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In a, statement this morning, the chairman oil the. Wellington Woolbrokers' Association, Mr. B. G. Anderson, confirmed the satisfactory character of yesterday's wool sale and of the prices received (average wools up a halfpenny, super a penny, on November), but remarked on a slightly easier tendency towards the close of tho sale.

"In the opinion of most judges," said the chairman, "tho sale cased off a little towards the close, though there was no marked tendency to lower prices. Apparently some of the orders in the market were not sufficiently large to lift the whole of the offering, with the result that some qualities were easier. Oa the whole, though, the sale must be regarded as a most satisfactory one, and well up to expectations. Bradford was bidding, but with limits apparently below American and Continental competitors."

Both American and Continental buyers gave good support in the sections appropriate to them. The question is whether the smaller buyers, having advanced prices, will presently have their orders filled, and whether prices will then come back, at later sales, towards Bradford ideas. The heavier offerings at later sales will be likely to test this question out. It is vain to prophesy what will happen when the heavier weights come forward.

The range of prices as officially stated follows:—

Merino, 64/70, 60/64—


The following brokers' report*, additional to those published yesterday, are to hand:—

Messrs. Murray, Roberts and Co., Ltd.. Wellington, report:—Through wet weather having interfered with shearing, the catalogues for today's sale were condderably below anticipations, as the allocation for the sale was 27,000 bales, whereas 19,500 bales were submitted. Our own catalogue consisted of 3000 bales, principally crossbred clips, many of which were of attractive style. Most of the wool is light in condition, and, generally speaking, soundly grown; but some of the finer hoggets are tender. The clips fairly well represented all tha wool-growing districts, coming from North and SouthiWairarapa and East Coast, Rangitikel, Manawatu, and the districts adjacent to the city, besides a few lots from the Sounds country. The number of buyers has been augmented by some fresh arrivals since the last sale here and the benches were full, all woolconsuming countries being represented. Bidding was very keen, and was much' more general than at the opening sale; Bradford representatives were very busy, and Continental buyers active on all lines which suited them. France was keenly Interested In super pieces, and came Into keen competition with local mills on these, which realised In some cases extreme figures. Many of the skirtings offered, however, contained seed, and this restricted the competition somewhat on these lines, which were mostly taken by local scourers and Germany, at a lower range of values than the clean wools. There wa» not sufficient lambs' wool to test the market, that shown being either very short or last year's, with seed showing. Compared with the November sale, we make the market about a halfpenny per pound stronger in average wools and a halfpenny to one penny better for good to superior sorts. Clean pieces and bellies were probably up to one penny better, and low to average lots par with November sale. We passed very f«w lots, selling 98 per cent, of our catalogue in the room.

We auote below some of the prices realised :— Hekenga, crossbred hoggets 12Vjd, crossbred ewe 11% d. 3/Ware Ware, HA 15>id, HB 13V>d, crossbred C 12d, A pieces UVid, B pieces ll^d, bellies lOd. DWF, halfbred A 16d, halfbred B 15d. 5/AMS, HA 14% d, HB lS3d, AWE, 14fd, BWE 13d. Rakatuma, crossbred H- U^d, crossbred E. 12^d. Ngahipi, H.A. 13^d, crossbred A. 12% d. AX, H. HJd, E. 12id H.J., three-quarterbred A. 12d, three-quarterbred B. lOd. Tau, crossbred H. 13d, crossbred W.E. 12 1 / id. Aohanga, H.A. 13d, E.A. 12d, E.B. Ud, H.D. lid, first pieces 9%d, bellies B%d. Mahoe/J.A., A.*. 12% d, A.E. 12',id. Bewa Bewa. A.A. 14% d, A. 13'^d. B. I 2y 2 d, C. ll'Ad, necks and places lOVid, pieces !>%i. Giendonald, H.A. 18« id, H.B. 13yd. WJ.7W in diamond, Rmnney lambs 13jd, H.A. 12% d. Deepdene, A.A. 14<J, A. 12^d. Te Autere, hoggets 12Xd, E. 12^d. .1.W.8./Te Kopi, W. and H.A. 13d, H.A.A. 13>/>d, H.B. 13% d, W.B. 12% d, H.C.A. 12% d, H.C. 12% d, E.A. UW, E.B. 13% d. E.C. 12d, necks 14y 4 d. Kalkuri, E.A. 14Ud, H.A. 13?4d, E.B. 12? id, H.B. 12d. Kiwi, crossbxd 12Hd. M.8./Tawa, crossbred 12d. Birch Hill, H.A., 14*. W-A, 121 d, H.B. 15}rt ;W. 8., 12d, first pieces' 9d, bel»e» S}rl. U., flue crossbred A 13% d, crossbred B 121 ! id. Ligar, H.A. 14d, W.A. 12d. H/Kohatu, down A 18tfd, down B. 15% d. Kuawaka/JIR, A.H. 144 d, necks IOJd- QVS/W in diamond over Totaras. A.H. 14% d, A.W. 12% d. Wakarua, B.H. 13>id, B.W. 12?4d, C.H. 12'/jd, C.W. 12M;d, first pieces 9%d, bellies Bd. A ML. over Otanga, H.A. 14d, E.A. 13d. Glenathol, A.A.A. 13% d, A.A. 12% d. AF/Raukura, hoggets 13y 2 d, E. HJd. W.W.8., crossbred H. 13d, crossbred E. 12d.


