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2TA,TWellington (420 metres).—3 to 5 p.m.: Afternoon.: suasion. 6.0: Children's hour — Aunt Jane: and pupils of Mrs. Mildred Konny and Mrs; Isobel Halllgan; steel guitar and ukuMe (ap.'Torßet Me Not, My Waiklkl Mermaid, I.'; (b) "Aloha-oe," (c) "Come On, Nancy**; recitations, "Punchinello" (Hans Anderson),; <b) -''Three Bears"; .banjo, mandolin, and plano.v.'.'Cromartie," .■■''Barney' 1 Google," "Prisoner's Sweetheart"; dialogue, "Minstrel or Prince" J banjo'and piano, "Park Crescent"; chorus, "Sambo"; recitations, (a) "Kamate," <b) "Bedtime"; song, with banjo accompaniment, "My Irish Home, Sweet Home." 7.0: News, Market reports, and sports results. 80•G PO. «lock f f r -8:1: Overture,' 'la a' Chinese Temple Garden;". 8.5:. 'Celeste : Quartet, "Anvil Chorus.'^ 8.9: Mandolin.and steel guitar, Mr. B. J. Palmer, (a)' "ReH Kosebud," ■ (b) "O Solo 3Bo." S.W: Soprano, Miss Myra Sawyer, "Carnival de Venice.'^. 8.20 : . Synionds-Ellwood-Short Trio,"Trio, in G,'Allegro'and Andante" .<Mozart)....'. 8:30 :• Bass; Mr. Wm. Boardmau, "The* Porter's Song" (Flotow). 8.33: Vocal trio. Miss Myra Sawyer, Miss Mabel Dyer, and Mr. Edgar Swain; "Because." 8.36: Mandolin and ateel" guitar;-Mr E. J. Palmer, (a) "Lay My Head Beneath a' Hose," (b) "Ks.lwahau Waltz." 8.41: Tenor,, Mr. Edgar Swain, "A Castllllan,Lament." 8.44: Vocal duet. Miss Myra" Sawyer and Miss Mabel Dyer, "In a Little OldiGarden." B.4T:' Sonata for violin and piano, Mr. Gordon Short and Mis 3 Ava Symonds. 8.52: Contralto, Miss^Mabel Dyer, "Sapphic Ode." 8:56:. Celeste Quar'et, "O, Happy 'Eyes.f.'.-- 9.0 : Weather forecast. -9.2 : Belay of Manuel Hyraan'3 Band from Adelphi Cabaret. 11.0: Close down.

IYA, Auckland (333 metres). —3 to 4.30 plm.: Afternoon session. 6: Children's hour. 7.15: News and sports results. 8: Chimes; relay of municipal organ recital by Jlr. llaughan Barnett. 0.30: Dance music from Dixieland Cabaret. -11: A thought. 11.1: "God Save the King.";

3Yi, , Christchurch (306 metres).—G p.m.: Children's hour. , 7.15: News arid sporting rcsults<,;.B; ,Kelay from Crystal Palace Theatre. 8.15;' Mezzo-soprano, Mrs. Claris Shaw, "The Language of Love." 8.19: Chrlstchurch Broadcasting Trio, "Short Trio" (Bachmann). 8.25: Songs at "piano, JSr. E. A. Sargent, (a) "When I..Was-a Boy at School, (b) "Sandy M'ClUaky."-- 8.31: Banjolih, Mr.'Gordon Jackson, '"Honolulu Moon." 8.36: Humorous recitation, Mr. "Bonald Foster.. "A Clean Sweep." 8.39: Christchurch Broadcasting Trio, (a) "In the Woodland" (Aloe), (b) "0 Star of Eve" (Wagner), (c) "Polonaise" (Chopin). 8 52: Baritone, Mr.- Leslie Scrimshaw, "Love is 311ne." . 8.55:, Songs at piano, Mr. B. A. SarKont,;;.'A Fine OId: English Gentleman." 9BelaSj.'froni. Liberty Theatre. 9.15: Mezzo-so-prano, -Mrs; Claris Shaw, "Love's Cigarette." 9.18: Belay from.Dixieland Cabaret. 9.50: Baritone/ \Mr.V. Leslie - Scrimshaw, "Dreams '* of Long Agq.*.* ; .-,9:54:: Banjolin, Mr. Gordon Jackson, "Drrfttag-'-arid Dreaming." 9.59: Character studies, humorous, Mr. Ronald Foster (a) "A Dickens Monologue," (b) "The" Court Session." 10.5: Christchurch Broadcasting Trio (a) "Laguna Lullaby" (Hope), "The Answer" (Wolstenholme), (c) "Mazurka" (Mailing). 10.10: Close down.

