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6/6 OuJitT LADIES' pimp a B-r.r. r. Lady's, Navy Tartan Silk Taffeta DRESS Ladies' White Embroidered VOILE 80 dor. LADIES' FINE WHITE WOVEN 6/8 Quality LADIES FINE ARTIFICIAL —Skirt trimmed navy fringe BLOUSES—With round necks or col- rupuip _ „~0-»^ . / -'■ SILK HfISP O/fi Worth 4s/- fop 17/11 lars " Regular-12/6 value CHtMISE VESTS 1/J1 " nwl' — */O One Silk KNITTED DRESS—In jade Mid-season Sale Price 5/11 WortK 1/11 Including " Marie" and Shot Eff«-». finished with crochet medallions and Ladies'VOlLE DRESSES—In pink, sky, "onni/n g __^^^^^ cuecu girdle, slightly damaged Worth 65/- grey, navy, white and floral styles M ' ■ M M -1 For 28/11 Worth at/- Mid-season Bale Price 11/9 -■ ■ ——— Qne Apricot Crepe-de-chine Blouse— Tutankhamen HOUSE DRESSES —In DRESS COODB AT SALE PRICEB. "ONE ONLY" BARGAIN LINEB IN Trimmed Val. insertion Worth 35/- smart colourings Worth 10./11 For 6/11 1150 yards Double Width Check GINGLADIES 1 6MART APPAREL ' For 8/11 Navy and white Foulard Taffeta BEACH HAMS—Smart woven colours ~. unTB »2 DRESSES 10/6 value Fore/11 Mid-season Sale Price 1/1f • NOTE THE PRICES. NEW SEASON'S APPAREL AT SALE Ladies' Cream GABARDINE SKIRTS— 520 yards Soft Crepe GEORGETTES—In Pale' Pink GEORGETTF RT rYncnr PRICES Pleated 37/6 For 27/11 loveliest shades 3/11 assr* t*as?^7^s- 1- £? £* <*"«»» , Whil° GABAEDINE-/ KI-«'. F""SPONCE <xoia- &"}»; On" Putty Crepe-d.-Chtoe JUMPER COAT-Hewily braided 117/6 v,l», Ladle.' Whit<l MODE SKIRTS-With 48m. Swiss ORGANDIE LAWNS-AU One Striped Cream Blanket Cloth COAT -Cu* with roll collar, ruchmg on hips, mcd Val lace filet lace or embroidery with newest stripes 3/8 Trimmed dainty Val ifcecoUar aid 2 H^d Crochet SILK JUMPERS-Lemon Smart BROCADED UNDERSKIRTS-In For 2/3 yard front 45/- value for 17/11 r°Se ' . „ Worth &/- gold ' saxe' henna> Br? y > 7 ne and fawn Double widtk FOULARD TAFETA-In Floral VOILE FROCK—Tn mMhrf i,j ' Mld-eoason Sale price 38/6 _ 21/-value For 14/11 navy and brown grounds Sale Price 1/6 black, with%hifeheShfd collar and Merceris«* SILK SPORTS . COATS-In - Sm*Tt J«* .SATINA UNDERSKIRTS-In Graf ton's Dainty DAY. FLORAL VOILES cuffs Worth 25/- Sale Price in/11 champ., pink, sky, brown, grey and noral and Egyptian designs —For frocks and underwear, rosebud deLady's heavy quality FUGISILKCOS amethyst 20/- value To dear 10/11 MAPAROTTT WFrjr ,.« /6,f lu« F"6''" signs and scroll effects • TUME^-Trimmed silk Etching Ladies' SILK KNITTED FROCKS-With NECM^/^-7 B In T . .Regular 3/" value Cut Price 2/6 -msBmBE ilrfSiSi *m&855 MID-SEASON MONEY-RAISING SALE all corsets at reduced prices Tfeis *8 forced on us ** our Pre™"W optimism—Loadon Buyers sale. could not resist the chaice to secure best makers' goods at far L°ngr VESTS-Short sl^ es For 2/3 y?st^^™rZT£ y ?°*: . under mill cost-but the fact now is we must realisfe-in hard a! S-± s ' s&^.woSS&fSoSgE^^ 11 . cash-hence these low prices. w^^ c .fam(? ds "^ x ,^ Me^an, 150 pa^s 1 B!^ A?'SAUpS tC 1Sa E ¥s -• - ' ' A" t0 °B c^r T' '? 