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!: FRIDAY,. 6th,JULY, 1028, .■':..•:■!.-.■ : ' .■ At 2.30 p.m. ji^, ; , ■'••■■"' - VERY CENTRALLY SITUATED ONE- : •. FLOOR G-ROOMED RESIDENCE, . , •.-'• ' -■■ . ... No. 00, Wallace street. .- . . ■"•.-' :;; MESSRS. HARCOURT AND GO. have „; .flu. received instructions to Sell by ■ : PUBLIC AUCTIONnt, their rooms, 105, . Xambton quay on the above-mentioned "•'^jla'fe:— T; V-y-tex- ■:■•:::■;■•••:,:. .-,. • fr ': t!'' i .'MOST'''CONVENIENT 'RESIDENCE j -.' OF GvGOOD ROOMS;,fitted with eleo.o .1 ' trie-light,- built-in wardrobes and' "^ ,4-. cupk.9ijrds, porctdain bath. and ba'sia, , °'!!''£ -°' tiled ;bpen fireplaces/chip1 heater, etc.; Si'; ■ on landVwith a ■ frontage of 36ft by a v/- '■:.■■ depth.up to 111 ft. .This splendid proper' •;W-J.ty is situated. Avithin. about ten., min.'j!','.",i'j'';:. '.lites' .train! fide of...the G'.P.O. ;,'■ The ■':.-',':';['' residence,is .in:;g6.pd'.'sound order, and '';•'■,',' ''/''' are -attractive throughout v?(',. ' 'fhe fooma'al'e'all 'ofgoo'd sisie^ whilat !* i?: between' the -two' largest rooms; (eacn ■ '":■'■'*■■■:..■.with" o open- fireplaces); -are' folding ;h'.-.i- ,;-;..doors.'v^ll conveniences ■install*; y sis •;'-,■"ed, andlfiyerythitig/is nnder the one ■;i "-■;'... roof i:'.'! The Jand: is Jaidiout An-- gar ; Z<u'• ri .\. dens, and there. are concrete' paths ,and 1 ■:'-.*■ concrete (fence- oti the; front'..boundi. \....»■"■■■ ary.^With", .its j.yery central situation ,i'ir',,;.'. H': property;.;th"at:,will, always r "i -p..- >:; hold ite' .V4lue,;.tiiid' coinffland 'an' ex-' .>'.-'• .it.'-. .pellcnt valrieV ■■■' ':- J'-' t . ;:.'''"■ ■ ■'■;'■ '';^'-f .-For- full' partifcula'its'apply ■'" '- r|"': ' ■-■'' .?^!i--':.■■" ■'J^.r.?;^l^coijßX."ANb;'c6^ ':'y -•',/";,. : '■"".;';...;."., J. .. "Auctioneers.' .; f;w^-: „ TUESDAY, lOtfi JULY, 1928,' . ....'.. "^'.•V.;l. . ■•.■■'■■■ '".■', ;At 2.30 p.;in. . ';.,.". .; . , :;^ ■■ v; '. !:.: .^cll^ 7"B^l3; ■■'■' ■ )''; ':■'••- ;':'':ii MAdNOTGE^T: HOJIE ;ok" WEEK; ■-■-.. ■.. ■-""end site: - '■■ r,. : . 13. ACRES. OF LAND, with a ijr'ge; ..,.-, * portion;'in .Beautiful.Native Bus.h'' '•■!VX'- i A gldrious'panorama' view of 'tlie'Huti ' K;?"';-;,"j^ValIey;":thb;3Gityl:,iha-'thV Harbour; '/■ ■■';.';-,i Nyostern* Ku,tt .road, "between ;Mellijig -and. ■;,-V ■■■■■■(.:■ '„..v.-.,.'.'.-1 |i 1.' Bclinpnt.: .."!'.','., Aini ■?'•■'•'v^'f^'^ASY- terms'. '^-A ;■■■';• ■ .'