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, public'notices! welijngton city council. "hutt road amendment act, . -1917." ■'„ .... , : NOTICE. • ' , -AHUTT %£$P M, OIOR FEES. . ... Due "Ist 'Aprils 'and "pa'yaßlo on for "before : . » Ist May,-1924. ■ |3URSUANT to the Hutt road Amend- *• ment Act, 1917, Section 9," notice is hereby .•Kiven-;that-_pn; and* after- the "first Pf-y °f s April, 1924-, every, person residing ■in the City of Wellington"; and every person residing in.;the iW.eliingtgri Suburban Area . (comprises the i'Boroughs of JPetpne, ■ .LLowe r Hutt,. and : Eastbourne,''the 'Tpwn Districts'of Johnsonville: and/Upper Hutt; and -thei Counties of ..Makara and Hutt), who owns a MOTOR-WAGON, MOTOR , DELIVERY VANy THOTOR-eAK.-'-or , ; MOTORCYCLE;: and^kejeps or,, uses; the. same,, within; the said City or.'-Suburban. . Area shall annually pay to' the" Wellington" City Council on or before'the first day of / May in each and/every year,, the.fees.set ' :o,"t. hereunder in respect of each suchV < vehicle owned, byhim':'— -3V : . '■'-■ Motor-wagon, not haying rubber J . \""V ...or similar tires' ... £s'"b''!tf"' Motor-wagon, .having'rubber'or"' ''■'''■ *';?? " * similar'approved tires ..;':'.'.'.?. '- '•■S "O'"-~6 Motor1 delivery-van' '"V.\...v.'...r..;1. "2^o (X Motor-car .V:-.'ii;...'..,.V.".;;-..:.-;r.1.i.;;, ■■• -1-10 Mi "■' Motor-cycle ■-';........■.;.„:.........;:.' „, ,0;10 , ; ,C ;■ KOTE.i-Thtf-following particulars- »*-■' •required for registration: — ' •.■'.•>.!<■<■ : '1. Full name.: .. . .-:-. .1 ':■ „:.;.■■■ '■-'■'■ "■: ■•'-■ 2. Address. .:.'■; . •..,".- •' \ r :\ 1 3; Make of vehicle; ..- '■■-• ■ . '-Y'i'v '. 4. Registered number.- ' '-.. ..' '..,','■'* ! v 5. Engine..number. -...!." '■...., ''-.". -No person shall .drive., any vehicle "<asi above-named m any of the Boroughs Town ! .Districts,or Counties above-mentioned1 un-> ', •*??£. SS..WW, always, carry'"a- feceipf jb'r. ■ | -the, current,- year.', in'':'respeot opthe „ Hutt road Fees, payable for such'VehicleW ; ! SPECIAL NOTICE RETRACTION ; °" i ; \ ENGINES. . '..' ■ ! Traction Engine: No'person'shaU drir* | ;any Traction Engine on the Hutt road un- %!? 3 w ,f- hall ' fir3t obtaill a permit from \ the Wellington City r : Council.:- The fees ; p for each trip shall be-*-fixed by the City I ourveyor. . ■ ' i The foregoing :fees.,are payable- at the: v i ofiice. O f the .City, Treasurer,, Town Hall,. i "Wellington...-.; .:'■,: j■ ', " ,'.'. ' | No! individual, notice will be given.'".^ ■ i ■•.,.--.,..'■'->•, „.^i : r. JNO. R.'PALMER^ i:''' . ' ••'•••'-' '■"'-■-• :■'' -Towri'ClerisL'-:' ■ ; - TO WHOLESALERS -;•'■'"■; . . PAINTS, COLOURS, AND ' ' • .:■■.'.:. VARNISHES. -„-,'.,'., A USTRALIAN '-Manufacturers "(weli-, -<--». established) are prepared to open ' agency negotiations with wholesalers- in "■ . ?vew Zealand; with- the objecfof) estab-- i ' mSu" ls tneir ■ products on ;this market. ; ' !.- Ln?}_ r..