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(From Qui Special Reporter.)


ft IS useless for a soldier to be able to sheofc straight and to possess rapidity and volume if he does not co-ordinate his fire movement iv battle in tho saino manner asjhc does on tho range. The Battle Practico fired at the Army Meeting at Trentham. yesterday afternoon is a most exacting test, not only of a soldier's ability to shoot straight and quickly, but,especially of tho qualities that go to make a successful leader. Briefly, there, are reproduced in the battle practice conditions as similar as possiblo to those obtaining in actual ■warfare. Moreover, this year's battle practice, conducted-on a big scale and on a. range of up to 500 jardt., and with life-size targets, was a harder test than previous battle practices, which ha\ c been carried out with .22 rifles on _ a Email range of 25 yards^ Teams of nine, including a leader who docs not shoot, participate in the practice. Tho men .talco up their position as a section of a platoon.' Previously the enemy has been driven, back, but a counter-attack is. feared, and the section' takes- up. an entrenched position, watching a,wooded valley from which it is anticipated that tho enemy will appear. The section commander is advised of the information, and each of his men is issued with 80 rounds of ammunition. The section loads, and settles down, to await events.

■', The scene.of .'yesterday's attack was an • admirably -'situated •'■■ valley "immediately to : the north of.the Collins Bange. In^front., of the trench 'was undulating arid. ojHooky 'ground, which rose gradually as it extended to' the foothills behind Trentham Camp. The section's front w»s a valley, on the left/of which was':a 'wood,'"and on. thV'right- a spur. The firti-'sigh of the enemy was'- the appearance of a group of targets' the right of the wood. It was then-the section commander's duty to estimate the range, and give the fire orders.- Except for the .fact that he •was to!d: that an attack was expected froih>the .direction of the wood. he knew, nothing.' ■ 'He had no ;idea as to how the-attack /was to be made, its [duration, or what weapons', would be : lised by. the enemy; '.'.'-. '' ' ' ;; UNDER FIRE. One .or"' 'th e\.practice's" put"thorough' i' yesterday 'afternoon wasl typical.- • • A group of targets first appeared to the light of the wood; The ■ range ! timatcd, and' the order given for three '! rounds'.'rapid; fire, the targets (or men): ii'cuiaining'exposed for.^ .time, equal, to. ian ordinary rapid fire..practice. After. itheif disappearance 'tne're'was a short' interval, and; then- more men-appeared; -. tligh'tlj-:nearer the section, but on the extreme/Tight. ;Again the same Tange, ;was used, and a similar fire order given. After another, short period, in which the enemy'"had advanced under cover. i consider ably nearer, tbo section, theyI again appeared, this time in two ranks, lone behind the other, which necessitat\ed two separate range orders, one at i 250 ■ yards' and another at 30. Oyards. !."While rapid fire was in ■ progress, far jnpVtbe. valley? a scout was, observed to ilhe' runnjng, from right* to, left. His : appearance called for the 1 attention of ithesniper of the section, who had to receive a-new rangS order,- and whose orders wereto "bag" his man. ' The icout reached the shelter of a mound, and then, when the suipcr. thought that he had been killed, appeared again and ran back to the position from which ho started. More/-troops appeared closer to the section, and while these were - being attended to, necessitating another range and fire order, a ma-chine-gun appeared at the head.of the valley. It was then realised that the. scout had run, up to get the machineigun in action in order that: the enemy advance might be more easily accom•plished. Hardly had tko machine-gun 'disappeared when, tho enemy launched 'a "-as-attack,-the first appearance of •Tvliich was a, cloud of smoke immediate;3v in front of i.h^ section. , The gas warning was given on-the siren, and the section dpniiecKgas ihelmets, after which a further appearance ot the tnemv was'made, and'further orders: had to be giveii thfough the, gas helmet ''■- "Wb'en the latter; troops disappeared, the signal "gas clear", was. I given, and the attack was over. _ ! The reaJistic/movements'. of the cardboard men might well call for a stretch of 'imagination on the part of the average layman- The movement* were carried out simply by the working.of !a number ■of levers. For the last few months work on the battle practice ground had.been proceeding apace. In *'ho man's land," the\ area between '^Be opposing lines, pipes were laid, and bulletproof Repots erected. Jrom these depots, and also from the-rear upon the receip*-of,the recite -signals,, the aifferent levers are, worjced ;) - and the made to appear, disappear, and **The practice was.,obsery^;by;Ma jorr' General B. Young, G.0X!.,, If ew Zealand Military Torces; and^ Brigadier W. L. &; Sinclair : Burgess,; Chief .of the Gen"TJa tlfe detailed, results which foUowy .points were awarded for. hits, and tor discipline,' etc.' ' ' , , . BATTLE PRACTICE COMPETITION. : (leader),' Sgt,L.'Hampton Lance-Cpl. , 'A B ■ Symons, Lance-Cpl. w. J. ,H. C. Barlow, E. Burton; 'F. B. £ti lo^-trthorn' iviilitaVy 'Command ' (Ist ' Iln. Auckland Kgt.) : Lieut. E. U. Blackwcll (leader), 2nd Lieut. X. , ' J. Duncan, 2nd Lieut. W. ;D. Janies,Sgt, Jl. W. Adams, Set. A. W. Hewitt, •■■:Cpl. O. T. Evans, .Cpl. K. T. Hanson, Cpl. A. Wotherspoon, H. J. Wllloughby ■ ■ ..■•■•••• •• • ••' "a" Southern Military Command (Ist 8n... . Southland': Jfct.) ;'.■...' .-..-..... 109 CAOET BADGE. ..■•.'••."■ SGT. F. J. JANE WINNER. • The Cadet Badge was won by Sgt. F. J. • Jane, 2nd": (C)Bn.Hawkes Bay: Bgt., who also I received £3. The Cadet Badge Is a special ■hadCe whlctt may be worn throughout the 'winner's >caaet rand Territorial service in tho 'lanks, and which Is won by the cadet who

