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. .....;,:.::; •■ ■ --to' LfeTi y<£2i.. ..-. V' TO LET, 'Furnished.Sunny1 'Single (Bed* x 'room, comfortable; e.l'., hot'bath, Jetc. 146, Molesworth-st. ■ .....■.,'.■•■-..-.••■";■ • TO LET,, Detached Single./ Furnished x" Room,' with •or -without ;bbar.d, (-gas ring. ..Apply ,176, Jinakori-rd; : : ■„' TO LET,. 15;:'-Ohiro'=-rd;/ ■ Comfortably ■ x . ■ 'Furnished Bed-Sittmg-r'bbm, ■ "also Vacancy Business Gent.' Ring 20-669. TO. LET, 2...Unfurnished Front. Roqins, - 1' own gas cooker, use of con vs., Apply 20, Devon-st.'. off' Aro-st. ".V.;.' '.*' '. ' TO LET, Unfurnished 6-rd.; Brick Bun-" : x galow, £3 week.: Apply ,^,;Maiipers« TO LET, furnished, centre city, inr newly "■?• decorated modern home,, Sitting-room •and Bedroom, all convs.,- caliphont, ladies preferred; Tel. 22-878, or write ABIB, Evg. Post. '..,; ; ;,.;.,..;; .; ;■ ■ TO LET, Furnished Single Boom,' rent x 10s weekly, central. Write' A 757: Eve : Post..;''! - :, : ,. .■■•.-..-V-V ;•'■■,.,; _ Vi .'.,.*■■'■ TO LET, Sunny Bed-iSitting-room, >twtf ''PQ LET, Sunny Furnished Double Bed- •*'■■ Sitting-room, £1 .weekly,, -including e-1., gas cooking, ail cbnvs. I'g2, Ellice-gt. ■^TO-LET, burnished Double Bed-Sitting-. .-+ room, with kitchenette and gas 'stove/ * separate meter. 25,': Austiu-st.;. ''... ,V TO JjJiiX, 5-rd. Bungalow, sun iporch, gar- . age, nice home, handy •tram arid bus* Ae£n £t? 6s X^'4 tel™ 12 moiiths. Write ABIU, JliVg. Post. •■■■■'■: .:■'■■::■■■ " ■ '; ■ T° cLS T' ,Lai'S e"'Motor ..Garage,• vicinity 7: rt »Sl'? Ile. rlan4-rd.,.Lyall. ( Bay, J e.l i ' Write ■ A/07, JLvg. Po ß t. ' .... ", ■■.'■',;;...., Tv -L,KT, Large - Furnished; =Roonv,'re--1- 'spcctable wqrkeiy 125..';'.'App1y.""245, : Ouba-st., over.Perry's. .:■'. '7;'\'." ...:;., TP. LET, Unfurnished'Front-iKo'om; "" -^ground floor, suitable subdividing; 16, Tmakon-rd., Thorndon end. ; ,■."-,' TO LET, Gomfortable Bed-Sitting-rooni." x 2 single beds. 321, Willis^t; ■,: npo LET, Comfortable Finished- Double ; -*• iied : Sitting-rooni, fireplace/ c.1., ga»' Stove; caliphont; .tram .stops- door-; all couvs.; .reasonable rent. 198,rTiriakdri-rd. T° during Race Weeki Double and TO LET, Flat, 4 rooms,, kitchenette,-self- ' ii i r Colltamed, in thorough orderj-sunny. -U, xlome-st. - : -■■■■: ■'■ ■*■••■ .' ■ ■ TO LET, 2 Large Rooms,, unfurnished. TO. LET, Unfurnished 3-rd.UFtot,! eonvs " -*• garden;: near:'tram; .'3:- sectfojis" city; dOs; ..or 4-rd. House. Write'-AB9O, 'Eve Post. .; . .''-..'.". ...'■"..■'"'i/-..:'-,-■ *..- TO. LET,, Clean 3-rd., Cottage>bath;: and :~-. washhouse,- alongside' Courtenay-pl • rent 21s to tenant buying: furniture • complete for £55.".: ■.H:.rO:rKuft??TMidv'Co. i Agents, Panama-si. : [■_-['";' ;'/£'■ '.'V . TO LET, W.JKensington-st.y Small' Furnx ."■ islied- Hach, c.l.■ and gaav- iiW'ai TpO LET, burnished liooni, -2 single beds. x ■ For address apply J. MarshaHjifairy, Jackson-st., Petonc. " •;. ;';:::: r> '-■' ;TO LET, Unfurnished':;4-Tdj/ Flat,' firex places, gas-stove,-separate>meter, 3 mms. from Evg. PostV- Apply-133,'-Upper Dixon-sM;, ' . ■. ''■?