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vSf^BmS^f^i :^^^& WHERE TO GO FOR THE BEST ;. .: :^^^^^M^^^P«l •■ Give HIM SOMETHING HE CAN WEAR ' WHY PAY HIGH PRICES FOR FURNITURE / /_ ■ ■ j lK^^M^Si^^^^^^^^»»r ■•' Whether his a^ *Bor 80 y°u can select ' ' visit ' ■ : SPORTS GOODS ll^^^^HßraM^^^^^^^^^^^^' CHRISTMAS something suitable from our up-tb-date stock of The AUCtiOII Arcade ■ TENNIS RACQUETS BOYS' CRICKET SETS lllKit^PfiSSiS^ PPT7QI7VTC ''> Reliable Men's Wear at a price you can afford , COTIRTFNAY PT APR ! TENNIS SHIRTS CRICKET BATS * «ks^^fe^fFjteS^»^^^^s^^»^S» » I IIIIIlP''"^ P^y* i—Aige ocicction, v-iorrect otyies» ■ swimminc 1 posttimf^ TFNNm S^^fl^^SHlnra \r^ I7ATHI?!* YTV/fAC Low Prices. • ' The largest Auction Showroom in the Dominion. Huge - _ 1. PiB^TOBf^HBi / fAIJUiK AMASS ; y rFBTAtNTY Stocks of New and Second-hand Furniture, Pianos and CROQUET MALLETS. . iSlSSW^lfe^^HilJ^ '■ Arrms with Ms Fairiei at ', - QUALITY A CERTAINTY ■ Onmophones to choose from, ail in and get our prices-it . We Sell Everything for Sport. ' i^^^%tcSis^|| ' l™ffljßlfiiip^ ' OUK WIINIJOWS , . will pay you. ;..■■.' . . ' - ■ Ijlll^^HißplS Aitken's Toy Cave HORNIG'S Ltd. wil I lAIMQ jp r iij N.Z. SPORTS SERVICE J-uijj .^•-^^^^^g^^^^^^r Open Every Afternoon—2.3o to 5 p.m. ' . THE POPULAR OUTFITTERS *** %X» V^W» A^VVI. Box 1060 (H. M. and L. W. McGirr) 'Phone 264 «f I f ~Wo^i§^ssS^^ " -Saturday Momlng-10.80 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. j For A/en anrf Koang M«n '. AUCTION ARCADE ■ ' 38 WILLIS STREET. I ji! E/^S^^^P »U.J. ».*.J. c f . m wit x ' CUBA STREET ' 19 COURTENAY PLACE Mail Orders promptly attended to. . AltkenS Arcade,s CourtenayPlace,Welfißgton ■'■_ „. . J .-._ ~. -:..^---^---,-_* y , J il f jl ====SS=' ■ <B**°" ~~ " ~~ ' [ T""* 4*^ ; •'■-■ .;■■-. f You do not go to the Saddlers | I THE SEASON OF GIFTS. * SHOP EARLY j.t.O ISliy a JJiamOnd rving. are being made all the year round—Christening Gifts, Birthday Gifts. Engagement Gifts, YV?*/VC FrkfvtiM I^AV I r - And far the same 'reason you should protect yourself by purchasing from those i I Wedding xGifts, and "Tokens of Esteem" that range from a fountain pen to elaboTate presents. S\ UIU.O M UUL U/CU T , \: '~i :- whose specialised knowledge of the goods ensures that you get Dependable Goods at V_J* of silver-plate. But Christmas »s the one season of the year when gifts are made from all to all at Bedrock Prices. It is not the intrinsic value of the gifts that matter half so much as the kindly spirit and the good *t^iit¥t* -r*r\r~\rT* _ _ . we ARE offering you a greater selection at more reasonable prices in-.- . will they represent The pleasure of giving is, on the whole greater than that of receiving, especially THE BOOT CORNER CHINA WARE, TEA AND DINNER SETS, ROYAL DOULTON .WARE . » thJ CaSe °\^\^^ZJ^ ? § "^g T ATFQT C; T VT RC. aluminium ware, saucepans, kettles, Etc. , . this time nearly two, thousand years ■ ago. LATEST STYLES stainless cutlery, c.p. spoons and forks;.