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'■',-•') '•''*■ -: ■■■.■.■■ ■ . - ■ „..■■■■ - . . , _ ■ ' . -.«■'■•■■. ■'.■■'..-••.•••■■• ■■' , : ■■■ ■.'..■■"...■ ' ■'■'■■ ' ';.;■ ' . . . ' . .' ... , ' ' .. '..''...'..:'::.'.. .'■'■ ■ r. ■ '■■'■ '' " " "!'.. '"" ' ' The Regular Half-Yearly I).XC sfoc^-i?ecfacfng £t;eiif/ MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER ON THIS OCCASION LAST SALE BEFORE OPENING OF NEW BUILDING 11 ,i^r!itri^™!l. ! I Extraordinary Millinery Clearance | | SHOWROOM I .'•,'.,=--. GLOVES—Most reliable skins; made HOSE—In all sizes = S<* 1 W^ • H-% 1 • ' ...... | ... . . .- = ■- I in France; in cream and white only. Usual price 3/11 pair « /I 1 i ' of Kll*i/»f Q/»1110 f Ml*l/*A t€ _flll/*tl All C IK"—- -1 OUR £1 RAIL includes, Taffeta Evening Dresses, Lace § 5 Sizes from O.i to Oi SALE PRICE Z/11 I Cll kjUCIUHIIiCU ! IK.C AACUUIUUIAO f""^ ■—\ I' Evening Dresses; Crepe de Chine Coatees, odd —^ — = ■| Usually 20/b^^' p^ E 6/11 .1 * Irmy i ■ Coats, Costumes, and a few check and striped JET | 1 :" . ."'■■ "THREE KNOTS" Artificial Silk, and | MODEL MILLINERY—In velours, velvets and felts. Usually JS^ ,^____. l- House Frocks. A useful assortment from which to OvX = ■ Reindeer and Deerskin GLOVES—With Cotton HOSE—Silk over knee, splen- i priced from 3 guineas to 6 guineas. Beautifully designed f^ gT\ If% "2?/6v) /M____^. ' E choose a real bargain. ■• = ..§ ' plain -and fancy gauntlets, English did wearing, in light useful colours. 1 and finished hats, in a variety of head fittings. Unusual ,>^^"fl / fH& ?K /______B | makes; in browns, tan, rose beige and r.nni' n,,w r/n wa/« ■> = value at D.I.C. Sale Price— v / ■B.t^l \^ j^ /HWW^B 1 ....... , f i grCys ' ' D s^iMCE 3/11 'I' ■ l/j 7|S|iL«l r OUB 30/- RAIL offers Georgette Beaded Evening ~ J ! I Usually. 12/G to 14/6 1 ft/C . .. .' § MATRONS' MODEL MILLINERY—TweIve only of these C^lTh l£* UA US^tiZW&M- Dresses, Crepe de Chine Dresses, Viyella House <■■/ i = SALE 1 RICE, Pair AY/ U "HOLEPROOF" PURE SILK HOSE— ■§ -. ,Hats—but twelve women will be made supremely happy. V^TT/fHE T M / Hlw i Frocks, Repp Coat Frocks, and a.-"ew odd Coats tJAJI ** I = Children's IMITATION SUEDE. with wide elastic top; in black and '= • Usual prices 3to 0 guineas. '■ • SALE PRICE ■"■"■■ *^ / ' ■ fi / TOW "" and Costumes / i ' | GLOVES-With fancy gauntlets, In vM Usual price 10/0 O /11 I .'.. ■ 1| s' «» '' I .'.'