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•<; ' gr^^&e^or gold cup; •: .• ■ iU^i^&iIiDALTON „ •'.'' VVeltfei',;'t,cii)id;tiilii^ could be described .';■ only us mofeS.r4gffi.Wo ■ conclusion of'thi ft Kew Zcalan'Al'Giip." Meeting at Riccar-| ton on Saturday.';"■' The morning and mid- ,'■ day hours TYfYej^stifficient to tempt even j tj. the greatfi4Kp#'^oP, £0 racing with-' i out ,111 'S^el^a^Mißtit^iialf-way through if the afternoon (tie wind veered in a most' disconcerting manner,'; the last race" be'l ij ing decided'in the forerunner of a sou- ;.; therly stor^nj Ther.e: ,»-as a very good ji attendanci,'aespite"tEe"£aet that anumU I'er of visitors'>r}ad-.ieturned home, yet O- the scarcity.' :'xit money was again «T reflected in "-^the "to'talisator turn--i'i over, /or another decided fallingj-- off was recorded. This was due ■•' no doubt partly .to the- wholesale ;i failure's of favourites over the four "days. '* On Saturday the iotalisator handled •- £58,792 10s,; as;.against .£&6,256 10?, for « the fourth day'last year. This made r, t he. lotht. for.'thej meeting £207.933 Ifls for '■;. the four"days,"a decrease 0f£25,277 on - last year's total of £237,210. , ... »■ The Gold Cup provided a race well ;• worthy of ■ its record, and, although \\ beaten, Rapine wiis not disgraced. ' Alif though not'"actually a dead 'heat, the Y, horses' were bo equally- matched arid the Tl winning margin so ..small-'that stfch'! a *j decision" would have 1 been affair 'oij.e. •» Humiymede-proved'himself >ta"be"';a 0! game'colt,, .brilliant, andVwithilan -abunH dance: of. determination'. After? tha.race *;. Mj-s; 3:' 6: ': Cpates presented the; cup-to w M" J. F. Reid, who received it on be- ): hill*" of Mr, J..S. M'Leod. ... ... . „.- ---!; The (h\jf Jjvast fl"ne <s'f grjat ghishes, £; n\d was in ~eveiy*Tespect a Jriuinplj for ~ ths ' vct«i:aiK hanclic»pper,»Mr. J.«'E. I

£* JI. M'Carten continued Jon.^hisjwinrjf; •I ing way, and-rode the-last-three w ( jh-* It iiern on\ the', card. »If • St'Carten oon : ■';• tinues fo*nde"wsth the" luck and dasfi/he ]* at Hiccarlon, he will soon regain his... •;' ]<u>-.ilion amongst' the- leading-)riders'- ' meeting. •■..-.• After the Seymour Handicap, C. 4 EitstwooJ was suspended'for one month 5 'o^iiiteisTfinSfi. B, »Jfle^d, rj,der of, j lika? hi -+}«? El^ctriiy Plate^vas^ifined £2j; * fur jfnt S;ei«hing'fii> !Ilfe'aiv^s placed :; fnurfih.- 3\ltKoS'gfr fieilro'',., * the feeettng v<wfs o-hard-ly'"a' ifdttuii*te one'" ji for Iteed. In contradistinction tp r - M'Cartcn, ho could do jittle or'uofliing 1 *' I'ig''t- /.■',••■,'. '• ' j ..■; -^^vnimiAN 1/'-' "'"■ » Ktiaie, Viewpoint, and .Tiegacar- ;;- » nod the bulk of the money,' Agftato " Lcing a good iprjcgd . fourth .favourite, Euan:, Tiegn,; jftgjtatp, £ (jttjd Viewpoiiit' T were the first to move, and at'the end of a iiirJo»g Eiiars icd.Ori.'Jamo, View-'. •; pojtiti /,ancl; ..^gita^p.^^and. I Ayfovski. moved up goiri^ to the turn, * wlicre Knare just led Tiega, Agitato. > and Ayrovski. Enare was <Jt>ne with at ■i the distance,*; tind *canre fayrny I to beat Tiegii-t/'four lengths. '. fenare 1 vas three lengths away th'ird, and then * tiime Giantkilleij and Bonect^. yy.iewi {.point liroUe a>bl(h)d-veMel'«nd*was;pull-'