- If gifts bring pleasure to the giver, they also cause anxiety—in their selection. How many people LOWEST PRICES : . tools, t.oys, Etc., Etc. would be only too glad to give the money value of the present, and be done wjth it! But that would r*w*wxr haat fIT/\nra : ;.«■ x b Make your selection early, and buy and save at . be altogether contrary to the pure idea of the gift as the symbol of the Christmas spirit of Goodwill. . CITY BOOT STORES t •" nftTTJI? >CTTi/fC XJ" AT> T\Tl7 41> X? i~**f\ T a-A Jw > ! iffif Cbrher Cuba and Ghuznee Streets : ytMlir; SIMS HAKD WAKH. CU., Ltd. §§**« — . ——— — : ——— ——: ——; —————— *+*m l -our only address :-r", " q'UBA STREET, WELLINGTON^ '"' ■', ... . ,' '".," " " ■. ' "- 7. .- . ■ ■■ -> V '-^ - '-— ■ • ■■■-■- •■■.- ■: ;^V - j 4-XMAS BARGAIN EVENT V HARRINGTONS I c^ staas c^ b»4»"«a year: earc« l: "R^ ; ,5 At The Open warehouse .. Thl ««.«.«r o-*m—.■■ |ft s everyones delight to keep it up Everywhere r^^i - —+ — ... 4« • >•- . •■**« ■■ * v* • Xv v \ BRITISH CARBINES I I w - ' ■ « v i ■■■■•" . • i^ .^j^BJ^^m. \*L n Fine Selection of Xmas Gifts at Wholesale Prices f X h=^ J British ensigns J Let US help YOU keep it Up jßg^WmSSkt *,%* This year our assoaftment oi Christmas Presents is bigger and better than * ° F°^ DING BR°WNI^ KODAKS • ' • - lH m&* S '-' any previous year. [We can guarantee a Quality Article at a price much _ ¥^^^^^^\f\ AUTO By specially reducing our prices for High-class BISCUITS we are *** <j i H S !!: ! lower than you are expecting tO pay. ; I tiV^wl^sJ I Our window display will attract , helping you to suitably keep it up at-a low cost • '<%£'< SJUtt ffi |j j«JL ' ' ..,_:■> „..„".„,. „ „ . ' A> •' I®^ you. Our wonderful stocks will . - ' ' -■•- VVT 11* .■■ i\%'\ IffiS «* H ! !t'■ -; "; Yoxl realise ivhat the fascination of purchasing Christmas rresents really is IH IIFA B interest you. Out service will : . \IU j\l|-mi% jvtjuix ' '' '■' ' ' ffflft '«♦?! * ! !? ' "f ' when you see the display of " Byzanta Ware," " Atlas," " Torina," and || \ BwA • help you choose , BISCUITS. ■ |. . fV ClllllfflOll *<$&* TmH • S:?S i 5 i ■ ::. ..: - Doulton China, and the famous " .Winton" Pottery in all its beautiful designs " U H THE MOST APPRECIATED APRICOT BAHS l/i rb. '' . ©• i y^j^W^SH j! jjpt*V*FJ} ~ ...,. and decorations.' . I I^^^^ l^^^fea^ GIFT OF ALL— ABKOWBOOT (MILK) ■ I.. 1-.. 10d. Va. ■ ' " "jfIHBWA A' * ... I «%rx«t a 4 <>nn a Belgian creams l/s id. And you'll not find such lWßßa\i r.'' y Sparkling Cut Glass ana Crystal. What is more Beautiful than Crystal on a A GOOD CAMERA BLACK CCBBANT BOLLS .1/1 ID. - values in suits as we're >1 '^ ; ' Z White Damask, always brilliant and useful, and simply ideal for Presents? "" A - ■■ ( ' COCOANUT CBEAMB ". l/l lb. « • ■ I'Si !■- ' : Z For the Children—Mugs, Cups and Saucers, Plates, etc., in Nursery Ehymes, y If out o^ ew oW^ ce Si?t for our COCOANUT dbops ..''