Messrs. Levin and Co., Ltd., report:—Our catalogue represented 5045 bales. Tho continued unseasonable weather, limited the offering. The same cause it making the wool light in grease. Clips generally may be better grown than, last year, particularly hogget wool, but it cannot be said that clips from the Wairarapa and the East Coast are showing the growth of an average good season, tho staple of the wool in many instances lacking body.

Bidding was keen and animated, and the salo was a fast one, and we sold 96 per cent, of our catalogue under tha hammer. Competition came from all quarters of the trade, being more general and sustained than at the earlier sale. America was more In evidence, and bought mora keenly, and prices for super crossbreds 46-48's and 44-46's were more regular and more freely given. There was a Kcneral advance of %d, and occasionally as high as a penny, where style and growth warranted American competition. Bradford and the Continent were eager competitors for all classes of crossbreds, and. for the average grades •of medium, coane, and low crossbreds a general improvement in prices was noticeable to the extent of a full halfpenny.

Merino clips were not in strong evidence, but taking quality into consideration, priee3 do not appear equal to the November level.

Only a small auantity of halfbredswere forward for the sale, and a reliable comparison is not possible.

Lambs' wool was in umall supply, and sold well without any appreciable change.

' Bellies and pieces were well competed for by Germany, France, Italy, and Dominion mills, and again some exceptional | prices were bid for good lots—ln some instances fleeco rates were obtained.

On the averaite. prices are round about last December-March level again, '"■'c follwinß arc some of tho results: — Down.-rPnketlrl, 3 bales 17>4d} Part over Te JParae over 6 over Katatane, it bales 19% d'

Waikuku, 4 bales IBiid; various, 12 bales IS/id; Kaiwarra, 8 bales 19% d.

Three-quaitor-bred.—KM/S, 34 bales li/id; Tainiato, 27 bales 13d; HJD/F, 6 bales 12Vid; 1" F, 3 bales 13i,id; JD, 4 bales 13J4d; Kaiwarra, 0 bales lud, 5 bales 13% d, 5 bales H, 13d, 16 bales 13% d.

