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THE BEST LIGHTED WINDOWS AND PREMISES IN THEjJTyI ! 1 In greys and tt fr W^ m ■'"' ■ . 3 **\JI w£l^l\ V % I 20,000 Yards Rich Silks 108-10-l 2 CUBA STREET " Bo^^T^^S-i —^-Sr^ Starts T°-morrow at 10 am.—Everything at Special Prices >SSllSf J I Double watt figured maeocain- WE STAND FOR THE CASH-TRADING PRINCIPLES INSTITUTED BY MR.'.COLE Double width knitted silk-13/6 | I jap silk—All shades 2/2 For^i/io * years *go' Srowth °f the business has proved it possible to give better-service, and in Double Width lingerie kitted > I DSK- Widti '<MA3SJ' 535 m°Bt CES£ SA°£ er Priceß' We St°ck reliable §oods' bought from the actual makers« MIDDLEMEN kdSlto ceepes- 80 3 *£*{% 1 1 D3SS^2?aa™s^'!s HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED, and " bad debts » are unknown under our system. IS^^^^^^i I I 11/6Cren£Uon ft^n. D°™- tk BLACK 9 /6P^^ DSL^ SILK^ U|^n .^^^SSgSS?^--- --ouM, WidthSTßlPED:7^^^ I I Double Width SHOT MOUSSELINE- *a™^J*™* *?? Striped CHIFFON SHANTUNG SILK-In sky, pink, cham- heliotrope 7' ?> 4/6 For 1/11- - cttfpF'WP! "r f ' * I la newest shades 8/11 Tor 6/6 TAFFETA-Double. width 12/6 pagne, lemon, and brow/^ll Tor 3/6 . CREPE DE CHIHE-Double width; all ' gTofel? ' sIeGE-^oUS^Ydl I FLORA DE CHINE-Double width; ail Double Width SHOT TAFFETA f/fi D°UWe Wiati CH AEMONETTE -In shades 7/9 Fors/11 pyjamas For img 1 J»*» W *°* 6/11 D°ubl6 Wldth SHOI IAOTEI^7 I^ Cream< S^c > lemoa ' aad <*<*7 .%[ CIEE SATIN-For millinery 6/6 DouVleWidth Floral PERS^cS-J | SILK^SATIK F.nch MAEOCAI^O/6 Double Width WASHING aAT^ Double Width Milan PHG* SH^^ tfUßßfl CLOTH-Heavy ■ ' ■■ „.,.. —.. ■—„,.. . newest shades. 9/6 For-7/11 .width .. ' 2/6 For 1/8 ; 1 I Xl iOOO F Yar<l7X "^TF' 1" y^ies^V .'Ssrswr^ ./^^T/N^ "»»• ~ V^^N*. | Jf Our Famous X and stripes j^ mwu». fi Eo inp9ra-3/9 lor J^ Ladies* ' ' with aim on cl, >T Oar Famous -£ I Jf «U /n 1 II »» \- V r«l/2i JT "FIONELLA" \ 3/3, 4/3 for S/6. Maids' *T „- .. jr- > saxe, grey, cm- J^ -_ . * riiw ■%»■ • ■ / Clinpfla \ Double Width / SUfcv \ Dainty Cottoa Frocks- / Dainty and Fine %■ n amon,/ apricot, / "CHIEF" ART %■ | If VUUCUd Victoria Challis, / Sllk * \la Plain and figured jf .: - - \ 'i^™^™™^ $._ _ „ . ->..«-■ X■ I S 3 I1F« ii CI •■* & Paisley designs J «T» • C I S. .materials; 7/9 for 5/11. J |^ Q YBI I © I,Q CJ » . Eor.2/11. q» If Q;|l_ : | I 1 Wincette Shirting 12/6 I Tennis Frocks listI ist a&,^ awS i l.^,^^ I Kmtbug Silk,.l l I\ b cream,and bke grounds / 011" \ Fadeless; smart, clear I.S^rik^oc^l 200 Samples | l/if Sf^ I L^e ; jn black || I \ Worth 1/8 / m r°El/11 \ sblPesoncreamgrounds / n/6 for 3/11. Bibs^- % Half Price from / V™™° Width \ and all shades t 1 | -> Worth 1/S jA silkStrtpeMaro- \ Worth 35/- A 1/3 for Sid. AVhite Em- \ Halt rnce trom j£ For l/4j \ TT „A ,„ £ I a \^ "I "fi 14 J? Cain — Double ' •■..•:.' X* broidered Plnafjres —2 .^ ChannillaEaVae ' vsuaily 4/Q. jf' | | 1I2W» _^* wia*; "i all 24/9 ' for 2/6. Dainty Silk and 2/^ >T Sponge Cloths ' : O/,O .