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COiyM^NDATION'S NORTHERN ;J^' DER&y;, , .;'. ,;■■

THE HAW'S: RETURNS TO FORM. , a *.-.•■. ■ •

(By Telegraph .from "Vedette.")

Although clouds hovered over EllerSie on Saturday, the amount of Tain ■whichtffell was negligible.- There was a large attendance, but again, the totalisator showg'da falling off, i.the 1-' figures being £98,450 10s, compared with £110,652 last year. -;4A complete downfall of the favourites 'with the - exception, of Commendation'possibly accounted for some b£ this, the-;total return from the> seven races being' over £85. • /Commendation won tKe Derby; in. irre-. •" proachable"'style irijjfasjt ftime. ; "' SHeifairiyV outclassed;; the rest? at distance;;, andr set at rest any doubts about his staying' the Derby: course. His condition was, a, •credit to this trainer, Geo. Jones, 'and what must Have been most gratifying.rto his .owner,; .-Mr.- W. H. Gaisford, was: the total absence of any pranks at the barrier: .Although beaten, Lysander was far from' disgraced, for he stuck on through sheer pluck when -he: had. ihad more than:»enough. • Lady ITei-gusson, wife of Admiral' Sir James Pergussoni decorated the '\j winner. The first half-mile . was run in^sosec, arid the' mile in Imin 44sec. .\. ''.-,!;-. ■'...■■'"■■ -' •/:'■ ■ '■ ■" ' The Southerners,Footfalland '• Count; .".Cavour, fought out the finish of the Racing Club Handicap, , while The Hawk gave again;a taste of. his; quality in, the Newmarket ■ Handicap, ;which was an exceptionally rough race. It culminated in a bad accidant, Merry Jest and Ballymoy falling, and H. Lee, rider of Merry Jest,' .being seriously injured. '.■■'■ .'. ;".-■■' THE ELLERSLIE HANDICAP. Antrim Boy was a very hot favourite, with Haze ,_a • well-backed second choice! Antrim Boy, led put from lArcheho, Haze, Judge's, Box,>: and •':Ballaehulish. .'Antrim Boy and Archeno drew away across the top from Lord Guy,., Judge's- Box, Ngarara. Boy was done at the turn, and Ai'cheno ran past him' only to lose ground.lbyichanging, her stride."The field closed' up in the straight, and Archeno just lasted long enough to win by:a length from Quondong, who finished best of the others. Lord^Guy was three-quar-ters of a length ,away ; third] with Haze fourth, and iJudge's Box, Ngarara, " and Nucleus next. Archeno -showed plenty of. pace : and the advantage she gained in the^ early stages wonXthe,. race for : her. "'Quondong was lucky^to'."gefr second,''for.-he came through anrppenirig on the rails. .^Lord Guy ran aiiTgreat race, andishould .: be worth remembering for a niaiden. plate at a small meeting in the North. Haze ran a -■'poor'--; race, and apparently is not too solid. /Antrim Boy stopped very, badly, but more' patiently., handled might do-a great, deal better very soon. „: / MIDSUMMER HANDICAP. High..Finance, Royal Ceres, and Cosmetic monopolised the,ib.etting.?; r ..:. Cosmetic, Carinthia, p*High Finance, ""andy* -Melissa., "began best, -wjith Damaris slow away. High Finance andi Cosmetic led across the top from Carinthia, Melissa, and^Boyal Ceres. High Finance',atid"Cpsmetic;led:Melissa, and Doree at the turn, Doree coming' through, .followed--by ; , Melissa. , : Doreeibeat Melissa; by half a length, with Thaw hal£ a length away Jhifdj-,Carinthia.'.;.jy:as fourth, and; High yjElnance. andSCqsmetic. next. %■■ ■'''-&s£%'&*::*-■■ ',';■;''£:'■&.■'-•'!.