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Senior A Division, 3 p.m. S TAVilsou y ' lllalit'jtc'' Xowtowu Park, Mr. Wo^U' St V' Hosl)ital> Ho?P ital. Jlr. A. -. E. k!4 cmV c: i^S s ' Assodatiou P»fk Waterside v. Scottish Wanderers, Kelburu, Mr. J. Gilbert. . ' Senior B Division, S p.m. Brooklyn v. Welgasco, Kilbirnie No. I, Mr. Cr. tiOlllU. V.M.C A. B v Y.M.CA. C, Anderson Park No. 1, Mr. K. Ormrod; Mr 1*'"? Rounds 08011""1 *' Johnsi'n«l'«> »»• L Scatouu v. Diamonds, Seatoun, Mr. C. Kelly. Second A Division, 3 p.m. Diamonds v. Hutt, Anderson Park Xo •• '•./.■ Campbell. Petoue v. -Caledonian;: White; s- Line, Mr • Brian. Marist v. Lvall ]la^ wy 2 ' Mr- I!- Jlilrti"- Swifts v. Scottish Wanderers, Lyall Bay Xo 1 Mr F. Cooper. ' Second B Division, 3 p.m. Brooklyn v. Caledonians, l'olo \ n i -\t r W. [I. Smith. Institute ■ j Ji, Ji Wakclicld Park No. .), Mr L T Mccl in Marist v. Island Bay,'wakcfieW Park: Ko "i 2[cat^u^ro,:n'd!S;r.^' dah lin'r' Lutl

Third A Division, .3 p.m. Island Ray v. Hutt, Eastern Hutt, Mr. N. r ' \^ 1UT UB Si % Instit'ite, Crawford Green Mr. A. Reid[. Seatoun v. South WcliisS*°°' '&" h°- " Mr- A- Jo"es: WatThird B Division Brooklyn Kilbirnie No. o, a p; m .J/ IJ I I;~™. Iloi: ?%TJfc F. Ser^' LyU" N°- '• Fourth A Division, 2 p in : Park, 2 ]>.m., Mr. S. Boxall. bye Fourth li Division, 2 p. m Seatoun v. V.M.C.A., Volo No 2^ Mr -'a Joseph. Island Bay v. Miramir Tanm-X' WJlSvlllo"? I??" '• ,M''T *■ MX"' SS!' if.. ™"T DdT si,ar nv\'iScr s. I o ri Turk No. I. Mr. C. Collln« "varlcst'wn Kj.uth M-dlington. • WnkcHcid J'jf?k Xo V No! S^Mr^G Martin Sto" °Ut" lra" Ba"y' Fifth A Tiivis-ion. v, Kcatouo, Scaioua " pui Mr JI Liversage. Tcchalc*! Collets" V. "tfi. rat^

rick s College, Nairn street, S p.m., Mr. Naylor. Institute v. Swifts, Nairn street, 2 p.m., Mr. Naylor.

Fifth B Division] Wadostown v. Miramar Rangers, Miramar School, 3 p.m., Mr. A. Swift. St. Peter's v. Petoue, Petoue Recreation Ground, 2 p.m., Mr. J. M'Leod. Soatouu v. Diamouds, Polo J^°- m V 2 P.- 1"-. Jr. It. Weir. Stop Out v. St. Thonias , Crawford Green, 2 p,m., Mr. A. Lucchesi. Technical Coilego v. Midland, Anderson Park No. 1. 2 p.m., Mr. J. Rose. Hutt v. V.M.C.A., Hutt Eastern, 2 p.m.. Mr. E. Hayes.

Sixth Division, 2 p.m. Technical v Seatoun. Association Park No. '; 5J r- H. Colpus. Diamonds v. Institute, Newtown Park, Mr. B. Bell.. Marist (N.), a

Seventh A Division. ' Diamonds v. Hutt. Anglican Home. 3 p.m., Mr. h. Hcseltine. Seatouu v. Technical College, Association Park, 1 p.m., Mr. E. Tarrant. Petone v. Marist (N.), White's Line, 2 p.m.. Mr. >„ Brian. Marist (T.) v. Miramar Rangers Miramar School, 2 p.m., Mr. A. Swift. Institute v. ■ St. Patrick's College, Crawford Green, 1 p.m., Mr. A. Lucchesi. Seventh B Division. St. Thomas' v. .South Wellington, Lyall Bay No. 1, 1 p.m., Mr. F. Sanders. Hutt v. Petoue, Anglican Home, 2 p.m., Mr. E. Hcseltine. Marist (T.) v. Newtowu CongregatJ ?,'' LP IK Bl»y No- 2 ' 1 P->"-. Mr- EHeath. V.M.C.A.' v. Anglican Home, Hutt Recreation Ground, 2 p.m., Mr. F. W. Chiug. Island Bay v. Johusonville. Eighth Division. Diamonds v..lnstitute, Polo No. 1, 1 p.m., Mr. S. O'Brien. Scatoun v. Marist (N.). Seatoun, 1 p.m., Mr. C. Webb. Marist (T.) v. South Wellington, Polo No. 2, 1 p.m., Mr. E. Joseph. Mi'ramiir Rangers, a bye. TEAMS.

