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To-day—4.33 a.m.; 4.50 p.m. ■To-morrow—3.3o a.m.; 6.4 p.m. ARRIVALS. W^^^-p&S-). «n tons. wSSSa^'Us, l 5 ""•'■ 1203 »»< CaSou!ir!^te^n. <7 "■■>• "3G tOnS ' M'LaVa^X^a (9-M "^ 174 tons--r^ISr&JS luoon>- IS3* t0»s ' MSn.'T^^TvaSn,!, 12-20 ™ tons, Hay I—Galo, b.s. (4.20 p.m.) 934 tons Rodger from Dunodin, Tlmaru, ana Lyttelto™ ' Hay I—Queen Ataud, s.s (7 30 nm ) vw tons William™*, from St. WhiVrta Au^d? ton^f^mw^^nf^a'n^n (°-2° P-m->' «* I^eJfr^&nT (6-30'a'm-)' 1172 tOnS" DEPARTURES. «$& & i&L&s 0-31fl tonsApril 30—Alexander, s.s. (4.15 p.m) 377 tons, O'Donuell, for Motuoka. April 30—Kennedy, s.s. (5.10 p.m 1 »<>G tons, Stuart, for I'oxton. April 30—Wlnsatui, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 237S tons, Hewitt, for Auckland. April 30—Calm, a.s. (0.20 p.m.), 981 tons Sharpo. for Dunedln, Tlmwu, and Lyttclton. April 30-Oplhl, s.s. (7.20 p.m.), lllf tons. Warren, for Jselson and New Plymouth. toTlvnt^f™^ (7-30 »■»•>. 1598 rr^'for^Son 8-5- (™0 Ml 2 April 30—Koranta, s.s". (8.30 p.m.), 2115 tons, Sewell, for Westport. April 30—Wnirau, s.a. (midnight), 143 tons Jackson, for Blenheim. May I—Echo, auxiliary schooner (noon) 9a tons, Itadford, for Blenheim. Slay 2—Echo, auxiliary schooner (3.25 a.m.), 09 tons, Eadford, for Blenheim. May 2—H.M.S. Veronica, (8.45 a.m.), De Salis, for Auckland. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. To-day—Waverlcy, Patoa. To-morrow—Maori, Lyttolton; Arahura, Ncl- | son; Tamahlne, I'lcton; Ulimaroa, Sydney • Kennedy, Foxton; Echo, Bicnhclm; MoeraM, Melbourne, via southern ports; Katoa, Auckland; Klttawa, Tortland; Alexander, MotuckaOpawn, Blenheim. Wodnosday.—Wahiiio, Lyttelton; No-ato Nelson; Inaha, Patea; Koutunui, Napier; Waiplata, Lyttelton, Dunodin; Kurow, Port Craig Tiniaru Lyttelton; Pakura, Naplor; Walrau! Blenheim. Thursday—Tamahlne. IMctou; Maori, Lyttelton; Arahura, Nelson; Kamo, southern ports; Komnta, Westport; Totara, Lyttclton; Somerset, Port Chalmers. Friday—Waliinc. Lyttelton; Ngato, Nelson; Kairanga, Newcastle; Karma, Westport Lyttelton; Port Darwin, Wanganui. ! PROJECTED DEPARTURES. To-day—Waliinc, Lyttelton; Ngaio, Nelson; lamahlno, I'lcton; Ruapehu, Liverpool, London via Panama; Waipalil, Auckland; Totara, Ttm- | am, Lyttelton; Regulus, Westport, Groymoulli; Inaha, Patoa; Kapouua, Westport; t-roßskeys, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedln: Knlilka, Westport: Dunham, Lytteltou, Duuedln To-morrow—Maori, Lyttelton; Arahura, Nelson; Waikawa, Lyttelton, Dunedln; Alexander. iMotueka; Opawa, lilenhelm; Waverley, Patea Klttawa, Lyttelton; Katoa, southern ports. Wednesday.—Wahlne, Lyttelton; Ngaio, Nelson • Tamahlne, Picton; Talnui, London, Southampton, via Panama; Echo, Blenheim; Paliiira, Naplor, Gisborno; Koutunui, East (.oast; Kurow, Auckland; Mocraki, Melbournedirect. I Thursday—Walrau, Bl.enlielm; Maori, Lyttolton; Arahura, Nelson; Kamo, Napier Gisboniii; lliirunul, Napier; Totara J>W Plymouth ; Walplnta, Auckland. Friday—Wahlne, Lyttelton; Ngaio, Nelson; Tnmahino, Picton; lillmaroa, Sydney. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. XJllmiiroa. left Sydnoy on 20th April for Wellluijloii; duo at Wellington on 3rd May loaves Wellington-on 6th May for Sydnoy: duo at hyducy on 10th May. (Uuddnrt-Parkcr Marania, left Wellington on 211 th April for feyduoy; duo at Sydney on 3rd May; leaves Sydnoy on Oth May for Auckland; duo ut Auckland on lOtii May. (U.S.S. Co) Maunganul left Auckland on 29th April for Sydney; due at Sydney on 3rd May • leaves Sydney on Mb May for Wellington;' duo at Wellington on 10th May. (U.S.S. Co,) Mocraki, left Melbourne ou 20tli April for Wellington, via southern ports; duo at Wellington on :trd May; leaves Wellington on ■lib May fur- Molbourne direct; due at Mel-bom-no on 9th'May. (U.S.S. Co.) AoraiiKl. leaves Sydney on sth Stay for Vancouver, via Auckland: duo at Auckland ou Oth May. (U.S.S. Co.) Taliltl, from San Francisco, loams Wellington on 10th May for Sydney; duo at Sydney on Hth May. OVERSEAS VESSELS. Huntingdon, led Llvorpool on 17th April for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, and Blult; duo at Auckland on tho 24th May; duo at Wellington an 31st May. (Federal Company). Oenhara, left New York on lCth March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunodln: arrived at Auckland on 22nd April; arrived at Wellington on lat May. (C. and I). Line.) Tongarlro, left London on 11th March for Suva, Auckland, and- Wellington; arrived at Auckland on 2<Hh April; due ut Wellington on Oth Muy. (N.Z.K. Co.) Cumberland, left Liverpool on 15th Murch for Auckland. Napier, Welllncton, Lyttolton. and Uunedln; arrived at Auckland on 24th April; duu at Wellington on sth May. (Fcdoral Co.) Quoen Maud, left St. John on 12th March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttalton, Duncdln, New Plymouth, WaiiKannl, Melbourne, and' Sydney; arrived at Auckland on 21st April; arrived at Wellington on Ist May. (N'.Z.S. Co.) Miitaroa, left Southampton on 25t1l March for Auckland and Wellington; duo at Auckland on 2nd May: duo ut Wellington on 11th May. (Shaw-Savill Co.) Arawn, loft Liverpool on 16th .March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttolton, and Duuedln; duo at Auckland on Oth May; duo at Wellington on Kith May. (S.S. and A. Co.) Canadian Britisher, left Halifax on 27th March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttclton, Tlmaru. and Dnnedln: duo at Auckland on Bth May; _ duo at Wellington on 10th May. Sussex, -left Calcutta on 3rd April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelfon, and Dunedln; duo at Auckland ou 18th May; due at Wellington on 2uth May. (U.S.S. Co.) Austrnllnd. left New York on tho 2nd April for Auckland, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Wangaiitil: duo at Auckland on 12th May; duo at Wellington on 19th May. (A. and A. Lino.) Port Hardy. left London on Bth Aptll for Auckland, Dunedln. and Now Plymouth; duo at Auckland on 10th May. (C. and D. Lino.) , nolorua. left London on Bth April for Wellington, Lyttelton, Bluff, and Auckland; duo at Wellington on Hth May. (N.Z.S. Co.) West Carmona, loft San Pedro on'tub April for Auckland, Wellington. •Lyttelton, Dunedln. and Melbourne; duo at Auckland on May; duo at Wellington on 13th May. (Burns, Phllp, and Co.) Walruna, left San Francisco on.Uth April for Papeoto, Auckland, Wellington. Melbourne and Sydney; duo at Auckland on Hth May; duo at Wellington on 21at May. (U.S.S. Co.) Canadian Pioneer, left Halifax nn 25th April for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttclton, Tlniaru, and Dmicrtln: ifuo ut Auckland on Oili June: due at Wellington nn 1:1 th June. (0.