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■J. " ■ " '•'■•-.^ ■. iT • •. • ■■•• •:-:.■■.-. . ■ , . . .• ■ "'■'.]¥£-'' t Records for Ja§§tf; J CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL ~ 5" ' z jb RECORDS .•:.- ..S.-5I1 ■^ JACQUES THIBAED (Violin) .: :JL,-i Jl (with Flfwofarto wseompanhnent plared br BaroM Craxten) .^ ■ <12-lnch double-sided Bed Label) "12/6 - M-i Ji Sonncita T—Op. 60—In Two Part* (Beethoven) D.B.M* *f7 w \ -.■■■ "_ HAROLD. SAMCKL (Pianoforte) ; •■- ---BT* (12-lnoh double-«ld«d'Bliick Label) . .... a»R . m Prelad* and Alleraaad* Is B Hit (Bach); Courante (For-IQ/- ", ■ ; WT tlta In B Hat) (Bach) ; . D- WSS ' .' . iT: ?' •««■"■• GLASGOW OBPHBCB CBOIB (Unaccompanied) . ■ ' "_J| \-. ■^ (Conducted by, Hu»h S. Boberton) "-»-' '^P - (10-lnch doublo-ilded Blick Label). «.>Ji'* ■ Summer it Gone (Coleridge-Taylor): Cargoes (H. Baltour m/ ";•,■"?•*«* ■• ■ '_■ Gardiner) ■. E. «»7 //- YJal.- ---■ ■■' BOYAL ALBBBT HALL OBCHESTBA —■;-. .Jl (Conducted by Sir Landon Bonald) . ■ . . :l:~J*" " ■ 12-inch double-sided Black Label ' „ .:...■_-....::. Leonora Overture, No. »—Firet Beeord (Beethoven); Leonora 10/. ' ~gff fa- ■ OTCttare, No. 3—Second Beeerd- (Beethoven) ;." D. 1051 '• :^\:'::; ■. .J" ' Leonora Overture, Jfo. »—Third Beeord (Boethoven); "Bota- f A/. - .«^-; "_ mnnde"—Ballet Mule In O (Schubert) D..I.WS *V/ „.■%„,;, ■n C. WHITAKEB-WII.SQN (Grand Organ) B; ■ 12-inch double-sided: Plum Label „ Bj'" -'. fr Largo (Handel) j- ■ ■ " " • ' ■ . ' .: ....,.■■'■- ■•-• J ■ GATTY SIUJ^ABS (Grand Organ). '. _.. . me u..Jt'-^ ■^ Tho to»t Chord (Sullivan) , C. U37 /JO ... ."—^ „ Br" SAVOY OBPHKAKS—At the Savoy Hotel, London ' 'i^ 4;" ~_u ' 12-inch double-aided Plum Label , .. ,~|1: :. bjP "Bettr «n Majfair"—SeJectton, »lr»t Part (K^ Fraser-Sim- r.'B^.V •- son); eontaintow: BatnuKie of .BlUabeth—"Two Heart*"— , -...--■.,-. .B^ "I love too"— "•>• cat a Sewrtt"—'ln June." "Betty In ■wf m - ■ Maytalr"—Selection, SMond Part (H. Fra»er-Sim«on); eon- • ■•_ (r it"'"^J|f "'. r talnln*: "The Country BHe"—"Dreamland I«ver"—"Dane- 7/6' '•■'' _■ In,"—"Gmndmamma'* Dayi"—"lA)ve" C. IS3« '' ,"■„»■•. ■T DE GBOOT AND THB PICCADILLY OBCHESTBA ' ■_' ' ■ 13-inch donble-ilded, Plum Label ' »-^B ■ retite Suite de Concert—No. «, U« Bonnet d'amonr<<S.-Cole- ■•"PK-.1.-Jl rid«e-Taylor); Petit* Salt* d« Concert—Jfe. 4. I» TaranteU* „s. JB ■■ KretUlante (S. Colerid»e-Taylor) C. 1«3 //O ■*■■'•.; J« " • . SALON OBCHKSTBA • ■•..•'■•' ■• ■ t';—jjps-i ~_ • 10-inch doubl»-«ided Plum Label ■ ; 'J: :■:■■:? ■■*£ r ■ B^ When you and I were Seventeen (C. Roiort); OU, *ow I K/-:" -WF-~<- ~_ mIM you to-nisht <D»vi«, Bufke, Fliher) . B. S*3S *V i-; - ■" ■• BAND OF H.M. COLDSTBEAM GCABDS •"-T-' <■. _jm .' ■ , (Condocted by Lieut. B. G. Evao«) . >"*''■- ■T ' 12-irich donble-«lded> Plum Label _ ■..,>■',;' :,^'':.• _fj ■- Naval Patrol—Brltaia'a- «r»t Line (Willlama); ScotUah >jU , JM. ■^ Patrol—The Catherine mt the Claaa CWilUarns) C. I2M */« ; * '"Z; ; £ VOCAL RECORDS "*J B^ THB LATB BNBICO CABC9O ,(Tenw) - W*;.