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(By Telegraph, from "Vedette.")

The Dannevirke Club was fortunate yesterday in regard to weather, for after a threatening morning the day was bright and warm. The track was very hard, and it was apparent that somu of the' horses were inclined to he tender on it. The attendance was very good and betting spirited considering scratehings reduced me fields considerably, the investments amounting to £13,039 as against £11475 Jast year. ' High Court, an improving three-year-om, scored something of a surprise %yin in the Oup, despite his fair form at Wood- • „f CUI"° on '" the straight to Trm. WT °m tlmt useful selding Locarno. \ ast Acre s class was too superior for her lour opponents in Ihe sprint event, and Bl'e was not troubled really- to win. ■ r The Swell and Anolo were scratched for the Cup at 11.20 a.m. yesterday Boaogne was withdrawn at tho .same time Jrom the President's .Handicap, Borsulenc on lucsday, and A ri K ilinire and Queen's Uioico on Monday. .Hidgemoiint was withdrawn just prior to his race yesterday. HIGHWEIGHT HANDICAP. Novar was at a \cvy short price, with Panorama and Break o' Bay practically equal second favourites. Asleep led for six furlongs from Braeman, Panorama, Aovar, and Break a'"Day; Braemah went up and joined Asleep at tlie half-mile, then coming Break o' -Day, Panorama; Bilkbeck, and Novar. ißraeman turned for nome just ahead of.Break o' Day, Asleep; Braeman, Panorama, aml.Novar. Break o Day wore down JBraeman in the run home and beat him by a short head. Birkbeck was two lengths away third, with Panorama fourth, and NoVar and Asleei) next. -. * , Br.eak o' Day finished very well, and was ]ust too good for Braeman, who ran a particularly good race. They set too fast * pacc.fw l?pyar, who, could never get within striking ' distance. Birkbeck ran it fair race, and Panorama was well enough I)meed to score. Watchman was in trouble all the way down the back straight. MAIDEN PLATE. Propagfyidaf-waSi -as expected, a hot ■favourite, with Snowshoe and St. JUelba the only othersjbacfcetl.. Propaganda^ Streamer, bnowshoe, and ,St. Melba showed out first, and Streamer,; Propaganda, Waiorua, and Snowshoe led, round. to the turn- from .tenure and'Malahat. Propaganda, Snowshoe, and Streamer turned for home just ahead of Malahat. A good race home saw the judge place thorn Propaganda 1, Malahat 2, (uitl-.: Snowshoe 8, with the narrowest margin's.between them. Blackpool finishing on Vwas 'fourth, with Streamer, St. Melba, Gold Medal, and Skill next.. Propaganda, very patiently ridden, just received the verdict* and on the day lie wns not the certainty 'Jrentham form suggested. He was ridden un extremely coulident race. Malahat finished very well, and but for being blocked at the turn would probably have woii. Snowshoe again just failed after running a very useful race. Blackpool, Locarno's halfbrother, was going on very well at the iinish. He is a ,likely-looking sort. Streamer showed plenty of pace, but failed to stay. He is a big Paper.Money—Tortrk gelding, trained by J. T. Young at Trontham. St. Melba .could not go the pace set in the early' stages. Tenure showed pace for half a mile and (hen dropped out. : i DANNEVIRKE CUP, , Locarno was always favourite, but it was a good betting race, and there was plenty o£ cash for Briar Root, King WilJonyr; Rowley, and Royal Lineage, lloyal Lineage led down the straight from Briar .Root and High Court, who were followed by Locarno, King Willonyx, and Rowley, with Courageous andl Gaze Jast. L'ocuruo moved up to second place, with Briar Root just behind Royal Lineage at the halfmile, then cotniug High Court, King ■Willonyx, and Rowley. Royal Lineage > was beaten at the turn, where Locarno, Briar Root, and King Willonyx were going best. Locarno looked the winner a furlong from home, but High Court then moved up, coming on to beat Locarno decisively by a length and a half. Gaze, finishing on, was a length back third, with Briar Root another length away. King AVillinyx, Rowley, and Royal Lineage were next. High Court won in a style which suggests better things. Certainly he carried only 7 stone, but the manner in which he finished was impressive. Locarno really had every chance, but although beaten his effort was good for a horse "racing over hurdles. Gaze finished on very well, his condition suggesting early possibilities over the battens. Briar Root was rather a disappointment, for she did not finish on well, and Rowley was never a possibility. King Willotiyx looked ■as if he would be improved by tlie race. Royal Lineage's rider had an uncomfortable- experience, for the saddle was right up on the withers at the linish, and lie hail to ride bare-backed. Anolo was withdrawn on account of slight lameness, which developed after early morning work. TAHORAITE HACK HANDICAP. Repay was practically au odds-ou favourite, with Molhplane, Areheria,'Boundary, and Delude equally backed. Imperial Fame, Volplane, Boundary, and Delude showed out first and Imperial Fame led down the back from Boundary, Areheria, Delude, "Volplane, and Tunbridge, Imperial Fame led at the thro furlongs from Boundary, Delude, Areheria, Tunbridge, and Mothplane. Imperial Jfinne was fh'Bt into the straight from Delude and Mothplane, Delude beating Mothplane home by three-quarters of ti length. Tunbridge was a length away third, with Areheria fourth and Repay and Volplane next. Deliide, with a change of riders, stayed on too well for Mothplane, who is still a maiden plate candidate. Tunbridge, finishing on, ran his best race to date. Areheria was..not going like a winner over tire concluding' stages, and Repay was being ridden with "half the journey gone, and'tcou'ld'not I.'hold" her place. Desert Lad began slowly, and was always in the rear. Boundary and Volplane ran fair races, aud Imperial Fame stopped badly over the last furlong.