Wadestown.—Second Division B: Prince, Fawthorpa (2), Wiffln, Parlane, Newton, Kaywood, Goddard. Grant, M'Coy, Wiffln: Fourth B: Moss, Miller, -Maunder, Smith, Parks, Macindoe, Marriott, M'Lelland. Reynolds; Sutton, Price. Fifth B: Miller, Sirrett, Loughridge, Smith, -Silkirk, fpiller, Boan, Mack, Janes, Parlane, Fawthorpe, aud Laps-

Brooklyn.—Senior B: Kershaw, Bowver, Browning, Henry, Short, Hanson, Keeble," S. Antou, W. Anton (capt.), B. Browu, If. Griffiths, and Buckmaster. Second Division: M'Ghie, Prosser, Hewitt, Houston, Brooks, Quiuu, Walsh, Milue, Archer, Crane. Hutchinsou, Burbush, Suttou (capt.). Third Division: Brown, Burkett, Pearce, Linford, Ratcliffe, Hamiyside, Murpliy (capt.), Jlason, Paul!, Turner, Cheync. Thistle—M'Vcan, M'Kenzie, Taylor, G. Wotherspoou, T. Wothcrspoon, Bing, Crundwell, Wallace, Lennox, Logan, and Graham. V.M.C.A.—Fourth' B: 0. Thomas, N. Vealc (capt.), A. W. Hill, E. Masou, C. Fuller, A. H. Hill, T. Habbitt, K. Geary (vlee-capt.), A. Hall, A. Creighton, W. Rabbitt, and L. Boc.

Wclgasco.—Leah, Dean, Gibson, Glossop, Winter, Forbes, Taylor, MWfle, M'Ardle, Graham, White, Moss, and Hartshornc. Institute—Senior; Caulton, Calvert, G. Bell, Wanden, Kallaher, A. Bell, J. Smith, Grceufield. Gill, Elford, Rusterholz. Junior: Rogers, Barr, Allan, Ash, Muir, Ogier, Bilby. R. Cunninglmin, Dawe, Kxton, J. Cunningham. Third: Luclicssi, Grouiiand,- Watson; Corrono, Solomon, Miles, Lewis, Larsen, Donnovan, Millar. Nelson; emergency, Wilson. Fourth A: Melvillo (captain), Killick, Gibbons, Robinson, Cooley, MaWßon, Jepson, Gilligau. Robbius, Richmond, C'artnell. Fourth B: Killelty, Bowden, Shepherd, Ambridge, Murray (captain), Phillips, Hearlielri, Harding, M'llraith. Alexander, Gear; emergency, Williams. Fifth A: Cole, Cook, Sutherland, Bilby (captain), Barrow, Clunic, Lark, Simmonds, Phillips, Wareham, Maisey; emergeucy, Townsend. SixthWard, Know, Simmouds, Solomdu, Kitto (captain), De Silva, Bilißh, Willis, Sutherland, Wellington, Coronna; cmergencv, Ash. Eighth: Mansfield, M'Leau, Tobiu, Hurcomb, Brockie. Williams, Masters, Meech, Mecch, Ivory. Nolan; emergencies, Fairburu, Nodan, Ash. Lover Hutt-SeconiJ A Division-: Parker, Parraut, James, Devlnc. Flanagan, Burton, Chiug, Adams, Green, Evans, Grimwood. Sec«d B Division: Gear, Reynolds, Stanford, Howey,- Surtees, Andrews, Rogers, Martin, Little, Gardner, Wright; emergencies, Redmond, Blakemore, Glceson. Seventh A Division: Adam, King, Spencer, Hardic, O'Leary, A. Wardlaw, Thomas, Sivell, Thomson, Rldyard, Burgess. Seventh B Division: Webster, Bell, Wayne, B. Wardlaw, Graham, Kesblt, Gardiner, M'lntyre, E. Wardlaw, Payne, Fleet, emergencies, Moyes and Lovett. Swifts—Senior: Donaldson, Bolton', tillyatt. Dunne (2), M'Kinder, Ruddle, Kimmins, Turner, Guiso (2). Train leaves Thorndon 1.20 p.m. Junior: J. Burns, Payne, R. Burns, G. Jones, C. Jones, Haines. Bradford, R. Craig, Johns, Freeman, J. Craig, F. Jones, Bowden. Third: Stone^ Southern, Parkinson, Jones,- Hocking, Brown, Cayless, Featouby, Osborne, Mengcn, Powell. Fourth: Cawthorn, Kerr,. Hadley, Chapman, Southern, ' Shaw, Sandholmy Turner, Berry, Ford, Ueudrickaou. Fifth: Long, Johnston.. Bradford,. Haday. R. Jones, V. Jones, . Kerr, Turner, Kirkpatrisk, Doming, Elliott. . - •■

Johnsonville—Senior B: Ell, Ring, Smith, Ferris, M'Farlane, Siyles, -Mat-hews, Schultz. Bramley, Burnett, Moore, . Hogg, OlTord. Jimior- Harris, Riaby, Mildenhall, Coruwell, Maginty, Neal, M'Whinnie, Johnson, Oswald, Jackson, James; emergencies, James, II 1.Mahon, Meadowcroft. Fourth*; Boroughs. Rodda, Davidson, Kngel, .Venn, Douglas, Cornwell, Alcock, Mastertou, Neal. Greer; emergency. M.'Whinuie. Seventh B • Ell. Douglas, King, M'Lcnnan, M'Cristell. M'Mahon, Orr. Kice. Elliott, Camerou, Croft.

