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Brilliant weather, marked the opening of the Wellington Trotting Club's Meeting on Saturday. The. tiack was very fast. The. totalisator handled £20,089 10s, as compared with £26,6G4 for last year. After the race for the Wil£ord Handicap, Mr. T. M. .Wilford presented C. Donald, of Christchurch, the rider of the winner*, with a gold-mounted whip. Mr. Wilford expressed the opinion that unless some relief from taxation were given to the smaller clubs, they would be forced to give up. "The ..right to tax," he said, "includes the power to destroy." KAITOKE HANDICAP. There were only four starters for the Kaitoke Handicap, and the American stallion Trampcrisp was made favourite. He went away well, but at the end of a quarter of a mile broke up and settled his chance. Jliss Leda and Hardy Gratt»n raced in close attendance for nearly half a mile, but. as the first-named had.the inside racing she had. a slight advantage. Hardy Grattan headed Miss Leda about 50yds from home, but the driver of Miss Leda seemed in no hury, and a quick dash at the post gave his mare the victory by half a length. Miss Leda is trained at the Hutt, and is a good stayer by Hal Zolock. She was driven most confidently by her owner. Hardy Grattan "trotted a sound race, but a slow beginning spoilt her chance. Black Palm did not trot at all steadily, and Trampcrisp, after having every chance, failed to keep to his feet. The trotter wants a lot more racing experience. IMPROVERS' HANDICAP. [ .Auditress, Direct Wave, !ind Hori Dili lon fwere backed ■•in; that ordar for the Improvers' Handicap, and, curiously enough, the. three, of them failed to begin right. Direct Wave was the worst offender, and lost all chance of success in the early stages. Auditress set down to her work: quickly, and with a round Vto go was in front, winning comfortably. The : winner is by Author Dillon from the dam of Acron. She is built on light lines, but there is'no question regarding either her speed or stamina.." Hori Dillon stood at the barrier for a long time prior to the start, and then went off badly. He is a rare good stayer and a good deal bigger than most o£ his sire's progeny. His dam, Myrtle Palm, was. a useful sort in: her day. Steel Wire only paced a fair race. Direct Wave misbehaved at i the barrier, but even when she got going did not impress by the manner in which she did her work. Patsy Phagan; from-84 yards, was set an almost ■ impossible task, as, the winner went 13sec faster than handicapped. BOLLARD HANDICAP. Williar.i the Great was quickest away in the Bollard Handicap, followed by Stunt Artist and Shine Soon. Throughout, the race the order of the first three horses was not changed till fifty yards from home, when the leader broke and Stunt Artist won by a length., William the Great got going again, and beat Shine Soon by a length for second place. Stunt Artist is a peculiar, pacer. He is most moody, and at times gives very bad displays. He has an: easy-going style and is a great stayer. Curiously enough, in his effort previous to this race he began very fast, and faded out at the end. There is no doubt about Stunt Artist's ability- to go fast in a two-mile event when in the humour. William the Great had every chance, as he* had the rails throughout, but, as .at Addington, when hard put to it he broke up. He will probably race better next season..- Shine Soon was well placed all the journey, but he disappointed his connections in the concluding stages.^ Silk Thread paced soundly, but still requires a lot more racing with the hopples. Trenand was ' fourth' t and gave a solid performance. Jewel Pointer did not get away well, and this cost the Aucklander any chance he,-may have possessed. Billy Sea stood Ton the mark, and Native C.iief was very fractious, although he got away. The latter paced a fine race once he thoroughly settled downto his work, but his manners are not improving. BEACH,HANDICAP. First Water was favourite for the Beach Handicap, and with six furlongs to go had assumed the lead, and finally won comfortably. The winner was bred by Messrs. Stephenson arid M'Math, .of Riversdale, and as by Harold llothschild from Red Diamond, the dar 1 of Diamond Child. She is a '.useful pacer, who looks as though she would be prominent in two-mile races. Abundance paced a fine race, and was going as well as the winner at the finish. Beatty's quick get-away was a decided advantage, but the locally owned and trained mare is not h, good stayer. George the Fourth, who is none too sound, broke up after being in the lead for some, distance. Nepia went away fast, and then broke up badly. Tui Wildwood did not leave the mark, but Meb paced a very sound, solid race. WILFORD HANDICAP. The Wilford Handicap was a splendid contest throughout until a quarter of a

