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P" ' ' J?ooo^^^^ I! I " ■ tin^matincoidol M^u'^C^ °M' Chateau-,/' The M™ ™ith a T.n«l nf TI. ' 5 y% ,^m^ * w*^ j |l . —I released shortly. Miss Costello, who for over twenty years Ecjtf&k. #f JtR S^~-^gj^i*agna». : I Columbia m ■- 1 iwS^Sff^S^ WiSMMM gg^s** tf feS 1 ?' fe 1:^ 7i- 6 t r~ri ßl? i^ 01*?, 1'8 Solennelle- In five &§ S"l' has accepted an egngagement to m the different production after the ™-n undoubtedly endorse this verdict. ===== .. ■PfP&» U^ll WSSM^mUWSm M Parte with Chant Sans Paroles on the reverse §1 P^*. the Dream Mother Vera in presentation of "The Man With a Load Emil Jannings, it is freely admitted, qnrmq , ™_ . T ATN , 11 Pitf WlffiliiiSs&i m of third, record. ft Where the Kambow Ends," which of Mischief," include Mesdamcs Cole- matle "The La^ Laugh" the success SUCCESS IN SALADS. | 11| I g^y&BfflMsit£&& igj WUJjEM MENGELBERG conducting the Concertge- m ™a^ given a* 1 Holborn Empire, for ridge Fawcett, Hanna and Hunter: the lt } s- • Salads are crisp and delicious when ' I F' Übl lfflL^Braffl^:lMß |*g bouw Orchestra of Amsterdam. M ma«uees only, during the Christmas Misses Hilda Miles, Nan Pike A Hearing that the cost of the dressing seized with Sharland'a Table Vine- ' II vW&^ffv' m L1770-Ll77l—Tannhanser—Overture (Wagner) in % i?™ o"',, ■ f is stin appearing in. Louise Hall, Thyra Baldwin, Irene Ma- °? th? Nati°nal Eepertory Theatre So- gar. Brewed from pure cane suear 1 i 111 Vl 'nil JlftjUfllfr'i* l'Vm $ fflW */'■ four parts. '■' 2§ lne Constant Nyniph" at the New son. Mollie PHmmer, L. Fitzherbert clety s contemplated production, "The "Shariand'a" has stood the test of "''* **WM|'l ~iTTii J^^^Jgi^^l «| 12-inch, Double-Sided 10/- each M "eW states our London eorrespon- Kate Stoeker, Constance Morice, Eosa- f^ an Wltn Load of Mischief" was time, and is ideal for pickling or othei/g I__| H? p „- r . .Imd Atkinson, and Messrs. Frank Bur- llkelv to be a bar to its presentation, purposes. Free from mineral acids. In TMIT iniTAY DB^ri rvn «*.i*» MS ~~~~' && cy nl Maude, whose "Grumpy" i s den, Joseph Hunt, P. B. Broad, Nor- an anonym<"is admirer of the society's bottle or in bulk. Ask for and insist **«* lUCifViv KCGISTRATION, ' I wh^ New Records tm the *lonth- I ■Pa.^rsff, sss srcSi. KsJ c ߣs%s«st "tits ?r»s -■ "^"^^^ «^ m i^Ai±x^sl^sr'- >im ™— te S William Martin and f A n oL forni ' Pml 12i D a ed ia Englana for some years. *> cer (h°n- treasurer), Leo dv Chateau We are So/c Meats tor thesewZZtTJ T i • Mj^tiwivw-4 I- JiStof^rji^j^ Su7 fc'S. JS'Six SP^ Come i n nn j h~. f ««.«^?™tfXs^ssj^sr it*i~g '•H. 5 ,*e. 5 0.«.,i07 T ,p«.