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lft^^Kii\ SATURDAY, 16th FEBRUARY .JfJ. MI S> 8 «^A\ - -I^^llo/. For 60 years Kirkcaldie's Sales\ have beenfamousfor their genuineness. The Sale X/&r£?\/ Mls^'* \ /jfl 11 / I \ ■ X^~" BWK A co™me. n«es on 30th January, and definitely closes on 16th February. Orders posted '{ VkL*^ rM^ZC [M*Q.m\tli II \ A* | V f* -VSV .JU on the latter date will be executed at Sale Prices. Our price reductions are absolutely fy JS»lls^ *^ vOO //I/I W \jSP I _._* V genuine, and there are no "job "lines bought up for sale purposes. The goods \ /[A -^TT^^VV— 1 / _ offered for sale are our ordinary clean and up-to-date stock. ' 7sJt KF^^lfl \ JS Him \ \\ I I AIT 4 lirpir I The high standard of quality for which we are famous is just as prominent during VL&W& iiHe— —A /f. ,Yfff Affl " I I OUALITY ■ Sale time as throughout the year. It is this quality, combined with our wonderful 4fffirW-% : : AC/ M? jEh^iS— I | >C Wir**^** * I , values and excellent service, that has built up our Big Business. JKBLo " ' vJTti^^ I I CAATIIJI? AH I Here is anopportunity of securing Quality Drapery and Clothing at great reductions fffTj-i' I |rII\\IW rJ\re b "—for 16 days only. " • -■• //^mmmmmm^^^ ' .' |^^, F^u^ [ SIXTEEN DAYS OFWONDERFUL BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS jj Comfort and Service. 1 n . . . - . -■ - . , ' ' ■•-■.•■-.■ | J^MB Nigger Brown or | UFCSS f&DrtCS H^BWl 'I APAC "'■' /> ♦ HS^L HPiK jL *V ' / 'I Aat^PS* 1 or^ C «/c I'" SSo yards Oabardlne—s4in., better „ . ' • ' * : ' ' ' flfaK' i i"i %_ ._^ ; | ■:%;■■■ "ie Price 18/6 B value impossible, all wool, in . Hand-mtde China Laoe and Intw* Ribbed "St. Margaret" Chemise Medium Figure Royal Worcester LISLE AND COTTON HOSE Box'and Knife Pleated Sklrts-In IB]JI1 B]J l r , p a^n,. I shades of silver.grey, fawn putty, fir^^d^&JJf,^ Sf^J • Vests-Low neck and short Bleeyes . Corset-In pink coutil, low bust nuHHObE navy serge Usual price 59/6 ■wi ]! f nv*«H il^^H ■ ' *SaxeY mid grey ' mole mld mdf Kif /1 J^ ■ Usual prices 3/3 and 3/11 and medium skirt, lightly boned, Ladies' SllU-fmlshed Cotton Hose- Sale Price 39/6 ■ tt?L°SS I ■ brown» toas'^own and navy S^de Knox I h«adlace .^Jm. ( Sale Prices 2/9 and 3/3 four hose supports;.'sizes 21 to 36 In putty, drab, fawn covert atd • Black Taffeta SWrtS-A few others iSKa^^gßl ■ ■ "lalK^^ ', ■:. 7WW ne^ts^r^elfer' 1 Usually o/r: Sale Price'B/6 g rey Usually 3/6. Saie Prfce !# -mUar ,nstyle U^jal .59/6' I Usual price 32/6 ■^^/^B |. So yards Cream Serge-T36in. Heavy Sale Price 3/11 dozen yards Usual prices 3/6 and 3/11 RoVa' Worcester—Average figure Ladies' White Silk-finished Seam- Real Bargain in superior aualitv •g Sale Price 19/6 ■I^^^Ml ■ 'weight and all wool; be early for .„,.,„ SALE PRICES 2/6 and 2/11 model, in pink coutil, medium less Hose Usually 3/6 Sale 2/6 Tweed Skirts—Large over-checks S ■... 1 thls Usual price 5/6 yard . •• , SPECIAL. , Superior Quality "St. Margaret" bust and long skirt, lightly boned, Fancy Lisle Hose-Full fashioned, or stripes,, with or without pockets . I ■ Ladies 1 Patent G6lbsh Kid Leg | -- , e -Sale Price 2/11 yard Coloured Juniper Insetltiqps-^n. -Vests-Chemise length, low neck four.