■■■' Doree, a'ismart iM^jbyVSLuculWs.vfrQm Doro Doro,- won'like ffi; old- hand. She is Gascony's stal^emat'e;"r'and "'J a;'"smooth galloper. .Melissaj.'galloped: \well and registered a good J.p'erforniahce for her' second appearance mpublic;;. Thaw fin-' ished on. well after .beginning slowly.; Carinthia ran'a useful"race, butyV-the''fay-. • ourites all iran;Md : ..rae;es. -Royal Ceres' might do better'3.foryhe«app.eared-tb.'strikev trouble. %■ '\w:'^y;£iJ;:J; J':^;:::"'-i ": ~ ._;- NEWJoYE ARijiU BDLE RACE.; v Highway- iwas a... good' iaypurite; ; .-'with; Karamu, the winner, at,a very longjprice. Royal ForinpT began best,'and with':;Curea-, form, Pentagram, and: Akaramu, J! : led: at: the first fence. 'Gold .Rep fell at tlie second fenSeJ and Highway;ijat.;the third.. Down the:;Straighfr;Daddy'sl;|Girl; led^Ka-; ramu, Royal Form, ;'anU>l?.entagram, with Wedding March last;;,;S''-&uflga;>|elL<. at the fence seven furlongs-froiix'home/where. Karamu :had drawn;;.cl6ariiif;ci?entsigram, Daddy's Girl, Rangatahi, yßoyal; JForm, Mia Bella;"'and Pendeiinis. *-; Sarainu: was still clear of Pentagram and Daddy's Girl, at the last ■ fence, and in the run iitvKa-^ ramu lasted long enough to win bytthreey quarters of; a length from Pentagraihg Daddy's' Girl was eight.lengths away third," with Rangatahi fourth, and Mia Bella, Royal Form, and Archibald next. • 'Karamu'won well and outjumped'.".'aricL outstayed the field. Pentagram again was just good enough to be beaten: ' Girl, Rangatahi, and Mia Bella, all. went good races;; Rangatahi might 1 pay-to.fol-low. Archibald is another possible improver. : 2h» height, of the fences troubled Highw.ay. . : . RACING CLUB 'HANDICAP. Star Stranger was a little better .backed than Te Monanui, both' carrying over (£2500. Footfall was at. a good doublefigure price. Day Guard led down the straight frbm Papatu, Oreum, Count Cayour, Clarinda, Footfall, Mandane, Tanadees, and;, Star Stranger. " Passing the eeven furlong post, Day. Guard led Oreum, Papatu, Clarinda, Footfall, Count Cavour, Barometery > and Desert Glow. Crossing the top, Day Guard was still in front from Clarinda, Footfall, Count Cavour, Barometer,, Desert Glow, and Mandane. Heading for the straight, Oreum took charge from Footfall, Count Cavour, and Desert Glow, with Te Monanui coming fast, and lie ran very wide at the turn. Footfall ran past Oreum at the distance, and Count' Cavour challenged, with Te Monanui ■ going' great guns on the out-; side. Footfall won by three-quarters of a length from Count Cavour, with Te Monanui a neck away third, right out under the judge..-: Desert Glow was right up fourth, closely followed'by Tan'adees and .' Star Stranger. Although Footfall won well, he was decidedly lucky. He drew No. G, and B. H. Morris had him beautifully placed all the way. Count. Cavour .received a .good run, and no excuses; could'Jie made, if or. him, but of the placed'.'librae's Te Monanui looked'to have all the bad luck.' ■[■■ He came from a long way back and was travelling at a great rate at the end, after losing lengths at the turn. Star . Stranger, who received an interrupted passage, and Mandane, who was off the course all,the way, were unlucky- runners.' Mask was not in the picture, and ranVa' poor race.-: Star Stranger was finishing' on. Oreum and Clarinda ran great rates for a mile'and a quarter, and there was a good dealof merit in Desert Glow's fourth place. ; -•■-■■■ GREAT NORTHERN DERBY. Commendation:naturally .was: at.-.i oddson, with Lysander quite a liberal-priced second favourite;- Commendation bega.i -best, and Seatown was left several lengths. : Commendation and Lysander, on terms, led down the. straight from Alloway, Bat-