-™?nP?aotures on a price and qu?j- ---: lty basis present uhusual'op'portnnities for , the establishmeht'of ari'exceedingly lubr'a-' tive ngency on-gpod.terms for^soand and ; energetic representatiohl: Inquiries' are.'inJ confidence,: from principals onlyi ; with ; particulars ,of., bona. fides,, addressed ■. ' in. first. instance to ' .'--"'/' "■' 1 'Vr.?;. . ".: ■..■■■PAINTSV'i".;V'r ■: o^^ i \ .Care The Jewell-Skinner. Aldvertising-'-:-V • ■ ' Agency^'-"" ""r *.».:.-^-.;. . v 161, Hereford: street;' ChristchurcH.-; -y ■> '" .MiscELLAWEqus.-:-;^.'/^'^. . ': ■.-WINTER' Pyjamas', 7s lid; Strong !t? 1 I^. Sbirt*. 7s' 6d; - Aimool,- ---• Undershirts, bs..6di If you cannot call ; write. Mark Green, 126-8, Cuba-«t. ' ' , I "DAT Traps, S for Is; Mouse Trap. 6d ' ■tt haU-doz.;. -Boston Razors, 6d i Tm Openers, 2d each.-'aU-goods .ex VoA ; Elliot, slightly damaged by water. The ' ■ S'm".Hardware. BEADS,.., all colours; from, l^M;^!^ -Earrings, all ; colours, from 6s 6<?»' H. SV, Lloyd, Lambton-qy;, andUW.'Cubar"-IVOBLERONE-^finestT- milk chocolat<' with.' Almonds , and. ' "l» packet. :/' ;, '„; : v...- . ■ ■"■ vrQ^PERS.Giyen—Accounts can be-pn^ „ . ened^vithiD. JJewlsJand'Co.'"No "£' ! .■J e,^-**--S hai:BSd''"-D-™C«W''l°»PPrt-ers, -Kit:' I birme.r1,-' ' . ""-.- "■"' .. >':"" "—' EIASTER Suits—rSave money. Your old- ' Suit.. Dry "Cleahea; Presssd,~by Ame- ; ncan Dye Works,.49, K'ent''terrace.-,TeL ' 21-955.. ,? '"'■'. '' ..L '"*'f"" 'T> .*"'"*' '** '"^y1." fpOBLERONB, .ybur,. favoiiirita CBocplaft;' ;-*• 'is reduced tp Is per .packet. ":'."■" COLGATE'S Violet and Rose Talc Pow- ' ders/ll^d per tin; Carbon Balls, 8 . doz for-Is.--At-J. R. M'Kenzie's■ Stock- , taking Sale. ' : ■'■' ■-■.•"■ --'- . A VONIA Gramophones.- Prices rang- . -£*;•' . ing from £4 &'£s. BakerU Biuldi-' Wellington! -.;,'--. ' . ' "''.■ rv . E RASTER Eggs — Puy some of these • great noyeltiespfrom Id up fo ss. i From .Dustin's, ■Guba-6t./--or-iNewtown. : ,\\f'E are the Original Manufacturers of' >■ .TTiji Mantelpieces;.,,, r CaU aijd see our- ■ i Btocks. No middleman's profit. Flann . arid vCopp;''Ltdl',"27a^ 'Bdulcbtt-stl'1' *;-'"' „' ' , QOLID. .Leather 'GLaastphcL Bags, ;Suitl!' - fJ" Cases, School BagS,. »nd Brief Bags, ' at lowesV pKces.. "' At Belchers, : corner > Taranaki and Dixon-streets.' *''-'": -'-''"' EIDWARDS'S Ooen Warehouse", -. Wiiiis- ' . ' stl, next Ismpres's.* 'Glass' Sweet '• Dishes',' 6d,» Is, ls^SdJ 'Butter^Plates.'^od;Is,' -ls--3d-.;----^ ■■■■«.. ih.-,ii:i o/i ..,^7n .. BUILDING- Sold-50 i- Ready-to-wear^ Skirts, some pleated;' ml ''aiffere'Bt' ; patterns; 14s 6d. Siegers, 27;''Manners-st. STYOUSH ' WonienT-^Her.1 picture- is not in- this advertisement;. V-Butcan't' yousee her; . No over or.down at" heel about her. ; She wears Shaw's Patent : Heel Cups,'.'madoin.England. :■.-, \.i.,,■(...;; i-;.i. .:'.,s \j-,i ! :-r^AITRESSES'.;• and: -Nurses':;, Apro^ , , V"-'jn.--stock':arid". to order; ■ <- .Outfits, etc. Mrs. Collins, next^Rqd'ib ' Butchery, Courtenay-pl,. ; t . '.;,.'■'.. ■ „; ' - DT-CROSS :Buns .