33 " " To be oleared at 2/11.4/11,8/8,6/11 - ' ■ — per cent, undsr price M?rat y B ii Ls ASS CpSe Lc? £2ggfc Oddments in Maids' L.C. NIGHTS- 3 oin. CHILDS'^WOVEN BLOOMERS-In tvs- ***** ?™*^™ {„ t/T^-t «■ OUrout^e^f : to 4 oin., trimmed embroidery f sore, ghue, grey .To dear 1/-pair Ladies' Cream "Hygienic" shaped VESTS n,-,. • »lf T r T'T" 9 rang« " FEW SLIGHTLY SOILED —In super ' ' ' ' '■ Worth 4/6 For 2/11 D. and A. and leading Coraets during this quality Usually 5/6 to 7/11 All at 3/11 ALL UNDERCLOTHINC AT REDUCED Ladies' Extra Long CHEMISE VESTS- _, , _, o«m. CHILDS' GOOD L.C. NIGHTS—Good pdipcq ' 1/4 id. 1/11 2/3 2/11 Flesh Pink American BRASSIERES- embroidery trimmed, slightly soiled prices. i, / , '*•* 3/11 For 2/6 ' 4/11 quality For 8/8 Ladies' Full-size White Woven BLOOM- U^^'° SA¥P^S—In fine LINGERIE ,■ Fine Embroidery Top BRASSIERES- Maids' L.C. KNICKERS-Size 6, trim- ERS Worth 2/11 For 1/11* Knickers, 5-Piece „,, 6/6 quality For 3/11 mcd embroidery 3/11 For 8/3 Ladies' Good Quality Crepe BLOOMERS £;« I '^ i-li- , s • a xnd Maids' 2-piece Navy BATHING COS- SUPER-GRADE DITTO- Worth 5/6 .-Extra well cut „ 2/U ™h 1 .':„ it" C^ U, S PnCe h f<ii: TtJMES-s sizes Worth 4/6 to 6/6 For 2/11 Ladies' Good Quality Full-cut CREPE off usual D r? c « one-t(lirt« * one-half ' , AH at 2/11 Girls' Good Cambric PRINCESS PETTI- NIGHTS-White fvith colbured^"stran Women's and Out-sizes Ditto— 3/11 COATS — Extra quality embroidery, pings Worth Sin For fiUi zs° S^Pl^ of Fine UNDERWEAR— Wo'aM'', Smartly Strapped BATHING 32m. and 34in. ■ Better T in P r,V^i, i 7 • Slightly soiled in.Sample Rooms COSTUMES-Navy, with tangerine Regular 7/6 and 8/6 quality For 4/11 . B?"«.L»e, nicely smocked, in. pretty Air to go at one price 10/-each .ditto., in fast woven cardinal T/11, g/11 CHILDS' join. L.C. PETTICOATS—. , TJ . , „„ . 7/11 Worth 15/6 to -?7CtuSs- AII-WOOI BATHINI^II CI^B Trimmed embrOidCry> PlaiQ tOP For 2/lS ■ V E Ts n-S La SdleS Whlt4%l^ NFo^^: *> Ladies' L.C. COMBSI InJut ' Better quality, trimmed lace and tucks— ' Few Women's VEDONIS VESTS—In fine rAUTCn . rc . /U *"«•/"-,. MAIDS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDER- ; 3/11. For 2/9 velvet finish, cream woven make UAMIbOLLS— CLOTHINQ AT PRE-WAR PRICES 1 Sin. Ditto—Super quality, good embroid- 8/6 value For 5/11 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7/11 to 12/8 «o M ir,rH!in<i'qTAVßnnTrifQ t cry and tucks . 4/9 For 2/11 4o Ladies' Fancy Top SWISS VESTS- Silk Embroidered CAMISOLES-Extra 150 pairs CHILDS STAY BOpiCES—In 22m. 4/11 For 2/6 Embroidered trimmings, in cream quality and beautifully worked white and grey, sizes 20, 21 and 22 only ' Infants' Natural Woven BLOOMERS— 6/6 For «/11 5/6 value For 3/11 Worth 25/- For 9/11 -.3sK^fflss% h-^-sre^:: L^^^ co:si - -——ffiTj-' STAY bSdIcES- 1/3 I JARSISSS-5/1. I NH^Ss^^o/- I SATIN"f^^C_2/6 Size. 20 and 21 only Worth 10/6 Slightly wiled in Showroom.. , S4-inch «o v S !I OR! S""'IC TBAROAI^cmv^ CIRLS- AND CHILDREN'S APPAREL. FANCY DRAPERY. HOSIERY AND CLOVES AT LESS "sAXkfe S .PRICES KEENER THAN EVER. ,05c, yards Hand-made CHINA LACE THAn" 8 For 5/11 Girls'White.Drill MIDDY JUMPERS-24 c AND INSERI lON- At