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The D-I-C GREAT SUMMER SALE Begins on MONDAY, 28th JANUARY, 1924, at 9 a.m: \ And in the mere saying of it, the D-I-C would empha- In the "Pilgrimage of Economy" no Wotnan and no man ~ { <<_^1 sise the fact that this Summer's Sale is a better organised, need look further for Bargains, for the D-I-C Sale is in R^L^R S—#3 more energetically prepared event than any of its prede- deed their "Mecca.'* 7 >*fo *A IllH and that is saying a great deal. ~ 6 ; iTTfI |J|P| * ■ Every Department in the D-I-C is doing full justice td |||| k4JLA Add to these factors, the additional truth that D-I-C Sale itself in providing such a bevy of money-saving chances «iils| XyALIIX Prices are so low and qualities so high that the Bargains , for shrewd, far-seeing shoppers to secure that there will \ a^ c better hv farv ;■' most assuredly be a steady call while the Sale continues. ! Concentrate on D-I-C Sale Bargains if you would save a lot of money! D.I.C. Mercery Bargains will v **"'mmmmmmmmmwm^^^^■^"■^^■■"'■■^^"^■■■■■■■■^■■•■■■■■■■iM^Bßß^^^^B^^B^MßßMßßMMßßßMßMß^Mß^MMl - . __. — . attract many men. „ . , Menl Clothe Yourselves at D.LC 20 doz. Men's Heavy "Shirley presi ' y • ' ■ Sale Prices■■ ■ the saving way. ..DENT" BRACES—Genuine make ' . ' .' ' ■ ", . . \ ' „ >^cSSfe3H! - 1"* " '. V Millinery must go-all of it. * . "Mf" SSF^ " » ? .,£S'S!ii™d^S^ ' ■»»y.*AL L .-wooi.j A « l oAßD-, n ,. t0 , 1 D.I.G. Sale Prices will do it! ' ' ° Sy umEh mAr T% cSt s s°'Z,r% . .->'-■'•?'»»« "•**.«/• „ sizes,- neat patterns and well made; in- colourings Usually 22/6 Sale Price 14/6 yard ' ' Sale Price 49/6 Men's. DONEGAL TWEED SPORTS cnng wo collars ug^P^J/j 60 yards ALL-WOOL CREAM COATING luf,nts' and Children's WHITE JAP SILK PETER PA Y HATS '*•♦ , H •- 12 only MODEL COAT FROCKS-Beaver, • TROUSERS-A special clearing line; 20 n do Z Tootal's "Red Labe^SHmi^ • . SERGE^In pretty pin stripe effects; a rea% . '""ft to"? ChlWren ' ™* ifZl^l^W^L^^ Z/tl SSJr'ffi. '^^"5 T^ "^ " """ "' '''* "* * „ forced neSinf^dt%Krn l atr «ood-loo k in g He™ of f i, wide r School Girls'. Superior Quality STRAW HATS-ln specuJa pedal straw; na.y/whL, f^^a."^S^ia/S3f/iK. .'■ • > ?"'^ I<VB . . Usual[price l2/6 SalePri« 10/fi SpeciaKCleanmce Price 9/11 yard fawn/brown, saxe/fawn Usual price 25/6 Sale Price 12/6 - Sale Price 99/6" , SUITS TO MEASURE^Spedat^ offer-- - ■20 doz. Men's All PURE WOOL SING- Very Special—4B yards 54in. NAVY SERGE— . DAIM"i MUSLIN BONNETS and FLOP BRIMMED HATS—For children 3to 7 years 3 only Smart MODEL COAT FROCKS—In during Sale period only; all-wool tweeds LETS—English make; guaranteed un- Fine quality and colour s ~ ' ■ Usual price 15/6 Sale Price 8/11 mole, nigger; best quality gabardines \n a variety of colourings and newest shrinkage; all sizes. Buy now; prices Special Price 3/11 yard JAZZ RUSH HATS—In bright colours, checks and stripes. A splendid holiday hat; will Usually £10, £15/15/- Sale Price 5 gnf. 