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;.;;■ '■ : _ ' THE; REASON|_ '"'-■-. V;"'' SO- many- people employ viii iKit w« \ always mve'"our;ClienU'oUr ■Beit-Ser-vice at the^ Most Reasonable Price. .--•',. = .-. We take charge of the' Furniture vat your house, pack it, end • remevf-' it to any distance, without damage. '..-} '-■>- It will pay you to consult rui. \ -Eatunalei" given.":. ".V':: V■- -. '■■-■■.. ■_•;;- r-r-!<- -.-■*■■ ■: THE r-NBW;:ZEALAND-'-EXPEESS^ . -'• ;■;; COMPANYy. LIMITED* .~ r >'-^ : 87-91 v Customhouie-quay,' Wellihgtbnl"r""' ■'■;■■ ' - -■; SITUATIONS -VACAMT. g^v^ WANTED, until 20th 'December,- Experienced Gobk-General,-2- -adults, references required.- TeL" 2665. :30,* :,Hitf6t. •'" '... . .:' '':/;:.'.-'; -.—*--'- ;-y- .-.-,-■.- ■ WANTED; a' Housemaid,; cook-general kept;- reference required;™..Appiy I32 r rvivian-st: :::""-'":•'•-:;..- ■:-"^":-r,^;" ANTED, at ronce, Good J Crochet "Hand ; -aMdTabK'fo. "eew.T:;, Edinburgh-ay., Miramar. --'-,-' ;■■":• 'ANTED,vgood ■• Paperhanger to: do two rooms, - day or"nignt;: "inaterjal supplied, -, Reply 121, Constable-st."'; ' ("IXTANTED, after---Christmas,'* LadytT.. help, aged 25 or" over,Mor. cßi&trJ,'' 14 miles from township; no washing, no bedrooms; wages 255. Write 792, Evg.' Post./ ' ' '....." :;;:" : •//."■ ■ :;::v.='-'--;:' ■ 'ANTED, 2" smart Ladies,- to assist, • Saturday and-Sunday,' 2 till-'5. Apply Grand View Tearooms, ■ 114, Lyall parade,. Lyall Bay. " ■.. . ■»-■ -, V •-—; - W ANTED, refined Young Woman, as Housekeeper, to family of 3 adults; own- mistress, and good "home- to-suitable "person; Protestant; references.-r-: Writ* ' ■851, Evg. Poet. .\ - . .-- .-,-.■ "'■.:■ - 'ANTED, Boy fo.Sell Sweets: -Apply Strand Theatre. >';;■'■■ ' W' ANTED, Capable General. - ■ Three . in family; no washing. .; Referencei essential. 246 a, The- Terrace -^near Mount-at). .Telephone 2027."""';;--:: 'ANTED, -Strong Boy -for- Goachbuilders Shop. VV. G. Fitchett,^2, Ohiro-rd.- „.,-'...,.. . .:.. :;;„'.';: "ANTED, Capable Help, for .houseand assist in' tea room, homely place Apply P.O. Box 8, Mangaweka.■ - ■•■-'<■-■' rt^TAKTED, Young Qirl,. leaving •i Rch°pl,preferred io assist" small^famr ily. ■ 213, Derwent-st., Island Ba-yr near beach. .' . ." ■■ ",." " ■■-■<>-:--■. XXTAiNTED, experienced Assistant'for *.* Dressmaking. JVijss : NicTjoll,: 102, Wilhs-st.,- next Empress.. ■ ■'■■■i,.--- ■-"..-,.' Y\f AiYl'Ep, Reliable Middle*ged-Wo- ■■ • "'an for workingmanVhoine, (light housowork and cooking, livo: on premises preferred. - Apply' S£7, gvg.-Post;-- ■" ■' \^T ANTED Smart Boy. Apply Gam- » » bb and Creed's- Factory,, fifiuzneo- i St. - ■ ' • -■--_ •■"• "•:-■■-, V" .: ! Y^f ANTED, Experienced Girls for'wbrk- » r room, good Xmas'holiday §. -Jiar,garette.,.Louize, - Hannah's . Buildings Lambton-qy. . ; 'ANTED, Shorthand-Typist, one i with merchandise experience preferred, wholesale or retail; must be correct:"' Anjply^gTi, Evg. Post. - ."-. - - V-T .rVSTANTED. -a- Smart Assistant for the ,-T ?.-Dressmakinsr. Apply"Miss "Shawy Dress. Specialist. '66; WiHis : st. :■'■■'■ -'■ ■' * -V ■ 'ANTKD, Jot St. Mary's DidcesauCurls' School, SiratforcT.' a Resident Assistant Mistress: (nixmo easentjal).- also >»~Alatron.y Apply lady Principal..- -:., . fV^AOTED.. Man tp Cement- Wall >ntl'" ■ P'y' °? jX^fANTEDj ■ cbuutry, near-, Gisborne, ' »".-.Nursery" Governess; -2 girk "under .10,^music,.v^d::;saIa:rr.:.-;.i\^bv,il l ftter v to Miss -England,':l2s, Molcsworth-st, Wei. lmgtop: „ .'■''..'..".' :.'-. '_ T^TANTED, G6od Waitress at once/ •» * Apply Berkeley Hotel. '22~ Ofieiital ■terrace, Oriental- 8ay.'