.' .:/ ', - -■■■ ■■ I | fawns brow;,, -beaver and. grey^n all •■ SALE PRICE 6/ 11 I. . A FEW OTHER MODELS-Usually priced at OS/G, SO/G, O£_l C± >^ ■ ~ i -. ' ''" . ': :.'''""• v■.■ ■ I = Laually o/6 o/ll pair o/fi H 70/6. Now to be sacrificed at- : 1 i OUR £2 RAIL includes. Wolscy SUk. and Wool House >% = \ i SALE IRICS, WV. IMPERFECT ARTIFICIAL SILK \ . . "^ *^ /C^ *\, _^- I | Frocks, Repp Coat Frocks, a sprinkling of odd *fc» I ] Ladies' AH-wool GAUNTLET GLOVES HOSE—Mock seamed leg,' light shades j PELTS IN" GREAT VARIETY—A • "shade and a size for <m f*. I *•% \ ". 'lA ■I : Coats and Costumes,' Crepe &c Chine' Gowns and. (jUM = I in pastel, fawn, biwn, beaver, and °nl * Usually 0/11 pair = everybody These Hats were 00/0, DO/b, 40/U lou cnn iY§ WT% >'^ L-^s^ i Jumper Suita. - , ■ . iI. grey. Usually 3/11. pair o/1| Half-price 3/0 pair C/ 11. I- take your choice, now at— . ... . AC^/V^ Zz^fl'T^ = . ..... ■ . .'z : | 'j ;. ■■ SALK riUCE . Or 2 Pair for O/ll |. ..... ' - ' /jJ ' , -■•! OUR £3 RAIL gives a selection of Model-Coat Frocks >"V :^; '' 1 tj,>.niii.iiinn.iiiMiMi.ii.n,,.ii.i. l .i..>iMii.iiiiiii...uni.iii 111 •imiimiii iiiMin in intuit i.jfj OTH lilw FELTS—In all colours, mlucli previously cost 39/0, TM g / m*% i and a few Coats, fur trimmed and-plain, also Cos- «fflW - *-^' 1>• n, „„,„„■„„.,.,„■„ „„■.„„„„,„„ , '„.;. , mi. Miii n „ „,.„ , a 20/0,25/0. Now to bo cleared at— JL V// \J Q P '""'=' tumes and Day Gowns. ■■ '. ;■. : ' '^ylj/;^ S^ ''TL... ]!?_ ■-i^,*-- r^^« M^w.r Q n^^<«l<.' "BUKBANK" FELT SPECIALS—A rery smart -pull-on shapes .. CP I(f^ S^O Qji ' §- . ; - : ■"" -.-:' .. ,■ ; '.. !•. cc inese rancy. urapery opeciais ■!, i n tt goo a variety of shades.■ Neat, efEocth-e trimming of rS/I'TI ITT3 • -" mm fn«ur nff , *, f ro- , dT* vl = ii -..; ■,; •-; J r J s- . _ .... j. contvastiii" felt etc— . • ' ' **"*/ Illfl "' offers a good selection of 2-piecc and . fcT/l f ! = 3ipieces only SGin. Frostpd Effect TIN- 3 only. CREPE GEORGETTE EVEN- = ■ ' " ' . . ' lIIH = 3-piecc' Jumper Svi^jj u wool; all new goods. O^^^^T i I' .. VSEL TISSUE—Heavy quality, in ING SCARVES—Handsomely. , cm- i nm , v , cl IT . mc, ' T - ' „ -, n ,,. ,- lf - io/p ' #^ /^"* "JI ~M - ' ' ' I ■ 5 ■ Silver' and pink shades ' bfoidered in Chenille designs; rose, 1/ CHILDKExN S HATS- Usually JO/0, la/O, 12/0 Z£.IW% >4-l*!fl 1 ' ■ ' :. ' i ' .2. -V ■' Usual, price 9/11 £/£ peach and periwinkle shades. ;.; J .' - ■ . . A11..0w offered at &* jVT I : : . ' ' ■ . : ' .