'esigns Suits to Measur 97>« are%sually-Men. S ,^ 6 ;0.5. ) l 5 3 Ends DOMINION FLANNEL TWEED- 24 $ IM MED PEDAL STRAWS-S.artest of Zl^Z^^Z^ "-££ Sl£^3g™£2^ <£' ' " Suit M d Extra Tro^H^ Sale Prices— 9/6 . 10/6 111 grey, brown, mid grey; 56in. wide and include ribbons* flowers, and novelty mounts Usual prices 29/6 to 39/6 Usually £8/15/- to 15 ens. . Men's FLANNEL TROUSERS—In mrev--50 doz. Men's Smart WIDE-END TIES-^- best quality Usual price 12/0 yard .. '■ n ' Sale Price 22/6 " Sale Price 95/6 smaU men's only Usual nrieeS Splendtd patterns Usually 8/0, V 6 " • . , Sale Price 6/11 yard MODEL TRIMMED MILLINERY—BIack, navy, and colours, with stylish trimmings | 21 SUMMER FROCKS—In sponge cloth and omZ SIIS ' i!/i ' Sale Price 1/6 each 190 yards 3Oill j MPRIME FUGI—AII smart ' Usual prices 42/-, 63/- Sale-Prices 29/6, 35/6 ' crimp; mole, grey, sand, saxe, lemon, apricot ' ** 14/* patterns and suitable for pretty summer ' . ' ' ' Usually 39/6, 49/6 Sale Price 15/. MEN'S-DRESSING GOWNS—A useful." - . frockings " Usual price IV6 yard ' " 24 only CHECK GINGHAM FROCKS—Vieux garment in any. man's wardrobe; bound" i<n 'a . MOLLY-O IRICOLEITE—AII silk, m a • - Ordinary price, £6/15/- Sale Price 49/6 ; BOYS' NAVY REEFER OVERCOATS-^ ~": ■ A 3rS5."W%r^!WSs -»^.s™™cH GE oRGETi- The Manchester Section excels S^asnsfs^ ■**-^ ;■ : :.:. :-:.SBESfeSa£i ■>> floral md «ri;t effectai oiaei rait- «"W. brown, peacock, champagne, turquoise; ' llSell HI Oarffain-fflVUlff ' . 12. Pri™ «/vf?'"~ '" ' "' •">>«:- :Afi?:7J» ;»»^— u.».. r . ? ;, J ., rt , ■ ■ usen m oargam giving. »o.i ySraME E ra oqKsi£SfX . : M ,., sn^'^^fe^ 6 p,«a „,„/«„,„, Fa^'SSr ■ UNUSUAL VALUES IN HOUSEHOLD LINENS. / * f w DJ.C «^ ™1 H-i^-T™ eluding Tab Collars in Silk and Crepe- •' CHINE-Striped goods, of exceptional quality 21 Large DOUBLE-BED MARCELLA QUlLTS—Samples, only 6ne of each 30 °^N^ya"f Black SERGE and GABAR- '/ 1 nousand and Une Uood BargWM. , '■x£*2^j£L JM?* n'i ia- ' ""^tOnP V^F Ce£u yaTi - ' - At One-third off Marked Price ß . S^TS^ In FRENCH DOESKIN/TWO-BUTT6N /i Usual prices 3/6 to: 5/11 . , ' Sale P r ,ce 8/11 yard 115 2-yard-square LINEN DAMASK CLOTHS— Sale Price to Clear 19/6 ■■' GLOVES-Ifl chamois and wKite ~ „ , _„.„„ Sale Price 1/11 . Ordinary prices 25/6, 33/6, 39/6 Sale Prices 17/6, 25/-, 28/6 Sample Range of FUR COATS—In full length Usually 10/6 Sale Price 6/11 ■- 2n^tS^^l^^l A s^ ■ '„■•■ ■■■.. /94 2x2i LINEN DAMASK CLOTHS-^ ' "^&™ *%<>*>'->»// Setn^aSo^b^^'SrS KID GAUNTLET "GLOV^::^ ■ laces in ivory shade Usual price 42/- ' - Sale Prices 28/6, 37/6, 42/6 All Hea'Aly S ee d •' Pil? e-Sewnwras C " "Usually 10/« ELASTIC SPORTS H^tr^^ 25/" Special Offer in Superior Quality IRISH LINEN SERVIETTES— KNITTED COSTUMES-In brushed wool, with ' ' Sale Price 7/6 plain and stripes These are in«i FumUhino-.T r.