« > , ii .,. Si . i^ii;;i ¥ »j ™»?».Hv hr^* mr h%. «r l*me Jl ln a™ Hear TB£& M *™j °t™»r,s: etr ß iv."S yoS™ r irv^^^ 5^ ' l You'll Remember Me .. ..4 • The "Katja" Company is busily re- Ignaz Friedman, the Polish pianist . fA«>CA AAaxt all tastes. ■ - •Ijarge selectl«"i of Player-Piano Rolls to unit % BiHy Bennet, First (Domestic Blistess (Talking, I2in W, ho. arsi ?g "Frasquita," which will re- } vh °so first record was issued last year, MM lllSSeiVeW liffl . • i !:;; . /* ExclnsiT©Records.9losl The Real Gor (Talking) T. { 7/6 ?A c, eive its Australasian premiere during ? s shortly to give a series of recitals ifiis tvw mm , ' Si TUp RPICTAT DI AmA ,rf-W w ».. J Norman AHin ,ow to Philadelphia ... , lOin. |g c Christchurch season. Earely is America where his great executive BB -SJ^ M« rt l A ' IT « »D 1 ES -1 nii OKIS lOL ■ PIANO CO. LTD. m (Bass) D15411A WBsr Cototet Cou.hng} 7/- New Zealand so honoured. "Pras- al? lllty and wonderful tone and style US OfS Ifflrf^fPr Q ¥Alf*A KAPAW*fI<» 'H ■„« (ESTABLISHED 1883.) !& T T fToDB Indian Lovs Lisics—, M q^ta" was a comparative failufe in wIU assuredly lead him from triumph li **IW *»*«*»a.*#l O IUJ^C IICLVI U5 US BRANCHES THEOOGHOUT NEW ZEALAND W. J S' o1"? 1118 JJ;emp^ S eU?; ■■"I^l n-- %& London, with Jose Collins in the lead, t° triumph. Musi c ( lovers will recall , §528 „«» • «.r - t H '' ! % Ensemble 3982-3 l^g-^ff s^S g^V •' *£ P t" 1"^ aPPeal 'more to audiences a*^ <?^ debut gave th ßm a really ii' wlulU"^^^'^?" J* «- H . -^ %. T T , I 4—TilllWake.. ..:... J each -M ln tlixs part of the world-.; with Miss of his powers. Friedman fßffl m«rvellou.^^dT elarit? o^ ttlZ' H ' . fey J««?**M««is L'Hedrk Eiqdisb .. i loin. M ■'■ Mar^. Burke in the title:role. !"n v^t New Zealand about the mid- SB R S.i°^"- R t .rea"" ml The »•» El«tri°s H ' m^^m^^m~^^^m^~i^*—mmim^ *£ Orchestra 4011 i Passage . ....} 5/^ M -■■ JVTarie ,Crowther, the clever Sydney July glider the direction of Mr. Xl Proc.^ and th e new material WM *% - -_ -- ", •: |"W ....{r^s'SSLni «t j f^SS. -i.«. -. i "sjswbsjss- ■ ■ I' Study the-Latest-Cut! :'I two miluo^Lcords I I SlSSi^-*-'" SfS°ri£~f!3 i c""-feSSSSSf»' ■ 1 Yes, It's a Schneideman g Made and Sold in One Month! fi • '"Katja" in New York has the Aus- Sth« e m S t alcl!" just .^ethat?- gB «W India^Vovll a yr lc,) W) . y/ . B !. «»*••• g output from one factory, sold last December, beata £< picture theatres" K^SSte it"fboS Zsial™ 11 'I<>ng laifc the ea' ii «—«« (Waltz/ •/- ' ■ /^& - . t«t Ifl 66 SIZCS S , aU records. £7 per week he ,ft f Ae Y^ ft~« -& u™™ down, writes .Eobin Hi bsoth-t rl° granDE Tango band. H , Ihß^^^^ ; w»«w« % (Tenor) 397 6 ( ISe Ss£/ f«, I Sf Btl011! <6) I 5/- ■ S £w m p n« .• , soolier t^? you were like this i would " ii SPECIAL zonophone records for February H Zri Only a few years ago. , g -—r«- JiS?r?:^U jTn4«^^!