.'.'.'.*.". ,.\..'.'*','.'.\\]\\'.",'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ! l/l ib! ' Offering at \ iffl 'C : - "Imps," " Bro^vnies," "Black Cats," Knife, Fork, and Spoon Sets, Toy. new price is, CHOCOLATE FING-EBS , , 1/6 lh. jm j*m m/^ I HJF' jftk £ ' Irons, Shoulder Bags, etc. - * ' &2^ - *v<^r-# -s^_^t.- cbeam cbackebs lia. VaJ . ■4F^X. / | \m_- flP' ' X •" ' ALLOW US TO. SOLVE. YOUR XMIS.GIFT PROBLEMS. ' /Mr 7 \ y. i SAO CBACKEBS „ .„„,lid. lb. IA-) M. J li//\/ te •^•■_ l _, ■ ■'•««'■■»"« ' CBEAM SANDWICHES > •, 1/1 lb. \J m. fiav«» VCkllW ei7A AflH ttfvie | R. P. Edwards &, Sons., Ltd., Hardware and CrocKery Specialists 42 willis street. Wellington (o PP o«te wind«.r Hotel) cbeam chocolate , 1/3 ib. _TTC? ****v« y«ur »i/.c aim my^. F ----■■.•;■ - / " "'■--'-'■" and at 140 Queen Street, Auckland, and in each Australian State FAIBY CAKES 1/10 lb. fl/^I I^TY*IF\I^HJI A%f O C*fWlO I Tfl^ I - XHB open warehouse l — =J figbars. vnb SLHNtIULMAN & SONS Liu. fc 9^ilfi? Street (next m Press Theatre),^^and at Dixon Street and Palmerstoa North J ' . , " ' SSotS ""^^^"^'""'!"""!!!""!"'! Jllb! TAILORS -86 MANNERS STREET ■>§^? , „_ i ■'i mi i '' ■' i ' "^" -^mmmmi^*——*a^*^^m^mn*m^^mmmmmma^mmu^m MACABOONS-.... ..-.«... w...,.- 3/- lb. I / • ■ ' ' ■' '• .' ' ' '.".;.. " bim^—MMiM»MMiin'ir:ni— rn— — ———^-— I —" '. >rf^k . . . ■ ZEALANDIA MIXED Bd. lb. I l-—■"^""■"^■^^■■'^■•"^™""^ J& "".'.'.' . —»—■■ . . i^k PEOPLE'S MIXED i „.., „...;lid. I*. | L. EVANS & CO. FO* VALUE. ; w*±^ u}&auT QummAv tlnflioc^ lw^v\ ' xmas hams tvanss for Xmas Bargains a new oummer uotnes hurrah w^«f hurrah S^'^S •* bargain price! ""I /vii§&. ' ' IIUIVIVAri y*^A^**mjg}7 OUIVIVIfI . -^"*^»^ »*m»«^ m Largest assortment of Fancy Handkerchiefs in town. [Value is 1 Afllfelrt^ •!■ Ollf of 911 (\\A WnrdrnKp \yi"^^erZr\ ' .We stock" the only real SUGAR-CURED HAMS on sale H . w . w exceptionally good. ' .' 1 /-^l\lllsKr3 V/Ul Ul CHI V/IU If CUUr UUC rv"V/ / _ '111 ,Vast .Variety of Fancy Boxes of Embroidered and Lace-edged Hand- ! I Bi ■ A'^/*'^ "^-^ v »-»3fc[ in Wellington. Be swife you get one. m kercbiefs— r» I'" , Of course it CAN be done. Our Modern *o^k^3> ' ~" "' P*» l/Mb. . Lace-e^a^etn^ zen 2/6> 1 111 liSffi Ilia li. Cleaning and Dyeing Methods make it miff*mßnTMmfr >r 111 Embroidered Handkerchiefs— 6d., 9d., I/-, 1/3, 1/6, l/ll each All' I i rio«s«!ihlp for US to "■"SSHWBSS^^ST CAiT^IIDCn HAM<! 111 Coloured Parisian Handkerchiefs— 9d. each. Special' All MM 11 II I 1 PQSSIDie lOr US IO , SALT-CURED HAMS— 111 P . D . Sample corsefe—ln handsome broche and satin cloths \Wffl i^^l 1 IH X /^*:-.^ 'V^--*. ni/4 "Pafhttr YmnC flO6 Qf«*iirA^ «»f Price 1/- lb. Worth 2gns. toSgns. Xmas Sale Prices 8/11, 10/6,12/6, 15/----i\\\vl Wmm liW VJIV6 YOlir OIQ V^lOtil6S railier Amctd noS arnVcU SI . r "^ 4/- IB* I Lovely ranges of Silk Jumpers—All shades, latest styles, full sizes " \\W\l WM IIUWWV^s .