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: . AUCTIONS. ' V ■ „ '„-'/ SALE OF FAIRLIGHT ESTATE. ..■•■■ . • '. WADESTOWN. WEDNESDAY? 9th APRIL, 1924, at 2.30 p.m. ■■'••'■ ■ • AT ■ ' ' . ■ • ' •.' OUR ROOMS, 105, CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY. : M ES| Rw Si S R? E NATHAN AND CO. ire favoured with instructions from - ». -LUWii, Esq., to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, as abovey- ' '.-_■.; 39 — SPLENDID '■•— 39, ■•■■■■ MT HOME SITES ■■■./•■ /: ■;- In this-favourite locality, adjoining Highland • Park. ' . V.- ---■. Tram passes the subdivision, and; stops both at Moorhouse and Pitt Streets, •this property has been in .occupation of-the Vendor.for the past forty-seven years, f^is^being'. offered direct to the -public,/NO. SYNDICATES . BEING Fairlight Street is-being formed with footpath and channelling to meet the" requirement of Wellington City Council;'gas, water, and drainage mains are now being laid, and the purchasers will be, able to connect up with electric light, thus having, all the conveniences of.thecity, yet the charm'of the cduntry, and being .within ten minutes' tram ride of the heart'ef: the (city.1 V •'. ;.•"; , . Sun all-day-and glorious views to be obtained !from these sites.- Native shrubs and trees on many of the sections, and the soil will grow anything. - -, , ■ :A. reasonable reserve is to' be placed on the* sections and the TERMS. ARE EXCEPTIONALLY EASY,, viz.: 10 per cent.' on: fall of the hammer,' ;10 per cent. :' in six months, 10' per cent, in twelve months, balance within three: years. All : unpaid purchase money bearing .interest'at 6'per cent. ':■ '' '/r "". ...:'-\ ■ ■ , LAND TRANSFER TITLE. ■ PLANS NOWREADY. . •'. J. Further particulars from the Auctioneers, ■'•'" - •'■ - • > -"•■■"■ ."■' - ■ ■'■ .-. ■ v^/Tv : ■■' •■■ S..:GEORUE,NATfIAN S .:/. > - '..-•• ,' -:•■■:.••'■ ..- ; '.•' • • ■'• ■' '■ .. /AUCTIONEER.' ."/ ■ SALK9, F W^ERN HOME> 1 WEDNESDAY, the 9th day of April, •: ...... IHORNDON. .., . ■ ■„-- -. 1924, at 2.30 o'clock in the'afterrioon!-' : ' Known a 5.28,: Hawkestone street.: '" •'' ■■ ; '-' • ■'"-' -. - THURSDAY, -10th APRIL, 1924, ■: '"IVf ESSRS. LONGMORE. AND' COM-'- ---. „-'... .At' 2.30 p.m. .. ■ ■*■:+ '■ "ANY have-received instructions .■''"• '''. .-.,:' — . . , U'om the Registrar of the .Supreme Court, At our Rooms, 105, Customhouse quay. Wellington, upon the application of the ;■••■• ' ' —- : . ' --. ■ Mortgagees, to sell, by Public Auction MESSRS. S.- , GEORGE NATHAN at the Oddfellows' Hall, Lamhton quay, i AND CO', are favoured vyith ihstruc- Wellington, on the- above 'date— ' tions from.G/.H-'Scotti,Esq., to Sell by ALL THAT piece or parcel of land con■?nT IOR \YV°%£ I 0- -e~ -' f . -'('-■ taini «B one. rood-thirty-four perches Jl'V tw\ *&?,? a h°£« ge °j • and "ine-tenths- of a perch (lrd 34.9 , 42ft 4m: x. 95ft to S6 ft, rear 55ft, and ■ per.), being part of Section 52, Hutt. >rAne^w l 7rS Om-i Or 4 Sara&e; '■_'■- •' ■ -U'^nct, SUBJECT :to . Mortgage - TOGETHER with the up-to-date Bung- . N^uber 110722 ; • alow thereon of 5 rooms; comprising large. T nrPTtn;D -„.-.i' I "'■ ■' '-, sitting-room i-with open fireplace, ■• 3 bed- --1-OuJiIHER with the four-roomed dwelfooms, kitchen, tiled range and-gas'cook- ..hng-house • erected thereon. .