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FIXTURES AND GROUNDS Fixtures, .■-.grounds;, ana referees for. to-mor-rpw!g'out(iobr. games'aro as follow:— ; V>;. A ~~': ;v , 'RUGBY. -.. ■„ ' """""Son'ior A—2.45 p.m. : " . • Oriental v. Marist,.-Nevrtown. Park, Mr. B.-■ v. Athletic, Athletic Park, Mr. H. ' S 'Varsity. v. Wellington, Prlnco or Wales Park, v.^iasibourne, Eastbourne, Mr. J. Fetoria.v. Berhaihpore, FetoneSNo. -1, Mr. W. ■Cvxami'i■':■'■>"-K>:\:::U ),.:_,/;:;';■;/ : - ■', ". : Senior E.. '■",. ■ , Hutt Yi' "Varsity, Hutt Recreation No. 1, 2.4j p.m.;; JSIr;: .G. Rathbone; ... Porirua v. Oriental,.Porirua No.. 1, 2.1 a p.m., 'Mr. J.-Bf Watson. .", ,;'!..V ■ Johnsonvlllo y. Solwyn, Johnsonville. No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr:- J.B. Benson; < • ■«. ■■' Wellington v, Training College,. Wakefleld No, 1, 2.45 p.m^Mr; G. Bradley. •■■ ■' • Junlor.r-fAthletic B v. Old Boys, Kilbirnle No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. "A. E. Blllclifr; 'Varsity v. Eastbourno, Lyall Bay, No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. J. M'Gregor'; Berhamporo v. Wellington, Emerson Street, 3 p.m., Mr. H Souter; Porirua v. Petone, Kolburn Park. 3 p.m., Mr. G. Hoare; j&clroso v. Karori. Karorl Park. 3 p.m., Mr. B. D. Neal; Taita v.Ponoke, Taita No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr ; GvCFairburn;' Selwyn V. Upper Hutt, Tipper Hutt No.' 1. 2.45 p.m.-. Mr. J. M. Dean; Mar-, jat v. Athletic A, Lyall Bay No. 2, 3 p.m.. Mr. D. Chant: Hutt A v. St. Patrick's, Strand Park No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. R. Cooke: Oriental v. Hutt B, Hutt Recreation No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. A. Third (S p.m.).—Kaiwarra v. Petpne B, .Petonoi'NiJ. 2,..Mr.- J; Ashton; 'Varsity A y. Old Boys 8,-Wakefleld No. 2, Mr. G. J. Taylor" Berhampore v. St. Patrick's B, Polo No. 1 Mr. H. B, Simmonds; Hutt, default to Onslow A; Karori ,v. Poncke. Lyall Bay No; 3, Mr. T. W. Naisbltti Taita, default to Pctone A; ' Melroso V. Marist, Kilbirnie No., 3, Mr. A.- do Clifton; Oriental B v. Oriental A, Polo No. 2, Mr. J. Gilchrlst; "Varsity . B v.. Wellington College, -WeUingt'on- College No. 2, Mr. J.-Fin-laysori; Johnsonvillo v. Eastbourne, Jolmsonvillo No. 2, Mr. G. Wright; Wellington B v. Old Boys A, Lyall Bay No. 4, Mr; W. Deacon; St Patrick's A v. Wellington A, Wakcftcld No. 3, Mr. L. Morris; Old Boys C v. Athletic, Craw-. ford Green, Mr. F. M. Ryan; Onslow.B, a. bye. - ■ ■ . ' Intermediate (3 p.m.).—Oriental B v. Marist, Wakefleld No. 4, Mr,'E. R. Foster; Kaiwarra ■v. Hutt, Hutt default'; Institute v. Wellington B, Lyall B«y. No. 5, Mr. 6, B. Heley; Wellington A v. Forieke, Lyall Bay No.' 6, Mr. T. J. Ward; Oriental A- v. Athletic, Lyall Bay-No. ■ 7, Mr. J. H. Saunders; Petone and Upper . Hutt, byes. : Fourth. —Berhampore B Y. Melrose, Emerson, Street, 1.30 p.m.,- Mr.'. A. B. Smith; Upper! Hutt v. Athfetfc; Upper Hutt No.: 2, 2.45 p.m.,; Mr. A. Gfifig; Eastbourne v. Pctono B, Hutt Park, 3-Jp.m.,. Mr. X, Shaw; Wellington A v. Oriental^'LyaU; Bay- No. 1,-1.3.0 p.m.. Mr. A. H» Morris; Marist, y..> Old Boys A, Wakefleld No*'•''2, 1.30 pjnl.' Mr. 'E... W. Griffiths; Po- ! nekd'Y.-Huft B, Strand Park No. 1, 1.30 p.m.,. Mr. B. Mattnews; Petone; A: v. 'Varsity, Kelburn' Park/ JU3O' pini^-'Mr.--A.1 M. Flynn; Berhampore A'.*>.'Hutt;A, Huttßecreation No. 1, 1.15 p.m.,' Mr. 'A.'/Ffancls! Old-,'Boys |<J. v. Old Boys B, Lyall'Bay NoV 2, J-30 .p.m., Mr.. F. Bergman; Karori Ti' Selwyn,". Kilbirnie No, ,1,. 1.30 p.m., Mr. J. Peterson; Wellington B v: Technical, Wakefleld)Tio'.;3, 1.30 p.m.', Mr; M. Oliver. Fifth.—lnstitute'v. Marist, ■ Kilbirnie No. 2, 1.30 p.m»>- Mr. R.. Lander :\ Berhamporo t. Sel- . wyp, Lyall''B»y'No.. 9, ;1.30 p.m., Mr. C. H. Jenkins; Melrose V. Kaiwarra, Lyall Bay No. 4, 1.30 p.m.; ■Mr.'W. Harris; Technical Ay.; Old Boys, IJrinca/of Wales Park;,; 1,15 p.m.,; Mr. J. S. Tobay ;*.Taita, v,,. Technical B, Taita ' No. 1, 1.30 'p.inV Mr* J. ?ittall;,Prlental: v. Poneke, KilWrnlfc, No.'3; 1,30 p'.bi., Mr. A. W. 1 Travers; Hutt 'V;'^ellinßton A, -Butt. Recrca-' tion No. 2, 1.30-ftins,'*&.' A. E.-Price; Athletln ! v. Petone B, Athletic Park No. 1, 1.15 p.m., Mr. B. Galvin; Petone A, a bye. Sixth (1.45 pvm.-);^=JohnsonviHe y. -Melrose, Johnsonville,! Mr. G. Wright; Karori v. Petone, Petono No. 1, Mr. G. J. Williams; Wellington v. Orlentalj WAl(eflßld No. 4, Mr. A. H. Eddy; Selwyn y.. Athletic, Lyall Bay No. 5, Mr,. Jl.. Whaler.T'- '■ . ''' V "'- .:' . ' ■ Soventlj. (1,45 p.m,),-iAthietic v. Karori, Karori P(irk> ■JBp,':T, B.'Cole'-; PetonTy. Institute, PetonS-J^6j;-2^'Mr. Oriental v;-East-: bournS;.:EastboumbiI;Mr.,'Di .J. Guinoy;' Taita v. Wellington, Strand: Park No. 2, Mr. J. Wesley; Selwyn, a bye. ''!'