^£ H -—---^^^^^^ B "tt^^w L CTS NTf AN V ONS gj (Dramatic Recitations). Hsnet y.'s speech Befok | 5/- # P. le- "Even m cities with the popula- many more there aewth ! HH Larso H «flk?isl'» JPf LTD.,. the largest Tailor.i I Tomcat the I™^^-^' 1 0 la . 1 -Vt^tTon^o^n^ ■ ' -"^^^tS^" °«— ■ . J^^r 'TT^^ "T - ?A Ptano 3978. husband,'but Mw HB TrM |V- f| success for nine months, but this is The next Tom MK-f f , ii Tl»en rll. be happ^ (Fox Trot) 4/ . H J#^P»« i^ the . first to bring the S a ' AwA T rK«w .. .. "J jg' w> at?- ,^ arroll'3 com Pa^ of come- inginweiiwof^ s^t^ wa- Ii » pi«»«r« for v. to P i ay any o , the ,, 7 H f-'^SWi Hand-made, Ready-to- . ■: g Kn^lte«»B»«li owDsiullll<WliDLUlil ,. : }-B/- g wUeh came direo ?°^ m «yny, J^ovak^n the feminine lead. The H J ~ —-, H f'jE9HK>S' " To-day these Suits are A ; gg It Cohimhia « New ■ (tramophonists M ened at the Atheneum, Melbourne on il '«. * 1 leavmg of a legacy , ■■ IF IT'S MADE— WE HAVE IT! . H i-ililßi^H»Mk JT worn hv iMnf rto «»«.« J m Proce.?- records, i, A SSSSf^T 8 *? e t^ Saturday, Bth May witn '' m Best p t he Ori°; °/ a ma P three men. fig •lock ev e ry Re^rd in "Hi. Ma.t.r'. H FSUwl^P^Kf *" S^- X S"^\ 12 Months'Guarantee-««»ir'—*' : t&ss* z*x&% P^s-a^^P T^~a~te9fs/15/6'6gns- - :V ta exceeds 150, and headed by f^Pj^fS^^fe^^^^^^fSJ^B S6 Manner. St. 11l Cuba Street

' ■■ ■ 'BS - ' iBH ' ■■ ~^iHA <BSfl JBF "^^m^- 4iHH , „ : . ■ DO NOT DELAY PRICES REDUCED QUALITY MAINTAINED DEPARTMENTAL SPECIALS DfMQ : ■ 36oVT^ mlaine Silk "d-'.SUk and Wool ■■-, .|| ' ' II ' - "' Mantles Blouses Underclothiiig '■ ':^sp^^^ rich quality for frocks a nd evening ■ Usual price 9/ll Sale Price 7/11 SP"ial Line «f EVENING FROCKS- A Varied-Assortment of Coloured Artifi' « -i v , be cleared at 6/8 in the £ off u,ual c^aks; cW,.sapphire, dark brown, • / Various styles.and colourings , cial SILK JUMPERS-At cletSr WiS m Qddments in PURE „.P»c steeL and black Usual price 13/6 p| AIfAC jUa^A*., : U-al prices range fronx 63/-to 10 gns price. Usual 79/6^45/, 39 /f MILANESE SILK BLOOMERS-In 54 xs* inches- V- ; fe^ »« s&sssg- woves Hosiery 39% *jj»Ldx ■■ ■ ai-jal^ s& fi^=a sh.effects *Wpnce^s Ladie^ Black Silk-nnisheo^^. SLIP-C^ *^I^. SII* DRESSING WS^ T^ t?^ » «^2^ 38«. Silk and Wool StrWTFV^/v GLOVES -Good quality, and black cyclamen, rose, bois de . and crepe de chine *^ MOIRETTE toTMOA?^ —? '! Usually 24/-, 35/-,; 37/6, 40/- each SUITINGS-Blue cherry t , T t,• ,Usual Price */ll Sale Price 3d. ro3e > ochre^ "«, navy, grey, fuchsia, Usual price 84/-, 49/6, 42/- row frill or Sn he^t f7 Jl Sale PriceS 16/"' 23/4' 2S/"' 26/8 each S S^S'iS^^ s ■LI IABEIC 9eGLO^ IS I'7 TI2I I?TTO^ and heli°-^/ only in Shantung . . " Clearing Pr(ce 21 ■ 1111*1*^ Wi^ ■ Three Big Specials in PURE DOWN Usual price 16/11 Sale