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Ships and the Sea

;|CP?tWiiEK'S' SHIPPER V:>,The.~ report.; from.: Auckland „that tho • Jij?w. vGovernnicint, motor, , ship: Maui Pomaj'e'. Hadl -been delayed for three fdayß on'.aceount of engine troublb camo asi somewhat, of a surprise although it Was' not/altogether'beyond expectation. . During i-the'/vesscl's ! 'maiden, voyuge .across",the; Atlantic .'the' main engines ■gave-trouble and ancxtensiye overhaul /Iras'nfe'ee'ssary.- 'As in the case of motor earache/engines of motor ships hav.e to sbev\velli^,'run.• iri.'J. .before they roach -tlie.point of maximum, efficiency. Ayiiile ;th)B jerigines .were; in* tko,process of b'eiug >:"run:iin'!' a 'certain amount of trouble : js^usualljr. fcsperienced. This is probablyjtheimain.reason; for the Alaui ]?oin.are/s'vehgine:trouble, .ad it is expected ihat-aftfer :;;a'!;feTV>.months -service her iengines'ivil). prc»ycicutirely satisfactory. • •vßadL'weathcr and the absence of many . overseas;shipg <lia'd,given the waterfront .a; dejected .appearance.; Most ..of the big icargO; steamers^ arrived 'or sailed early, ; in; the week;; so that later.; on the only ships' moving in the port were the 'coastalandiferryl steamers. ';■ .:,'.','■ • ; ;The.ißimutaka; from, southern'ports, :,arriyed/oh'Sunday, to continue loading ■.and.V embark ipassengers. She' sailed ■againi; on '< Thursday ffov vSouthliampton : ; and; i liondbn,. via; Napier • and' Panama. <3argc,fdr,jljondon and >Vest-'/oast Ports .was.-;s.hipp.fed: by, the. Matakana, '.which; '.sailed;.froni Wellington' !oh■ ;T;hq;;Norfolk was in port during, the Tveek'.loading for- London. : - .'General cargo'from the> Pacific Coast ■was, the Hauraki which gailed-dri'Tiursdayi for. Melbourne. The. *»3gjan.'trainp'-ste'amer Scheldepas, from ■iistwerpj^via.Auckland, arrived, last ;6aturflay--.'fr6m Auckland; and'diseharg-

