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I PORT OF WELLINGTON, : V , ' HIGH WATER. To-day-^lOlvlta] a.nj,; y>ij^s?uti).ia....... To-morrow—lOh 51m a.m.; lib. 16m-p.m; • - ARRIVALS. 'September t-Wainui" to.. (5.5 'pjn.),- 684 tons. Sizar, from- Bicton. _.- ..: . September I—Echo, a.s. T'5.50 p.m.), 88 tons, Dempster, from Blenheim/--September I—Trekleve, t£. (6.55 p.m.), 5244 tons, Tftgouning;—from-Auckland.-- •-.-. . Septomber,,^-W«injea,,,s.?,. (12,10 a.m.),; 454 tens, Graham, from Picton. •■■ . > Septciiftsir'-i—Kapiini, 'B.s: • (1.45 • a.m.), 275 •' tw.f.,. Uibson, from Patea. .. ■ , September 2—Moeraki, - €.s. C 3-5 ■ a.m.), 4451 tons,. Doorljv from Melbourne. . . . ' : September 2—Wairau, e.s. (o', 143; tons, -jU'Kitinoh, from. Blenheim.-; . ... , i September 2—Wabiue, s.s. (7.C5 a.m.), 4-ISO tons, Jnvin, from Lyttelton. ■.. . •' September 2—Kaitangata, s.s.. (9.40 a.m.), ISBl'tons, Martin, from Whangarei/September 2^1Upp10,,.',5.5..^a.50... a.m,), ..4,13; tons, Haraldsen, from Gisborne. September 2—Nlkaii;- s.s.' (10.25^ 24S tons,-. Vasta, from Nelson. September S—Kahika, s.s. (12.50 a.m.), 1143 tons, Anderson, from. Punedin,'-Timaru., and Lyttelton. ' , ■ ' September 2—Putiki,"'':i.s. (2.50 ■ p.m.), ' 400 tons,.Nqrliiig, from Tokoraaru Bay... September 2—Komata, a.s. ( p.m.), 1994 tons;; Bold, from Westport.- : .: . September 2—John. s'.s. (11.55 p.m.), 342 tons,'Hawick.fromU e-n-Plymouth. '•■'■■ ■-:•-- ---'.•/.'.. J ■:-'■■ DEPARTURES ..-■ ■.-,- September-I—Kniapoi, s.s. (4 p.m.); .2003 tous.'Corbjj fo.-'Westport " " ' ' ' .' * Wootton, s:s. (0.15' p.m.), 151 tons'; larsaj".' for'lyttclton: ,-■:'!•> --.•'.• .-■-y-■■■■ - ■.-■ ■. ■..■ Septetnbcr.. I—Baden Powell,'"s.s. (6.5 p.m.), 174. tons, Jl'Pherson, for. Westport and Grey. moutli: ■: ■ ; ■" ■■ • ' - ■ September-l-^Ngaio, B.S. :(7.35 p.m.), 1203 tons,.- Wiidman, for Nelson. . ■ . September I—Breeze, s:s.. (11 p.m.), .1203 tons, Robinson for Picton and Wanganui. September I—Mararoa,.s.s. (11.45 p.m.), 2593 tons, Sewell, for. Lyttelton. -, „. .-....• ~'!';'.i ■"VjEXPEOTED'VIRRiyAtS,';'; '... Echo, Blenheim, 3rd ■' ' '■■' Kennedy,-'j-oxtdn,' 3rd v-: - Waln'ui, Picton', 4bh- ..-■■.-. .... , . ■. ■ . Xairau,--Blenheim, ■Sth ■ Ngakuta, 'Grcym6uth^'4th ■• Kjfaliere; Greymout"u,-:4th ••'•■•' Sgluo,. Nelson; '"4th " •■ - , •.:■;. Jlararoa. Lytteltcm, 4th ..:■ . . ■ X; Auckland, 4th,' .■.-"■ " ' . . Joan-Craig, Newcastle, 4th - ' - Jlaheno,-Sydney,'-itli. .■;:.: ... . .-■ .v-'. ■\Vakatu,;Kaikoura and-,.Lytteltoß,..4tb, • V.'ahjne, Lyttelton, sth .' ' ■. 5 ikau,-Kelson. -sth ■ ' ' ;<■-■:'■:. \;. : Marama,- Sydney,- !sth— -■..-. i.-> .... " . . ■Wayerley. Patea, sth- ,- . -.-..- Kaiap'oi, Greymquth.'oth' ■-.