(5.M.M.) Tahiti, left San Francisco on 20!l> April for. Sydney, via Papeete, Itnrotonga, nnd Welllncton ; duo at Wellington on 9th Hny. (U.S.S. Co.) Queen Eleanor, left St. John on 20th March for Auckland. Wolllugton, Lyttclton. Uiiiiodln. Melbourne, and Sydnoy; duo at Auckland on ( ( >th f May; duo at Wellington on 13th May. Wiilotnpu, left San Francisco on 21th "April for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney; duo at, Auckland on 20th Hay. M.'imarl, left London on 29th April for Auckland, DuniHlin. Lyttulton, and Wellington: duo at Auckland ou sth June. (S.S. and A. Co.) MOKICAKI DUE TO-MOmtOW. The Mocraki, owing to further delay at Lylleltcn, will not arrive at Wellington until to-morrow morning. She is now scheduled to .i«ll al I p.m. on Wednesday for .Melbourne direct. THK HUUUNUI. The Hunmul, which arrived at •Wolllii"l<m on Saturday morning from (ilsborno to continue loading, is now to sail for Napier to complete, on Thursday. She will leavo Napier on tho 10th -May for Home. MAMAItI J'liO.M HOME. ■ Cnblo at'.vlcy lma boon rccolvod that tho Mamarl sailed from • London ou Friday evening with cargo for Auckland, Dunedln, "Lyttelton and Wellington. She Is duo at Auckland on tltO Mil JUUC. PAKKHA. BEACHES HOME. Information lias been received stating Hint the. Piikcha, which sailed from Wellington on tho mil March, arrived at London on' Friday morning. THE AHAWA. The Arawa. en routo from Liverpool to Auckland, radios that aiio will arrive at Auckland on Suml.-iy next. Shu is duo at Wellington on Urn lath Hay. DENIIAM ARRIVES. The Dunham arrived at- Wellington turly yes- i torday morning from Auckland to continue im- I loading cargo from New York. Sho is berthed I at No. 1 south, queen's Wharf, and will sail this evening to comploto (Uschargo at

Lyttelton and Duncdlu. Captain E. H. Dacnall Is in command, and tho followioj aro the officers:—Chief. Mr. T. A. Evans; second Sir. J. Robson; third. Mr. D. Martin; chief engineer. Mr. J. c. Hammond; second, Mr. J ? ar," esi. ,J hlrd- Mr- T- Woodllfe; fourth. Mr. J. Ooodfellow; wireless operator, Mr. K. A. Webster; chief steward, Mr. H. GerUardt, BEACON DAMAGED. Tho Marine Department advises that the red Deacon .No. o at the northern side of tho channel between the Taiaroa Head and Port ChalJncrs .opposite ( Kalk Jetty, has been damaged, and has floated from its assigned position. IHI3 beacon will remain unllghted until It s™. correctly replaced, which will bo done as soon as possible. TAMAROA LEAVES COLON. cJ h. e T, amaroa' wnlch left Wellington on the oiNrrkT^rr^' saiied *» ™°» THE QUEEN MAUD. Km! 10 iMaud' from St- JohD- vla Auckland, arrived last evening, and berthed at 7 20 a.m. to-day. After oho has unloaded a quantity of cargo at Wellington she will sail for L>ttelton, Dunedin, New Plymouth, Wanganui Melbourne, and Sydney to complete. THE CANADIAN CHALLENGER. The Canadian Cliallenger sailed from AuckMontreal Saturday for iNew T«rk- Boswnf aid RUAPEHU TO SAIL. •The Ruapehu is to sail from here at 5 don wa U', 3,T nlnK f"r "vcrpool and'f Vi \ a Pannma Can">t- She will tako the following passengers-.