ine winner naa Deen racing so consi?tenHy __at the .meeting that it^ijas wuupsisingvJie «wa» -not- better v. backed. , ;< .*J4l£& bife KSft«^a&aiwelLTup i&.\& high scale of weights. Tiega did well fo>- a-thi-ee-year-old ; under hia bjg weight '~"dnd ,Va» ,'fif J'Troin"'disgrace(r Er,are4Was;,b;egt6n;jby'the;aiStrfn'e(i,yaftey having* every * ciiariue. > Giantkiller- finished ifaiply j^ll,,.while Ayrovski, who was ridden by his owner' and amateur tiainer, no doubt would have d6bß'*H6t(ccwith n professional horseman in the' ....,; ..CJ^Sy. WB^TE^R. ..;, t Kaiti wound up a slightly, better-fav-ourite than the Qie^t-fiqtfaiiK bracket;" with Sun Up, Economist, and Orchid fairly well backed.-''.Piquant-played; up and,delayed the*start', finally being left iind'talnifrf"'nd jbart in the race. Comirrg:on to the coiiraq plopef""VictOTy" Jintid. t^avaj'-Ayrburn, and Moorland, all'wide out',' appeared to bo in front. When sintigliteucd up for: home Sun Uj). iS ArpeiTt, Jtiik} _ t Kaiti were . :in linn •with* them: .-Ilava was the lender at t.lie.;.'distance, but her l-rider couldl iiotri(Te, J.ic.'" :out; and', Atpent, then Kaiti, Jinr) finally Orchid passed her. In the ciid- JOrc'bid -won by a-longth-froni "A'r-: pent, who defeated...Kaiti. l<y- /half .n-l letigth. , .Economist, "J-ava, and Quest were' next. ■ ■ ' : The ■ winner was anchored by his.big' Inad in the early part, but he finished, very^ jtrtiflgly, ,■ giyjng, ,B. H. Morris' his sEconjf-wrnning' riae: Orchid was a ]ittl2;\he trotted back. Arpent. looked a winner fifty" yards'from the post/ and'only'went under in the last lew strides. Kaiti-was again an uniiifiky horse'.' '" Economist ''frnisri'Sd'''well after bfeiiig"Well back in the'terly '-vat. Lava rricrlit have been-hard to'beati with, ;i strnnqer horseman in,ihe saddle.'.. Sur.. Up," M&orlamdv" tnd"*Ayrburn all failed to -."Stay.' • SEYMOfR HANDICAP. - - • In" it"gond "hefting race" Carfiot,'' His Majaal/.y, Ju'dian Sage; land.', Johu. T3radliliry .were all well, supported,., bjit it was left (o My Hobby 'to return n divridond -of- welh *'ver double figures. ]ljp.M!ijefl,y jva^.tho move ironi. Cariint. First Acre.' and Indian Sage. Carnot'pulled his way to the front and Jedi-across, th'e .top froni Kirst,,Acce. Indian Sasc,'(Jaybird, and His. Majesty, -ivitfr Guy Life-tailed off: Carnot'led itt-^ tor[tb.««-Bif(iight. from'First Acre.>'Tiidian Siige, and John liradbiiry, and in a ilcspe'riite*'finish Camoi had held off Indinn''Bfl*»e »nd -Fir»tr;'Aicre,--liut --hen-wait-heoten "£v » head l?y Bi 'f&e-raaiifhg U% !>Tfif.iiy;, InfliarC Stfe-ffyp-pW* '• ien*Hh Jfi.rt~nf ,tlirrd,«tirfd J'T"irst.'-Acre 1- a" «n>slar..:d!stflHCfl--a Ivyay,.,-£oui;lh1vyay,.,-£oui;lh. T ™Jpbj». '' Uradlmrv ;md Kilbirnie were next. Caruot was again most unlucky, and

