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PORT OF WELLINGTON HIGH WATEII. To-day—lib 6»m a.m.; luidnight. 'i'o-iuorrow—l2h 27m a.m.; 12h Dim p.m. ARRIVALS, October ■ 27—Maori, s.s. (7 a.m.), 3112 tons, Irwin, from Lytte'ltun. October 27—Mamigunui, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 7527 tons, Mawson, from Sydney. - October 27—Ngaio, s.s. (.(US a.m.), 1203 tons, Wildruan, from Nelson. October 27—Kegulus, s.s. (10.10 a.m.), SSI tons, Wahlstroin, from Onakaka. \ ■• ' DEPARTURES. October 26—Nikau, s.s. (6.55 p.m.), 248 tons, .Yasta, for .Nelsou. October 2K—Wnhinc, s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 443G tons, Camcrou, ior Ljttelton. October 20—Arahura, s.s. (midnight), 15% tons, Prosaer, for I'ictou. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. | Coriuna, New Plymouth, 2tith Echo, isleuhehu, 27th : Arahura, l'ictou, 27th, kelson, 28th Wlngatui, Auckland, via Glebome and Na- i pier, 28th . | , Wahine, Lyttelton, 2StU ' -Lytteltou, 2Sth Dorset, Wanganui, 2Sth Ngakuta, Grcymouth, 2St& Kaimal, Greymouth, 28th J?utiki, East Coast, 2Stll Kennedy, Foxton, ssth Wairau, Blenheim, 2Sth Ngaio, Nelson, SStU Maori, Lytteltou, 29th Tref usis, New York, via ' Auckland, 29th "Waipahi," Southern ports, 20th. . Waverley, Patcu, 29th l'oolta, Olareuco Itiver and Newcastle, 30tli Athenic, Timuru, 30th Kotorua, London and Southampton, -via Panama, 31st Katoa, ■ Auckland, via Gisborne and Napier, Ist Kaimanawa, Portland, I!nd 'Canadian Prospector, Bluff, 2nd. ■ Manuka, Melbourne, 2nd Tainui, Lyttclton, 3rd "Uaranga, Southern ports, 4th Matakana, Waikokopu, 13th i PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Maori, Lyttelton, 27th Ngaio, Nelson, 27th Awarua, Chatham Islands, 27th, Echo, Blenheim, 27th Kamo, Lyttclton and Dunedin, 27th Wingatui, Lyttelton and Dunedin, 2Sth Opua, Nelsou and New Plymouth, 28th Tahiti, Sydney, 28th Arahura, Picton, 2Sth i Wablnc, ljttelton, 2Sth N:ka.u,:Nelson, 28th Wairau, Blenheim, 2Sth Waverley, Patea, 28th - Putiki,. Napier and Gisborne, 2Sth Kennedy, Lyttelton and Foxton, 28th Kegulus, Westport and Greymouth, 2SUI . Komata,. Westport, 20th ' - Oorinthic,- Auckland, 29th Port Nicholson, New Plymouth, 30th Otaki, Lyttelton and Duuedin, 30th Maunganui, Sydney, 30th . Waipahi. Auckland, 2nd Katoa, Lyttelton, 2nd Kaimanawa, Lyttelton, 2nd Manuka, Melbourne, via Southern ports, 2nd Tainui, Southampton aud London, via Panama, 7th Athenic, Southampton and London, via Panama, Sth Raranga, Auckland, 10th Matakana, London, via Montevideo and Tene- , rilTc, 17th THE INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. Maheno, arrived at Sydney ou 20tJi October; .eft Sydney on 23rd October for Auckland; due at Auckland on 27th October; leaves Auckland on 30th October for Sydney. (D.S.S. Co.) '

Ulimaroa, held uji at Sydney; departure indefinite. (Huddart-Pnrltor Co.)