mile from home, when Master Audo, who was in the lead, broke and stopped several behind him, allowing Charles Dixk, Whispering' Willie, and Le Todd to have the finish almost to themselves. Charies Dixie won decisively. He was always in a good position, and, although he made a mistake, he quickly caught his gait, ■ and finished strongly. .Since going into C. Donald's stable the Australian' trotter has shown a lot of improvement, and is one of the gamest of horses. He is not yet at the end of his powers, as, despite appearing lame, he went a great race. Whispering Willie was favoured by the interference, but the little trotter put up a fine performance. He was sore on returning to the paddock. Le Todd went a good, solid race. Pete Peter was always prominent, but was beaten a furlong from home, finishing fourth. Bonny Spec, after being in the lead, faded right out of the race, and John Mauritius, who for some reason was made favourite, broke at the start, and was never dangerous. Master Audo was quickly in the lead, and but for his mistake may have been troublesome. Escapade went a sound, solid race, finishing close up in fifth place. s BELMONT HANDICAP. There was: quite a keen, contest for the Belmont Handicap ;> and Zolock Palm, who was favourite, won'decisively. The winner is owned in Wellington, but was sold to a patron of M. B. Edwards. Zoloek Palm, who is "by Hal Zolock from Myrtl" Talm, always had plenty of speed, and -was a rare good stayer. A bad habit of-mis-behaving at the barrier caused him to lose several races. Zolock Palm seems to have mended • his ways in this respect. Kibiringi was goir ,■ well in the early stages, and in a good position, when the New Brighton-trained pacer broke up. After losing a lot of ground through the mishap, Kibiriugi came along and -finished really well in second place. Pearl Coronado found the distance too far, and po did Wee.Gus. Amaris broke up at the start, whilst the two trotters, Ingle Bingen and Kelman, were never dangerous. '-. DASH HANDICAP. Talent began^very badly in the mile and a quarter, and^his chance looked hopeless when half the distance was ■ covered,' but the New .Brighton-, .ainea pacer kept to his work and finally won comfortably. Tal-, ent was taken to the Otahuhu Club's Meeting, where he raced fairly well. The travelling and racing evidently did him good, as he paced a fine race. HaroldThorpe, who was in the lead practically throughout, just failed over the last bit of the journey. Some - Wilkes \got third, and he was very unlucky in that a bad, befriniiing cost! him a lot of ground. Native Chief paced" a fair race, and would have been closer up but for getting stopped through Trenand falling two furlongs from home. Jewel Pointer was slow to beerin, and he was never dangerous. Rosie Nut did not look ready, and was done at six furlongs, whilst Menember is right out of form at present. SHORT HANDICAP. Daisy Pointer was made a good favourite for the mile saddle and she won easily. The winner had been in work for some time at Addington in E. Carlyon's stable, but some time ago went into J. Bryce's charge. She is an aged mare by Logan Pointer from Day Spring, and is a sister to Day Pointer, who raced well in Southland this season. Lochree paced a fair race, but had no chance with the winner. The field was a weak one, and the race did not excite much interest. ■'••'.■". Results:—: KAITOKE HANDICAP, of 125 soys, second horse 15 soys and third 10 soys from the stake; (harness) ; 3.52 -class; ,one mile and a halfi. - .-..■• 4 A. H. Craig's blk ra Miss teda, by Hal Zolock—Leda, aged, 84yds bhd (Owner) 1 2 E. Maidment's br g Hardy Grattan, 6yrs, 84yds. bhd (Owner) 2 3 J. 11. Fletcher's br g Black Palm, aged, GOyds bhd (Owner) 3 (Winner trained by Owner, Upper Hutt.) Also started: 1 Trampcrlsp limit. Tunes: 3min 3Gsec, 3min 3G 3-ssec, 3min 41sec. IMPROVERS' HANDICAP, of 5125 soys, second horse-15 soys and third 10 soys from the stake; (harness); 3.45 class; one mile and a half. ' IW. M. M'Lachlan's b f Auditress, by Author Dillon—Millie C, 4yrs, limit (C. Donald) ......,....;....... 1 3 J. E.'and J. H." August's b g Hori Dillon,.Gyrs, limit (S. SI. August) ...... 2 .6 T. Twomey's b g Steel -Wire, aged, 24 '.'': yds bhd, (Owner) ; S (Winner trained byj C. Donald, qhijistchurch.) Also staTted: 11 Good Lady limit. 2 Direct Wave .limit, 4 Bill Todd limit, 10 Zella limit. 9 Surfboard 48yds bhd, 8 Item 48yds bhd, 7 First Imperial GOyds bhd, 5 Patsy Phagan 84 yds bhd.. Times: 3min 32sec, 3min 33sec, 3min 35 l-ssec. ' ; BOLLARD HANDICAP, of 450 soys; second horse 70 soys and third 30 soys from,the stake; (harness); 4.3G class; two niiles. 7 J. ,H. M'Kendry's br g Stunt Artist, by Brent Locancla—lmperial Ann,- aged, limit (G. M'Kendry) ". 1 5 J. Snelling's eh g William the Great, 4 yrs, limit (H. Frost) 2 2 Rogal and Edwards's eh g Shine Soon, .'. • 12yds bhd (M, B. Edwards) ........ 3 (Winner trained by G. M'Kendry, Christ"church.) Also started: 1 Silk Thread 24yds bhd, 9 Menember 24yds bhd, 3 Jewel Pointer 24yds bhd,: 6 Billy Sea 48yds bhd, 8 Doctor Dillon 48yds bhd, 4-. Trenand GOyds bhd, 10 Native Chief 84yds bhd. Times: 4min 37 3-ssec, 4min 38sec, 4min J. 7 3-ssec. . ! BEACH HANDICAP, of 150 soys, second horse 25 soys and third 15- soys from the stake: (harness); 3.36 class; one mile and a: half. ..'.■■ ■■ ■ ..'■ 18., E. Johnston's b m First Water, by Harold Rothschild—Red Diamond, syrs, 24yds bhd (M. B. Edwards) 1 7 T. C. Leadbetter's b m Abundance, agedj " 12yds bhd. (R:. C. - Alexander) .... 2