- '• r • SECONDARY SCHOOLS. ' ' Hrst grade: Hutt Valley v. Wellington^College D, Hutt Valley, 3 p.m., Mr.'A. Austin: Wellington College B v. Rongotai, Wellington College No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. H. Eton; St. Patridv's College A v. St. Patrick's B, Polo No. 1, 1.30 p.m.ycolle'ge to-arrange referee ;^yellington. : College";i'.'T. Wellington' College 'C,'■'nild-weelc-; Technical-. v,;" Scots College,. Scots College No.- 1, 3 p.m., .JfUyJ* O'Sulliyau,--.-/ .: -■••••. -,'••,■ = Se'cond"f!raaB rweilingtoti College A V." Wellington "College 'C, mid-week; Wellington.. Col.-1-, lego P v,\St; PatricE's, Wellington College No. 3, 3 m&-> -Mr.;-A.: Mills; Hutt Valley v.-,Wei-, JesloV,"1!!!!!* Valley,2; p.m:,'Mr. E. W:- Adams; Wellington College By, Scots College, Scots .Colles'o.';No.:''2., 3 p.m., Mr. D. C. Lawson: Rongotair t. Technical;VCrawford Green, 1.30 p.m.. Sir;"1 J. Fleming. ' : Third crado: Wellington College A v. Wellington <College C, mid-week; Wellington College P v. St. Patrick's, Wellington Collogo No. No. 2, 2 p.m., Mr. P. (Paris; Hutt Valley B v. Technical A, Wellington College No. S, 2 p.m., Mr. R. E. J. Martin; Wellington College B v. Technical C, Wellington College No. 1, 2 p,m., Mr. C. liV-Andrews;-St.-Patrick's-A y. ; Scots A, Scots College No. 3, ,3, p.m;; Mr. W.; M'Mahon; HUtti Valley, *A %\. Technical;; 8,. Hutt Valley, 1 iim.y-';arrange referee.;. Rongotai A T. Bongotoi B, Polo No. 2, 2 p.m., college to arrange referee. ■ TEAMS. Petone.—Senior: Davis, Udy, Peterson, Hawkins, WWtley, Lambourne, Coman, Parker, Potts, Higgins, Dickens, Thomas, Martin, Spence, Carr. Fourth A: Ryan, Durnett, Hill, Arthurs, Pollock, Wilkinson, Browne, Lockyer, Lambourne, Mockridgo, Emeny, ABbott, Plckard, Burns, Bosweil; emergency, Kerridge. Oriental.rrSeniorA: Spalding, Tulloch, Dea-nls3,-Packnat2, Walker,,M'Nicol, Davies, Chanir bora," Hilt;' H, J Smi,thi!- Fratf-'Graham,' Plnkerton, • Willlnms, <B. Smith; Lincoln, '■ Klrizett. -Senior B: Reid, Burton, L. Baker, Foster, Wickens, Collenge, ■ Grant, M'llwralth, Chalklen, .Hill, Biggan, "Oliver, Smith, Pringle, Betllnguold, George. Junior: Burbidge, Balcer, Boat:, Hall, Clarks Dawson, Bonetti, Craik, Lang, Brown, RobbtoSj'-Bobbie;'Banks, Dunford, Fox. Third B: M'Kettrick, Harvoy, Cllsby, Ronald, MCarthy, GreenbanK," Atliea;"Geriet; Steer, Davidge, M'Namara, Payne, Fry, East, Wardrop. Intermediate A:Murgatrbyd, C. Welch, George Phillips, Wright, Reid, Hagan, C. Paddy, Worsfold, QlUver,. Rowley, J.Paddy, Tnieman, \Vhite, Phillips, Chllds, Cook. Intermediate- B: Strange, Davis; Stark, Nolan, M'Kittrick, Lan,flerj fite'K,.;iTurnbuU, Willetts, Kelly, ..-Vickers, ■Pooley, Proston, Sutton, Holmwood. Fourth: 'Ramsay, Gill, Smitli, Kallyi Hankins,-Eade, Souter, Caskey, Revell, Gox, Powell, '■Mis. Bade; Polvin, Hunt,' Trathen, Nixon, Ken■»edy. Fifth:. Stark, .Nolan, Bloxham. Averoll, Jobnstone, Hargreaves; Marshall,. Eyerltt,_Hun : ter; Garbs, Berry, 'Edward, Lambert, Eaton, Henderson,, -Roberts, Taylor. Sixth:.. :,Smith, ■Lawlor, May, Day, Chick, Searle, Anderson, Ait-; Icon, Mead, Blllisb, Stott, Hedges, Rodden, ChrisSon, Dohcrty, ■ We^cr/ O'Brloh. -- ■ 'Seventtr: Sfason, Sargeunt, Cook,.:AUen, Cook, -Dustln,Howard, Burt, Andrews, Linklator, Rait, Saunders, Parker, Nolan, Wright,- iStono,.- Hopper, VwelUngton.— Senior :bonnolly. Stanley, a-horn-tofi, PhlUtps, Voice, R'athgen, Slverson, M'Lean, Jaegers, Dyer, Falconer, Julian, A.' Camphell, Jtfaoken, Johanaen. Senior B: ..Mitchell,.. .LeeHe, Corless, Pryde, Webb, Veltch, Johnson,- Carter Humphrey, Herd, Gaudiii, Laws, .-Ferguson, Partridge, Prenfliville, Osborne.:, Junior: Butterwortn, Nicol, Scrimgeour, Manahi, No'rnwn; •Clarke, Flannory, M'Gregor, ...Perkins, Hutclnn- ■ soil Rathbone, C. Webb,. Sutherland, Hughes, •■-Bauretr. Howatson. Third A: Mo°dy, Judd, Grover, Johnstone, Hinoa, Doel, Wells, Ml)6nald. Hex, Fletcher, Whyte, Costollo, Whiskeri Hay, Ryan; emergencies, Tuotaas, Cutler. Third Bj JTredrickaon, Jakes,-Eisher, ; KenMedy, Stoyen- . nan, lUcmlng, . Irtitz, M'lntosh, Wright, Gray, ' Bryson, Berry', Kirker, Watt, Burns; omorbencies, Jones, Martin. Intermediate A: Frasor, Morrison, Petrle, Hollis. Rowso, Keith, Duncan, Ashcroft, Bracken, Johnston, Kitchen, Ray?ier, Buist, Xyon. Mils. Evans. M'Ewau. Inermedlftte B: Old 3, Hall, Lepplen, Simpson, risher, Ch!an.olni, Childs, Davidson, Groy, Nolson, Bramley, Fettlt, Fulton, Oldflcld. Foiltth, A:i Still. Pentlrajf, Talbot, Kenney, Brown, Banjt Jlton, Hislop, Sapsford, Fairhall, Mtntoft, TasIcer, Marlow, Ross, Honshaw, M'lror, Arres, Carlyon, Nicole. Fourth B: Biownscombe, Slagnussen, Butterworth, M'Nicol, Morton, Halllday, Smart, AuKustlne,. Lelth, Rnvon, Nathan, Beck, Davies, Purdy, Barr; emergenciea, Mathlcson, Peters. Fifth: Hawker, Tail., Tait, ' Spry. Browne. Fairfax, Mauttan. M'Faddeh, Laurenson. Smith; M'Kenzie, Taylor,-Hadley, itobb, Bureess-; emergencies, Coulter, MiUer. StxtU: Irvintf, Sherwood, Gill, Jones, 'Masters,.Cutta, Gray, Ofßrien, Alexander, Everitt, Cleave, Hall, Estall. Burke,. Barton, Ball, Hadley, Ever- ' Jtt. Seventh ;'Cochrane, Johnston, Webb, Mas- ' tors, Hlnes. Herron, Holmes, Halford, Myers, ■ Hobson, Pettorsen, M'Kenzie, Brailoy, • Giles; ' "Oallyv Sullivan,.