obtaius tho highest aggregate in all tho 'cadet matches except in tho. Commands Cadet Teams' Rifle Match. . .Sgt. Jano also won tho Cadet Championship.


\ CS-^Nelson-Marlborough Mounted Rifles: Sgt. F. A. Bown (leader), Cpl. G. K. Hart, >VV P. Bown, R. J.-Bowi 29. ■ £2—Wellington East Coast Mounted Rifles: Cpl. F. Bee (leader), N. Smith,.M. M'Cormlck, N.-Bawden 27. . • 103 each—Nortli Auckland Mounted Rifles: Sgt. D. Fraser (leader), 'Lance-Cpl. W. L. Mdrrlaon, CpiyA/R: Graham, X.'M. Hayward, 24; Canterbury Yeomanry Cualry: Set. E. F. Eastwood (leader), C. K. Campbell, A. Kilcj, It. Gray, 2J. Sevrn teams competed. LEWIS GUN ANTI-AIRCRAFT MATCH. £S—lst. Bn. Auckland lift.: Sgt. A. W. Hewitt (leader), Cpl. K. T. Hanscn, Cpl. A. Wotherspoon,. H. I J. Wlllougliby, 34. „ £2 10s—Northern Depot N.Z. Engineers: Cpl. F. Ellett (leader), D. S. Lamb, J. G. Chlsholm. ,T. B. Palmer, 33. 15s each: Northern Depot A.S.C.: LanceCpl. L. Hall (leader), Cpl. R. A. Cantlon, Cpl. It. Foublstor, Lance-Cpl. M. Wilson, 27; N.Z. Division Royal Navy: Sgt. J. 1). Griffiths (leader), R. W. Mcadcn, R. S. Anderson, F. A. Cuslcl.-, 27. Fftccn teams competed. CADETS' MATCH. Four Practice!.: 200 jards individual tilo competition, moving target at .tho same range; snapshooting at 300 yards; application at 300 jards. £3—Sgt. F. J. Jane, 2nd Bn. Haw Ices Bay Ilgt T4 £2—C.S.M. C. K. Gubbard (Hamilton , 8.H.5.) 60 £1 10b—Cpl. J. J. Rallton (North AMd -Rgt.) , 66