-•. Corinna.'Lyttelton. stli '. ■'' -■' invercargill, Wariganuiy sth „ ■ Raratonga,.Cth■...'.. - . . .: . Kia Ora,- Napier; 6tlv \ .", .-.' .'..". Jlaunganui, S:civ Francisco, via Papeete, and ■Winpiiui, Lyttelton, 7th- ' •-..- Maliana. .Auckland, 7th ■ . Kaißo, Lyttelton, Sth . . Komata, VVestport,- 9th ' ": ' ' , Putiki,; East: Coast,-9th : ■. . . Canadian Pioneer,. Bluff, lOt-t;- -: -....- ---•'..; >3pJEOTED DEPARTURES, . Kaiapoi, Westport, Ist. Waliine,- Lyttelton, 3rd' •-■■•■ >'ikauj Nelson, 3rd - "' ■ : . ' inuareuargUl, WanganuL-3rd ' .-■ . ICskiba, Xa'piex, 3rd ' Wayerley, Pateea,'3rd' ' - '■ Waiian, Blenheim, 3rd ■ Kaitangata; Lyttelton, 3rd '« Jlararoa, Xyt'telton, "4th "" " " . Kgato,-. Kelson, 4th. • ■ Eeuo, Blenheim, 4CU Waimea, Westport; 4th Waiotayu, Vaabouver, 4th - Kennedy, Foxtoa, 4th ■••-■ ■■■ ■-'■' . ; • Jloe^aki, Lj-ttelton, Dunedtn, Bluff, and, Melbourne,' -Ith' ' - - i Ifuviiav LyttcUon ah'd r Dunadin, 4th : ■ I'ort Sydney, London, via Las Palmas, 4th Clan Mackenzie,.: Lyttelton, 4tli ■ ■"; • . I'utiki, East Coast, 4th . ' : Komiita, Westport. 6th ' "-. - ' Wainui, Picton, oth. : '.'.",. ' Pjparoa,. Lyttelton, sth ■ . j Vva'satu, Ivaikoura and lyttelton,'sth Treheiye, Lyttelton, sth - Crtriana, Nalson, sth . : Marama,. Sydney, 7th • .- . "■' iraunsanui,'Sydney. 7th iV'ingatui, Anckland, 7th - - - '•• Ivamo.v 2fapier,'-''6th"- . . :.:-. ' '■■' THE INTERCOLONIAL BERVICI. lilimaroa,.left..Sydney Ist September;, due Auckland sth September; sails 7th. September for Sydney. (Huddsgrt-Parkfer.) ■ . ■ Manuka, arrived at. Auckland 23th August; sailed Slst August for Sydney, duo at Sydney •lth,Sep£einber.. (TJ.S.S.'Cq-.). . ' Jtoeraki- left jielbourjie '28th August''for Wellington;-arrived-here'-2iM3:September;- sails 4tli September for Lyttelton, • Dunedin;. and Bluif. (TJ.S.S..Co.) . . .'..,"'.-...- „.. . -M!iung<inui,"dae--at ■ Weßiaston 6tU: September, from.-San -J"ranclsc6,* «Ja* -Papeete- and Karotonga;. aaila ; 7th : September for- Sydney. (u.S.S. Co.) -. - Marama,"left "Sydney'lit Si3ptember;' due weUiagtou'ath'-September; sails' 7th-September for Sxiluey. (V.S.JS. Co.). ■ •■•..,.--.■ ;;;;,; overseas vessels, •'. Slcanganui, left San Francisco 17th August for 'Paj>e'ete;'"Kar6tonga,'; Wellington, -and 'Sydney,^ aue vrdlllngtou '. 6th September. ■ (TJ.S.S. CO.) „i ;...--.. ._. .„ ,v*.-* "i .- -.' ..,:,i, Wairuna, left San Francisco 2nd ' August'; : now at' 'Auckland; proceeds' to Melbourne and" Sydney. (TJ.S,S. Co.) ;.-". j • : Kalgora left Calcutta -10th August,- due at .Auckland BOth-'Septemberccr.SiS.- Co.) Waitemata, -en route from, .Calcutta, left Samarang 25th August, for Auckland,- Wellington/ Lyttelton, and-' Dunedin;"'due"Auckland 15tlivSeptcmber,; due.'