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MAGNA CHARTA'S GOOD EFFORT -SMART FIELD IN JUVENILE EVENT (By Telegraph irom "Vedette "i The Woodville Meeting -nag commenced yesterday in pleasant weathei, though there was an absence of dun Ike tiack ■was in excellent oidei and pro\idcd good going The attendance appeared to be good, but once again a paucity of specu lation has^ to be recorded, the figuies for the day being £, 13,424, against £17,594 last year. Magna Chaita scoied a stjhsh \lctoly in. the Woodville Cup, leading all the T\ ay All being well, he is to lun m the X Z S£ Leger at Tientham Theie ■wcie a number of close fini&hes ■wjuch appeared, to bothei the ju Ige, ior aUer posting his placiugs he amended them, and his voik liaidlj satibfac^ torj Tn addition the scmaphoie was not manned in the customaiy efficient style of the Woodville Club The lacing was exceptionally good, of a>class outsot all piopoition to the totahsatdr speculation the hurdle lace an inquiry was held into some interference with John Nod by Anchot N Tnllo, udei of Anchor, was suspended for fouiteen dajb for caic less riding / > ORJNGI HURDLES. Matu wab a good fd\ounte, and aftei « big drop Aneliof ivas the nerft bes,t backed. Son o' Mine, Axle, and John Nod Jed to the fiiit tence, where Axle jumped tp the ftont and led into the stiaight horn John £.od, Anchor, Son o' Mine, and Cal lun 3 , with Sn Wai tailed oil EmpneCamp tell and bioke his neck at the teneff M\en fui longs fiom home, and soou aftei Cracker Day lushed into the lead from ■AjUe, John Nod, Calluna, and Anchoi Matu and Vexatious mo-ved up down the back, and two fences from home Cracker Day led Matu, Callunn, and John Nod, ivith Vexatious moving up fast Jlatu was right up witli Giaeker Day at the l ai ,t feiice, of which tWo pitiels wcie down, Matu headed Ci acker Day 100 jaids f lO m j.l' a? Vexit">«i> also un past him in the lnst few strides Mitu won b\ half j length fiom Vexatwus, with packer Day a length away thud Gil Ilina was; light up fouith, and John Xod and Sir Wai next Matu mute outclassed the otheis at the end and hmshed much too well Vc atious, came with a great lattle, and just fl ished 5* \ Cfr ker Day °" the PObt> dining which there appealed to be some mteifeience Cracker Diy ia a piomismg j. O un X jumpei. Calhma and John Nod both * g°°ll .ra^%>WA-CaUuna should do W»n s™* tof** than usual, and was tt aT ues ,from llolne Atlch« > , badly ridden, shaped well tor a m,le Sir Wai made up a lot of giound o^ei the Jast six furlongs MAIDEN STAKES -Greengrocer was a ,civ decided favom vKilmoyfer, and Airow Boy Knlos strode r iOllt, as,tllei iraned fo* home and ler, who beat Mister Gamp by two lengths Merrj Sarto wa, x.ght up fomth? Z\M row Boy and Waiculhu, heided the !tbt Kalos put up an impressne peifounanee considering his bauie! position The cross county jockej Alan M'Donald lo de him at 31b oveiwe.ght He looks Uvo a handicap hoise Kilmo^lei ran a good f™ Gamp began slowly and did Wei ,to get up mto thml place R Eeed fin ished right back on ll ell , Sarto's qu,° tere, flic saddle liavin,; slipped Airow 'Boy ran a.Useful race ,Gieen Kl o Cel mmTod '^rds UmP Ott> but th°wed »M