sllalfbred. —T in circle, 6- bales 14-lid; RM/S, !) bales 13.% d; Taimate, 5 bales laVid; jn/T in diamond, 11 bales 15'/:<1; NGA. 10 bales 15'/id; Till Throne, 14 bales lT%d, 6 bales U%d, 11 biles lSd, 9 bales H UMd. 4 balon H I'l-^d; WAIAU, 6 bales ISMid; Avondalo/ Marlbro, 12 bales 13'^d, 5 bales 13V4d, 5 bales IS^d: various, 8 bales lG'/id; JD, 4 bales lodl Kaiwarra, 6 bales 17id, 8 bales ic94d, 6 bales 14% d; cross keys H/Hudson, i bales ITV4d. ' Crossbred.—Bs, 5 bales 13d; AEC/T. 4 bales 12% d; TBC/2 in circle, 10 bales 12Vid; B in circle, 10 bales 12y»d; Stronvar/W In box 4 bales 14? id, 11 bales 13y-d, 4 bales I2«d, 4 bales H 18% d, M bales H Hd; J!\VJ3H, 11 bales llUd; Puketlrl, 18 bales 13>(.t1, 5 bales ll'/id, 8 bales H 12>Ad; SBO. 10 bales 12'/id, 4 bales H 12'/ 2 d; Hillend, 7 bales ll%d I!l bales U%d, 7 bales 13',id; LPL/Kosklld, 21 bales ll%d; WTW, 7 bales 12Vid, B bales lid, 6 bales lOVid; —o—, 7.bales 12% d, 20 bales 12Vid, S bales 1191 d, B bales H, 12Ud; TOK/VVaitohu, 21 bales 12V:d; GHW, 11 bales ll%d, fi bales H, 12Vid; JKK, 5 bales 12 3i'd; WB/The Cliffs, 11 bales 12y 4 d; TAWA, 15 bales 12'/»d; TYB, 12 bales ll%d, B bales 11(1 4 bales H, Ki'/id; CR/Claremont, 8 bales HVid; JR/TE Moana, 8 bales HSid; 08, 9 bales 12 J4d: HVJIA, 24 bales 12»4d; A 4, 8 bales llUd; cross keys H/Hudson, 6 bales 14Vfed, 8 bales 12=id, 24 bales liy 2 d; Hilisido/NZ, S bales 12% d, 11 bales 12i / id, 5 bales ll%d; 9 bales, H, 145 d, 4 bales 11, 11 Jd;" HBD, 5 bales H, 14Vid; FR/W, 12 bales lid, 7 bales H, ll^d; T in circle, 4 bales 12d; Te Kopura, 13 bales 13d, 4 bales 12d; ICA, 28 bales 13y a d, 14 bales 12^0, 11 bales H, 13V-d; Waitelto. 7 bales 13d, » bales 12Vid, 11 bales 12d, 8 bales H, 14d, 6 bales H, 12V4d, B bales 12d; ED/Bowood, 32 bales ll%d; SHR/ lit. Baker. 27 bales lid; JOBP, 4 bales ll'.id, 4 bales H, 13? id, 4 bales H, 13d; Langdale/PA, 11 bales 12% d, 5 bales H, 13% d: ETP, 4 bales liy.d; Lowlands, 6 bales 12% d: Stratheden/ A, 35 bales 12% d, 14 bales ll%d; RAX. 31 bales 12>/ 2 d; RM/S, 12 bales 10% d; EON/EKA, 6 bales 12 %d; Taimate, 23 bales 12d; XXG, B bales ll?id; J in circle/Koraha, 10 bales ll%d ; Craigielea, 5 bales 13% d, .13 bales 12' Ad, 15 bales ll%d, 5 bales Ud, 9 bale* lid, 4 bales II 13}4d, 5 bales H 12d, 5 bales H ll'/ 2 d; ADY in diamond/Tautamai, 10 bales 12 y t d, 5 bales ll%d; JWS, 24 bales 12d; AD/F, 5 bales 12V>d: 11/ Hillside, 15 bales ll%d; JH joined/ T in diamond, 15 bales ll%d; JRF/Bloomfleld, 8 bales 12% d; PL/B, 6 bales 12% d; WEW/A/ Sherwood, 4 balea H, 12d; PL in diamond, 7 bales ll%d; E2/CEP, 12 bales liy-d; Tiraumea, 0 bales H 12>4d; Springlea, 5 bales ll'/^d; AEA, n bales 12%*; Totara. 4 bales 12d; CEMR/Toro, 5 bales ll',id; HJR, 8 bales 12Vjd: Woodstock-/Y3, 9 bales H 12d: JWC, 10 bales lid B bales lOHd; Kowhai, 17 bales 13d; HWK, 14 bales WVid, 4 bales H 13d; BJH, 12 bales 12d, 11 bales H 12Hd; Rewanul, 15 bales Hid 12 bales 12^d, 9 bales llftd, 9 bales Ud, 20 bales 13& d, 9 bales H 12Hd; REM/ Rum, 11 bales 13d, 17 bales 12% d, 17 bales HHcl,-4 bales ll J/id, 8 bales H 13% d, 12 bales H'l3%d, 7 bales H ll%d; SB, 6 bales Ud; Lowlands, 7 bales H 13d; CWW, 7 bales 12Vjd, 5 bales H 12d; Te Munga, 10 bales IIVSd, b bales lid, 16 bales 10',4d, 5 bales H lOftd; BL/ Makaraka 27 bale 3 H 14d; Kourarau/Feathers, 13 bales 13d, 32.1jales 12% d, 24 bales ll%d, 18 bales ll?id, 9 bales H 14d, 11 bales H 12% d, 9 bales H 12d; 4 Stars/OJW, 12 bales 10% d: Te To\vaka. 13.bales 12d; Mataa Bay, 11.bales 12iid, 4 bales H 13>id; RWB/Glengarnock, B 'bales H lid; BL inverted/Wainella, 7 bales H 12V>d; MB/Rayneville, IB bales 12% d, 5 bales Ud" 8 bales H 13d; Eureka, 7 bales 12d; AH, 7 bales Ud; EC/Monavale, 10 bales 12d; Km Ora/LB, 12 bales U%d; HF/RAI, 4 bales U%d; Patuna, 14 bales 13d. 16 bales 12',id, 11 bates Ud, 10 bales H Ud; Beaumaris, 10 bales 13Ud 8 bales llVfed, 7 bales H lSVid, 4 bales H 'v>- Tuscan Hill, 7 bales H 12% d; LS/M, 5 bales 10% d; EBY^ 19 bales 12% d, 7 bales H 13Vid; WED, 13 bales 13d, 20 bales 12d, 8 bales lUid; Kohtwal/SL, 7 bales ll%d, 5 bales H llVid; RCC/Tarehuru, 11 bales ud; Patuki, 35 bales U%d, 19 bales H U'^d; CL/ R 9 bales ll»,4d; Part Te Parae over 6, 4 bales 15d; Katatane, 17 bales 14i,id, 42 bales 13»/.d, 16 bales 13>/4d, 18 bales 14% d, 1* "ales H 13V 2 d; WMH, 13 bales ll^d; KBT H bales llid"vrWW. 9 Kales 10% d; DAS 14 biles lOVid: WG, 5 bales H 12=id; SJA, 7 baes 15y 2 d 19' bales UVid, 11 bales lid; Matahiwi/dlamond, 6 bales 15d, 20 bales 14 / 4 d, 15 bales 12% d, 12' bales 12'/ t £ aI ftalw HW, 10 bales H 13% d, 6 ba es H 12% d Part Je Parae over G over Batukawa, 13 bales 14% d, 25 bales 13% d, 5 bales 12y 4 d, 13 bales H 14% d, a bales H 13% d; Greenwoodslde over KM, S bales 12 "d; JDC, 11 bales 10% d; Tawa Tapu, 24 bale. 12d, 12' bales 12% d; HJD/F, 5 ba es 12% d; RA'unstall, 20 bales 12J4d, 1 bales H 13d; Tang, 5 bales U',id, 6 bales Ud, 12 bales IOHd, 8 bales lOd; Waikultu, 4 bales UV-d; Brooklands/Tirauraea, 20 bales_l2%d, 4 bale's il',id,'ls bales H 13% d, 4 1 bales H U%d; PB/G, 15 bales ll'Ad; VEV, 16 bales ll%d 7 bales H IZW. TAS/Fairtteld 11 bales H 13% d, ETM. 8 bales ll|d; ,VAX D'fJR, 16 bales- 11 Jd, 5 bales 10% d, 5 bales H 13d; SSS 5 bales H, liy*d; JC/Takarau, 10 bales lid; FBC, 10 bales, 12d, 4 bales H mid; WL 8 bales lli/jd, 4 bales UHd, .74 bales ■liW 29 bales H 12% d; Roaha, 7 bales 12% d; MB/Hakawai, 18 bales 12 J/jd. » ba?ef 12d, 11 bales H 12ftd; M/Waihora, 4 bales ll%d; TJB/Rataltl, 1» bales llHo\ 4 bales Ud; CSA, 11 bales 12d, 4 bales H 11 Wd; TEC, 15 bales 12d, 4 bales H 12>4d; GSB/O O, 5 bales 10% d, 5 tales H lid; JRT/Homewood, 17 bales 13Jd, 9 bales H, 12i(l; WTP/A, 9 bales Ud; diagonal through semicircle EPS. 9bales ll%d: WBG/Bal, 7 bales 12',id; T/TT2, 8 bales liy 4 d; JAH/D, 14 bales Ud, 7 bales H H%d; arrow above semicircle/Awatoitoi, 23 bales H 14% d 9 bales H 12% d, 14 bales H 12% d; BET, 5 bales 12% d, Jenolan, 13 bales liy 2 d; EL/S, 11 bales 11 %d; Corrow Hill/clover leaf, 5 bales 12d, 6 bales H llHd; E/O, 19 bales, ll%d, 13 bales 10% d; G bales H 12% d; LEW, 4 bales 10% d; Tara a, 9 bales ll%d. 6 bales H 12'/ 2 d; FBB, 4 bales l>>d 4 Bales H 12% d; Mona, 16 bales 12d, 11 bales ll%d, 7 bales H 12V 2 d; CEMR/Toro, 7 bales 10% d; CL/RAI. 7 bales 10%d;K/Karin II bales H 10% d; M pyramid 12 bales Ucl GMK, 6 bale* 12d; Opunake, 6 bales 12% dl3 bales 12d. 6 bales 10% d, 5 bales lOd; API. 4 bales ll%d, 4 bales Ud, 4 bales ■10% d; NUI, 4 bales 12y«d, 4 hales WHid, 5 bales 10% d 4 bales H lWd, 5 bales H 10>/4d; Various 9 bales 13 J/ s d; PF, 8 bales ll'/id; Kahtwl, o bales 12% d, 5 bales. HWi JOB/Pihautea, 10 bales nw, 6 bales ll»,id, 4 bales 10y 4 d, 9 bales H 13% d, 4 bales H 12d; Kaiwarra. -27 bales 13? d 7 bales 13% d, 20 bales 12% d, 10 b»Jes liV-A 27 bales 12d, 11 bales U^d, 13 bales n%d, 4 bales U>Ad, 23 bales ll^d, 9 bales Ud, 14 bales 12d, 8 bales ll%d, 19 bales "d Lambs: JOBP, 6 bale* 14H«; Stiatheden/A, 6 bales H&d; Kourarau/Feathers, 6 bales 14%<J, 4 bales 12% d; BrooWands/Tiraumea, 7 bales 14% d; Tawa Tapu, 4 bales 12d; JOB/Pihautea, 4 bales 12W,d.


