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CERTIFICATE PASSES PRINCIPAL DISTRICT RESULTS The principal results of tho tooriiers1 ctTliflalc oxamlnhtlons.lVcUl In August were iinuoimcv'd yesterday. :In the'rrep'ai-iilioii of the lists .ouaidei-iitioti lias becu given to candidates' '.iifi-csai-3 at', previous examinations held l>y he Ueiiarl.racut. ' ' The first list (I.) contains the namre of sik--ossfiil eamlklates for- Classes A; B, C, anil I>. Teachers' certificates will be Issued to such of these as have produced satisfactory evidence of ace and good character, have missed the spedal medical examination required, and have fulfilled the necessary conditions as to length of service and efficiency in teaclmiKThe second list (II.) gives the names of those who have pasacd In two or more subjects of I'atts 11. and 111. of Class, C, but hnvc yet to complete the examination. Following are the results for the Wellington and adjacent, districts :— ' • LIST I. Passed for Class B. Mountjoy,. William Joseph, Wellington. Passed for Class C. Bishop Joyce Enid, Napier; Brand. Mavis Audrey Wellington; Brltton, nita Mubelle, Wanganui;' Browne, Winlefred Doris, Stratford; Burke, William■ Reginald, New Plymouth; Butler Fenton, New Plymouth; Cameron, Ewen Kenneth, Gisbprnc: Chapman, Elsie IVatrice. New lMymouth; Chapman, Philip Donald, New Plymouth; Davidson, Francis Lloyd Sehvyn, Napier: Urader, . Charles Francis, New Plymouth; Fairbairn, Alice Euvihemia, Palmerston North; Heenan; Myr.i -Mary.'Margaret, Wellington; Hurdle, Roy, FeUdlnE; James, Beatrice Gwendolen, Wellington ;• Jobliu, Arthur Ernest Roy Palmerston North: Johnston, Elizabeth Melville, Wanganui.; Johnston, Mavis' Kay, Waliganur: Joynt, Amplla Dorothy. Auckland; Keienllejv Jessie 'Adeline; Stratforil; Maiouisy, ttrncc (iciicvicvc -Lhiic. Wcllinßtou 3 Jluson, \\ 11-. Fred Henry T'rancis, New Plymouth; Maxwell, Isabel Florence,' We.Hlnston; Maync. Stanley Harry Wanganui; Meads, Cyril Hamish, Feildins; Meyer,, Winifred Certrude, Wellingtoji: Micrs. John Joseph Godfrey, Wiuiganui; MonUhouse, Graeie Jane, Wellington; Kicllardsr.ll, Reginald John Chanel. Palnicrstou North ; Simpson Myrtle Ellen, Wanganui; Smith, Carl Victor, Stratford; Traft'ord,. Anne Elizabeth,. Gishorne: Trewin, Catherine,' New Plymouth. Passed' for Class D. Anderson, Ellen Gertrude, Wanganui; Andrews, Eileen P.roctor, Wellington;- Bilham, Clare Minnie, I Jrctyman, New Plymouth; Boon. Winifred Maud,'New-Plymouth; Brudy,.l;ouir.a Mary, Wanganui; Brown, Nina Sybil, Stratford; Burr, Albert Archibald, Ulsborno; Burt, Nellie Clarice, Napier; Carmody, Eleangr Margaret, Wellington.; Carolan, Katherine Claire, Wangauui; Carter, Doris Elsa,- New Plymouth; Clevoly, Raymond Wallace, Palmerston North; Connor, Catherine Margaret. Wellington; Cooney, Dorothy Monica, New Plymouth; Cowan, John, Napier; Curran, James Athol, Gisborne: Donald,- Margaret Napier, Masterton; Dunfoy, Maude 'Mary. Elizabeth, Gisbon>e; Flavin. Olive Margaret. New Plymouth.; Fle-n----ing, Margaret,-New