (singing), (Mrs. W. G. M'Cartle), 82; Me.icheii, Maureen (Miss J. Downing), Si; Wright, Earline (Miss J. Downing), 82; Ayling, Doreen (Newtown Convent), Rl; Donnoily Venu' (Xcwtowu Convent), 80; M'Whhmey Madge (Miss SI. Dillon), SO. Passes.—Brown, llessio '(singing), (Convent Petone), 77; Burton, Dennis (Miss M. M/Kay), 77; Barry, Eileen (Convent, Petone), 76; Haase, Gracie Lucy (Mis 3H. E. Howard), 70; Stevens, Maxzeen T. (Miss J[. Dillon), 70; M'Laiighlin, Jack (St. Mary's Convent), 75; Nutter, Margaret (elocution), (Miss 11. Card'ner), 75; Fitzmaurice, Naire (Miss M. Dillon) 74 • Kyle, Una Grace (Mrs. M. Ryan), 74; Johns Nellie (St. Mary's Convent), 73; Miinn, Jessie (St. Mary's Convent), 73; Cameron, Doreen (Miss V. Boeslcy), 72; Krebs, Phyllis (.Miss J. ' Hussein, 72; Narbey Clare (Miss H. Gardner), (elocution), 72; Benge, Joan (singing) (Mrs. H. Forrest), 71; Daysh, Elva Marian (Miss Pinfold), 71; Duffy Elizabeth (Miss M. Peterson), 71; Jones, Laurie (Convent, Lovrer Hutt), 71; M'Mlllan, Kenneth (Mrs. H. Forrest), 71; Lonergan, Constance (St. Mary's Convent), 70; Newman, Dorothy, singing (Miss H. Gardner), 70; Gotneb Arnold (Miss M. Benjamin), 69;" Bywntor, Annie (N«j|town Convent), 68; Neil, iVgaire (Miss I. Kbarc), (iS; Pillar. Grace Marjorie (Miss Pinfold). 68; Bowie, Audrey, singing (Mrs. H. Forrest), 66; Slbbin, Beryl (Convent Lower Hutt), 66; Carr, Brenda Kathleen (Miss 31. Keegan). 63; Key, Gladys (Mrs. 11. Forrest), .65 j Reid, Geoffrey (Miss J. Ttusseli), C 5; Yeatman, Joyce F. (Miss S. C. Cross), 03. <V. JUNIOR. Honours.—Diitton, Latira (Miss *\\ Gray), 00; Scoullar, Bryan (Mrs. E... Mackay), 80; Guise, Pat (Kewtown Convent), 87; Shoerin, Mary (Nowtown Convent), 87; Gamble, Josephine S. (Miss I. Gamble), 84; Brough, Nola (Convent, X'etoue), 82; August, Vona (Petone Convent), SI; Hannah, Sheiiah (Miss H. Gardner), elocution, 81; Steven, Annie (Miss J. Downing), 51. . Passes.—Gillies, Maria, singing (Convent, ■Lower Hutt), 7S; Shell, Isobel Marie, singing (Miss H. Gardner). 7S; Player, Patricia (St. Catherine's Convent), 78: lieader, Valmal (St. Catherine's Convent), 76; ltichardson, Joyce (Miss J. Kusseli), 76; Brlce, Bffiu (Miss'll. Gardner), singing, 75; Bright, Naomi (St. Mary's Convent), 75: Chisolm, Joyce (St. Mary's Convent), 75; Fauvcl, Mario (St. Mary's Convent), 75; Maplesdon, Joan (St. Mary's Convent), 75; Reynolds, Lois Milne (Mrs. W. O. M'Cartle), 75; Schon, Enid (Miss I. Jloare), 75; Brown, Moyae (Convent, Brougham street), 74; Cunningham, Loretto (Convent, Lower Hutt), 74; Martin, Eema (Brougham Street Convent), 74; Stewart, Joyce (Miss M. Peterson), 74; Edwards, ■ Margaret (St. Catherine's Convent), 73; Gellatiy, Alexander (St. Mary's Convent), 73; Napier, Alan (Miss L. Becre), 73; Vaughan, Alma (St. Mary's Convent), 