^. -1 ■, i|. Vfv SALE PRICK v/p ■' '' . Usual price £0/0 A 4C/ "'. J•' • : . ' ■ • • ■ ! OUR 15 RAIL of Model Gowns, Coat. Frocks, and Coats'. «^^' B^ - I lOC^picres 30i». COLOURED TULLE& SALE PRICE l*Of ' | ■ U.r.C. is unrivalled for Miiarlncss of niillincry great scled.ion. No ol<l slock is crrt • :.:: I Extraordinary, value. .; . '„.:^ -'■■■• ■■=.'■ ;^^:i^%! '!■ ]. "-^For Evening Scai'vos, Millinery, etc. ■..The .remainder of our Stock oC Lovely = iillowcd to accumulate. All Hats new in style uiid suitable for present wear. Talsa your V ' i --- ■ . ;.;..O*B#%B^ .". „1 . :• :: : . U,sual price 2/- | //» EVENING. SHAWL&—AII kinds of : Choice now at these low clearance prices. . , i m +%> I ' , ' ' ';;' ".".■ .1 :.; .- ,: ' SALE PRICE 1/V colours. To clear at HAH--PRICK | ...... . ■■■■■■ y E |f| / ' DON'T MISS THE 10/-TABLE OF ODDMENTS IN = ■'■ 1 00 pieces Beautiful EVENING FLOUN^ 1,000 yards ASSORTED RIBBONS— 1 . . .. - . i | 818/* SiaRTS, COTTON FROCKS, ETC. " ■ ■ 'i ii OINGS—In Tinsel, Silk, Black Lace, Lingerie, Hat Baud, Fancy Tinsel, = ' §. / • . .. j 2 etc. Beautiful goods. To clear at Half etc. All to clear at 3d., yard. § f^ ¥> AAS *D THlfi A\flfjr\'n'Pf T\TnTVI 1 -I S Usual Price. .Bargains here. 50 dozen ■ Pretty GUIPURE EDGE ■= ■■-. \j| JIV/VCJ JT 1 fllvJ Ur IUH iV/ 111 1I I! ! These Goods ri^m hi the windows, but : I I IoSSSrMS io^PSSf lEFS-IlliWWto' I.- „ . '•■■'i-----#^«- #H ...... ..//." V:;., .1. . -^yedou^sintheManUeSho,:^. An /::. J ii % good range of new shades. . • Worth 1/6 to 1/11 each AD, •= XL. ' ■ ' ' a " ▲ (^ «»*«*. . =• ■ • ... ■■ early visit will be weH repaui. ■' -. ... | i "■ To clear at HALF-PRICE ■ TO CLEAR AT 9 I f\l AIIT 1C TIIP ; 1 im*« 111 fill' '^- ''; ''' ' ' "' '■ '"■ '^ '■'} ■'■■■■. I y, ; ;.,- , ;„, ,„„..„. .„ ; , ,_ | IIUW 13 111 C ■JL Illlv IU wilt fU Ull i ......;,. i;.,;.:^,,;,,,,^.. Clothing, Drapery, Furnishings and Household Hardware ANTICIPATE FUTURE REQUIREMENTS BUY EVERYTHING AT SALE PRICES '" ■■"V" :T O W 1 CII X" CM any Off W edai Half Price j FUR TRIM M 1 IN t»5 |■• II" ' lLf\\ |f^^^^ | EXCEPTIONAL VALUES in I i^piL, I iwi :■■■■■■ h , Ju;pi. ceC 6i, tubular Milanese.! , ALL SACRIFICED . [g 3g \ Ladies' Fashionable! J| WW M vm^^VS. ' In good |shade of pink, slightly soiled .|. As we have a limited quantity only, we art ' :^^^^^rmlMß l p/V/vmiirri Jk n i HHP^HP^P^^HIi I^^<AVjg2 ■ -"V |. °U °nC Cd^S price 13/0 : C/Q^l' '' «»«i6«ng our Fur Trimming*. •■i BS S=S rßj^^^jß |T OU I'-Wt AX | ni||i|J^ ||P "^^^^^^! ■■" i %d%joc^^^^^r"l 818^ yimißAl 'SKlJN^i^t^:3s/6 WBWJBiwBBBiI pFS^^sg^ f ' >I^H^A^&S9HI sw>' • • s■■ Shades of grey and brown only) 38m. |s SALfc rBICJB Wf w • . '. ..7i«jw.mi._. \r'»m—. ■■ '■'**■ i = .