™ tln i. 12/6 and 15/6 half-dozen. These are worth double the price ' long roll collar and inset sleeves; smart, easy- ' Black or White MILANESE SlLK—TwotenhisplI y e™Pa n d^e^s?o^^^ / v .Furn lS hm g »! Carpets! Bargains all at D.I.C. QUALITY SHEETINGS- _ -■ ■ fitting shapes Usually 79/6 to 9S/6 button glo^ " Usually T/ff ' 300 U F al l?I iCCS 2/3 '2/<i SaleP"cel/3 - D.I.C Sale Price*. . . 54in.—For single beds Usually 2/11 3 3/6, 4/6 Now 2/4, 2/11, 3/9 Black SATIN AND SILK UNDERSKIRT^- ' ' Sate Price 2/U ', '.. APRONS-Made Voi go^SS' 31in. FURNISHING CRETONNES- I 80in.—For double beds Usually 3/11, 4/H, 5/H Now 3/4,^4/3, 4/11 - With narrow, pleated frill or hemstitched Imitation Suede GAUNTLET GLOVES- ■■ cloths, in light or dark grounds, in good Lot I—About 600 yards of assorted colour- Special Offer—2oo j'ards 80in. HERRINGBONE SHEETlNG—Unbleached. . design Usually 35/6, 39/6 . Strap and dome at wrist, in white and styles;. Usual prices 6/6, 6/11, 7/6 / ings, principally small designs ' Good heavy quality . Usually 3/ll Sale Offer 2/8 • ' « ' Sale Price 15/6 - chamois Usually 6/11 -Sale Price 4/6 Reduced from 2/11 to Sale Price 1/6 yard > . ." " Pure SILK ANKLE HOSE-^Cotton tops - " ... —In ■gqod. strong cambric, with veined - . Lot 2—Comprises a very useful range of dark A clean sweep will fee made of all stocks in our Cotton Dress Section. The ' and feet; white only ' " '-- - a_bargain _ Sale Price 3 for 1/3 and light ground effects in appropriate col- following few items will Serve to indicate the drastic price CUts being made. «. ," % Sale Price 2 pairs for 2/« grey^ Usual prices 1/U tof/ll Lot 3-Includes some heavy-weight repp cloth " „'■ a ,xr xr^rr .c Uaua% and 4/6 Sale Pnce 1/11 . Bargains are Irresistible. „ and colours Usually 12/6 and 14/6 -, ' cretonnes, mostly suitable for loose covers and 6 pieces Smart New VOILES- Usually ;8/6 Sale Price 1/11 NIGHTORESSES-In floral crimp , . Sale; Price 10/6, dainty H^L?: ff- , VEI; S~t n upholstering . l>ooo yards of SPONGE CLOTHS and RATINES— Usually 3/ll and 4/ll ewe? m pint white, and'Ulac; flnished'hem- Bladk All-wool FuU-fashioned ENGLISH ■"»^^selS •■■ Reduced from Vll to Sale Price 2/n yard Clearing Sale Price 1/- yard g> Us"? Sc^if/a «/«,,/« . HOSE-UwaU, 4/11, Ml. e/11. 