^.MESSRS; HARCOURT AND; CO. will, .: v ■JSk... sell %b.u^lic Auction, .at. their ,;..[.-..rooms, r 19.5,..Xi(i)i13t0 : n..-- quay,", oil .|lie".above' '■ iV'Xmentioh^yctate,'^"."."..,..'.'■' , ' „-. ".'.^ ;.'.-' ■ iksONE AND/THREE-QUARTER; ACREti' :-(<)•:: ■■ ''■OE'LAN©, -lying/between Mellingiand' ■ Ui-Iw Beifflont, r^nd ; abp,ijt 3to . 4 minutes* ■'iijj'}-'-' ofi.the flatter .station, and; haying-.'a: .--!;■'•,' .good.^rpntage "ioj'ithb Western J, Hurt v :'j^ ' road;'. i r'.f.h'is;is,; a' / reiiiarkably fine' area . " n ,-fiT '.yrith.'.S.nuniber''of e'x^ellentl'sitis la.nij. : ".-'■'*. a laf^e.ipart;is at present in gorgeous ■"/;>.'.: ' Na'ti^WsK."-^ There-is'a; profusioh.ijlE; ■':"• : . .tree, -ferns/ lioneysuckle,-1 wattle/ rh6- ; I-''!«''l--.-..'-Jdo:d&iid*olis,''ahd"Many:.'chdiße«and' ex^ «::■■.; ■> VpenraiVfi f fihrubs-; -and?;.plants/ with V X"iS'; ;. iievefrfaihng^s'tream,;rufaing- through r';j.^; the-.; bush,'•'. jvjthv numerous.-. waterfalls ' ,:,,<; .and : the, call,, of birds (includ'.4..: this.a.real;.back-to-'Jfi-" ■... ■ nature;' site, T Electric 'light, "gas,'l'w:ate'r. ;'"■.-;." aijoi.septic-tank',.all "available. , .A '^' ..-,, .:..'.also in vegetablegarden: and ■''.",'* ■ '■'P^a.^efl''•■'■?'???' ■ frwt*:trees,L etc.'■' ■■'&■ 'f.i'^ ■'' ;.very l !f^soriab'lel: -up,set'.price' has 7 been. "■•-":V''Exe<H, 4nid Jihe .terms•''-will '■• suit '.any:. ■ - cj?;' "■':''■ipo.cße't.B ■^ii...-: r-^..'l-n:: f;::: H- f \;'^ '...!!■" VJfpr'full .particulars, .apply.''.' '.'■' ',-•.,. "41.' ■„;;;;^^J^^'h^qo^rtJand'co.; ..•"•• .*.,.?.'*■". ','."■■•"■■,7, .:-':'j''""'>.V-.'.';",.', . ■' .'VAiic'tidrieera;.'..----;i: :■•:- ' 'TUESDAY,'IOth JULY;']92B,: "'.?, !<'w- "■■''/' i'-'.i 'il&V 2® i>;m^: .:'-- ! ';-^ /■■" ; . z-^" .■-.-■,•■ /'.^sAuction^saW ':.::■•. -;-. . .^i r-3.'- -VALUABiiiIV'BpSINESS; SITES,-;., ■ vi-- ,^ -"-Haying Great -Pfospective Yaliie and V .!.:■..'.'■,■ \.beiiig.! Corner Sites. '..' '•"" *;'" ";, '.'.:''■'!;^JACKs6iSSSTREET,-EETONE. "..;,. : ;,_:i.'l. .have.received ■iristiuctirius to. Sell '■byl - - PUBLIC AUCTION at their' Rooms, vj^qvWS, Laißbton ; .<juay,,pn thCjlaboycrme.ntionT ■jr ed."datcf^7^",;>:';--.' Vis' '. ";::. --i':A >,:-; ]' '■ '■'.'. "■'i{l'ioTS:l:ANp 2,-BLOCK , iotal '■■■'/: ' frontage'of-,SOft to''Jackson street and "■"■■'.''■.■■• ' 100 ft toPatrtck street, to bo sold as a.- . '.."".-.block.- ■'■ , ' ■■.'".