sjd- yd. S 3 dozen-2oin. Silk Leg Super Quality 670 yards Double Width ARTIFICIAL to 36 inch; some with detachable collars, strong FILET LACE—sin. 1/3 For 10id. HOSE—Marie, black, brown, silver, SILKS—In plain and fancy styles, black m s^v > saxe, navy, vieux rose 6in. i/ii^d For Hid. . navy 6/6 value For 2/6 and colours Were 6/6 to 8/6 8/6 and 12/6 qualities 36m. Radium LACE FLOUNCING— 6o> dozen SILK HOSE—In white and col- ■ All to go at 3/11 yard • Mid-season Sale Price 5/11 6/6 value For 4/11 ours 3/6 For 1/1 i--850 yards 4oin. Crepe SATIN BEAUTE-- Girls' SILK KNITTED FROCKS— 36m. Black French SILK LACE— 12/6 Heavy Rib. SILK HOSE—Black; £ rey,Equal in.appearance to any 12/6 crepe- 13/11, 15/11, 17/11 to 29/6 For 10/11 oyster, nigger and putty Worth 11/9-*----de dune, darko.lour. onjr^ 8 n CHILDS' OVERALLS g. Gold MegL^ ? «^ Hoieproof SILK HOSE-B^vKffil 3. Art Shades in JAPANESE SILKS- at 2/11 f^J^fJ^lt Black Cashmere FinSfkO^E '" ' 23 Shades in our Rich "Sheik" SATIN 36/f ne Wod CASHMERE FROCKS- 6/6 value For 3/11 yard Casamere F™sh«J J° SE- • Double width Worth 13^ Trimmed lace Worth 8/6 D.W. Floral NINONS-Lovely design Ladies' All-wool CASHMERE HOSE- ■■• Our "Defy Competition" Price T/11 yad. T r , „,. r.T?H!{U c Sala Prlce 2 'll Worth 5/6 For 1/11 8 7/6 For 3/11 s/" for 4/11; 3/6 for 2/1 1; 2/11 for 1/11 17 Shades in Highest Grade Pure FUGI tW^S^IN^ • CA,SH MERE BRETONNE NETS-In black and white Ladies' "Marie" Silk and Wool HOSE-' ' SILKS— 30 inches wide; black, navy, FROCKS—Embroidered in colours Worth 1/6 For 11+d-yard . -8/6 For 5/11 mole, saxe, sky, nigger, vieux rose, al- . n T .„, ,«. m , vmTurwrctl' l! Great London Purchase Wide Embroidery "Burlington" Pure Silk HOSE—In nigmond, apricot, reseda, pink, kingfisher- 59 Lovely Sample VOILE FROCKS—Irish and Voile FLOUNCING—' ■" ger, grey, fawn 18/11 For 13/11 equal to our 8/6 quality last seaton ' hand embroidered Worth 21/- 1030/- 4/n for 2/11, 6/6 for 3/11, 10/6 for 5/11 . Childs' All-wool J-SOX—Black and.' tan, ' Our S'peolal Price 5/11 „ „ „ , w sa »"Pie sale Price 10/11 G s . EMBROIDERIES—2m to t0 clear at Pre"war P"ce; sizes 2, 3, 4, 3=n. SPUNELLA DE GHENE SILK- Small Sample Range TUSSORE FROCKS 4 in. 1/11 arid 2/fi \tozm yards atliid.palr; 5, 6, 7at 1/11 pair V. Washes perfectly, plain colours and _ , _ T , 5/11 Qverskirt Frir,^ PANFT q m!T ' h chlld? All-wooM-SOX-Black'and tan, smart stripes Mtd-season Bale 8/11 Sample Lot Infants' Cream Cashmere Uversislr t fringe PANELS—MostIy in rich perfect goods ; sizes o, 1, 2at 6d. pair 40-in, Heavy KNITTED SILKS—In navy, COATS— . Marked 3/11, 4/11, 5/11 576 V a ue 1/3 «'/6 fnr 1/11 fi/fi tn 9/11 L ■ r. 3, 4, sat lUd. pairnigger and black Worth 21/6 For 13/11 39 White Embroidered Lawn MATINEE g o Bkck TAFFETA RIBBON 6/6 for */," Fabnc GLOVES-Black, white, grey and 15 Shades In SHANTUNG DE SOIE COATS- Sample Sale Price 1/6, 1/11 A**bfA M. BBOI^— M/ J^'i brown; less than pre-war r/ u , S 16^ heli °' aPri" T^ CIW "" Faacy-Str^ sfeVco^^ f°r 8 1/6 W°rth fif . cot, sky, P^cream^flame Q Children's School SUMMER NIJRSES , CELLTJLOIh rTIFV , FOr 5/" Ladies' Washing Doeskin GLOVES-^ •4oin, Fugi SUmNGS-With contrasting „ H^S^ At 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 6/11 NURSES CELLULOID CUFFS- 2 6 6* only n/6 For 6/11----.oo^ar^ly t>T&B&£fugl cfixf&'^f ASHWG SUITS- COLLARINGS-Great varlely ""* L^o'vE^ Swid* S^"" 63^^y&ral FUGI SIL K - g!