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HIGH WATER. To-day—"h 41m a.m.; 8h llm p.m. .To-morrow—sh 35m a.m.; 91i 6111 p.m.

ARRIVALS. December 11—John, s.s. (3.30 p.m.), 342 tons, Hawick, from Sew Plymouth and Wanganui December 11—Echo, auxiliary scbooner (4 ■ p.m.), ua tons, Dempster, from Blenheim December 11—Wamui, s.s. (4.55 p.m.), GS4 tons, Si2er, from l'icton December 11—Koln, auxiliary scow (9 p.m.) 125 tons, balder, from Havelock • December is—tfblindale, s.s. (12.20 a.m.), 081 tons, Williams, from WanganuL . December li—iVgahere, s.s. (12.40 a.m.), 1090 tons, McLean, from Westport December 12—K-ipuni, e.s. (1.45 a.m.) 275 tons, Gibson, from Patea December 12—.Ngahere, s.s. (12.45 a.m.), 1090 tons,. Morgan, from Westport December 12—Kapuni, s.s. (1.55 a.m.), 275 tons, Gibson, from Patea . December 12—tilimaroa, s.s. (5.16 a.m.), 5777 .tons. Wyllle, from Sydney ' December 12—Sikau, s.s. (0.40 a.m.), 248 tons, 'Vasta, from Nelson ' December 12—Wahine, s.s. (S.lO a.m.), 4436 .tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton ■i December 12—Tahiti, srs. (8.30 a.m.), 7898 tons, Aldwell, from San Francisco, via Papeete and Rarotonga

• ' DEPARTURES. December ll—iialria, s.s. (5 p.m.), 7914 tons, ' Cllfton-Mogg, for Bluff December 11—Kittawa, s.s. (5.20 .p.m.), 1247 tons, Cameron, for Greymoufch ... December 11—Opua, s.s. (5.80 p.m.), 675 . tons, MeKenzie, for Westport and Greymouth December 11—Koi, s.s. (5.35 p.m.), 136 tons, Stevens, lor Nelson . December 11—Wakatu, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 157 tons, Robertson, for Kaikoura and Lyttelton December 11—Waimea, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 454 tons, Graham, for Westport and Greymouth December 11—Wainiariuc* Sss. (C.30 p.m.), 4204 tuns, Molyneaux,. for Newcastle December 11—Invercargill, s.s. (7 p.m.), 224 .tons, Wilkinson, for Wanganui ■December 11—Sgaio, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1203 ■tons, Wiidman,- for Kelson . ■-' December 11—Mararoa, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 2598 . Rankine, for Lyttelton December 11—Ripple, s.s. (10.5 p.m.), 413 'tons, Jforling, for Akitio, Napier, and Gis- I ..-.December 11—Karori, s.s. (3.55' p.m.), 2040 i*ons, Walker, for Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Jlunediu, and Bluff.

eXPECTED ARRIVAL^ Wairau, • Blenheim, 12th Maori, Lyttelton, 13th Corinna, Lyttelton, 13th Moeraki, Lyttelton, 13th Kahika, Greymouth, 13th Jfgaio, :■ Nelson, 13th Rimutaka/ Wanganui, ISta Port Victor, Auckland, 13th • Wamui, Picton, 13th Opihi, Nelson, Hth Echo, Blenheim, Hth Sikau,- Nelson,. Hth ■ Wahine, Lyttelton, Uth Wakatu, Kaikoura and Lyttelton, Hth Kennedy,' Foxton, 15th Port Denison, Auckland, 17th Kaikoura, Auckland, 17th

PROJECTED DEPARTURIB. Kennedy, Foxton, 12th vßcho, Blenheim, 12th Port Hacking, Lyttelton, 12th Wainui, Picton, 12th Maori, Lyttelton, 13th Wairau, Blenheim, 13th Oorinna, Nelson, 13th Kgaio, Kelson, 13th Nikau, Nelson, Hth Wahine, Lyttelton, 14th Wainui. Pictou, 14th Moeraki, Melbourne, 14th Dlimaroa, Sydney, 14th Taliiti,. Sydney, 14thWakatu, Kaikoura and Lyttelton, lota

THE INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. " Tahiti," arrived at Wellington 12th December from San Francisco, Papeete, and Earotonga ; sails llth December tor Sydney. (U.S.S. 1\ iloeraki,; .'left Melbourne ith December; due here on 13th December; sails 14th December for Melbourne. (.U.S.S. Co.) Uaraniu, left Sydney 7th December; arrived at Auckland 11th December; sails 14th December for Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.) ' Ulimaroa, left Sydney Bth December; arrived at Wellington 12lh December; sails'l4th December for Sydney. (JJuddart-Parker). . Manuka, leaves Sydney ntU December; due at Auckland 13th December; sails 20th December for Sydney. (0.3.5. Co.) .

