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{By Telegraph—From "Vedette.)

The Wangarmi Jockey Club had a >change of fortune in regard to weather for its concluding day, and despite tho ■volume of rain that had fallen during the preceding twenty-four hours, the >Arack had dried up very well and provided very fair going. There was an increased attendance compared with the first day. Again the open steeplechase was won by a horse who previously had raced only over hurdles, for Puwhero, 'like Landbird, was making his debut ■over "country," if the Wanganui fences can be called such. Comical gave another "taste of his quality in the May Hurdles, and, providing ha does not fall at Ellerslie, a tough proposition in the .Great Northern Hurdles. Fool's Paradise ,won the Empire Handicap in spite of adverse fortune in the running, again showing stamina unusual in an Absurd.

■ The racing throughout the two days a triumph for the handicapper, Mr. ■JH. Coyle, and in consequence he pro!wided" somel_finishes which thoroughly ilested tie judge, Mr. W. Russell, but riie was not found wanting. There was 5a disposition on. the part of a .few injilividuals to./question his decisions in ''one or two of the close finishes, including the dead-heat between Arch6en and jAvoulea on the first day. As there is ■iio vantage; point to vie\y; a finish at aWanganui except from a decided angle Ato the judge's line, those who criticised pile official in desperately close finishes only a -palpable ignorance. Posjsiinly, perhaps, ■ they viewed tho finishes jihaongh their^ pockets..' " ' ' • EAIJ3O-TONIE HACK HANDICAP,

. Rowley was about an even-money ifavO'Uiite, with i^phonium a - decided teecond choice, and" Rangi Sarto and (King P.otoa also well supported. Bing ;3?otoa began, best, and led down the from De - Luxe, Kilia, and JDuphoninm, with Rowley well back. SEuphommn went up on the " rails in ttho back straight,' and, Rowley mi•- --• (proved his position, so that racing forsbie tan Bing Potoa just led Rowley, Iwith. Rangi Sarto and Euphonium next. ißowley led into the straight, and lookSed all over a ■winner, but, weakly Handled, -was heaten, by both. Euphondmn and Bangi'Sarto, Enphoninm winining by a iead.--Rowley was a-length ftaway third, with, Kilorum, Ring Poqtoa, and Do Luxe next. Rowley was a certainty of racing Kea<jten, for A. Griffith, who was the rider, :inado> the weakest possible finishing effort when tackled by .Euphonium and ußangi Sarto. Euphonium ran an exIcellent race, for lie was in tbe bad iground all the "way, but against that iho covered less ground than anything elso in. the race. Rangi Sarto ran right •Sup to his first day's form, and is a iuseful sort Kilorum finished fairly -well, ■ihnt Ring Potoa jvas beaten, by the^disStanca, « BATA BACK HURDLES. \ Admiral Codrington was a decided .favourite, with Taitaiata also carrying bver four figures. Then in order of backing camo All "Wind, Eonmark, Glen iCamry, Red Head, and Trespass, the Matter paying over the limit, while Boiacto -would hare returned a dividend of over. £36 if he had won. Eonmark led down the back from Admiral Codrington, Btmecto, Maunu, and Askari, ljut at- the stands All "Wind had run • <up into fifth place, just ahead of Askari, otherwise the order was much the ifiame. At this stage Glen Canny was last, with Trespass also well back. Tresjass moved up down the back straight, and racing round the top turn he.was disputing the lead with Eonmark and IBonecto, with Admiral Codrington and .lAskari next. Trespass was first into tho '•straight, and -with the last hurdle almost fJnt had no difficulty in going on to win fjjy three lengths from Bbnecto, who Jjust defeated AskarL Tien came Glu•^tncnt and Maunu, practically on terms, -Twith Taitaiata ai. tho head of the ■mothers. • . Txespass, who Tvas making his debut liover hurdles, acquitted himself really >vcU. Ho was a lifctAo slow in tho early stages, but jumped quite as well as tho ■.opposition at tho end, while- his pace is aslill a forco to bo considered. It is inHeresling to wonder what Mr. Kemball ■now thinks of: thoso who refused to Jbuy Trespass cheaply, at his saleL '.IBonecto ran about a good deal in tho , race, and otherwise he would have been ; "harder to beat, and quite possibly ■ would [/liavo made a handsome first return inystead of quite an acceptable double-fig-iure dividend for second. Eoumark improved agaan, and apparently tho Tren,/rtham horse is soon going to make good. .JAskari did very well to finish fourth, 'ior ho is quite new to the illegitimate game. Glument was another ex-flat racehorse to give a very much improved showing. Admiral Codrington was disiappointing, as he faded out badly at the ,*nd, while Taitaiata ran below his re-'■-*ent form. As he is only a four-year-,*ld, possibly the racing found him out jiemporarily. Glen Canny gave an inglor-)-sous, display, being last' practically all jthe way. Maunu. who was at forlorn \iCidds, was always in tl\e leading bunch, \?i"nd finished fiftli. . ■ '■ MAY HURDLES. ' lAlaric. 'Comical,, and Black Art were Hiacked for in that orduv, with /jTo Kawa. the only" other snpijorted to pny extent. Alaric, Comedy Prince, and rCojnical led at the, first fence, ISlack'Ai't ■ mid White Itanger, with Mauriga, being slow to* "move. Te';K;i.uu went "toil'iu' .iront at the end of two furlongs from iVOtanru Kid, Comedy Prijice, Black Art. !ffiid Coihical. Tho order down tbe straight'was Te Kawa, Otauru Kid, Black Art, Comical, Alaric, AVliite Banger. Comedy Prince, and Alteration.-Coin-iual went; ifp^scccuid d3*\viC t-Bc; biicli '.to. To Kawa, with'-Alaricv Black "'Vrtr. and" IWhite Ranger iiexO. llulf a' milt frum "home Comiwi! jumped to the fronl, and ißlack Art closed on Aliuric and To Kuwa, Comical hit tho last fence,iait,. went ,ca to .^in hard hiild ,bvj