^.* ■a ■ (with Onhoatral aeeompaaunent) •, ■.■•J ■■-■. r 10-inch dooble-ilded Red Label . ■ SittanU •to (Onlr for you). w»r to «aU«n (Fuclto): .; Ji «■..' at" Vachtoaiißa Semblann (mow In Itallaa) (A Mmgtt, ntm- A/^ s. »^. „ ■ bSee (Donaudy) , D.A. 754 7/V * •> / XIJCMA GKBHABDT (Soprano) .-•/"—-..- ---_■ (wltk PlaM(«ito seeempanlmeflt) '-'„"■■;,:! ■ ID-Inch do«bl«-iided Label "^ • -■ Aat dera «raaen BaUtoa (On the leafr Bafcony) <•»»« {" ■ -w"af* <■"■' ■_■ German) (Hugo Wolf); Terbowenhel*i (Secrecy) <^« In O/^ „, "^ J" German) (Huga Wolf) , .--...,. . DIA- "' '' „ p«" „ ■ ANNB THDBinELD (Meuo-Sonrano) _ „ " "_',J|,f " " ■ . (wltk Pianoforte aceorapaniineßt played by Gerald Moore) -■T-- - 1 b» 10-lnch double-aided' BlacK- Label ■ - ■ .-.•.■.• r; '^BJ; —. t ■T Cradle Somt (No. I,"Xhre. Irhfc *f^">,,<'>.r^'f, B»g' ■£-? ■ Barm of Bille (No. Sy "Three Irtoh Son**'.') (Arnold^Hg) ; : JJ. ,.~ Of - ; ■ GBKSHAM BINGKBS (Male Quartet) ••: .. r ;; .-; •.,-,.•■ .-iji,; v \ ■ (with Orokeetral. accompaniment) . ■ <„ -„JL '„ ■ 10-Inch double-aided P ; lnm Lab»l .-■-■■ —-«■ - ■ Com. to th. imlr <V-l»o«,the Fair") (Barthope ***■%£ rsl m ' >V-^:-:v -■ T*e Clock !■ Playlnc (P. Blaaw) , B.»91 -f ; :•._■•''* i ■■■ "-~ PAUL BOBBSOK (Baai) : ■"■.■•..•. ■ .... , „ -„:-,- ■ ■1L;- - (with «a»oforte acoonptattment) ■,:- ........ «ff „ ■_ 10-inch double-sided Plum Label . . . :. /,'Tig' «■ Steal Away (Ne«ro Spiritual) (Arr. tawremee Bjp«*i•• -*; :,-■-'■jp,tv. ■I Water Boy;(Convict Sons) (Arr. A. Robi«on) B. Slit .-.-j Bj" BAMON NBWTON (Baritone) ■ .-.BT^.- ---■ (with Pianoforte an* Saiophone accompaarmeat) ;,,.:_M m l™" io.mch double-aided Plum Label , ? J.-BTT' . ■ When yon and I were eeventeen (C. Boiofl); Wonderlnjr SL - *_J ■«■• ■ (IT. Leslie) „-.;•■ -'"' ■ : .'■;''..;.•■.. \. -»••**. .*'l--.:.:.:.;':^^;."-;; .■C THE LATEST DANCE RECORDS ■ t?f;; ■ " KIT-CAT BAND, a* the KIT-CAT CLUB, London , , ' y,WCI. \ 10-inch double-aided Plum Label. jj| >' ■ Headla'for Home—Tor Tratdsham Jones); Yoa «ot'em— r/_ --■^s-y •■■ Tax Trot (Isham Jonea). , . "' » , B. SMO: 3/ .;; ; j|;,., ■ The Camel Walk—Fo« Trot. (Shafer, Smith, s«ack. BryrAn); C/_ - .-■£..--, ™■ . Cloee yonr «yee—Walti (O. Yollo and Vincent) B. «*3O «»/ -_■ —-.-■ ■ Mlsbty Bine—fez Tret (Ri'A.'Whltlng); Someone haa taken, g/ ■.-.'.,; ■ yon ent of my dr»»m»-*»« Trot (Leo Murphy) B. JtSl Sj- ■ -^f- - ; 9m G* re f*« ntarmtt "'Hit Matttr', Vokm" JtaUr amd tuk ,J>* ! . ■ fiim to plmy th»*» naiM ncordt for you. , 'Si ■■'■'"" ■— N«meanda<WfeeiOlnearf«taccredlledaffentoaippUc«tlonto :i^ 5 ■ HlB MASTERS VOIC»(Ni.) LTD:. P.O. Bdx W, WELLINGTON r ."T,-.,. . ■ " ■• '■ '-■ ■ ■■■< ■',;'■• ': :—: ;■ ■ . ■■■■ ■■ ■tH -I %% The Mightiest Pianoforte Recordings Yet. „,,;: M A'^l 81895 to Llo9*.—Chopin Sonata In B , ;• *-■*£ -r i« Percy Grainger 'Min6r. In Six Parts on Three 121n. Hecordi. • ;.;.. ft. N P Other Remarkable New Records this Month. 