C. AND D. STEAMERS. .-' Latest movements of C. and D. Line steamers are:— ' -The Port Victor left Auckland at 6.50 o'clock this morning, for Wellington, where she is due on ■Thursday to continue aischarge of cargo from ■Jiew l'ork. she will complete discharge at lyttelton and Dunedin. The Port -Hacking leaves Wellington tomorrow for Lyttelton and Dunedin to put out the remainder of her New York cargo The Port Denison is to leave Gisborne this evening for Auckland and Wellington to complete loading. She is clue here on the 17th December, and is to sail on 23rd December lor London, via Montevideo. The Port Sydney left London on the Oth December with cargo for Auckland, Wellington, and Port Chalmers. She is due at Auckland on the 18th, January, and at Wellington v week later. • The Port Elliott left New York on the Sth December for Aucklund, tvbere she is due on the Oth January. She will later come to Wellington on the 13th January, and, after putting out cargo here, will proceed to Lyttelton and Dunedin to complete -discharge.

. • TENEMFFE, Oth December Sailed—Tainui, for London AUCKLAND, oth December Arrived—Marama (noon), from Sydney Sailed—Makura (10 p.m.), for -Vancouver AUCKLAND, 12th December Arrived—Mapu (7.30 a.m.), from Gruiton ; Kauri (5.30 a.m.), from Newcastle NEW PLYMOUTH, 11th December Arrived—Oyihi (12.10 p.m.), from Wellington LYTTELTON, 11th December Arrived—Calm (1.40 p.m.), from Wellington Sailed—Calm (5.5 p.m.), lor Dunediu

OVERSEAS VESSELS. Tahiti, left san Francisco 23rd November for Papeete, Rarotonga, Wellington, aud Sydney; arrived at Wellington lath December. "'(U.S.S. Co.) Niagara, left Vancouver Sth December for Honolulu, Suva, Auckland, and Sydney; due at Auckland 28th .December. CU.S.S. Co.) Athene left Southampton loth November lor Wellington, Lyttelton, and Timaru; due at Wellington 24th December. (S.S. and ACo.) Waimana, left London 15th December for 'Auckland,, Dunedin. and New Plymouth- due at Auckland 25th December. (S.S. and \ Co.) ..._"■ Kuapehu, left 'Southampton sth November lor Auckland, Napier, and Dunedin; dus at Auckland 19th December. (N.Z.3. Co.)

BERTHAGE LIST. tJlimaroa—Queen's Wharf, Ko. 2. ■ Baden Powell—Queen's Wharf, No. 8. Opawa—Queen's Wharf, Ao. 9. Kikau—Queen's Wharf, No. 12. ■ Woottou—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. Port Hacking—Queen's Wharf, No. lfi. - Tahiti—Taranaki Street Wharf, So. 3. H.M.3. Chatham—Clyde Quay Wharf No' 2 ilalieno—Clyde Quay Wharf, No. 3. Wahine—Ferry Wharf, No. 2. - , .Kgahere—Railway Wharf, No. 2. John—King's Wharf, No. 1. . ' . ' ■ Jforest Home—Thorndon Breastwork - -H.MIB. Laburnum—Thorndon Breastwork. ' Jigatoro—On Slip.Kione—On Slip. ■ "'."Takapuoa—la Stream. Kosamond—ln Stream. Hinemoa—ln Stream. Poherua —In Stream. "'■ Blenheim—ln Stream.