had his rider made the most use of him 'he "would >hav'e won by any! margin. He wasrheld'-baclj "to his field', with great difficulty in the'early'stages, and all that was required was to let him run along from the distance. Instead of that hs'-'was slowed lip, and then had to be <jes.p,erate,iy. ridden,' but it was too late, for the outsider My Hobby came from the clo'uds in the straight to win by; a very. luyioxVjm.wgiri. „I ndian Sage fin shtd very well, and did much 1 etter for ;T!. Reed.' 'First Acre again went a sterling race, being prominent all the way. MEMBERS' HANDICAP. ■ The -.-Grand Knight-Fool's • Paradise braclcef-waß--backed''down,':fr* a very ehort price/.with .plenty of support for Inferrro-and"-Mimetic. Inferno \yas slow away from the barrier, after break-ling,,the-.'tapes' twice. "Mireusonta arid Finora begun best from'Fool's; Paradise arid Winkie's Best, and across the top Mireusonta arid Finora were well clear of Father O'Flynn, Winkie's Best, and Il l'oors'"Paradise. l "The 1' order was much -the-same to the- turn, where the leaders were done with, and Grand Knight on the.rails' mid Fool's'Baradise in'.the 'cerrtwiooked like fighting out the|°finisf). Mimetic came through . between ,'tiiem',' arid in a desperate finish Mimetic defeated Grand Knight by half a head, \i\i\\ Fool's Paradise a head away 'third.-• -Sunny Loch was"a' length away fourth,- and then-- came' j Inferno jand ' Winkie"s'-Best. -!: ' ■' „;'-■;-;' •»5 .

" It''-\Vas" 'a''splendid "ilacc,''a'nd Jfick" favoured Mimetic, 'wh6'showed rather a remarkable improvement on his form earlier at' the meeljn^.. The same: can be said about Fopl^j^fadise, who looked like the wirrnej'"!'with:|, a furlong to ?o. Grand Knig&t^race&r! right up; to his best form,' a'tWT s?s^f«d on «'ery well; Inferno, djd W&II'to finrsh so Hose up, considering hisjposition half a Tnile from home. Sunny Loch ran his ;best race for' sbmo time; '. • . , '''■'.■ '. %• - PIONEER HANDICAP. ' Limited a,lwaya favisUrite,;jjut there was^ plenty; of- support ;;f?r Paperchase* and Pink Terrace. ; Decoy Bird, Eimited, "and' Paporchase led bai'to trie course proper, with^tue others.;well .back. Countersign showed up 6n.-'-'the,. rails '.in "tK'&iJstraight, and Paperchase : wslj" the>S^firstr to have Limited in trouble, fiaper Boy the i came fist on the outsj^e,.' and :n: tho end. C6untersig4v;juSt;;; J,defeji,ted Paper Boy by a lieatl, with Pappr cha.j half a- length avvay third. Pink Terrace'was^-f.QurtljjV.ahdiDecoy Bird and Limited "ffext"-"''''"^* ....

. Both winner and runner-up finished with a great, deal of dash, especialljr Pajer Boy,;who Tyas a long way <wt 01-jt ijL'the»earl)p|jpart. Counter«BigiiThad buti «riluckily, and deserved her win.■Prjperchajje "hfia^evcry chance, but was^upt good enough. .All thrco placed ■hordes; ps their names "suggjst, are by "Paper Money. Limited stopped badly, and at. present he cannot go ijfurthet' 'thaii half a mile. Decoy Bird ;weni'lnis[-bestj-acete:'date;;*ind' should soon be among the winners. Pink .Terraee. Jijiished, „ on • ■ .fairly Scotch Wit was slow to move, and '.ran She. wa,a a quiet tip, jbut ngv;er threatened danger. ! 4 ~~ ysisAbi. obLD cvif. i !

' Although there wero only three runners in tho Stead Gold Cup, it was I.a^ great ,bitting race, and\a- thrilling l-flfiiShV^EunnymSa'e'wi&'ttniy a slight- , ly better favourite than Bapine, with t'plehty, of money for Count Cavour. Bunnyniede led Count Cavour out of ike. bajiicr',"" with,, Eapine tucked in behind on their heels. So they ran ■to tho.-turn, where' Bccd had brought Kapine^up otf.thp outside"of the other pair,' :t>unipiiig with Cbiiiit* Cavour as hf/ straightened up for home. /Bapine was at Bunnyir.ede's girths at •the:* distance,-and*; both were being -desperately ridden. • They raced neck and neck over the last hundred yards, and Bunnymede had the luck, of- the j:Jai?t,stride;; wiximiig by a bare nose. J-AH -th« honours -of ■ the 'race were ■with Bapine, for he covered more I ground and battled out the finish like ';the/ .genuine, champion.hei is. .Bunnyijietl'6"also t'sh'otved hiinaelf a high-class coltjjfor it was a great effort. Count •■Cavo'ur-'waS''left behind a long way ii-wLen, the -commenced.