*»?■"•«.. , <k ...i_ . . = 44_^T WEMQkf I :wiae' Usually 7/11 O/1T | BBSGE AND MARTEN^ OPOSSUM |/4 Inches wide / """ i. .. . . . ' I, .. , \9/\\ I * 1 •' HALF-PBICE'.O/'.l-.l |„ ■ Usually 39/6 yard QA/1> .. fJAIIOI! 1 '■! TMCMO '■ '"V■/' V.. '• i i ! "^^ ' T 2 pieces 54in. FLORAL GEORGETTE I • SALE PRICE £ 51/ D rIvJUOEj LlllN'EjMO '' I* Paii*Blu«, and Gray Glace Kid 1-bar ; |\\ SV ! Pi r« JC 1 "E -Fawn and saxe ground, with large I : REAL MOLE FUR-4 inches wide *lvfWMfci fci**lM4W i ' SHOES-Louis. heels. Usually 59/6 ; liUW^ txtra Uood sale ]■ -g^-^-^ |:;: .; ■ 25/6 all prices shattered | 19/11 j • ValueS 111 I SALE i'RICE lift/ O I ' PULLED HAVANA FRENCH CONEY—4 inches 100 yards HEAVY' .QUAMTS WHITE DABIASK— \lO pairs Rose' Glace i-har siaOES-Low | |' ... ...»_ ._• 1.25 yai-ds FLAME CHENILLE EM- f wi(Jo Usually 27/6 yard O«> /C 70 inches wide. Original price 5/11 yard Q/C = covered heels Usually 40/- ; . f lINDFRWEAR I BOSSED OEORGETTE-Neat floral ,= . SALE PRICE ZZ/D . ~ . SALE SPECIAL «$/ 0 =. . IQ/11 I O IS . ,UIWLiAV"^n» ; design on self-coloured ground; 36in. | . GRE y GRO OVED CONEY-4 inches wide 24 only 36 x 36 IRISH LINEN EMBROIDERED § , , sm p 9 m Omaft. Wlllter Special Offering of ALL WOOL ROS- ■ 1 Usually 19/0 A/A | Usually 28/6 yard oa/ fi AND SCALLOPED AFTERNOON TEA CLOTHS = Fawn Glace Kid 1-bar SHOES-Tan . r , . .•••»■ ¥W.. **■••«* , LYN VESTS—Round necks, short : HALF-PRICE if/ V y SALE PRICE LL/ 0 Usual price 19/6 A/11 I backs, Louis heels ■ Usually • 52/b | TVO CC C rADDT/^Ci sleeves, medium and out sizes A/C i : 85 yards Double-width ALL-SILK I HAVANA AND BEAVER GROOVED CONEY—4in. , •. - SALE SPECIAL •*/ 1 * - ' IQ/11 : i MJ :K r.H^ I 4 AKK II NOW.ALL ONE PRICE **/D = GRENADINE—With rich satin fin- I wide Usual price 32/6 yard OC/C on • i niivrv tptw ttwot T?AfT>?nTn = IU/ • .. I *^.*- *I**1 '** * «U»»iyh; SWISS RIBBED VESTS-Silk and g: ish and best French dye and finish I . SALE PRICE Z5/0 20 P^r^ Ul y lL^ ' 4SSf cS Sods = Sunburn Glace 1-bar SHOES-Lizard } 11. «/„„,, t rl wool, short sleeves, extra | " Usually 8/11 r/|.| | MEDIUM BROWN STRIPED HARE-4 inches wide BRED PILLOW SHAMSH^oice goods ■ y trim, Louis heels Usually D 2/0 i All Well Reduced to Clear long Usual price 10/6 7/It.