>■:: -i.; •";.::■. :^' J LET, 5-rd. Dwelling'-■v«;itli"an Convs., A No. 8y;rKilbirni>e.; -rehtal £2 per week; references1 required.'- -Apply Public Trusts : ■;'- ■' ;; ■ -:^J' \ , ' ' .. rp.O LET; Small."Furnished.'. Bedroom, suit '••#•' •'. Working'man.";;:'l(Jo, Web^-st."(Wil-lis-st. end.);.* ','":~;",.V.''V;.*:; ''.]'" ,'..'''' 'TO-LET, Large 2rrd; WhWe; D.over.stovi- -.-*• and gas. 21, Tory-st., Eetonoi .;. npo LET, Spacious 9-rdf liouse, HUI-at., w.™- ren(>vated; rent JE6 C», Write A 052, Evg. Post. ; v .-.., ;,, ;,;;;. -.. , LET, Furnished -Nice' Single :Bcd- "■ .voom, respectable working -man ;"tent 9a weekly.: 17, Binham-gt;,;'i>ff>,Viyian-Bt. TO LET/ 88, Mortimer'terrace, New Flat, '+:. 2 boothsand -fcHclien'ctte^'ground;- floor, 'separate entrance;'all.cbiiVs.'*'■/'■' ■'','; /PO LET,.4 r id, Houst;•':''gasV:rjng r '.'^.l., " - x -bathroom,- adult family-■'btfly-jiiicrivner; rent Sos'per week."- Apply A94B>'Evg."!Poßt. TpO. LET, in private home, Fur■*j. ' nishie.d;Bedrooiu, drift''ijiatjte'.' Cour* ten'ay-pL; Tel..^D^;..■;;•'. '„:%,-j\,^ > TQ LET, 2;-or. 3 prUa- •*• furnished Kooms, separate «nir*hce;' own; gas. cooker; child no• pbjecUon. fiueen'a,.drive; Lyajll'Bay, 1 L';*.'f j,-'*' '* >' ■ 'TO LET;.—Lady .would; like,Exchangs ■*• Boarding-house, ■.■Thorndpi»,; ! ? taking 14 men, for smaller-apartiu'<int-i)imiM.---Re-. ply:A9sj Evg..,P08t..; "r.'V-','..:^":-V.; TO LET, Furnished. J)publeßedtSitting. •■■*•■' loom; fireplace,-.cooker, first-car -stop., ■;' 58; .Kr'i^t-.?..^.' .'.;.;■'■■.■;; ■, . /PP LET> cenbal;;Self-eoiitainedlFurniah- ''"■[ e<l Mat; '■*■ front "rooms, -gasgooker,,.convs.; inclosejir.'gl,-gppp'ey-«t. /pO'LET, Oriental Bay, Beautiful^Situ--1- -atedKesidence, 5 roomi and-'glasied" in • Bun porch, modem: cdhvß.;<7-'£3' -10s; week:' Whiteiicre arid • Dentice/%' Cour-■tenay-pL--.:'■:■: ",:';:.i;';:;;;)i{^:': ' ' : TP LET, 2' .mms.' Willis-stl, /Furnished -*- Villa, 5 rooms and. kitchenette,- nice handy .position; M': wpek,.' 'Wjiiteacre :and Dentice, 7, Courtenay-pI/Cv'^r.;,7.vr-:"f". r/:' rpq - LET, : 5-rdi" House/aH 'donvs.,- 137, i • ' jj e uj urn p ara d e j rent £3"weiSkvAp« ply 139, Kelbufn Paraded ■ >■■''■ ': '~ ;Vw-^.- - rpO LET—Wanted to Let, a Kooni, 2 A -single. beds^lO's' eacK.: -._Bs,"'a;he:.T«c«i race.' ' '-'.- ■■--,-■ : K .-., .^; 7 rl',; TO. LET,, 4-rd: Furnished.; Flat."";: 19/ ' .., , Queen-st. r Mt.. Victoria.' .;,'.,,." TO LET, Single Furnished; Room;,;.; 39, ."" Martin,Square'.".:':.',^:., ~ -*~^--.-y. ■ rpo ' LET, Self-contained- Uiifurnished •■*•:■• Flat; 2-largeToonui and.kitchenette, fireplace, gas. stove, e.l>, hot poitrti; .own meters, ' separate entrance.' 11,.. iEos«(-6t., Kilbirnie. ..- ■ '..'■.'.■■■■''■.. rpO LET, Front Sunny. Furnished i'Bed- ■*■ " Sitting-room, Monday;: every conv.j •Car "at gate. ~a3, Hankey-sfe., 20-037^ - -i TO LET; 5-rd. House, Well-knoVrte subx urb; £2 week._ Also Lock-up" Sh'bp, 15s^Sveek. Ring- 21-381.;- -A >.h -■:■ = ;:. !?'