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glUHroP'"":- ■■ ■ ■ i'!ii|||il|iip,||llllilll|i! iffllllllllllilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllffl t__EEP COOL | STEP INTO HOPE BROS. j And see our new season's range _ of Sports Jackets and Grey j Flannel Trousers. You'll be J su prised at the high quality of J our materials and the perfect , §J ease of fitting. 1 SPORTS JACKETS 25/-, 27/6, 32/6 j G \Ef FLANNEL TROUSERS 66, 18/11, 21/- | I HOPE MMH. j pJllillllllllllli™^ £ r^^X IN A CROWD | Sm^S_V^^_t^^__^S.fT^ !rs^_ ■ The Shoes yon notice 1 l|^ffi^p^^^^^^^^^^l ; first are generally j _^Jl^^^^^_^^fr^ It may be the smart styles, the ir.di idualhy " < that dist'n_ ''sh6s ostock shoes—i may be y^Uap." __*_&■ just the quality evident at fir t glance -but you'll find Bostock Shoes natur 1 y a::d inevitably higher in the estimation of ' ' particu'ar men. Perhaps it <s the value, too—you'll see fine values in Brow and Bl ck Bostnck Shoes in llinde s display. In Sizes and halt _ _es E.A HINDE, " roohrur Specialist*." 53 COURTENAY PLACE (Corner of Tory S«re«t) - -____■ , - w"___l ■ g* -' '- __t^ _f__ L _i/_ l-jjlt /_iP^_V^^^^^i___»t,^''' from mel^ctozy^^s^^MN^p:---Bectrooin —^jj|P^ untouchedbij dirt or dust. VQU B^ee P safely ttß weU M more comfortably on a "Durodown" mattreßß. It comes to you untouched by dirt or dust —wrapped by the wonderful Droll mattreßß wrapping machine —the only one of its kind in New Zealand 1 Wrapping and sealing is yet another exclusive " Durodown" feature . For your health's sake ask for " Durodown" "For perfect rest and wears the best" Made by Howird Abbott Ltd., Auckland Durodown Mattresses Hi theiffewSealed TtfmppinS &««.-. *■«* DUST PROOF — DIRT PROOF <— GERM PROOF.

'or Children a Hacking Cough, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.—Advt

j r or Holiday lip , The Best 111 / "U D '" gk II of H.D.S I wifkliiila By *c best do not think tJiat § ™__»s_^^ t'lat mean* t'le mo»l experi■B____sSl *>ye- No! It means the best ■KJ||B>s?|7 of apparel at prices men B§j§g__T^ know make wk Really Good Values FANCY SOX—In the new colourings; Cotton and Wool, Silk and Wool, AH Wool, and Pure Silk 2/11 to 10/* MEN'S TlES—Varied assortment of the newest designs; smart stripes or fancy effects 2/11 to 8/6 SILK SHIRTS—In Tennis or Canoe styles, In heavy White or Fugi; all fittings If It to 2_/« PULLOVERS—New season's designs, in great variety; plain or jaw patterns; English or Colonial manufacture 8/6 a 38/MEN'S BELTS—In the new spring styles; Rubber, Leather, or Washing Belts 1/11 to 4/6 MEN'S BOWLER HATS—In fine quality felt; all sises S/Vl MEN'S CAPS—In smart shapes; full stock of the newest English" makes • •■• ■4</6 *° n/6 Our New Season's Stock of BLAZERS, WHITE GABARDINE or FLANNEL TROUSERS, is worthy of inspection , Grey Flannels from 16/6. Blazers 18/8 New Zealand Clothing Factory Lambton IYRjB &2M Cuba

WINS ON ALL POINTS. In purity,-flavour, and strength, Shar land's Table Vinegar is an easy winner. Brewed; from pure; cane-sugar; . Shar land's" is piquant and palatable. Absolutely free from mineral acids, and therefore ideal for pickling. In bottle or in bulk. If your grocer doesn't sell "Sharland's" he will easily obtain it for you.— Advt.

Instead of using thermometers Chinese incubator caretakers test the temperature of eggs by pressing the large end of the egg against their closed eyelid. Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, never fails.—Advt.