-JTraser,..-.•'-.. - .-.■.■..-..,... , Foneko.—Senior: Barrett, Edgar, Murphy, Elliott, Hartwel)', Gilbert; Tllyiirtl, Turner;- WUBdn, Jcssup, Pbarsoa, Sly,' Plckrang, Sliearer, iOrgan, Peterson. Junior: CSlhbs. Lamberg. Waterhouse, Collins, Algar, Wintlaor, Clarke, ; Watktns, Crlchton, Tynan, Carter, Groen, Do- '■' breceny, Mlddleton, Rouse, Noot, Cooch. Third: Dickey, Green, Brigdon, Little, Logan, Hayman, Itussell, Kean, Sullivan, Groonall, Burbush, ■CrlcMott, Keld, j Johnson, .-'Mahov, Hogan. . In--1 tormeaiato: Thomas <S), Brock, Batcman, GH- ■ heiV More, Oreenalli,' Taylor, Lett, Stitt, Norrls, Pearce;-Burns,. Webb, Storlc. Fourth: ThoniaSi.-Efttton,1 'Archbald, :Parkes, Andorson, Burrldse.^'Q'Brisni Pomery, Maddoclc, Boon,: iinstice, O6dfri»y,i'Connor,! Harrison, Edwards*: Johnson, O'C,oisnelL* • Filth: -Hutcliina,: BruQe, r ttathawav, Bacon/Pbolo. (2)i Tricfter, Striolf: . land, Maneri' Bonncr, 'Walker, Klornan, M'Grc^ gor, Baoumgren, Brady, Bowe, Brown, Dalley, Sunn, Tregurtha. . .', ■ ■ Eastbourne.-r-Senlor: Hull-Brown, ; Murray, Brunton, E. Foley, N. Voloy, Oldflolcl, Jones, Thompson, Pudney, Read, Duncan, Buclclm:fiam,'Alien, Cullimoro: emergencies: Wllby, P. Price.: Junior; Blair, Tristram, Moir, Wilson, Hodge, Barnett, Black. Orr, Houlton, Bull, Gee, Cartwrlght, Bell, Stevensnn, - M'Laughlan; omorgencies, Keogh, Third; Bus leave library at S p.m,—Beale, Braund, Creaso, Chatwln, EllingTord, Fisher, Gendall, Holdsworth, Hudson. King, May, Miller,.;flayer,; Smith,■ Thompsoni Tumor.. Watsbot" '-Fourth:-'.--Gerard,' Phillips, Walling. Budd, Stott, MulvihiU, Macklin, Jose, Dv Presne, Jones, Barnett, Phillip, Blair, Mazzola, Copr, Johns. Seventh: Lalng, Hudson, Miller,

Blackio, GrUliths, Smith, Shand, Collinga, Cheyne, .Jlidd, Tiiipatai, Jeukinson, Timmins. Bird, Lewis, Mackay, Hill, A. Jloo. Hiitt—Senior: Fisher', Wood, Miviy, Jarman, Smith, Byrne, Slater, George, Watts, ;Fawcett, Sllva, M'Gill, Langford, M'lntosh Boa, Sundgreen, M'Carthy. , Junior A: Foote, Watts, Clarke, Wlekham, Alexander, Adams, M'Dougall, Tuppon, -Evans, Syndtt, Johnston, Clondon (2), Stevens,: long, Beck, -Mlddleton, W- Wilson, Payne. \. .Junior B; Sa\mdora, Colemau, Roberts, Bone, ■ .ITootSj '" Dickson X Wilson, Earney, Jl'Kay, M'Dougall, Bell Riddoll, M'Millan, Morrison, Wright, Calvert Darby, Davies, Stewart, Boyes, Doran. Third' Default to Ouslow A. ."■'-' . •'.:;■■ ... St. Patrick's .College Old Boys.-^Junior ■ Kolleher. Kirk, Day, Gardiner, Gaynor, O'Malley, Scanlon, Guise, E. ■ M'Parland 'Jeffries Cameron, P. O'Connor, F. M'Pariand J Smith, Hopburn. Third: Norton, I'aton, Johnston, Emerson, Cooch, Vlllars, J. Kelleher C ' Taylor, Gaynor, O'Connor, Burke, A. Smith ; Bush, Lander, Mosley, M; Smith. ' Uppor Hutt.-rJunior: Douglas, Hughes Robertson (2), M-Laughlln, BalUnger, Condoliffe 'i Nees, Spoarman, Renner, Scott (2), Morean '■! Ross, Hazelwood, Olson. Fourth: Moulded Pelling, Foley, H'Kendry, Johnston, Jackson M'Ghee, Becgo, Auld, Aitkon, Wnkolin; Allender, Quinn,, O'Flaherty, Goodman. Berhampore.-—Senior: J. Mason, Hurley Pickering, Nlcliolls, Weaver, Love, Lang, Caplll Mouatt, M'Donald, Cameron, Brown, Goodall Dickson, Deere, E. Mason. Junior: Norris Foley, Miller, Thoma3, Harris,- Cooke, Hodgeland,. Scott, Griffen, Sealey, Martin, North Griff en. Miller, Powell, Dillon. Third: Thompson, Winter, Bayliss, Aitkon, Bryant,. M'Auloy, M'Whirter, Porter, Stevens, Cumrairigs, Inness, Strickland, Jliners, Henderson, Forsyth M'Kay, Llnegar, Andorson, Parsons. Fourth A: Williams, Burns, Gordon, Taylor, King Collins, M'Artney, M'Taggart, Griffcn, Ellis, Boyd, Bull, Hlckling, Burnett, King, Thompson. Fourth B: Yarrel, Diomond, Lindsay, Watklns, Stevens, Russell, Sadler, Reynolds, Fraser, Lindsay, Truacott, Geoffe, Gear, M'Lean, Wadsworth, Thomas, Strickland Glengarry. Fifth: Dennlson, Dimes, Leonard, Wootenn, • Cooke, Charles, M'Donald, Standen, Morgan, Bushby, O'Connell, Sherman, M'Kenzie,' Duffy, Strickland, Morris, Roulston, Hale, Love. ■; ,- A. . . ... ■ ; Old Boys.