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LAST TWO XIGII'LS! LAST TWO NIGHTS! GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Duection —J. U. Williamson Filmy) DAILY, ol 2 15 NIGHTLY, at 8 o'clock. R. C. SnOUUFI'S WORLD RECORD BREAKING MASTERPIECE, IT IS, INDLLD, THE MOST INSPIRING DRAMA THAT HAS COME TO THE STAGE IN A CENTURY. "JOURNEY'S END" COMMENCING FRIDAY NEXT AT THE MATINEE: A P iGE TORN FROM LIFE A GREAT DRAMATIC SENSATION, "HER UNBORN CHILD." With all the fidiik tiuth, hcliicndous powei, and hcait-gi'ipping realism, which made it a-Sensational Bioadway Stage Succets! The Amazing Story ot a Boy and Girl in Love —Foigetting eveiything else! This pictuic Ji> lecommcnded for aduJtb only, as it would neither be understood 1101 appreciated by cluldien. "A" Cerliltvatu. BOX PLAKS AX THE BRISTOL AND THE BERKELEY.

PUBLIC NOTICES, APOLOGY. . f\Wl]BG. io inadvertently infringing or *■ V. the ( op\n B ht ol Albeit aucl ban otto publisher, I hereby teudei 1113 - Apology. , : ' CHARLES LEYLAND, '* ' 20, Cential, — Lower Hutt. THE Colonial Mutual Lite Assmanc Society, Ltd—Lost Policy—lt is tin ii intention ot the Societj to it.sue on o - after" the.2oth day oi September 1030, Certified Copy ol Policy No 210166 oi - the life ot Fiedeuck Robert Handlej, o , Kerepeehi, which ib alleged to have bcei • lost. A. H. JOHNS, Resident Secretary. Wellington, 20th August, 1930. THE Colonial Mutual" Life Assm-anc Society, Ltd.—Lost Policy.—lt is th intention of the Society to issue on o after the 26th day of September, 1930, 1 I. Certified Copy of Policy No. 136448 life of Patrick James Handley, of Kere pcehi, which is alleged to have been lost. A. H. JOHNS, Resident Secretary. Wellington, 26th August, 1930. ■AUSTRALIAN Mutual. Provident So j, ■£*• ciety.—lt is the intention' of the So ■ ciety, on or after the 27th day of Sep tcmber next, to issue a Copy Policy ii - nlace of Policy No. 489114 on the life 0 Wiliiain Henry Harrison George, whicl is declared to have: been lost. Wellington 27th August, 1930. F. F. M'Bryde, Man n ager for New Zealand.- . . ' • , ~~ LOST POLICY. ' —: — -I TT'VIDENCE having been submitted o & the loss of Policy No; "03502 in thi books of the Provident Life Assurana Company on the life of JOHN HAYMAIJ URRY, of Puriri street, Lower Hutt, . hereby give notice of my intention t< issue, at the expiry of 'four weeks' fron this date, a copy to take. the plac thereof, unless objection be previous!; lodged. ' ■ • H. doC. M'ARTHUR, I. •■'•■• ■ General Manager. Dated 22nd August, 1930. ' WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. , ' BASIN RESERVEi Cp "\rOTICE is hereby given that a Chargi -^ for Admission to "the Basin Reserve will bo made as under on Saturday, 30tl August (Wellington Football Association) under the Wellington City Reserve Charges Bylaw 49, after 1 p.m.—viz.: Ad j mission to Ground—Adults (over 15 year a of age). Gentlemen Is, Ladies (Susse: street entrance only) Cd; Children Free Admission to Pavilion 6d. Persons wh< 's have entered the Reserve before the hou: A above-mentioned, and who remain afte: such hour, are liable to pay the above aigc. NORMAN, Town Clerk. 1, —«-—cc— s FUNERAL NOTICES. !; " FUNERAL CARD. ■ . •'PHE-Friends of the late Margaret Devim "■■*•■"■"' are invited to attend-her- Funeral which will leave St. Mary' of the Angels _ Church, Bouleott-st, To-morrow,;: th( 28th August, 1930i^<i'8>iO,a ; m.',for ] th 1 Cemetery, Karori." Requiem Mass will b< "celebrated at'if a.m. • . ■'■■'■ E. MORRIS, JUN., :;; , Funeral Director, ; • '' GO, Taranaki-st., and' 23, Riddiford-st. Telephone 22-159. "' ■ '.''