7/u : 9 . Special Sale Price 1/- each ' Lot 4-At nearly half-price these hand block 4». pieces HORROCKSES' 33in. WOVEN STRIPE SHIRTINGS—ReIiabIe Sale-price, 9/1) 11/I,'M/I - Sale Prices 4/6, 5/6, 6/3, 7/3 -* FLOUNCING-^ Wn^^f"o^ '•■'■■■ P^ted taffeta cretonnes are sure of a speedy ' g°°ds ; ' , Usually a/ll Sale Price 1/11 CAffISOLES-In nainsook or longdoth; ma- ' Black MERCERISED LISLE HOSE— henna shades; a really beautiful lace clearance; 6 pieces only; 360 yards 25 pieces Strong and Useful BEACH SUITINGS—IdeaI for the kiddies for cl>»>e-made and trimmed . lace, embroidery, ' FuU fashioned legs and suspender tops Usual price 37/6 Sale Price 21/- Reduced from 6/11 to Sale Price 3/9 yard school or holiday wear .. xUsually 2/U Sale Price 1/11 Usual Drier, 7/fi «/n in/ c * ,q/ c UsuaUy 5/11 Sale Price 2/11 IS^AmTJ^Ss^M^t •■. 3"n. FABRIC LINEN-Adapted for cushion • . ' , Sale Price. 4/6. 5/11, 6/6, f 7/11 .:':/,. infants' frocks Usual price 4/11 * and loose covers, curtains, etc.; semi-conven- / ■ * . Dainty DRESSING JACKETS—ln'plain or Sale Price 3/6 tional floral and bird designs in mixed colour- ' figured silk; trimmings of lace and ribbon or ■■/..'•.... 4 pieces only 36in. VOILE FLOUNCING . ings on grounds of almond green, blue, and ' laangs to tone Usual prices 32/6,35/S Fane* Warir W M I. T.»— J Ml J—ln champagne, coral, white, sky, with gold , s . Sale Prices 27/6, 29/6 . *. ranty nws, woou, 1 raced Work. coloured ; embroidered border; very -Reduced from 5/S to Sale Pri«, 2/n i ' CREAM MERINO COMBINATIONS — Un- " Many Bargains here. „. '. classy Usually U/S Sale Price 9/6 *. neaucea irom 5/b to &»Ie Fnce 2/11 y«rd ■ shrinkable summer weight; W. and 0.5.; low 31in. TAFFETA—Printed in multi-coloured j* i| /^i. . '\ -.- . necks and short sleeres Usually 10/9, 11/9 . . WOODEN EMBROIDERY RINGS — t -; v , x ' stripes; just the thing.for summer bach fur- OUV all TOUT QIIIUL and HardWaFC ' ' BiTmvr^ Sale Price. 8/11,9/U ; . and lOin. in diameter UsuaUy 1/3,1/6 •' nishings JL . - ' . _ , \ BATHING COSTUMES—In woven cotton; in . Sale Price. 7d lOd Small Ware* at Infinitesimal Prices " Reduced from 4/6 to Sale Price 2/3 yard % at D.I.C. Sale PnCCS, and Save Money . "^^ 17/s Wbitt : CUSHION CORD-2 yards " ' make Welcome Bargains. SHADOW TISSUE—This fabric is ever popular* • '- ' Sale Prices 7/11,' U/« Sale Price 1/6 dox. WHITE PYJAMA GIRDLES ' a"d inv*riMyP™™s a s "<*ess in planning J, 1 P1""^ £E^ A, RT A SETS- - . Usual price 60/- Sale Price 42/6 w J.B. MASTERFRONT» CORSETS—In pink Children's CREPE DRESSES—Traced Usutl-p^ice 1/" SjTpric 10A any colour scheme; in cream, grey, and black GLASS JUGS-Best quality.; cut and star design Usual price 8/6 Sale Price 5/9 brocade; low top and long close^itUng skirt with neat itnd good designs -shadesKLEINERT'S On!aND-5fF? DRESS grounds. Single-width Shadow, 31in.- TUMBLERS-Etched design -. Sale Price 5A half-dozen WATTVW "i"" 1 price 89/6 S*U. Pri"-2S/* white, sky, pink, apricot Us'uaUv 3/U ■ SHIELDS^- Sizes 3, 45 Reduced from 5/6 and 6/6 to NOBBLERS-Ring foot and etched Sale Price 4/- half-dozen MATINEE JACKETS—In fine white 'muslin, *P ' P „7 3/ n )l -;.: Usual prices 3/3, 3/9, 4/3 Sale Price 3/11 yard STRONG MEAT SAFES- SJe Price. 