—Senior: -Malcohni R/ Lamason, DusUn, Patrick,: Fitzmaurlce, M'Donald, Bydder, J. Lamason, Bray,', Johnston, Meadows, M'Pherson, Preston, Claridge; Emerson, Jones. ■Junior: Conlerford, Eagles, Aitchesoh, . Ta'.t, M'Gregor, Nixon, Darling, Mitchell, M'Kenzle, Reynolds, Hand, M'Callum, Esson, Taylor, Selwood, Evatt. Fourth B:■ Ames, Mincher, Nattrass, Wylie, Larnach, Mitchell, M'Guire, M'Whannell,- M^Kinley, Packard, Clark Staff, Simpson, Hcndricksen, Craig. Fifth: Sturrock, Bipkins, Malcolm, Shannon, Wilson, Androws, Richard, Reynolds, Saye, Benge, Raskin, Jones, .'l'oswlll, Clarke, Poole, Pulley, Falconer, Sando. Kaiwarra.—Third: Wilkins, Henderson (2)^ Holmes, Stokes, Crooks, Gibson, Krebs .(2), Flaws, Tremewan, Palmer (2), Rudolph, Shaw, Robbio, Drummond. Fifth: 'Grifflh, Taylor, ■Sando, Pierson, Walker, Robins, Goldhigi-Cas-Bidy, Flett, Cook, Platt, Tletjons,. Ferguson, Darroch, Campbell. Onslow.—^Thh-d A: Brlngans; Ross, Lhidsay, : Sando, Richardson, J. Gentry, 'E. Gentry, Mualict, liapley; M'Donald, Gibbons, Bowles, Gowen, Cannon, lUllington; emergency; H. .Crawley. : ;' , ' . -..' ' , Karori.—Junior: King, Caso, Pavis,' Goodall, Stansfleld, Parker, ' Johansson, 'Hendrikseta, Moir, Lovln.'Wildermoth, Cornwell, totiis, Pawson, Nimmo, Crowther, Morrison. Third: WU-' rJormbth, Stevens^ Penton, Keene, Reed, Shlvnan, Burkett, Barnes, Meldp; Maddcner, Holdsworth, M'Gavin, M'Kenzie, Curtis, Austin, Johansson; Buchanan. Fourth: Shaw,; Nimmo, Thorpe, : Smith,, Wildermoth, Fry, Shivnan, Murphy, Kavanagh, O'Shaunessy, : Wheeler, M'Kelvle,, Johnson,. M'Elroy, M'Farlane, Flet■ch'or,'"Thorpe' T.',' 'Pay. Sixth: Pye, Macklin, Denjpsey, White, Kavanagh, Rftbb, Bradnock, Taylor, Kennedy,' Nimmo, Hunt, Clarke, Keene, O'Brien, Burns, Lorigworth, M'Kelvie, M'Donald, Fritter. Seventh': Wildermoth, Smith, Carter, Shaw, Whitney, Lamble, Pye, Larnach, Clouston, Nccdham; Johnson,"Bardnocki-Seager, Wilkinson, Aitkih; Moss, Mlntyre. "r :., ,' Solwyn.—Seniori- Fuller, Cudby, Hancbck,' Hinchcllffe, Leggett;'Mitchell, W. and V.. Sew,ell, Churchill, Martin," Cpdyre, Anquitell.Crbpp, Kennedy,I'-Mooney,''Hawker, Russell. Junior:. Easton, Burton, Kockwell; Hasman, Chetw^n; Marsh, O'Sullivan, Baigent, Alardycc', Wright, Flower, M'Fedries, Cdlmpbeil; Haley, ißaigent, Budge, Draper, Irwin. Fourth: Gs^rrett, Green, Head, Madson, Jane, Alrth/ Haggerty/ Jacobs, Hartley, Martar,' Williams, Miner, Croft, Chamberlain, Fittis, Aked: Fifth: Beaton, Sandfbr.djijjedges",' Leckie, Hennessey, Durbrldge, B3slpp;A4jriUdiuioii; r .' t 'K|i(AE/-:''VVltsey, Inmani. Green,.iGpJlyer;'Bu.Uer,;,\Phillips, 'Jacobs. ; , Slx'thi*-Kelly;;;.X"egg'e I 'tt,;'Bmvne, Jennings;'Sampg6n;'-i>yjjUßV Stapleton, Cpventry," Liddlcoat,lv.Halvbr^eh;uiCrawford, Hariacombe, Plcchi, Butuett,'Bouiaid, Slndall. •'-■' Marist.—Senior:' Cumlng, Griffen, Brbderick, Barry, (2),, Sville, Johnson, Bourke, Keary, Jones/Reed, M'Hardy, Butler, Dennehy; Ottaway. Smith, Jones. Junior:' Furlong, O'Shea, White (2), Beveridge, Frost, Peters, Curran, Penny, Sexton, Keogh, Shivnan, Reed, Davies, Barber, Murphy. Third: Fouhy, Daly, Jackson, Brooky, Read, O'Connor, Frost, Mouatt, Green, Donovan,,- Batten, Curtan, ESarcich, Lander, M'Manus, pines.- Fourth: O'Gorman, O'Sullt-' van, GilK O'Hanipn . (2), .O'Shea, OlLeary, Foots,'. Smart?.M»lioy^■ Beverldgo, Davis;- Hawr thorne, Fraser, Headlfen. Intermediate: »Thurston, O'Reilly, Abraham,1 Sigloy, O'Neill; King, Cunningham, O'Connor; Diamond, Cbstello, Benfler, McdchS Budden,; O'Gorman, Pobsoji;.. Condon, Roberts. O'Leary, Quirk. - ,-.;'■ Athletic.—Soaior: Porter,-Wallace, Watson, Morrow, ' M'Naught, Edgar, Anderson, Popo, Wanvick, Cooksbn, Sutcliffe, Sutton, Wliinham, Morgan, Keenan ;■ emorgcnoles Howard, M'Dongall. Junior A: Williamson, M'Farlane, Bozzant, M'Nab, Butland, Courteuay, Kinlock, Porter, Adams, Wright, M'Millan, Berry, Grant, Bognuda, Regan; emergencies, Bonnett, Johns, Bestio. Junior B: Smart, Barr M'Elwam Bigham Johns, M'Gee, Grey, Petorspny- Mitney, Wadsworth, Anderson,/' Hulfon, GusrtlojShsonj Chlstb'-' pliers,. Connor; (Humphries, Cook. Thirds: Sakey,fiLeake^'Bealp,'; Carson;' Salt'pn, iVarcus,' Ji6binsori,i Marshall^ J.Sythes,- Campbell, Williams, Mailman, Twist, Woolford, Harp; emergency,-. Hutchison, Interraediato:; Osbornc, Burnett, Howlson,' Poulton (2); Bailey, Burgess, Morris, Pppe, Chrlstensen, Taylor, Jackson, Walshaw, Holland, Hallet. Fourth: Diack, Scotland, Calder, Adams, Birch, Rogel, Tindall, Farnol, Cooper, Dudley,,, Robbie, Butler, Brown, Laughton; Petterson; Sandburn, Crpskery. Fifths: Parker, Diack, Davies, Sandfprd,. Ridyard, Alexander, Toms, Bezzant, Pope, Jephson, Stevens, Solomon, Sargeant, Gillon, Blight, Cook, Rogers, Wright, . Sixths: Anderson, Brown, Brooks, Brlttenden, Boyce, Badlands; Cederman, Cprneal; Dowse; Gordon, Herl'n, Heffron, .Wright, Kidd, Limbeth.i Monteith, Orr, Pearce, Rolfe; Robertson, Smith, 'Wilkinson. Sevenths: Christenson, Stott, Taylor, Lambeth, Seattle, Alexander, M'Elwaln, Berry, Meek, Badlands, Siverson, Pope, Ellicott, 'Pope, CardI ing, Wright, Farrell, Miller, Compton. ,-Melrose.