10 J. C. Whitby's br m Beatty, aged 12 yds bbd (Owner) 3 (Winner trained by M. B. Edwards, Christchurch.) Also started: 9 George the . Fourth limit, 4 Nepla limit, 3 Tui Wildwood 12yds bbd 5 Amazon 12yds bhd, 0 Tui Zolock 12yds b'hd G Doris Dillon 24yds bhd, 2 Meb 38yds blid' Times: 3min 31sec, 3min 32 3-ssec, 3min 33see! WILFORD HANDICAP, of 300 soys, second liorso 50 sots and third 30 soys from the stake; for unhoppled trotters; (harness) • 4.3S class; two miles. 5 J. Siebel's gr g Charles Dixie, by Dixie Clare—Grey Hawk mare, aged, limit (C. Donald) 1 6 Mrs. F. C. Allington's b g Whispering =i> W ll"'* aee<l- 36yds bhd (R- E- MiUs> 2 8 Reid and Fogg's b g Lee Todd, aged 12 yds bhd (J. J. Kenncrley) 3 (Winner trained by C. Donald, Cliristchurch.) Also started: 2 Pete Peter limit, 7 Bonny Spec limit, 1 John Mauritius 30yds bhd, 3 Master Audo 36yds bhd, 4 Escapade 72yds bhd Times: 4mln 37 3-ssec, 4miu 36 l-ssec, 4min 07 2-usec. BELMONT HANDICAP, of 200 soys, second horse 30 soys and third 20 soys from the stake; (harness); 4.44 class; two miles. 1 T. C. Butcher's eh g Zoloch Palm, by - -SS (M^T^rd^'' !l2y<to 1 7 L. Cloake's blk m Peari Coronado, aged", 24yds, bhd (P. Green),\....f......... 3 (Winner trained by M. b'. Edwards." Christchurch.) . lin^'t SO0 St Kota: 3 E c% G^? Hmit ' 6 LoKiln Ll'y W>Tnf »? 24yds bhd ' 2 Amaris 24yds vrtd'hL S ™Bin(ren 36yds bhd ' s E"a Eye 00 4minb39-2-L mc eS: 4m'U 38 "■■"■, *»•* «■*■ DASH HANDICAP, of 200 soys. second horse (har Sn^n a- nU Uird 1S SOYS '"™ the W harness), 2.51-class; one mile and a quar--IW' BVtwaE^ 6ni! blk B Talent ' by Calm Frost) Martin ' aeed- 3b'yd3 bhd (H. , 7R- (M! an Bt.' SE bd4lr f(i iiV°'rVeV '6i'"; ■ *"*' ! 3 b. E.^?" ™^"^- 3 (Winner trained by H. Frost, Christchurch.) tol% Sds rtbhd 3 fiGr7 >CloUd ltolit' 8 Menem--45 4-ssec, *&?&*&*% 2 .l mf =2™ 150 SOTS" -™«d (saddTe): an 2do 4 th e f d s^0 -- m f[™ the stake; (Win ner troUuia by J. Bryce, ChriVtchurch.)

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 49, 28 February 1927, Page 6

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TROTTING Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 49, 28 February 1927, Page 6

TROTTING Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 49, 28 February 1927, Page 6