^ I | wanted shades Poplm Bonnet-6/3 for ' -Double xridth, %fc.: 3/O I' I |v por3/e| ....a-gsac,^;. &fTof 2 7i I I New Season's Appare L^^^e% e f^^fT^ls^^ 1 at Sale Prices 29 Smart SPONGE CLOTH FR ° o r c^_ S2 Navy All . wool .^^.^i^ 38 s tge gKoiiT PB Fu g i sok le^cesI 7Vlip's^m/" 1 I 1 only Lady's Champagne CEEPE DE . "^ h-^^Tt*^ ttt^l ?"^ Embroidered VoWbLOUSE^ S^^V^^/l I I: CHINE FEOCK- 69/6 Tor 12/11 cuffs, m biscuit, rose saxo, and flame 60 Al -wool JAZZ JUMPEES-In rose,. 11/6 For 4/11 Cream Wool CAEDIGANS-: 19/6 I % 1 only Lady's Black and Whito Ch^k 27/6 rM 14/11 sand ' helloU '°Pc; brown> Hngfisher, All-wool KNITTED COSTUMES—In ' For 14/U I I COSTUME-Belted style °§% 12 Smartly Cut Figured MAEOCAIN Jade 14/6 For 9/11 ..fawn, jade, royal, grey, and brow* fflw Mnrnrnv m^ i 7 For 12/11 FEOCKS—In navy, grey, biscuit, and Smart Jazz TENNIS FEOCKS—In grey, 75/- For, 49/6 NEW MILLINERY. ALL AX 3 i 1 only Lndv's Allwnnl ttr,.™- wi,™ jade grounds 55/- For 37/6 cream, kingfisher, navj-, royal, and Ladies' OVEEALLS—In jazz and fou- SPECIAL PEICES .' ;. A 1 COSTUME—TrimmPrt f^li ,Hf'hv, Dainty Paisley VOILE FEOCKS With fawu 35/- For 27/11 :v;lard-. 8/9 For 6/li Ladies' UnTrimmed STRAW SHAPES— .1 I x-fr', i^EII --^-»—"^3 *isg,'3^r%rt*sL sis,TS'?.r^ r^sss-™^AsaK.| I O _ T a . , o , r ■ FOIB9/.6 '" ' Dainty White Embroidered PEINCESS COATS- 49/6 For WEAE&- 29/6 For 16/11 I .B 3o Laaios'Smart Mercerised FOULABD ISiIS Pri e3 63/-to 5 gns SLIPS- . 10/9 For 6/6 SILK KNITTED JUMPEES-Hain and • Dainty MILLINEET SPEAYS- ' 4/il v : 1 FEOCKS-Insa.cni^na.y^d to^ CAPES ANg WEAPS- H °^\^ SILK^nS^ S-t Tinsel HAIB BANDSDS=S^SS SK.TS^wra,o V ers t yl OFor ,/« D^™f Children', E US H HATS-aonS^l I yaarSn 1 -Sb^"^»Fo^ b--^r^Hi :n^irs;.j^^^^^^j I ipllfl****!^, Double Width a i^A^<*<A44ULa Infants' White Bilk A^4Aft<*^ < . Double Width ; ...v,^^. I 1 Crepes—All • y^^ Hemstitched Matinees— J&>*^ Gabardine— § 3 *T oen Y-..J. shades .fc^ S/q for 4/l i. white S&^ White, biscuit ■ Jfe?^- -•-^"W- -- E &n ' r as"Yards X 2/6 For 1/11 jT Ladies' Summer Washing Silk Bonnets- J^ „. . „ 3/11 For 2/6 JT I JT Perfect Washing Ivory\, Dress .t.lnens— 'J^ \, 5/3 for 2/11. Poplin jf Limited Quantity ■ Double .Width & Ladies* I / I m^mp \ assrl^ / Ratine \ mS 5-^ xssi / L^-' ™** \ uS a X / pURE WGOK v%. I \ «jf tiUigCIlC V saxo, nnvy, pink, # "n Tl rv r( Tr rN ff Crocks—l 3/0 for 9/11. 3.0 "O "O 'HH C 1 na^7' brow' a» V ' T»« r» 1 • t > i I Charmense Silk I W^SB (FROCK Si ffePOXTSf |f "d^« I Fine Colonial .1 3i, v-narmeuse oiik f m ,. wma , \ eir , a „,,„„. ,„ pWn , taa ., fc household a ff f& qp |. rSJfi£" I Rf AfIMFR^ 11 V.5/11 V I^;^ \wi/wls Viiid. /=sij\ 6/11 yf UNDEEOLOTHING ALL AT I Ladies' Long CHEMISE VESTB-N0 • Odd Numbers in D. &A. COESETS- I Children's LONGCLOTH.KNICKEES- Ladies' English CreSe NIGHTDRFS^r i Ladies' Summ Ce UrT^S BLOOMEES sIT^NCY TOP V^g-SJ^i SS &tSA 18/6 a^'^VEN yli* !