Minimal* Rangers—Fourth A: Eagar, Jlarrap, Curtis, Houciiens, Third, Murphy, Lawton, Horsfall, James. Barclay, Herlund. Fourth B: Carswcll, Velviu. Third, Jenkins. Ward. Ibol, Lyons, Miuilie, M'Donald, Brittain, M'Alpin, Bell. .

Island Bay—Thomas, Frazer, Jackman, Clarke, Neil, Ferkins, Mason, Tricker, Wiulev, Hawthorn.

Scottish Wanderers.—Senior: Murray, Jack, Main. M'Dougall, Logic, Arhuthnott, Montgomery, Cunningham, Houston, Moug, Galbraith, Sutherland, Kirkland, M'Wliinuie. Junior: Brown, Mahon, Hendry, Flett, Rabbitt, Kirkwood, Bellamy, Hocknell, Thomson, Rolls, Middleton; emergencies, Hugh, M'Lean. Petoiie—Fifth B: B. Burridge, L. Jones (captain), 11. Eagles, J Wilson, H. Smith, J. Gates, J. Matthews (vice-captain), "V. Carlson, S. Muirhead, L. Forrester, W. Laracy; emergency, E. Normand.

Newtown Congregational.—Sexton, Webster, Symonds, Moller, Gill, Carter, J. Gill, Aitken, Masters, ' Robinson, Benfleld; emergency, Marchmont. ,

Stop Out, 4th B—White, O'Connor, Sioberg, ■Roll, Mlvor, Bromley, Ogg, Gault, Kemp, M'Gavin, Larsen.

Wntersiders.—Senior: Cox, Dwyer, Boyd. Jenkins, Busted, Irvine, Pearce, Clegg, Taylor,. M'Kay, White; reserves, Dooly, U'Lellan, luckless, Wellward, Lawrence. ■ Fourths(Jutnn, Urwin, O'Hallern, Adams, O'Donnell Owens, Williamson, Garrod, Hall, Pearson, Taylor; reserves, Shaw, Hurdle.

Diamonds. — Senior A: Cutler, Guest, Hearne, Findlay, Leyling, Davies, Bolt Stocks, Dickerson, M'Leod (2). Senior B: Dobbs, Davis, Chown, Hale Pike. Blair. SutclifTe, Edwardes, Dealy Mouat, Eobson, Helherg, Duncan. Second A Division: Aspen, Duffy, Cowan, Hayvice, Sullivan, Duncan, Mallet, Dibb, Stickney, Palmer Simmons, oth B: Anderson, Tinnta, Jamieson, Flaws, Hobbs, Williams, J. O'Shca C O'Shea, D.ily, Tutty, M'Vicar. Marist Old Boys.—Senior: Hickej Fitzgerald, lludolph (2)), Thomas, Burke, Barton, M'EUiKott. Marshment, Johns, Costello, Junior A: Fitzgerald, Gamble, Carmtlicrs,.,, Mulliolland, MDermott, Burton, Bean, Scott Phillips, Knieht, Honnessey. Junior B: 'orConnor, Quill, White, Sharpc, Thomas, Darroch, Davis, Regan, Korling, Andrews, Kuk-ht 0 Connor, fifth: Scanlon, Maraliall, Green O'Shea, Cunningham, Quirke, Gill, Costelloi riircell, Meachen, Lee, Condon. V.M C.A.-Senior A : Tarrant. Prince, M'Girr, M'Arthur, Trott Jdcholls. Eton, Cumphcil Dempster, and Ballard. Senior B: Jacques, Npwton. Wilson, Michclson, Pearfion Rnrrv Loadsman, Kcrmode, Parlett, Pounds ' n'oiil: • emergency, Wnllcr. Senior C: Kwinc ' D Price, Ward. Almao. Ogilvie H Prfc r, n h bins, Wilklns, .Worth, Orr,' Banks siJl Island Bay.-Juuior: Cocker ■ O«bornp «' tieaux, Siiisted, Ledger, Lawrence t. Black, Fletcher,'Cloake. Estall Th&d■ H^v' thorn, .Tackman, Windly. Thomas K er kh,V Neale, Fraser, Mason, Tricker Clarki. rw - Fourth B: L. Moutelth, Wheeler itcob'i st^u' art. Macdonald, Suiated, E. MontpiHi 111 1 Colllo., Header! Eeece; emewo^. liott

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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 118, 22 May 1925, Page 9

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ASSOCIATION Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 118, 22 May 1925, Page 9

ASSOCIATION Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 118, 22 May 1925, Page 9