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SEPTEMBER FASHIONS.' Expressed in Hose and Gloves at C. SMITH'S, LTD. '• /-,- .-' . : .-■•'■ '-.■■;".'- :'■ AU-Wool Plain Black Cashmere Hose, our special,-2s lid per pair. ■ '. ". . ■All-Wool 2/1 - Rib Hose, 3s 6d pair. ; "Holeproof" Pure Silk Hose,..with elastico rib tops, all the leading shades, just opened up, 12s 6d per pair. '."'.-' "Luxite" Hose, recommendetj for hard wear, eseamd legs and strong rib-tops, in ' black, white/ and brown, 7s 6d per pair. 2-Button White Washable D^skin Gloves, French make, 8s lid'per pair. Dent's Long Pastel' Suede Gloves, 14s 6d per'pair. : „ : ■ ' C. SMITH, LTD., V: . CUBA STREET, WELLINGTON. WANTED TO SELL. WANTED Sell,. Famous Renown Port- ... able- Gramophones, English oak: case,. £5. -10s; wonderful value.: Williams, Auctioneers,, Courtenay-pl. . .. - . „ ■'. ■••'.-' "SXTANTED to Sell, Spoil, ;Clay, etc., ■ T'T and Black Soil, delivered, Lyall Bay. and ;Kilbirnie. James' Stellih, 56a, Maii; ners : st ;-.. ..'-.. '„ '■.::.■' ■'-. ■'■':: :' ■' W" ANTED Sell, Famous Renown Port-' ■ able Gramophones, English oak case,' £5 i^Js; wonderful value. Williams, Auctioneers, Courteiiay-p'l. ■ ■ ~: - ■ '■■■-•-■ WANTED Sell, Famous Renown Port-: , 'able Gramophones, English-oak case,- £t; 10s; wonderful value. .Williams, Auctionuers,.Courtenay-pl. '' : V. :. WANTED' Sell,; just''arrived, Patent . 8.R.0.5. Sound Boxes, fit an/: gramophone. Williams, 'Auctions Arcade. WANTED to Sell,-iTVallpapers, greatly ■ ■ /reducpd; usual price 2s 6d,.'. Sale : Price Bd'- per. .roll;.:. ' 'A.■•; R. Barnes,: 74, Vivian-st; :",,-: ....■,■■;■. . ;.'".■■ '.- -.r ,"fXrANTED Sell, Pianos: (play while .'-,■» -T you ipay), latest: models,-from '10s: weekly.-. 'Kimmo's, .Ltd., 'Kent terrace. .7. •\7yANTED to '■ Sell, Wallpapers, great ■TTJ rvalue, .from -9d - per' roll.- •A. R. ■ Barnes,,:74, .Vivian-st;; . ■ ;;:-■'. ■--.■■ 'ANTED: Sell, latest British-made" ."Gramophone.'Call .and hear- the famous Renown demonstrations daily. Williams, - Auctioneers. .-'--■ ■ ■ ' '.- Y\T A:NTED to "Sell,; Wallpapers, sO.p«r • ".'■, cent, belowvlanded, cost.' 'A. R. Barnes; 74,' Viviah-st. .' :":. •' ';' ■ • ' VU ANTED' Sell, • Ironbark: J Posts, • T T ■ -Ranges; Doors, Windows, Timbers, 'etc.: 19a,. Abel Smith'-Bt.-;. ,Tel. 20-593. TS^ANTED, Sell,, Player Pianos.': Del ■•■» T, mpnstrations daily. .Even, a'p child- ■ can, operate. .-;Open' Friday,'.night. ■:'Nim-, mo 3. Kent terrace.■.--,"■:■"','.'..-';^-'-t ":, - ":^;, ■ \\7"J^^TEp .Known,, new- Aeo Records, "T T -latest fsuccesses, ■":just arrived- • 4s each; Hawdrth,--109;-Cuba-st; :'■•'; „'■::..>' .TIT"ANTED Sell;. High-graae Furriituro -'■" 7■&];:. factory prices.- See us. ton Cabinet Co., Ltd.1, back-56,^'.Adelaide-' rd: : ■ :;-.... -■' ■'.