13s—n. Johnstono (H.B. list), 65; Cpl. L. J. Bncklev (Walkato Rgt.),'O4; Cpl. J. Arm'sttouK (Wgtn.' Coll.), 61; Cpl. G. M. l'roudfoot (South Otago 8.H.5.), G2. " 10s—Sgt. r: A. Bowman (WdiUU 8.U.5.), l>1; Cpl. R. Mason (Otago Rgt ), 61; L.Cpl. C. I'rentlco- (HB. Rgt.), 59; Sgt. K. F. Varo (Wrtn.''College), 57; M: Whitcman (Wgnt. Technlc,al),'s6; L.-Cpl. h. D. White (Canterbury R K t.),.sfr. •3b—Cpl. N. W. House (Chrlstchurch BH.I, 56; C.S.M. N. fi. Colllngs (H.B. Kgt.), 55; Q.M.S. D. W". Pountney (Hamilton H.S.), 54; I, R. Toung (Auckland Rgt.), 52; A. Morrison (Walkato Rgt.), 52; L.-Cpl. O. W. Chapmirti ''(Otago iB.H.), 52; L: Greenfield (H.B. Rut.), ■51: G. A.'. De' Latour (Otago 8.H.), 50;C.s:m. H. K. Johnson (H.B. Rgt), 50; N. C. Chovcaux i (H.B. Rgt.), 40; Sgt. J. Goldstone (Christchurch Technical), 49;' D. Hextall (Wellington But.), 49; Sgt. L. C. Bice (Walkato Rgt.), 49; Sgt. W. T. Tombs (Hamilton 8.H.), 48; J. Lusty (Nelson-Marlborough and W.C), 48; Set. H. Sutton (Southland Rfit.), 48,- Cpl. H. .C. Price (Nelson-Marlbor-ough and W.C. Rgt.), 46; C.S.M. L. U. Mahoney (Ranglora. 8.H.), 46; Cpl. E. Barfoot (Auckland Rgt;), 46; Sgt. E. E. Newton (Auckland Rgt.), 45; Sgt. G. R. M'Rae (HB. Rgt.), 45; ,Sgt. r E. L. Christenden (Wellington Rgt.), 45; L. SchuHz (W.W.C!). 45; C.S.M. E. Townsend .(Taranakl; Rgt.), 44; Sgt. N. P. Fielding (W.W.C.)I 44; C.S.M. M. P. Connolly (NelsonMarlborough and W.C. Rgt.), 44; Sgt. D. G. Sandford (Christchurch Tech.),. 43; Sgt. C. V. Wilson (Canterbury: Rgt.), 43; J. G. Esam (H.B. Kgt.), 42; Sgt. L. 31.. Cook (Wellington College), 42; Sgt. W. Lowe (Otago Rgt.). 42; Cpl. .R. A.-Smith. (Scots College), 42; Sgt. W. J. Ramsay (Timaru 8.H.5.), 42; Cpl. G. Beattle (H.B. .Rgt.), ;42; Sgt. E. J. Murphy: (Southland Ret.), 42; L.Cpl. E. J. Dunn (North Auckland Rgt.),"4l; L.Cpl. H. Holloway (Hamilton 8.H.5.). 41; Cpl. G. E. Grant (H.B. Rgt); 40; L.-Cpl. :W. H. M'Kay (Taranakl Rgt.), 40; Gt A. Jones (Auckland Rgt.), 40. . Counted out, four. . j /■ . ■ STAFFORD CHALLENGE SHIELD. : The: Stafford Challenge Shield, presented by the people of Stafford, England, to the;. New - Zealand - Rifle Brigade,''was won by the Ist Battalion of the Hawkes Bay Regiment, with 1101% points. ; , The' shield comprises a regimental teams' ' rifle match and Vickers-Hotchkiss gun matches. VICKERS GUN AGGREGATE. Tickers Challenge Trophy, and*a silver spoon to poach member of team.^st Battalion Hawkes'Bay Regiment: Sgt. B. Bcnofis (lead-ec),:L.-Cpl.;W.'J. Burton, L.-Cpl. P. T. Crawford, T. Rosenberg, S. F. J. Schroder, 198. ' . . The Ist'Battalion'Auckland Regiment team, who each took*a, silver spoon, were second, •with :197 points 1. .f ' '■ ■ VICKERS GUN (stoppages and flr« order). Practice I.—Stoppage Competition: £2—lst, Battalion Southland-Regiment, AV.K. Chieholm, ■S. Lawton, A. S: Robinson, and B. R. Wallace, 1; Ist'Battalion;,Wellington -Weat Coast Regiment, 2, £1; Ist Battalion Hawkes Bay Reglnient, 3 (,10s). • ■-■■'■':■ V ' F.lght 'teams competed. . . ■ . . .Practice. 2.—Direct fire order competition, for loaders only: Ist Battalion Auckland Regiment, Scrgt, R. W. Adams (£2), 1; Ist Battalion Southland Regiment (£1), 2; Wellington-East Coast Mounteds (10s),. 3. .■.••■'"■ Eight teams;competed, v . „ - ■ LEWIS GUN AGGREGATE. .Lewis-Challenge Trophy and silver spoon.— Ist Battalion iNelson-Marlborough and West Coast Regiment, Sergt.K. K.Gascolgne (leader), L.-Cpl. W. E. Glennie, L. I. Holdaway, and R. M.Holdaway, 233. _lst Battalion Hawkes Bay Regiment team, who each take a silver spoon, was second, with .'252^ points,;';. '-■■..■. . -•• . i , LEWIS GUN (stopp«j« competition). • New Zealand Division Royal Navy, F. A. Anderson, R. B. Cusick, R. w. Meadem (£2), 1; Ist Battalion Nelson-Marlborough and West Coasr Regiment (£1), 2; Ist Battalion Auckland Regiment (10s), 3. Seven teams competed. practice, i2.--Direct flre order, for leaders only:, Ist Battalion Canterbury Regiment, Cpl. iv \ Green <£2)' J ■" lst Battalian NelsonMarlborough and West Coast Regiment (£1), lom^te^" 11 ng'°eerS (103)' ,3V Nlne team= , HOTCHKiss GUN AGGREGATE. Hotcliklss Chailengo Trophy and silver" S poon r ,Wellington-Ea,t;:,Coast yMounted X N iw?-H M i ? d<!r.)' N- Smlth' N- M'Cormlck Mm^J ?*2ii 214 point3 ' *• Nelson-Marlborough Mounted Rifles; who- each ■-tains a silver spoon were., second, - with. 203 :pdlrits. ' ;. HOTCHKISS GUN] 011"120 competition: S.Y ios f>: Borden, M. Jl'Cormick, N. Smith and ■^»™% Mtounto*. JUUw. L.-CPI. A ].'wi's 0.:'.. Five teams competed. '. ■

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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 61, 15 March 1929, Page 14

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BATTLE PRACTICE Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 61, 15 March 1929, Page 14

BATTLE PRACTICE Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 61, 15 March 1929, Page 14