--Junior: M'Gregor, Hunter, Jeffcott, Granger, Crbpp, Miirphy, Collins, Giaddard, Falloon; Cole, Onions, Capper, Walters, Thomas, Haines, Griggs, Dawson,. Robson. Third: Sullii.van, M'Grath, Rae, M'Pherson, Douglas, CLoughlin, Minnes (2), Greeks, Wells, Jonner, Lamb, Hay, Peridns, Trainer, Still, Gooch. Fourth: Bryant, Scott, Tier, Moynihan, Miller, Mitchell,' ■Upchuich, Palley, Campbell; Wells, M'lnnes, Stag, Brown, Capper, Chrystal, Sherbrook. Fifth: Campbell, : Jackson, Cunningham', Sorgeant, Simmonds, James, Holmes, M'Guiro, Marks, Watson, Connolly, Moynihan, Swlnson, Johnston,: Thompson, Kent, De Joux, Rolfe. Sixth: Ranson, Reader, Collins, Diamond, Dwyer, Diamond, Moynihan, Mudge, Dickey, Hey,. Woods,, Cross, Creagh, O'Loughlin, Biddle, Pobson, Skinner, Baker. ■" Institute.—lntermediate i Russell,., M'Nair, Crawford, Finlayson, Cawley, Spring, Watson, Mills, ' Htcklihe, Beere, ■■: Hanary,- .Osborne,.. M'Cort,, Westwood, Burt;.i pmergencips, King, Reed. Fif th: .Whjltehead; Symoris, Keagan, Tohill, Francis, Murphy, Praper,: Churchill, Chock, Wllklo,' J. ■ Smith, ■■ WhUehead, Peterson, Prnry, Davenport, ■ Taylor; emergency, Watklns. Seventh: Kidd, Saunders, ,Kiddi HodsoUj Mulholland, Morgan,' Reynolds, Cooke, Grdundsell, Shaw, Ballinger, Constable, Burns,' Pragnell, Llndo, Churchward;. emergencies, Jones, BuncUenbers. , . ... .... . " RUGBY LEAGUE. Possibles v. Probables., league-Park, 2.30 p.m., Mr. Childs. '■■ '_ . ':-.'■ ■; ■■• ." TEAMS.- ■■.'■• ■' .■• ..'- ■ ' ■ Possibles (selected from): B. Bowen,. Collins, Walsh, Scorringe, Taylor, Puketapu, - James, Elder, DavelyV Phllipps, Keys, Green, Moonoy, Kelly, Leslie, M'Keowan. Cobb, Hedges,- Smith, Williamson, Oliver, Byron. Probables (selected from) : Watson, Dennison, Muir, L. Bowen, T. Love, Balks, Sharrock, Brace,' Morgan, Lawrence, O'Connor. O'Grady,'Halning, Chell, Brctess, Hampton, Sanders, Glhik, M'Cambrldgo, Thompson, Badley. ASSOCIATION. First A Division Championship, '.'■'■'•'' 2.45' p.m.-: ;', ■.-: ■;';' ■ Hospital v. Piamond, Hospital; Mr. B. Martin. '..'.'. ': ■' ': ' • . Institute v. Petone, Petono Rec.; Mr. J. Jackson. •■■' -: '' . .'•'■,' ' ■ : Marist v: V.M.C.A., Basin -Keservo No. 1; Mr. A. E. Caisley. . . Thistle v. Seatoun, Seatoun Park; Mr. F. Dick. ' .... Linesmen for Basin Reserve: Messrs. H. W. Graham and 3. Duncan. First B. Division Championship, ■:. L 2.45 p.m.- .■: ■-. Watorsido v.-Swift, Wakefleld Park No. 2; Mr.' 11. W. Smith.; "-. ' ''-.."".■" Johnsonvillo Y. Marist, KUblrnio No. 2; Mr. C. Ward.'- ■, ' '■"-",- ''■ -. Hutt v. South' Wellinfiton, Anderson Park No., l;Mr. S. Wilson. . ■ Thistle v. Brooklyn, Kelburn Park;«Mr. E. Watts. '' . ■..-....■ Second A Division Championship, 3,45'■ p.m.—■ M'aterside v. Island Bay, Lyall Bay No. 1, Mr. K. Huntj Plamonds. v. Potona, ■ Anderson Park No. 2, Mr. Tr, Plant: Wadestown v. Brooklyn, Lyall Bay No.; 8/ Mr. "V, Thorn; ■Seatoun v. V.M.C.A., Association No. 1, Mr. t). iStlrratt.;.,.,;;/.;'■ '..•'". .J* r ;■. '■ '''-'■■■■."•■' -■•'.■: '- Secoud B Division Champlonßlllp, 2.45 p.m, ,-iSwlfts r. Marlat, ty&U. Bay' No. s; Mr, J. Syrfft; Eastbourne .*.; South Wellington, Eastbourne, Mr. B, Ball; Island' Bay' B-v; Island Bay A, Association No. 3, Mr. 0. Goll; Diamonds v, Hutt, KUbirnie No. 1, Mr. H. Bowles;rlnstitute."*;, Seatoun, Polo Ground No, 1, *lr. A. Hartshorns; Thlstlb v. Johnsonviile, Johnsonvillo, Mr. J, Corcoran. , Tiilrd A Dirislou Championship, 8,45 p.m.— Seatoun v. Smith Wellington, Basin Reserve No. 2, Mr. C. G. Smith r Watorsido. v. Huttonq, Association No. SV Mri J. C. BdwIos; Y.M.C.A. v. Marist, Polo Ground No, 2, Mr. C. W. Deodman; Miramar Rangers, a byo. Third B Division Championship, 1.45 and 2,45 p.m.—Hutt v. Stop Out, Hutt 80b.',. Mr. B. Hill; Mlraniar Rancors v. Wadestown,•'-KH-blrnio ..No. ?;'■ 1.45," .Mr; J. Corcoran; Eautbourno v. Brooklyn, Wakcfleld Park No. 1, Mr. H. W. Smith; Swifts a bye. Fourth, Division .Championship, J. 15 p.m.—