Plymouth; Fleming,. Mary Genevieve, New Plymouth; Forde, Michael Claude, Stratford;. Gill, Wilfred Hector, Palmerston North; Cforringc, Herbert Henry; New Plymouth ; Graham, George Walter, Now Plymouth; Grey, Bessie Clara, Cisborne; Hall, James, Wellington ; Jliggins, Henry Robert Walker, Wellington; Hill,. Margartha, I'almcrston North; Jack, Mavis Helen, Wanganui; -Kemp, Bessie Marguerite, Wellington ; Kerins, Frances Annie. Jtastertou: King, Ellen Wellington; King, Lester Charles, Wellington; Langhorne, George Wilmot, Gisborne; Lewthwalte, Phyllis Joan, Wellington ; Littlewood. Henry Claude, Palmerston North; M'Greevy, Berttle Anne, Napier; M'Klroy, Jane, Wanganui; M'Kenny, Kathleen Winifred, New Plymouth;' M'Lean, Clive Cunningbam, New Plymouth; Maclean,. Sheila Livingstone, Wellington ; M'Maiion, Margaret Matilda., Palmerston North; Maiiood, Irene, Masterton ; Manning, Leonard George, Stratford; Oliver, Evesta Viona, New I'lyniouth: Orr, Adrienno May, Wellington; O'Sullivan, Marjorie Catherine Ellen, Stratford: Redmond, John. Wellington; Rldgwiiy.-Elsie'.Marie, Napier; Robertson. Alice,' Gisborne; Robson, Margaret Catherine Wairoa ; Romans, In.l. Beatrice, 'FeildliiK; Rovte, Kathleen- Ellen Victoria,-. Palmerston North; Scott, Annie Stuart, New Plymouth; Scott, Doris Marguerite, -Wellington : Tamblyn,' Janies Joseph Lindsay, Wellington; Veitch, May Joyce, Wnngaiutl; Wallace, Olive Jean, Wellington; Wells, Klsie Jean. New 'Plymouth. .'!■•■. UST 11. ' Passed in Five or More Subjects or Parts 11. and 111. for Class C. Ewen, Edmund Alfred, Napier; Gernhoetcv, George, Stratford; Hardic. John Herbert, Palmerston North; King, Lester Charles, Wellington: Phillips, Catherine Richards, Wellington; Schulze, Robert Blair, Danncvirke; Westlake, Elsie Victoria, Gisborne. . . . Passed in Four Subjects for Class C. AslaU. John Richard, Wairoa; Brags,'Natlianiel Bernard George, Wellington; Brcreton.

Maud Augusta, Palmcrston North; Crawford, Dorothy Gwendolyn, Palmerston North■; Ftnnis, Muriel Alice., .Napier; Fleming, Eileen lirigid, Now Plymouth; Fryer, Ada Alice, Wellinjitun; Jlnrton, Cyril Reginald, Napier; Laueestcr, .Mice, Palmerston North; Leach, Joan, Wellington; Leach, Margaret Mary, Wellington; M'Vnrlane. John.Douglas,. Wellington; M'Kay, K.innclli Keagrave, Gisborne; O'Regan, Mary Clare, Wellington: Pearcc, Mervyn Errol, Wanganui; Head, Lurlliiß Jessie, Palnierston North; ltcy- . nokls, Uachel Katheriue. Mnsterton : Smyth. Frauds Moruington, Wellington; Veitch, May Joyce, Wangamii. Passed in Throo Subjects for Class C. Hanks. Douglas Vivian, Wellington; Barns, Altred lialnier, Waugauui ;• Urltinn, Vincent Ueui'Ki; Cawthrnn, Wanganui; Clare, Eunice Martha, I'almerston North; Colley. Isobel Bain, Glsbornc; Cooucy, Uorot.liy Jlonlea, Now Plymouth; Corhctt,.Dorothy .May, Stratford: Coyne, Mary, Stratford: Dawes, Bessie. Wanganui; Haytlon, Christopher, Fellding; Kcnnclly, Isabella Kathleen, Gisbornc: Littlewood, Henry Claude, Palmcrston North: Marryutt, Marjorle \iolet, Wellington; Martin, Frances