- | SALE PRICE .0/11 I Usually 21/6 yard 17//J •ffiitraOLsi. 12/6 •-= • ' 10/11 I . ■ ■ -;-■ SALE PRICE I/* X = 7 pieces Double-width PRINTED § SALE PRICE 11/O Wll m mmnn , m rfnn td'tcw rnWurn' -= ■ ' 1«'/1- 1 i- 20 pieces .only 40in. "KASHA" FLANNEL—Ali'wool' "HODGIL" KNEVER SHRINK" = NINON S AND GEORGETTES- I MEDIUM BROWN STRIPED,HARE-4 inches wide 1 ™}*.'*^^RomiS£ED IRISH LINEN-JKBP-, , ? r r .. Win o W '.., vSHOES-Wolted |„ • Special dress finish. Shade saxe royal rose VESTS-ln thick ribbed wool and E Floral and check patterns = Usually 24/6 yard O 1 /C ' SPREAD-Deep hemstitched border;. full double | ' so r CSj Louis heels Usually Co/- .=. nr nW ' T' „'„?', -« ', 10yal 'ros«' cotton, V-necks and short sleeves or | UsuaUv 14/6 J/11 I SATF PRTPF Zl/u bed size Usual price f 11/11/- = IA/11 = „ cedar, Havauna, slate, grey, kingfisher, emerald, sleevelc^Usual price 6/11 t/11 \ SALE PRICE 4/11 1 GREY STRIPED HARE-4 f.fehS ™°E ''^ " SALE SPECIAL r GUINEAS f 19/H ._ | - henna and peacock; 40in.. „...;. .•„..'.. SALE PRICE O/ X X I 250 yards Double-width COTTON- I Usually 28/6 yard i)J //• .■■....■.•«* E Light Coloured Tan 1-bar SHOES—Low \■■ . ■ Usually. 4/11, 5/11 Or/ft SERVICEABLE "SUNTEX" VESTS I BACK SATIN-Shades, ivory, laelio, I SALE PRICE 24/6 2 only FULL DOUBLE BED ART SILK LACE BED- | covor cd heels Usually 37/6 | SALE PRICE, o/11 —In winter weight, ribbed cotton, high ■= violet, gold, old gold, vicux rose, scar- | ' SABELINE CONEY—4 inches ■ wide SPREADS—I: Blue, 1 Helio. Very smart hue. - .... iA/11 H , ' ■ lat back, shaped waist I let, saxe, royal, green and black I hAßijljlwis ljUiNljX-4 ]^« vl™ /f . yavd , Usually 05/- each P,-/ I ' ltf/11 § : 175 yards.only,4oin. NOVELTY CHECKS-For frocks, Usual price 3/6 1/I 1 I ' Usually 10/6 yard C/t t' I SALE PRICE LL/Ki . ■■ SALE SPECIAL «*«//"* „ | Maids' Blacb Satin Shoesi—Low heels, : ; skirts and sports wear;,smart new. checks and col- • *„ V SAVF™ RICE ,r™rn* 'I ' SALE PRICE D/ II : QREY THIBET—2 inches wide 50 dozen ALL LINEN DAMASK SERVIETTES— I round toes, 2-5 , Usually 25/ti |, : ouriugs, in fine, soft, all-wool cloth : PURE WOOL JALGAR VESTS— | 4 Ends 54in. CREPE DE CHINE—In | Usually S/6 yard r /(* Great value .[ '.. = , 1 ft/fi • ~z '■■""■■ Usually 7/11 S/il m/* Chemise shape, V-necks, scevclcss =. bois de rose, almond, navy, and black. = S\LE PRICE O/V ' A/1 1 PER HALF-DOZEN I , . lU/ U .= . . . Ub sm'pnipp 4/fi •■ '...Usual .price 19/6 1 C/C ..:.