-hpse supports; sixes ai to 26- a luahty stocking, in grey, white, Usual prices 49/6, 39/6, 69/6, 79/6, - I I Laoe Boots-WeltedT smart apS- I rt "'"u-T- 68 <?'°^~ Sfio/vi W T'^'Sf C(A™\*', and no sleeves Usui Price 6/6 V" l • ' 9/9 tic! s& Wlth t^ C°^ St vf r" c, , 99 6, W 5 /15/6 $3. ■ pearance, sizes 2to s ■ 3^; Sm"t. mulh smpe, m five helio/violet, henna/blue pmk/ . Sale Price" 5/6 Full Figure Royal Worcester Model P Usual pnce 7/11 Sale Prices 25/-, 19/6, 39/6, 49/6, 1 ■ Usual price 47/6 ■ U, ernS- Bigger sale value un- kxngfisher lemon/royal, jade/ "St. Margaret" Vests-In good -Superior quality white coutH Sale Price 4/1.1 49/6,^59/6 '4 '■ Sale Price 18/6 I kn°wn Usual price 4/11 yard lemon, helio/rose c quality, 'low neck, long sleeves, low bust:anl medium'skirt with ■ Fancy Full Fashioned Llsla Hose-' ....... •■ ■ Jl: 1 , 1 I -„ Sale Price 9id. yard - Usually 3/11 yard Sale Price 1/8 chemise length elastic inset At WVw P iv,^»!t In black or grey, smart neat check « » « SPECIAL. I 1 ■■■■■ / 1 Usual prices s/i 1, 6/11 yard lemon, gold, jade, royal, ligh , good quality, V neck, buttoned and lon ff skirt, semi-free hip, fashioned \\l i "Ose-Full- Velour Coat-Adjustable collar, in . 1 ■ ■ ■..••! Sale Price 1/3 yard. saxe, cerise, white, black . front, rib arm four hose supports; sizes 21 to 26 . £ jfj'n B F ei'« n I ler^ ef an, d beaver, nut brown.and grey ,-- I | Ladies' Brown Calf Golosh Ox- 1 SILK BARCAINS. • Usually 12/6 yard Sale Price 2/11 UsuaV price W. 8/n, O.S. g/u Usually 14/6 . Sale, Price 11/6 1-h^- «mv r- i'u !^«.« 5/3 ' vS Pfi^ s'' ( '''""-'"f 1 1 ford Shoes-Long last, Cuban | 2500 yards Fugl-2oin.; wonderful Silver Lace Flouncing- 3 6in wide . ' Sale Price W. 7/6, O.S. 8/6 > C ood Oualltv White Coutil p«v,i Holfw®^ 1 ' ShCd Wjde Rlb tura ThJcV*^l 5 ' T h I I heels, neat appearance, sizes.3 ■ value,-remarkable quality in five good designs scallorTed St' Margaret" Combs.—V neck, Worcester Lit c Coutil Royal Hose—With plain suspender tops, turn-back ■ cuffs, adjustable collar, , 1 - I ".to 7. • Usual price 32/6 i . v Usual price 5/6 yard border Usual price 12/6 yard and buttoned front, short sleeves xVr! low w? 7f °r aT aP, fiß:" •"». Wadt, whne and Costume shades P°*et'^ belted T T m ?, lg:geTi I I Usual price 42/- WZ*Jttm ■ Special.Sale Price 9/11 yard and black, splendid value sleeves, trunk leg, Worn, size only . —skirt lightly boned; sizes 21 to' 24 fashioned, reliable black ured cotton lining I I Sale Price 82/- MaViH I ""■ •■■ ; Usually 5/11 yard Sale Price 3/8 ■■..-.■.«»««■"» 9/11 SALE PRICE 7/6 Usually 21/- Sale Price 13/11 Usual price s/n Sale Price 4/11 Sale P>lce £10/10/I I !ffi^l"Hw? sa?d utelfp!'l ?m^^ I t4 'Ff^Sifrn Hi /"^l -rf-T* • L l-K^teftl«^A BMM^Jn!SiIBI'IIMIIiK Blouses j% 9 I HHnJ Balo Prlce 39^8 I school writing Pads—Bo page. B^a»«s^=ssssss* •» wninrf - 1 ■ t •* *• r< ji ■ «.. Sale Price 8 for 2/6 Shadow Tissues and Cretonnes— London Tailored Sac Suits—Made SHIRTS. ''KAYANESS" SHEETINCS. Beautiful Cotton Fugl Blouses— I I - -__ ■ RWtW Note Books-xoo page -i ffef :ts: - Usual prices ng/6, £6/6/-, roH?r fn , ShlL'~" Wlt, h •"f»-54m. for Single Beds „ Large Assortment of Black and R 1 Patent Leather BHHPV H Sale Price 4id. each Shadow Tlssue- 3 iin. wide £7/7!; £7/isl- collar to match, double cuff 15/6 Usually 2/ri yard Sale Price 2/6 White Fugl Silk Blouses-In l««Bl|Hi?3g3Ljg. C 3ifi#-s M . ?s =^^c. «ss±*S33 ISsSsa& i«».