SCAHITI ARRIVES FROSI SAN FRANCISCO. The H.M.S. Tahiti arrived in the stream at Wellington at 8.25 o'clock this morning from San Francisco, via Rarotonga and Papeete, and after nre"clicaT~inspection, berthed shortly before- 10 .o'clock, at the Taranaki Street Wharf: The Tahiti eailed from San Fran«isco on the Sard November. Papeete was jeached on the 3rd December, nud after discharge of cargo and £G passengers, depar-; lure for Rarotonga was taken at 10 p.m. on the same day. The ship arrived at Rarotonga at 3 p.m. on the sth December, and after loading a quantity of fruit, sailed for .Wellington at 3.3U p.m.. the next day. Fine weather prevailed throughout the voyage. She brought the following passengers:—For New Zealand:—First-class: Messrs. C. A. Belden, C. Brown, L. Cesaroni, U. H. Davies, W. Deveiiisb.T. G. Gee, C. Izard. L. Knight, Sir D. M'Gaviu, A. G. Miller, J. M'lntosh, H Niccoll, D. C. Peacock, F. Reynolds, G. • 'Simmons, -S. W. Shaw, G. Shirtclilfe, J. Watson, ' 11. Reid; Anderson, R. G. Wade, R: ' M'Kenzie, J. Metzger; Mesdames C. A. Belden J. Berry, E. C. Brown, M. Burdon, C. XL Butler and son, S. Fagan, T. Gee, C. Izard, V. Jones, L. Knight, Lady M'Gavin, J M'lntosh, D. C. Peacock, A. Kott, G. Simmons, G. Sliirtcliffe, J, Watson, B. Reid, H Anderson, I. M'Kegg, R. G. Wade; Misses I ' Chiriiside, T. Gee, L. Morrice, J. Shirtclifle, E. Trotter, E. Pattle, E. Kirby, E. lletzzer. Second-class: Messrs. J. A. Cun-f-ningham, L. d'Erneste, N. Ellis, J. H. Fullec,

w F™zi er ' F. Holroyd, J. Johnson, A. Leeß, t " ,G- O. K. Lawless, It. M'Carthy, J. Mahoney, 11. Otterholt, R. A. Olsen, F. Restall, W. Scott, J. Torrance, R. E. Tucker, S. G. Wilson, L. Miller, W. M'Elrea, r J. M'Carthy, G. H. Moore, H. Garratt; Alesdames M. Brake, B. Brophy, J. Cunningham, 1. Frazier, W. Glasson, H". liebley, F. Holroyd, F. Restall, F. A. Sninks, J. Torrauce, L. Miller, H. Williams, C. Keil; Misses D. Brake, D.'Glasson, G. Glasson, S. Murphy, E. Stratford, C. Torrance, L. Martiu; twentysix steerage. Passengers for Sydney:—Firstclass: Messrs. T. Aikiu, J. Buckley, H. Bow den, W. Brustou, R. G. Casey, E. B. Davi sou, 11. East, D. Finlayson, J. Hill, F. Humphries, P. Hipsley, G. Hoyt, F. R. Lang, P. Leach, W. Lucas, H. Mehrmann, P. Preb lsh, E. Pearse, J. Rennie, O. Rutan, H. Richards, A. Schmidt, F. Sterling, T. Spencer. A. A. Smith, S. R. Seaver, A. F. Street, 0. Torrensou, J. Woods; Mesdames H. Bowden. W. Brunton, P. Hipsley, G. C. Hoyt, M. Jackson, W. Lucas, H! Mehrinann, E. Pearse, F. Sterling, T. Spencer, J. Woods; Misses 11. Buell, M. Coventry, H. Fell, 11. Mehrmann, H. Mitchell, S. Spencer, E. vickery, A. Vickery, D. Perrott. Second-class: Messrs. W. Benjamin, C. Beanmout, P. Clausen, J. Caddies, L. Crowley, J. Doubleday, C. Edwards. W. Englis, C. Kiugsley, J- Overend, F. Pink, B. Rico, A. E. Smith. H. Schattenlcerk, W. Togninl, G. Tadista, O. Vincent, G. Wigley, E. Wiencke, Wong Hoi; Mesdames J. Caddies, C. Kiugsley. T. Manners, F. Pink, B. Rico,,E. Street, G. Wij-'ley. E. Wiencke; Misses NY Caddies, S. Franklin. A. Pink, T. Sandberg, H. Street twentyseven steerage. , ■■ The Tahiti leaves Wellington on Friday for Sydney.