Patricia, .Wellington, Muwson, LliiUa Frances, Wellington; Ridglcy, Raymond Spencer, Palmerstoii North; Shelton, Alan, Gisborne; Skinner, Isabel.. Wellington ; Tamblyn, James Joseph Lindsay, Wellington. . . Passed in Two Subjects for Class C. AHken, James Deanhead, Wanganui; Alley, ■A tine. Mavis, Stratford; Anderson Ellen Gertrude, Wauganui; Blennerhasset, ..Constance Alma, Stratford; Blotnlleld, Elga Arthur Palmerstoii North ; Bowater, Clifford Charles Wanganui; Brown; Nina Sybil, Stratford; Budden, fcmest Danks Palmerstoii North; Burr, Albert. Archibald, Gisborne; Carolan, Katherine t alre .flaimanul: Carter, . Doris Elsa, New lymouth; Dewhlrst, Irene, Palmerston North: 1 eiiiius; Jlargaret, New Plymouth: Forsyth, I.i lan Dorothy New Plymouth; Fraser, Annie Ulna Margaret, Whangarel: Hastings, Francis I™;, n' e.l, linBJpn:, Haylock, Phlllis Ratahi, iISDm t- " HelldCTSo». Grace Stuart, Wei--ISSSS,1. 'IXSftJSZT^: £2«!S2i mn,M Glss? r, nc,: 'Vullon, Vene Louisa, New Plymouth; Nicholson,- Beryl Mary New pi v LIST 111. Obtained Partial Pass for Class D Vc'r'f UVl',H alM- e<!," Eli2abeUl. Wellington : Aim, era Marjory, Lcvm; Allan, Jean WrWn -New, Plymouth ; Alloway, Nancy Napier I'ide Joy Lois. Wellington; l.arwicl ' Elizatoh Mary, Nanganul; Hell/ Alice El bazetli New I'yraou.l,; Hell, jrarjorle Evelyn, We lngfou ; i nrrord Charles, VVanganui • Bradley " FIX terton' ■ alS lU?! ia\v ß7 Sh' ' Ciordon Stll"'cV. Jl«s<- ! to!' Bfett,. .W»ltcr Reginald, Stratford; llrooker, Kona Josephine. Wellington; Buckley, Patricia Mary, Wellington; Burnley, Nancy Joan, .Wellington; Cannon, Dorothy Mary New Plymouth; Clark, Violet Annie Daisy,' Napier: Climo, Floreuce Whalton, . Blenheim •. Cook, Minnie Nelson, Nelson;: Cooncy, Elsie Mary Aow Plymouth; Cormack. Frederick, Masterton ; Cosgrore ratrlck Thomas, Wauganiil; Coxpn, .brie Anderson George,. Napier; ■ Curtin, Dorothy Kathleen, Wanganul • Curtis M-ir jorle Helen Olive, Wellington; Dabinett Joyce Inez, Wanganul;- Dakers,1 Edna Way, Feildlug; Davles,- Myrtle ; Harriet, '>Masterton;" Davison, lhelma. Annie, Wanganui; .Death,' Valeric Inez, Napier; Dlehl, Allan .Gustav, Nelson; Donnelly, Linden Philip, Stratford; Elliott, Grace Mary, Palmcrston North; Ellis Dorothy Jean, Wellington; Kspiner Arthur Colin, Palnierstou North; Fanning, Joan Kuulec. Wellington; Ferens, Margaret Jacjison, Wanganui; Fieldhousc, Arthur Ksmoud Masterton ; Forsyth, Phyllis Mary, Levin ; Foss Allson Mary. Levlu; Fullarton. Patricia Haydon, Wanganui.; Gaze, ; Elizabeth Alison, Waiigamn; Gibson, Jlary Jean Joyce, Welllngi ton; Could,.- Marjorie Josephine. Fclldlng; (Jreen, Jack Galloway, Dannevirkc; Gnttirlu Kunice, Palmcrston North; Hall. Margaret Kilecti Freda. Wellington; Harley, Mary New Plymouth; Harris, Elsie . May, Wanganui; Hart, Margaret Kearncs, Wanganui; Heatley, Zella Hilda, Palmerstoii North; Heinold, Gwendoline Frederica, Wanganul; Hey, Edith, New Plymouth; Heyward, Isobel Cleraauce Napier; Hickson, Beatrice Annie, Wellington: Hlggins Joyce, Napier; Hill, Laura Hollis. Nelson: Horrax. Heather Mary, Wellington ; Hunn ■ Margery Buchanan, Masterton ;. Isclale, Alastair Jlurray, Napier: Jensen, Jenetta Katrina Hilda,' Wanganui; Kerr,' Joyce Anderson. Napier- Lan-e-ester. Itita Winifred; PalmersUm North • Law, Maureen Esther, Wanganul; Lcitcli Donald Henry, Levin: Lindsay, Annie, Napier; Little, Margaret Annie Louise, Napier; Long, Audrey Meliccnt, Wanganui; Longbottom, Millie. Stratford ; Lynch, Beatrice Jane. , Nelson; M'Connou. Edith, Palmerston North; M'lvor, Evelyn Jessie, Wanganul; M'Lnren, Jean Callander, Napier; M'Lean, Muriel Nance, Maoterton; M'ltae, Esther Clarice, Napier : Malcolm David Alexander, Levin; Martin,- Colin Francis, Palmcrston North:' Martin, Naomi Emily Violet, Napier; Miskclly, Fred. : Stratford'; Moore, Theodosia. Harriet, Feildiug; Moore, Vernon .Frederick,' Pahherston North; Million, Vene Louisa. New Plymouth: Neville. Nancy Edith, New Plymouth; Nlsbct, Christina Elizabeth. Wanganul: Norrie,- Arnold Hector. Masterton ; Palmer, Eva Leila, Nelson; Partridge, Patrleia New Plymouth : I'liiUln.s, George Harrison Xn-

pier; Pickctt, Sadie Ethel, Napier; Pidd, Iris Mary, Napier; l'olelti, C'atcrina Joyce, New Plymouth; Price, dive .Godfrey, Napier ; Italfe, Zclda Gladys, Palmcrston Norlh; Kawle, Itiith. Wellington; 'tichdale, Nancy Undine, Wanganui; Itoblnson, Margaret. Wanganui; Rowland, Cnnslunce Mara, I'alinerstoii North: Schiilzc, Uohcrt Blair, Danncvirkc: Shepherd, Allan Claude, New Plymouth; Simpson, Robert John Cordon. Jlaslerton; Smith. Slilrllc Bernard, M.-istertun : Stadc. Thelraa Henrietta. Motuoka ; Slrlnger, Elizabeth Josephine, Nelson ; Tankersley, Edna. May, Alastcrton; Tier, lierlrari Uernard. Palmerston NortU'; Viokers. Teresa BlenlK'im; Waell'ler, Barbara Helen. Napier- Wulfeer, Alfred Clarence', Stratford;' Wall Grace Edith, Levin: Wall. Jean l.llllcs, Levin Walls, EJlon Elizabeth, New riyrooiith; Weeks, Margaret, Palmerslon North; Williams, Lucy Ellen, TSlculiclm; Wllsou, Una, Napier. • LIST. IV! Obtained Pass or Partial Pass in Three Groups for Class D. (An asterisk indicates that a pass iv Group I. has been obtained.) Best, Beryl Alary, Blenheim; Brock, .Marion Olga, Wanganul; Buckley, Mary, Masterton; Cameron, Elizabeth, Wangamii; 'Cave Stanley, Wanganui; Clcndon, Nancy Claire, Wellington; "Copping, Kllzabctl) Mabel, Stratford: Day, Mary Hlnekoa, New Plyraoutli; Dlxon, Harold, Palmerston North; 'Donnelly, Harry Owen Butler, Stratford; "Edwards. Alice Jean, Mastcrton; Eylcs, Ashley Charles, Nelson;'Fletcher, Lawrence Xell, Palmerston North; 'Flowers; Phyllis Adeline, Napier; "Garcia, Alice. New Plymouth ;."Garcia Edith, New Plymouth; Glastonbury, Edith Mclaluo Marguerite, Blenheim; Hall, Evelyn Frances, Nelson; Hastings, Phyllis May, Palmerston North; "Hawker, Freda Grace, Wellington; Hill, Annie. Napier; . "Jenkinson, Nita Merle, Wanganui; Lewis, Francis Alfred, Nelson; Long, Francis Olive Craig, Wellington; 'Louisson, Flora M'Donald, Palmerston North! Lowls, Annie, Jlasterton; M'Conchie, Harold William, Nelson; "M'lndoc, Nancy