WOODVJLLE CUP. ■ Mdgna Charta md Nukumai between uJlagna, Cliaita led dovn the stiaiirht two fe mai, Perlo de-Leon, and ]\lenj Day fol. [fourth five furjongs fiom home, olhcnuse '-S^lre^ aS ? lactlcaJ'y *o change to the S'f a P) Ch^ ta temg udden, but ?l a«5 a Ch*\te ioo« diew away fiom V el seen?" i'ri 7$ n i N°Vdr aPPo;ilod on the turn ' M NuV" mai ca"ie mto the \na ture. Magna Charta, howe\ei, won im--1/ easily by a. length and a halt fiom No vlkil 3Ust I bc,' lt Nllkllmai by a head Vert lgeln .vas half a length away fouitli, TAf at 2 Pd'p^ cli b, ac, k ' heddln S thtl otl>e" ;,y Chaita followed m the footsteps nm T h°t W all, the Iva^ *on 1 Sw't wl °E so ,well as Nuknmai, Avhose to I" 7 ]l^ °ne Vert«i,n was L^S, v y '"s S.S"-; ,t ir

COUNTY HANDICAP t «£• Kllmezz° and Lady Cynthm S flS^ m/ 2t 6Ut a? the when Lady <W?" UP t °n t]l e outaMe an<i beat P.if t^ 1, thla h°mo by a length ud a '& 1!"" w<^ half a length away *hmV ?nd Some Lad right up fourth tfosely followed by Polona^ H^al Q; ana Lm Arlington. 'Coot was at a joy price, and Lady Cyn even moie than the ivinnei. Coot's performance was loally good, foi she to come nght round hei hold and Tia, still a long ,va> back at the turn L.ulv Cjn *ia galloped well all the „ay, m,\ kept Kilme/zo stretched ught out Tins and paving to commence from the outside of ihe field settled Ivilme^^o's chance, but i he should soon win. Some Lad, Polopicture, Some Lad lianging on well. Lm Atlmgton might soon do bettei, foi he appeared unlucky. Loveband brol.e some of her gear and whipped m the field all *ho tv ay. RUAHINE HANDICAP. . Mireusonta was a \er> hot f.uouute, jvith Plain Sailing ,™1 Ja/z B iby pile tically equally backed Lady Ideal and Jlireusonta began bebt, and led io>ind the top turn from Papaponga, PI im Sailing, and Ja?z Baby, who ueie lolloped by IToromea and Black itint Plain Sailing ■wnfc up to the leadeis in the stiaight on tin outbide, and Jazz Baby pushed up on the laila. This pair dicw out to fight out the finish, the judge being unable to dnide them. Lady Ideal ivab placed thud, and Black Jlmt, Hoiomei, and llncubouta 'pfexo all right up.

| JTazz Baby, who was on the rails all the way.: 'Jazz Baby -was going: 'the', better at ; the end;; ..Lady Ideal, on .the rails;, showed ■great.speed, settled Mireusonta. Black ;Mint was travelling end,' and would, have been suited better by. an extra furlong.-. Egyptian Flower was slow away, 1 aridl tailed the.;field; Papaponga can;be expected to do>better at; any tiirieV.'•• Plain Sailing should be-dmproved by ..the race. ' ?•■::' :' : ;'saplinq;stA;ces. '.?, " ;■- .- . ; Arrow .LiuJ:: was .'backed as' if "the .race, ■ was all pyei; and' both . the Iwihiier 'and', the.runner-up; returned' great prices.. King ivlidns, .-.on'--the "rails;- began best from Duck's ;Eg ff ,:;- Callaninore, -Wild 7 Pigeon, Vigilance, ; and- Mori. "King Midas■ opened up : " ay break, in --the' early.stage,:but Wild Pigeon was almost up with, him; At the turn,-, with' Arrow Lad threading, his way through. King Midas! lasted.long enough to-wm by.three-quarters' of-a length ffoin. Wild Pigeon, ivhb beat Arrow lad by a head.l Gdllanmore'was •fourth; and Vigi-' lanee,-:rE.oyal-lineage, iarid Mori next. : .: -. ; (With-so'-many gfien horses-engaged the torm; may hiot.