Watersldo v. Marist, Basin Reserve No. 1, 1.30 P.m., Mi\. H. W. Graham; .Institute v; Miramar Rangers, Kilbirnio No. 1, Mr. H. Bowles; Jolinsonvillo v. Petouc, Kelbum Park,. Mr. F. Fama; Swifts v. Seatoun, Seatoun, Mr. F. Dick. Fourth B Challenge Cup; 1.30 and 2.45 p.m. —Midland v. Trentham, Wallacevllle, 2.45 p.m., Mr. H, Telford; Wadestown v. Stop Out, Lyall Bay No. 2, Mr. F. Tlioru; Marist v. South Wellington, Anderson No. 1, Mr. J. Roberts; Hutt A v. Hutt B, Hutt Rcc, Mr. J. Saunderson. ' ■'.■■.'.' Fifth Division Championship, 1.45 p.m.— Seatouu v: South Wellington, Lyall Bay No. 1, Mr, H. Spolsky; Institute v. Island Bay, Wakefleld Park No. 2, Mr. G. Heath; Wadestowii v. Miraiiiar Rangers, Anderson Park No. 2, Mr. T. Wiflln; Alarist B v. Swifts, Basin Reserve No. 2, i;SO, Mr. J. Duncan; Potone v. Marist A, Petone Roc, Mr. N. Brian; Midland a bye. . . ' ■ Sixth Division Championship, 1.45 p.m.—Seatoun 'V. Institute,. Lyall Bay No, 3, Mr.. J., -Swift; Marist v. vMiramar Rangers, Association Park No. 1, Mr. A. Leighton; V.M.C.A. v. Swifts, Association Park No. 2, Mr.- J. O. Sullivan; Marist T v. Stop Out, Wakefleld Park No. 1, Mr. G. Williams. Soventh Division Championship, 1.45 p.m. and 12.45 p.m.—Seatoun v. Institute '■; Polo .Ground No. 1, Mr. H. Power; Marist N v. Stop Out A, Polo Ground No. 2, Mr. F. Foster; Marist T. v. South Wellington, Association Park No. 3, Mr. H. Yeoman; Midland c. Stop Out' B, Polo Ground No. 1, 12.45, A. Sport. • ... Eighth; Division' Championship, 12.45 p.m.— Mirnmar Rangers v. Marist N., Association No. •1, Mr. A. Leighton; Institute v. V.M.C.A., Association No. 2, Mr. J. O. Sullivan;' Seatoun v. Stop1 O.ut, Polo- Ground No. 2, Mr. A. E. Caisley; Marist T. v. Midland, Association No. 3, Mr. H. Yeoman. • j .In case of a draw in the Cup game an extra ten minutes each way must be played. ' Secondary Schools Competition. Senior Plvlslon; 3 p.m.^—Technical College A v. St. Patrick's CftlleEe ; A, Nairn Street. Wadestown v. Technical College B, Izard Park, Mr.. Emily.--Tecnhical Collogo.C v. St. Patrick's 'College B," Crawford Green.,. ■ Junior Division, 2 p.m.—St. Patrick's College A v. Technical College A, Nairn street. Technical College-B v. Wadestown, Izard Park, Mr. Emily. St. Patrick's College By. Technical College C, Crawford Green;' St. Thomas v. Hutt, Anglican. 2 p.m.. Sir. Darnell; Moera A v. Moara B, Moera, 2 p.m., Mr. Gardner; Potone v. Trentham, Trentham, 2 p.m., Mr. L. Mellor; Anglican' v. Huttone, at Anglican, 3 p.m., Mr. Darnell. TEAMS. Seatoun.—First A: Wyatt, Newton, Dufflll, Jenkins, Henderson, M'WilUam,' N. Grimstono, Harrop, Kershaw, M'Kenzie, Hamilton, Second A: Taylor, Kennedy, Raxworthy, Hoist, L. Grimstone, Hilton, Wilson, Duffy, Tomldns, Jones, Forbes. Second B: Guppy, Long, Chambers, Huston, Hardcastle, Barrltt, Love, Telford, Taylor, Janes, Young. Third: Parkin, Warring, Mansfield, Martin, Kershaw, Steel, Hands, 'iuclftr, Anderson, Duffy; Lovatt. Fourth A:. Klee, Grimstono, Hishon, Hunter, Salt,. Phillips, ■: Gowans, Jenkins, Browne/ Clouston, Webley, :Camp; .- Fifth A: Sloan,. Harltness, 'Jones, Cougriave, •■ Marshall, Gibson, Grimstone, Gowahs, Smyth, Caisley, Pay. Sixth: Day, Doberty, Bedford, Smallbone, Yeoman, Hunter, Taylor,; Palmer, George, Brlstowe, Morrison. ■ Sbyenth: Boon, Lancaster, Keir, Thorpe, Gibson, Anderson, Mackie, Caisley, Janes, Eastgate ; emergency: Philp. Eighth: Harkness, Harding, Gendall, Yeoman (2), Turney, Thorpe, Nicol; Vause, Kelsey, Andorson, Niven, Marshall', Puddick, Greig. ■ Marl3t';(Thorndon).—Sixth Grade: B. Duffe'y, 'W. Fisher; V. Whitman, F. Sullivan, P. Pcrcival, T. Corkin, M. Wilson, W. M'Parland, E.,. M., and-T; Quirke, P. Bennett. Sovonth Grade;: E, Fitzgerald, 8, Gambitsis, P. Stott, J.. Jordan, J. ,'Douglas,' N. Weaver, L. MeaClieu, B. Furlong,, 0.. George, J. Lonergan, H. Foley. Eighth .Grade: E. - Plimmer, M. Sullivan; J.-Hpps/R." Knight, G; Irvine, P. Kelly, W. Qulrko, 'A. rflulnni G^; Croft, P. Whitman, JvSmythe,-N.Gini.v:',-.!•'/;:«■ ilarlst.-^A:: ;Clover,-Quirian, Scanlon, J. Marshall; Wilson,; Qutrke, ■Ha.rrlson, Friend, T. Marshall,'M'Lean, Scott. : ■ Lower Hutt.-^Senior ;B: Butland, Logle, Magee, M'Dougall, T. Chapman, R. ! Batchelor, Lowry, Keillor, Newlyn, Cartmell ; emergency, MTheo. . . , ■ Johnsonyllle.-^Senior B: M'Ginity,.. CampbeU, H. M'Whinnio, Burnett, Murray, Lawson, Burbage, Haines/. M'Whinninie, W.,.', James, Cranston, Brothorstone, Clayton, Green. Thistle.—Senior A: Fletcher, Jack;', Hopper, White,1 Hanlbh; Wheelan, Houston,..Campbell, Lothian, Cunningham, ■ Honeyman,; emergencies, Kirkland, Montgomery. Senior. B:• Forbes, Fahey, Finnigari, Rolfe, Dainty, Bnimner, Molklejohn, M'Kenzie, Klrkwood, Swinburn, Bridges; emergency, Guy. Junior B: Thomas,. Farmer, Irving, Sutherland, Boero, Johnston, M'Lellan, Whyte, M'Donald, RoUo', Dymond; emergency, jlooro. ,- .- ■'' • „ Diamond. —Junior A: Aspen, Cowan, Stovens, Chown, Pike, Bolt, Aird, Turner, Pitt, Rlley, Breyson, Davies. Junior B: Arcus, Pawson, Ifraser, Shaab, Stlckney, Halford, Clementson, Allen, Poverous;, Pliillips, Ciitts. ■ Swifts.—Fifth .grade.: Turner, M!Cutcheon, Reid, M'Cullun, E; GryllS, T. Thompson, Mcccli, C. M'Grogor. A. : M'Grogor, Beaton, rHammiU; emergency,: Vile.' ■■■ ': >yg • Marist.—Fourth ,A: . -Jones, : fltzgerald, M'Gbvern; Flßinming, \ Nplan, ": Parsons, BarraClough, Thompson, Devlin, Azatto1. Sullivan. Brooklyn.