14/9, 16/6, 20/- - damtily trimmed Val lace edging and inser- . ' n _.. -_„ _. „. »ale Price 2/6 Sale Prices 2/11,3/6, 3/11 ■ „., .... Q . , K . ... • ENAMELLED PUDDING BASINS^- u7naUv 1/2 1/6 1/9 2/fi Urail priees#7/6, la/6 . IVORA SILK-In Jib. hanks; shadesBLACK WOOL—Mending1; on cards" ' Double-width. Shadow, 50in.— ■ > 1 d • «j ,1 ,/ ,/, - Sale Price. 9/11,10/6 - black, brown, navy, kingfisher, pink' : Usual price 2d. Sale Price id. card Reduced from 7/11 and 8/6 to STAINLESS CUTLERY AND FT FrTROPT ATF ' •?/ • '.1 * n"' \ ' Smart and Damty Styles in Girls' WHITE Usual price 2/9 Sale Price 1/11 skein Heliotrope/white, Pink/white, Sky/white ' S.elPrice 4/9 yard TINS OF ALITMWmIT ttmt^V^ p«t t«» „ , 3/-m the £ Dwcou^t MUSLIN AND VOILE FROCKS- CLARK'SFLOX I»« h^t \ 7 PYJAMA GIRDLES—FuII length' / TINS OF. ALIIMINOL ALIIMINIUM POLISH-, Csaal price 6d, Sal* Price 4d. Usual prices 12/6, U/6, 17/6, 19/6, to 49/6 tLAKXh tLOX-^Large hanks; shadesSale Price 6d. each . . ' ■ .«.■-. S*le Prfceii 5/11, «/11, 8/U, 9/6, to 25/- ; brown ' botUe green, navy, pink, grey, LEAD CURLERS—"Crescent?" make; one ■ ' . ' . purple, lavender, saxe Usually 2/9 dozen in box; extra length v . ■ ' " Sale Price l/ll hank Usual price 1/11 Sale Price 1/6 box ; /, ; SIL^ FLOSS-Assorted shades ■•':'■ ■'■'..' ■ "' ' ' '■ •'. ■■^l^a^^m^bjMM■■■■■■■BßßiB HB B«BBMBiMBBi^^g^| BB^BBB (|^^ B |i a^B j B— i^g^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ " Sale Brice 3d. dox. ikein* ■. , mi T ?: rf-WffiJKL.4./. ■■ MlIUl;X «,*,« tfepJ D.I.C. Sale Prices make Big Bargains .- MEN S TAN WILLOW CALF DERBY BALS—CaI£ WOMEN'S GLACE KID LADDER-BAR ORNA J^t' t^M LADIES' MOKOCCO HANDBAGS-L.rge variety BRONNLEY'S SUPERFINE BATH SOAP ' ' ' "' u Jlwb3lEbl%F!t s'-ris^s-H.^- |T|il .-■—"^-—^ t^6t012/ : v^^^v->«™»£°k?& J™^? , ? u/^ ERBYBALS-Plain . ..' Usual 62/6 Sale Price 30/- lIIH LADIES' HAIR BRUSHES-All specially marked PIVER'S FACE CREAM- Now 3 for 1/6 vamp (,no cap) welted soles. A boot created WOMEN'S PATENT COLT OXFORD SHOES—' 11118 down; the low prices will astound you TT«n»l «*• */« N ,/o - for comfort and good wear Plain vamp on long last, sewn soles, half Louis Lfjl^l TOILET SPONGES-Fine quality" * PIVER'S FACE POWDEE-. P""*/6' -^-^ V YGI^TMORbS&SSS WoSs AMEWCaS-So^CaS? %5g% I^o7^ THE FA^US SabS^SpSSSe^- 3 V" YARDLEY'S TOOTH PAS^^ ' 3£. SHOES-Sports hee, w.t.d , XUAU]^ • Were ,/. and ./. Now 1/9 2/6 .. ,/. ,/- sise-Now 1/3 UsUalss/ aale Frlce 22/6 Large Reduction in all Toilet Goods.

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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 21, 25 January 1924, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 21, 25 January 1924, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 21, 25 January 1924, Page 11