.' n THE Funeral of the late Mrs. Catherim J- Kennedy -will leave St. Annei Church, Green street, Newtown, on Thurs - day, .2'Sth August, 1930, at 0.30 a.m., foi the Cemetery, Karon. Requiem Mas will be celebrated at 6.30 a.m. .-. _ r. J. E. TAYLOR AND SONS, LTD., ■I Undertakers, . ..;..! ■ 22, Vivian street, and Karon.-; >• Day and Night_Tel.. 26-073. " T" HE'Friends' of Mr. D. J. Cruickshank ~ of 44, Epuni street, Lower Hutt I, are respectfully invited to attend _th< Funeral of his late beloved wife, Wmi i- fred which will leave his residence 01 Thursday, 28th August, 1030, at 2 p.m. for the Taita Cemetery. J. R. CROFT, Undertaker, 1 Hutt and Pctone. h Tel. 528, Hutt. , •■' ~ ■ .. ' MISCELLANEOUS. 0 TIEAR Public—Cheer up; why thini ;' *J the whole world is against you; s" Keep on smiling. Kenner'a will Furnist you for a few shillings per week . SLAUGHTER of Cardigans, all sizes ant qualities, to clear at ridiculous prices Morgan's, opp. Woolworth's. ■ TREAT Sugar Diabetes with Vinculin A potent South African herb In f - highly compressed tablet form. Write £0: 3' free literature to Hall's, 117. Armagh-st. Christchurch. • XTINE-MONTHS-OLD Egg as Fresh ai •■!> day laid through being Preserved witl Ov-oline. Is 6d. All grocers. __ WHAT we find in Wellington—"lt's , Easy to Pay the Art Cabinet Way.' Get your Furniture at Art Cabinet Co. 1 Ltd.. 247. Cuba-st.. 79. Willis-st. SIMON the Cellarer kept a rare store but it was not comparable to th< Grand Hotel Home Supply Store, Willi d street. Pay your visit now. . -pEAUTIFUL Whisky Decanters, fillet • Jj w ith our famous House Whisky, foi 13s 6d only to advertise contents. Grant Hotel Home supplies HE Budget does not affect Temple'f , Fur Coat Sale" Prices. Coats from £i ~ 9s. End of Season. Nest Stewart Daw son's, Lambton-qy. ■ - o CERVICE is our motto—Nothing bui 1- O the Finest Wines produced in Portu gal, Spain, The Rhine, France, and Aye 11 tralia, obtainable at Grand Hotel Horn« Supply Store. "'". ' '" V \. T^REE- Pair Silk Stockings for every 20( E I.X.L. Borax Washing, Powder Wrap - pers collected by you. • - ; ; . ; ENTAL Repairs in 3 hours; linesi materials, moderate: charges. i.Rapic '• Dental Repair Service, 15, Manners-st Tel. 47-562. "_ WELLINGTON Cabinet Co., Ltd./ Boul * ' cott-st., for Furniture of every kind Factory to public prices. , Open Fridas :a Eveningß. .". •;,."." ; FREE Silk Hose, worth -7s 6d, return 20( I.X.L. Washing Powder Wrapper! to Superbus Co., Christchurch. T?UY furniture— at —Factory-to-public s ! prices Wellington Cabinet Co.-. Ltd:. y Bmilcott-st., top Plirnmer'n .Steps" Out only address -^- GOOD Wine -Needs -No Bush" Gladi ator Port has the quality, and tht price is right Obtainable at the Granc = Hotel, Willis-st 5s pet-quart. TTPHOLSTEREK! Upholsterer! Re- ~ *-' covering, remodelling, old Suites like new; tree cartage Tel 45-983 Open Upholstering Factory, Boulcott-st. 1. r« OLFERS! Godot's P.F.B. Face Creaa d protects and beautifies skm. Obtain ~ able at C. Smith, Ltd., :Drapers. v QILK Stockings' Free. Send 200 I.X.L 8 £5 Borax Washing Powder Wrapper! to Superbus Co., Christchurch. SAVE Money on Furniture; " Buy- at fac tory-to-publio .prices. "■ WelHngtor ~ Cabinet Co., Ltd;, Old Masonic Hnll, Boul cott-st. Open Friday Nifihts. n "\TARIUED Folk—What is the first les i,- "•*• son yon learn?— <{It's Easy to Pa) n the Art Cabinet' :"Wny." For Furnitur' y at Art Cabinet C0;,'247, Cuba-st.; 79 Willis-st.