tlement, and True Blood, with Seatoifrn last. Racing_ past the seven-furlong pcpt, Commendation had a - slight advantage over;Lysander, with-True Blood dropping backhand Alloway, Battlement, and Ch.v mour.going best behind ihe leaders. Atareria ran up behind the leading pair at the five-furlong post,-! with Alloway and Battlement next and Seatown improving his position. About three and a half furlongs, from home Commendation came away ; from Lysander as if the latter was anchored, and that was. the end of the raoe Commendation winning pulling up by five lengths. Lysander and Alloway had a great duel for second, Lysander beating his rival feyl,l!?*:, Seatown, was, fourth, Chamonr tilth; ■ Battlement ■- sixth, and- True Blood last. '.'■■■ ■ ■'*■■■-.. There is no doubt now about the threic-year-old supremacy so far >as the N"ehv Zealand form is; concerned, and !Comm'ein- : dation_stands but.easily best over; k journey. His was a; Very impressive performance. Lysander hung on well, but t/h* distance was , beyond, him, . and, only-liis _gameness and brilliancy ; S tp6d' to hinvihiforay.. showed; thafr%e^is Jthfetf useful three-year-old, considering he ris nothing like as ..well, seasoned, as liis.can,quer.ors; Seatown :vperfprmed%ea]iy 'well' ,and ; :he would \certainly .have 'Been' third: -but-for .losing so'much-ground^ at? tfiie start. Chamour ran a fair race. Batfflement was rather disappointing, and True SchssU ;■ Tnejothers w elM NEWMARKET HANDICAP. High Pitch and Limited carried" money in a really, good, betting race, botfr the; winner and next up' being at long prices. Ballymoy/ Liciiiius, The Hawk and Limited began best, but there was some jostling, Lady Cavendish beinsr knocked back to last when the scrimmae:ng was over. --Merry Jest and Davo led ijimited, Aussie, Nancy- Eee;!';and Licinwis. Nancy Lee, Dave, The Hawk, Aussie,_and Licmius;were in.the van, Henry Jest having fallen just before the ftirn bringing down- Ballymoy.' The Hawk* strode to the front in the straight and won decisively by a length and a half trom Nancy Lee. Licinius was three-quar-ters of a length away, with Dave fourth and Aussie, Tea Bell, and Limited next " "i-- t Hawk looked well, and wonin-quite ins best style., Nancy Lee^ran,up to-her second day form, and a furlong from home xooisedlike winning: Licinius was a'little unlucky through the/general interference f>ave and Aussie ran.fair races, and Limned stopped badly. Lady Cavendish and iiigh Pitch lost their chances at the barrier rise. Tea-Bell finished well. * GtASGOW HANDICAP: _ Paperchase was always a good favourite, with: the winner and runner-up again at long prices. Nadaripo began'best from Kmg Smock, -Delighfment;'Eh Timi, and Merry_ Damon.. i At r ;the,.end,;of a furlong Nadanno. still led from D'elightment, Kane Smock, .Flying ' Juliet, Automne, Ls' ■Choucas, and Eh Timi. Nadarino led to the turn from Delightmeht, Mying Juliet, Eh Timi, Automne, and Le Choucas Nadarino had had-enough at the distance, and King Smock -'-beat vDelightment by halfa;length, ; with-Nadarihd'Va length and ai half away third. iStp'rniyV finishing on, "was;fourth, and Ring the Bell,-Eh Timi Merry Damon, and Mosaic, next. ; Eing Smock -worniVelijV and-; as usual in; this: type of ..race atS Ellerslie'V'bwied iJhis successjto a. close position to the rails and beginning smartly. Delightment drew No. 8 and Nadarino No.. 1., Stormy, who fin.ished ,at a 1 'great ra.te ;intb : ;i fourth place/ came from No. "20 at the ■ barrier. Rin^ the; Bell was another.';to-finish- at a--very fast pace. -' Paperchase drew" No. .23 at" the. .barrier, so that making her a good favourite,showed veryj*b < a<|:'JHdgin.ent. She was not seen at anyslstage. ls :'£,~& r^ ; Keaults:— ' tS5^-. "*7i-'?? i :■:■■:!