[*,''.;..,. -•.electric!';' ..'plate. ' Glentruin wasr a very hot favourite, with Lady Cavendish and Nincompoop best; backed of the others. Ilka, i*L'iciriifis; SMfleyV "Megalo, and Lady t Cj&endisli,' were, prominent. on to the course proper,' but in the run to the ;gost -Lady- Cavendish came av.ay to win'easify'by three lengths from,Mcgalo,.who. defeated-Licinius by a length and a half. Ilka was fourth, .nntl Shirley no-'. \ '■',• JjadyvCavondis-h, •who had the inside running, was always going nice--1;-, and in the end it was not a race. • Megalo showied.that' as speedy as the .best :of,.thcm,, over a s,hort course. Licinius ran well. Glen-ttuin'-did-<«o't jump- away too well, and was never going really convincingly. , Nincompoop, wlw. was '„ '.ex■"pecte"d"to .sHow^'iip welly missed* the' ' jump-out,r ■ and • was ■ never prominent. This gavo Lady Cavendish her first success-as a-three-year-old, and! evidently she' has "not Tost her' brilliancy. TENDALTON

-Star- Stranger was. always faidu'rite, but it ,was' a great betting face, the pool being one'of-'the best at the joie,e.,tyig._ l Mandane^wajs ..only fairly well supported, and returned a dividend of nearly double figures. Tres-. was 'th'e'.'first"-to move, and; led. : out fr.o.nt: Mandajte, .Star Stranger, Kilfaire, i>"\ Royal Divorce. -Mandane took cliarge at the end of 1 two ,furlongs . from... Bay6iuia,, v Boyal ■ Pi.vprce,..,..Beacon Light, ',and Star Stranger. " Crossing the -top Mandane was still in front from":Ba;. •venna,»Royal-i Divorce, .Deucalion, Fori'tfall, . Star Stranger, ■ and Tres'ham. BoyaV DiTOrce -whs''almost level ■ Itrrndnuer-at -the" •••■tui-n,- •'■with 'Star Stranger, Footfall, and : Clarinda showing up. ' Mandane, 80y.a1.". Divorce, and Star Stranger fou.'it out a JlofiCPJ'fi 6 finA?)VufrPm.',t!'?.' distance,. "and/tW weight tolliiig"en Royal' l)i- ---' vorij'e, "ilandane liad! enough in" reserve to beat Star Stranger by a .length. BqxaJ Divorce was a length •and?-a haif;'"awajr^third,''Merry Day ; finishing -oiir-fouVtlU 7. Ctarinda :was : fietli^and..Todt£an. 'next.'/ '..;:'^, i'roih No. 14 -at^. the barrier, begun very' sm'aiH'ly;: anil' Was not further back than sccoad' place

at any part of the race. There is not much doubt that she was a much better filly oa Saturday at Eiccartoa than earlier in the meeting, and in the end she won rather comfortably. Star Stranger, another of Mandane's contemporaries, was far from disgraced. He hardly began as well as the winner, but for all that was always nicely placed. Although he finished with plenty of determination,he could not get to Mandane. Royal Divorce ran a sterling race. For all his 9.7 and No. 15 position at the barrier, he was one of the first to become prominent, being up with Mamlauc at the turn. His weight told in the finish, but he was a good third. Mandane carried Clb ever weight for age, Star Stranger 71b more, and Royal Divorce 41b more. Merry Day as usual finished at a great rate after being in a hopeless position in the early part of the race. Clarinda was again very unlucky, being interfered with in the back straight. She was making a good run on the rails in behind the leading trio at the distance, when they closed in on her, settling her chance completely. Beacon Light and Tresham showod up for a little -while, but Haze was never prominent. Footfall was aiit other who was unlucky in the running. Kcsußs:— Suburban Handicap, of 300 sons; nine furlongs.—4 .Agitato, lU3 (B. U. Morris), 1; 3 Tlcga, 10.4 (L. G. Morris), 2; 1 Euare, 9JO (C. Emerson), S. Also started: 2 Viewjioint, 10.8; 5 Giautklller, 10.G; 0 Aviguado,; 9 Uonccto, 9.0; 8 Ayrovski. 9.0; 10 .OrlMammc. 9.0; 7 Fresh Breeze, 9.0. Time, lniin,s3 1-3sjc