Margaret. Wanganui; "M'Kenzie, Grace Louisa, Dannevirke; "Mills, Arthur, New Plymouth; Kind. Frederick Duke, Wellington;' Park, Kathleen Irene, Palmerston North; "Patterson, Mary Maclean, Wellington ; "Pepper, Verna Doreeu, New Plymouth; Rankin, Neville Haldane, Veiltling: "Trevor, Eleanor Ruth,. Wanganui; "Ward, Constance Marie. Dannevirke; "Watson, Margaret, Wellington'; Whltta, Eileen Tyack, Wellington; Woolford, John Ambrose, New Plymouth; "Yorke. Olga Ann. Palracrston North. Obtained Pass or Partial Pass in Two Groups ! For Class 0. (An Asterisk Indicates that a Pass in Group I. has been Obtained.) Alley, Anile, Mavis, Stratford; "Beard, Bernlce Lucy. Palmerston North: Belk. Mary Helen, Wanganui; Blcnuerhassett, Constance Alma. Stratford; Brockett, Freda Margaret, Mastcrton; Brown, Allecn Mary,- Wellington; •Brown. Marlon Rcnee, Wanganui; "Bryden, William Arthur, Palmerston North; •Cahill. Brklglt Mareuerlte, Feildlng; Cambourn, Laura Kathleen, Mastcrton; "Campbell. Florence Itowa, New -Plymouth; •Charenton, Gabriel, Napier; Chisholm, Joyco Amy. .Wellington; "Collingo, Sheila Margaret, Napier; »Croshie, Margaret Olive, Chrlstchurch; Cutler, Kathleen Laura, Palmerston North; Dunlop, Lenore Kathleen, Now Plymouth; "Edwards, Dorothy Florence, Blenheim; "Feist, Jean, Masteron; Findlay, Amy Josephine. Napier; "Fleming, Margaret Alleen, New Plymouth; , *Forsytli, Lilian Dorothy, New Plymouth; "Goodjohn, Eileen Mary, Palmerston North; "Hall, Wynne Moss, New Plymouth; "Hamilton, Irene Ellen, Wellington; Henderson,.Grace- Stuart, Wellington ; Henderson, Zenocrate Ruth Jlacdonald, Wellington; "Hepworth, Jack,- Beaumont, Wellington; "Hillc, Bernadlna, Blenheim; James, I Muriel Dlgby,' Wanganui; "Jones, Vcrna, Mary, New Plymouth; Kidman. Adele Maude, Wellington ; Knowles, Isabel Katina, Wanganui; "Lambert, Kyra Constance,' Najilcr; Little, .Tolm .Veil. M'ellinKton; "Longworth, Louie Alice Jeanette, WellinEton; Lowls, Margaret Eleanor, Masterton; "M'Call, Elspeth Mary, Palmerston North;. M'Donald, Frances Julia, Masterton; Macdonald, Phyllis May, Wellington; Manuell, Jean Francis, Masterton; *Maryatt, Mnrjorie Violet. Wellington: "Martin. Mildred Sarah, Wellington, "Mawson, Linda Frances, Wellington Mead, Ituby Ladysmith. Wellington; "Nairn, Bna Alary Eleanor, Feilding; "Neilson,. Jean Conica, WanKanul; Nodwell, Frank Lindsay, Wanganui:. "Plckclt, Rose, Wellington; Quinlan, Phyllis Mary, WcUlngton; "Qulnn, Cleo Yauula, New Plymouth;. "Quirkc. Mary Winifred, Palmerston Xortii; Reeve, Ruth Charlotte, Stratford; Russell,' Muriel Stout, Masterton; "Scott, Bessie Martha, Wangitnui; Sheeny. Nora Patricia, Wclllnston; "Sheppard, Joan Roberts, Palmerston .North; *Simi>sori. Grace Volkmnnii, Napier ;■ Smart, Cicely Jean, Uleiiholm; "Smith. Violet Kmlly, Palmerston North; "Stcdman, Ethel Elizabeth, Wellington; Swain, Noel, Wellington:- Thompson, Marion Ashley, Wiiiignnui: Thomson, Clarice Irene New Plymouth; Tliom.smi. Margaret. Sutellffe, Wellington: Thurston, John Benjamin,. Feilding; "Vcitch, Annie Ulecta