■ V , e'r, bathroom. with p.orcelain bath and '„ „. -'..'. ' , ■",7~~,,,'.'', ' basin, ealiphont, electric light throughout Application to sell and Mortgagee's esti-' 2 lavatories, large basement well liehte* ■ ™ate o£ value may be seen at the office Marseilles tiled roof. '■ ' 6 •'■ of -the Registrar, 'and .particulars' and Designed and built under the supervis- '...conditions. ot sale at .the office of- the ion of one of pur .leading? architects, arid Auctioneers and>the Mortgagee's Solicithe house was built to cafry- another story' -f o™..,^™-; Brandon, Ward ..and His-, if desired. .'. :'■'.-..■ -i-:. ..-; „. . «>p, ISO; 1< eatherston ■ street,.. Wellington.' Tj^tle:. Land-Transfer. '.' '•■ -■ '■- .- '.'■■■■ ■.•'■■/ -n, ;" ..-■.■'■...- ';' -. ':-■' '..'' ■ Large air-space;- .... ,).,.- ,^. .;, „. ■„.--, ■.: .*, ■. . ./•■•'■ ,' •' This- delightful-home is situated: within- AUCTION ; SALE- -r OF *■- ■ FREEHOLD - 5 minutes' walk of the.heart of the city, ■ ; .; BUILDING' SECTIONS, .- ! ■:m excellent order,. and' the only reason - . ■ ; '■■ ■--■■■ • ' it is in the market is tliat the 'owner has ' "■'"' ,-' "' .." .si! ;u.a.^. .-.'" : ' ' decided to reside out of town. - KARORr AND VOGELTOWN.' - ' There is. a-great prospective value at- ■' ~■■ ■_.■■■,■■ V;tached to this property, and; the vendor To-be held'in .the ODDFELLOWS" will; grant exqopt.onally easy, terms: .-• . HALL, ,203, Lambton quay, oh "- ■ l<pr further particulars and card to view . WEDNESDAY; :30th APKIL "■ :: apply tothe Auctioneers,.* •'. . • ■ ... > < ( -a in •*■„,- •■, ■■ - .■".-'• .. .' ■ S. GEORGE NATHAN, .- .'. :: : ,'... •' ' ' At r2_^_.P- m-U - . „''.-- '■ V.: ■ : Auctioneer.•... -TIfITESSRS.-LONGMORE'AND CO. are : •■•.•'■ ,\" ■ "• ' -"-■- instructed to offer for^ Sale, by• Pub- — : — — — llc Auction, .on WEDNESDAY, 30th -"' '• - - ■'■•■' ' April, 1924, at '2.30 plm'.r''-at the1 Odd SALE OF 5 BUILDING SITES AND fellows' Hall, 203, Lambton quay f '■ 6"R°°RO?a IBAy'LING^ 15 SECTIONS RON A BAY, , . JL J situated Vogeltowq, having1 front-' , ■'- ■ SITUATED IN RON A AND age,s 1° Moffitt street, Liardet street, MARAAMA STREETS, . . and Poarce street, t varying from,4o .-On'.THURSDAY,'24th"iPRIL, 1924; , / °\™ to .... -.~At 2 J 3o_p.m. .■:■['■■.■.-. ■ : Also,. ' ■- ' ' AT OUR ROOM^CUSTOMHOUSE 3 SSS^,f?S ' -■■■■'■': ■■' \.> 1" ... ' ; ;,!;-. ■; : . road of 42 feet 8 .inches; •'by. a depth I|/rESSRS..S.'. GEORGE NATHAN AND .of 165 ( cc'- :„.__'■ .' ' XTX CO. are favoured Svith' instructions , ; ™wp nran !vMOKL , ■ to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, as above— 6 FREEHOLD SECTIONS, fronting ■ ■'-..;.- ••■■ -..' gooper street, Karori, each containing ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND, being 20 perches. „' . ' - Part Section".37 and .38, Harbour Dis- ■_' . - • -^— ' . \ " .-' ' trict, Lot 'XXI., subdivided into 5 Terms-of'Sale: £10 per centum deSplendid Building Sites,. with beau- posit; £10 per centum in 6,:12, and 18 tiful sea 'views, also Dwelling of 6 months from date of sale; balance-within , -.rooms..:.'1... .. ;;•'■'...•'■..■■ 3i; years from date of sale;' interest .£6 ON EXCEPTIONALLY EASY !tERMS.". -e w,,rtll« P" *? vY m- ■tV ' . ■Within.easy distance of'the Wharf, and -w'^aSSS """* .