Cressy Welter Handicap, of 400 sovs; six furlongs:—s Ordlid, 10.0 (15. H. Morris), 1; 6 'Arpent. 5.12 C\V. Cooper), 2; 1 Kaitl, S.O (It. J. Mackic), 3. ,Also started: 4 Economist, 0.10; 2 tluust, 9.8, and 'Flquant, 9..0, bracketed; 3 Sun Up, 9.0; S .Moorland, ».ii; "• Victory Bond, 8.32; li Ayrburn, 8.10; 9 Lava, 7.13; 11 Kuia, 7.7. Time, lmin 11 3-ssec. / Seymour Handicap, of 300 sovs; seven furlonss.—S Jly Hobby, 7.11 <(K. A. Kecsin;), 1; 1 Ciirilot,-8.8 (J. Beale), 2; 3 Indian Sage, 8.0 (It. Reed), 3. Also started: 2 His Majesty, 8.10; 4 Joliu Bradbury, 8.9; 0 First Acre, 8.8; 7 Retrospect, 8.2; 5 All Style, 7.12; 11 Gooscslep, 7.7; 10 Gay Life, 7.5; 12 KUbirnle, 7.3; 9 Gayblrd, 7.0. Time, lmln 27.3-osec.' MEMBEKS' HANDICAP, of 750 sovs. Seven furlongs. 3A. B. Willlams's b c Mimetic, by Comedy King—Joyeuse, 3yrs, 8.1 (R. Reed) 1 1 V. Rlddlford's br li,Grand Knight, syrs, 8.7 (B. H. Morris) 2 1 E. Riddiford's b c Fool's Paradise, 4yrs, 8.4 '(15.-A. Keesiug) 3 Also started: 2 Inferno, • 9.2; 4 . Winkie's Best, 8.6; 6 Mireusonta, 8.5; 5 Sunny Loch, 7.10; 0 Chicliwheat,-7.9; 8 Father O'Flynn, 7.5; 7 Fluora, 7.0 ; Time, lmln 25 4-ssec. Pioneer Handicap, of 400 sovs; for two-year-olds. Five furlongs.—6 Countersign, 7.9 (Didham), 1; 8 Paper Money, 7.D (Mcsservey), 2; 2 Paperchase,. 7.13 (Emerson), 3i; Also started: 1 Limited, 8.13; 3 Pink Tcrraco, 8.1; 4 Kilraoyler, 7.5; 7 Decoy Bird, 7.5; 9 High Gear, 7.D; 10 Lady Swinden, 7..0; 5 Scotch. Wit, 7.0. Time, lmin Iscc. G. G. STEAD MEMORIAL GOLD CUP, of 1000 sovs. ' Weight-for-age. One mile and a quarter. 1 J. S. MJLeod's ch g Bunnymede, by Kins John—Tressida, 3yra, 7.12 (M. M'Carten) ..■...'.........-; 1 2 A. B. Wlltlama's b g Baplne, fiyra, 9.3 (R. Heed) 2 3J. S. Barrett's ch g Count Cavour, 4yrs, 9.0 (F. C. Porter) ... : 3 ' Electric Plate, lof 500 sovs. Special weights. Five furlongs.—2. Lady Cavendish, 8.5 (M. M'Carteu), 1; 7 Megalo, 9.3 (L. G. Morris), 2; 5 Lldnius, 8.10. (B. H. Morris), 3. Also started: 1 Glentrutn, 9.3; 4 Ilka, 9.3; 3 Nincompoop, • 8.10; (i Shirley, 8.5. Time, lmin 1 2-ssec. ■'.'.•' FENDALTON HANDICAP, of 800 sovs. One mile and a quarter. 5 wra.' M..'Blactano¥e's-B't Mandane, by Panmure—Cherry Mart, 3yrs, 7.13 (M. M'Carten) : '. 1 1 A. 8.. Williams's b g Slar Stranger, 3yrs, 8.5 (R. Reed) ............ 2 6 E. L. Riddiford's b h Royal Divorce, syrs, 9.7 (E. A. Keesine) 3 Also started: 9 Merry Day, 8.13; 3 Deucalion, 8.12; 15 Tresham, 8.8; 14 Tarleton, B.C; 2 Footfall, 8.5; 4 Haze, 8.5; 8 Ravenna, 8.3; 13 Kilfalre, 8.2; 12 Beacon LiKht,"7.U; 10 Clarinda, 7.8;; 7 Rivalry, 7-.7; 11 Shining Armour, 7.3; 10 Fresco, 7.0. Time, 2min 5 2-ssec; . . - . .

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Evening Post, Issue 119, 16 November 1925, Page 10

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AT RICCARTON Evening Post, Issue 119, 16 November 1925, Page 10

AT RICCARTON Evening Post, Issue 119, 16 November 1925, Page 10