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(Arrival times approximate only.) December ]—S.S. TJllmaroa, from Sydney, via Auckland. For Wellington: 73 bags Auatralinu mail, 10!! parcel receptacle!. December f—R.M.S. Niagara, from Vancouver, via Auckland; U.S.A. and English mail.

Messrs. T. C. Dawe and Co., auctioneers and land agents, will sell the contents of six vooniß on tho premises, No. 9, Sidey street, off Hopper street, at 1.30 p.m. on Thursday.

BERTHAGE LIST. llaheno—Queen's Wharf, No. 1 south, Kapiti—Queen's Wharf, No. 5. Cpawa--Queen's Wharf, Ko. 11 north. Ngaio—Queen's Wharf. No. 12. Koutunui—Queen's Wharf. No. 13. . Pakura—Queen's Wharf, No. 14. Titoke—Queen's Wharf, No. 14 south. Corinna—Queen's Wharf, No. 16. Maori—Ferry Wharf. Komata—Railway Wharf. Tainui—Glasgow Wiiarf. Turakina—Glasgow Wharf. Wiliesden—Piliitea Wharf. Kaponga—Pipitea Wharf. Treitenna—Pinitea Wharf. Waikoualtc—Lamhton breastwork. Oliva—Miramar Wharf. Tees—Petone .Wharf. Surprise—ln Stream. Mamika*-Patent Slip. Kairanga—Patent Slip. Nikau—Patent Slip.


Colic, left Newport News on 10th October for Auckland, Wellington. Lvttelton. md Dun edin; arrived nt Auckland on 23rd November: due at Wellington on 30tb November. (N.Z.S. Co.) Arawi, left Liverpool on I2th October fcr Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; arrived at Auckland 25th November; rtji'e at Wellington on 3rd December. (8.3, and A. Co.i Mahana. left London on 13th October for Auckland, Wellington, and New Plymouth; due at Auckland on 2nd December; dv« at Wellington on 9th December. (B.S. »nd A. Co.) Port Sydney, left New York on tn» zist October for Auckland Napier Wellington, Lyt telton, Dunedin, and Bluff; arrived at Auckland on the 25th November: due at Wellington on the 3rd December. (C. and D. Line). Tongarlro, left London on the. 22nd October for Suva, Auckland, Port Chalmers, tod Timtru; due at Auckland on 2nd December (K.Z.S. Co.) ,Tekoa, left Liverpool on the 24th October for New Zealand ports: due at Auckland on the 2nd December. (K.S.N. Co.) Mcrooo. left Montreal on 23rd October for Auckland. Wellington. Picton, and Brisbane; due at Auckland on 30th November; due at Wellington on 6th December (N.Z.S Co.) Port Melbourne, left London on 26th October tor Wellington, Lvttelton, New Plymouth, and Auckland; due at Wellington on 7th Decem ber fC and D. Line.) Canadian spinner, left Montreal on the 27th October, via Sydney (C.8.), for Auckland. Napier Welliii"ton, Lyttelton. Timarn, and Dunlin'1 due at Auckland en the 12th December; due nt Wellington on the ISth December (C.0.M.M.) Carinthia. left New York on Hth October on world cruise; due at Auckland on 27th December; due »t Wellington on 31st December Troworlns left New York on the 26th October for Auckland. Wellington, Lvttelton, Timam and Dunedin; due at Auckland on sth December; due at Wellington on 12tu Dec (A and A Line.) West flenshaw. left Los Aneele; on 23rd October for Auckland, Napier, Lyttelton and Dunediu- arrived nt Auckland on the 18th November At Napier. (Burns, Pliilp, and Co.) Matiroa left Southampton n sth November for Wellington and Auckland; due at Wellington on 12th December. (S.S. and A. Co ) Port Bowen left Liverpool on 11th November for Auckland and Wellington. Due at Auckland on 24th December, and at Wellington on 31st December. (C. and D. ftna.)Trcvorian left New York on 13th November for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedtn; duo at Auckland on 21st December; due at Wellington, on 31st Dscombor. (A. and AAthcnic left Southampton on 12th November for Wellington, Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, Napier: due at Wolllugton on 20th December. (S.S. and A. Co.) Dewey left Los Angeles on 13th November for Auckland, Wellington. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane: due at Auckland on 7th December; due at Wellington on 14th December. (Burns, Niagara, left Vancouver, on 17th November for Honolulu, Suva, Auckland, Sydney; duo at Auckland on Cth December. (U.S.S. Co.). Rotorua, left Southampton on 17th Js'ovem ber for Auckland, Wellington, Bluff; due at Auckland on 22nd December; due at Wellington on 29th December. (N.Z.S. Co.) Taludlna, left Singapore) on Ist November for Wellington; due at Wellington on sth December. (Gollin and Co.) Vlnemoor left San Francisco on the 20th November for Wellington; duo at Wellington on loth December. (U.S.S. Co.) Canadian Planter, left Montreal on 25th November for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteltci, Timaru, and Dunedin: due at Auckland on gth January; due at Wellington on 10th January. (C.G.M.M.) West Conob, left Los Angeles on the 20th November for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timnru, and Dunedlu; due at Auckland on tile Uth December; due at Wellington on the 23rd December. (Burns, Philp, and Co.)