- .: s| '-':i .:'. :-,- '■-,<': '■: - ■.■-,; TXT ANTED. Sell, v Gall,- inspect Patent ,-" "',^.°«-nf: Boxes,; 50s: -. Created,•.'serisa-1 tiou,Wembley.'Exhibition.' Williams Auc-' :tion:yArcade.^ - : ':'-■-"'■:-;■.-.-'. ;:v-. V .; . ;, TATANTED Known, our ■ latest marvel ■■-».»■ m Gramophones,-.: dak : ease,' with cover; £7 17a 6d.:.Haworth,.lo9, 6uba-st.>' •■^7 ANTED Known, new .stocks .of -fa-' .."7 mous/Nephine.'Fountain''Pens, 7s 6d and 12s 6d.■-'■-.'Hawp'rih.- iO'9,>CubVst. ,' -;■■ TT7"ANTED Seii, .. 'Gramophones, all , Tf- sizes :.and:! prices;,-term's " from ;ssweekly;' everyj. instrument ;• guaranteed Nimmo'ajl:*Lttl :;'-/-■'■'-•;;■;■ ■':■;:*';;:, i'^\ : : '■-■;'-■. , ;\STANTED,;.KeII..-Singer,; Golde"nTOak ' v « ,: ; Drophead,',cheap;'Oak Dfophead, £9 '■ 10s; 66,:-as'-newy.£llftlQs ; -;jj ew; ,Hand>Ma-' chine, ,£s^ ! 6d;.: i^reedlns,?ahd:Jßepairs:^ Kciwland. AyMson.vrlOl.-.Manners-st.':: :Tel. : :cl-71Oi';; il '""■-'.'.A' „i ;..-'. . :.- r ■■s"'^IV -.'V"'■"-■■-■".-■ .: \: ■ \'.i-.-' ' ;4-?NTED, Seii, Odk Bedroom and Din";; .- mg-roorri;Suites.-! direct', from; factory : to you • Inquire about; prices: .' Wellintrton.Cabmet^.Co.,.Ltd., back 56; Adelaide- , rd. ,;,. r, ■•'•!:.--■ '„■- -^;» :_ '• M.- v , '„;-•/ '■: -,-.■.., ' -.-^ • . W^ANTED" Sell,: Furniture, direct from „ .factory,-, at'■ .wholesale. prices. ; Call a»d inspect. Wellington Cabinet Co., bacJs 56. * Adelaide ; rd.: '.■•.; .'.■; \ ■•■ ■: ■' „: "ANTED - Sell,, just, landed,' new ship-.-rnent .Folding Card Tables; great value. Williams, Auction Arcade, Courte-hay-pl.-'.■:■.)';' ■'■■"'■ I ;.--/l'---:.■■■';''•/;- :'.'■'..-.'- '-■-,-■■ T^ANTED . Sell, 1; Singer Hand Ma- . -T » . chine, .'£3 .'lss; .Oak- Drophead, £6 15s. Globe (under- Grand Opera House),' -"Manners-st. :'.'..' ;.. :/'.■.•".■■■,.- .:■".':.-•.':'-'^ l : /I:'■•'. :■-■ , ' '-T^^TED Sell, latest. Gramophone R7- ---"•*. ,cords,i just ■arrived-, from' London Williams, Auction Arcade, Courtenay-pl. ','•'" r ANTED: Sell. -Piano Cases,- any . -quantity,, from: 10s.: .Apply Store-, man, Nimmo's,' Ltd.', Kent ..terrace. !, ' "ANTED Sell, brand riew'-latest Ha..waiian Guitar Records,: 3s: 6d'each; good; Second-hand ".Records, ■, Is : 6d: • T bternberg,:l27, Mariners-st.,':opp.' King's Pictures. -- : - v'.y' '".'■. ::^. i; ;V:'::..: .! .; "VSTANTED Sell,, Pianos. -Latest M6r"----.'•"...1ey. models; originally £115, now reduced to;, £75". At Nimmo's, Kent ter-' race:y:v.;,. /,-H .--,.-y\Y:; ■;'''■-: -'.".■■■;■-.--.--'--' ' ■.- 'ANTED, t-o Sell, Chesterfield Lounge , and .2 .Comfortable Easy': Chairs, upholstered ; ih-fmoquette';- worth" £30;; will-sacrifice.'-'£ls 10s. 69 „Evg. -Post., ; ?■■■:■ '":•' : ■>' ,i ; -;■'..-.■ . : 'ANTED Seii, Furniture, ; made to . .-■:"■-^our- own' design. Inquire, about1 prices. Wellington': Cabinet Co;,' Ltd ;back.s6.:Adelaide-rd.