—First class: Mr J Alexander, Mr. I!. Allen, Mrs. B. Allen Mr «■ T. Adams Mrs. F. E. Adams, & b. >>. Ball, Miss E. Broughton, Miss G. E O. Bell, Mrs. H. E. Barker, Mr. C E Craig Mrs M. Craig, Mrs. E. M.-Crofts" | ISyu?i,r?e-^. dh raanMrf GJ" f ' T. H Howarth, Hiss A. M. Hyett, Mrs X mot't yv 'tt Sp- S- Hlckmo"' M Hicfc nan. Miss H. Loughnan, Miss H. Moncrleff i m p^ ipllant M MI? ¥■ A- 01")hant M": \, M-\ crm!ia- Mrs- G. Richardson, Miss G H. Richardson, Mr. ?. Rowelr, Mrs. A Uowell. Mrs. C. H. Sievers. Miss N j bievers Mrs. G. Tlsdall, Miss H. c. TisScr^Te^^^Vhite"^: s^rkj&'s -v class StCF W> M- Twocd: and ''third ULIMAROA DUE TO-MORROW af^f -!%£& ?^° rUy af'" 1 °>cS H.M.S. VEKONICA SAILS. s ,™; Veronica sailed from Wellington at b.20 o clock this morning for Auckland. Sho will stay there a short time, and will probably later proceed to the Islands. THE TUTANEKAI. Tho Tutanckai, having completed her southern ■ tour, Is duo at Wellington early on Wednesday morning from Westyort. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The- following vessels aro expected to he wo^i" pdan h :r- Tof."a' l , Mataroa, Maunganul, JS^rfTd'H'Srvf^S 11 'Canadian ChaN Arawf and^en^SnoT: o'"' port Wellington: Maori, Wahino, Tamahlne, Ngaio., Arahura, Marama, Ulimaroa, Kalapoi, Port Darjvln, Northumberland, Port Caroline, Kaian'd Bai')enhani a' Jlocrilk1 ' Crosskoys, Ruapehu, Awarua: City of Khoia and Kalkoral. BY TELEGRAPH. . . . „ LONDON, Ist May. Arrived—Port Campbell. Sailed—Orvleto, for Australia. , ,' ' LIVERPOOL, Ist May. Arrived—Medic, from Australia Arrlved-Cathay. JURSEILLES- **■.«•* Arrlved-Orousay SUEZ; l 3' Stoj> ' Passed-Kent. Om«A»^ « May. Sailed-Haldera. B°MBAY ' l3t May- . , , PANAMA. 30th April. Arrived—Tamaroa, from Wellington; Canadian Prospector, from Auckland. ' , VANCOUVER, 30th April. Arrived—Niagara, from Auckland; Haurakl, from Sydney. „ „ , „ AUCKLAND, 30th April. Sailed—Katoa (12.30 p.m.), for Wellington; York liallcnecr (3-45 »•'"•>. New NEW .PLYMOUTH, 2nd May. Arrived—John (yesterday), from WellinuWaiknto 1'081'1'1'18 "■"'■ lo"day) ' from I>ort Sailed—rakuru (7.15 a.m.), for WcUlnston. , , , „ PATEA, 2nd May. Arrlved-Tvapiitil (S a.m.), from Wellington. ton' V 03' UO-5 a-ra')' for Wolllng- , FOXTON, 2nd May. Arrived—Kennedy (9.40 a.m.), from WoUlng- . , 'NELSON, Ist May. (o^W'Krom 11?^.^: und Arahllrft To sail—Arahura (7.30 p.m.), for"wolltnglon. . , , „ MOTUEKA. Ist May. llUßton * (9"S° "■m->' from Wo 1" . , J TARAKOIIE, 2nd May. Arrived—Kaltoa,,from Wellington. .. „ , ,„ WEStPORT. 2nd May. . OT b. avM:r,ss! <12-20 p-b-)- for wdiin«S'illp.l V . i» ,LYTTHLTON, «Oth April. Arrivod—Maori (7.25 a.m.), from •Welllnßton. Tn „n Ar <,o ''YTTELTON. 2nd May. io sail—Maori (8 p.m.), for Wellington. «,, , „,. , DUNEDIN, 30th April, bar" (iUO p-m-)> for M°- ._,, , „ , DUNEDIN. Ist May. Arrhcd— homersot (i. so p. m .), f rlim Napier; lort lenlson (2.45 p.m.), from Lyttelton.

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 101, 2 May 1927, Page 11

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SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 101, 2 May 1927, Page 11

SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 101, 2 May 1927, Page 11