-^First B Division: Dobbs, Brownlng^ Hanson, Sutton, Winter, Minlfto, M'Phail, ■Mlddleton; A.''Brown, C. Short, B< Brown. Second A Division': Rodda, Haudyslde, Smallor, B. Batcliffe, Hughes, Hutchinson, D Ratcli te Roberts, Robaou, Scarratt, Scott. Linford. Third B Division: Wickliffe, Simpson, M'Kenna, Scott, Connor, M'Knight, M'GhlO, ODea, Philpott, Wallis, Sutton, Smith., • .i;Marist.-.Fourth,,B;' Corkin, Mahoney, Wilson Duffy, Lyons;>rO'Leary,M'Gllnchey, Mlunich '"Eager,; Kllieeii, Harrison. : " Ti^SiilnS-Foul'th B; Hazelwood, _ Scott. Benolds" Robertson, Jonson, WiUlams. Verrall, Thomas, Millarr Paterson, Cheater, & o^nson. Island Bay.—Junior B; Suisted (2), Dean, Jacob" Kamsav, Nolan, Estall. Orr Hughes, Frasor. Collins; emergency, Harknoss. Eastbourne.-Junlor: Parko, H. a Cwneron, Ashworth, Ashford, Ord,; Lucchesi, A. MLean, Denwan, 'HtiTington, Chamberlain, Stovenaon; emergency, P. M'Lean. Third: Calvert, PlcKerSg frlrdle, Murrlo, SQUlre, King, Glllesplo, M'Donald, Sutherland, Colson, Fair; emcrEe^mrß^^ird'B.: Tonjcs, Coveney, Love E. Jamieson, T. Jamleson, J.iThlrd, Donoghuo, Minifie,.\V.'Third, Eagarioßamsden: emereew?des^own?—Second A:' Cbllins,' M'Artliur, Fawthorpe, Millar, M'Leod, Parlane, Newton, Prince; Hadley, Goddard; Godtschalk; v Third B- Mander, Sirett, Fawthorpe, Paitton, Walker, Parlane, Davidson, Bennett, Stevens, Beere, Stewart. Fourth B: Sharratt, Greig, Selkirk, Loughridge, Smith, Cathcart, Millar, Fraser, Arkley, Slaeman, Janes. .Fifth: Prince, Bloodworth Smith (2), Glover, Jacobson, Davidson, Walker, Archibald,, Deedraa'n, Parlaue, Warr. ' Secondary Schools—Senior.: Jones, Akel, Richmond, Arlow, Millar, Roberts',/ Oliver, Smith, Hope, Watchman/Gapes; Junior: VloUch, M'Clune, AVilkinson, I^ongstaff, Jones, Bobyns, Purdie, Goldlng, Price, Baraclough, Janes. Waterside.—Senior: Abbott, Irwin, - Bolton, ,o'Dohnell, Maine, Wellwood, Culleh, Wilson, Stanbridge, Dunsmulr, Garrod, Arbuthnott. Junior: Anderson, M!Klnley, Moore, Boe, Nickless, Proudfoot, Jeffries, Lyall, Nickless/ Hurlaac, Murtard, Hunt, Beattee. Third: Oggy Moore, Pearson, Phillip, Owens, Adams, Ooad, Barrow, Hull, Dunn, . M'lvor; Slramonds, Collier.' Fourth: Hart, Williams, Con; nelly, W. Lark, Pullen, Dunn, Jeffries, Laming, Arbuthnott, Liddicoat, Bryant, R. Lark. , .YiM.C.A.-TFirst A: Lucas, Trotf, M'Glrr, Pearson, Reyllng, Ballard, Worth, Rlgby, Dempster, Lack, Stocks: Second A: Ford,' Bell, Ward, Berfy, Armitage, Beasloy, Ogllvlc, Wilson, Francis, MacLeod, ■ Banlca; emergencies, - Windley, Doidge,!.-,-Brady.- Third. A: Creighton, A. <W. Hill, Doidge, Boe. Hill, Williams, Babbitt, Stanford,- Hall, Burton, Rabbitt. > Mai-ist Bros.' Old Boys.—Fifth A: Riley, Bell, O'Neill, O'Connbll,- Demuth; Shaw, Gallate, Barrett, Johnson, Hunter, Evans, Lewis. Fifth B: O'Connor, Dennehy, RandalU Shannon, Oliver, Mac Donald, .Connor, Burse, Reid, Lawcr, ■ M'Hardy, Mohan. Marist (N.) 6th Grade: Giles, Sarclch, Devlin, Vaney, O'Dca, M'Dermott, Calntm, .Jlatchard, Harvey, Duffy, Brfty, CalUnan. Seventh Grade: Lockwood, Quirk, Cunningham, Meyer, L. Foloy, Vaney, Foley, Gibbons, O'Connor, Ivory, O'Neill, Ward. Eighth Grade: Hogan, Beck, Naughton, Peußer, Burns, Spurway. Duffy, Phillips. Foley, Mouat. Clentworth. v •... .-..■.. ■ .. Piamond.—Senior A: Ewing Guest, Wothefspoon (2), Bolt,-M'Cormack, M'Lood.Flndiay Smith, Daniells, Stark, Swifts.—Senior: Stone, Ulyatt, Laurence Bloomfleld, Flaws, Binstead, Hughes, E. Longr bottom, A. Longbottom, White, Bradford, Monkhouse, Southern. Junior: Sandholm, Hillock Southern, Wynne, Marshall, Bolle; . Adams, Campbell, O'Shea," Jones, Wright,-'; P. MacGrogor. Fifth: .Tumor, M'Cutclie6n> Reid, M'Callum, Grylls, Thompson, Sandhalm or Mecch, MacGregor (2), Beaton, Hamll. Sixth; Archer, Trail!, Webbi Webb, Black, Grylla, Thompson, White, Durning, Ives, Hardie, Moech. HOCKEY. Senior A.—Hutt v. Petono, Hutt No. 1, Mr. -W. A. Scott; Wesley y, University, -Karorl No. 1, Mr. H. Hatch; Y.M.C;A. v. Wellington, Karorl No. 2., Mr; J. W. Russell; Karori a bye. ■ Senior B.—Y.M.C.A, r. Wesley, Karorl No. 8, Mr. W. Purvis; Hutt t. University;' Hutt No. 2, Mr. W. Dousall; Karorl v. Hula, 'Karorl No. T, Mr. W.Keys; Training College v. Petono, I'etono Reoreatlon Ground, Mr, C. Harvey. Junior.—Hutt v. Pelono, Hutt Park Racecourso, Mr. R. Judd; Wellington v. Wesley Newtown, Mr. D; Sutherland; V.M.C.A. v. Hula, Karorl No. 3, Mr. R. Guthrio; University A v. Karori, Karori No. 6, Mr. H. J. Smith; University B, a bje. '! '". i Thlrds.~Y.M.C.A.'V. Karorl, Karorl No. 0, Mr, R. J. Lloyd; Hutt v. University', Potpno Recreation, Ground,' Mr.■- C. Harvey; Wellington v. Huia, Karori No. 5, Mr. J. Cusack, Wosloy, a bye, '■'."■.■' 'J':,/ ■■':■ :■'■'.' -■' ;■■;;.' Intermodiato,—YiM.C.A, ..v. Karorl, Karori No. 5,, M C, lyiopre; \Vesloy Aft Technical A, Newtown, Mr. D, Sutherland;«Wesley B v. Huia,:Karori No. T, Mr; R. Guthrie; Tocli-nlcai-B, a byo.