■■ : EllersUe Handicap, of 500 sots'; one' mile.-—3 Archeno, 7.1 (ice), .1; 6 Quandong, 7.2, 2; 11 Lord Guy> 7.3, 3. Also started: 2 Haze 9.0,' 1 Antrim Boy 8.1, 5. Nii'clueus.. 7.7, i Ngarara 7.G,' 10 v Judge's Box 7.0, 7 Ballacliuli?B 7.0, ?:Xady Bobinson 7.0, 12 Mlsa-'&Astwni JO, 8 hassock; 7.0. Time, Imin 40 3-ssec. f{; 1-' •;&■.",:<-.;^ Midsummer HandicaC'/ijof 60p%OTS; fli'e' fur-'i longs.—6 Dorse, 7.0 (JoSes), if 4 Melissa, 8.2,S •2; 5 Thaw, 7.8, 3. ;;Al3O ,startedij,'3.:V;:Koyal'. Ceres 9.6, 1 High Finance 9.0, 2 Cosmetic 8.10'," 10 Segmen 7.3, 9 Wh'alcarite 7.3, 11 Standfast 7.3, il2 Zane Grey 7.3, 8 Arihana 7.3, 5 Demaris,(coupled -with Thaw) 7.2, s'Eoyal Lover.7.2, 13 Carinthia 7.0. Time,/Imin 0. 4-ssec.; ' -..New Year Hurdle Eace, o£ 000 Ivbovs; two miles.—l 3 Karamu, 9.0 (Regan), 1; 3 Pentagram, 9.4, 2; 12 Daddy's Girl,-9.3, 3. Also started: 6 Mia Bella 11.0, 7 Archibald, 1 Highway 11.5, 5 Wedding March' 11.5, grPeter •Maxwell 10.13, 4 Royal/.Form ' 10.2,. si Maiinga 10.2,';. 2 Ranßitahi 9.9, 10" Gold Kep 9.'7,11 Pendennis 9.3, 5 Cureaform (coupled with Wedding March) 9.0. ..(No time.was telegraphed.) "AUCKLAND RACING CLTTB HANDICAP, of '• 2000 "soys; one 'mile and- a half. •-■ 7'Footfall. 8.0. (8.H..-Morris) 1 5 -Count Cavour, 10.2 2 2Te Monanui, 9.7 v.:..:...........v. 1.........;.:.... 3 ,;■; Also-started: 1 Star-Stranger. 9.0, 9.; Tana: dees 9.2 4 Mask "8.0, 12 Ruapapa 8.4, "B,Mau•dane" 8.0, 13 Star-Rangef7;ll/ C Clarinda'T7.lo, "3 Desert Glow 7.10, 10. Oreum, 7.9, 15 Day Guard 7.7, 11 Barometer' 7.3, 16 Gold Jacket' 7.0, 17 Lord Star 7.0, 14 Papatu 7.0, 18 Royal Present 7.0.., Time, 3min 34,.2-ssec. 53r'd';iGREAT.,. NORTHERN ?■ DERBY,- of. 3000 ';soys;, for "three-year-bias;.:'one' : "• mlio md a /''half: J- ■; ,;•■;:::.'. r-- ■'■ "■ -> ■ ' ; ■ 1' Commendation, 8.10 (L'_ G, Morris) i.... 1 7 Licinius, 7.8 ... ....;■.. .....'....;.. 3 7 Alloway, 8.10.. '„ 3 Also started: 9 Atereria 8.10, 3 Battlement 8.10, 8 Chamour 8.10.-6 Seatown 8.10, .10. Tinokoa. 8.10, 4 True Blood 8.10, 5 Phaola 8.7.' Time, 2min 34sec. .■, . . NE'™ARKET HANDICAP, of 1000 soys; six , ; • Jfurlong3. .; 8 The Hawk, 9.4 (B. H. Morris) :.:;...... 1 4 Nancy Lee, 7.0 2 ; 7 licinius, 7.8 '..'.'.'. ...;...... ; 3 Also started: 4 Lady Cavendish 8.7, 2 Limited 8.4, 5 Aussie 8.4, 1. High- Pitch 8.3, 9'Cawnpore 7.11, 3 Ballymoy 11. 7.7, 14 Wave 7.0, 11 Chairman 7.0, 8 Merry Jest 7.0,- 13 Newhury 7.0, 10 Tea Bell 7.0. Time, Imin 13 3-ssec. Glasgow Handicap, of 050 soys; seven furlongs.—ll King Smock, 7.4 (Green), 3.'; la'Delightment, 7:1, 2; 2 Nadarino, 8.2, 3. Also started: 21 Polonett 8.8, 3 Le Choiicas-; 8.7, 5 Pegaway 8.0, 1 Paperchaso 8.1, -2 Charlady 7.12, 18 Lomint 7.10, 9 Automno 7.10, 6 Mosaic 7.10, 12 Merry Damon 7.7, 4 Decoy Bird 7.7, 8 Eh Timi 7.7, 10-Stormy. 7.3, 16 Arch Opal 7.2, 20 Tall Timber 7.1, 22 Curraghmore 7.0, 14 Plying Juliet 7.0, 13 Muscarl 7.0, 17 Ring the Bell 7.0, 23 Thursby 7.0,:19 Tinolti"7.o. Time, Imin 27sec.

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 1, 3 January 1927, Page 6

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AT ELLERSLIE Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 1, 3 January 1927, Page 6

AT ELLERSLIE Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 1, 3 January 1927, Page 6