-asSrSa |^"..7a«*|,»^»ft«* —*Afc«ftm .«jsesS£~. wATJrsi I 1 Pour? ■ n h « ■ '/' ■ Original price1 6d. packet SPECIAL 37 only Men's Sports Suits—These twill.wincella i6/6/..Sale Price 14/- in Fmlay s Sheetings. When order- Morning Blouses-^ln large variety I' 1 1 Steel beaded^rnT ■ -Sale Price 3 packets for 1/- ' Mercerised S»kVnnii n t are very special value, English '. Wlnceyette Pyjamas-Fancy colour- .«.^ Sl^"" of coloured zephyrs, all cut with I ■ i^i» ment wfth nr' S Opaque Envelopes—Sauare or ob h Poplins —In tweed, in fawns and greys. Ed stripes 16/6 Salo Price 14/- 3/- In the £ off usual prices. organdi collar and.cuffs , ' ■ hiEai^S-i-**-^^^* ■■■Srffiaaa1 s n^Hi^s ::;:3'«Hf€s — @^3^ I 1 .^^^™« Sale PHce 35/- j Cabinet Stationery—Box containing s?m. wide. The ever popular: fab- ...—ln English flannel suiting, Bar- fancy coloured stripes, of helio, . • Sa^ Prices 4/3, .4/6 yard Sale Prices 21/-,' 22/6,25/ B a Ladies' Blprt ru~ v;a «,,,., ■ ' 34 sheets note and 24 envelopes f c for curtains hangings, cush- ran s tailor make, unlined, two pink and blue 72m. wide Usually 5/6 "s/u yard - Oddments In Crepe-de-chine SamI I BhS««_P * » ld ?. xf, ord ■ Usually 1/6 box Sale Price 1/1 wns, ec, in bliles, browns, greens ■ garments Usual price 69/6 M. 49/6 42/- O S w/-42/6 Sale Prices 4/8, 5/- yard pie Blouses—Pink sky rose I 1 heels^maf fitting Quban 1' Novels -Spedal Off« Titles ' .'«'«•»>«*. ff/ev. mauve.-black and • -Sale Priced/- ' 49 Ex O.S 52/6 44/6 80b. wide Usually 6/3,6/9 yard ■.P UsualVricL's /-f'39/l 49/6 I ■ P£' B rt HPI ■ ■■pSo^^h?c PJmT« n Lo <tl»C?e S Sally 4(? IyarH d *"• Prl" '/3 Men' S SpOrtS Coats-In Donegal " BATH.NC SUITS. unhl-h- t "^h « • Big Range of CrepVdelch.SumpI § v Shoes-All 1 "Sevfn Kevs-to BalZi? P » "The c™am. putty and tussore—. and Scotch wool tweeds, lined or Men's Wool Bathlmr Suit^ , nim Unbleached Twill Sheetings- 541 n. ers-In rose, lemon, white, I g solid leather, welt- HSv^ZLfl B M,,^ »t tj j,? ' Usually 3/11 yard Sale Price 3/3 unlined q m / <!,/ S -JV L pl 5- c wlde Usually 2/11, 3/3, 3/6 yard Usual prices 20/6 ■»<;/- I led Usually 30/6 P^JM ■ Usuaflvf/ .n^C.o »ri.« i/« B"^P or Art Canvas-In all want- Usual prices 3;/-, 39/6 45/- 40/6 S.M. 12/9 10/9 M. 13/6 11/8 Sale Prices 2/6, 2/9, 3/- yard ' S^le Pr lc« 2?K 25/----s™"B«l sss mm:^. €-—*■**■ "r«ps#^ :::^HHt€ ™:~s^ "_&_^ ; I^_——^_ - ' b- 19/6 16/6 Sale Prices 3/10 ' */3' •/« yard usual price 29/6 Sale Price 21/- '



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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1924, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1924, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1924, Page 11