ULIMAROA AEEIVES FHOM SYDNEY. The Huddart-l'arker Company's steamer Ulimaroa arrived in the stream at Wellington at 5.15 a.m. to-day 'from Sydney, and bertheu about 0 o'clock at No. 2, Queen's Wharf. The TJlimaroa left Sydney at noon on Saturday, and experienced light, variable winds and smooth seas. She brought the following passengers :—Saloon: Mr. C. Anderson, Mr. R. Anderson, lire. E. Anderson, Mist 31. and Mrs. Ayliff, Mrs. E. J. Armstrong, aud 2 children, Miss S. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. D. Allan, Mrs. C. Atkinson, Mr. J. Bridgeman, Mr. B. Buchanan, Dr. Acnes Bennett, Mr. C. M. Banks, Mrs. N. Bathit child, and infant, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bean and 2 children, Mr. J. Birkenhouse, Mr. E. Hinghain, Mr. G. Barker, Miss F. Bussell, Muster 0. Bourke, Mrs. C. Bevan, Master L. Bevan, Mr. 3. Curie, Miss G. Collins. Miss M. Chennells, Mrs. W. S. Chaplin and Infant. Miss E. Capper, Mr. E. Carr, Mr. J. Cramond, Hiss H. Crabb. Mrs. J. Creasey, Mrs. F. Cliristie, Mr. W. B. Chennells, Mrs. i\ E. Drews, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickey, Mr. 0. Dobbs, Mr. C. V. Dayus, Master 11. Dunlop, Mr. and Mrs. C. Davies, Mrs. E. J. Davis and infant, ' Mr. Davis and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dalliston and child, Mr. V. Dilsizian, Mrs. Dickins and child. Miss C. Durack. Mr. B. Davidson, Mr. K. Donovan, Mr. D. Filsliie, Miss M. Fisher, Mrs. K. Filmer, Mr. W. R. Fraser, Miss K. Fauth, Mrs. M. Gilling, Miss G. Oec-, Mr. C. H. Gordon, Mr. A. K. Georgetti, Mrs. M. Grange, Miss V. Godfrey, Mr. C. Harbroe, Mrs. M. Hill, Mr. P. .Hodgson, Miss 0. Hunter, - Miss A. Hall, Miss C. D. Humphreys, . Mr. G. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hood. Mrs. J. Hoeden, Mr. W. lies, Mr. A. C. John3on, Miss K. and Master I. Janaen, Mrs. I. C. PlumerJones, Miss D. M. Jordan, Mr. G. S. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Jacobs, Miss JB. Knight, Mrs. K. 'Kirkcaldle, Miss E. M. Kee. Miss A. Kirkwood, Master L. Kaeeshav.-, Mr. W. A. Leitch and child. Mr. J. Lobb, Mr. J. Lymbourne, Miss D. Lewis, Rev. Father Lockington, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrison and child, Miss E. Morrison, Mr. A. Moran. Mrs. Z. Monk. Sirs M Mathieson and infant, Mr. and Mrs. H. Moss, Miss E. Mullaney, Mrs. A. J. Meredith, Mrs. T. Midwood, Mrs. , and Miss A. McHardy, Mr. A. McCleary, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mcleod, Mrs. H. Macleod, Miss M. McKillop, Miss J. McDonald. Mrs. 0. and Jibs E. Newton, Mrs. N. Nahr, Mrs. C-. W. Nichol. Misses 11., M., and F. O'Neill (3), Miss E. Philp, Mr. and Mrs. H Plimsoll, Mr. R. H. Powri, Mr. C. T. Paul, Miss R. H. Penny, Mrs. ■J. T. Parramore, Mrs. J. Parkes, Mr. W. L. Packer* Mrs. W. Robinson. Miss Ei Roper. Misr, D. Rodger, Mrs. G. A. Rltson, Mr. M. S. Ridley, Mrs. S. Rigden, Mr. H. Rowlands, Mrs. F. Robertson, Mr. J. Smithies, Misses R. and B. Slade, Mrs. M. Sharpe, Mrs. E. Starkie, Miss E. Schroeder, Mr. G. E. Shaw, Mr. L. B. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. ■ Schartle, Mrs. G. 0. Sydenham, Mr. and Mrs. G. Sheldon and infant, Mr. J. Smith, Rev. B. Stephen. Mr. J. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tally, Mr. A. Tait, Mrs. E. Volaire. Mrs. A. We3tfleld and child, Mr. W. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams, Messrs. IS; and B. Wyleo, Mrs. E. Wyles, Miss I. M. Walker; 07 steerage. The XJliraaroa leaves Wellington on Friday on the return trip to Sydney.

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 141, 12 December 1923, Page 4

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SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 141, 12 December 1923, Page 4

SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 141, 12 December 1923, Page 4