six lengths from Black Art, with Alarie half a length away third. j Te Kawa was a good fourth, with White i Sanger. and Vagabond next. I Comical, if anything, won easier .than I he did amongst the hacks on the first day. He blundered at the last fence, but it was due probably to inexperience, as he aa yet lacks the knowledge of <i short stride at a fence. It was an im- | pressive effort, and big' things can be expected from him. Black Art finished too well for Alarie, who would have done better with a race over hurdles. He has not done a great deal of schooling, in addition to having been without a race over hurdles for- a long time. Te Kawa again went an excellent race, ' while White Banger surprised by his showing, for he was always on the promises, jumping well. Vagabond again tailed off in the ear!y stages, but was galloping over everything at the finish. Comedy Prince jumped badly at a num- - ber of fences. Otauru Kid jumped well enough, but failed to stay, and Alteration wont a fair race. GRANDSTAND STEEPLECHASE. Master Peter was an odds-on favourite, with Puwhero and Passin' Through car; rying four figures .against their names, and Carawock fourth choice. Mahia led Puwhero, Carawock, Blue Hall, and San Forte at the first fehce, and down the straight Puwbero had gone to the front from Mahia, Master Peter, Carawock, and San Forte. Dick refused at the brush turning out of the straight, and Mahia fell at the hencoop near the six furlong post, where Puwhero was ten lengths clear of Master Peter, Buckeye, Passin' Through, and Carawock. Blue Hall moved up in the straight, but otherwise there was little change in the order. Master Peter went in pursuit of the leader down the back stretch the last time, followed by, Carawock and Passin' Through. The last two did not make much impression on the flying leader, however, as Puwhero won by a length from Master Peter, with Carawock six lengths away third. Passin' Through was a good fourth, then coming Buckeye and Blue Hall. The winner gave a magnificent display of fencing, and the only question was whether he would see out the two miles and a half. This he just' did, and had the rider of Master Peter gone after him a little sooner the latter might have won. Puwhero looked in perfect ■ condition, and he was a credit to all concerned. Master Peter was improved by his race the first day. Carawock improved a very .great deal in Ids jumping; and- was always going like a possibility, but he covered a good deal more ground than anything else in the race. Passin' Through ran an excellent race, and his turn will soon come. Buckeye and Blno HaH also gave fair displays, San Forte's form \yas again too bad to-be true. = EMPIRE HANDICAP.Fool's Paradise, Hipo, Good Sport, Sunshot, and Imperial Spark were all well backed in a good betting race. Ruby Ring led down the straight from Good Sport, Ora's Delight,-Pronto, and Fool's Paradise, with Hipo • dropping back. Pronto, Ora's Delight, Megan, Good Sport, and Fool's Paradise were in the lead turning into tho back straight, but first Fool's Paradise and then Good Sport lost their positions, while Para moved up into second placo. ' Racing for the turn Imperial Spark- went up to Megan, with Pronto and Para handy, and Hipo and Fool's Paradise showing up again. " Megan was still in front at the turn, hut Imperial Spark ran past. FoiJ's Paradise then challenged, with Hipo coming