■'" ;- ■" '■ ,;- LOT 1, BLOCK 5, having frontages, of. ';. 42ft to Jackson street and 100 ft /.to'' *■!■£. : -...■; Jessie--fitreet.>.' /■:: :^n:c ;; .;.;':.-: ; ■■;',,', ~.f.y\'i v '' .'■^:'l:;s':^.!!'i l s"-'<-JiV,;..j^(--'.-,-v;'vJ V-i-i/ j [?■'', K.r!1- These. .arc- excellent; sites pn.,tlie. iiaih- !,;...!.' shopping" itre|3(i" of Pctone,'-where'; values •"J^"' arq: .inc.jreasin^' :enprjnoilsly';owing' to I the' v*'". .yas't. anioilnt'-pf""devdopment- which- ,;is: ': r';'''-:''taktog'^lace;'";in>:-Xh'o;.';l-rntt-iand';'Petojie, ""^i r 'areas.w; • .~'*; ••■•.■. "■,-'.■' ■■. . '<■■■■ ,-!■-.."■> j; r •X ; Busin<ess'>BiteA >in "Jackson,; street. '; ar.e 1 *■<■ '••' - Mostly!-' .very.: ..closely-: held, I-but this . sale '-I'it ..securing ■i.,,?.,,valuable";Aijsinesg'.sites ; .which will ?.i un....rit; doubtedly.igreatljr..jncr.ease.iri.yalues. j ' '■ . s -.<i- ■ .For' fiijl ;p'articular'B''; .apply.".' .I,'.'"''"'', r v-'' s ;y '^;V ' HA^otira;AND^C6:;, : Aiic:tibnects.^ ■,; ; ;1 '■■.■■'. ':;sale"by^rtgagee,'.;.; J.^; ??'i .UNDER- CONDUCT '-OF'THE- 'REG-IS-v"; ■ TRAR OF THE SUPREME COUR-Tj-?, ■«^V ffUESDAY-j -THE-,'3ist| -DAY tftJLY? ->;•:;.-■ - •• zi--:'l'-:'- :<i;> '- 1928.-.-,;.^" ;',. : ,;;^'. : '■.'; •; Messrs;;.-; hargourt -jand- cbjvj:-/ ; . , EA;N'Y,;:- acting:: under Hnbti-uct'ions si "'.from the'lltegistrai'. of the Supriane: Cpuiit. , vo .'"cjf'.New2c.alijnd,:i«t-Wellington, at. the 'i:eV.' ,->ij;-<r quest 0.f.-«, the.-.-Slpj'tgagce, will offer; for" :.iis.',. Sale "by;>.i^BliiC,, i AUCTION, .at." thciir •-.-;,■■ Auc'tioa'Mart,'." PajiiuiiV street,'- Wellingv",/.toii, on./JL'UEBDAY,'' tJie'Slst DAY: OF ;. t:"."'JULY, 1628,. at; 2.3o,'o'clock;'in' the; after'■^■'^noori, the.follpSting rreehold"property:' -.'-y fM'v laud the\ St/f-i' ' City-,of Wellington, containing 'Twenty :. ; -percubs''"(2p pe'rs.] more or less,' beipg r ' v-pai-t Section Nine (0) Watts Peuiil:' sula District,.and being Lot 157 on-De-posited Plan 5209, and being all1 the- „••"•■'-'-. . ]and'v-in:' Certificate" of-^Title' ■ :o-;,. ; ■ 318^folio"76^ ..■:■-''i ■>-r ■■"..■■- :.'■; y;,' i: \'A ,";'.'.";;'.'Tlie'property!,'on^Svliieh':i?';'a' well-built '„!..", of s'roonis. atd kitchenette,"with all ' '.'■' ;inodern' conyfemene'es!,- is: situate; aVMirb \\\. '"'street,'. '.Hifainaiy'-'" in.- x a- good -residential li"-fjavea.: ■■ ■ -.'■>'.':•■■■■■■:.: : .K \;-*\, ■:-.■••. _r..