Price 13/11 fancy- erev Sw ~l\ P PriC6S 79/6 *° 5 %ns- Artificial SILK TUNICS—In shades of Usual prices 10/6 and 11/6 QUILTS—DoubIe bed size; oddments rnrrAM nn rr O Usual Trrip P Q/ii «io-er ,/,-. ' Sale Price to clear 63/- .brown, peach, champagne, grey Sale Prices to clear 2/11 only but the colourings are good COTTON. DRESS SPEOALS. KAYSER IILK-^GLOvls In" J I A Line of DAINTY VOILE FROCKS Usual price 29/6 Clearing P&ceVn WHITE CAMBRIC PETTICOATS- No. 1 Special Usual price 57/6 *ta. CHECK GINGHAMS -Smart styles; whit^TwithwS?^ ? ° Wg and short sleeves in S^^T OSTRICH FEATHER NECKWEAR- Trimmed embroidery . y Sale Pnce 45/, each checks; a really good quality, colour Usual price 12/6 10/fi and O S TVi 'J?/l With crePe de chine scarf ends Usual prices 8/11 to 27/6 No. 2 Special Usual price 65/----gaaranteed Usual price 1/6 S»llp,;'c/{t To Clear at 29/6 Usual price 45/- Clearine Price 12/6 Sale Prices 2/11.t0.7/11 / Sale Price 52/6 each W SaleEj^ THE G ORDON-AreaS Ldß^von PINK CORSELETTES-Fastened at No. 3 Special Usual price 89/6 54&u Heavy ITALIAN CLOTH-Grey, Hose, with 20in. silk, cotton Suspender ' aC^ ** g°°d qUaHty T br°C^; SiZCS S6 Safe 72^" each - mole, and brpwn Usual price 6/11 tops, seam and fashion marks- in - I .JJ Aw ! bWl.^^ ' U c SU, a gl"— 300 dozen "Kayaness" Quality TAPED m s^- hmes Sboes ■ o MSTA t I - rTy NS T^BsVB /!. ™'cases—^Se l/9 '"*"'■ ••MuonedKalsilkbose; in gram shade - ■ S.le Price, toTclcr 3/6 to S/11. A Famous -Kosywam" All Pure Wool WOOLLEN SPECIALS sf P°"Jsn " Bostoot" SUEDE OX- Ladies' "Bostoek" LIGHT PAWN Girls' SCHOOL FBOCKS—Ia a good BLANKET, SPECIAL— Oblam.He fa «KB..* ALL-WOOL MAKOCAINS EXTRA SPECIAL. ""' f% f£X%l £"V """ fT" °XF°KD SH°^ - Loui. ■«** - -,W«d Bed,- Usua.^iee „/. -Aa ,de,l took m «te ri J ouWf THE PHOENIX-B.a quality all-silk U»a price 5 2/6 S.ll'Price 911 h«d" ta "•« •• »1. *. *i. «, «1,«, »1 lo Clear 4/11 Sde Price 29?S p4 ,-, ..bL.,/^ bJw" *—*..«"»■«*■-■«/» Manchester ing quamjlta td^d^SS' I «,^^rJ-on'X''; "'^ *,'""^ SUEDE OXFORD SHOES-Loui, Ladies' "Bos.ock" FAWN GLACE KID wl . "■""V"Vl"'*'l For Double Beds- Usual price ,«/6 ssr^dS^r^ : »if - T-™- --: r.!;" stes 2> "V- 3, s- *• *;■ oxFORD sHoEs-to-is h-is; - t^ su^1"- M .. js^sss: w 6 £&<i£%xx£ Thoy- *■■ "i 1?;;::^ 3 'Bi—°"iy -•■—;/- x^sijar^^ 1-**•B/- " I | rr"x 9/!1 Usually 27/6, 87/6 Sale 17/6, 24/- S«le Price IOJd. yd., or 9/11doi: ydi. J-ILxJrCI^LV jr\ I I" JIJH fir I ZV TlxF^^i T "t~/4

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 30, 5 February 1927, Page 24

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Page 24 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 30, 5 February 1927, Page 24

Page 24 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 30, 5 February 1927, Page 24