Manuka, left Wellington ou 14th October for Melbourne, via Lyttelton. tunediri" and Bluff; cleared Bluff on 21st October; leaves Melbourne on -2Sth October for Wellington; due at Wellington on 2nd November, ' (U.S.S. Co.)

Maunganui, arrived at Sydney on 20th October; left Sydney on 23rd October for Wellington; arrived at Wellington on 27th October; leaves Wellington on BOtli October for Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.)' ■

Aorangi, left Sydney on 23rd October for Auckland and Vancouver; due at Auckland on 27th October. (U.S.S. Co.)

Moeraki, leaves Wellington in December for Melbourne, via Lyttelton, Dunedin, .. and Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.)

Tahiti, from San Francisco, leaves Wellington on 28th October for Sydney; due at Sydney on Ist November. CU.S.S. Co.)

BERTHAGE LIST. Corinthic—Queen's Wharf, No. 1 south; Invercargill—Queen's Wharf, No. 7. Awarua—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. John—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. , Wairau—Queen's Wharf, No. 1J south. Ngaio—Queen's Wharf. No. 14 north. Maunganui—Queen's Wharf, No. 10. H.M.S. Dunedin—Clyde Quay Wharf, No. 2, Maori—Ferry Wharf, No. 2. Kawatlri—Railway Wharf,- No. 2. Kamo—Railway Wharf, No. 3. ' Koiiiata—Railway Wharf, No. 3. . Tees—Glasgow Wharf, No. 3. ' Kaione^—King's Wharf, No. 2. Waverley—Pipitea Wharf, No. I, 'Inaha—Pipitea Wharf, No. 2. Port Nicholson—Pipitea Wharf, No, 2i ... Otaki—Pipitea Wharf, No. 3. Moeraki—Lambton Wharf, No. I. Kaituna—Miramar Wharf. Parera—On Slip. - Mararoa—On Slip. Kokiri—On Slip. Tlubl Seddnn—On Slip.' Rakanoa—On Slip. OVERSEAS VE33ELS. Niagara, left Vancouver on 21sfc October for Auckland, via Honolulu aud Suva; due at Auckland on Sth November. (U.S.S. Co.) Tahiti, left Sau Fraucisco on 7tu October for Wellington, via -Papeete- and Karotonga; arrived at Wellington on 26th October; leaves Wellington on 2Sth October fur Sydney. JU.S.3. Co.) Waitetnata, left San Francisco on the 14th October for Napier, Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth; duo at Napier ou 7th November. (XJ.S.S. Co.) Tamahine, left NeKcastle-on-Tyno on IStb October for Wellington, via Panama; due at .Wellington ou 23th November. (U.S.S. Co) Wirrall. lert Montreal on lOtn Septembei for Auckland, Welliugton, Lyttolton,- Dunedin, Sydney, and Melbourne; due at Auckland about 2nd November; due at Wellington on loth November. . (N. 2.5. Co.) Tekoa, left london ou 10th September foi Port Chalmers, Lytteltou, Blulf. and Napier; Ipft Curacao on 2nd October; arrived at Port Chalmers on "26th October. (N.Z.S. Co.) Port .Nicholson, lett'-ujudou on aist August tor Auckland, Wellington, and New Plymouth, arrived at Auckland on Btli October; arrived at Wellington 21st October; leaves Welling' ton on 30th October. (0. and D. Line.) Port Hacking, left New York on 21)Lh August for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, am) Bluff; cleared Panama on 7th September; arrived at Auckland on 3rd October; arrived .it Wellington on 15th October; left Wellington on 21st October. (C. and D. Line.) Otaki. let t Liverpool on mil Aiicusc foi Auckland. ■ Wellington. IVvttelton, nnd Dunedin; nrrived at Auckland on lOtti October; arrived at Wellington on 22nd October; leaves Wellington on 30th October for South. (F.S.N. Co.) THE PORT NICHOLSON. The C. and I). Line steamer Port Nicholson leaves Wellington on Thursday for New Plymouth to complete discharge. The vessel will ulso commence loading at New Plymouth, and will subsequently take in cargo at Wan»iiuui roadstead, Auckland, Gisliornc. Napier, "Wellington, Lyttelton, nnd Tort Chalmers. The Port Nicholson is expected to sail finally from Port Chalmers on the 30th November for Havre, Antwerp, and London, via Panama. TUI!,\KI>'A FOR LONDON. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Tur.'ikinn is rxperrturt to cleiir Napic.-r mi Mimd.iy next Tor London, yin 'Panama. MArwiANrt .VKOM KYnXBV. . With 427 pa««eiißcr.M. mails, and » liij; (lihiiitity of car{;u, ill" I'liinn Coiiiiiiiiiy's .ileaiiier Ma-uncanui arrived in tin; kli-ciiiii nt T o'diick this iiioriiintr fn.m' Sydney. Inspection r,r tin.! \i-x:t-l »as irmdo h.v (lie j'urt Hi-iilth and Customs' authorities, and she bcrthi'd nt !i.:!ll a.m. at -No. Jfi, ("ueuii's Wharf. 'I lie .Miiiiugiiimi left Sydney at '.'• p.m. on Frldny lust, und imtdo a fhiu wen-flu-r passage. Among the iiasseuger.", liy the vessel aro a muulicr who were tv liavc come to Weflinglon last week liy tli'j iriijnaniit." Thu passenger list is as follows: —