\ ' '■;:. ',•:■.! .. : LADIES' GAMES. .;'': ■ , Senior A.—Training College v. Hxitt, Hutt No, 1, Mr. w. A. Scott; Swifts v; University, Karor! No. 1. Mr. H, J. Smith; Collego Old Girls v. ««mblors, Karori ;No.'2,'Mr. J. Cu,sack. , ..■..-. , .-• .'.-;■' ' : ' Sontor B,—Hutt.'v.- Ramblqrs, Tanern Crescent No. 2, Mr. A. Roxburgh; Swifts v. Hula, Johnsonvillo, Mr. C. Lloyd; College Old Girls, ». -bye.- ' .-■'.■ , ■ ■ . , . •'■ Junior A.—St. Peter's v. Hula, Tanera Cres. No. .I,'Mtv-F. Mark. Hutt V. Wesley, Hutt No. 2,-.Mr./.W. PdUgall; Johiisbnville v. Eastbourne, Tanera Crescent No> 1, Mr. A. Roxburgh; Training College, a byo. Junior B. —Karorl v. Swifts, Karotl No. 8, Sir, W s Keysj Ccntrica y. Ramblers, East-

Uourno, Mr. Hlgglnbottom; St. Teter's v. Hutt, Tanera Crescent No. 2, Mr. F, .Mark. TEAMS. ..' .':..' Hutt.—Senior A: Atkinson, J. R oss , p. Lusty, Jonness, Upton, Wall, West, Diamond, B. Lusty, A. Judd, Matliews, A. O. Smith. Senior B: Qlolland, W. Bennett, A. Koss, Levy, Ferguson, Tliorpo, Stoupo, Wright, Hodgklnson, Loader, M'Caw. . Junior: L. Bennett, Dawson, B. Smith, T. Dawsou, Simoon, M'Carthy, Slater, Bell,■?. J»dd, Macfarlane, Murray. Thirds: Leask, R. Smith, Playter, Ballantyno, N. Smith, Wlckett, Kiftc, Johnson, Phillips. Belcher, M'Donald.. Karori.—Soniorß: A. Roberts, Groie, V. Henderson, Hewitt, Wcbley, ' Tlnhey, M'Kenzie, Dredge, Lower, Hemsley, Whlthalr, Butcher. Junior: X>oau, G. Henderson, Dlebert, Newcombe, Carroll, Crawford, M'Donald, Brown, Jeromson, Keilson, Needham. Third: Frew, P. Adams, Giordlng, Burrow, M'Donald, Gapes, Ash,. B. Tasker, 33. Adams, Larnach, Brown. Intermediate:,- Cattanach, Bowe, Gjotding,: F. Koberts,- Messenger, Wood,-Gapes, GUlespie, "K1; Watchman, Edwards, Jenkins, Hull. - Wellington.—Senior A: T. Guy; A. Gover, H. Martis, P.. Joblin, M. Toms, J. Newport, K. Deo, H. Mayos, K. Simpson, E; Stirlrapton, F. Allport- Junior: M'Kenzto, Stewart, Beere, Lowery, Kruclc, White, Norline, Laurenson, Scroggins, Holland, M'Crca, and Ridley. Third- Cook, Froud, Blackett, Holllngs, Skllton, Bade, HUI, Coleman (2), Flack, Haswell, Maibon, Kirkland. YMCA. —Senior A: Bolt, Falconer, Mur.roe, Gibblmw, Poarman, Llghtfoot, Burton, Fergubon. Mead, Steptoe. Senior _B: M'lntosh, Bowman, Edward?, Petrle, Francis, Klley, Abeructliy, Fogo, Reid, Temple, Newman. Junior: Hayes Fleming, Pyne, Fisher, Bickerton, Sands' Knight, Swltzor, Balllngcr, Kohn, Boyd. Third- Raid, Tlmms, Butclier, Glttings, Turner Warr, Smith, Bolland, Donhard, Catchpole, Allen. Intermediate: Stewart, Scherninc Goale, Shacleford, Cartwriglit, Olllies, Smith, Aitkeu, Baker, Stanley, Watkins. Swifts—Senior A: Fuller, Martin Mann, Kilby Bcstic, Webb, Caldlcott, Gorston, M'lntyro, Harper, Wilklns; emergency, MacGroEor Senior B: Press, Stafford, Campboll, Dennison, Jarvis, Hopper, Bilby, Johnson, Webb, Beckett, Jennings, Pederson. Junior: Jamieson, Smith, Blather* icl:, Clark, Sharp, Futtcr M'Tigue, Moss, Maddlson, Boddy, Carter, G. Wlckcns, M'Kendry, H. Wlckens. | College Old Girls A.—M. Wiffcn, M. Hallowell, B. Charles, H. M'Lellan A Scott A. Lucena, I. Pickering, >.. Leach, I. Shell, J. Holli3, S. Swinburno. Eastbourne.—J. Ramsay, E. Bassendcn, G. Johns, at. Spurway, F. Mather U. Guthne, M. Foley, K. Kooch, P. Folcy, M- Lawton, 1. "vftSity.— Senior A: Lewis, Frazer, Simpson, ' Sykos, Paul, Francis, Jl'Leod, M^"ll™James, Masicy, French. Senior B: Wylle, Bailey, M'Dutt, M'Donald, Read, Kobmson, Ham, Plnnk, Litcas, Vietmcyer, anil Stafford. Junior A: Bishop, Hogg, Harris, Nash, Franklin, Jackson, Mills, Jeffries, Doig, Button, ana D W. Foster. Junior B: A bye. Third: Gardner, Wright, Struthers, TUarston, Tahlwi, Bitston Clark, J. E. Foster, Cunningham, Lewis, and Foot; emergency, \Vhlto. Wesley.—Senior A; Boys, Pyle, Frethy, I Gardiner, O'CaUaehan, Audish, Watkinson, Johnson, Browno. Koubc, Danloll, Burdcr. benior B- Stokes, Turner, Mann, Scddon, Brooks, Wallis, Gardiner, Strong,' Eagla; Roxburgh, Butcher. Junior: Irvine, Luke, Hallwood, Hale, , Hames, Lovatt, Saddler, BaMngall, M'Dowcll, Clarke, Brady, O'Brien, Intermediate: Berry, Gilbert Young Jones, Fuller, M'Coll, Hennessey, Bennett, Collio. May, Donor*. Elworlhy, Blathenviek. lutermodlatc B: Wircn, Cole, Travers Day, Jeffries. Hurren, Hassell, Bourne, Hart? Bloketts, Pollock, Simpson, Grconbank, ■M'MiHan. ___—- — ■

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 5, 6 July 1928, Page 4

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TO-MORROW'S GAMES Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 5, 6 July 1928, Page 4

TO-MORROW'S GAMES Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 5, 6 July 1928, Page 4