4TA, Dunedin (463 metres).— p.m.: News. 8.1: Pianoforte, Miss Muriel Caddie. 8.6: Baritone solos, Mr. L. M. Cachemallle. 8.13: Violin, Mr. H. J. Kiddle. 8.19: Pianoforte, '. Mias Muriel Caddie. 8.24: Mezzo-so-prano, Miss Agnes Holmes. 8.31: Violin duet, Messrs. E. Kuffell and H. J. Biddle. 8 36: Baritone, Mr. L. M. CachemaUle. 8.40: Pianoforte, Miss Muriel Caddie. 8.45: Mezzo-so-prano, Miss Agnes Holmes.- 8.50: Violin trio Messrs. J. de Sllva, Kiddle, and pianist. 9: Description of boxing matcS. between Johnnie leclde and Tommy Griffiths, relayed from His Majesty's Theatre. 10: Close down 2FC, Sydney (442 metres).—7.4s: Jean Cerrard, melopiano numbers. 7.53: R A. Bar-' tleman, baritone. 8: "Big Ben"; Andrew Higgtasoii and Enid Lavis, entertainers. B.S: Mabel- Batchelor, soprano. 8.16: Boy Byan, whistling vocalist. 8.21: Comedy, "A Pair or Geese and a Brace of Goats." 8.36: Anq^T Higginson and Enid Lavis, entertainers. 5.46: The "Two Festive Carollers." 854 • Jean Gerrard, melopiano. 9.0: Weather. 9.1: Ambassadors' Dance Orchestra. 920■8. ' A Bartleman, baritone. 9.28: Roy Ryan, whlstllng vocalist. 9.36: Andrew Higginson and Inid Lavis, entertainers. 9.45: AmbassadorsDance .Orchestra. 9.55: -The "Two Festive Carollers.". 10.3: Roy Ryan, whistling vocalist. 10.5: Mabel Batchelor; soprano. 10 13 • Ambassadors' Orchestra. 10.57: Lato news and announcements, tll.0: Ambassadors' Dauce Orchestra, and studio' numbers. ■'. 2BL, Sydney (353 metres) .—8 p.m.: G.P.O. clock. Topical Chorus. 8.3: Broadcasters' Instrumental Trio. 8.13: Mr. Oliver Peacock (tenor), original songs. 8.20: ,Miss Dulcie Blair (violin solos). -8.27: Miss May Kenneth (comedy songs).." : 8.34: Weritworth Cafe Orchestra, i 8.40: Miss Heather Klnnaird (contralto). ,8.51;: Wentworth Cafe Orchestra. 9.1: Broadcasters' Trio. 9;11: Wentworth Cafe: Orchestra. 9.21: Mr. Oliver Peacock. .9,28:; Greyhound coursing. 9.32: NVentworth Cafe ■ Orchestra. 9.42: Miss May Kenneth (comedy songs). 9.49: Wentworth Cafe Orchestra.- 9.59: Following day's proKramme. 10.0': G.P.O. clock. 10.1: Miss Heather Kinnalrd. 10.8: Broadcasters' Instrumental Trio. " 10.15 :.'■ WenUvorth 1 Cafe Orchestra till 12. .' .' '■■..; ;■/:.';,..'i