^S^ I Ladies Long %ESIS- *££ gS X " 7/1 Others, worth 25/-, Children's SUMMEE VESTS- " " Ladils'Hand-embroidered^lLK eSS | I ■ j^* 3 *4<S*. lars^-Uiei, 1/6^ --*<<^ Honeycoml) Quilts— jj^*******^ G°Ekstic— g - E /,s t x Sal^ss /^ tadio< % H:'iS%Hs /*n«»-\ "ass 1" y^.rTNc' ■..I 1/ cfi \ HrP / WIDERIB \ ariG?Si«^ / Dimdpp \ *"SSS- /„, J^T , \-l i S SnanniAJpHp t sSI P^ ollg / in «r ■w* > cella Qllilts-Sin g io Bed Jr I^UIIUCC V Tapes-3id.doz. / ftfa'rlr Tfal?an \ i If rnrTAMMr 1 ££***££. I AH-W 001 nose | we, **. wn; | BUKLAr 1 sWnonaes-I rl 'i ADDn u| C I.J ii CRETONNE I ar Bf-> 1 m^^^f,,,.. |^t^ws|| i» b^ „. APRONS 11 I\ ' Special / «_«- \ 5/6value,f W • / V&™£h»\ 1=2531? / \ ' Full cut. 3/ev^e Jj I■' V 1/71 ' X 1;:' 1/3J^ 6' V * >^ pure calico; 1/6, Eecoa- 1k p rice £ ioweUns^ # - • /"- I i <k. */«2' Coat and Cos- V 5/11 V^ structton Price 1/14; !. «. tt^^ ~f~"ii % ' *?% I£L -■-■■-/?- ■■& LACK-JTO Clear M » j«M. ftr 1/11 «/« Tot 1/11 »a t k CASH MEBEHOSi-Vl Ito, 2/8 eoatiog, t.n, bionM 3/11 Pot 2/6 GooS PiBBIO OLOVBS-lVlite oily ■ { l-ssisssg-^s^va — -'«»—™! » b^2 K, k sr Ei-|™ uH^r.» ss«/ii,! 0™; ass^jSa-^ar^ 1 36—c^o ts A €SSSs &,^-!^g^ oS^,^^ 4So^r I I Linen Knish ■ 'Satintulla' fmo cambric" ' .liiPMflxJ "" Duchess Sets- k Ai-WAfcO 1 ! 9ff^usl« Jr^ for dainty Hngerie, washes **P*^^ Trimmed tor- •jfeS>^^^^^« - '• j Jr 20 dozen X, S/o oi + VAT . ,_.„„. and wears exceptionally chon lace W^-T^t I 1 J^ »* «^ , . ,^t Y 2' 276*0^ 11 well; "Rno" i/ioj for Infants' l/ll For 1/6 jT Superfine White I Jr Pfnvc B^ir%l*\Yti«»l Strong Whito 1/4J "Superfine" °/° 2/9 For 2/2 _*lir (PL • 4t_ * j. V mtyfc VWIOUIdi V Flannelettes- # Ilfl '•& -117 \. for'W Coloured Liu^ .# CREAM WOVEN \ S/9 For 2/11 Jf WOVCII LfiemiSe X | I /WOOL HOSF \*^ / Whlte Woven \ X Sfssrssts /rt^rfb\ s»- pl-" /■■ vests \ ! J ¥ ¥ \J\JSLi HWMJU k Serviettes— J DI rtAMPDC 2 1/7h Damasks—Limited « X*- 1, JO JLJ JJJ 1^ & ion Covers, TaWe J ' . * % % \ Turnovers. f S 1 ■BLUUMtKb | ' jj- j* Q . m Q l^^^^l firm and soft 1 1 1"1 Sizes 7to 10. • .t Serviettes— 4 t Damasks—All reduced; *| V Jji"k?--a. k3 6-- half-value" 3 lonS Usually.Z^ .. &; 1 \ ii.i, a iiv-?yfit n a/fi n! ,;M A -^ v™ 2/2 .\ Worth 2/11 • i. usually 2/11, 3/6, 3/n, A wnr(!l 9/11 jf i/s, i/g, 1/9,2/6 ■ T ..;F O r"-■■--'-■"■-^"-JC' 1 Usually 3/6 to 4/6 pair S 2/n ror 2/6 - & 4/6, 5/G. 7/(i; Sale Prices VVoith l/W X 25 Sample Down \ , < i/-% A I ! T^ /n IS J* Cushion Covers „ Jt 2/6, 2/il, 3/6, 3/9, 4/6. <\ j , jT Quilts — 39/6, A I/O if" I Z\\* j£ Smart Oriental V^ 1/I 1 1 %^ | I |-i-H 49/6, and 63/- Ik .■: ; • —'— '• J? I I designs on black "■"/■*•-"-2 Ladies'' Black mid While <»Bh. -H..S^2**« >^ Fadeless more than three.t»^|* | \ yfrto fß^ -j-f^^ ground _-*r^» Gauntlet Kid Gloves— Curtain Net—lv . 'T^ a customer. '■'JdP- ■ m I ■ r'WWfT' ;;/.; Tor 2/ti IU/0 l.'oi- 8/11 ' .wanted aTt _^^JeV^:■''■-" M !■ v turn in inmiirw mn. m,, ■ „ - -"" -»^- <^^m*«^ -.:•."." ■..-. 1

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Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 79, 30 September 1924, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 79, 30 September 1924, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 79, 30 September 1924, Page 11