The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. report: The quality a wool surpassed that of last year. Included in our catalogue were some well-known clips, notably Hawkesbury Merino (which realised up to> 23d per lb), and Mamaku fine Komnej, up to li>%d. On the. whole the wool opened up bright and light in condition. Hoggets at to-days sale did not elicit the very keen competition that they did at the previous sale, owing to the staple being, in most cases, too long for tho quality. There was a large bench of buyers, representing most of the wool-consuming countries, also Dominion mills and local scourers, and the bidding was keen and general and the prices realised as compared with the previous sale were from par to a shade dearer, and wo are pleased to report that we sold 95 per cent, of our catalogue under the hammer. Following are some of the prices realised for clips classed by us in store, viz.:— Merino.—Hawkesbury fleece, from l/y = d to 23d; pieces, 16d; bellies, 1414 d; locks lid. Eanelagh, from 16*« d to 18'/4d; bin, 17' id to 19Corrledale.-RTL, lod to 17% d; Crateneuk, 14% id to 16d; CB over Matatataki and HK, 13$ dto 17d: Burnlw, 15% d; Wrekln, 16d; JK'over Gienfleld, 13d to 15y 2 d; The Downs, Halfbred.—JHS over Kilmarnock, 12d to 18V t d; Burnlea, 15ftd; Wrekln, l<'/ 2 d; JK over Gienfleld, 15% dto 17%.d;FWF over T 15M.d- The Downs, 17d to 18V*d; Timara, ldd to l"U%d; Bins, 15' Ad to ISHd. ' Three-nuarterbred.—Mamaku, WAd to I'ij-iO. KH over T, 13y t d to 13% d; J/B/Llnton, 14Vid; V over Pokorua, 13»id; WpJ over X, 14d; Linside, 15% d; Bine, ]5%d-to luV s d. Crossbred.—EH over T, 12% d; Craigneuk, lid to 14y 4 d; Ederdale, lO&d to U^d; Terau over D, lid to 13d jf Burnlea, lid to 13d: ACS, lOV^d to 12i4d: J/B/Hnton, ll?4d to laVjd; Hiwinul over JWS, ll%d to 12M:d; Moeraki, ll%d to 13d; V over Tokorua, 12Yii; Wharehunna, 9%d to liy a d; Oykel, HVid to 15d; JMB. lid to; Batadale lid to 13d WFJ over X, lHid. to 13y 2 d; Belmont, 10'«( l to 12% d; Linside* 12% dto m<d; Bins, 9%d to 13% d. Lincoln.—Terau over D, ll'^d.