c^^t^:*eft^n3^;>fli-^ers:tatgb;:;: Tlic. Csh'adiaiv v*^ Hfe'^n&k^d;Vsailed^^6n:'"Tttes<lay' :for' ■ Sqijta&riy jjqftiS ■ to..complete ■'discharging. root'jiadJliipvjta ;pisease;: ';'.',- ;',-i ■ :.--''. -.1 iAs/iii-tho/ciasc. of^aiios^licalti^'soares, bcjjng^ii;t^A^^Jir6))fi;H'ii;^j; sfcas has b<|qi^-G^a^^|tM»pil^a;^|)rDi)teal to '■ ])I?cfep43^^g®lmca|Sipi^&]iifsftoragu i'l^?J?ssp£|Jff essl$ iicTiiig J'sccnis ' like . sWte^^a^iS^ppJr^J-Wpfla-^?,- -.. If. chjfleai^^f/lijaa^of^fvfc^rcitetl, its . qu^^^'^-^g)^'iyOuldjb^: . reftfldcijjigas^j.^an sequence \ its' jin por-. tati&.iv^vpl(|,{;;cfitirpiy-; cfiasq, ■ aiicl tho l)COJ>W.'XvQv|d^l]i^ycvt'b.'co;ii^ of' "^^S^^^^^^Pricc-'bfi^ which to ffiM^iE^^^jifig^^jrjie^Btiiity of' thc^tppfl^l^lartfteE^ui-pliaSisedrby the-^rJfioySiStrii^iitbTcq^-Spealciiig for thc^iiu|ti-^f:^iy;oultairc;..- -/The. virus of ■^potaand^jb4tt;dJseasc,:*lii'(!'.;'saia,Svas • known' -to. pii's t,.f or.. 70:. days ■ in. the. mar-ro^v;.,ot'-the Jjones ■ot.ijifoeted carcasses. .rhq '.-vo-yagq' from ,South America took 21..:dayfr r 'andilic. aaairToiYarTri" days B.ugg.ested/f6r; .ivould^liorc- . %r f KiVdtpliminato^liQ:djseasc.:-..;-: .' ". :To maijyviiprsons.pile ol- tlie;m'bst annoyingidisconiforts of. tftwcP by sea is seasipkhoss.'.'-If:,.passengers - could : be gu^rai}|ecti.irniiiu'iiity;ifrpni;tliis "trouble, a;";|voj'age ty.ould; befcoirio:'iriorc-Vj)opu--3 a (r^ai4:a^;c'irjoyablc:';:..'A"-,Geriiiaii;!(loctor has idcvised'a:m otli od pf til 1 evia ti oh'" an d .ajpvpeji'anisriijfpr-.-thjs:plu'poSc'lias been dnS.taifcdan.Womo^of- tUfe'-Nbrddfc'; ■' .TJby.d,<-}iiiers.v: Tho-'rcsttHs-. aru .'not per- -j fecV/fcciedpii) -from-Sk'jisicknes':-!,' but it is staicd; th',uring recent -voyiviis 1500 r ;felt. .qualms liavc been .troat63)l!iiitl''.df tlvesC}'7s pel' cent, weretho'rougliJy,- .ihd:-15. per :ccnt..-less .com-plotdly-.cured;'.ivlitie; 10 per.cent..-con-tinued-: t,a. ; :jiuiffcir.-?ra .;.spitc -of the :trea.tnient.f;.rThiqi;apparafus . fconsists;. of a: Rartfo.n''--.TOhicl)i,a3::) an - oxygen tau[K.':coTiUjecteU:.wJ: ; th:two'i vials- containing.a. composition- called.'.' Nausea tine.'? A-.paUenJttinvthc jjieipicut stagc:'.o.t"sielc-ncßs."-.istf[ttp,d.-,-u;ithain.ask and inhales th:c''mixture -forcfiv.e: miiinles. : : He; may e.veii:;pcri;Qruiotlie: inhalation' •■:• process ii-homdii/gpdd.hoaith and rely'.on-it as^vcntivc...'.Thei:e-.inay,'.rindßed, bo an^eicmeht pffaith' cure in tlic.-proccsa; bu.t/. in;, any j-case, lit!- relief,,- from,secured,, p.cea.ii . .trayel Av't'liiiayc^becPme i)iore pleasant;- -'Sh'ip-piitg-^companies-^vhich' i'cly""';-iiior"o and. niqre!''flin;,pleas.riro cruises-us. a mejins of prqfijanightwell undertake a thorough iny.estigfitibndf the causes and euro, of ■ Beasickji'es's.;'."': :■''..". Oost-.iW-:Delay;;.-; ;/ ■<.:■.-.- , .; '-Ttft-follp'wlng'exi-vact is taken from the -.'..'Bulletin'.',o.f tho- Standard Shipping ■••Conipany,' which- -controls.•' the TOEseis .owned by the Standard Oil Company:—"An easy way to lose money in •thO; .shipping Ijusi.ncss is to overlook smal) 'delays of -the ships; But masters who. stop to consider will realise that la total loss, of .'.n hour or two each month,-iviil'run- into big .money by the. crid.-Vf"the year, and-.the time lost by onT3r.-3lripvis-.not;-tljfi vwholo -story. ■. -Tim mastefjpust^onsidc]' that, in addition tej-j .liiß'".o*ir""slup,'* tirefc" :irbr t'Ort'y-fo'nr • otherp, "arid-if each of these should lose ani;h6ur,. tb'C"~totat would bo forty-five hqirs: Jnstc^d'rif.bnchour. ' .In the case ofj'.'ovjii. ilee% of '-forty-five vessels, the lopiYoj one hour every half-month or one flij^.pVryßirr*bj-'eacli slripnvotild (rniount to-a;-totftl;lb?s-of 1080 hours. .The average; demurrage rate on our ships being eO'-diHl^nf ■per"-ripiir, this represents .a losSjof-e^SOp-dollais.".