Virst a:id Sccuml Kulouus: Misses AlucKniLZic, Turner," Hunrphricrf, Sullivan, IHckkdii. CuriKT, Wabion. Ali-ailc. (irlllln. Hyde. T.iylOT, I.eish lln.ll, WoulC UiiUoy, Williams CM, Qucrcc, JiicUson, I'llmnlcr, Wilkins, Joyco, Johnson, Scott (2)/Clarke, Kelly (1), Dibbs, Chlchestor, White, Ivimny, Ballantyßf, Webster, Blanks, Morey, Htckmnn, B»i'nr

Thompson, M'Cormack, Cardiio, Toinlluson, Watlclns, Phillips, Murphy, I'islicr, lUtcliio, Clarke, Huntingdon, Harding, Htnton, Fltzpatrlck; Mci'dnmes Quiiin, Dostock, Kndford. Ki;sßcy, Sullivan. L'wius, Scolt, Jacobi,, Lawrence, Meado, Adams,' Lattre, Ainsworth, Price, Jluckio, Lambert, Nelson, Sime, Misson, Borsh, Jlogben, Vn liner, Bryan, Smith, Lane, isonniiigton, Moultou, M'Kcnzie, Smith, Mobsby, Wilson, Scales, Isaac, Hart, Smith, Montgomery, amougiUl, rilmmor, Hilder--1 brandt, Oilberd, Jlobinson, J. Wilson, Charles and son, M'Lonnun, Edmonds and child, Glfffney aud a children, Uonaldson, Wyles and child, Leman and 7 children, Jones, Brocks, Citrlyon, Waters and son, Sims and son, Scott, Juiiße and child, Moore, Kelly, Taylor, Mitchell, G.uidiu, I'arrar, Wither, White, Pnllantyiiu, OverliiKton, Morris, W. Webster, Jones, ' Gray, Taylor and child. Hickman, Dougall, Poppins, Galloway, Kerry, Hunsen, Barns, firatli. White and child, James, Kilgour, I'Mslier, James, Hoslchurst and ti cliildrcu, Armour and 3 children, Clarke, Cass and 2 children; Messrs. St. Lmvrenco, (Jiiinn, Sinclair, Hessey, James, Thomas, Humphries, Kogcrs, . .Sanderson, Eichelbauiii, Walsh, Jihouri, lioss, Scott, Lcitch, Jacobsen, Jacobs, Stavoley, Pvaphaol, Wallace, Adams, Latter, I'arlsh, Prjce, Ayors, Ctirdno, Lambert, Nilssou, ypence, Sir Truby King, Dr. Main, Her. Artlagh, Reid, l'iffcn. Miller, Bryan, M'Go wan, Smitli, Wilson, Bonnington, Harris, Mouiton, Wiudus, Mobsby, Bolt, TUslcy, Solnick, Scales, M'lntyrc, Whitta, Emcrielc, Jlamsden, liees, Smith, Harrison, Jjockivood, rcufolil. Fin'ay, Kussell, .Maedonald. Plimmer, Robinson, Charles, JJwins, itlchard, Stltchbury, M'Leod, Edmonds, Peters, do I'eng, Master Giffuey, Donaldson, Lane, Harper, Palmer, Bain, Tipper, Carlyon, Darling, Darling, M. Scott, Master Scott, Wilson, Clements, Douglas, Matthews, Graham, Lewis, Masters Clarke (2), Moore, Mackinder, Mitchell, Gautlln, Jackson, Bowling, Hancock, Lewis, White, Cole, Allen, Strath. Captain Briscoe, Farrar, Volkonsky, SlappoiYski, Halli l.'oodwln, Holcroft. Ballant.vne, ,Tnll, Jones, Danlcll. Turner, Hart, Lukoy, Johnson, Clayton, Barns, Herrlclc, Hale, MacFarlane, Cox, James, M'Nicvc, Harrison. Andonaras. Uliillingworth, Connell, Low, Bitrt, Kilgour, Pillington, Fleming, Ilulm, Yecnd, ITcgarty, Saiidbcck, Spormes, MaeDonald, Stcwiirl, James, Master James, Healehurst,' Clarke, Masters Chirlfo (2), Conway, Havilaud, and 113 third-class. Including' 12 Chinese.