*.. ■ TO LET, Unfurnished Bed-Sitting-room, x ■ balcwiy,' fireplace, use cbnvkj .also Furnished Single.Room. 77, Broughani-st. TO LET, Hataitai, Vacatit•; Hbuse,". 6 x' liii'ge rooms, modern cbn'vis:; £2 10s. Garage if desired. /:Hottef, :77; 'Willig'st. : O LET, -City, Vacant vSelf-fiontained . i trd. Flat; £2 ss. - Hottef" 77; .Willis:st. ■ ■ .-'•■'-'' '';'•. ■-■-'! -. . ".'_ • ■.., TO LET, Khandallah, Front Room, .furx uished- oiv unfurnished^ .use." conys. A 957, Evg.: Post. •■'■:■:■-■ ::J-"^-^w-y. .. SINGLE Furnished \, . fireplace, gas, water, all conys., good locality, close car. Tel;■2l-864;■'. '.'■ '..''■■ •' THE GRANGE,.3O7, Willis-gt:-Fu^wl»----,.x ed Double and Single Room? "use 4cL and convs. ■ "■'• '•■■'".:' ••-;.-.■;.. TVTODERN Bungalow, No. 34, Gartord,, 4"x.. reasonable >ent,.'approved !/tenant; house open for: inspection week-end,: or applyllß, Glenmore-rd; „ ;,-:■;-.-■' " . CUNNY Unfurnished 2 Kooniß^and kitchenette, rental 35s:per! week! .271, The Terrace, entrance .ipbrhert Dixqn-st. WO Large Unfurnished Front, Rooms, c.1., fireplaces, gas; rsepa<-ate;.*metsr, adults. 6, Essex-st., foot-Devon-st.; City. pOROMANDEL-ST.-^ Rooms arid, kftch■*J entte, sunny,; 555. .-Melrfl«&—B :Rooms, 37s 6d. Salmon, 127; Riddiforia-st. 25440. . .'■ :: ■■-.: '»■--<.■..' ",^":---j •;■■'.-•■! ■;" pOMFORTABLE. EuTnished.-A';Sia»le :;V.'.. Room, breakfast: and.Sutid»y nielli optional. •. 19, Tasman-is^ .(new Basis Reserve), •'•-■ ..:"•.' V ■ .-■'■■^ ■■.;-j;':.-r.".v:'.'f '..-.- ■■ ■ AJORIBANKS-ST.,' ■ 49-Belfr<!ont»ni ■ed Unfurnished Flat,72 or.B. todtat, kitchenette, own bathroom,-min. Courte- : nay-pi. Adiiltsi:, references. /■;-?o, '»•■"■■ ■ . ; ,,."';.;;'.-'"r.MiscEi.LANEbuSi-->v-:; :l'-.'' ■ ANTED, Kind Person to. AAO Child . . from birth; good .parentage.; A 7.35, Evg. Post. -,: :"': -,;.. '.V.-:'-.;'...':..;'':-'.:::; ' ■ ITITANTED,- Partner;; ;f 1000, fjrstHclass ".»* country, hotel; single jnan Efefeiyed. .A739,-Eyg.':-'Pogt.'.-'"',".','.'-.:'^•'-'■^-.•■.^■- : '''. ANTED, Kind Person .Adopt Healthy. Baby- Girl, .4 month? .ijldi-iirgeht, Write;-'A76l',V-Evg.'Post,-^-'- - : ■"'k--; : \ . ANTED; Kind Person ■ to: Adopt Healthy Baby Girl; 6"nibntui.' Write . ABl9, Evg. Post.' ..■■-.',„:. ._Lii:::...^;.;-;"- : RICE for Concrete' Paths, i .C Apply ■ ■22, Reading'St.,,Karori.•-"■-:■,.-• .- MADAM COREEN/ .-Wqrld^renowned. ' Clever Character.Reader.v.JUpstßirs, 300, Lambton-qy., opposite:Main-:eritrance ' - Bank.'N;Z:. ;.■.-■■.-,: -;;;;:;;; ';:"-,:'^:;;;:;.:" ,;: ■.pfiitE^REAliM,.'. Hataitaj, ,-fpr .yqiirlnEt" .'':: ■*>■ ; Dance:; ..finest dancp -hall, in -town; beautiful music; -caretaker^-at the-halL:: - R Your Staff ;D»nce, Tl» Rcaljn;" , tastefully decorated, splendid' munc^ moderate charges. ..-• ... ' ... . ;.-,. -..'. „. ■.]

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Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 2