-,:f.. .;'■;;?, .■TT7'; Sell, Full .Floor Gabinit ■'■-";■■' - Gramophone and Records, £12 snip'; no dealers.-, Write;744,'Eyg, Post. .■■■ T\7' Sell,-Nearly Now Piano, »>!»..-., iron frame, overstrung; cheap for cash. 39,EUice-st. .-,:'.. ■'■'-. • ... , : 'ANTED 'Sell,- Ox Hide Cabin Trunk „ s • 955, ,Hat Boxes-27s 6d, Suit Cases ■ 175..6 d,; Attacho" Cases 24s 6d> barsrains Ni ,Wolfe, Boulcotfc Chambers. . :*.-.:■. '■'■ 'ANTED; Soil,; New Shipment, just opened, Smart Cos tfrpeks from £2 10s; Latest • 'Models in Spring Millinery i from'2ss.- Madame Cowan's,, 237; .Cuba"ANTED; Sell-Final. Cleai-arica: of .. Voloiir Goats,' i-lined, fur trimmed, ,from £2;55.; These.are really clear.: Madame Cowan's, 237; Cuba^st. WANTED Sell, 1- Mechanical Engineer's Tool, Case, and Tools, Micrometers, ,etc.,-v7 Green-baized-liiied. Maho- ; gany-frouted v Dra\yors|7, Rbyal-it.,: Berhampore.- . ..T -:-.'-''.-;■'.■ '-.'.'.' '■':■..::':.-'\ / ; . W: ANTED Sell, F^or. Gramophone and ' .-.Records,/beautiful instrument,1 '£19,- . including records;, privately;■■ bargain. (Writo-^32, :Evg, Post. :.■ . V;~ ..- -, ,: : W'ANTED^ScII,'; Whooping Cough Misture^ quick-relief, 2s .6d ..bottle..' We can. conscientiously recommend' this.' Arthur, Chemist,,,Kilbirnio. ; ;: ■ ':.{' .'.'.'■■-.' ANTED : Sell, -privately.-; Portable '.Gramophone, £3 17s 6d, cost'£B;. recently, first-class • order, i Write 838, Evtr - Post. . ■'■ ■;- l 't: :'; ■"' - ■'„-■ -■■ ' WANTED Sell, Columbia, Grafonola, > £6 ,10s,/with records. Cost £12 10s.: Oak table model. Write 736, Evg. Post:' WANTED Sell.V 5-scater Oakland.- Car, starter, lights," etc., any, trial given : Write 834; Evg. Post; .■:'. ' , ;, :.■" .■■;- „ WANTED Soil, 23 Douglas Bike, just .": been overhauled and in first-class running order; cheap for cash. 52, OweniSt... - „-.-.: ■ ■'- ' ,-•■ .-.:■■ -■■-. ? -i/---.-'- -. - ; ANTED, to,'Sell,iGramophontf. / jind , , Records, £5. 37, Tho'mpson-sfc . . W' -ANTED Sell," F-okling'.,. ■ Seagrass' .Pram,"good' condition. -Apply 85 Wnllacc-si;; -■' • '-. .'■''-■,-:,.... r ....-■ -.;. WANTED to: Soli, 249.\Galvanised :.I>-on"' -:Rubbish' Bins, .also Gas.Stovo aiul Gas Caliphoht. '.".Call.■.midday, or after ;5 :p.m. Apply -13,. Pirio-st. . ;-..'■-... V ANTED Sell, Ford - Truck,; in good : order, now tires, hood; owner has no further use. What offers? 'Poplar Fish Shop, BS, Aro-sl.. - '.. . . ;■,. .\i7-ANTip-Juplvs, ,155/ Willia-st.;- Wro 1 ■ :;.!cll^'>!l clloa P- Dolls from

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Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 55, 2 September 1924, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 55, 2 September 1924, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 55, 2 September 1924, Page 1