73; Wilson, Cam (St. Mary's Convent), 73; Clark, Pauline (Miss 'V. Boesley), 72; Cummings Esme (Miss V. Murray), 72; Price, Rosalie, elocution (Miss H. Gardner), 72; Doran Dorothy (Nowtown Convent), 71; Hopkins, Humphrey (Newtowli Convent), 71; Paris, Nita (St. Catherine's Convent), 71; Roache Joan (Miss L. Beere), 71; Anderson, Nesta, singing (Convent, Lower Hutt), 70; Jtudkin, Betty (Miss A. G. Wright), 70; Lang, Nora (Miss I. Hoare), ,09; Stoupe, Joan Evelyn (Miss A. Duff), 69; Wilson, June, elocution (.Miss H. Gardner), 69; Hicks, Muriel (Miss J. Downing) 08; Nicoll, Elaino Letltla (Brlgidlno Convent), 08; Pimm, Dorothy May (Miss Pinfold), 08; Plummer, Beatrice (Miss J. Downing), US; ttoherts, Nola (Convent, Petone), 68; Brackenridge, Nan (Mrs. E. Hayes), 07; Johnson, ltuth (Brigidine Convent, Johnsonvilie), 67; Chote, born, Lucille Dulcie (Mrs. W. G. M'Cartie), 60; Barnes, Jack (Miss M. E. Walters), 65: Gillies, Maria, violin (Convent, Lower Hull), 60; Jamison, Lola (Miss P. Haswell), 65; M'Xamara, Marie (Brigidine Convent, Johnsonvilie), 05; Milne, Dorothy (Miss D. La Roche), 05; Wilson, Joan (St. Mary's Convent), 05. PREPARATORY. Honours.—Robinson, Thelma (Mr. N. Izett), 97; Miller. Joan Helen (Miss Gaynor), !)0; Booth, John (Miss B. Goodwin), SO; Cleary, Mary (St. Mary's Convent), So; Albert, Shirley (St. Catherine's Convent), 84; Anderson, Rebecca Joy (Mrs. I. Halligan), elocution, 84; Jl'Greevy, Margaret Mary (Mrs. W. G. M'Cartie), 84; O'Connor, Delia (St. Catherine's Convent), 84; Forman, Hector (Convent, Petone), 83; Patience, Elaine Joy (.Miss M. Dillon), S3; Marshall, Joan, elocution (Convent, Lower Hutt), 82: Pollock, Nathalie P. elocution (3lrs. I. Halligan), SI; Roberts, Margaret (Miss B. Goodwin), 81; Wilson, Jack (Miss R. Field), 81; Harrison, Ngaire, elocution (Miss H. Gardner), SO. Passes.—Coyle, Carol Margaret (St. Mary's Convent), 78; Hodgetts, Jean (Ncwtown Convent), 78; O'Connotl, Joy (Miss M. Dillon), 78; Canner, Phyllis (Miss-O. M'lnnes), 77; Dolling, Joan (Convent, Petone), 77; Parry, Keith (Convent, Petone), violin, 77; Hughes,. Agnes Grace (Miss -M. Lennle), 7G; Pcarce, Kenneth (Mr. N. Izett), 70; Walters, Betty (Mrs. I. Hailigan), elocution, 76; Wells, Kathleen, singing (Convent, Lower Hutt), 76; Bunckenburg, Vida (Mrs. A. Gilmore), iv; CoUman, Biddy, elocution (Convent, Lower Hutt), 75; Edlin, Gweudolyne N. (Miss N. L. Kadcliffe), 75; Foster, Hazel (Convent, Petone) 75; Gibson, Ola Constance (Mount Cavmel Convent), 75; Goodyer, Thelma Norraa (Nowtown Convent). 75; Lonergan, Mollie (St. Mary's Convent), 75; Rye, Olive (Convent, Lower Hutt), 75; Cornfoot, Claude (Miss I. Gamble), 71; Johnstone, Mary (Mrs. 51' Donald), 74;. Press, Doris, singing (Mrs. IL 1-or-rest), 74; Algar, Kathleen (Miss Jean Gibus), 73; Dales, Mollio (Convent, Petone), 73; Dickinson, Lilian (Mrs. M. Ryan). 