Other sales are : —• Crossbred: Hawaiki, 12d' to, 125 id; A/W. crossbred over M. ll%d to 11%' d; HH in triangle, crossbred, 12d; WH over and over VW, 12d; CBB, U%d; BSE over Puketoi, ll%d to 12V«d; HTE over ATA, liy«d to ]2Jd; ES. Hid to 12jd; Matoppo, Hid: I'M, ll'/4d; JW over P, 11%<J; TBT, ll%d to 12d; AB over O, 12% d; FE over W, H^d; FGC, 12d; RMS over PlttencreiCf. 12d; FN, 10% dto lid; FAG, ll%d to 12% d; KDJ over WAX, U%d to 13Ud; UN over■ TINI, lHail to 12% d; PL over PK, lltfd t0.12%d; Mawiekie, 10% dto 13d; AAV over M. HMd; G in C, lid to ll%d: Golden Bay, Jl%d to 12-jid Pieces and bellies: Hawkesbury, merino 14V5U to lGd, bins 14d; WA over Hilton. 10?icl; various 10% dto 12% d. . „.,.. Crossbred and halfbred: Pieces and bailies, Hawaiki, Bjd; Mamaku, lOld to lid: Mamaku necks, 13Jd; Ederdale, 6}d; Jlv/ Gienfleld, llUd; various, B%d to lO.tid: Tho Downs, 12Hd; Timara, lid: Whataraufii, Oti to 13Jd; Oykel. 10} d; .IMB, Sd: WtJ/h., BHd; Wnslde. lid; bins, 5%d to 12(1; Southdown bins 18Hd. Lambs, various 12d. to 13iAri; bins, ]2d. Crutchings, various s Virt to 9d», bins 4d to 7^id. Locks. Hawtesbtiry merino lid; various crossbred 5%d to ~%i-