- JFJ The Big Summer Fabric Sale ■ Drew Record Crowds To-day £*L l^^mnffi!^' # Continues All This Week—Don't Miss It! _2_yy//yP_y% \\\\ I .Xwjdk \lr_uSv\. Hundreds jostled each other at this amazing Sale To-day will see a further big reduction in the asJls_jj yyy/X'A /\|\ t__^ \L \Vy4m\V °* W®G Summer Fabrics to-day, and although mileage of fabrics offering. jj/y |Hjg /////J/JI \ / i?_^_ ._Na^*J>X^. we a<^ doubledour Sale force, we were hard put to Secure the materials for your Hot Weather Frocks y.'A h n -i, ///y/yy]L/y\\y\ KjfflH RXv^Sv^^ lo cope *^c Phenomenal rush of business. to-day at Half and Under Half Regular Prices. L »,| \'M . (\r\&?x\ \\| rym\ \\ ftt\\l\ Over 8 Miles of Fabrics congregated for this Great Sale \Mw \ W For 9d. yd. you can get For 1/3 yd. you can get For 2/3 yd. you can get ffl ■ '\_ '' V^V^sC/Os// 1 I I>l I \\^^\\^^%f/i 38in- FANCY SPOT COTTON VOlLE—Two^tone Mm. FANCY VOILE—I 2 colours r^kf]' *^ \ V \Y/ _^kc___i-i__ U^r__Lml^^Y^S.\(l// 38in. FLORAL MAROCAIN colourings (six colour.) . STR , pE AND S POT COTTON VOILE— N. J|» "*•- vNY / /^3f^4=*f±jj^___wr \\y yy 38-3_in. beautiful sylkenella lingerie suJerio. eood. W** .« Mm jmmmW^^A k J \\Ly 3*n. FIGURED COTTON MAROCAIN CLOTH-Dainty design, «• nvr MFRrFRISFD DRESS POPLIN-Fuii K,l.^ „_.. >£>/s_( \ VV TI \ IlhY 38in. FANCY COTTON GEORGETTE 36m FINE MERCERISED DRESS POPLIN-Fuj. U-g _w / l/W 38in. FIGURED CREPON 36i„. FANCY STRIPE POPLIN SUPREME c «• 7^^,^ r , _^ , • tiNf ?m VW^ X ttX pAvrv rnTTriN print 36in. FANCY FUJlEN—Coloured .tripe. l|tjj ,5,. /- ■' . 38i». BLACK AND WHITE FIGURED MAROCAIN .^ [S.E^E-BW and Floral designs .^JFINE MERCERISED POPLIN - Coloured |[M Il / 7 38in. NURSERY CAMBRIC-Animaldedgß. Usual prices 1/11 to 4/11 yard '" S Usual prices 3/. to 5/6 yard ffifl £ / / ( 38in. KIDS JOY CLOTH—Figured design. V||| \| f j j/ \ 31in. GENUINE HOYLE'S PRINT-N.vy and But- ¥®T 1/6 JU. YOU CHII g(&t fOf 2/6 _/d*' YOU 0311 get 1. £ W I VI cher grounds with spots or sprigs __„ r.,,.. _ TDlnrr , CIMr r>r\r>i ixr « WkTI J \_ V B . . ■ . 38in< FUJI STRIPED FINE POPLIN . _ uiDnrAiM __* ra- FANPY rOTTniVf VOII F * ™1*.„.;-„. $7-38 in. Beautiful Figured Sylken Rayon MAROCAIN Uw ...,- ---27-28in. ENGLISH GINGHAMS-Smart check design, »^_7»_« ™r™ .h^ f«_T* _ '.; ■ _I„ two designs, and ten colouring, each design, Ul .;.. p, • 1 r -"* 1 HP 38in. FIGURED COTTON MAROCAIN-10 design. charming autumn tones. Magnificent goods. Usual V| ,_. SrNA/tIO %0 I n I a m/WVATir Usual prices 1/6} to 3/3 yard 38in. FLORAL COTTON MAROCAIN—IO colourings price S/ll yard ft ii OPCCICII -.-dIC 1 O'UIOIIOW 38in. FANCY COTTON VOILE-Figured design. 37-38 in. Beautiful Plain RAYOW SUPERB-Nine I lT , 37-38 in. k GENUINE SCOTCH ZEPHYR - Smart ta^ie^olouring. 1 / 1 \?g\l» 1/ V_l W_„_l _»____ _V__#' 36mCheCOMBINED STRIPE AND SPOT FINE 3Si» Embroidered VOILE-Whit. ground^ coloured I "1 I rOr I/- yCI. yHU Call £6l POPLIN embro,d e ry 1 ™ 1 _ - %.^ • WWT _, • ' 38in. BLACK AND WHITE VOILE—SiIk stripe 36in. FRISKELINE—The newest Dress Fabric; 8 fl " I l*%fl /__>-*_» MAM C WAtTAfI \ft«inA 36in. FANCY CHECK POPLIN—White grounds, colours !