2 - § * YJ Quintet: ' '"D m"' ft Jag. Levey (Violin)V :: /The . Teoot Quintet {Schu-\ xf *ct, ,X« „* J^ H. Waldo Warner L 169 81 Dert) r _, n<b .l A*™%"^ |& fA (Viola); C. Warwick * t l 4. In Nine Part* ott F»ve Bj-f ««»■ .. „ « Kvans ('Cello); C. *» „ | cordu, 10/- each. Complete I plete. Hobday (Double Ll7o2V in Art Album with Notes. / 50/- : M P) Bass); and: Ethel % ■ :;' §| ■ W{ Hobday (Piano). : To . s c*^Love and Music 1 12Sn .. % yk Miriam Licette' ': ■•LWO";)?^^"'..-'. 1?l^*!i- 10/-V I London String e)^^r p^Sj | V Qrurtet L 1705 ( . Two Kecords. ' *v/ ■■■■ •:,. |^ . ■• ""■'. plr Love, Get Mabbied (Greek i 12[n ..\ ,; tnywe, L»pp«s i>i7o3 OL XMO O i » BgoGreek Folk Song) 10/-r '» ; j^ - I Sung in Greek. J '' ■ ' f® M - .-..■' ' (Down'bt the Kiver Sidi n ioin. ' 4$ "■ % D.meCtar»Batt X33?j Tl^«v -— : iHE >i ND '-f 8/- g ■&• " f DAMNATION OF FAUST. (0)1 10in fA . , Q Stmcctari ...;■.' X 333 Cjwyw> d^la pulce; (6) Si J . . ■ *4'i .''"'*' .-■■-. (Mr AIM Folk (3f«l«*Lemon)) i2iii. - : -CsrrleHerwm : . SOTVJwb^^ e f° US| */<T', *g p(; ■ ; ■'■- (ifaofcoi/ & Coler-y 12] -t.* m-, % EdgwCojleV :9.070l A «f^to^ he -kiss)-(Oil- 7/6 '. fli • 0 . ' I iington k. Goring Thomat) I, :.-i» 4 ■ fj-jj g CMM.-MI - - n7^^^^"SSrSSnWl :- * Gem Chorus 9072) a n O f the best melodies. J Z~\ (& - v/ Kedroir Male ni -i.ftti4 Mcboiiet. (In Bus Man)} 7 /_.. £g I^.; Qnartette D 1534.) (English words given free) > ■ -r iV ■•- ■X' W. H. Squire : : •■ /.aribtta (Alcocfc) .. .. ..■..» Win.,^, m■ ; 0, ('Cello) - D15331J10 (Cftor/e* Wood) ..J T/t ..•, jjW ' 6) Grenadier Guards j Voice of the Gcnb, March ) l<»n--';' >w "; . (fi Band 3844(-T«iana, Spanish March ..) 5/--- •'- ---@ • .' „ ... '«'■'' fTH« GiENiDiEB; March (ffa-i „ ' fe p Garde Republicalne I 6r<el Pare.) 1 IWn. 5K ■ W Band 38451 La Rbvanche de la fbance, f 3/-~ jja / • ' I , March, (L. Gloiset) .:. ..) ' ■ ' Ss •« | Balalaika Orch. 3.846^ : /^F. rtf^°^ r j} § I OfcarnloWsky Trio :. 373 91 tb"o "in" GMa job—Hondo ail' I -<Sg ~; '/} ' .•■•■:■.• 1 Onwece (Boydn) ..... ..) °'T:..: fij ■ v William Heseltlne jlolita ..) ioin.' "t jg Tenor . 38411 thi Hour .-. .. ..) 5/j ■ s?:'' HI HaroM Williams, , PAGUAcci^Proloßue< InTwo , xoi»:' kg| ■"■ i gi . Baritone 38431 Parts. In English .1 5!/- L;";■-flg "'" W. F. Watt, ■ /The Heat? er Glen (Sigenon-t >'-JR.* f© Tenor 3843 J<thb £Lasd <oof' GBA-MA-CHKEii f 5/-I'. S I (Barnes) J - - A^ :- - /. cow**,* ;': ■ ■ JC9 ; :; :; „,&«?e » ^M » ' § - (m .Proem" record*, '. ' ' Co!«m6fo Supple--■ f^ ■> ■. | 'cratcHananrfoce ■ .[ r; ? . «»oLV" W/: 'fe •■ W* hoI»«» fta»« Seen ■ ■ ... . »eceire J/ie«e /ree,' |g« '■■ -^ ■ '■•' "' •''■ ' ■■ '■ d^:-..-'*JT' '■'■' it A Th»Mminmthpbyi'iy •T» B /i'^*''''.

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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 3, 3 July 1926, Page 24

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Page 24 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 3, 3 July 1926, Page 24

Page 24 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 3, 3 July 1926, Page 24