MOTORS AND CYCLES FOR SALE. . 'WANTED, .•'■to'Sell,.'- 'Harley-bavidsoi * ' Side Box, £7 cash. -477, Evg, Post , ■ WANTED -to - Sell, ■ Hudson Sedan, 192! i *T model, in. perfect order and qonditioi *■ throughout; small mileage; -£270 or offer 565, Evg. Post.' :. - "■■ - ; v" - ■ ■"-■ ■WANTED- to ; Sen r Gentfs -Pusfc-Bike ' ** in good condition. Apply 66, Orien -" tal Bay. y■' -.; ■'; - - -:- ; - c /"^VERLAND Six Tourer, in great condi c " tion, 4-wlieel-brakes, paintwork ai r new; only doiie a small mileage'£4o de a posit, balance easy ternis. 537, Evg. Post n TEWETT,- <J-cylinder; -5-seaterT; ■Tonrini if " Car; perfect condition; any "trial v £160 for qliiak sale. 527, Evg. Post. . STANDARD "Nine Saloon, 1929 mode) *-V only done 9000; beautiful -condition £200, cash or terms, consider .".. O.H.V c Motor-cycle part payment..: Mb Evg^ Post c TI/TAXWELL Tourer, hood> : curtains •i •*■'•*■ tires, battery, all new; . snip ,£2 a cash. 138, Nelson-st., Petone. c /WNER will Sell practically new Went '.- v/ worth Chevrolet Sedan, driven les than 5000 miiea. Tel. 27-220. BARGAIN in Privately-owned Chevro let Wentworth. Sedan, on road les than six months. See Mr. Gruar, 9, Ma I- joribanks-st. '' /^WNER has good reasons for sellini '" ■" his 192S Model Oldsmobile Six Sedai Jp- cheap; car done 15,000, has*."three nev f tires, two complete spares with rims, ani new battery," trial given. Write 598, Evg £ Post, for interview; no agents" operating OR SALE, Single Harley, just reno vated; £20 or nearest offer; rails sell; any trial. Reply Lovegrove, Arik f street, Lower Hutt. , c T IGHT Touring Car, excellent conditior c -^ any trial; first to inspect will buy I £45. Ring 26-150. ■ ' I IVrORRIS COWLEY Tourer, mechanical 0 XtX jy gound, 35 m.p.g., snip at £110. 525 a Evg. Post. " " " ■ ■ '";- . c r'HEV. 30cwt Truck. £20 deposit, £1 ? per month. Ted King, Carrier, Pc tone. Tel. 40-806. . ■- ' BATTERY and Electrical Service; bat teries charged and repaireij!. lightini - and starting systems repaired. We special ise. L. J. Purdie and Co., 97, Dison-at 20-057. ■ ■ ■ f '■ T>REST-O-LITE Batteries give long life •*■ bright lights, quick starting. Call oi us. L. J. Pm-die and Co., 97, Dixon-st. | TpXIDE Batteries, British and beet h *-* Prices remain unaltered. Tel. Exidl 1 Service Station.' 28-779, for prompt am g reliable service. ___j ' I- i~|LDBMOBILE Sedan, 1929 model, onl; s run 7500 miles and mechanicall; x sound. A guarantee goes with this car . Price £290. Easy terms. Auto Clearano 0 House. Taranaki and Ghuznee -.streets r Tel. 28-766. . ; " r.TVTR. MOTORIST, does your .Batter; c IVI, gj ve satisfaction? If not, consul us, we specialise. L. J. Purdie and Co, 97, Dixon-st. 20-057. ________ CHEVROLET Buyers—Wo have severa Chevrolet Tourers for sale: at price ranging from £15. Easy terms, extended Auto Clearance House. Taranaki am c Ghuznee streets._2B-766. .- ■ [, TfORDSf Fords!: FordsUWe Have:severa i' •»• good Fords'at pvicea frota_£s. Not? i a your chance.......JAuto.:Clearan,ce >Htn|se c Taranaki and Ghuznee streets. ;28-766. c CHEVROLET Tourer, in good, mechani ■■ :V/ cal order, owner driven, has onli done small mileage, £75. Terms if re quired. Reply .2001, Evg. jost. __. OWLEY Coupe, mechanically sound and in excellent, general condition c Any trial given. Economical to run an( s only: £50.deposit. Auto Clearance^ House i- Taranaki and Ghuznee streets. 