2GB, Sydney (316 metres) .—7 p:ni: tp 10 p.m. J 3LO, Melbourne (371 metres).—B p.m.: Brunswick City Band. . 8.5:. Southern Choral' Society. .: 8.12': ,• Mrs. Graham Burgin, soprano. 8.16: 'Brunswick-City Band. 8.28: Gertrude Armstrong, , piper. 8.33: Graham Burgin, baritone. .'.'.8.37: Brunswick City Band. 8.47: Southern:. Choral Society, "The Banks o' Doon," "An-Erlskay Love Lilt." 8.54: Mr. 1. Howlett ißoss, "Peter Lalor and- the: Eureka Stockade < Battle;: . .9:10:' Musical Comedy, "The Student Prince.".TO Acts 11. and 111. 10.32 :.' ■ Brunswick City Band.'■..• .10.40: Sporting roeults.' 10.52: Brunswick City Band, march, "The Quarter Column." 11.1: Aronson's Synco-Symphonlsts till 11.40. 4QG, Brisbane (395 metres).—B p.m.: Violin recital arranged by Mr. L.' A. Pares. 10.0: Kews; weather. During the evening the main race at Davies, Park Speedway will be described. ... ■■"■ .o^r.i ■;-■ ■ ' ") SUNDAY, 4th DECEMBER. -2YA, Wellington (420 metres).—6 p.m.: Children's service, conducted by the Rev. E. Weeks. 7.0: Evening service from Church of Christ; preacher,-' Pastor W. G. Carpenter: or- _ ganist, Miss BtiylUs- Ladbrook; choirmaster, ' Mr. Will Mason.'■. 8.15: Studio concert by the Apollo Quartet," assisted by Mr. Brusey, organist; quartet, "God is;a .Spirit"; baritone, Mr. S. B. Bodger, "It is Enough";-organ. Mr. H. Brusey, "Suite Gothiquc" ■ (Boellmann) ; quartet, "The Chapel"; tenor, Mr. Samuel Duncan, "If With All Tour Hearts";, duet, Messrs. Dellow and Bobbins, "Excelsior"; baritone, Mr.-Roy Dellow, "Asleep in the Deep"; organ, Mr. H. Brusey, (a) "Spring Song," (b) "Wedtllng March" (Mendelssohn) ; tenor, Mr. E. W Bobbins, "King Ever Glorious"'; duet, Messrs. Duncan and Rodger, "So Thou Liftest Thy Divine Petition"; quartet, "The Long Day Closes." IYA, Auckland (333 metres) —3 to 4.30 p.m.: Afternoon session. 6.55: Church service from St. Matthew's Cathedral; preacher, -Ilev, Canon Grant-Cowcn: organist and choral director, Mr. W. Phillpott. 8.30: Municipal, band concert from Town Hall.' 9.30 :., Close /'down! 3YA, Chrlstchurch (300 metres), —5.45 p.m.: .Children's song service from the -studio, by Uncle Sam. 7.0: Evening service from Shirley Methodist Church; Sunday school anniversary; preacher. Rev. R. Itaine; organist, Mr; .T. Sal- , keld: conductor, Mr. W. D. Marks. After the I. service .Mr. Marston Bate and his.: advanced pupils will give the following programme from Marston Bate, Mls3 Esme Parish, Air. Logan Menzies, Mr. C. Ell, Miss B. Shearsby, Mr. V. Toun, Miss E. Beck, "William Tell" (Rossini); sestet for 'cellos, Mr. Marston Bate. Hiss Parish. Mr. Menzies, Miss Shearsby, Mr. Toun, Miss E. Beck, "15-Bar Prelude" (Chopin) ; quintet for "cellos, Mr. Bate, Miss Parish; Mr. Menzies, Miss Shearsby, Mr. Toun, "Adaii'ctto," ' from opera "L'Arlcsionnc" (Bizet) ; trio for 'ceiloi. Mr. Bate. Mr. Menzies, Miss Shearsby, "Tempo dl Mlnuetto," from "Sonata" (Beethoven). Close down. 4YA, Dunedin. (463 , metres).