The Federal Company reporti thut the Ot.ilci left Lyttelton yesterday lor Dunedin to complete discharge of her cargo from Liverpool.

She will later proceed to Auckland, OisbonMfc". aud Lyttelton to load lor Home under tit" auspices of the New Zealand Shipping Com* pauy. TIiEGENNA SAILS TO-MORROW. The A. and A. Line announces that th* steamer Tregenna is to leave Wellington tomorrow for Lyttelton, Dunedin; and Port Piri« to unload the remainder of her cargo from New York. TUB KUAHINE. To complete loading for Home, the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ruahina left Wellington last evening for Napier. She takes her final departure from Napier on Sat- ■ urd.-iy for Southampton and London, via Pa»J uama. TBBVORIAN RKACHES COLON. The A. aud A. Line chartered steamer Trevorian arrived at Colon on Wednesday last, enroute from New York to New Zealand. Sli«. ia duo at Auckland about tin 19th December.-*" THE TORT lIACtTING. The C. and U. Line advise, the Port .tracking arrived at Panama on Wednesday last from Auckland. She cleared Auckland on the 3Ctn October for London. THE DBWEY. In continuation of her voyage from PacifiaiCoast ports, the steamer Dewey left Honolulu on Wednesday last for Auckland, where si*' is due ou the Sth December. ;.,., TURAKINA SAILS THURSDAY. ".""' The New Zgu>.:ul Shipping Compauy advise*' that the Turakinii, now loading at Wellington,.-, sailn on Thursday for Napier and' Auckland." ''■■c is scheduled to sail finally from the north-" urn port on the 15th December for London anilWest of Eugland ports, via Panama. TAINtII IN PORT. An arrival in port this morning was thY Shaw-Savill steamer Tainui, from Lyttelton, -to continue loading for Home. ' She is to saill from here on Friday for Napier and AuckUnd,tf> complete, and will leave the latter port fin- ■ ally on the 13th December for Southampton" and London, via Panama. THE WINCATUI. The Union Company advises that the Win-~ satui was to leave Devonport to-day to compete loading at Melbourne for Wellington and ■ Auckland. She will leave the Victorian port/ - about the end of the week. THE WEST CONOB. Messrs. Burns, Philp, and Company' are !■ receipt of cable advice that the West Conob left Los Angeles on tile 20th November with cargo for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyt-\ telton, Timaru, and Dunedin. Sho is due «*.-■ Auckland about the 14th December, and at Wellington about nine days later, COASTAL STEAMERS. .:.' The Corlnna was expected to leave here thU afternoon for New Plymouth, and is due back again nn Friday. She will sail again ou Saturday for Dunedin. The Kahikaris to leave Gisborne to-morrow, for Dunedin, wiier? she will load for Welling- • ton. Nanier, and Gisborne. via ports. The Kaimai is due here on Thursday from.' Oreymooth, and after discharge, will withdraw .for overhaul' and survey. The Kaponsa ia to leave here, to-morrow for Grevmouth to lonrl for this port. The Komnta'will also leave hero to-morrp*. to load at Westport for Wellington. The Totara was to have left New Plymortk to-ilnv for Welllnatou, and is due here .to-, xnorrow. She* will snil a-jain-on Thursday for.. I.vtMton to load for Wellington and New Plymouth. THE ARAWA. The Arawa. which arrived at Auckland from; Liverpool on Thursday is under the commandi .' of Cantain W. G. Sommers. and the following - are his officers:—Chief, Mr. S. Oswald; sec-v ond, Mr. I). AUchlsou; third. Mr. A. C. James ;.'