The Vairarapa Tumors' Co-o!>erallvo Association, Ltd., reports as follows:—Our catalogue comprised a good selection of crossbred clips, which were the first submitted to tlio buyers There was a full attendance- of buyers, and spirited bidding. We had a successful sale, the whole of our catalogue being cleared. The wool offered was light In grease, in a few cases tenderness of staple was apparent, but on the whole the wool was ; in excellent condition. Competition was steady and sustained, and compared with our previous sale held on 15th November prices for Kood lines of fine and .medium crossbred were from }d to. in some cases, Jd per lb higher. We obtained 16»M per lb for a line of Annedale crossbred hoggets, HVid for Tawhero hoggets, 19'AA for a line of Southdown Wtwaka, and the exceptional price of I.M for a line of Anncdale first pieces, and H>/;d for Tawhero pieces. There appeared to be an increased demand for all classes or crossbred, and all countis from 32's to 48's showed a rise on November price*. Th«re w»s only a small

quantity of lamb's wool offered, which met with a fair demand, and sold at satisfactory prices. Bellies and pieces met with an exceptional demand, and good lines realised satisfactory prices. As already stated, our top price was 15d per lb. Crutchings sold on a par with previous sale. Locks also sold at about same range of prices as those ruling at the November sale. \ ■ .