^^ situated iri a-.finesunny position. ■ • ' ' • ..' ■ . Now that,the Boat Service has.been im- LONGMORE AND C 0.,".."' ■• proved Eastbourne is one of .the leading ,'..' 207, Lambton quay.: .'•■'.' ■■ seaside'suburbs* of Wellington. , . ' ..-- ■".■ >. -, . r r' .'; Further particulars of the Auctioneers. ' '•' • -,-■. -S:.GEORGE NATHAN, .^ PROPERTIES FOR SALE. '■'...- .. .'. ..- .... . Auctioneer. . . x-'- ; . -..'-,.'.' . : .— — —'"■" '/-'' ; — r —'".-•;:. . ; ■'■■-.Vfor sale,-'- .'' ■ '." '■■ IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. ■ . • ■ "TTAUKARETU" ■ ■ ■ !. ..'-''' ' -: ■■" ■ ■ .'Meaning . • ' MESSRS;' SHORT AND FRASER, "tW f raFr , n rp r.f H;' ' * '' \ "'j acting onrinstructions from the' Pu- ' fragrance of the ..eweetnßeented lie Trustee, : will offer for Sale, at their ■ g -' .'' - ' Robms,. PETONE;-. the following desirable :- "■' l s 'i>,i n , m ' r f ; '-- •Properties by Public Auction, on SATUR- "-. ; the name of (-. S^o'doS?^'"^1' Al-IL' -924/ .BROWN A^D GREY BUNGALOW, ESTATE OF THE LATER. tV. HORNE,, ; .-.'•' ■ With" " - '" ' Good level Section,' situated 33,- Ar'arino. ■ •■■'■■■■•.'■ ■ road Upper HutV (containing .1 rood 0.3 . '..-;. Sleeping Porch.: ' perches), on which is erected a Butcher's '■"• . • .-— , ■ Shop broomed Dwelling, shed, stable, Picturesquely, situated .i -. ' and trapshed. As .Trentham is rapidly be- - . . ,- ■> . •"t^u comihg an important suburb the value of .''-," ' On "a knoll ■'<..' property should increase in this viciil- ■ ' - '-t .. ■'„'■ ily--'■ '■•' '-:"..' ■■;■•.■. •' .' : .•"■"; ■:'' .-At ":■: \.'.r'-- "'- ESTATE OF .THE™ GEORdE ■ , SILV^STREAiI( , .;, . -sonHtifpitog'emS^ ££££ . i ",-f"." °V^d. . , Dwelling, trapshed, and stable: '-.■■■• . ' ; • ' (2) property known as'N^. 62, Syd- For price and terms apply '. -" ney street, Peton'e, embodying a 7-robmed . ■ . -,'■ • : - : - ■D«-elling, > Vitlv-Vthe usual, conveniences,. BOX 549, W.eUington; "or WILFORD, ' /7\?pi; and shed. s: ,' .„ '.-■'■ LEVI; AND JACKSON, (3) known as No. 60, Syd- . "■ i !■: ••■■■'•■; - ney - Petone (which includes part . ■ ; Agents for t-ho Vendor; :: of section 4, adjoining),- consisting of a .'■•': . .-'• ' . ,>. ' ■shop two-story -building, factory, and .- STOUT STREET. , dWifil Th;W^r he U, SUaIi C- O"VenlT Ce?' v ,' CITY (5 mins from Govt: Buildings)-: wiin'/c.^ericf^on!^^ ! ' X^^^S^^^V 18 V ti' X T^-'- 61' 60"' did residential: area. ' ' , ■ - ■ ■ Sh^rt 0 Petn,?r VA tOr MeSSr3'- ' 81. THE TERRACE; '- bho ( rt and 1 raser, I clone, Auctioneers, Tel 2156 Opp \Veliinginn_Chjb_ THE DISTRICT. PUBLIC TRUSTEE. -KARORI '. BUXGALOW: , ' Wellington. ,-r^AUOUI-Beautiful 4-rd. Bungalow. —CTfTrnva rrnr> o.t ;~ -"^ w8" la'diout: also covered in brth--WAVTFH . ReS^ ljo;*JIRA^IAT}-' anl; -12i0 for''luick- sale; iiOO cash to VyAMhD to.fecli.. 2 Splendid Sec- approwid buyer. • ■ JH,w n«fP 9"B? te:\'T aco: also- M\ "■ :■ a.,k;gar-ver Axdco... ■•- ?^1 °13?-. Sefton-rd, Apply Dr. Mac-kin,, I 139. Lambi'uii quay. 132,-Amau-st. , .. . I : Ring £6-235 during week-end.

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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 82, 5 April 1924, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 82, 5 April 1924, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 82, 5 April 1924, Page 12