Itaiiari Liners.; ...■'. ,■■'•■'■■, ■ Owing''to the;:very. great 'success.'of the liners .'of 'tho Conto .class built i on the Clyde a, few years ago, itiwas' hoped 'that further' orders; for Italian liners would .bo placed in- England.' .. Messrs. William Beiirdmore and Co., Ltd:, actually quoted a price for' the ship, ;now known as!'the. Corite Grande, recently completed; at Trieste,, and Messrs.- Swan,' Hunter,.and 'Wigha'in Ricliardson, Ltd., Messrs. Tickers;' Ltd., and1 tho ■Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., each quotod a price for tho-ship',' now .known as the Augustus, built at tho Aiisaldo -.Yard,;!in Genoa. Unfortunately the Italians introdueed'the policy of ■ building their own ■ ships, under subsidy in Italy, and the'Co'nt'e Grandeand Augustus havo been built entirely by Italian labour. The drawings of.the Conte Biancamano, built by . Messrs. Boardniore in 1925, wore sold to the Stabilimeiito* Teenico Triestino, who not only reproduced thi:* wonderful ship in tho Coiite Grande,'but' improved • inmany ways'on the'performance of itho' Cpnte Biancamano. It must be remem-bered,-however, that the fuel eonsuhip-tiou..was'atlthc-.time of tho trials of the, .Conte :Biancaman6 a record "for.",, steaui-i ships.- •,. The Lloyd Sabaudo Company, and the builders have, every reason to^ be proud'of the ' Cqnte. Biancamaiio,; which has only recently made the pass-' ago :from Genoavto Buenos Aires inthirteen days,'-talcing to South. America, many passengers stranded at- Genoawho', had beeri' landed tlierd from the; Augustus a few, days before, owing to; the breakdown of the motor machinery of "this vessel off Barcelona on her third voyager'to ..South America. The. Coiite Grande, .the new vessel, whidh is practically a copy of the Conte Biancamano, is fitted with Parsons turbines driving two propellor shafts with, propellers turning inwards instead of outwards ;through .double-helical-double-reduction mechanical ;gearing.. • She is slightly larger than"h.qr elder sister, and: Has given remarkable results during; her trials:.;; .; % The".ltalia,nrbuilt;';vessel- is -at