The following arc some of the lots sold by us:— Crossbred : WliG, HJd; WW/E, 32Jd; Ngawacwae, DVsd, llVid; JPP, 10' id; HG?Z, ll?id; Pawaftiii, 12% d; 282, 12% d; HM/i, 13y 4 d; 02, ll%d; Pahlatua/MA in circle, Il|d, lid; HJA, 12d; J/WT. lljd, 10} d; Wuakawahine, 12Jd. 12Jd, lljd, Hid; "Bl Whiterock, liy t d, lid, 10% d, 10% d, 10Ud; i>. T. Fraser, 12y 2 d; TR, 12% d: 88/W, 13d, Uld; Annedale, 16id, Hid, 14{d, 135 d, Mid; RY, ll^d HS/ HS/Jliro, 13>,id; Terawa, 13? id, 12? id, ll%d; Charval, 13d; Reefhill, 13) d, 13d UJd; DAY, Jljd, lOJd; Benmore, 12'/ 2 d, 1.1 -74d: >VHH. 14'/-d. 12>Ad; CB/ Xgaturi, 12 X tl, ll?id; .TPB, 1154 d; CPK, 11W; X 5, )3«d; Tawbtro, HJd, HJd, HJd, ]3Jd; MF/Putiki, Hid, I3>d, ]2Jd; Wiwaka, 13d, 12d; JMC, 10'/id: PAT, 13d; WS/P, 12'^d; G in diamond, 12Ud; THM, mid: Piriaka/BWD, 12>^d; various, li%d, 12d, lid; Terawa, 15Vs«I. Southdown: Wiwaka, "l9JdLambs: Various, 13^. Pieces aud bellies': Whakawahine. 9Jd, 7fd; B/Whiterock, 9d, TVjd, G'/jd; Annedale, ,15d. 10% d; Tawhero, 14'^d; MF/Futlkl, 3'/ 4 d; iarious, iHid, 7%d. Locks: Various, !>\d Crutchings: Various, 9d, 7d. NEW ZEALAND FAKMERS' CO-OPERATIVE. The New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Distributing Co., Ltd., report:—"Our catalogue comprised approximately 1800 bales, of a very fair selection, comprising some good light conditioned wools, mainly crossbred*. A full attendance of buyers occupied the benches, and bidding was fairly keen and animated throughout, competition coming largely from' America, tho Continent, and Bradford, whilst Dominion scourers were prominent for suitable lots. As compared with last salt the market was from par to a halfpenny, and very occasionally a 10 higher, but the early bidding was hardly sustained, and, as orders were filled, prices were occasionally easier later on in the series. Good hozget wool was in keen demand, and brought on the whole very good prices, but lota showing seed wer« at times in poor demand, and did not show much improvement on values ruling' at last sale. Southclowns sold particularly well, one lot branded

"FIBS" reaching 19d, and tho bulk selling about n'/id to 18Vid. Pieces and bellies were in Rood demand from France, who, in competition with Dominion scourer*, kept prices well up throughout; a few lots of lambs' wool brought good competition, and prices were in athfance of those ruling at the last sale.

The following are some ot our best realisations:—FlßS .S/down 19d, Corrledale lC'/id, no'mncy 13% d; HWL/L S/down 18V4d, Romney A 13d; AIM, Corriedale, X AA 17% d, Corrledale, X A 15% d; R in circle, Bomnoy hoggets, 14d, Komney ewes A IZ'AA, ewes 12d, 7/JML, ewes A, ll%d; RMcA/Glenray, hogRets, 12»/»d, ewes livid; T/KK, hoggets, 12d; NRW, hoggets ll%d, ewes ll%d; WP/Tenrose, Romney R H 13? id, Romney E H AA 13% d, crossbred H AA 13'/id; KBW, hoggets 13d; HER, ewes 12>,id; Kamano, hoggets, 14«. d, ewes A 12' id; JB/Brooklands, ewes A, 12% d; RFM/MV, wethers A, 13d; RY/F, Romney 12d; Horse,, hoggets, VZV4.&; AIRD, hogBets, 12% d; KGD/LD, lambs 12'/ 2 d; JHD/ Ngatawa, ewes A 13% d; EHA, H AA 14»4d, H A 13Vid, ewes AA 13? id, ewes A 12tfd, KD/E, E 12d; E B liy a d; RM/Sprlnghill, hoggets, 12>4d; WWB/K, hoggets 12^d,-ewes ll%d; GSOK, hoggets A lo?id; hoggets B lSl&d; WJV/Mairenul, Cor. X H A 12>Ad, H B 12>4d; JO/Pungatawa, hoggets, 12% d; TR/CC, Southdown E, 16=4d; JJB, hoggets '12V5d, wethers, 12 1,4 d; Kuru, Cor. H AA 14d, Cor. HA 13d, Cor. E A A 15% d, Cor. E A 13Vid, crossbred E A 12d; GP/P, lambs, 13d; AHAU. H A A 13% d, crossbred E A 13d, crossbred J5 B 12% d; Kilmory, hoggets, 12y»d; Fairleigh/ JJT, hoggets, 12Vid; WH/Tauanui, ewes A 13% d, ewes B 12Vid; Hlkorangl, ewes A UY-d, ewes B 13d, ewes C ll%d, lambs 13'4d; KDMK/Myrtle, Southdown, -1854, d; Khoikutu, flue H and JE, 13d; LAE, ewes, 12} id; To Karaka, halfbred E 14? id, ■ three-quarterbred E 12d; JY/A, Romney hoggets 13',4d, Romney ewes ll?id; RT/Atea, crossbred, ll^id; JMW, crossbred, lS'.id; OEA/N.Z., ewes 12d, lambs 13d; FS/Waimii, Romney. A 12% d, Romney B ll%d; THR, Down, 17? id; 800, Southdown lr^id, A 12d;-JPM, Al2Ud. B 12d; Mal;o, H ll%d, lambs 13d; RFM/MV, H A. Md: Flakcreek, H A 13% d, H B ll&d; PA/ Konlni, Romney ewes, 12d; S/SF, hoggets, 13yd; Ngatarahanga, ewes A 12>/jd, ewes B ll^id; various. Southdown A 18',id, Down X A 16d. ,