—s.4s to' C.SO p.m.: Children's song service. - 6.45: Evening service from First-Church. 8.30 : Relay of concert by the St. Kllda Band. 2FC, Sydney (442 metres).—6.42 p.m.: Dorcen Walsh, a programme of Maori music, including a talk on the music; songs composed by' Miss Walsh will be interpreted by Bryson 'Taylor (tenor). Norman : M'Lennnn (bariVne), Winifred Jenner (mezzo). 6.22: Norman M'Lennan (baritone). 6.27: Bolls of St. Mark's. 7.30: Trom the St. Mark's Church of England, Darling Point, evening service. 8.30: Manly Municipal Band. 9.30: Mr. Peter Gawthornc (English baritone), songs from musical cnraerilcs. (a) "Freedom," ftom "Greek Slave," (b) "The One in the World." from "San Toy " (c) "My Own Little Girl," from "The Country Girl." 9.42: Lionel Lawson (violinist). 9.52: I'etor Gawthorne, (a) "The Letter Song," from "Veronlque," (b) "Noblesse Oblige," from 'Duchess Pantzlc." (c) "At My Lady's Feet," from "My Lady Molly." 10.2: Lionel Lawson (violinist). 10.10: Close down. 2BL, Sydney (353 metres).—7 p.m.: Service broadcast, from Petoraham Baptist Church. 8.30: Mr. Lance Jeltrce (tenor). 8.3-1: Mr. Gordon Rodda (piano). 8.41:- (Miss Helena Stewart (soprano).-. 8.45: Broadcasters' .Instrumental Trio. 8.55: Mr. Peter Sutherland (basso). 8.59: Weather report. 9.): Miss Amy Ostlnga (contralto). 9.5: Broadcasters' Instrumental Trio. - 9.15 : "Wind Flowers " a son** cycle, soprano, Helena Stewart, contralto 'Amy Ostlnga, tenor. Lance Jeffrce, basso, Peter Sutherland. 9.50: Mr. .Gordon: Rodda. 9.57: Following day's programme. . 10.0: G.F.O. clock. 10.1: Instrumental Trio. 10.11: Cloac down. ,2GB, Sydney (310 metres).—6.4s to 0 pm 3LO. Melbourne (371 metres). —Evening service from Scots Church, Collins street. 830 : p.m.: Agnes Fortune (piano), "Nocturne"; (Chopin). 8.40: Noel Smith (baritone)" "Thanks be to God," "The Lord is My Light." 8.47: Mr. J. Howlett Boss will sneak on Robert ■Louis Stevenson, the anniversary -of whose death occurs to-day. 9.2: String • quartern; artists, Bernard Heizl'ne;.-Stanley Tomhlns ■W.-H. S. Lamble, Louis HaUenbach,. "Death and the Maiden," first and second .movements (Schubert), "Ravelin I>," first.-movement, ■'"Jlinuet in B" (Mozart), "Scherzo" (Mendelssohn). 9.42: TV'oel .Smith (baritone), "If in the Great Bazaars," "Allah bo With Us." 9.50 : Kews and announcements. 10.0: Close down. 4QG. Brisbano (395 motrcs). —7.30 p.m.: Evening service, Albert Street Methodist Clmrch. 8.30 p.m.: Concert* by the Brisbane Municipal Concert Band. 9.30: Close down.

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Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 134, 3 December 1927, Page 26

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RADIO PROGRAMMES Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 134, 3 December 1927, Page 26

RADIO PROGRAMMES Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 134, 3 December 1927, Page 26