- ---fourth, Mr. .T. Jackson; rhlef engineer. Mr. .T. Naismith: second. Mr. A. Watts; third, Mr..,; 13. Xicoll; fourth, Mr. .T. Kerr; fifth, Mr. JVMr. G. S. Jackson; chief refrigerating engi», neer, Mr. Lynch; second, Mr. Mason; purser,' Mr. C. .1. Hobden; wireless operators, Messrs., John, Moselve, and Taylor; surgeon, Lieut.-■ Colonel C. D. Dawes; chief steward, Mr. G» W. Abbltfr. She is to leave there on Wednes-... day for Wellington, and is due here on JFrldaf--to continue discharge of her cargo. . ■' RADIO FROM TKKOA. The Federal Company has received a wire- ; less message from the Teltoa stating that sh». is expected to arrive at Auckland from LIT. erpool at daybreak.on Thursday. THE OTAKT. v The Federal Company advises that tho OtftH left Lyttelton last night, and is due at Dun-1 edin to-day to complcto discharge of her Liverpool cargo. ATOENIC LEAVES BALEOA. £ The Shaw-SavlU Company has received cabto. advieo that the Athenic, en route from South-, r.mpton to Wellington, sailed from Balboa on Sunday last. She Is expected at Wellington.on'22nd- December. -.7 TUE CANADIAN SCOTTISH. The Canadian Government Line steamer" Canadian Scottish sailed at 7.15 p.m. yester--day from Dunediu for Wellington, where th»----13 due to-night to continue loading. From,,, tills port she will proceed to Napier and Auckland to complete loading for New York, Bos» ton, and Halifax. . :.—• ISLANDS SERVICE. .! ". Tho Kaitoke left Sydney yesterday for tlfi,~ and Auckland. Tlve Tofua, from Fill, Tonga, and Samosi; Is due at Auckland this morning. Sho will, leave on the return trip at 11 a.m. on Sat-, urday. ■ ■ .'*.*! TRANS-PACIFIC CARGO STEAMERS. The Haurakl will leave Sydney on Bth Dei.' cember for Vancouver, via Fanning Island. Sh«. loads at Pacific Coast ports, during January.: . for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Ade-': laije, and Sydney. The Walotapu loads at Pacific Coast port* during December for Papeete, Auckland,! Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunediu, and New Ply* mouth. -;\ The Waitomata will leave Nelson to-morrow-for New Plymouth and Wellington. - :' ,The Vlnemoor, from San Francisco, Is (hit,., at Wellington about lljth December. , The Walruna was expoclcd to leave Sam'" Francisco yesterday for Auckland, Napier, Mel-,' bourne, and Sydney. ROT All MAIL STEAMERS. -; The Aorangl from Auckland, via ports, M due at Vancouver on Thursday. She willleave orL the return voyage on 9th December... The Niagara, from Vancouver, via Honolulu. is due at Suva on Friday, and at Auckland next Monday. She will leave for Sydney at 3 p.m. on tho 7th Derember. ■ , ; The Makura, from Wellington, via ports, arV.. rived at San Francisco at 1 a.m. on, Friday.Sho will leave on the return trip to-morrow. The Tahiti will leave Sydney at 4 p.m. oa Thursday, and is due at Wellington on Monday. Sho will leave at 3 p.m. on Tuesday for San Francisco, via ports. .. „ THE