' 15tb. Nov. fith Dec. 1926 saie. 1026 sale. d. (1. d. d. Super 21 to MU 19% to 23 Average ....17 to 20% 16% to 19 Inferior 11% to 15 — — Fine haUbred, 56/58— . super 17 to 19% 17 to 1!)% Average .... 12% to 16% 13% to 16ft Inferior .... — Medium halfbrcd, 50/56— ' Super 13.% to 15 U .15 In 17 Vt Average .... 12>.i to 14% 13 to 16 Inferior .... 9% to 11% 10% to 13 . Coarse halfbred, 48/50— Super 14 to 15% . 14 to 1b Average .... 13% to 14% 13V* to 14-;* Inferior ....— 10% 10% Id 11% Corriedale ...... -., 1^ to 1. Fine crossbred, 46/48 —• Super IS to 14%- ' 13% to 15 Average 11% to 13 ll-ji to ISVs Inferior .... 9% to 10% 1« . to 11% Medium crossbred, 44/46 — Super 12 to 13% 13 to 14k Average 10% to 12% 11% to 1»V* Inferior .... 8% to 10% 9% to 11 Coarse crossbred, 40/44 — Super .. 11 to 13 11% to 13 VI Average .... 10 to 11% 10% to 12 Inferior 1 .... 7% to OU « to 10 Low crossbred, 36/40 — Super ..:...— — 1 Hi to 12 Average .... 9% to 11 -9% to 1H4 ' Inferior .... 8 to 9% 7% to 9% Hoggets, 48/50 . 11 to 15% 12Vi to 16% Fine. 46/48 .. 10% to 14% ' 11V* to 15 Medium, 44/46 10% to 13% 10% to 14Vi .Coarse, 40/44 . 0% to 12 10 to 12% Low, 36/40 .. 9% to 10% 10 to 11% Lambs — Down, 50/56 .. — —' — — Tine, 44/50 .. 11% to 14% 11% to 14% Medium, 40/44 — 11 — — Seedy and inferior .... S% to 9% 5% to 10 Bellies and pieces— Merino, good to .super .... W t« H 12% to 14% Merino, low to medium ..— 10% to 12 Halfbred good to super .. 10% to 1J% 11 to 13% Halfbred, low to medium .. — — » to 11 Crossbred, good to super .. 3 to 13Y* 8% to 14 ■ Crossbred, low to medium .. 5 to 8 5 to 8% Crutchings— Medium to good 7 to 9% » to 9% Inferior and seedy ..... 2% to «% S to 7 LocksMerino —• 7 9Vi to UVl Halfbred .... — 6% fi to S Crossbred ... 4 to 6 4 to 614

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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 137, 7 December 1926, Page 12

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HIGHER WOOL PRICES Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 137, 7 December 1926, Page 12

HIGHER WOOL PRICES Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 137, 7 December 1926, Page 12