RAKAIATAI NURSERY HANDICAP. The five two-year-olds with no public form had bettors puzzled and anything was at a good price. Glasslough began best with Te Awha and San Quex. San Quex and '.L'e Awlia drew right away from Glasslough and Gay Virginia, and over the last bit Te Awha came on to beat San Quex by three lengths. Gay Virginia was six lengths away third, with Killogie beating Glasslough home. Four of the field were by Lord Quex, the winner being from Makere, the second from San Pluie, and the third from Queen Lizzie. Te Awha rueed just moderately, and it is doubtful if the class is likely to prove even of average merit My Own was an absentee, but there is nothing"amiss with her, nnrl Gay Virginia carried Mr. J. S. M'Leod's colours. ORINGI HACK HANDICAP.

Australia was a £2 better favourite than Warfille, with good support for Sylvan Dell add Merry Mixture. Tiitira, Monetize, and Shortly all begmt slowly. Merry Mixture and Pntearoii led out from Aus- 1 tralis, Sylvan Del), and ftkybird. Merry Mixture and Palearoa led at the halfmile from Austerity, Sylvan Dell, Australia, Skybird, -ami,- Shortly. Merry Mixture and Palenrqu .showed the way into the straight from' Australia, Sylvan Dell, and Shortly. Sylvan Dell was stopped in the struight, but was pulled out into the uontrd and finishing on Rot up to beat Patearoa by a head. Shortly was two lengths away third, and Warfille, Merry Mixture, Tiitira, and Australia finished ill that order. Sylvan Dell would have Won with ease, but for being shut iu>.on :the rails in the straight. She hnd -to- be ■ checked and brought outside Ihe leaders about a furlong from home. Next in merit was

Shortly'« cllort for he was giving the leaders a good start at the end of the first furlong, and then finished a fair third. Patearoa ran his boat race to dale and may yet make amends. Wariille appeared to get into a good deal of trouble in the carly^part, and should soon do a very great deal better. Merry Mixture showed pace, but did not stay on. Australis was beaten by the distance and Tutira raced on well after beginning slowly. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP.

A r ast Acre was a liberal-priced favourite in a five-horse field. Vast Acre and Willow Wai began best, and Vast Acre led to the turn from Willow Wai, Dobbin, and Plimmertoii, who was receiving an interrupted run. Dobbin made an effort in the straight, but when L. S. Morris kicked up Vast Acre to her work, she held him off, to win by a length. Plimmerton and Tanagra were four lengths away, a deadheat for third. Vust Acre outclassed the field, and was not really off Uite bit to score. Dobbin ran a good race and Plimmertou was a trifle unlucky. MAKIRIKIRI HACK HANDICAP.

Disrank and Topere were nearly equally backed, with solid support also for Red I'uchsia. Topere and Disrank moved first, with AVilmoreana, Red Fuchsia; and Primax. Red Fuchsia lost his place at the half-mile, where Topere and Disrank were clear of Wilmureuna, Primax, aud Aurora Borcalis with Kilorell moving up. Disrank had the measure of Topere in Ihe run-in mid won cleverly by .half a length. Kilorell, finishing on, beat Topero by a head for second, witli Red Fuchsia right up fourth. Aurora Borealis and Primax were next.