- prove" -' over-true. -King Midas }vas lucky /in drawing JSTo.' 1. and' ]ummng, : .out smartly. It certainly looked as if .'Arrow; Lad and Wild Pigeon should have, been first, and 'second.' .King Jiiidas 'f>'■s'- i'a'cWopking; gelding;/bred'an Australia, ;. by . Pplymestor..from "Lillesaiid. "CalJanniore ran 'a great! :tace"fpr .a' new twpyear*old, and -he should prove, a - w'ortliy relative to-Pruthair aria~Oo: -Vigilance gan slowly from-: No.: 14, and 'Royal Lin-' eagenad ah'obscare jockey on him, yet he finished on: right up: sixth.: ißrdmpton was cut out. at .the':start. - t . ■ „ ■ <. ; - presidents 'Handicap: >' .Be'aujnbrit, Star!' Area; .and. Peneiis were the only ones •Lacked: Beaumont, Willow" ■ >"al >, Benmure;, and" Tongatotoa; were tlw" .first :to. break;tjie;line, with :Star- Area slow away..;Tongatotb'a led across-the t6n: from-Benmiire, Willow :Waiy Garda'nt; Peri,eus,- and Beaumont: 'Benmure; and Tongaftotoa:;led into-ihe-;straight-from:-Gardant,-:Koyal -Diadem, Willow:, Wai, Peneus -'and ii.eaumpnt. r Peneus. was- -the 'first; -to ■ collar *:™ c-}c»d?rs, -but Beauniout gofu'puathe' Jast stride to win by.a" head, from PeneusV Alotiern was, third, : three-quarters-of '-'a ■.length- away, and Penman, \Vivo, and Royal: LUadeni next.' .-; ' -'-." •'■ ; ■'' -'■;■'_;-;,-"■■;. - i.y^e&u'nont was.unluckyVin'r'rnnning.' and thetv lucky to win, for/it looked as' if Penjeus; I.shpuld."have scored".' Xhe son of Martian has seldom looked betters ':■ He was nicely placed' all the way. Benmure ran ;his.- best race ; for some-.time, -find Pen;man,;Wko..carried.s3 tickets.'was right up' ;tottrth,. His turn is :npt far: iaway. 'Star/ :Ai'ea.flad..po;,chance frqin/liqmer-rise, for' ;he..was.;cut.right, oiity "Viva,.'ran a really ished tMt:'in; third ■'!place.?.-"'":' ■:'-' .•■■■- ■:-;>;--\>-.';:y-iPTPRy^ELTER.^.';;'_■;,;.: -Capitulation was backed aa unbeatable iu-.the" concluding 'event,-'but. a rank out- . si.dori turned;-'up-, in,Twink.-.fTwink, Inoe,: and ;N6 Favours began best,. and at the : end of a furlong Twink and No Favours led Inoe and San Pedro, with Capitulation improving her position. Crossing ths top,No ..Favours, and Twink led from' Cola,rinai Capitulation,; San' Pedro;' arid :Kil- ; burn. : ." Twink, Capitulation, and Colarina' ; le'd;'af. th e irturn/'!with' -Kilburn showing-:-up ; dri=. the-' oil usideJV Twink .".Heldl off: Capitula-: ' QonV arid'-beaUher .by:half a-.length i:i: w.ith Badiatei- who finished faster half a length away third! Colariua was right up fourth, and San-Pedro, Inoe, and Kilburn' next. ;'■ Twink Won without the semblance 6L a fluke; and :the pull in. the weights stood to her in the end in the final battle with Capitulation.: Radiate,: who finished very fast in thirdi-place,' is a likeljMooking. sort by Polydainonjfrom.;Bleriot,;..'Golarina' ( ran.; a fair vrace,--- AiidylnoeiJwasipatcliy. " : : •;';.- •;' :; Besults:^':; : S;Vt:^::;;r'::;>."';;.; '■-••'''\i<:^::'^ ;■;Oringi Hurdles;'-i*£ lSo?ssvs;'."onc"hiilo an'Sjai 'liiilf.—l Matuc,VVlo.4/ (^i'.Jehhi^J; >1: .'ll-^ex-;:----started:. oSiM'^alif !ttfe^/Aaiglipr^sr.B',':';3 ; --K4la'3, kaua 9.8,^5'<4x1i559.8,i,10'-SonVo > : ,:Min(!- a.'6,-v4\ Calluim 9;3,:'6''Empire''Camp ■9.p, 1.;.7; JohA: NoiJ 9.0. Time;-2miii; 51'3-ssec.' •'<'\ '•■■•".■■->.■••. .. Jlaideh:■ Stakes, -oti ''lo((',:spvs'; -six- furlongs.' AH 8.11.