Tho cargo brought includes transhipments ex the following vessels.: Janus, Wyreema, Tanda, Suva, Kauiin, Tango Maru, Cathay, Marella, Madras Maru, o/l s 'Maungamii, Aorangl, Maloja, Mbntoro, Levulcn, Itegina d'ltalla, Esperance Bay, Cliangtc, Querumlia. The Maunganui is to leave Wellington on Friday on the return trip to Sydney.

TAHITI MEETS HEAVY WEATHEE. The Onion Company's 11.M.5. Tahiti arrived in the stream at 3 p.m. yesterday from Sau Francisco, via Papeete and lUirotonga. Pratique was granted, and the- vessel berthed at the Taranaki Street Wharf at 4.45 p.m. The Tahiti left San Francisco at 1 p.m. ou 7th October, and at 2.20 p.m. dropped the pilot. Fine weather and smooth seas were experienced until arrival at Papeete at 6 a.m. on the 17th October. Heavy rain then set .in, and hampered the unloading of cargo, and the vessel was uuablo to resume ber voyage until 3.30 a.m. on the 18th October. Arrival was made at Karotonga at (i.40 p.m. ou the 20th October, and after pratique had been granted fruit was. loaded, the weather being ideul. At 1.50 p.m. the next day the Tahiti sailecl again. A fair breeze and moderate seas prevailed until 0.30 a.m. on Sunday, when ..tho wind suddenly shifted to the south, and quickly increased to a heavy gale, accompanied by mountainous , seas. The vessel's speed was reduced to dead slow, but heavy sprays swept the deck continually. The weather continued rough until entering port. ■ The Tahiti brought tho Drst of the now season's preserved fruits from California, and 508 tons of fresh fruit from Karotonga, comprising mostly bananas and tomatoes, besides a few oranges and coconuts. The following passengers arrived by the ship;— First saloon: For Sydney—Misses Akhurst, E. Boyd, Coles, Macaush, Norman, Mesdames .T. O. Anderson and child, Barry, Coinpers, Coles, Dans, Day>. Goldfinch, Harper, Hooper, Jordan, Kirclmcr, Macansh, O. E,- Norman, Spencer, Turner, Messrs. J. O. Anderson, S. Black. Compers, K. Coles, E. Coles, C.' Craven, Daus, Foy, G. H. Highland, Ho'opcri W. Howcll, Johns, W. C. Jordan, F. W. Kirchner, Mackcn, Malcolm. J. S. Norman, Spencer, L. K. Scaiuniell, K. G. Scammell, J. F. Turner, Wright, Major F. H. "Wright. For Wellington: Misses Griffith, Hopcroft, Lawrence, Lo Cren liyan, Jfenoe, Yarr, Mcadames Allen, Aitken, Barker, Campbell, Day, Ussoii, Grimtli, Hum. Harrington, Hutcheiis, Le Cren, Keid, llussell, Whitney,- Waolley, Yutes, Messrs. Aitken, Barker, Binuey, Card yy~ Esson. P. Oriilin, . Oriffitli, Hum, E. F. Harrington, , Kplly, , T P t Liickie, Lo Cren, Palmer, Patterson, Reid, E. Russell, Tucker, ■■Whiffle, Yarr, Yates, Tits. Will nnd Mufctart, Bishop Keuipthorne, Hon. D. F. Wilbur, Keys.. Kelly (2), Master Parkinsou., Second saloon—For Sydney: aliases Andrews (2), Byrne, Bradley, Hart (2), Hy'ne, D. Jones, Oldnian (2), Stephens (2), Tootal, Tanner, Widmaii, Wliiddoii, Mesdames Andrews, 13. Ford and child, Beaston, Glen, Goundry, Hurt, Johnson, Nelson, Stephens, Widmaii, Messrs. liegg, Busknor, Dooiittle, T. Ford, W. Grant, (iouudry, Holtou, J. llendry Lasker, Minshull, Melsson, Stephens, Taylor, Dr. Glen, Muster Stephens.. For ■ We'lllaKton : Misses Clmuvel (2), Mace, Peterson, Shilson, Mesdames Chipper, Chapman, Furnell, Manning, Katlibone. Itobiuson, Kiddeli, Sorenson, Woods, Wilkinson, Messrs. Bond, Chipper,' Cooper, Cross, Furnell, Howlinson, Leech, Manning, A. Nattrass, Pickering, Pettit, Presants, Pratt, Quinn, Rnthbonc (2), Sligo, Woods, Wilkinson; 51 steerage, including 3 Chinese. Owing' to the large amount of cargo to be' discharged at Wellington the Tahiti is to sail for Sydney at 8 o'clock to-morrow night. BY TELEGRAPH. ! SYDNEY, 2Ctb October. . Arrived—Ceramic, from Liverpool. AUCKLAND, 2Gth October. Arrived—Kaimanawa, from Napier; Hinemoa (3.35 p.m.), from Suva; Aorangi (0 p.m.), from Sydney. , ■ GISBOENE, 20th October. Sailed—Putiki (10.30 a.m.), for. Wellington. LYTTELTON, 20th October. • Arrived—Cygnet, from Motu'eka; Canopus (3.5 p.m.), from Westport. Arrived—Wahine (8.40 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail—Wahine (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington. , .■' , TIMAKIf, 20th October. Arrived—Athenic (0 a.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDIN, 20th October. Arrived—Holmdale, from Wellington: Tckon (5.30 p.m.), from London. ■OAMAUU, 27tli Octol/cr. Arrived—Progress (3.13 a.m.), from Wellington. PJCTON, 27th October. Arrived—Arahura (0.15 a.m.), from Wellington. NAPIER, aith October. Arrived—Kahika (5.30 p.m.), from Welling-' ton. - • ' . « ' ■ 27th October. Arrived—Turakma (5.53 a.m.), from Welling-

27th October.

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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 102, 27 October 1925, Page 4

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SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 102, 27 October 1925, Page 4

SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 102, 27 October 1925, Page 4