| Better lines, wJSZS. "''"^J C^t^' "^T^ yJuß^HT™'^ D^u^Ld c c r E-DE-cHiNEs^ TlA€&c aH!iFs f s^s^^rszA- C i ST40k, Silk and Wool MAROCAINS-Wan" Assorted sizes Tussore SSilk PULL ONS- frM hafd embroFderld "* m°Stly fe- a, nd im^ ,- "-ty t! a!I1 0"n N» WiStm „„, . "!" J?ROCKS-I» jm asd ,11-ovet dejlim, Worth i/., F(?irt . Good DOMES- cd. for il-do«n Box /^/\¥ TT^JC* A 1 I\ /^ 108-10-12 CUBA STREET LULL j lash Drapery to. ■asss^-. MA'*«!!n^ R c .0 1 00DS AT M'°" "SATINTULE"-The ideal fabric for New 36m. Art ;Crepe CRETONNES-1/«i BIG SHIPMENT OF OUR FAMOUS Creaai^B^KTs'SiTd ft SMST™ SS& * ™ "™™« LADIES' Crearf Cot BLANKETS-Thick.and soft Special 1/7| yard . Good ART SERGES-In maroon, brown AT CUT PRICES. 30 pieces 27b. Nursery FLANNELETTE Heavy Twill PILLOW- CASES-2/11 pair / t^u^/tfSort ** 8/I1 L VFSTS CrCam "Suntex" CHEMISE w - v ,o T r;«- --"|,^p«: fiwfsa HlS—s u^l -— "■' 8 3 --Best satin finish Mld-season Sale Prlolee 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 24 in. Madras BRIS-A-BIS— i/«* comtort _S/y Satiri DAMASK SERVIETTES-G^od HORROCKSES v*'*'c£ c l^\T fyll ' S°SiJ e ? dMß CASEMENT-In wan a^ Fine Ribbed V Neck CHEMISE VESTsi - size, rose and «ta«ta Wg, ™r£SS^K»^^O?Sl{^ crash and Irish Em- Cream "Suntex" WOMEN'S- COMfif 1 ' EQUaltOanyl /aßM«tb—lS M . . eS^oSS^-fflff ffiStfJ Supergrade «^ red S tnpes,m fast dye Worth n "CUBELLA" PYJAMAING- -In assorted shades, nav>-, pink lemon, Fine "Suntex" COMBS.-cKhef^oJ? Double-bed White SHEETING-Finlav's Cream gtounds with smart stripes iM Wac ««« and *rejr trimmed lace and lingerie ribbon, RS.' famous Scotch make .^Wjgh^J all QuaTß „ pRi(jE8 _ s 210 Samples in ySunte,'' U&SSJS " m ' „ MARCELLA- From 12/11 Mid-seaaon Sale Price 2/11 « per cent, under price. ' ~ Twill PrintpH RFn^PDFin? irff. »: Childs'Waterproof PANTS— 2/6 W ' ■_-- 600. yards tsignr a nlcobu°s S, PREADS~Effei Co% c Child,' WADERS-In black and whie =■ CPATfU RTIDIAD 1/n Egyptian shirting cambric- ' cffl'c«ani FLANNEiT BARRAS- 850 yards 40in. Summer SCOitn BURLAP—I/11 l/6valu« «/e For 3/6 norcc r>AAi\c 1/a Fo r Cov er , andCurtains . ■ DRAP.ER.ES AT LOWEST PR.CES. 6 b^ES^ GOODS — 1/9 ■ -, , . , . , «/",■■■ New Art REVERSIBLE DRAPERIES— Mid-season Sale Price 2/11 Including Cotton Morocain*. Fancy Sponco Equal to Our last lot at 3/6 yard gorgeous colour effects S /6 values 4 dozen Childs' "VEDONIS" VESTS—In CUth. H. „ r . sponge ? „ ' • ' For 3/11 overstocked sizes Were 3/g to 4/6 Heavy Crepes, etc. In »xc, gre e n, ma roo n , and brown. New Art PAISLEY SATEENS- 1/6} All to goat 2/11 Worth 2/11 to 3/11 yard

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 104, 30 October 1923, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 104, 30 October 1923, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 104, 30 October 1923, Page 11