__ I i3u qoz. nen s wovcnoiripe fl°ral c°tt°n marocain _„_.*„ checkß *• 3 _ 38 . n Lujtrouf MAROC ain artsylk-^ ».«, i H * dainty colourings; for afternoon frocks. Usually 5/6 ' 'y| J■■ ; 38in. FIGURED DESIGNS COTTON MAROCAIN Usua, prices 2 /ll to 4/11 yard 3 8in SMART TWO-TONE COTTON CHECKS -.■; ,3% I ■&_l_i(-__^^_-/____-__td_9k il___> 38in. FANCY SPOT COTTON VOILE _/««___! /._. 35in. FANCY SPOT POPLIN-Six design. fi--II DIBSIII@SS 9lll!r¥S 38in . NAV y striped nurse clo™ For 1/11 yd. you can get ■ Dn _p*-wi.: W iwi ■£ 1 - . . fia- piMrv rurrr ciwir d__dt im 37-38 in. Beautiful Floral RAYON MAROCAIN—I2 f]jj[ .'- I . - J3in. FANCY CHECK FINE POPLIN „i „,,.:-„. -_ *\ . m I A sturdy Shirt, cut from T T 11 O__ colouring, _?_____■ -O #11 wrA _Tif_«_ .an ____♦ $5 "' I superior Zephyr Shirting, USUallyO/O 36in. SOLPRUFE DRESS colour S^in^Superior Quality COTTON VOILE-Fancy . J. OF X/H, yd. yOU Coll gBl j| I in 6 woven stripe designs. y___«__B__ 30in. HEAVY WHITE ENGLISH FROSTED CREPE 37-38 in. Smart Striped Fine DRESS POPLIN—Mer- 50in. FLORAL BORDERED VOILE Rs\f_ I Strongly built to stand g^\ /"^j "4 Superior .uality „.^_t^L Check COTTON VOILE-Black and 37-38 m. IVORY BROCHE RAYON MAROCAIN iSt. - I manhandlinftdoublesewn .. J^m^ J | | 27in. COLOURED SPOT MUSLIN white, and white and black SUPERFINE FANCY POPLIN-Fancy de- MSi I seams, unshrinkable neck WT M f S 9 36in. Fine MERCERISED POPLIN—Smart Fuji stripe. sign,; ten colours fi|_f3R I bands, correct.sizingsy \. W I Sf I Usual prices 1/11 to 3/11 yard 36in.-STRIPED FUJIETTE-Coloured grounds rI M rY STRIPED POPLIKf' Fu« .tri— ' JISSfrW I ' 8 | f J«- _JBLi 38in. Fancy Mercerised Fine POPLIN—Two-tone desisn. 36in. FANCY STRIPhD FOr*LlN—Fuji .tnpe. _F^tlsl_ 1 And all at 20-25% reduc- I . Ari Silk Stripe COTTON GEORGETTE 36in. TWO-TONE FRISKETTE-The very late.t for SmW* M . 38in. ART SILK VOILE frock. 'i«!F/ ' ' M '.- -1 tion on the regular selling np /~»1 _^ IT___« O/_ 1 _..___. __.__'._. ' \l'-:' I vvacl ° c lO'L'lear |?0r (3/11 yOll Csll fid Usual prices 3/11 to 5/11 yard Usual prices 4/6 to 6/11 yard ■ |j^.: I Call in and look them _/•%._/• O _"-_*\W» _\ _S /"I 1 37-38 in. BEAUTIFUL MERCERISED STRIPED I, __k_r _^ Iti-lT^ __fW___^__P^__y___S_!__P,,_B,^_r^ "_H «.•.»»........•...».... „„„.„,„„„„„„,..,.,>,„„„„,,„ I Beautiful Heavy Quality STRIPE ART SlLK—29in. I : _ fl Sample* of these cloths 1 _• /-_ a _ _ m m _ /"> 1 wide; in the newest stripes and colourings; the I V^tJ W~ I_L _T^ ' Il _ _l '■_ -J c ~~i? James Smith s Man s Shop ":T i rT~ j Cuba „Man^r"sti WQllirvqfcorx. -, 1 =.".^.!!!r i •/ JL Usual price 6/11 yard [lA_________ ---------_--_-______-_!__-______-___ ilp

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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 130, 29 November 1926, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 130, 29 November 1926, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 130, 29 November 1926, Page 14