fast, and in a great finish Fool's^ Paradise won by a head from Imperial Spark, with Hipo a length away third. Megan was fourth, then"at intervals coming Pronto and Valencia. Fool's Paradise won despite a good deal of bad luck in the running. He finished very stoutly from the turn, and now goes into winter quarters with a win to his credit. Imperial Spark again ran an excellent race, arid just went under to a better stayer, but he had a better run throughout than tho winr»;r. Hipo was another victim in the running, and he just -weakened at the end. Megan and Pronto were always handy, and if they race at a smaller meeting soon should both bs -winners. Para did well for seven furlongs, but Valencia and Sunahot were disappointing. Good Sport was a decided sufferer seven furlongs from home, going right back to last place. ; . ' FAREWELL HACK HANDICAP. The bracket Alabama (R. Reed) and Beaumont (L. A. Pine) was backed down to a shade over even money, with Willow Wai second favourite by about 300 tickets. Padonna and Tempean were the only others .backed to any extent, and Attractive and Rehutai, the winner and runner-up, were at remunerative prices. King Pot showed out momentarily, bn6 when the field had settled down Padonna was well clear of Empire Camp, Tempean, Relmtai, Willow Wai, and King Pot, with Alabama, well back. Racing for the turn, Tempean had taken charge from Empire Camp, Padonna, King Pot, and Relvutai. Tempean was under pressure wheu in lino for homo, but Empire Gamp hung on. Rehutai. catno fast ou the outside, and Attractive shot up on Iho rails, and. in a good finish Attractive beat Rehutai by a head. Two lengths away otic Empire Camp, followed" by Ala,bama,_Tcmpcaa, and Willow Wai. Attractive must havo been much improved by his gallop on tho first day, when ho was not sighted. He showed a great bnrst of speed at the finish, when vigorously ridden by L. G. Morris, Jtchutai, who looks well, also improved on her first day's form, but in tho second division of tho Purua Handicap she was at least prominent. Empire Camp had every v chance, but was not quite good enough, but is worth keeping in mind. Alabama lost his chance by being slow away, but Tempean farted out in tho last furlong, and had to be ridden hard to gain a position in the first three furlongs. Willow Wai ran below his best, while Padonna looked hardly ready King Pot will soon do better. WINTER OATS HANDICAP. Rafa was an eleventh-hour withdrawal, and Rational started favourite, but many who noticed the bad nui Lady Bentinck got over the early stages of Thursday's race- supported hi'r, :iud she was almost as well supported as Ration.-il. Of tho other starters, Gn-illiu'd and Archui-.n •c:amo hi for strong .support. l,nt .Avimk-a was coiujwrnitively lu^li'eted. Rational failed to /iml his feet when the barrier rose, arid immediately lost his position. Lady J'.entinck. to, got cut out at (he four-furlong post, an incident (hat possibly cost her the race.' Caillard besjan quickly,- but was soon passed by Lipsol, Kuhio, and Bennuire. Three furlongs from home Barry atjaiu got GailInrd, to the front, but once in a line •jdv ■h<>mc;"Ar<:liCf!.u I'ptit i:i ;i great run. 'to- win easily by lira Iciifcdis from Voiii.i, who passed Lady Beniini-k in Uie last feustrides. Roinnnro van an indifferent feurth, bat did net bepn well, and Kn hio wvm nexi. | j ArcJi6oa_yai3 a decisive IAULUcrj b'ttli