.Wellington 22nd -Septem- - »i"abana;'left Liverpool 2ls.f Julyj'lef.t Balboa' oth-August-;'novra* Auckland; due Wellington' 7th;Sspterober. (Sifivahd'Af Co:)- -. •...':. Zealandic,..l.clt.,Lfverp.op,l 13th .August for Auckland, Wellington/. Lyttelton;. and,. Dun-edifl-,y.'dnel:at A(icklaad-25th-September; due VeUjngtOn 2nd! October.: AS.S. and Ai-Co".) ~" l'akelia, left.-London;3oth. August for. Auct land and Dunedin; due Auckland 7th October(S.S. and A' C 0.)." '■''■' ■' "■■■'•■ -. ■i ■ 'l'ainui, leftiSoutbaropton August, for o^bg^K^S!)^ 6 Welli?Bton sth Rotorua, left Southampton 13th''August; due* at Wellington loth September. (N.Z.S. Co.) Trelevan, left Sydney" (Cape Breton) Ist August*, -lett,. Balboa^ J3th y . August;., ,duß,.;at AucXlnnfl»li7th- September;' <lue-<at V?ellingt<in 24th September. (N.Z.S. Co.) '.. Trekieve, left New York 20th July for "Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, '. Dunedin and Australia; now at Wellington. (F.S.N. Co) Tregonell. left KeW York' sth August for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and 5 u, f, r,;,-;f'ue at, Auckland ?th. September.;- due Wellington ltitlL.Septembeiv.. (F.S.N. Co ) Trecarrcll.' left Liverpool 11th August for 1 Aup!iland,.W'elluigton,'.Lyttelton,'and Auckland 24th ■ due at Wei' lington Ist .October.' (F.S.N.' Co.) ' -. - - Kaiembe," left' Hew -torn iuui •Au'nist for ' Auckland, ,i.i Wellington;.■: lyttelton;-- Timaru :i Dunedin;.and Sydney; due Auckland 28th September ; due Wellington sth'.October.. (F.S.N.. Port; Bov,-en,.-left- New York 16th August•: left Cold, 24th August; due at Aucklandl7th begtember; 24th September. (O. and D.) ■ ■ '■'--■ Port : Xapier,. left London • 21st August; due ■ - ?ori A7iW o .bf^ Ss es%*™* i ***>*■ cee.ds, to,; Australia. -(Murray. Eoberta). -: Canadian Scottish, -left Vancouver 2oth Augl - 2?h £ ,Au <-Wl">d and .Sydney; due Auckland 23rd September (Murray, Eoberts) ' .■■•?•.•;•'- ■; BERTHAGELIST. C'im. M'Kenzie^-QueenVwharf, No. 1 S; ' ' Xititaugita—Queen's .Wharf ' No: IN - - Kipple—Queen.'.s; Wharf, No. 3. Wainui—Queen's'.Wharf; No: '4.' XnTercargiil—Queen's-.-Wharf,-No. si-«-■- ■: V;averlev-M}ueen!s Wharf,-No;.-5; -■ -.- Kaßika—Queen'&'.Wharf, .No. (i. ." Hav.era—Queen's'Wharf^ No! 7. ' ' "'•■' Xapuai-iiQueen'-s^Wharf, No.-7.' ■ - Blealisim^-Queeh'sW.hart, No. 8. iVaimca—Queen's Wharf, No. t0..."'" ". Wairau—Queen's Wharf, No.-IL, ,' ' J.'ikau—Queen's Wharf, No. 12. •Eohi—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. ' Eippic—Queen's Wharf, No. 14. Trekeive—Queen's Wharf, No:' 16. " ' Komata—Taraoakl Street Wharf, No. S Moeraki—Taranaki, Street Wharf, No. 3. V^ahine—Ferry Wharf, No. 2. . . Eileen Ward—Ferry Wharf, No. 3. WalotapU-^-Railway Wharf, No. 2.' ■ ' Kokiri—Railway' Wharf, "No.