28-766. l' MOTOR-CYCLISTS, if your Battery i s lU gjving trouble take it to Vissara Garage, Ghuznee-st. All work: guaranteed TXUPMOBILE Car Owners—We an •" carrying a large .range of •" Genuine Huop Spares for all models.. Moore am r C»lq. Ltd., 18. Tory-st. Tel. 23-018. OVERLAND Bluebird Tourer. Hag onl; done small mileage and in perfec condition, tires good, terms if required j Reply 2002, Evg. Post. DODGE Sedan, late model, in good con dition, sis good tires and rimi ' leather upholstery. A particularly cooj licht car. Terms if required. Reply 2003 Evg. Post. . ■ ■" ■ •- TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS OF NEW MODEL FORD SEDANS. \ "VTEW 4-DOOR SEDAN, covered smal " —^ mileage on experimental work; nsua 1 price £280; special offer, £240; terms j but no trade-in. Apply ' . " 1 185, Evg. Post. i WANTED TO BUY. r T WANT to Buy 4 or 5 Rooms, Kil J- birnie, Newtown,. or Brooklyn; mus " get possession 1 month, as own house sold - State lowest price and deposit, 538, Jivg * Post. ■ ■ : TIOiEDINGHOUSES and Apartmen X> Houses Wanted. We have..scores o ' inquiries for all kinds. Send address am we will call. A. F. Jauncey, Burhngtoi • Arcade. 28-794! ■■ -" CITY or Handy Suburb—4 Rooms range and all convs., slight elevatioi c not objected to. Price £1100, deposi S £50. 612, Evg. Post. i "VfEWTOWN, Berhampofe, or City—Don --^ aid Cranko, 37, Panama-st., easl: J buyer for 4 to 7 roomed House. Urgent ECTION, good locality, close- tram; m climb, handy city;' must be cheap 3 cash. 560, Evg. Post. . -~.". . ; .... ■ QMALL Business, .suitable for" couple -" *J must stand investigation;>no agents t Write fully. 454, Evg. Post. ; : . --- .- CEND yoiu? Furniture to. Silverstone'i :■ O Busy Auction Mart for quick sal( 9 and immediate payment. ,Cuba-st.i;Wool ■worth Bldgs. V ■-■-. 3 TfURNITURE, Carpets wanted; will pa; »-^ cash if required,and "save: delay. Rin; 40-372, Kingsways, Ltd.,. 78, Lamb t ton-qy.- ::• '.--.-■-" . .-. - . i WJK Buy Old Gold and Jewellery: bes ■.:-»»' prices, spot cash. "Wedding:: Ring n• le or remodelled, Engagement Ringi '.' supplied, any style" Try., us." Haycrol and Joshng, Mahufaeturing To. '*llers, 94 j Willis-st (over Preston's). ■.--", ■-■■■-■ ANTED to Buy,: for cash, Ladies' am j - Gents- Superior ..Left Off" Clothing .Boots, Shoes Travelling Bags, etc VVoodn d's. 121. ' Vivian-* -tel '21-243 : WANTED Buy. 20 Portable ...H.M.V • *"." Gramophones, Records, Saxophones '■' Banjo-Mandolins; Suits, Boots, -■• etc. -Les Sternberg; 127. Manners-st.: Tel. -22-735, ' IVF^S MIET, Cash Rnyer iv any qnan 3 i»l yty Ladies' and : Gents' : Superioi i Left-off flothing, Boots, Travelling Bags Trunks, etc Best prices 125 .Vivian-st Tel 21-760 : ■ ..:■--■■:-■- ---OLD False Teeth, Goldj and. Jewellerj bought. Note new address: Piatimm '. Scrap.Co.. I'"..- W.illiarat. (M.andel-8 Build 1 InSGARNHAM AND TAYLOR, LPDMETAL Merchants. . Cash Buyers o! Copper, Brass; Lead, Zinc/Iron, etc •4, Alpha-st. Tel. 21-933. Telegrams: 3 "Comet." ".■'"'... - MAGAZINES. NOVELS. WANTED Bur, Late Numbers, guaran Iced top prices. Courtenay Plaei • Book Kxclmnge, Do Luxe Theatre Bldgs. or 135, .Tacksqn-st.,.Petone.-■ .■■:■. ' TIIOKNDON OK CITY. ■ WANTED to Purchase, Modern Home . n or ((.'rooms.--.-WiH pay good "price ; all cash, suitable property. Write 622, Evg Port. .-••-,.

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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 50, 27 August 1930, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 50, 27 August 1930, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 50, 27 August 1930, Page 2