73; Beere, Myra (Miss J. Downing), 72; Glover, Jack (Miss Jean Gibbs), 71; Porter, Annie, singing (Mrs. H. Forrest), 70; Turklngton, Doreeu (Brigidine Convent, Johnsonvilie), 70; Hayward, Beatrice (Brougham Street Convent), 69; Parry, Mario (Miss I. Hoare), 6D; Riethmuller. Vera Maud (Mrs. M. C. Downes), 68; Browning, Joan (Ncwtown Convent), 67; Jenkins, Nellie, violin (Mrs. Wilkins), 65. FIRST STEPS. Passes.—Munns, Marie (St. Catherine's Convcut) !)3; Stewart, Nola (Nowtown Convent), 85; Rmve, Winifred Betty (Mrs. E. Hayes), 84; Cunningham, Laurance (Miss It. Field), S3; Kent, Dorothy V. (Mrs. M. Ryan), 83; Norriss, Eldon Grovo (Miss D. Reeve), 83; Drumraond, Essie (Newtown Convent), S2; George. Conway (Mrs. C. J. Atltln), 82; George, Elwyn (Mrs. C. J. Atkin), S2; Hodge, Margaret (Brigidine Convent, Johnsonvilie). 82; Lamburc, Ava (St Catherine's Convent), 82; Rea, Gwennyth (Miss J. Gibbs), S2; Tremain, Claire (Convent, Petone), 82; Wullf-Jogensen, Ada (Miss J. Hammond), 82; Fuller, Ngairo Violet (Miss M. Cresswell), 81; Treacy, Patricia (St. Catherine's Convent), 81; Nott, Olga (Miss (tiiynor), 80; Cook, Konald S. (Miss M. Cresswell), 78; Donnelly, Fay (Xcwtown Convent), 7S: M'Crae, Jack (Miss J. Downing), 78; Anderson, Gladys (Newtown Convent), 77; Barnard, Frances (St. Catherine's Convent), 77; Carson, Olga (St. Catherine's Convent), 77; Croxtou, Dawn (Miss V. Prnhert), 77; Fowler, Joyce Amelia (Miss.3l. Cresswell). 77; Fuller, Frank (Miss J. Downing). 77: Little, George James (Miss I. King), 77; Marshall. Joan (Convent, Lower Hutt), 1"; Bough. Hazel (Miss E. Dcnnehy), 77; Vance, Gladys Shiry

(Miss Jl. Lennie),-77; Mextecl, Patricia (Mis. \v. o. M'Cartlo), 7G; Blansliard, ltoger (Jfrs. If. Forrest), 75; Evans, Lawrence (St. Mary's Convent), 75j-Johns, Ngalrg (Convent. Lower Hutt), 75; M'Guone, Jlarle (Mrs. A. Cillmure), TH; Wells, Irene Thelma (Miss It. K. Howard), 75; Aston, Melvyn (Miss V. Probert), 74; Cleverly, Lola < (Brfgldlue Convent, Johnsoiiville). 7'i; Campbell, Eileen Mary (Miss K. Deimehy'), 7:!: Cunningham, Loretto, violin (Convent, Lower Hutt), 72; Hartley, Iris Doreen (.Mrs O'Neill), 72; Millar, Kenneth Itoy (Miss E DiiEUlfl), 72; Williams, Joyce Rose (Miss M. Cresswell), 72; Dinnlc, Alma Joyce (Miss M Gamble), OS; Jenkins, Victor (Mrs. A. Wilkins). violin, OS: Johns, Clarencu (Mrs. E. Hayes), (ifi.

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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 125, 24 November 1930, Page 4

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TRINITY COLLEGE Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 125, 24 November 1930, Page 4

TRINITY COLLEGE Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 125, 24 November 1930, Page 4