Davidson, Wanganni; "Watts, Jean Bremner, Wellington; "Whitefiird. Leonle Esther, Blenheim:- "Wilkinson, Kenneth William Pascoe, Wanganui; Wlngfteld. Bertha. Cawthorn. Wellington: Wisely, Clifford Ernest. Masterton; "Wytkin, Alice Johanna. New Plymouth. Obtained Pass or Partial Pass in One Group : for Class D. (An Asterisk Indicates that a Pass in Group I. has been Obtained.) "Burgess, Ngaire-Kathleen, Stratford: "Clayton. Adrienne Joy, Napier; Clayton. Huia Lily, Wanganui; •Cockcrlll, Keltli Carlyle, Napier;

HJakcra, William Robert, Stratford; 'Edwards, David, Napier; Flowers, Elfreda Alma, Napier; Fogdeii, Kirn Winifred, Levin; Gordon, Jean Isobel, Wanganul ; Grant. Eileen Constance, Masterion; Grigor, Mary Talrbalrno Itentou, Napier; Hastings. Francis Norman, Wellington; ' Hlggins. Kathleen Constance. Napier; 'Holloy, Ivy Kiezla, Stratford; Hylatid, Mona Annie, Wa- j nganui ; Lodge, Milanwy Elizabeth, Wellington; M'lnlosh. Georsina, Wanganui; Martin. Riiymond Charles James, : Palmerston North; ♦Mayo, Mary V'emherton, Napier; •Mill, Jlarcaret Ch.ilmerx, Wanganul; Naysmlth. .Margaret. liruwn. Ntipier; •Pearce. Ella Minifle. Palmcrston North; Rlckctt,' Marjiarot Ellen.: iiannevirke; Hockol. Ivy Ethel, Wellliigtou : *ltogers, Alice T)orccn, Wanganui: *Kood, Phyllis .Mary, Napier; Howe. Helen, New Plymoiilli: Kloftsett, Dorothy ..Hamley, Wanganui.; Stewart, .lean Lois. Wanganui; 'Street, Bewai Toinlln, Nelson: Young, Francis James, Strut-' ford. ' ' ' ■■■•'.. LIST V. Special Mention. ■ Barwick. Elizabeth Mary (Mrs.) : Needlework, Class D; Uorthiek, Alice Jane: Education 11., Class C; Byrnes, iatrlc.k John: ..Pure Mathematics, Class Cj Cameron, Catherine, i Euphemia • Drawing 11., Class D ; Cotton', Francis Hedley: General History, Class C; Cos, Freda Emily: Drawing 11., Class D; ptton, Henry Patrick: English Language and Literature, Class C. Forde.' Michael Claude: Elementary Dairy Science, Class D; Garry, Josina Muriel: Drawing 11., Class D; Hinchey, John Kaymond: Drawing 1., Class D; Jones, Lionel Raymond: Drawing .1., Class D; M'Kay,,Kenneth Seagrave: French, Class C; M'Kay; Ronald William: Pure Mathematics, Class C: Maxwell, Isabel Florence: English Language and Literature Class C ; Mlddleweek. Laurence Robert Paige: Economics, Class C, and English Language and Literature, Class C; Owen, Miriel Gwendolen: English Language and Composition, Class D; Rogers, Roy Stephen James: Elementary Mathematics 11.. Class D; Sharkey, James Francis: Drawing 11., Class D; Stewart, Jean Lots: Elementary Mathematics 1., Class D; Thornhlll, Vera: Elementary Mathematics 1., Class D; Watson, Nancy: Drawing 1., Class D; Wordsworth, Mabel Annie: Elementary. Mathematics 1., Class D.

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 85, 20 October 1928, Page 19

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TEACHERS' EXAMS Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 85, 20 October 1928, Page 19

TEACHERS' EXAMS Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 85, 20 October 1928, Page 19