* vr**x w*wi.**v^ , 11 Special Xmas Sale Prices 12/6, 15/6, 19/6 v\\\\\\l '"' nUV(^3k\* O "NToTXT T oaCO r»n T Ifo " TVT "I f FT* *-%. II Crepe-4e-cbiae Blouses—ln all shades; newest goods; hand-embroi- . •^\l I# w "isSIV a aN6w juease on j-»ue. INiPiQri Q i cylt ■ cit7A ' xmas poultry der^ is/iwiaw ■ : ">1 i _^=!L>^llU\ v 11 * JLXCIOII »3 1 V/V VjClVv AlWftfl ruu;< ■ ' I Irish Han4<mbroldered Voile Blou«*-XmM Sale Price 9/11 Special : M ' W ■'Jj a^S^/\% C*n aS SI^ art as any woman * • XMAS POULTRY bvahb toe cmjod silk hosiery. c V.*^v itiefc&A fkWL this Summer even if yOU Cannot afford , n s .« c, . «,■_ m^-j. »».. „, , , „„ Biggest assortment at lowest price in Silk Hodery— V> -■ (ijßjSJwsft 1 tO buy new Clothes. Just send US your »n« wtll be tn h« Maftc Afeoie daity f»om t p.m. tiU r .We will have in stock for the Christmas season- ! Tiom 1/11 to 13/6 pair ■■' JjHrYv'W 'rV ri« S n™«.. «f rw 5 p.m. and ftom I p.m. tiU 9 p.xn. on Xmas Eve. ; ' , - TllO irev«_Aii • 0 • 9/ lk Black, white, grey, and all shoe shades, including "Sfcawknit" ' ' ' a^**~jS «|^__wyi *O I Costumes,; Coats, Dresses, or Coat v Hundreds of TURKEYS —All sizes, rnce 2/-lb. - At 3/11 and 6/11 pair Frocks for treatment. We'll give you FATHER XMAS has thousands of Boys' and Girls' Toys :J Coekereh, Ducks, Ducklings and Roasting Fowls See «*f/ reS* **"P-. of NS W Egy^ I™"» d o!^!''^^!6^ ■ .—^^^^^mM^ Prompt and expert service at a nominal to show. Everything; yoo vant . , at Pr . ces fa Town _ • **' beautlM goods 1/u' 2/6> %,JffdS!&-ffiiS ■ v 'fai***"^ ■ charge. c * • p t' w < I Suede Novelty Calendars— 1/-, 1/6, 1/9 \ ' - Scooters K-ocfcing; Horses Tin Soldiers Depend on us for your supplies. We are dependable. L. EVANS & CO. POB VALUE. - - W« *le« L« nA -» C~—*-l TADDCT riCAMIWr DI A TUT S Cradles Toy Pistols II Ei S Purchase Irish Embroidered Tray Cloths, Pillow Shams, Duchess ; We also nave a opecial LAKrtl LLt-AINInU rLAiNI 11 *«*, sunners, cushion covers, Etc.^ And heaps of other glorious presents. 1 T% Ol fk if V I" if"! W. W l/ 11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 4/U, 6/11, 8/11 . •' ■ ■ H X ■ %^ Im/I ■ ■ ■*"« Fine Assortment of Damask Cloths— At 3/11, 5/11, 8/11 , Phone or call at any of our Depots for Quick Service. Try our lucky Bran Tub, Marvellous Value for 1/- Si 3 • O IV*. JL JL &JL eyecy e gJSSl 8"^ Damask- ?/6 2/11 ?/e s/il S Tk^ V^f^vio I .„_,]«*,- P^ I NO CHARGE FOR ADMISSION TO THE MAGIC TOY CAVE g Food and Dairy Produce Se^teß-AU X your Km , Presen, ftom The Victoria Laundry Co., Ltd. Na R , Leather A d I specialist L. EVANS & CO., LTD. [ HANSON STREET, WELLINGTON. __l) CUBA STHEe'w^^^ 6 11 , an d SO^URTENAV P LAC E || '

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 142, 13 December 1923, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 142, 13 December 1923, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 142, 13 December 1923, Page 16