-* Make Eastek. a success iand buy your v ,Buns- from ■ :Dustin's,.rCuba-st.. and NewtoVyn..." ■'_■'„... ■ " m.oney,by.buying your Enix; '■• -A niture from ■ Kenner's, ''Direct, to- '• ;.-, :Public7.':; "57.'1-dwer.';:Cula'-£tre'et!,"ty^low;-' ' shop). -' ' '-■■•:• :-: -: '■-' „;•-;- '-"*-'J'. ■■ '! ; A PPOINTSIENTS:,padc" ; tpV. r hear~ .'. .-^*-: '."Avonia' Gramo'phomes' dt "Ruishne- . ;Telri2l7;-Baker's-BuUdinga I' +^ : -J?Z% ■ CIHESTERFIELD Suius-rDeal, dii*ct; > with the . fictory; avoid, the iniddie- r: '■ man, 35" 1-3 lower than, any retail diojii?' Kenner, 57, Lo' 'Cuba-st.: ,'.:.!:^. >;:;;, . ~NjTOT co much- how !ouf •• jirices' saxk,'? 'X™ but how* Well Paragon'Suits'EervS.^ ■ Value Manners-at. .-■•....■, {,■•■■■{{ [ , "|W"EOLIN Rubbed Soles:are comfortable^ ■ ;J;/I'"'' sileriC • durable, exbe}l^nt-:qaality;!. ■ prices reduced;' W.^Beicher, corner TarSi S' nakiand-Dixon streets.: j ;...r,-u..0/.T''.,^ * |^< HTE 'the: Kiddies as" mnch TobJororii' •V3T'as they want,.1 it's good-for' them,' !1» packet. ■..-.■." j.,... . ; .y".; ■„.'.■:.„.. „i,, • • ONSTER -Writing: Pad, 250;pages,'^ex-i collent smooth paper, best value everj' ■pffered, Bjd. J. R. M'Kenzie's Stocktaking' Sale, 52, Willis-st., and 116, Cuba-; st. ■■..•.,-■ ;'•;.-. . •; .. >;.:•.•: . ■■::-■<■.*■* ■ BUILDERS— Call af.the manulactarera for .your mantelpiece. We sell at ,-. wholesale: -prices. -, -A-j visit' -.wfll-.-save- yo.u ;■ .' money. JTlanh , and Cbpp, "Ltd., 27a,', ' Boulcott-str-,;:■"-::"'.■--' . , : PT.CROSS :• Buns—Have -you' placed !• • '■■• your.Vrder^'ye^'^viaiViDustiri'sif ' '. Either shop; GubaSst: iN«Wowh?vi'i --"^ "ELOUR Coatsinade' tp'order,- all cbl-t? / .ours,1 any' style; from 90s. ' See :o«KBam'ples. Morgan*,' 115, Cuba-st; . -'. ■■.;;■-■-:■/.._ .. 'A -"VONIj^.V ~ cheapest . Gfamifiphorics ' ii£-: ' x*; Now Zealand, special;reducedL pri'ce«Lfc .Baker's' Buildings., ;Te1.:1217. ■--■-.; '.: :-.<':.'. LEEP^WELL Matfresses—Single ' 205." Doable 355. -D.F.Siittpp.^^King'sjt and Kenner's, Lower i Cuba-st- - Yellowi . Shop.' . „ ■"-;.;:'■ ..■"-.■"■ .-.-- I;-,-.-,..- . r.V. .- 'UST Landed —Pyjama Flannelettes? '35 in., Is, as:3d, Is 6d,,-ls,9d, and;2s.2d- : ' Will customers waiting please note. Morgan's, 115, CubaTst.'-' -;.v'. .*•-■.■ \ ENNER'S for Furniture —We are doi l /ins the business. Why? Because w» i ' givo" Best rValue that money will buyi-57, Lower Cuba street.I ",' "■ 7-t-->;;- ' ;;'' ?T\HE One and Oni.v Toblerone, now only , JL Is packet, all Confectioners.-'•■*>'»• r ' W.M. Big Boot Sale-^Uverstocked'-in^ ■ • ' Bostocks," ■■" CfdcKt't'"- ~aiid'" "Jones',- ' Marlowe's,—and all: leading English:-tfliric'J ' ; era, drasticallyirednce'd.: : u'j;,iW>.-Ma'rtinj'■-Cqurtenay.-pl. s,and .'Mann^jsist.^ffliy. -iF

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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 82, 5 April 1924, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 82, 5 April 1924, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 82, 5 April 1924, Page 9