if Rational and Lady Bentinck had not been unlucky they would havo mudo matters hard for him. As the race was run, however, Archeen again showed himself one of the most improved horses in training. Gaillard had plenty of pace, but he has disappointed so often in the past that he cannot be recommended. Kuhio showed that his race on the first day had improved him, and he should do well at Dunedin. Yoma by his second—he also carried 21b overweight demonstrated that he is well forward in condition. Lipsol went another gooo race for five furlongs. He will be worth keeping in mind for the Otaki Meeting. The totalisator handled £32,566, compared with £32,048 on the second day last year, the total for the meeting being £58,912, against £60,452 10s last year. Results:— Balgqwnie Hack Handicap, of 200 soys. One mile and a distance.—2 Enpbonium, 8.9 (J. Barry), 1; 3 Rang! Sarto, 7.4, 2: 1 Row'.^•F 2 ' 3- Mso Girted: 4 King Potoa 7.8, o Kilonim 7.0 and De Luxe 7.0 (coupled), 8 Rata Hack Hurdles Handicap, of 200 soya. Abont one mdc uud a half.—7 Trespass, 10.0 (A. Burt), 1; J2 Bonecto, 0.0, 2; 5 Eonmark, ?;"', 3; £,' s0 star<*<l: 1 Admiral Codriugton 11..!, 6 Glen CaDiiy 9.13. 8 Glumcnt 910 2 Tartauata 9.8. 3 All Wind 9.7, '.) Goldpiccc 0.5. 11 Askari 9.5, 4 Red Head 9.0, 13 Lady "plwill 9.0, H Mannu 9.0, 10 Birkenolla .9.0. Time, 2rurn 51 4-sscr. May Hurdles Handicap, of 350 sors. About one mile and three-quarters.—2 Comical, 11.0 A Burt 1; 3 Black Art, 10.5, 2; 1 Alaric, 11.3, 3. Also started: 4To Kawa 10.S, 8 White ?, VnD^n r a?; 0 ' !• V "K;lbond 10-8. « Otauru Kid u.O, 10 Alteration 3.12, 7 Mjiunga u.o, 9 Oom «dy Prince 9.5. - Time, 3min 19 l-ssec. Uraudstand Steeplechase- Handicap of 400 soys. Two miles and a half.—2 Pu-wheio 10.4 (A. M'Donald). 1; 1 Master Peter, 10.13 2.; A Carawock, 11.1, 3. Also started: 3 Passm' Through 11.7. 9 Btpckeye 9.7, C Blue Hall 9.0, 7 San .Forte 10.5, 5 Dick 9.9; 8 Mahia 9.0. Tinie, umin 3 l-ssec. Empire Handicap, o£ 850 soys. One mile and a distance.—l Fool's Paradise, 8.5 (R. Reed), 1; 5 Imperial Spark, 8.9, 2; 2 Hipo, j 8.8, 3. Also started: 12 Megan 6.7, 9 Pronto (i.7, 7 Valencia 7.5, 4 Sunshot 7.5, 3 Good Sport 5.5. « Para 7.7, 8 Euby Ring 6.11, 11 Ora's Delight 6.7. Time, lmin 59 4-ssec. Farewell Hack Flat Handicap, of 200 sore. Six furlongs.^ Attractive, 9.0 (L. G. Morris), 1; 7 Rehutai, 5.3, 2; 5 Empire Camp, 71, 3. Also started: 6 King Pot 9.5, 2 Willow Wai 9.0, 1 Alabama 8.8 and Beaumont 7 4 (coupled), 3 Padonna 8.3, 4 Tempeau 7.9, 9 Kilroere 7.1, 10 Tres Bon 7.1. rime, lmin 1G 3-sscc.

Winter "Oats, of 300 soys. Six furlongs.— 4 Archeen, 7.13 (C. Davies), 1; 7 Yoma, 7.a, 2; 2 Lady Bentinck, 7.9, 3. Also started: 9 Bemmire 6.13, 3 Gaillard 7.11, 0 Kuhio 6.3, 5 Avonlea 7.11, 10 Strategy 7.5. 8 Lipsol 6.7, 1 Rational 9.11. Time, lmin 15 2-ssec.

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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 120, 25 May 1925, Page 12

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AT WANGANUI ON SATURDAY Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 120, 25 May 1925, Page 12

AT WANGANUI ON SATURDAY Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 120, 25 May 1925, Page 12