-ldd;st;half,,avkubt';faster than her'proto.typ^again^bfvat least a quarter of a ■klipj; ;b>ing found, due to'the .'fitting of ■the-Star; (Joutra propeller/ which is now in •:common ;.uso/ in Italian liners/- -The :C!onte',iV;erde,', perhaps, the" niosfrcniarkabjc:yesse!- allqat, having, complet--01l s^ya|^i.^rpss titiNortth }& tjaiitic, '? < ri:'.T^S.P?:-V^Pt'V( 'PJ»'S'p'.uth''-Ame'i-Jca'-: aiid tenoa,;Uiid-;seycrai:tduring;-trips invtiie Al.ecliterraj!.eaji,wii:liou't;ovor-i]aviiig']]ad ■tii-b7;s]ightest > -j-epairs';tb.-lle.r-niachinery, the .ispced -von-.. aU'-sccasions."being'' cbn:s;>;']«e:pt..'4.;pyer 30.. knots,-' There ..are- already, iin'dicatibns.of'a.,V:n'cw.'.pro-:gi:ammc-pf.-25knbt : ships bf 35,000 toils bptli'^oiy^tlie^-'NiivigaKioiie^^cncrale ItalKina.andv.lJlpyd.Sabaudo-; lines! '-'As th'q; ; .;.blder. sHipslar&'Bcrapped'Vafter.: .20 WV* •'• .^JJ'ice;,,;(.which'.-is- liiidS Veornpul)?i *M: HvII&Vp rrppi-J^cdrby OTeso^lastcr-ijancl^argpr^yessols, •wliich ltffiS^e?i#iv^i.v,:: by^'iste;a;nv.: ::turbiH;es tlii-oughi. single-reduction ■ gearing - - aiid :will,ppssibly •:b:b;ifittcd'..wit!i -al-ii'd.w-- typo of lijglv-prcssurc boiler. "It is consid- ' ered that;;tho .■limit. o .f.'pow'er transmitted- through.- double-reduction; gearing! has .Jib.iv-bce^i-reached.- v - -It is under-' s}?J?£ thatthc machinery pf the Augus- ?; v.?;. wi1. 1:-1. I 0 .and-this ship ls.v o'lY-: lai. d:'uP in' GeJioa. Harbour under ™??"r:l!?'cl:'..Piatp»-:rpds- ; ibf..h'cr.M.A---N-' doublp-aptiilg Diesel.enguies Having to be; altered in; design.,,, ,Kor;spced of 21 Jviiots. is; to ,be considerably reduced—' at;least;;for somb/.time.; :. ... -, :. 'Cargo Pilferage..,''.- ." ..' / . :."A-lthougi,'- the-'evil pf^piifcrhgo. of, cargo ;has-,s : binowhat' diminished as comfVs■■;.Vitli;. the ycdhr immediatbly'lo :: y ;it^ still ; a;f onhidabW problcqi , .Australian ports haye1 a" bacV rppntatioii-in-itfiis matter, aud hi the Now;, Zealand; trade the - extent of the evil, is -also .serious, (states ■the' "Rhinping incv-for cveiTto,. of'^3' ried.:the -a.mourits paid in compensa ioif HlOOd. ••-^iiile^ these (igufj sho^.,p,:bgre SS ive diminution, ttiay still-, sufficiently-high to' reflec^ on ' le mo,,rUta,,dafdort! ly ; UWS ou S ;i, 3 C;ming ,the. cargo : in tl,o.N?.,vZoal : uid. trade.■ .. Anti-Pilforing Gampaig2]. . ' "'•'"• Althpugh Miot'.'a g'rcat'uioaJ'lias been heard, regarding-the work'of tliu com-' mitteo. -formed a-.-year 'or. so ..•isr'o-'-to curb .-th.e.j.aetivitics of cargo thieves' in .the port;pf Now .York,l it: docs 'not by, any moans follow 'tiiaf'the'-rosults achieved have not'been'.of an import 'ant ...character;: iiv fact, the report" :ie-ecii't-Iy issuecl 'shows that' a 'gratifying measuro'.of; Success has already tieoir iittainod., - : ■ For-Va long time New 'I'ork'• vlecl with .Australian ports for ' .the' dubious.-distinction'- of containing ''• th'c* boldest; and -most' ingenious ear«-u 'pijfjrer?.' '-Even--now thefts aro put'on-1 a large" scalci although tht: committee; have done 'much'•■'■to render dishonesty' loss, profitable. Apparently in Now York, as in' London and: elsewhere; Pne '(if. the factors u'lijch" largely defeats itho;efforts-to diminish this" form, of-crime, is tho mistaken leniency of .Magistrates'. '■' The report refers to cases'in. which, when an^sts have bociv and .tho jilbajtst.. .evidence sub-? mittcd, wrongdoers have got off with a.' ridiculously small fine or have merejy ; '. been warned and discharged. It is em-; phasiscd that if pilferage is to be sup-, pressed the Courts must co-operate with tho police by inflicting, when occasion1 demaniifij "tlio'"'severesTpenalty'the "law; permits; and .if. this, is ,insufiicient, the legislature shoul.diake steps to increase it. ' ■■ - '■"■' ": ' ".r ■'■■•" '■;■ " ' ■■■■ ;".■"■"■■

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Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 28

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Ships and the Sea Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 28

Ships and the Sea Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 28