-| .:■;■:,. «<• i<* -The1 application-to. sell: containing .the i: '■•»sMortgagee's:estimate ofc valtio-may. be in-. ;-.(•: '.: spected afctlic Registrar's ,Ofiice, : Supr.eme "• in.Coi.irt>'- S^eilington, at any. conyenient time '",!<-. prior tp^.tlie ;saie^., ; --' ; J "y.';,",-",- ";■'. | ' : '\'--. ■"'•.\t' .Partic'iiiara ra'iii:l:'66ndit.i'6ns;of-Sa)e may*' - :jJ:' be inspected" at the-offiie^of the Auction-: • 21v!cer8, or 'atthdoffices'-of MESSRS:BR;AN-. ;!' I!iDON, WARDj^ND HlSLOP,:.Solicitors ': '■'■'■- to -the Mortgagee;:dso,'.'Featherston; street, ':'''•■ Wellington.-:- ';'\-> ;•■;■)■ •-','-. ,-,.;:. „- ■■; \ "■ ■ 'I ;*-V MONDAY/.THE O.tK. JULY, :ati2B, ;.;.'.;.... .;; : ;;;: ; 'yA,t"L'3o.'^.in;; r '.:;..;:, ; "i'-'feALE OF' CHATTELS -UNDER • WRIT! ;'. .•^; / OF'SALE^:; .-^ .:: ;y- .< •>?. -i: NOTICE is.hereby-given that purspant, J.ji bto a.Writ.of Action Number. 1154, issued out of tlie Supreme Court pf. New.. Zealand at Wellington, on'behalf of. the ; ., Plaintiff,"Messrs.~"J'.' "T;"Julian and Son, ..'iS-jAd., ttier.Execittipn.'.Creditors,; and to .me directed, " . ■ ••' MESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. have . „..,„.... been .instructed ,tb:Seir,b.y PUBLIC svW/AUCTION,, their .-,.! Auction .-R00m5,... -•■•'2 Number Ips> L'ambtpn : quay, ,-Wellinfiton, '■■ifi-Apa. MONDAY./tho.Dth'pAYOF JULY,. ■:'---..-.-,Yi928, at naifTpaat one "i» .the; afternoon, the c-.-i [.'i ollowing vphattels' w.hich, I ,have .seized . ■/:"'rtinder the.,.said.;Writ:—; .':' ." .' . .- .•'" £ >57, WELL-SIApE „; DININGtROOM ..j,.,. 5 ,,., ; CHAIRS: (new, slip-out seats,'a-'.'splen-,. Vk.r'v did .opportunity'jfor.restaurants, j hO- -..-.■-.-' ■■■ tcls, .cabarets, et'e.) .'..'* „ ; .' ; . .:'.{< h- .'. ■■' 'NOW .ON VIEW, -,; ■: ' ; ::-.;.* The Writ bf-S.alo-wije.issued by Messrs. •.•■- r.-I'/.ard, . Westo.n', Stevenson' . .and•: Castle, •/.:■ -Barristers-and Solicitors. 101, Feathcrston ■.',;-'■' street,. Wellington, . on. behalf' of; the '■;:■; .jPlaiiitifl. ■'.■•■....'. ■ .- •:■ ■.' i .;; ■:■ li' For i'llrtlici-, particulars, apply ,toi the ',fj ••.Solicitors- or the ', Auctioneers. . ... : ■'.'. ..TERMS:, CASH.- '.!■ .- - : '■.';h:i, ." Dated this-30th da jr. of June, -1028.. • ','.«.■: . W'-.-W. SAMPSON> Sheriff, ■-„--; ,'.'. -.•.■■■ '„-••• .■ ■■ : - Wellington, .

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Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 151, 30 June 1928, Page 16