^6: Kalox, (A. .M'Donald), ■'X;i 5 : KUmoyler, 2; -, 12 Gamp, -;.3. .; Also started:, Mandarins,-'. HOKlndle; 1 1" Greengrocer, 7 Arrow: Boy,:. 12 . Sweet;';; Chimes/ ISC-Gordon;:.Swift, ,9. Wailing, ll>;Eoburarit," 8i Lucre,;, lo 'Eloquent,":. 10 Ahalaina, 'i.Tyiiicnlltis.'.., Time; lihiii :17;i-5 AVOODYDAe' CutV"6f '350' sofs tone mile ■"■ and . •"■..'•'.,; ..-.-":■•■•',.--:a..'(iuartcr.'."'..■.•.'"':-■■-.'•' -' ; :", 1 Mfign'a Ch'art.-iy .8.2 • (B. ,'h. Morris) ,:..-vl 3 Novar, ■S;"G'--'(R:';-.-.t;:--slacMej'-:-.':'.;.-;'.'"i..':'.'...; % .2!NuJ;Umy/js.7;-:(R.::;:4{pefl)i;,. ;>fc-.^:. ...;;;:3; ' Also st(vi|eU:'s :O])a:;^3/^6;;Perie:de'ljeon'B.?i; 1 Merry Dfty3:S.s;i::7Afeftigern :7,.3.'.: Timo,;.2ffitn;:8. 3-ssec..*#g. -^^..S?.v.;- ivf. V; * : 'fX :i':-\ r!'i CpuntrySHantJicap,.'of.ll2S^3pvs';:: Sl*! f»rlongs.: —10 -Coot/W*;tßSDumi), ft 11 Mdy Cinthia, 7.4, 2; 2 Kilinezzo^B;C; .3. Also started: 3 Lin ■Arlington 8.6/-8,. Rosenor,;-S.G;.-5 Mpepai v 8.1,.:9 Polonaise v.7:10; G y. Loreband 7.8,: 7' .Break :p' •Day 7.4, 1: Jemidar: 7.3, 12 lioyal 'Land 7.2, 13 'Hypnotic :7;0,'-l4 Ayazo'ne 7.0. : Time, lniln ■ ..ISsec.-. :■ >';v?!v;::y:-.'' i- ■ ' ■■■/•";■■. 'V;- ''-:''-.'-'',-<.:"-'---i RUAHINBi-HANDICAPV .'of, 200 :sovs; six-fur.- . \- ■-"■■■/■\rv>'ii.':"i::longs;'.p;/'.:■;:...■; ■-„' „:,;.; •■■ 2 Plain :SaUing;--'8:S P-'(lt-.*.!w£&ias)'-'-.];:::'.'.i It i 3 Jazz Baby,- 9.1--:(T.: Tito)' ...:v»'.'■'....'..."''f s.Lady. 1dea1,.712. :(P..••Burgess)'- A.V.'...'.:: :;"3. ■ •":':"'■ ': Rg^-vfllea^Mieivt, :.-'-': '■"X^f'o'V" . Also started-: iMireusonta 9.6, 6- Papap,oiiß.i': ■8.1,V-8--HOT.dnle"a::-7:?;r.4> i-VBVacK^.Mi.nCi:-7-;%7-'-"Wil-.'. derness .7^?s9 oEgyjHlaiVr^lovvor^.7.o^*'Xiihe;i -Iminj^-Oajc.::,>■ iv\,: ':. ./>■> '■'■ ->'■■??■:■■'-: v'.:;;!: ; i-:: }?'. : ' Sapling:Stalceg;i;6'fvlG')-:soTa j'flVo ■fnrlo'n''g3":'p-' 4; Klng : MldaA: 1 ;ft7;:(j;;:Bafry); il;-':5:.MIs3VTri^ v lion, -7-Ai.' 3: 1 .Arroiif -Hiiid, s S;o,' 3. Also'.siart--ed:, 0 Brampton 7.12, 13 King Quex 7.12, 3 Callanmoro 7.12, .14 Kcdaar-7.0, 10 Royal-Line-aijo 7.9, 7 Hyßradc 7.9, 7 Lansdowne 7.7, ,S Cavity.7.7,; 5 Wild. Pigeon 7.5, 11 Moa Bird : 7.4;,2 yigilunco 7.4, 9 Duck's Egg 7.4, 12 Mori 7.4. 15 Shrewd. 7.4. Time, •'lmln 2 3'-ssec. •• . President's Handicap, of 150 soys; seven ■fiirlon'Bs;—l; Bonumout, 8.9 (TV Green), 1;-3 Peiieus,. 9:9; 2; 5 Modern, 7^ll, 3.;. Also started-: 12 Penman 9.5, 2. Star Area 8.12, .9 Royal.Diadem 5.4, 8 Wristlet: 8.4, IS.-Benmure 8;4;- 7: Vivo 8.2, ,G Willow Wai 8.2, lOTongai fotoa:8/2, 4 Starboard" Light"' 8.1,-11 Blonde 7.13;; : 14, Gardant. 7.11.- ■ Time, lmur 29sec. ■ -■ '.Victoria. Handicap, of 130- sovsr one mile and a; dfstance.-^-8 Twiak, 7.11 (Ridpvay), 1; l-ea'pitulation,- 075,; 2 ;-6 Radiate,- 7:11, 3: Also started.:. 9 SottHna_:.9.3, 2 Inoe 8.10 5• No Favours 8.9, -3 Kilburn S.G,. 7 Conviction ■ 5.2 10 Colorlna 7.12. 4 San Pedro Y.ll, 11 Elicit 7:11. ■ Time, Imin 57 .2-ssoc.' :. ■ . ■ ■-

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 48, 26 February 1927, Page 23

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AT WOODVILLE Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 48, 26 February 1927, Page 23

AT WOODVILLE Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 48, 26 February 1927, Page 23