-3. - Puparoa—Glasgow Wharf, No. 2. ■ Port Sydney—Glasgow Wharf, No. S. Eama—King's Wharf, No. 1. Opawa—Eipitea Wharf, No. %. .. - - ■ Takapuna—'ln .Stream.- - - .■': ' Eosamond—ln Stream. Hinemoa—ln Stream. Vnherua—ln StreamEcho— Petone Wharf. MOEUAKI ARRIVES FROM MELBOURNE. The "Onion Company's intercolonial steamer Moeraki arrived at Wellington. at 2 o'clock yesterday->--morning--from Melbourne direct. Pratique: was granted, and the vessel berthed somewhere about 10.30 a.m. at the Taranaki street Wharf. The Moeraki left Melbourne at lla:m. im Wednesday and experienced fine ■weather, with moderate and.variable winds, and a sputh-westerly. swell until Saturday, when rain set" in."" Sho brought 650 tons of cargo for' Wellington'; and TOO tons for southern. ports. . -Passengers..for-. Wellington and Southern, ports are as follow:-Saloon: For weUmgton-Mesdam'es ' ' Furjieaß and Infant, - Cox, East.-il'Ketuia and child, Swain, Thomp'

v?.", I,^'""*',^ 116565 CamPion, Haddow, Philpots. ?|ot»c:d^d KXo;,,,^: p&k^^ gf^lecilg^^^^n:'^^ Mesdamcs-Aitken, Fnldsetb. Mitchell, Morton, rnmSl Lan° s- (2)' D Cresswell,, .Davis Messrs. Cameron,, Davis,, Hiiggins, Mitchell (2j; 1 uirfjp-'" 1% D«nedin :Saloon^Mesdaracs nln« w'n Ee!" y> Mis3Cs Crone- UtnKr. Jcdstelrage Bl Jlessrs: Bradshaw, Reilly; 3 -The. noer'aki is to"leave Wellington to-inor-bourne° r JjytMtoß: Dupedin, Bluff, and Mel- -.'•"• BY TELEGRAPH- . Snii»rf-- ' " SYDNEY, Ist September. tllimlr^ J;i irama (1° a-m->- for Weilington; Ulimaroa (1 p.m.), for Auckland. Raii^rf x- AnCKTiAKfI. 3st September. (G, for Wellington. <? a » P rt ,?Ew.PtY3IOUTH, Ist September. Sailed—i.oromiko(U p.m.), for Newcastle. son i r." ' IYTTELTOW, Ist September. Sailed-Canopus (CIS p.m.), .for Westport. , a.- . m AUCKIANP, 2nd Sentember. ; Amved-Flora (3.45 p.m.), from Karotonga. ' &*'''''*'%, ''■«rcK'I'AND, 3rd ■ September.Arrived—Wember (1.20. a.m.), from Fremaatle; Katoa (G. 30 a.m.), from South; Westmoreland (7.15 a.m.), :from Napier. ' Awl' h- " n ."'TTELTOX, 2nd September. A"lved—Calm. (5.50 a.m.), from .Timaru; Mararoa (1,10 p.m.), from Wellington. „-., , v --WESTPOUT. 2nd September.'- ---■ Sailed—Xpmata (1 a.m.), for Wellington. "-, .-' P°HT CHAMERS, 3rd Septemberton ~ (430 a"raol fro!n Welling- ■*„ ■' A ,r ■ -iVTTEITOjr,' 3rd September. To. sail-Mararoiv (0,30 p.m.), for Wellington.

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Evening Post, Volume 55, Issue 55, 3 September 1923, Page 6

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SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume 55, Issue 55, 3 September 1923, Page 6

SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume 55, Issue 55, 3 September 1923, Page 6