TONGABIBO. ■"■"'■' The Tongariro, en route from London ttAuckland, arrived at Suva on Sunday. Shi is expected at Auckland on Friday. ' "'' THE TURAKINA. , „; The New Zealand Shipping Company advlftsr: that tho TuraMna is to leave here on TnurM?. day to complete loading,at Napier aud Auck-'1 land. i l She is to leave tho latter port flnaUjr'r. on the 15th December for London, Glasgow, and Liverpool, via Panama and Curacao. BY TELEGRAPH. GLASGOW, 28th November. Sailed—Northumberland, for Liverpool «n4-. Auckland. SYDNEY, 29th November/"-" Arrived—Whaugape, from Timaru. 30th November. " Arrived—Maunganui (0.40 a.m.), from Aucfe" land; Marama (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington. -*■ PORT STEPHENS, 30th November; vSailed—Omana, for Auckland. ~~VV FOXTON, 30th Novembers .!:■> Sailed—Kennedy (5.40 a.m.), for Wellington*.., AUCKLAND, 29tb November.' ■"■ Arrived—Kurow (7 a.m.), from Wellington. ;; AUCKLAND, 30th November ' - Arrived—Tofua (0.10 p.m. yesterday), froWi Suva. ; 4 .,1 Arrived—Harmattan (12.25 p.m.), put back, NAPIER, 30th November. ' Arrived—Ruahine (9.30 a.m.), from Welling: ton; JI.M.S. Dunedin (9 a.m.), from Wellington, via East Coast bays. WANGANCI, 30tJi November. Saiied-Breeze (6.8 a.m.), for Wellington. ' "' PICTON, 29th November. ■" Arrived—Tamahine (fi p.m.), from WelllngtoßV; NELSON, 30th November Arrived—Kaitoa (C.30 a.m.), from Wellington;' To sail—Arnhura (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed—Kaitoa (12.5 p.m.), for Wellington. KAIKOURA, 30th November. Arrivcd-Cygnet (8 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. 29th November. ■Sailed—Opil:! (4.45 p.m.), and Calm (5 p.m.)/ for Wellington; Otaki. (5.50 p.m.), for Dunedla.LYTTELTON, 30th November. Arrived—Tutanekai (5 a.m.), from Wellington: Wahino (6.45 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived—Holmdale (10 a.m.). from Timarnf W-iipiata (1.30 p.m.), from Wellington. To sail—Wahlne (8 p.m.). for Wellington. PORT CHALMERS, 30th November. Arrived—Otaki (10.30 a.m.), from Welllngtoar DUNEDIN, 29th November.S»ilcd—Canadian Scottish (fi p.m.), for W*K lington.

Of New Zealand women painters .£ number aro producing work that shows, first-rate technical ability, combined with a keen vision of nature and life* In landscape painting Mrs. fileanor, Hughes holds a high place—her world... is hung on "The Line" regularly in f , exhibitions in iondon and Paris. The best of her recent paintings are now' • to be seen at an exhibition arrange! by Mr. B. Murray Fuller ins Kirk«:; caldie 's lounge. Art lovers should not. miss seeing these beautiful works of, art. ■ . . "' Messrs, Kingsway, Ltd,, 78 and 89, Lambton quay, trill sell by auction at: their rooms, to-morrow, at 12.30 p.mjj^ poultry and chicken*, . ~

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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 131, 30 November 1926, Page 11

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INCOMING OVERSEA MAILS. Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 131, 30 November 1926, Page 11

INCOMING OVERSEA MAILS. Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 131, 30 November 1926, Page 11