■ Specially. suitable. for Frocks, Spanish I . H ELIO THIBET— -> inches wide ■ ' ■ • O/i 1 : ■ i Fawn .and Tan,. Charleston All-leather i ... . MLLlKllb i/ : U. :— -siffiss/e :r!!&^r^^ri£!rt -Tr^T^^r^^- . -^--— —52/6. t.^^^^ . ;->isastt^i - FOR THE CHILDREN { S^wld^ uS IT^/, J SUitaWC Car<liSa^r^i Sf "" iSas'kSaKFA^S-CIoX?™ ! ' '25/9 ': ! .300 yards 4 0in..NOV E LTY TWEEDS-Good .quality GIRLS' WINTER COATS-In Tweed, = SALE PRICE 5/ 11 J SPFriAi S?w PBiii? 6 victtcs Usually 24/6 set -| 7/ C i ' 1 fabric, m many smart new designs; mostly only Velour, Hopsacjc and Blanket Cloth; 5 _ =•'.- SPECIAL SALE PRICE U SALE SPECIAL 17/ D ■ |„,,,r tw ,f rtn .,™,.r,,.« „„.. „,,» H in short lengths Usually 7/11, S/ll ' A.'/il tan, desert, oakwood, bottle, nutmeg njiiimiimii 1 '" niiiiiiuiii . ' . " : SALE PRICE "/11 Usual prices 22/6, 29/6,39/6 to 63/- '. . . .... , . ■•.••'■ . ' .' . •'■:•■'■ -' ■• - '■ Sale Prices 8/11, 9/11,. 14/ Cto 22/ ft; ' W "£■'■'""'■'' '•':'•'■■■"'•'■ »H • » • W ¥ ¥ 120: yards' only 54iu. TWO-TONE REVERSIBLE Clearing Prices for GIRLS' HAND- :' - #Xr ' : -»-^ —— '■ ■' X -***** JL**. *,* £» *+>\** *m. *< m%* &• iU.^-** S- *i*+B** + * VELOUR CLOTHS AND TWEEDS—For coats; DRAWN FROCKS-In Belgian lawn;,- iT\}f%tl Odt%t%€%T dCLBh WlijYlT& €%V MJBI£jBT& IJUIM.BR.CMUI Hd.€lV alsoquite suitable for gent's dressing, gowns; pure pink, sky, and apple ■ / . '..*». Y\M\A V»%*f ■•.» %,\J%» V»l*«. fc ft .. ;■'■ %AS 1 •-B»( ««*» %ir M *JM *.%** M.** %*Vf M. %, M » \* •<• •> *»• *W •» •'•^ . wool cloths and very attractive design; 54in. Usual prices 10/6, '11/G, 12/6 9/A . , : ' " . ' , Usually 10/6 to 13/11 |»/| | NOWALLAT W D ■" ' _„.^__ ___i -: SALE PRICE 0/11 GIRLS' JUMPER SUITS-Silk and ' ■ M ■ W , ■■ IJI J ■ m ■ I ' M ■ ■ M Jf I / SALE PRICE I/Xl AVool, high square neck, long sleeves, ■ ■ II J^H A ■ A ■■ SO yards only CQin. BLACK GABARDINE—AII good. saxc/putty, fawn/shrimp - ■ ■ ■ ■ » ■ . B^^^ 1 . /^^ BY 1 Best British dye and'finish. Usually 15/11 fl/I ■■- '' "' Sale Prices 0 "S'tvt ' „ ' , l SALE PRICE 3/11 . Discontinued Numbers in gossard Entrances: PANAMA and BRANDON STREETS for all Departments except Men's Wear 10 Robe Lengths oni y sim. novelty tweeds-ah CORSETS —In pink hrocho and clas- ■ * wool cloths, in attractive designs. Robe lengths, 3 tic TEMPORARY SHOP FOR MEN* Opposite Relburn Cable Car, LAMBTON QUAY a... to3^-ds.' Usually 10^lepkS:4/11 .^ , 11

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Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 19