Disrank suited by the slow pace early was always going a trifle better than Topere, who, however, was a trifle on the burly side, and should be all the better for the race. Kilorell is improving and liable' to earn a bracket soon, lied Fuchsia was unlucky in running, but it cannot always be so.

Details of", the racing are :— Hlgh-Wplght Handicap, of 100 soys; one.mile and a auiirter. —8 Break o' Day, 9.0 (A.' Jenkins), 1; 0 Braeman, 9.0 (A.' Weaver)/ 2; 5 Birkbeck, 9.0 (A. M'Donald), 3. Also started: 1 Kovar 10.13, i Asleep U.O, 2 Panorama 9.0, 7 Watchman 9.0. Time, lmln » 3-ssec. Maiden Plate, of 80 sots; live furlongs.—l Propaganda, 8.9 (It. Iteod), 1; 4 Malahat, 8.9 (C. Broughton), 2; 2 Snowahoo, 8.9 (B. H. Morris), 3. Also started: 8 Walroua 8.9,. 12 Gold Medal 8.9, 9 Streamer 8.9, 14 Valplne 8.9, fi Black Pool 8.9, T Skill 8.9, 6 Tenure 8.9, 11 Lucretia 8.9, 13 Town Section 8.9,' 10 Sautoft, 8.9, 3 St. Melbn 8.9. Time, lmln 2 3-ssee. DANNEVIRKE CUP, of 200 soys; ono mile nnd a quarter. 0 lligh Court, 7.0 (T. Webster) 1 1 locumo, 7.18 (.f. Barry) '. 2 8 Gaze, 7.5 (K. Voltre) 3 Also started: 3 King Willonyx 8.2, 5 itoyal Llucago 7.15, i Itowley 7.5, 2 Briar Hoot 7.5,"-7 Courageous. Time, 2mln 9 3-ssec. Tahoraito Hack Handicap, of 100 soys; seven furlongs.—s Delude, 7;10 (H. Anderson), 1; 2 Jlothnlanc, 7.10 (U. Wiggins), 2; 9 Timbridßo, 7.0 (C. Davis), 3. Also started: 8 Desert Lud 9.0, 1 Beliay 8.2, 7 Volplane 7.5, 4 Boundary 7.5, 3 Archcrih 7.5, 10 Imperial Famo 7.5, B Klrlann 7.0. Time, lmln 2Dsec. Itakalatal Kfrsur; Handicap, of 100 soya; live furlongs.—2 To Awha, 7.10 (W. Home), 1; 3 San Quoi, 7.10 (C. Franco), 2; 4 Uay Virginia, 7.10 (11. Coon), 3. Also startod: 1 Glasslough 7.11, 5 Klrloglo ,7.13. Time, lmln 2. 2-flscc. Orlngl Hack Handicap, of 100 sots; six. furlongs.— 3 Sylvan Doll, 8.0 (J. Barry), 1; 8 Pa,terou, 8.5 (H. Griffiths), 2; 1 Shortly 8.10 (L. Daly), 3. Also started: 2 Warnlle 8.11; !i Monetize 8.9, 1 AUBtralls 8.8, 6 Skyblrd 8.8, 7 Tullra carried 8.1, 4 Merry Mlxturo 8.5, 10 Austerity carried 7.9; Thno, lmln 15 4-ssec. PItESIDBNT'S HANDICAP, of 140 soys; six furlongs. ' 1 A'list Acre, 8.9 (L,. I!. 1 Morris) 1 II Dobbin, 7.13 (Urimth) 2 2 lMlmmertou, 7.3 (11. Wiggins) f 4 Tanngra, 7.0 (T. Webster) f y Dcad-hcateil for third place. Also started: S Willow Wai 7.0. Time, lmln Msec. Miiklrllilrl Hack Tlundlciip, of 100 sors; ono mile.—l lUsrauk, 8.2 (T. Green), 1; 5 Kllorecl, 7.1) (J. Barry), 2; 2 Topere, 5.4 (R. Hood), :*. Also started: 3 lied Fuchsia 9.5, 0 Wllinoreana 8.0, 4 Aurora Borealis 7.10, 7 I'vlnmx 7.9.

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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 48, 28 February 1929, Page 9

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AT DANNEVIRKE Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 48, 28 February 1929, Page 9

AT DANNEVIRKE Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 48, 28 February 1929, Page 9