..Te1;25,050. . j...,", j .". W "ANTED. • Experio'iced ...Waitrcs*.' . Apply Grand Hotel, WillisrSt.' '^? \\T ANTED, Waitress. . Apply-- ■ Itfisa ,» t ■: Barryy Gamble and'.Creed's,-Lamb--ton-qy/' "';:..;'., .:,;.;.-.;_; *:;_„•;; •,;;.V'. T... , 'ANTED,. Pantrxmaid.. " Apply,. Miss' . . . ;Ba.rry, Gamble and • Creed's, Lambton-qy. :.. ~> .'-. .:..;. . _'.-.L.'.";. W ANTED, Young Girl for labellinij," . etc;- wages 20s. Apply- The N»--tional Chemical C 0.,. Arthiir-at.., X./J.:..; . WANTED, at:. once; •FirW-clasV-'c'Cook -(lady). ' Apply urgently;- Midland Tea,_ Room, .196, Lambtoh-qy.^ ■.•-'-.:'-M-.--,r;, '.- WANTEDT^Capab!e^"dirl,. do'mestid' . • duties, mind ■ child-:, afternoon*:Mrs, -Eskell;.. 18,- Kelburn•''parade,'..''Kel.~ born. ■Tel.-26-760:vr -■.--- ■■•"-: *-:. "■■ -:.y WANTED, good •suitabls'-Men;-• .Applr - Central ;Kiro -Siation.. J - 1^.,,-^.L^ W ANTED, reliable "Young; Girl: to as-" • • sist light duties and -mind- -baby. Apply Post Agency,; Lower Hutt...... ../.V XTC7-ANTEU, aMiUiner.i "Apply Box 5,W "Upper Hiitt. : w-.-N •■,<■.=■;...;--,.. TXTANTED,- Urgent^ for'term, CapT» able. Refined Person, -relieve, owiier. household well-conducted 1 -:city home, liberal remuneration,to suitable *p-. plicant. Replies, fullest' particulars, creucntiaU. itbx 274,: G.P:t>.■: .:":■.•': '" WrANTED, Smart Waitress. '-. ;Apply Zea,landia Cafe, 25, Cqurtenay^pi:;; 'ANTED, .an ,Experienced Pantry.-maid-Laundress; also Wkitrees. Duitins,. Cuba-st,'l-" : ". !"""'.'.~-..;.".'.'.-.'::";"7-.*.-'.." 1...: •',"'<' "V^-ANTED, Governess, afternoons- cinlyC ■»'." for girl 16 years; Frenclv conyer»tipn essential.;... Apply- at -oncei-'afieip-6:30j -ilt»s The Lady; Strathspey, ,-' Kemlworth^Hill-. "ANTED. - Plasterers. ■•- -Apply,: toi am'a - "Stbnewood Elooring. r: Cdm.--pany, 6, Lower Tory-st.- : =- r.-;,- ■-..:. V^TANTED, Baker for ' t»R ■ . f.». . oharge.bread and.small good».:^Att. ply W.--A. Kellow, 110, Taranaki-st.-*.- ■ ---' WANTED, •Carpenter; for reinstating - .work.. . Apply "on: job. 'jr.^Hobwo.crescent. •■-• - - - '•■ ' " " -••:-,: \\XT ANTED, General, -KOod-ratreg.- -'to-- ■ '' ply 88, Hobsonst.. \ ,--. ' .■„".;,f?g "ITT'ANTED. Canvassers. KO od -linee,.lib-. ■ T■»-. eral remuneration Box 1262;-G.P;Q.----'W^ Salesman,-, to call re- •» »■ tailert. Box 1262: : "■• TTTANTED, Brass Plate .Engraver; oo«"! T » . accustomed to . Ronter work ■ p»- ' ferred. W. R. Bock. 220, Lambton^y^r T»OY assist motor parcel delivery T«a. A* Apply H. Inniss and Son, 68".C«mbridge, terrace. ' :- - -.",•' -™ : - T4TACHINISTS for frocks, blouses^ and' ■LTJ underwear;' also Henwtitcher; highest wages and permanent • employ. n} 611'.assured to experienced hands;- A*piy / « &*******■■ ™* Co:, Ltd., ;Edwardst. (off Herbert-st.), or ring 2783 (2 ringaL'VOyTH required to assist in--Motors- •*- cycle. Warehouse; must have soixm mechanic^ knowledge, and be. capable o{ ■" taking chftge-when necessary; one fami--liar with unvoicing and recording preferred; good prospects. Write P;O. Box '407.' ' PLUMBERS - Wanted, Competent Workmen. Apply D. M. King, 4. Viyjan-st. • . .-.j *-■? LAMBTON REGISTRY, 248, Quayr . .' Tel. 2420-Cook-Laundrcas, Houwmaid, together (interview); Waitress, country hotel; Ladyhelp, Wardsmwd. . : '•- CJCOTTISH Registry, 208, Quay-Mar- ■ ned- Couples, Fencer, Ladyhelp*. (50s), Cooks, 2 Waitresses (Taranaki), Ploughman, Generals. " . ■ STAR Registry, 276, Quay—Laundres;. £2; Waitresses, £2 ss; Couples, Stafl School. Cooks. - :.' STAR Registry, 276, Quay-Bxperi-enced Farm Hande, 14s daily, You'thr to le*rn, Shepherds. ■- ■; ■• . - - "

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 126, 24 November 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 126, 24 November 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 126, 24 November 1923, Page 1